Catherine Vance YEH - Boston University

Curriculum Vitae


Modern Languages and Comparative Literature

Boston University

745 Commonwealth Ave.

Boston, MA 02215

Tel: (617) 358-1770

Fax: (617) 353-6246



Academic Positions

2006- present: Associate Professor, Modern Languages and Comparative Literature, Boston University

2005-2006: Visiting Professor, Modern Foreign Languages and Literatures Boston University.

1998-1999: Visiting Professor, Meiji University, Tokyo, Japan.

1994 -2005 Research Associate and Lecturer, Institute of Chinese Studies, University of Heidelberg, Germany

1990 – 1991: Lecturer, Chinese Literature, Dept. of East Asian Languages and Civilizations, Harvard University

1983-1986: Chinese language teaching instructor, East Asian Languages and Civilizations, Harvard University

1981: Iowa International Writers Workshop (4 months), as the translator for the Chinese writer Ding Ling

Education and Degrees

1990: Ph.D. Degree, East Asian Languages and Civilizations, Harvard University

Ph.D. dissertation: Zeng Pu's 'Niehai hua' as a political novel -- A world genre in a Chinese form. Advisor: Prof. Patrick Hanan. (UMI)

1986: MA degree, East Asian Languages and Civilizations, Harvard University

1982 - 1990: Graduate Student and Doctoral Candidate, Department of East Asian Languages and Civilization, Harvard University

1976 - 1980: B.A. degree University of California, Santa Cruz, major: American Studies

Academic Honors and Grants

2014 (Fall) Associate member, "Cluster of Excellence Asia and Europe in a Global Context," University of Heidelberg, Germany.

2013 (June) Visiting scholar, Fudan University. Invited to deliver the “Huaguang Humanities Scholars Lectures” 光華人文學者講座 at Fudan University.

2013 (Fall) Visiting scholar, Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Tokyo University.

2011 (Fall) Jeffrey Henderson Senior Research Fellow, Boston University Center for the Humanities

Visiting Fellow, "Cluster of Excellence Asia and Europe in a Global Context," University of Heidelberg, Germany.

2009 (Fall) Visiting Professor, Department of Chinese, Peking University

2008-2009 One-year research grant from "Cluster of Excellence Asia and Europe in a Global Context," University of Heidelberg, Germany, to finish a project on the Chinese political novel of the early 20th century. For more details on the cluster see: Work completed, book submitted.

2004-2005: Visiting scholar, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Unité de Recherche Chine Contemporaine, Lyon, France

1999-2003: German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) project grant: "The Rise of the Chinese Star: Staging a New Public Persona -- 1890s to 1930s." Work completed, several articles in scholarly periodicals.

1999-2000: Visiting scholar, Department of Chinese, Tokyo University.

1997: German Research Foundation project grant: "Theme Park Shanghai: Late Qing Courtesan Restaging of the Novel Dream of the Red Chamber". Work completed, included in Shanghai Love: Courtesans, Intellectuals and Entertainment Culture, 1850-1910.

1996-: Specially Appointed Visiting Member, Institute of Modern History, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences.

1994 - 1996: Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Exchange grant for the project The Courtesan and her Client in Late Qing Shanghai. Work completed, included in Shanghai Love: Courtesans, Intellectuals and Entertainment Culture, 1850-1910.

1988 - 1989: Joint Grant, Fulbright-Hays Training Grants and Committee on Scholarly Communication with the People's Republic of China for PhD Research in Taiwan, P.R. of China and Japan

1986 (Spring): Exchange scholar, University of California, Berkeley


Scholarly Publications:


Shanghai Love: Courtesans, Intellectuals and Entertainment Culture, 1850-1910. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2006.

Shanghai ai: Mingji, zhishifenzi he yule wenhua, 1850-1910 上海爱:名妓,知识分子和娱乐文化 1850-1910. (Chinese translation of Shanghai Love: Courtesans, Intellectuals and Entertainment Culture, 1850-1910.) Translated by Yang Ke. Beijing: Sanlian shudian, 2012.

A Literary Fashion Goes Global: The Political Novel in China, Meiji University International Exchange Programs Guest Lecture Series No. 11 (1998). Tokyo: Meiji University Center for International Programs,1999.

In Press: The Chinese Political Novel: Migration of a World Genre

Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Harvard East Asian Monographs. Publication date March 2015.

In prep. From Male Flowers to National Stars: The Peking Opera Female Impersonator and the Cultural Transformation of Modern China.

