Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae

Hassan Eltayeb Gadain Salaim

Mathematics Department, College of Science, King Saud University.

P. O. Box 2455, Riyadh 11451, Saudi Arabia

Personal Information

Name: Hassan Eltayeb Gadaub Salaim

Date of Birth: 01/03/1969

Place of Birth: Sudan

Nationality: Sudanese

Marital Status: Married and a father to 5 children

Languages: English, Arabic, and Malay (elementary).


Hand Phone: +966536345057


• Doctor of Philosophy: Pure and Applied Mathematics, end title (Convolution Methods for Solving Partial Differential Equations) Faculty of Science and Technology, University Malaysia Terengganu 2008.

• Master of Science: Applied Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Sudan University, Sudan, (1997-1999).

• Bachelor of Science: Mathematics, Faculty of Education, Khartoum University, Sudan (1991-1996), the fifth year was for honor degree.

Working Experience:

1996-1999, Teaching Assistant, Mathematics, Faculty of Education, Khartoum University, Sudan.

Duties: Assisting and teaching different courses in mathematics (e.g. Differential Equations, Calculus, Vector Analysis, Algebra, Advanced Mathematics and Partial Differential Equations). Take part in preparing the syllabus of these subjects and teaching materials.

1999 – 2000, Lecturer and Research Assistant, Faculty of Education University of Pakhatrwda, Sudan

Duties: Teaching different courses in mathematics (e.g. Mathematical Physics, Partial Differential Equations, Transformation Methods, Discrete Mathematics, and Optimization Methods). Assist the Faculty to solve some physical problems using mathematics.

2009-Postdoctoral: Institute for Mathematical Research, University Putra Malaysia (UPM): entitled Sumudu Transform for Solving Partial Differential Equation.

2010-2013, Assistant Prof, Mathematics Department, College of Science, King Saud University. P. O. Box 2455, Riyadh 11451, Saudi Arabia.

2014, associate Prof, Mathematics Department, College of Science, King Saud University. P. O. Box 2455, Riyadh 11451, Saudi Arabia.

Computer Knowledge

Windows Operating System

Microsoft Office (Word and Excel)

Latex text editor

Scientific Word

Maple Software



[1] H. Eltayeb and A. Kılıçman. A note on Mellin Transform and Partial Differential Equations, In. J. pur. Appl. Math 2007, 34, 4, 457-468.

[2] [ A. Kılıçman and H. Eltayeb. A note on Extended non-Homogenous Wave Equation and Convolutions, Science Putra Journal UPM, 2007, 15, 1, 9-15.

[3] A. Kılıçman and H. Eltayeb. A note on The Wave Equation and Convolutions, J. Differential Equations and Nonlinear Mechanics, hindawi. Volume 2007, Article ID 49251, 13 pages doi:10.1155/2007/49251, (2008).

[4] A. Kılıçman and H. Eltayeb. A Note on the Classification of Hyperbolic and Elliptic

Equations and Convolutions, App. Math. Lett, 21 (2008) 1124–1128

[5] H. Eltayeb and A. Kılıçman. A Note on Solutions of Wave, Laplace's and Heat

Equations with Convolution Terms by Using Double Laplace Transform: Appl, Math,

Lett 21 (2008) 1324–1329.

[6] A. Kılıçman and H. Eltayeb. A Note on Defining Singular Integral as Distribution

And Partial Deferential Equation with Convolution term: Mathematical and

Computer Modelling 49 (2009) 327-336.

[7] H. Eltayeb and A. Kiliçman. A note on Double Sumudu Transform and Double

Laplace Transform, Int. Pure and Appl. Math., To appear..

[8] A. Kılıçman and H. Eltayeb. On the Second Order Linear Partial Differential

Equations with Variable Coefficients and Double Laplace Transform. Far East

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. Volume 34, Issue 2, (2009) 257 - 270.

[9] H. Eltayeb and A. Kiliçman. On Double Sumudu Transform and Double Laplace

Transform. Malaysian Journal of Mathematics Sciences, 4(1): 17-30 (2010).

[10] A. Kılıçman and H. Eltayeb. On Finite Product of Convolution and Classifications of

Hyperbolic and Elliptics, arXiv: 0901.2422v1 [math. AP], 16 Jan 2009.

[11] A. Kılıçman and H. E. Gadain. An Application of Double Laplace Transform and

Double Sumudu Transform, Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics, 2009, Vol. 30,

No. 3, pp. 214–223.

[12] A. Kılıçman and H. Eltayeb. On the Double Integral Transform and Partial

Differential Equations, Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society,

To appear.

[13] H. Eltayeb A. Kiliçman. & Brian Fisher. A new integral transform and associated

Distributions, Integral Transforms and Special Functions, DOI:

10.1080/10652460903335061. (ISI)

[14] Adem Kılıçman & Hassan Eltayeb A note On Integral Transform and Partial

differential Equations, Applied Mathematical Sciences. Vol. 4, 2010, no. 3,109-118.

