The Foundation of Deception -- Part II

The Foundation of Deception -- Part II

“I Have Departed”

In Part I of The Foundation of Deception: The Gospel According to Constantine, I took you to the roots of our foundations of deceptions, and back to the early church and the new religion established by Constantine in 325CE called “Christianity”, and the new institution called “The Roman Catholic (universal) Church”. In review: This new man-invented religion, as all religions of man, has a false pagan foundation that goes back to Nimrod’s Babel, and incorporates all sun-god worship as in all cultures under different names for the gods and goddesses, with different traditions, and cultural quirks. Nimrod was the defiant tower builder in Genesis 11. His spirit to build a world political and economic tower topped with a sun-god temple lives on in today’s world leaders in the world system, and the Roman Emperor’s religion, based on a few truths of 1st century believers in the Jewish Messiah, Yahushua, is mixed with much ancient paganism, the worship of the sun god, and pagan ways and thinking of philosophers, as Plato, and beliefs like Gnosticism. Constantine the Great, Emperor of Rome, to unite his fragmented empire, mixed this pot-pourri up and called it the new “universal” religion of Christianity--like it, or be killed. He successfully united his empire by this new religion, which he spread with “the sword”—forced conversions, prison, torture, and death.

This Roman-based religion, though having its walls and rooms rearranged to a degree and some truths restored, continued on in fragmented Protestantism, because the cohesive materials were a little truth about the Savior, but a total change in His truth to get rid of all His Hebrew connections, the Nicene Creed (established in 325CE) and the hatred of Jews as a people who were “Christ killers”. On this false foundation of twisted truth at the best, mixed with demonic-backed beliefs and practices in festivals, days, and structure of worship, the church was invented. Today we are rediscovering our true roots, and we are rejoicing to find what our Messiah-Savior really left us when He ascended into heaven. He is soon to return, and now is setting up that scenario internationally. That’s what these Summits of the world leaders are all about--the Psalm 2 and 83 scenarios.

According to Acts 3:29-21, He is restoring to us what was stolen from us—His identity, His Names, and His original purposes, His loving teachings (Torah) and His plans for His kingdom. To continue on with Him, we must get to know the real One who died for us on a stake, an accursed tree, and who rose for us, and now ever-lives to carry out what He started—the gathering of a people to Himself who would be His Bride. The plan of salvation is one—beginning in Genesis 3, when Elohim (God) Himself killed an animal and covered Adam and Eve in its bloody skin—and ending in His return to set up a kingdom in which His Laws and governmental rule will be enforced.

In this Part II we will carry on with the uncovering of roots, but this time, I want to take you back to the very source of where things went wrong—clear back to Jeroboam, and to Yahuweh’s departure from Israel and from Judah. We will look at the marking of His Bride, and the return of the 1st century believers--a set-apart people unto Yahuweh, the followers of the Way, the Nazarene sect (section) of Judaism, who embrace Yahuweh as their Messiah/Savior and are Torah observant.

Even up until the 13th century CE, this remnant of the followers of Messiah Yahushua, was considered “heretic” by the Roman church. It was persecuted and almost stamped out in the Inquisition, which lasted for over 300 years in Europe—the time of purging by the Roman church to get rid of anyone who didn’t go along with it. Today, this small remnant of those who followed “the Way”, these modern followers of the Nazarene, will be His end-time set-apart ones.

The “great whore church”, “Mystery Babylon”, of Revelation 17, was exposed in Part I of the mini-book, as Jezebel, the Roman Catholic Church, and her fragmented whoring daughters—The Eastern Orthodox Church and the Protestant Church of today. It is this church which murdered millions upon millions of Jews and His true believers in the Messiah of Israel.

The first article/mini-book, had quote after quote and explanation after explanation, so it ended up to be 60 pages. In this Part II, I will go deeper with the Scriptural background of this great whore

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religion. Crosses, for example, ancient fertility symbols, were on the clothes of Amen Rah, the sun god of Egypt. He had a miter with a staff as his garb. The fish hat of the Pope comes from the Philistine worship of Dagon, the fish god, who was worshipped on Friday. The religion of Islam, which was started by the Roman Catholic Church in order to get control of Jerusalem for themselves, also honor the fish god on Friday by making that their day of worship. The history proves out these things. That is why the grandest mosque in Europe is in Rome. Catholicism rules Islam, and now has incorporated all religions under her banner. Yes, we have a one-world religion. The whore rules the kings of the earth as she has since her inception. She has one enemy and only one—the Elohim of Israel and His followers.