Edited Volumes:

Performing the 'Nation': Gender Politics in Literature, Theatre and the Visual Arts of China and Japan, 1880-1940. Co-edited with Doris Croissant and Joshua S. Mostow. Leiden: Brill. 2008

Chinese Urban Studies Workshop. A Reader (1850-1990). Co-edited with Christian Henriot. Lyon: CNRS. 1996

In prep: Leisure and Social Change: The Dynamics of the Transcultural Flow of Concepts, Institutions, and Practices of Leisure Across Asia. Co-editing with Rudolf G. Wagner

Experimenting with Apsara飛天: Mei Lanfang’s New Opera ‘Fairy Gives Flowers to the Earth’ and Peking Opera Modernism.

Journals Articles (Refereed):

2010: “Hechu shi wenhuaye de zhongxin: cong difang yiren dao quanguo mingxing de jinsheng kan Qingmo Beijing yu Shanghai wenhua jingying moshi de jingzheng” 何处是文化业的中心:从地方艺人到全国明星的晋升分析清末北京与上海文化经营模式间的竞争 (Where is the center of cultural production? -- The rise of the actor to national stardom and the Beijing / Shanghai competition in the management of culture business). Qingshi haiwai yanjiu, vol. 9, pp. 334-369.

2007: "Refined Beauty, New Woman, Dynamic Heroine, or Fighter for the Nation? Perceptions of China in the Programme Selection for Mei Lanfang’s Performances in Japan (1919), the United States (1930) and the Soviet Union (1935).” In European Journal of East Asian Studies, vol. 6.1, pp. 75-102.

2006: “The Press and the Rise of Peking Opera Singer as National Star: The Case of Theater Illustrated (1912-17).” In East Asian History, No. 28, pp. 53-86.

2005: “Where is the Center of Cultural Production? -- The Rise of the Actor to National Stardom and the Beijing / Shanghai Challenge (1860s-1910s).” In Late Imperial China, vol. 25.2 (December), pp. 74-118.

2004: “Taishū goraku no sō sei -- 1910 nendai Minkoku shoki no okeru media to sutā haiyū no taitō 大衆娯楽の創生 一 1910年代民国初期におけるメディアとスター俳優の台頭 (Creating mass entertainment: Media and the rise of the actor as star during the early years of the Republican period). In Intelligence (Waseda University), No. 5, pp. 25-33.

2003: "A Public Love affair or a Nasty Game? -- The Chinese Tabloid Newspaper and the Rise of the Opera Singer as Star." In European Journal of Asian Studies, No. 3, pp. 13-51.

2000: "Cong shijiu shiji Shanghai ditu kan dui chengshi weilai dingyi de zhengduo zhan" 從十九世紀上海地圖看對城市未來定義的爭奪戰 (The battle over the definition of the city’s future as seen from 19th century Shanghai maps). In Zhongguo xueshu, no.3, pp.88-121.

1999: “Qingmo Shanghai jinü fushi, jiaju yu xiyang wuzhi wenming de yinjin” 清末上海妓女服飾,家具與西洋物質文明的引進 (Fashion and furniture in Late Qing Shanghai courtesan houses and the introduction of Western material culture). In Xueren, vol. 9, pp. 381- 438.

1998: "Reinventing Ritual: Late Qing Handbooks for Proper Customer Behavior in Shanghai Courtesan Houses." In Late Imperial China, vol.19, No.2, pp. 1-63.

- "Nali shi Shanghai? -- Shijiu shiji Shanghai ditu yu chengshi xingxiang de zhengduo zhan" 那裏是上海?– 十九世紀上海地圖與城市形象的爭奪戰 (Where is Shanghai? – Nineteenth century Shanghai city maps and the struggle to define its future image). In Ershiyi shiji, no. 48, pp. 72-92.

1997: "The Life-Style of Four Wenren in Late Qing Shanghai." In Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies, vol. 57.2, pp. 419-470.

1989: "Guanyu wan Qing shidai de xiaoshuo leibie ji Xin xiaoshuo zazhi guanggao er ze" 關於晚清時代的小説類別及〈新小説〉雜誌廣告二則 (On late Qing fiction genres and two advertisements in the periodical New Novel). In Shinmatsu shôsetsu, no. 12, pp. 112-121.

In prep: * “The Shanghai Shenbaoguan and its Fiction Publishing Project (1872–1889)”

* “Peking Opera and Modern Dance: Mei Lanfang’s ‘The Goddess Spreads Flowers’ and the Inherent Ambiguity of Modernism”

* “Making Love to the Camera: Photography and the Transformation of Peking Opera’s Aesthetic (1910-1930)”

Book Chapters:

2014: “Helping Our People ‘to Jointly Hurry Along the Path to Civilization.’ The Everyday Cyclopedia, Riyong baike quanshu日用百科全書” in Milena Dolezelova-Velingerova and Rudolf G. Wagner (eds.), Chinese Encyclopaedias of New Global Knowledge (1870–1930). Changing Ways of Thought. Berlin and Heidelberg: Springer, pp. 367- 397.

