Preparation of Papers in Two-Column Format

(Title of the Paper Sample Template of RIEECS2017)Afzal Sikander1, Padmanabh Thakur1, Parvesh Saini21Department of Electrical Engineering, Graphic Era University Dehradun-248002,, 2Department of Electrical Engineering, Graphic Era University Dehradun-248002, for RIEECS2017 should be of type: unpublished research paper, survey paper or tutorial paper. This word document will be considered as standard template of paper preparation in all respects like Title, header, paragraph-header, fonts, space, two-columns format, caption of figure, reference etc. Paper page limit is maximum six pages of A4 size paper. The Title of the paper should be of 14 points, authors names are of 11 points, affiliations and other body points should be of 10 points of Times New Roman font. It is a sample text of a paper. Authors should follow all other points mentioned in this papers as caption of figure (9pts), caption of Tables (8pts capital letter), equations numbering should be right aligned as fonts mentioned here. No page numbers should be inserted. Header should contain the conference name as mentioned in this document. References should be inserted as [3],[4]. Proceeding book will be printed in black and white color, so, better to avoid color photo which is good for digital online journal. Papers for RIEECS2017 should be of type: unpublished research paper, survey paper or tutorial paper. This word document will be considered as standard template of paper preparation in all respects like Title, header, paragraph-header, fonts, space, two-columns format, caption of figure, reference etc. Paper page limit is maximum six pages of A4 size paper. The Title of the paper should be of 14 points, authors names are of 11 points, affiliations and other body points should be of 10 points of Times New Roman font. It is a sample text of a paper. Authors should follow all other points mentioned in this papers as caption of figure (9pts), caption of Tables (8pts capital letter), equations numbering should be right aligned as fonts mentioned here. No page numbers should be inserted. Header should contain the conference name as mentioned in this document. References should be inserted as [2], [3]. Proceeding book will be printed in black and white color, so, better to avoid color photo which is good for digital online journal. Keywords: Rieecs2017, International Conference, Dehradun, India (5 to 6 keywords)IntroductionThis conference aims to bring together academic scientists, academicians, research scholars and students to share and disseminate information on knowledge and scientific research works related to various topics of Electrical, Electronics and Communication Engineering to talk over the practical challenges encountered and the solutions adopted [1]. The conference will offer the authors and listeners with opportunities for collaboration and networking among Universities and institutions from India as well as abroad for promoting research and developing technologies.Drawing figuresAll figures should be in black and white color for proceeding book as it is printed in B/W color. Some Color figures become non visible after printing in B/W. Drawing figures, the common problems are: placing all components inside a same figure, putting text inside the boxes, giving arrow symbol, making label text inside. To solve these problems, it is suggested to draw figure within a canvas drawing area (in word-it is available insert>shapes>new drawing canvas) or may be in Microsoft Visio. In different versions of word it may be found in different menu-submenu. But drawing must be within a fixed boundary that if texts of the paper is deleted or edited, components of figures may remain in same positions. MSWord version is required for the printing press where reediting (in some cases) become easier for press people. They need MSWord version of the paper. Figure’s caption should be as mentioned in this document. All texts mentioned within figure should be readable. No color fonts should be used for proceeding book but after conference if the paper is selected for Journal publication, then paper should be reformatted according to the authors guide line of that particular journal. In digital journal, number of pages may be more and color figures can give better outlook. As color printing cost is more, we avoid color figures for printed hardcopy of proceeding book. But, sometime, for reference color photo may be required to use but we shall print it in B/W color. Our suggestion is to prepare Black/White figures for proceeding book, and after conference, you can make color figures for digital Journals.Figure’s caption should be as mentioned in this document. All texts mentioned within figure should be readable. No color fonts should be used for proceeding book but after conference if the paper is selected for Journal publication, then paper should be reformatted according to the authors guide line of that particular journal. In digital journal, number of pages may be more and color figures can give better outlook. As color printing cost is more, we avoid color figures for printed hardcopy of proceeding book. But, sometime, for reference color photo may be required to use but we shall print it in B/W color. Our suggestion is to prepare Black/White figures for proceeding book, and after conference, you can make color figures for digital Journals.TrueTXCompSurfing signalRXCompTrueFig. 