I just returned from praying over the Evian G-8 Summit, in Evian, France, (June 1-3, 2003) and the history of that area of Lake Geneva for 1,000 years parallels history today, in commerce and hate of Jews by the Catholic and Protestant churches. Remember that it was Martin Luther’s hate of the Jews that inspired and motivated Adolph Hitler. The murderous whore is alive and well and riding the beast system. All things are quickly coming to an end. The tower of Nimrod is being completed, and he will have his dream for 3 ½ years. Father is gathering all inside the tower for their destruction. All outside the tower will either be killed or marked by Father for their preservation to the coming of Yahushua.

His glory only rests on His people--those in His covenant with Israel--His biological remnant people, who keep covenant with Him, and those who join with them through the blood covenant, and the keeping of His commandments. We have not seen His glory like it was seen during the wilderness journey, or when the Temple of Solomon was dedicated. We have not seen His power like what came down on Mt. Sinai on Exodus 19, and the mountain shook.

The early followers of Yahushua, both believed in His final work on the stake as the Lamb of Elohim, whose resurrection gave them eternal life, and kept His Torah. They never believed that He threw out His eternal word, His eternal commands--His eternal Law—Torah, His loving teachings for our total good in His kingdom. He said that if we loved Him, we must keep His commandments. According to the only Word, the early believers had, which was the Tenak (Genesis to Malachi), He never came to start anything new, but as He said in Jeremiah 31:31-34, He came to renew the blood covenant to Israel in His own blood, and as always, anyone who wanted in on the salvation of Israel, had to come to the Elohim of Israel and Israel’s Messiah. (Ephesians 2:8-19)

Yahushua did not come to start a new religion, or to do away with anything—because Yahuweh did not start a religion. Man starts religions, not Elohim. His is a way of life, a Person to know, not a list of rules to dutifully obey. But, when Yahushua rules on this earth, His Torah, His government, will be enforced “with a rod of iron”. That is why the Roman church murdered millions through the centuries of the true believers, because they called them “heretics” if they would not submit to the religion of Christianity, but kept the commandments of Yahuweh.

The 10 commandments, as Deuteronomy 4:13, lets us know, is the summary of all the commandments. And Shabbat-keeping is the only sign of the covenant that carries with it a death penalty for breaking it. It will be the Law of the kingdom, along with the re-enactment of the 7 Feasts of Yahuweh, His set-apart laws of clean vs. unclean (which includes dietary laws), and the sacrifice of animals. This governmental law will not end at the end of the 1,000-year reign of Messiah, but will continue even when we have a new heaven and a new earth—when Yahuweh has His eternal city down here to hover over the new earth (Isaiah 66:22-23). He doesn’t change—and His Word is eternal. You can’t throw out what is eternal or spiritualize it away, or mysticize it into some New Age fantasy.

I want to go more into detail about His departure from the system of the church, which He tolerated for 1,700 years, but is now no longer tolerating it. He is calling His people out of it totally because it is joining with the whore system’s core spirits and turning into a “golden calf” religion. We have to go back to the 9th of Av on the Hebrew calendar, when He allowed the first two temples to be destroyed

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because their worship had become so pagan. The word “pagan” means the worship of any god other than the Elohim of Israel. It refers to the worship of gods, primarily the male sun god with his mother goddess, and fertility goddesses.

From Grant R. Jeffrey’s book, Armageddon, Appointment with Destiny, c. 1988, page 72-81, we learn about what happened historically to Israel on the day of their calendar, the 9th of the month of Av. Because their calendar is lunar-based, though it uses sun patterns too, causes their months to come between the Roman calendar’s months…Av is either in July or August. In 2002, it was on July 18th. (In 2003, it is August 7th.) Something happened on July 18th that changed the spiritual climate forever and affected you forever, and it is now being more noticeable to most of His remnant people.