2013: “Huanqiu leyuan daolan: Shanghai youxichang xiaobao he jindai Zhongguo chengshi yule wenhua de chuangfa” 環球樂園導覽:上海遊戲場小報和近代中國城市娛樂文化的創發 (Guides to a Global Paradise: Shanghai entertainment hall newspapers as part of the rise of modern entertainment culture). In Lien Ling-ling (ed.), Wanxiang xiaobao: Jindai Zhongguo chengshi de wenhua, shehui yu zhengzhi 萬象小報:近代中國城巿的文化、社會與政治 (The multi-dimensional tabloid newspaper: Urban culture, society and politics in modern China). Nangang: Academia Sinica Institute of Modern History, pp. 25-64.

2012: “China, a Man in the Guise of an Upright Female: Photography, the Art of the Hands, and Mei Lanfang’s 1930 Visit to the United States.” In Christian Henriot and Wen-Hsin Yeh (eds.), History in Images: Pictures and Public Place in Modern China. Berkeley, Cal.: China Research Monograph 66, University of California Press, 81-110.

2011: “Guides to a Global Paradise: Shanghai Entertainment Park Newspapers and the Invention of Chinese Urban Leisure.” In Christiane Brosius and Roland Wenzlhuemer (eds.), Transcultural Turbulences: Towards a Multi-Sited Reading of Image Flows. Berlin and Heidelberg: Springer Publisher, 97-131.

2008: “Politics, Art and Eroticism: The Female Impersonator as the National Cultural Symbol of Republican China.” In Doris Croissant, Catherine Yeh, Joshua S. Mostow (eds.), Performing the 'Nation': Gender Politics in Literature, Theatre and the Visual Arts of China and Japan, 1880-1940. Leiden: Brill, pp. 206-239.

2007: “Shanghai Leisure, Print Entertainment, and the Tabloids, xiaobao.” In Rudolf G. Wagner (ed.), Joining the Global Public: Word, Image, and City in Early Chinese Newspapers, 1870-1910. Albany: SUNY Press, pp. 201-233.

2005: - “Playing with the Public: Late Qing Courtesans and their Opera Singer Lovers.” In Bryna Goodman and Wendy Larson (eds.), Gender in Motion: Divisions of Labor and Cultural Change in Late Imperial and Modern China. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, pp. 145-168.

- “Cong huhuaren dao zhiyin: Qing mo Min chu Beijing wenren de wenhua huodong yu danjiao de mingxinghua” 從護花人到知音:清末民初北京文人的文化活動與旦角的明星化 (From ‘protector of the flower’ to cultural adviser : The rise of Peking opera singer to national stardom and the transformation of the patronage culture in Beijing (1890s –1920s).” In Chen Pingyuan 陳平原 and Wang Dewei 王德威 (eds.), Beijing: Dushi xiangxiang yu wenhua jiyi 北京:都市想象與文化記憶 (Beijing: Urban Imagination and Cultural Memory). Beijing: Beijing daxue chubanshe, pp. 121-135.

2003: - "Creating the Urban Beauty: The Shanghai Courtesan in Late Qing Illustrations." In Judith T. Zeitlin and Lydia H. Liu (eds.), Writing and Materiality in China. Cambridge Mass.: Harvard University East Asia Center, pp. 397-447.

- “From Male ‘Flower’ to National Star: Choreographing Mei Lanfang’s Rise to Stardom.” In Erika Fischer-Lichte, Christian Horn, Sandra Umathum, Matthias Warstat (eds.), Performativität und Ereignis. Tübingen and Basel: A. Francke Publishers, pp. 259-276.

- "Wenhua jiyi de fudan - Wan Qing Shanghai wenren dui wan Ming lixiang de jiangou" 文化記憶的負擔 - 晚清上海文人對晚明理想的建構 (The burden of cultural memory: The construction of the late Ming ideal by late Qing Shanghai men-of-letters), in Chen Pingyuan 陳平原, Wang Dewei (David Wang) 王德威, Shang Wei 商偉 (eds.), Wan Ming yu wan Qing: Lishi chuancheng yu wenhua chuangxin 晚明與晚清: 歷史的傳承與文化創新 (The late Ming and the late Qing: Historical dynamics and cultural innovation). Wuhan: Hubei xiaoyu chubanshe, pp. 53-63.

2002: "Representing the City: Shanghai and its Maps." In David Faure (ed.), Town and Country in China: Identity and Perception. Oxford: Palgrave in association with St. Antony's College, pp.166-202.

2001: "Root Literature of the 1980s: May Fourth as a Double Burden." in Milena Doleželová-Velingerová and Oldřich Král (eds.), The Appropriation of Cultural Capital: China’s May Fourth Project. Cambridge: Harvard University Asia Center, pp. 229-256.

