Word Study Contract

Name Date I will complete the checked activities that total 30 points. I will turn in these activities with this contract on the day of the Word Study Test. I have signed this contract and so has my parent.Student signatureParent/Guardian signature_____ 1. Write all of your words 5 times each. (5 points)_____ 2. Alphabetize all of your words. (5 points)_____ 3. Divide each word into syllables. (5 points)_____ 4. Write all of the words with vowels in one color and consonants in another. (5 points)_____ 5. Write all of the words neatly in cursive. (5 points)_____ 6. Write all of the words and cross out the silent letters. (5 points)_____ 7. Sort your words by a pattern. Write the words in groups. (5 points)_____ 8. Practice with an older family member at home for at least 15 minutes (bring in a note saying how long you worked, please). (5 points)_____ 9. Type each of your words 10 times. (5 points)_____ 10. Sort your words by a pattern. Write the words in groups. Then sort your words another way and write them in their new groups. (10 points)_____ 11. Sort your words by a pattern. Think of 5 more words to add to each group. Write all of the words in their sorted groups. (10 points)_____ 12. Write a sentence for each word. (10 points)_____ 13. Write a synonym for each word. (10 points)_____ 14. Scramble each word and make a key. (10 points)_____ 15. Do “Word Art” for each word. (10 points)_____ 16. Do a “Shape It” for each word. (10 points)_____ 17. Make a word search on graph paper or the computer. Highlight your words in the puzzle. (10 points)_____ 18. Classify your words according to parts of speech. (10 points)_____ 19. Cut your words out of newspapers or magazines and make a collage. (15 points)_____ 20. Write tongue twisters for each of your words. (15 points)_____ 21. Create a set of “fill-in” sentences for your words. Put a word bank at the top of the page. (15 points)_____ 22. Write an acrostic poem for each of your words. Make sure each line is related to the word. (20 points)_____ 23. Use all of your words in similes. (20 points)_____ 24. Write a poem using all of your words. Highlight your words. (20 points)_____ 25. Create a power point with a slide for each of your words. You may use the word in a sentence on the slide and/or include clip art that illustrates your word. (20 points)_____ 26. Write all of your words in a secret code. Provide a key to your code. (20 points)_____ 27. Research the origins of your words. Write each word and a short explanation of its origins. (20 points)_____ 28. Write a short story or play using all of your words. (20 points)_____ 29. Create a word ladder using your words. (20 points)_____ 30. Find each of your words in a book or article. Copy the entire sentence where the word is found. (20 points)Hint: For making crosswords and word search puzzles go to: ................

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