Heritage Crafts (070)

Heritage Crafts (070)

Class XII

Design of the Question Paper

March 2010 Examination

THEORY: One paper 3 hours 70 Marks

SECTION A 40 Marks

1. Short questions:

Four questions out of five based on textbook (80-100 words).

Four questions of 3 marks each (4x3) 12 marks

2. Long questions:

Three questions out of four based on textbook (100-120 words)

Three questions of five marks each (3x5) 15 marks

3. Very Short Answer Questions:

Very Short Answer Questions out of six based on textbook in three to five

sentences. Five questions of one mark each (1x5) 05 marks

4. Essay Type:

One essay type question out of two based on textbook (150-200 words)

One essay type question of 8 marks. 08 marks

Section B 20 marks

5. A question based on the Field Study of the learner as part of his

learning. Anecdotal documentation in a descriptive and narrative

style. 10 marks

6. Comparison and contrast of two or more forms of craft based on a

given case study. 10 marks

Section C 10 marks

A personal response question based on the Craft chosen (Clay /Stone/Metal/Jewelry/Fibre/Textile/Painting/Theatre/Paper)

Heritage Crafts: Class-XII

Sample Question Paper - I

Theory: MM 70 Marks Time: 3 Hours

All the 3 Sections are compulsory

General Instructions:

1. The question paper consists of three sections A, B and C.

2. All questions are compulsory.

3. Separate instructions are given with each section and question wherever necessary. Read this instruction carefully and follow them.

4. Do not exceed the prescribed word limit while answering the questions.

Section A 40 marks

1. Write in 80-100 words on any of the 4 topics given below: 3 marks each

a. How do crafts help crafts persons to rehabilitate their community after a disaster takes place?

b. What facilities do you think should be given by the government to crafts persons?

c. In what ways the Crafts Bazars / exhibitions can be organized to promote crafts?

d. In what situations Pupul Jaykar decided to uplift the Mithila painters?

e. Suppose a Festival of India will be organized in the forth coming year. What should be the theme for the festival? Which four crafts do you think should be showcased and why?

2. Answer any 3 of the following in not more than 100-120 words each :

5 marks each

a. How did the initiatives of Mrs. Kamla Devi Chattopadhyay help in promoting crafts after India’s independence?

b. What are the different methods and channels of marketing the crafts product in local and national markets?

c. Do you think craft and tourism can be promoted together – complementing each – other? Give your reasons.

d. What are different government schemes and awards to encourage traditional crafts industry? Give a brief description of the schemes.

3. Answer in not more than five sentences on any of the 5: 1 mark each

a. In which parts of India did indigo movement take place and when?

b. Name any four institutions/organizations which show case craft products.

c. Name two traditional crafts at least from four different states

d. How best do you think Indian crafts persons may be made aware of different government schemes?

e. Give four reasons why child labour should be banned.

f. Mention four crafts which have maximum participation by women.

4. Answer the following in 150-200 words: 8 marks

How Gandhi’s teachings for self sufficiency through making khadi became an important tool of India’s freedom movement?


How in the last few decades crafts entrepreneurship has changed from a local to the global profile?

Section B 20 marks

1. Describe in not more than 300 words, one of the following: 10 marks

While documenting the craft traditions what were your findings on the following:

a. Materials, processes and techniques (4 marks)

b. Social structures, including the role of women (3 marks)

c. Resource management (3 marks)


For documenting the craft traditions, what processes/ steps did you follow?

2. Attempt any one of the following : 10 marks

What were the issues which were discussed in the class as a preparation before going on field work?


What aspects of the heritage buildings did you study while documenting them in your city? Write in details.

Section C 10 marks

1. In not more than 150 words, describe the following:

What innovations did you bring in the craft chosen by you?


What are the design aspects which you keep in mind while creating an aesthetic environment?

Marking Scheme

Sample Question Paper I

Heritage Crafts: Class-XII

1. 3 marks each

a. How do crafts help crafts persons to rehabilitate their community after a disaster takes place?