2000: “Where is Shanghai? – Maps and the Struggle to Define the Image of the City Between 1860 and 1930.” In Kai Vöckler and Dirk Lukow (eds.), Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen: Cities of the 21st Century. Frankfurt/New York: Campus Verlag, pp. 506-515.

1999: - “Zai lunxianqu Shanghai xiezuo -- Su Qing yiji ta suo chuangban de wenxue zazhi Tiandi” 在淪陷區上海寫作—蘇青以及她所創辦的文學雜誌 (Writing in wartime Shanghai -- Su Qing and her literary journal Heaven and Earth). In Peng Xiaoyan (ed.), Wenxue lilun yu tongsu wenhua 文學理論與通俗文化 (Theory of literature and popular culture). Taipei: Zhongyang yanjiuyuan wen zhe suo choupeichu, pp.649-676.

- “Creating a Shanghai Identity -- Late Qing Courtesan Handbooks and the Formation of the New Citizen.” In Tao Tao Liu and David Faure (eds.), Unity and Diversity: Local Cultures and Identities in China. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, pp. 107-123.

1997: “Shanghai: Shijie youxichang. Wan Qing jinü shengyi jing” 上海: 世界遊戲場 - 晚清妓女生意经 (Shanghai, the world's playground. Late Qing courtesan business strategies) in Zhang Zhongli (ed.), Zhongguo jindai chengshi qiye, shehui, kongjian 中国近代城市企业、社会、空间 (Business, society, and space in the modern Chinese city). Shanghai: Shanghai shehuikexueyuan chubanshe, pp. 308-335.

1995: "Yi kan yifu hua de fangshi lai du Niehai hua – Wan Qing wenxue zhong de chuantong yishu shoufa yu xin xiaoshuo de jiehe” 以看一幅畫的方式來讀 《孽海花》 – 晚清文學中的傳統藝術手法與新小說的結合 (Reading Zeng Pu's Niehai hua as a painting -- the link between traditional artistic technique and the new novel at the turn of the century). In Zhongguo xiandai wenxue guoji taolunhui lunwen ji: Minzu guojia lunshu – cong wan Qing, wusi dao Ri ju shidai Taiwan xin wenxue 中國現代文學國際討論會論文集:民族國家論述- 從晚清,五四到日據時代臺灣新文學 (Collection of essays from the International Conference on Modern Chinese Literature: Exploring the Nation State – From the late Qing and May Fourth to the new Taiwanese Literature during the Japanese Occupation). Taipei: Academia Sinica, Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, pp. 85-116.

In prep: * “Political Reform as National Pastime: Staging Peking Opera’s New Tragic Heroines” (Leisure and social change conference volume, Heidelberg)

* “Experimenting with Apsara 飛天: Peking Opera Modernism (Theatrescapes. Global Media and Translocal Publics (1850-1950) conference volume, Munich)

* “Experimenting with Apsara 飛天: Mei Lanfang’s New Opera ‘Fairy Gives Flowers to the Earth’ and Peking Opera Modernism” (Mei Lanfang’s ‘Fairy Gives Flowers to the Earth’ workshop volume, Boston)

Book Reviews

2007: Bringing the World Home: Appropriating the West in Late Qing and Early Republican China by Theodore Huters. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press, 2005. Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies, Vol. 67, No. 2 (Dec., 2007), pp. 493-500.

Publication of Fiction

1996: -- Lan tudi, yuanxingzhe 藍土地, 遠行者 (Upon a blue land, a traveler, novel). Taibei: Yuanliu chuban gongsi.

-- Lantudi. Yuanxingzhe 藍土地, 遠行者 (Upon a blue land, a traveler, novel). In Xiaoshuo jie (Shanghai) 小説界, 1: 76-132.

1987: "Songzang de shihou" 送葬的時候 (At the time of the funeral, novel). In Shiyue 十月, no. 3. Beijing.

1975: "Kedexi gongchang de huohua" 克德希工廠的火花 (Sparks in the Cole Hersee factory, story). In Qishi nandai 七十年代, May, June, July, Hong Kong.

In prep: “Taiyang you yici shengqi” 太阳又一次升起 (The sun rises once more)

Professional Activities

Invited Lectures:

(From 2007 after receiving tenure to present day)

2013 “Yinyu Zhonggguo: Nanban nüzhuang, sheying, lanhuazhi yu Mei Lanfang 1930 nian fang Mei” 隱喻中國:男扮女裝、攝影、蘭花指與梅蘭芳1930年訪美(Metaphor for China: Cross-dressing, photography, orchid hand gesture and Mei Lanfang’s 1930 visit to the United States). Department of Chinese, Peking University, Nov. 25. (Talk given in Chinese)

2013 “Jingju gaige de xiandai yishu neihan: cong Mei Lanfang fang Ri, Mei, Su shuoqi” 京劇改革的现代艺术内涵:从梅蘭芳 訪日, 美, 蘇说起 (Tracing the path of Peking Opera transformation and the emergence of Peking opera modernism: Mei Lanfang’s visits to Japan, USA and USSR). Center for the Humanities, Suzhou University, June 11.

