Making Your Resume Sizzle - Stockerb Online Classroom

Taking a Second Look!


Lesson 4-1: Click on the links below to read the given articles. : After reading all four articles below, in a word document, describe at least 4 of those key elements those authors feel will make the significant difference in your resume, if you take and incorporate their advice.

• 15 Deadly But Often-Made Resume Blunders to Avoid

• Common Resume Blunders

• The Resume Outline

• Create a Resume That Employers will Read

Lesson 4-2: Ethics and Business Documents: Discussion: Many people embellish or exaggerate facts on their resume, leading employers to believe they have skills, experience, or education they don’t really have. The same is true of employment applications. Both of these documents make representations that are often relied on by employers. Many people who embellish and exaggerate use the excuse that “everybody does it”. Does this make it right? Why should you be honest on your resume and employment application? Write out your point of view on a word document. Be specific on your ideas. Looking for a 3-line paragraph.

Lesson 4-3: Revise Your Resume to Make it Sizzle!:

Directions: Save your resume1.doc as resume2.doc. With the new found knowledge on well designed resumes, and the guidelines given above revise your resume to reflect many of the key elements that will set your resume apart for other applicants. In your revision use the yellow highlighter key on all the changes that you have made to include typos, word changes, grammar changes, font changes, etc


Writing a resume is like exercising: You may not look forward to it, but you feel better once it’s done. And like the results of a good workout, a well-presented resume can help you keep your career in shape.   

But when writing a resume, what works and what doesn’t? We thought we’d turn to Monster members like you for advice. Here are some tips from both job seekers who write resumes and hiring professionals who read them for a living. Keep in mind that like resumes, opinions can vary -- what works for one person may not work for you. The Resume Presentation – Wondering how to best present your ever-important resume? Check out valuable resume tips from Monster members just like you.



General Guidelines for A Resume continued:

attractive. After you have more education and work experience to summarize, your resume may extend to a second page. Resumes for professional applicants with extensive work experience may run several pages

➢ Include all information pertinent to the job for which you are applying. An employer wants to know that you are interested in the specific job opening. Rather than prepare a “generic” resume to fill all possible openings, use key words from a job posting or ad to show that your skills match that particular job.

➢ Carefully choose fonts, bod, italic, spacing and other tools to arrange your information in a way that is attractive yet professional looking and easy to read. Place the most important items in the upper third of the page.

➢ Proofread thoroughly. Remember your word processor’s spell-check-catches only mispelled words. For example, it willnto catch occurences of “then” that were intended to be “than” or “to” from “too” or “two”. Your resume must have zero errors.

➢ For hard copies, use a high resolution printer and good quality 8-1/2 x 11 inch paper. Avoid bright colors, odd sizes and stained or discolored paper.

General Guidelines for A Resume:

There is no set rule for preparing a resume. You should choose the style that best presents you to an employer. However, here are some helpful guidelines:

➢ Early in your career, keep your resume to one page by carefully arranging the information you choose to include. Employers are busy people. They want a quick overview of you—not a lot of words to read. If uoui don’t have enough information to fill a page, center what you have typically vertically on the page to make it.


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