Making a co-operative, establishing training units, putting all the resources together, specially with the money they get as part of the rehabilitation/ compensatory grants and helping each other to market their products 2

Since crafts products which do not take much time in production can generate immediate income. At times it does not require lot of infrastructure. 1

b. What facilities do you think should be given by the government to crafts persons?

The government should provide easy loans, subsidy to buy raw materials, tools, transport, electricity and better health conditions to increase production. 2

From time to time, crafts persons can be given training to enhance their quality of production including materials, design and packaging. 1

c. In what ways the Crafts Bazars / exhibitions can be organized to promote crafts?

Frequent crafts exhibitions should showcase crafts from different regions/ states, in various cities all over India 1 ½

During the exhibitions, crafts persons should be provided with various facilities by the organizers so that they can learn new designs, techniques etc. through interactions. 1 ½

d. In what situations Pupul Jaykar decided to uplift the Mithila painters?

During the drought in Bihar, the Mithila painting was badly affected and to revive this tradition she mobilized the crafts persons, majority of them being women. 1 ½

She organized the women of communities involved with this and the products were sold in market outside their hometowns which fetched better prices. 1 ½

e. Suppose a Festival of India will be organized in the forth coming year. What should be the theme for the festival? Which four crafts do you think should be showcased and why?

The theme of the festival, which should be related to a major aspect of tradition and crafts 1

Names of crafts to be showcased and the reasons why they should be chosen 2

2. 5 marks each

a. How did the initiatives of Mrs. Kamla Devi Chattopadhyay help in promoting crafts after India’s independence?

i. Kamla Devi’s initiatives to establish crafts council of India 1

ii C.C.I’s state chapters established. 1

Iii Kamla Devi’s interactions with craftsperson. 1

iv Establishing awards scheme for the craftsperson to promote traditional crafts. 1

v Formation of Design Development Centers in different crafts pockets to help traditional crafts persons. 1

b. What are the different methods and channels of marketing the crafts product in local and national markets?

i Craftsperson sell from their home. 1

ii They take their product to the local / village market 1

iii Products are sent to the local/district/ weekly market from where clients purchase directly or the stockists take the products in bulk. 1

iv The middle men/agents/showroom owners take directly or on order products from craftsperson. 1

v State emporia / officials from government agencies or NGO’S working for crafts, buy products for national and international market. 1

c. Do you think craft and tourism can be promoted together – complementing each – other? Give your reasons.

i Crafts require infrastructures and facilities; tourism too needs it. 2

ii Tourists destinations which also have crafts hubs/pockets can become tourists attractions. 1

iii Tourists visit to such places can promote traditional crafts. 1

Iv Crafts persons at tourist centers can get exposed to different types of clientele. 1

d. What are different government schemes and awards to encourage traditional crafts industry? Give a brief description of the schemes.

i. Schemes run by the Central Government and their description 2

ii. Schemes run by the State governments and their description 2

iii. Any other scheme in their regions 1

3. 1 mark each

a. In which parts of India did indigo movement take place and when?

. Name of place - ½

. Period ½

b. Name any four institutions/ organizations which showcase craft products.

. Names of 4 institutions/ organizations 1

c. Name two traditional crafts at least from four different states.

. at least names of 2 crafts from 4 states 1

d. How best do you think Indian crafts persons may be made aware of different government schemes?

. By local governance bodies, advertisements, NGO’s / panchayat ½

. Govt. Bodies ½

e. Give four reasons why child labour should be banned.

. Right to education

. Child’s right/ legislation banned children below the age of 14 to work.

. Childhood lost

. Health hazards

f. Mention four crafts which have maximum participation by women.