2013 “Jingju gaige de xiandai yishu neihan: cong Mei Lanfang fang Ri, Mei, Su shuoqi” 京劇改革的现代艺术内涵:从梅蘭芳 訪日, 美, 蘇说起 (Tracing the path of Peking Opera transformation and the emergence of Peking opera modernism: Mei Lanfang’s visits to Japan, USA and USSR). Department of Chinese, Fudan University, May 31.

2013 “Mingxing wenhua de dansheng: zhengzhi biange, dazhong chuanmei, yu Jingju danjiao zai Minguo chunian de jueqi” 明星文化的誕生:政治變革,大眾傳媒與京劇旦角在民國初年的崛起 (The birth of star culture: Political change, mass media and the rise of the female impersonator in early twentieth century China). Department of Chinese, Fudan University, June 5.

2013 “Cong wan Qing Shanghai funü shenghuo ji shishang kan yule wenhua yu shehui bianqian” 从晚清上海妇女生活及时尚看娱乐文化与社会变迁 (Leisure and social change: Late nineteenth century Shanghai women’s lifestyle and fashion). The Institute of History, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, May 24.

2012 “The Flower of the Stage: Mass Media and the Cult of the Dan Actors as Star in Early Republican China (1910s -1920s).” Department of East Asian Languages and Civilization, Columbia University, April 12.

2012 “Wutai zhi yan: Mingguo chunian dazhong chuanmei yu peng dan wei xing zhi fengshang, 1910-1920 niandai” 舞台之豔:民國初年大眾傳媒與捧旦為星之風尚, 1910 -1920 年代 (The Flower of the stage: Mass media and the cult of the dan actors as star in early Republican China (1910s -1920s).” Shih-Hsin University Shewo Heritage Museum, Taiwan, May 25.

2012 “Jingju de xiandaihua yu Mei Lanfang fang Ri, Mei, Su” 京劇的現代化與梅蘭芳訪日, 美, 蘇 (The modernization of Peking opera and Mei Lanfang’s visits to Japan, the United States and the USSR”). Department of Chinese, Chung-Yang University, Taiwan, May 31.

2012 “Mingxing wenhua de dansheng: guoji zhengzhi, dazhong chuanmei yu Jingju danjiao zai Minghuo chunian de jueqi” 明星文化的誕生:國際政治,大眾傳媒與京劇旦角在民國初年的崛起 (The rise of star culture: International politics, mass media and the ascent of Peking Opera female impersonators in early Republican China). Department of Chinese, Chung-yang University, Taiwan, June 5.

2012 “Yingyu Zhongguo: nanbannuzhuang – sheing, lanhuazhi, yu Mei Lanfang 1930 fang Mei yanchu” 隱喻中國:男扮女裝--攝影,蘭花指,與梅蘭芳1930年訪美演出 China: a man in the guise of an upright female. Photography, the art of the hands, and Mei Lanfang’s 1930 visit to the United States). Department of Chinese, National Cheng-chi University, Taiwan, June 6.

2012 “Peking Opera and the International Avant-garde (1920s-30s).” Project presentation at Boston University, BUCH, Oct. 11.

2011 "Making Love to the Camera: Photography and the Feminization of Peking Opera." Invited talk in the lecture series: Lectures in Criticism, Boston University. March 3.

2010 “Wan Qing Xinzheng gaige, zhengzhi xiaoshuo yu xinshi gonggong kongjian de tuozhan” 晚清新政改革,政治小說與新式公共空間的拓展 (‘Reform of Governance,’ the new public sphere, and the political novel). Institute of Modern History, The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing, June 22.

2010 “Shiji wenti de chuanbo: Zhongguo zhengzhi xiaoshuo 1890-1910 niandai” 世界文学流派的迁移:中国政治小说 1890-1910年代 (Migration of a world literary genre: The Chinese political novel, 1890s – 1910s). Department of Chinese, Suzhou University, July 2.

2010 “Sheying jishu yu Jingju yishu de nüxinghua, 1910-1930 niandai” 攝影技術與京劇藝術的女性化,1910-1930年代“The impact of photography on the transformation and feminization of Peking opera.” Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, Aug. 19.

2010 Keynote Lecture: “Shijie leyuan zhinan: Shanghai yulechang xiaobao yu xiandai Zhongguo dushi yule wenhua de jiangou” 世界樂園指南:上海娛樂場小報與現代中國都市娛樂文化的建構(Guides to a global paradise: Shanghai entertainment park newspapers and the invention of modern Chinese urban leisure.) Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, Aug. 26-27.