[15] H. Eltayeb A. Kiliçman. An Application of A new Integral Transform, International

Journal of Mathematical Analysis. Vol. 4, 2010, no. 3,123-132.

[16] A. Kılıçman and H. E. Gadain. On The Application of Laplace and

Sumudu Transforms, Journal of the Franklin Institute. 347 (2010) 848–862. (ISI)

[17] Adem Kılıçman & Hassan Eltayeb. On the Partial Differential Equations with Non-

Constant Coefficients and Convolution Method European journal of pure and applied

mathematics Vol. 3, No. 1, 2010, 45-50.

[18] Adem Kılıçman, Hassan Eltayeb, and Ravi P. Agarwal. On Sumudu Transform and

System of Differential Equations, Abstract and Applied Analysis Volume 2010,

Article ID 598702, 11 pages doi:10.1155/2010/598702. (ISI)

[19] A. Kılıçman, H. Eltayeb & R. R. Ashurov. Further analysis on classifications of PDE(s) with variable coefficients, Applied Mathematics Letters, Volume 23, Issue 9, September 2010, Pages 966-970.

[20] Adem Kılıçman and Hassan Eltayeb. On A new Integral Transform and Differential Equations. Mathematical Problem in Engineering Volume 2010, Article ID 463579, 13 pages doi:10.1155/2010/463579. (ISI)

[21] Adem Kilicman and Hassan Eltayeb, Note on the wave equation and tensor products, Applied Mathematics and Computation ,Volume 218, Issue 3, 2011, Pages 871–877. (ISI)

[22] Adem Kilicman, Hassan Eltayeb. On finite product of convolutions and classification of hyperbolic and elliptic equations. Math. Comput. Model. 54(9–10), 2211-2219 (November 2011). doi:10.1016/j.mcm.2011.05.031. (ISI)

[23] Hassan Eltayeb and Adem Kilicman, Application of sumudu decomposition method to solve nonlinear system of partial differential equations, Abstract and Applied Analysis Volume 2012 (2012), Article ID 412948, 13 pages . (ISI)

[24] Adem Kilicman and Hassan Eltayeb, Note on partial differential equations with non-constant coefficients and convolution method, Appl. Math. Inf. Sci. 6, No. 1, 59-63 (2012). (ISI)

[25] Hassan Eltayeb and Adem Kilicman, A Note on Double Laplace Transform and Telegraphic Equations, Abstract and Applied Analysis Volume 2013 (2013), Article ID 932578, 6 pages, . (ISI)

[26] Hassan Eltayeb, Note on Relation between Double Laplace Transform and Double Differential Transform, Abstract and Applied Analysis Volume 2013 (2013), Article ID 535020,7 pages . (ISI)

[27] Hassan Eltayeb, Adem Kilicman, and Said Mesloub, Exact Evaluation of Infinite Series Using Double Laplace Transform Technique. Abstract and Applied Analysis Volume 2014, Article ID 327429, 6 pages . (ISI)

[28] Hassan Eltayeb, Adem Kiliçman, and Brian Fisher, On Multiple Convolutions and Time Scales. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Volume 2013, Article ID 217656, 7 pages . (ISI)

[29] Hassan Eltayeb, Adem Kiliçman, On Oscillatory Solution of Delay Differential Equation and Sufficient Condition using Sumudu Transform. Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences An International Journal, .


[1] H. Eltayeb and A. Kılıçman.Techniques for solving non-homogenous one

Dimensional wave equation. Konferensi Kebangsaan Pemodelan Matematik

Statistik Sempena 75 Tahun UPM Jabatan Matematik, UPM 5-6 September, 2006.

[2] H. Eltayeb and A. Kılıçman. Solutions of boundary value problem by using the

Double Laplace transforms Technique, the paper presented at the 2nd. International

Conference on Mathematical Sciences, (ICOMS-2007), Universiti Teknologi

Malaysia, Johor, Malaysia, (May 28-29), 2007.

[3] A. Kılıçman and H. Eltayeb. A Note on the Partial Differential Equation and

Convolution, the paper presented in the 2nd. International Conference on

Mathematical Sciences, (ICOMS-2007), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor,

Malaysia, (May 28-29), 2007.

[4] A. Kılıçman and H. Eltayeb. Double Laplace Transforms and application to Wave,

Heat and Laplace's Equations, the paper persented at the 3rd. International

Conference on Research Education and Mathematical, (ICREM 3), Universiti Putra

Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, (April 12-14), 2007.

[5] A. Kılıçman and H. Eltayeb. A note On the Non- Constant coefficient Linear Second

Order Partial Differential Equation, the paper persented in the Fourth International

Conf of Appl Math. Plovdiv, Bulgaria (Aug 12-18), 2007.

