4 FAST Money-Making and Monetizing Your Divine Gifts Tips ...

4 FAST Money-Making and Monetizing Your Divine Gifts Tips to Create $10K in 30 Days

4 FAST Money-Making and Monetizing Your Divine Gifts

Tips to Create $10K in 30 Days

? Leimomi Keliikuli, Inc. 2017 All Rights reserved,


4 FAST Money-Making and Monetizing Your Divine Gifts Tips to Create $10K in 30 Days

Own your worth! Become visible and attract your high-end clients with


4 tips to finding the aligned actions to take towards making $10K in 30 days!

Tip 1. Changing my prices to reflect my worth. I double my income instantly. Owning my worth = open to "receiving" instant $. This price must also reflect you when your gifts have evolved. Update your price each time you launch a new kind of product/program/service. Ask yourself is this price what I would invest in my own business growth?

Tip 2. Saying "NO" to not so ideal clients = opens the door to attract a more high end client ready to invest in themselves. Rid of low balling clients = instant attraction of high end client $ received. No more "sharing your gifts" which creates "sacrifice" your TIME & VALUE. That energy creates more "Sacrifice/Lack/ Disempowerment" to yourself and clients. Shift your energy to "self-expressing your gifts" which creates "Passion/Receiving/ Empowerment" energy.

Tip 3. BEING SPECIFIC of the "RESULTS" in my marketing allows me to attract my high end client because they feel I am talking to them. POSTING regularly in FB groups/networking brings VISIBILITY as an EXPERT in my field. Ideal clients come to me rather I try to find them. Market yourself according to the "energy" of your gifts and what you are at soul level and of what your business represents.

? Leimomi Keliikuli, Inc. 2017 All Rights reserved,


4 FAST Money-Making and Monetizing Your Divine Gifts Tips to Create $10K in 30 Days

Tip 4. Doing LIVE EVENTS allows me to be VISIBLE to my high end ideal clients. They FEEL my PRESENCE and want to invest in themselves from what I am OFFERING. Hold the energetic space to receive them making sales calls = instant new clients & instant $. How you conduct yourself in your LIVE events need to also energetically be in alignment to your gifts and your offer.

*All of these changes = $10K in 30 days! Energetically be in alignment to what your offer is. Do exact actions during your day that is in alignment to that vibrational state. Eg. Offer to clients = Joy ... You must do Joyful activities in your life to create = $10K you intend to receive.

? Leimomi Keliikuli, Inc. 2017 All Rights reserved,


4 FAST Money-Making and Monetizing Your Divine Gifts Tips to Create $10K in 30 Days

3 steps to find the aligned actions to make $10K in 30 days:

Step 1: Find the right money mindset and the energy of your offer

1. What is the mindset about money that is in the highest alignment for me to focus on now? ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________

2. What kind of energy am I offering my clients? (Joy, peace, love, freedom, etc.) ______________________________________________

Step 2: To find the right aligned actions. Use the 7 strategies of money creation to fill in the blank to the Main question:

"Is the doing the actions of _________ (Eg. My sales call with Mary... You will fill in the blank with these topics you see below) is in the highest energetic alignment for me to take action to create my current financial goal of _______ this month."

(You will get a yes or no answer until you get a positive response; which will let you know which strategy needs to shift)

? Leimomi Keliikuli, Inc. 2017 All Rights reserved,


4 FAST Money-Making and Monetizing Your Divine Gifts Tips to Create $10K in 30 Days

Main 7 strategies:

1. My sales calls/consultations ________. (Name the person you plan on consulting or the amount of people you plan on consulting, lead generation activities, free discovery sessions, etc.)

2. My Marketing _______. (Writing a blog, doing a live online event, setting up free challenges, networking opportunities, etc.)

3. My sacred self care/time management _________. (Diet, exercise routine, rest/sleep, time for myself, etc.)

4. My copywriting ________. (Use of power words, address my client's pain points, attracting ideal clients with results you are offering, etc.)

5. My products/services __________. (Pricing charging your worth, creating the right kind of services that allow growth for your clients and yourself to follow, etc.)

6. My client care and systems ________. (Delivery of what you are offering, checking in on your clients, care in JV or business partnerships or networking, creating the right systems, etc.)

7. My finances ________. (Debt repayment, investments, retirement, health care, accounting system, budget, etc.)

? Leimomi Keliikuli, Inc. 2017 All Rights reserved,



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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