2010 “Memory As Source: Popular Culture In Modern China.” Public lecture. Boston, Museum of Fine Arts, Dec. 1.

2009 - "The Stuff Stars are Made of: Politics, Mass Media, and the Rise of Dan Actors in the Republican Era (1910s-1930s).” Yenching Institute, Harvard University, March 1.

- “Yule yu guojia: Shehui bianqian yu Jingju danjiaohua” 娛樂與國家:社會變遷與京劇旦角的明星化 1910-1930年代 (Leisure and the State: Rise of the female impersonator as national stars in the time of social transformation -1910s to 1930s). The Institute for Modern History, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing, Oct. 10, 2009

2008 “The Impact of Photography on the Formation of Chinese Star Culture during the Republican Period (1910s-1930s).” Institute of Chinese Studies, University of Heidelberg, Germany, Dec. 18, 2008.

2007 “The Xinzheng Reform and the Political Novel,” China Humanities Seminar, Department of East Asian Languages and Civilization, Harvard University, Dec. 3.

2007 “Cong xianggong dao mingxing: wan Qing Min chu de yule xiaobao yu shehui bianqian” 從相公到明星:晚清民初的娛樂小報与社會變遷 (Keynote Lecture: “From male flower to national star: The role of the entertainment newspaper in times of social change, 1890s -1920s). Department of Chinese, National Cheng-chi University, Taiwan, Oct. 8.

2007 “Haifai xiaoxian: Yinshua yule yu xiaobao” 海派消閒:印刷娛樂與小報 (Keynote Lecture: “Shanghai leisure: Print entertainment and the xiaobao). Department of Chinese, National Cheng-chi University, Taiwan, Oct. 12.

Papers Presented at International Conferences or Workshops by invitation:

(From 2007 after receiving tenure to present day)

2014 “Peking Opera Modernism and the Denishawn’s Tour of the Far East.” International Conference organized by the DFG-Project ‘Global Theatre Histories’ Theatrescapes. Global Media and Translocal Publics (1850-1950), Ludwig-Maximilian University Munich, 19-21 June

2014 “Dancing Pictures: Mei Lanfang’s ‘The Goddess Spreads Flowers’ and the Inherent Ambiguity of Modernism.” Symposium on Chinese Opera in Late Imperial/Early Republican Visual and Material Culture, a symposium in conjunction with Performing Images: Opera in Chinese Visual Culture, the University of Chicago Smart Museum of Art, April 10-April 12.

2014 “Mei Lanfang’s ‘Fairy Gives Flowers to the Earth’ and the Inherent Ambiguity of Modernism.” Workshop on Experimenting with Apsara 飛天: Mei Lanfang’s New Opera ‘Fairy Gives Flowers to the Earth’ and Peking Opera Modernism, Boston University, March 7.

2014 “Political Reform as National Pastime: Staging Peking Opera’s New Tragic Heroines.” Conference on Leisure and Social Change, Heidelberg, January 10-11.

2012 “Private Mansion as Public Stage: Money and Stardom.” Workshop on Leisure and Money, Boston University, June 16.

2011 “Xiaobao, Yule wenhua yu jindai wenxue qikan shujuku de fazhan” 小報, 娛樂文化與近代文學期刊數據庫的發展 (Tabloids, entertainment culture and the development of databases for modern literary journals). 近代東亞的觀念變遷與認同形塑」國際學術研討會暨「中國認同與現代國家的形成」工作坊(Conference on Conceptual Change and Identity Making in Modern East Asia” together with the Workshop on “Chinese Identity and the Formation of the Modern State). National Cheng-chi University, Taiwan. Nov. 18-20

2011 “The Mass Media and the Rise of the Dan in Early Republican China (1910s -1920s).” Conference on The Culture of Entertainment in China: Past and Present, University of Bristol, School of Sociology, Politics and International Studies, Centre for East Asian Studies, May 19-20.

2011 “The Mass Media and the Cult of the Star Actor in Early Republican China (1910s -1920s).” Conference on Staging the Modern: Theater, Intermediality, and Chinese Drama, Harvard University, May 6-7.

2009 “Creating Mass Entertainment: The Tabloid Newspapers and Rise of the Actor as Star 1898-1930.” Workshop on Republican Era Newspapers, University of California, Berkeley, April 17-18.

2010 “Patterns of Memory: National Trauma and Youth Literature from the Underground Novel The Tidal Wave (Jiuji lang, 1970) to Wang Shuo's Animal Fierce (1991)." Conference on Red Legacy in China, EALC and Fairbank Center, Harvard University, April 2-3.

