
Lab 8 – Backpack weighing you down?

Symbols: [pic], s, [pic], [pic], [pic], [pic]


Research Question 1: How do Cal Poly students compare to the recommend 10-15% of body weight? Do they carry less than 10% of their body weight on average?

Include the screen capture of the Minitab dotplot of the ratios here.

Include the Minitab descriptive statistics for the ratios here. Remember to maintain the courier font.

(a) Write a paragraph describing the behavior of these ratios, remembering all previous lessons on what to talk about.


(b) Carry out a test of significance to decide whether Cal Poly students tend to carry less than 10% of their body weight (all 6 steps).



Research Question 2: Do students who report back problems tend to carry more weight (higher ratios)?

Include the screen capture of the comparative dotplots of the ratios here.

Include the Minitab descriptive statistics for the ratios for each sample here.

(c) Write a paragraph comparing the behavior of the ratios in these 2 groups, remembering all previous lessons on what to talk about.


(d) Carry out a test of significance to decide whether Cal Poly students with back problems tend to carry more weight than those without back problems.



Research Question #3: Is there a difference in the likelihood of male and female Cal Poly students to report back problems?

(e) Include the two-way table here. Gender should be the column variable.

(f) Carry out a test of significance to decide whether Cal Poly males and females differ with respect to how likely they are to report back problems.


Also interpret the 95% confidence interval in context.



Research Question #4: Does the backpack-to-body ratio differ among colleges?

(g) Write the null hypothesis for this research question.


(h) Explain why none of the techniques you have learned so far can be used to test this null hypothesis. (Hint: How does the format of these data differ from what we have done so far?)



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