From page 72 of Grant’s book: “Throughout Israel’s history, the ninth of Av has witnessed eight of the greatest disasters in their nation’s history. It has become a day when Jews not only mourn their loss, but also look to that great day when their Messiah will finally appear to end their centuries of suffering. This phenomenon of eight major events of the same nature, namely national disasters, all occurring on the same anniversary date is unprecedented in the history of nations. Tisha Be Av, Israel’s fast of mourning on the ninth day of Av has seen more disasters than any other date in history.”

Zechariah 7:5, refers to this day, “when you fasted and mourned in the fifth (Av) and seventh month”. Most of their grief is because on this day, the 9th of Av, both temples—Solomon’s temple and Herod’s temple—were destroyed. But, before the 9th of Av in the days of Solomon’s Temple, Yahuweh’s Ruach (Spirit) who hovered over the ark on the mercy seat, departed from the Temple, because they were worshipping the sun god of the ancients and ignored the Elohim of Israel. This rejection and ignoring of the Elohim of Israel is the Constantine legacy called the church system—the setting up of sun god worship in the place of Yahuweh worship and cutting the people off from their roots in the Torah and the Tenak, by establishing a religion of rebellion against the Elohim of Israel, saying now the church is the new Israel.

The roots of this go back to Jeroboam, first King of separated Israel—the original anti-messiah. We will look at him in detail later on.

By splitting the covenant of Elohim with His people into old and new, separating the Elohim of Israel from the Messiah Yahushua, substituting Yahushua for the gods of Rome, Greece and Persia, by creating an institution with its own creed of loyalty, by creating the doctrine of “ cheap grace as opposed to the Law”, by creating a faith as opposed to keeping the Torah (works), by changing the days of Yahuweh’s worship to the days of the worship of the gods, by creating a new religion that was so different from what Yahushua left us that it was almost unrecognizable, and getting totally rid of our Hebrew roots in the process, Constantine successfully put us on a foundation of deception that has grown and grown into the billion dollar a day money-maker called Christianity. Historic facts!!!

All of the world’s religions are man-made. Yahuweh never started a religion called Judaism—man did that. Yahushua never started a religion called Christianity—man did that. Rav Sha’ul never started a new religion for gentiles—man did that. Read from Acts 19 to 26--until his death Rav Sha’ul, a Jewish Rabbi, called himself a Torah-observant Jew, who believed in the Messiah Yahushua. His Roman name from his Roman birth was Paulo. His name was never changed from Sha’ul to Paulo/Paul. (Acts 13:9) Sha’ul and Yahushua were both Rabbis.

Yahushua, who came in His Father’s Name, never knew the name “Jesus” or the title “Christ”, nor did His disciples ever call Him “Lord”, which is Ba’al in Hebrew, nor was Elohim known as “God” because all of those words, names, titles are names of pagan gods. Yahushua never came to make a new covenant with something called a “church”. (Refer to the roots of the word “church” in Part I.) He

renewed His covenant with Israel in His own blood. It was new in the sense that never before had such a thorough salvation been offered, or a final one, which came to mankind as a whole (all being welcomed into it by faith) obtained by Elohim Himself!!

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“Whosoever calls upon the Name of Yahuweh shall be saved”, it says in Romans 10:13 and in Joel 2:32. (Six thousand eight hundred and twenty three times, the word “Lord” should be translated, for the most part, Yahuweh—that is the name of our Father.) When “Adonai” is used, it means Master. From the Jew’s being in Babylon they had picked a number of pagan superstitions and ideas. One was that if they used His real name, He might strike them dead. So, to this day, both religious Jews and Messianic believers are afraid to use Yahuweh, so they use HaShem (the Name), or Adonai, the use G-d or L-rd. It is not a good idea to use Yahuweh all the time, in familiarity. I use “Father” or “Daddy”. But, it pleases Him for His children to call Him by His right Name out of respect and honor. It is a powerful name in warfare, when used correctly. Zechariah 3:2, Yahuweh uses His own name to rebuke Satan. It is a good idea to follow this pattern when addressing Satan. Satan’s doom is spelled out because “Yahuweh has chosen Jerusalem”.