.Embroidery in some tribes’ women

. Pottery in Manipur

. Mithila paintings

. Cane work in Assam

4. 8 marks

How Gandhi’s teachings for self sufficiency through making khadi became an important tool of India’s freedom movement?

a. The teachings of Gandhiji on self sufficiency. 2

b. How khadi helped in bringing in self sufficiency. 2

c. When did Gandhiji’s Charkha Movement started? And how country reacted to it? 2

d. Charkha became household items during the swadeshi movement of Gandhiji. 2


How in the last few decades crafts entrepreneurship has changed from a local to the global profile?

a. After India’s Independence in 1947 the crafts sector along with the agriculture was given importance. 1

b. Gradually the movement for revival of India’s traditional crafts gained momentum. 1

c. A chain of central cottage industry and state emporia was opened up. 1

d. Crafts council of India and its state units were open. 1

e. Crafts were given heritage and traditional values for museums. 1

f. Crafts Museums, New Delhi and other museums in different parts of country were established. 1

g. Traditional crafts were showcased in festivals of India abroad. 1

h. Traditional crafts were promoted for export/ international market. 1

Section B 20 marks

1. Describe in not more than 300 words, one of the following: 10 marks

While documenting the craft traditions what were your findings on the following?

a. Materials, processes and techniques 4

b. Social structures, including the role of women 3

c. Resource management 3


For documenting the craft traditions, what processes/ steps did you follow?

a. Preparation before going for documentation; finding a resource person, library work, preparing for the interview, developing a data/ documentation craft etc 5

b. While documenting, interacted with the craft persons, their family and community members about different aspects such as; collection of raw materials, tools and techniques, finishing of products, social aspects, environmental and health aspects, traditional values, marketing etc. 5

2. Attempt any one of the following : 10 marks

What were the issues which were discussed in the class as a preparation before going on field work?


What aspects of the heritage buildings did you study while documenting them in your city? Write in details.

• A historical building or a typical example of local architecture gives us a sense of wonder and makes us want to know more about the people and the culture that produced it. It has architectural, aesthetic, historic, documentary, environmental, archaeological and even political and spiritual and symbolic values: but the first impact is always emotional, for it is a symbol of our cultural identity and continuity – a part of our heritage. These dimensions should be covered under this topic 5

• What is the function and the unique features of the building? 5

- List materials used in the construction of: foundation, floor, ceiling, roof, walls, pillars, brackets, windows, doors, courtyard, etc.

- Identify the various skills and crafts involved in its construction: stone masonry, carpentry, painting, etc.

Section C 10 marks

1. In not more than 150 words, describe the following:

What innovations did you bring in the craft chosen by you?

• The innovations brought in raw materials and their usages, 5

• Tools and techniques, 3

• Packaging 2


What are the design aspects which you keep in mind while creating an aesthetic environment?

• Conducted design experiments with; lines, colors, shapes, motifs and patterns. 5

• Designing posters, wall magazine, school museums, furniture, classrooms, organizing exhibitions, etc. 3

Designing school stationary.

Sample Question Paper - II

Heritage Crafts: Class-XII

Theory: MM 70 Marks Time: 3 Hours

All the 3 Sections are compulsory

General Instructions:

• The question paper consists of three sections A, B and C.

• All questions are compulsory.

• Separate instructions are given with each section and question wherever necessary. Read these instructions carefully and follow them.

• Do not exceed the prescribed word limit while answering the questions.

Section A 40 marks

1. Write in 80-100 words on any of the 4 topics given below: 3 marks each

a. In your opinion during the Colonial period, how crafts industry in India was affected?

b. Mention what are the advantages of organizing a crafts bazaar for the crafts community and add two ideas of your own.

c. What are the different functionaries which work for promotion of handicraft industry in India; at national, state and local level and how?

d. Why is design and development so important for the survival of the crafts sector?

e. Describe about the different modes of marketing of craft objects?

2. Answer any 3 of the following in not more than 100-120 words each :

5 marks each

a. In what ways did Kamladevi Chattopadhyay and Pupul Jayakar brought in a movement for revival of traditional Indian Crafts?

b. What are the different dimensions of entrepreneurship in traditional craft sector?

c. Indian crafts attract maximum tourists; what steps do you suggest to enhance the quality of the products?

d. In your opinion in what ways NGOs can assist crafts persons for production and marketing of their crafts?