2010 “Shanghai Entertainment Parks and the Invention of Chinese Urban Leisure, 1910s - 1930s.” Conference on Moderne and Modernity: Visual Narratives of Interwar Shanghai, Center for Chinese Studies, UC Berkeley, March 6-7.

2009 “Guides to a Global Paradise: Shanghai Entertainment Newspapers and the Invention of Chinese Urban Leisure.” Annual Conference Flows of Images and Media, Cluster Asia and Europe, University of Heidelberg, Oct. 7-9.

2009 “Mei Lanfang yu ershi shiji Zhong wai wenhua jiaoliu” 梅兰芳与二十世纪中外文化交流 (Mei Lanfang and twentieth century Chinese-foreign cultural exchange). Symposium to celebrate the founding of the Qinghua Academy of Chinese Learning, Qinghua University, Beijing, Oct. 2.

2008 “The Use of Image-Databases in Research on the Rise of Chinese Star Culture.” Workshop on Common People and the Artist, University of Heidelberg, Germany, Dec. 10-13.

2008 “The Impact of Photography on the Transformation and Feminization of Peking Opera (1910-1930).” Conference on The Chinese Art of Enlivenment: A Symposium. Harvard University, October 24-25.

2007 “Everyday Cyclopaedia: A Blueprint for the New Family in the Age of Republican Reform (1919-1933).” Workshop on Early Modern Chinese Encyclopaedias (1870s-1920s), Academia Sinica, Taipei, Oct. 5-7, 2007.

Papers Presented and Service Rendered at Annual Meetings of Professional Associations (From 2007 after receiving tenure to present)

2011 “Public Play, a ‘Woman's’ Voice, and the Rise of the Tragic Genre in Peking Opera,” paper presented at the annual conference of CHINOPERA, March 31, Honolulu, HI.

2011 Commentator for the panel “Victoria's Secret in China: Translation of Victorian Women in Early Twentieth-Century China,” at the Association for Asian Studies Annual Meeting, March 31-April 3, Honolulu, HI.

2009 Commentator for the panel “Excavating the Ludic Tradition in Modern China,” at the Association of Asian Studies Annual Meeting, March 26-29, Chicago.

2007 Organizer of the panel on “A New Way to Imagine the Order of the World: Chinese Pictorials of the 1920s and 30s,” at the Association of Asian Studies Annual Meeting. Paper presented at the panel: “Recasting Depravity as the Icon of the Modern: The Female Nude in The Young Companion (Liangyou huabao) and The Pei-Yang Pictorial News (Beiyang huabao).” March 23, Boston.

University- and Professionally-Related Service at Boston University

2013: Member of the Search Committee for MLCL Chinese lecturer.

2011-2012: Member of the Search Committee for MLCL Korean Literature position.

2009-2012: Member of the University Appointments, Promotion & Tenure Committee.

2009-2010: Member of the Search Committee for the position in Classical Chinese and Comparative Literature.

2009-2013: Board member of BU Center for the Study of Asia.

2008: Member of the Search Committee for the Director of the Humanities Foundation.

2008: Establishing the new BA degree Chinese major at BU.

2007: Member of the Search Committee for the position of Assistant Professor of Japanese literature.

2007: Member of the team that helped BU International Programs set up the BU Shanghai Fudan program.

2007-2010: Member, President's Council for a Global University

2005- present: Convener (section head) of Chinese

Service in Organizing Campus Events at Boston University:

2012: Organizer of BU Asia Film Week: “Young Asia: The Past and the Future.” A one-week festival involving BU Asia-related student organizations and faculty from MLCL. Film screenings, talks by BU faculty and invited guest speakers; student performances; Asian food

2010: Organizer of first BU Asia Film Week: “Becoming Asia: Asians Talking about Asians.” A one-week festival involving BU Asia-related student organizations and MLCL faculty. Film screenings, talks by BU faculty and invited guest speakers; , student performances; Asian food.

2009: Member of the team of BU faculty and administrators that organized the "Zhang Yimo" film week at BU.

Academic Services outside of BU

2014 - Editorial Board of journal Shanghai shi guoji luncong 上海史国际论丛 (History of Shanghai, International Forum).

2005 – present: Editorial Board of journal Wenxue yanjiu 文學研究 (Studies in Literature), Shanghai daxue.

2005 – present: External reader for the journals Positions, Late Imperial China, Modern China, Journal of Asian Studies, Modern Chinese Literature and Culture, Nannü, and Transcultural Studies.

1999 – present: Editorial Board of journal Shilin 史林 (Historical Studies), Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences.

1990 – present: External reader (books) for Harvard Asia Center, Harvard University. University of Washington Press, Brill, Hong Kong University Press.