[6] A. Kılıçman and H. Eltayeb. Application of Double Laplace Transform and Green's

function for solving non homogenous wave equation double convolution properties,

the paper persented. International Conference on Mathematical Sciences, Universiti

Kebangsaan Malaysia, Pangi-Putrajaya, Malaysia, November (28-29), 2007.

[7] Adem Kılıçman and Hassan Eltayeb.An Application of Double Laplace Transform

for Solving Linear Second Order PDE with Double Convolution Terms, the paper

persented at the 3rd IMT-GT Regional Conference on Mathematics, Statistics and

Applications, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, December (5-6), 2007.

[8] H. Eltayeb and A. Kılıçman. A note on Extended Non-homogenous Wave equation,

The paper presented at the 2nd IMT-GT Regional Conference on Mathematics,

Statistics and Applications, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, June (13-15), 2006.

[9] A. Kılıçman and H. Eltayeb. An Application of Double Laplace Transform to

Partial Differential Equation with Convolution term, Proc. Of Simposium

Kebangsaan Sains Matematik Ke-15 (2007), concorde Hotel, Shah Alam, Malaysia

[10] H. Eltayeb and A. Kılıçman. Note on Non-Constant Coefficients Wave, Heat and

Laplace's Equation and Double Laplace Transform. Prosiding Simposium Kebangsaan

Sains Matematik ke -16 2-5 Jun 2008

[11] H. Eltayeb and A. Kılıçman. A Note on Sumudu Transform and Generalized

Function, Proc. International Symposium on new development of geometric function

theory and its applications. Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Pangi (ESSET),

Malaysia, November (10-13), 2008.

[12] H. Eltayeb and A. Kılıçman. A Note on Double Sumudu Transform and Partial

differential equations. Seminar Kebangsaan aplikasi sains dan Matematik, Universiti

Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Batu Pahat, Katerina Hotel, November (24-25), 2008.

[13] Adem Kiliçman, and Hassan Eltayeb. Double Laplace transform and double

Sumudu transform for solving partial differential equations, 13th international

congress on computational and applied mathematics, Ghent, Belgium, July 7-11-


[14] H. Eltayeb and A. Kılıçman. A note on Integral Transform and System of

Differential Equations, The paper presented at the Fundamental Science Congress,

Universiti Putra Malaysia, Faculty of Science,2009, pp 386-392.

[15] Adem Kiliçman, and Hassan Eltayeb. Integral Transform and Partial Differential

Equations, The paper presented at the Fundamental Science Congress, Universiti

Putra Malaysia, Faculty of Science,2009, pp 352-361.

[16] Adem Kiliçman, Hassan Eltayeb, Kamel Ariffin Bin Moh, A note on Comparison

Between Laplace and Sumudu Transforms, International Conference of athematical

Science, 04-10 August 2009, Maltepe Universty, Istanbul, Turkey.

[17] Adem Kilicman, Hassan Eltayeb, Fudziah Ismail, On the Partial Differential

Equations with Non Constant Cefficients and Convolution Method, 14th International

Congress on Computational and Applied Mathematics 29 September‐2 October,

2009, Antalya, Turkey.

[18] H. Eltayeb and A. Kılıçman, Some Results on the Integral Transforms and Applications to Differential Equations, ICMS INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON MATHEMATICAL SCIENCE (İzzet Baysal Kampüsü , Bolu, TURKEY

November 23-27 , 2010). AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 1309, pp. 261-267 (2010).

Technical Report

H. Eltayeb and A. Kılıçman. A note on Extended Non-homogenous Wave equation

and Convolution, Institute Penyelidikan Matematik, Universiti Putra Malaysia,

Technical report.

H. Eltayeb , A. Kılıçman and R.R. Ashurov. Further Analysis on Classification of

(PDEs) with Variable Coefficients, Institute Penyelidikan Matematik, Universiti

Putra Malaysia, Technical report.

Member of Editorial Board of Oriental Journal of Mathematics (OJM)

Guest editor of Abstract and applied analysis (AAA)


[1] Won (bronze medal) in Exhibition of Invention, Research and Innovation UPM 2006,

on 22-24 August 2006, entitled Non Homogenous Wave Equation and Generalized


[2] Won (Gold medal) in Exhibition of Invention, Research and Innovation UPM 2009

On 28-30 July 2009, entitled Partial Differential Equation with Constant Coefficients

and Double Convolutions.

[3] Won (Silver medal) in Exhibition of Invention, Research and Innovation UPM 2009

On 28-30 July 2009, entitled A new Integral Transform and Differential Equations.


 Extensive experience in applied mathematics, ordinary differential equations, Partial differential equation advanced mathematics and Integral transform Methods. In addition you will him innovative, optimistic, hard worker, and active team member.

Notation: Also in this 2013 my name listed in who’s is who in the world


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