3. Answer in not more than five sentences on any of the 5: 1 mark each

a. Why craft products in the local market have lower prices than the national market?

b. What makes an appropriate distribution system for craft products?

c. Do you think women play an important role in production of a craft?

d. How the plastic industry has replaced the craft products of wood, paper, metal, etc.

e. Name any four museums in India which have focus on traditional crafts.

f. Do you agree that bringing in crafts persons to urban areas help them in promoting crafts? Give two reasons.

4. Answer the following in 150-200 words: 8 marks

Choose a craft for which your state is famous. Describe how you could develop this craft for the tourism sector – why you think it would be popular amongst tourists, where you would market it, how you would package it .


After India’s independence, what were the significant changes which took place in the crafts sector?

Section B 20 marks

1. Describe in not more than 150-200 words, one of the following: 10 marks

While documenting the craft traditions what were your findings on the following?

a. The crafts persons follow the ancestral crafts for generations, how the present generation can grow in the present scenario? (4 marks)

b. Do they face any health or environmental hazards (3 marks)

c. What roles do the family members play in production of the crafts

(3 marks)


Before going for field documentation did you prepare any interview schedule and key points for observation? Also, write the formats you designed.

3. Attempt any one of the following in not more than 200 words: 10 marks

What factors do the crafts persons consider for pricing their products? Write the details based on your experience in the field.


Present a case study where traditional crafts persons have been switched over to new themes, materials, methods/ techniques etc. for better prospects and lost the traditional nuances.

Section C 10 marks

1. In not more than 150 words, describe the following:

What innovations did you bring in the craft chosen by you which you can suggest to the crafts persons practicing the craft?


Prepare a brochure on a craft – explaining its unique qualities, its sustainable properties and the community that made it keeping in mind the new trends and concerns of contemporary life.

Marking Scheme

Sample Question Paper - II

Heritage Crafts: Class-XII

Theory: MM 70 Marks Time: 3 Hours

All the 3 Sections are compulsory

General Instructions:

• The question paper consists of three sections A, B and C.

• All questions are compulsory.

• Separate instructions are given with each section and question wherever necessary. Read these instructions carefully and follow them.

• Do not exceed the prescribed word limit while answering the questions.

Section A 40 marks

1. Write in 80-100 words on any of the 4 topics given below: 3 marks each

a. In your opinion during the Colonial period, how crafts industry in India was affected?

• The British imposed the laws which did not allow rural / agriculture sector to grow – 1

• They also brought industrialization to India and suppressed the indigenous crafts - 1

• Thus, the crafts were the last priority and diminished -1

b. Mention what are the advantages of organizing a crafts bazaar for the crafts community and add two ideas of your own.

• Craft persons get exposed to different markets, customers, and to widen their outlook through interactions and more crafts persons should get a chance to display/ exhibit and market their products. – 2

• Two new ideas - 1

b. What are the different functionaries which work for promotion of handicraft industry in India; at national, state and local level and how?

• Names of different local, state and national functionaries – 1

• How they function - 2

c. Why is design and development so important for the survival of the crafts sector?

• To keep pace with the changes in market forces – 1

• Experimenting and development in design to bring in these changes according to the demands at all levels - 2

d. Describe about the different modes of marketing of craft objects.

• Marketing from home – ½

• Marketing from local haats - ½

• Marketing through middlemen - ½

• National and international market - 1½

2. Answer any 3 of the following in not more than 100-120 words each :

5 marks each

a. In what ways did Kamladevi Chattopadhyay and Pupul Jayakar brought in a movement for revival of traditional Indian Crafts?

• Contributions of Kamala Devi in around 50-60 words 2½

• Contributions of Pupul Jyakar in around 55-60 words 2½

b. What are the different dimensions of entrepreneurship in a traditional craft sector?

• Close to the source of raw materials 1

• Transport of goods limited so prices could be contained 1

• Producer and client were often known to each other 1

• Producer understood the client’s needs and requirements 1

• Middle men have little or no role to play in the sale transactions 1

c. Indian crafts attract maximum tourists; what steps you suggest to enhance the quality of the products?

i. Colours should be fast and safe - 1

ii. Packaging is attractive and feasible -1

iii. Experimenting with new materials and techniques -1

iv. Changes according to the trends, fashions, tastes and lifestyles - 1

v. Information about the traditional crafts should be made available to tourists along with the packaging -1

d. In your opinion in what ways NGOs can assist craftspersons for production and marketing of their crafts?