1. Figure oneMargin: top, bottom and columns, subparagraph headingAll margins should be like this paper template. It is found in Page Layout>Margin>custom margin (it may be in other menu of other version, this document is prepared under Windows Ver.10). For our paper, margins are like: Top=2.49cm, bottom=2.01, orientation=portrait, two column, and paper size= A4 (21x29.7cm), width=21cm, height=29.7cm. Header= 1.52cm, footer=1.02cm. Left and right margins =2.0cm. Other issues not mentioned should be as applied within this paper. If format of the paper is not like this template, if printing press face problem, paper may not be printed in proceeding book. Sub heading should be 10 points italic and bold in font as mentioned within this document.All margins should be like this paper template. It is found in Page Layout>Margin>custom margin (it may be in other menu of other version, this document is prepared under Windows Ver.10). For our paper, margins are like: Top=2.49cm, bottom=2.01, orientation=portrait, two column, and paper size= A4 (21x29.7cm), width=21cm, height=29.7cm. Header= 1.52cm, footer=1.02cm. Left and right margins =2.0cm. Other issues not mentioned should be as applied within this paper. If format of the paper is not like this template, if printing press face problem, paper may not be printed in proceeding book. Sub heading should be 10 points italic and bold in font as mentioned within this document.Line spacing, IndentLine spacing will be one, space before paragraph and after paragraph should be as used in this documents. Do not use condensed spacing or more than single line spacing. No indenting at beginning of the paragraph.Line spacing will be one, space before paragraph and after paragraph should be as used in this documents. Do not use condensed spacing or more than single line spacing. No indenting at beginning of the paragraph.EquationsAll equations should be prepared within equation editor e.g. Math Type Equation, Cambria Math etc. in 10 pts. Centered aligned, clearly mentioning subscript, superscript, power, symbols etc. using especial fonts is a problem in equations printing. In this document ‘Math Type 6.0 Equation’ font of 10pts is used. Spacing and position of power symbols, subscript etc can be adjusted through equation editor. Before uploading the paper, author should take a print copy and check whether all fonts and equations are printed properly. (1)V RESULTSIn this section results are discussed.TABLE IIICOMPARATIVE ANALYSISSystemCriterion1 Criterion2 Time Overshoot Time OvershootSystem1[2]643.0384.61.552.60System2[3]366.0340.02.732.94VI. CONCLUSIONFonts, header, title, margin, column space and other standard mentioned in this template must be followed strictly, else, paper may not be printed and conference committee will not be responsible for that. References should contain: authors names, title of the book, paper, pub name, year, vol. issue numbers, etc. Text size of references should be of 9pts. References of web material should be mentioned with website name and file name mentioning access of date. Book reference should contain authors, book name, publisher name, edition, year of publication, start and end number of pages to be referred. Fonts, header, title, margin, column space and other standard mentioned in this template must be followed strictly, else, paper may not be printed and conference committee will not be responsible for that. References should contain: authors names, title of the book, paper, pub name, year, vol. issue numbers, etc. Text size of references should be of 9pts. References of web material should be mentioned with website name and file name mentioning access of date. Book reference should contain authors, book name, publisher name, edition, year of publication, start and end number of pages to be referred. References[1]A. Sikander, P. Thakur, and P. Saini, “Introduction to conference at geu.” IEEE transaction on…, vol. no. , pp. 345-351, 2013. [2] A. Sikander, P. Thakur, and P. Saini, “Introduction to conference at geu.” In proceedings of International conference on control, location, date, 2013.[3]A. Sikander, P. Thakur, and P. Saini, “Book on introduction to conference at geu.” Publisher name, 2013. pp. 140. ................

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