Academic interdisciplinary activities

2006 - 2008: Participation in interdisciplinary project to develop a visual history database for the Republican period of China: "The Common People and the Artist." Cooperation with historians, film scholars, art historians, media specialists, database technicians. Project is cooperation between the CNRS (National Center for Scientific Research, France) Unité de Recherche Extrême Orient in Lyon and Paris, and the Institute of Chinese Studies, Heidelberg.

2006 - 2010: Founder and director of the project Database Design for “Chinese Entertainment Newspapers, 1890’s –1930s.” It is now an open source:

Conference and Event Organizing

2014: Workshop on “Experimenting with Apsara 飛天: Mei Lanfang’s New Opera ‘Fairy Gives Flowers to the Earth’ and Peking Opera Modernism.” Boston University, March 7.

2012: Co-organized the workshop on “Leisure and Money” held at Boston University, June 15-16. Funded by Boston University Center for the Humanities.

2010: Co-organized the workshop on “Leisure and the State” held at Boston University, Nov. 5-6, funded by Boston University Center for the Humanities.

2004: Co-organizer of the conference on “New Gender Constructs in Literature, the Visual and the Performing Arts of Modern China and Japan,” at University of Heidelberg, jointly funded by German Research Foundation (DFG), the Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation for International Scholarly Cooperation, and the Japan Foundation.

2001: Co-organizer of the Workshop on “The late Qing and Republican Press,” University of Heidelberg, funded by the Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation.

1998: Co-organizing the conference on “Formation of a Multiethnic Urban Culture: the Shanghai Concessions 1850-1910” at University of Heidelberg, funded by German Research Foundation (DFG).

1995: Co-organizer with Prof. Ch. Henriot of the "Lyon Workshop on Modern Chinese Cities", sponsored by the European Association of Chinese Studies, funded by the Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation. Lecturer at the workshop.


Boston University 2005-2014

-- The Chinese Novel.

-- Old Tales for New Times: Folklore in Modern and Contemporary China

-- Visual Politics: Model Films and Propaganda Art during the Chinese Cultural Revolution

-- Mass Media and Social Change in Modern China

-- Masterpieces of Modern Chinese Literature

-- Introduction to Chinese Literature

-- Works of East Asian Literature

-- Chinese Cinema

-- Masterpieces of Chinese Literature

-- Introduction to Modern and Contemporary Chinese Women Writers (1920s-2005)

-- Third and fourth year Chinese

Institute of Chinese Studies, University of Heidelberg: 1991-2004

-- Graduate Seminar, “The Entertainment Press and the Rise of Mass Culture”.

-- Graduate Seminar, “Popular Fiction in the Republican Period –The North/South Divide: Bao Tianxiao and Zhang Henshui”.

-- Graduate Seminar, “The late Ming short story: Feng Menglong”.

-- Graduate Seminar, The Dream of the Red Chamber.

-- Directing and producing 1962 play "Hua da chao" 花打朝 (in Chinese) with first and second year students.

-- Graduate Seminar: “Chinese film and literature in the 1930s and 40s.”

-- Graduate Seminar: “The Popular Press as a source of information – Republican China,” co-taught with Prof. Xiong Yuezhi, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences.

-- Graduate Seminar: “Model Opera, Model Film: Art and Politics during the Cultural Revolution (1966-1979).”

-- Lecturer at "Lyon workshop on Modern Chinese Cities", sponsored by the European Association of Chinese Studies.

-- Graduate Seminar “The Shanghai Tabloid Newspapers, late nineteenth century to 1949,” co-taught with Zhu Junzhou, Shanghai Library.

-- Graduate Seminar: “Lin Shu's Translation of La Dame aux Camélias."

-- Graduate Seminar: “Shanghai Courtesan Handbooks.”

-- Undergraduate Seminar: “Chinese Popular Literature of the 1920 and 1930s.”

-- Directing play "Sai Jinhua" (1935) (in Chinese) by Xia Yan with students from different levels.

-- Directing play (in Chinese) by Sha Yexin "Yesu Kongzi peitoushi Lienong" (Jesus, Confucius and John Lennon) (1984) with students from different levels.

-- Undergraduate/Graduate Seminar: “The History of Late Qing Literature.”

-- Directing play (in Chinese) "Bi an" (The Other Shore) by Gao Xingjian (1982), with first and second year students. (In fact a world premiere)

Harvard University EALC 1983-1991

-- Undergraduate Course: “History of Modern Chinese Literature.”

-- Third Year Chinese.

-- Teaching Fellow for Chinese 113.

-- Teaching fellow for First Year Chinese.

-- Teaching Fellow for First Year Intensive Chinese.

Supervision of Student degrees

Four students wrote their MA in modern Chinese literature. One Ph.D in Chinese music, as co-supervisor.


Native fluency in Chinese Mandarin and English; adequate reading ability in French, German and Japanese; good command of classical Chinese.



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