• In procuring the raw materials and making them avail design and technical expertise - 1

• In availing different facilities provided by government and banks - 1

• Marketing and transportation - 1

• Making them aware about different environmental and health issues -1

• They can encourage crafts persons to participate in workshops, seminars and such other activities - 1

3. Answer in not more than five sentences on any of the 5: 1 mark each

b. Why craft products in the local market have lower prices than the national market?

• Demand and supply at local level has lower paying capacity – ½

• At national level, cost of object increases according to the market and becomes an art object. - ½

b. What makes an appropriate distribution system for craft products?

• Distribution from workshop/ home/ village ½

• Marketing for a larger clientele ½

c. Do you think women play an important role in production of a craft?

• Women participate in all crafts activities according to the traditional practices, depending upon the nature of craft, local/ community values, etc. 1

d. How the plastic industry has replaced the craft products of wood, paper, metal, etc.

Plastic is a cheaper, easily available and easy to handle and maintain material to replace materials like, wood, paper etc. 1

e. Name and place any four museums in India which have focus on traditional crafts.

Names with places of any four museums.1

f. Do you agree that bringing in crafts persons to urban areas help them in promoting crafts? Give two reasons.

• Exposure/ interaction with other crafts persons and market - ½

• They can bring in innovation in their crafts. - ½

4. Answer the following in 150-200 words: 8 marks

Choose a craft for which your state is famous. Describe how you could develop this craft for the tourism sector – why you think it would be popular amongst tourists, where you would market it, how you would package it .


After India’s independence, what were the significant changes which took place in the crafts sector?

Section B 20 marks

1. Describe in not more than 150-200 words, one of the following: 10 marks

While documenting the craft traditions what were your findings on the following:

a. The craftspersons follow the ancestral crafts for generations, how the present generation can grow in the present scenario? (4 marks)

b. Do they face any health or environmental hazards (3 marks)

c. What roles do the family members play in production of the crafts (3 marks)


Before going for field documentation did you prepare any interview schedule and key points for observation? Also, write the formats you designed.

• Ten points for the interview schedule (each carrying 1 mark)

1. Name and occupation Address

2. About the Craft

3. Name of the craft

4. Local context and function

5. Is it a seasonal craft

6. How long does the process take?

7. How the craft is made?

♦ Step 1

♦ Step 2

♦ Step 3

♦ Step 4

♦ Step 5

♦ Step 6

♦ Step 7

♦ Step 8

♦ Step 9

♦ Step 10

8. What materials are used?

9. What tools are used?

10. How the craft has adapted to the changing needs of the market?

3. Attempt any one of the following in not more than 200 words: 10 marks

What factors do the craftspersons consider for pricing their products? Write the details based on your experience in the field.

• Pricing needed to be restructure 2

• Transport of goods limited made prices rise 2

• Producer and client did not know each other 2

• Producer did not understood the client’s needs and requirements 2

• Middle men played a major role in the sale transactions, often taking most of the profit from the crafts producer 2


Present a case study where traditional craftspersons have been switched over to new themes, materials, methods/ techniques etc. for better prospects and lost the traditional nuances.

• Background of the case study 2

• Need and justification for the case study 2

• Changes in the materials, tools and techniques 2

• New themes to fit into the context 2

• Benefits from the new approach 2

Section C 10 marks

1. In not more than 150 words, describe the following:

What innovations did you bring in the craft chosen by you which you can suggest the craftspersons practicing the craft?

• The innovations which can be brought in raw materials and their usages, 5

• Tools and techniques, 3

• Packaging 2


Prepare a brochure on a craft – explaining its unique qualities, its sustainable properties and the community that made it keeping in mind the new trends and concerns of contemporary life.

• Format/ layout of the brochure 4

• Contents of the brochure 3

• Visuals and other enrichment materials 3


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