I really believe that He hid His name for all these 2,500 years, and even the Name Yahushua, because it contains His Name. He hid his real Name because of those who would use it as a curse word and batter it around like they do the names Jesus, and Christ, and the titles God and Lord. I am glad that all the cursing has been given to the names of Greek and Roman gods, rather than to the One, True Elohim of Israel. The Jews use the Greek names to curse the god of Christianity. But, they are not cursing the real One who died for them and rose for them, by using those substitute names. He is Someone they generally don’t know yet, but they will.

Jeremiah 31:31-34 tells us that Yahuweh will make a renewed covenant with the house of Israel. The Apostles were to go only to the “lost sheep of the House of Israel”—that is the tribes in dispersion in the nations. In James 1:1, he addresses his letter to the “12 tribes, scattered abroad”.

The gentiles (nations), as always, in the early days, were introduced to the Elohim of Israel through His Salvation—Yehushua (Yahuweh Saves). Salvation was always by faith in the blood covenant, for all peoples, not just for the 12 tribes of Jacob. From the inception of the sacrifice of the lamb for the death angel to pass over, the non-Israelite people could be brought into covenant with Israel by celebrating Passover with them. Ruth was brought into the covenant by claiming Yahuweh as her Elohim, and she was the great grandmother of King David.

He said in Isaiah 45:22, “Look to me and be saved, all the ends of the earth, for I am Yahuweh, and there is none else.” In Isaiah 43:11 it says, “I, even I, am Yahuweh, and besides Me there is no savior”. That word “savior” is “yeshua” in Hebrew--see James Strong’s Concordance #3444. His grace and mercy, and salvation by faith, began in Genesis 3:21, and carried was forward. There is no such thing as an “age of grace”, beginning with Messiah’s death onward. The age of grace started as soon as Adam and Eve sinned. The blood sacrifices of animals looked forward to Yahushua, and had to be offered in faith for the coming Messiah, who would take away their sin. Habakkuk 2:4: “The just shall live by his faith”.

Constantine’s new religion, appealed to the pagans of the day, who said something like this to the new church members: “welcome aboard friends, you are just like us. You have different names for your gods and their holidays, but we celebrate on the same days”. Christians worshipped the sun god with the pagans on their day—on Sunday, and celebrated the winter solstice on December 25th—the birthday of the sun god, and they celebrated the time of fertility and sex, with the worship of Ishtar, or Astare (Easter)—the day the sun god arose from the dead, after being hidden in the winter months. The order of the service was pagan, and the hierarchy of leadership was pagan, and as man added his traditions the thing became more and more pagan until its whoredom against the Bridal covenant of Yahuweh were immense. This “church” was spread by the sword, as is Islam, because it is political-based, as Islam is. Its foundation is on the Roman government, no matter what the doctrine is, or what form it takes in disguise. It had to kill of all who opposed it, and it still kills those who oppose it. The Roman church made marriage a sin for its leadership, but free sex was OK. It made

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up its own laws, and church law many times violates Yahuweh’s Torah.

This church will take over all religions, and as we saw in Part I, the evangelical, charismatic church has already joined itself by some leaders into the great sea of the Roman Catholic Church. The False Prophet of Revelation 13 is exposed. It is a whore, riding a political beast, even as Queen Jezebel took her power by “riding” on the back of her husband, Ahab.

Page 73 of Armageddon, Grant Jeffrey lists the 8 events that happened on the 9th of Av, for which Israel mourns.

1) The Twelve spies return with their report—Israel loses faith and is condemned to wander in the wilderness 40 years and die. 2) The destruction of Solomon’s Temple by the Babylonians in 587BCE. 3) The destruction of the Second Temple by the Romans in 70CE. 4) The Roman Army plowed Jerusalem with salt in 71CE. 5) The destruction of Simon bar Kochba’s Army in 135CE. 6) England expelled all the Jews in 1290CE. 7) Spain expelled all the Jews in 1492CE. 8) World War I is declared on the 9th of Av--1914 Russia mobilized for WWI and launched persecutions against the Jews in Eastern Russia.”

On page 81, Grant says: “The odds that all eight events would occur by chance alone on the 9 of Av, rather than by God’s design, is equal to one chance in 863,078, 009, 300, 000, 000 or 1 chance in 863 zillion.

Now, another event regarding His people began on the 9th of Av, July 18th, 2002. The reason why this is not a televised event is because something was set off in the spirit-world that will manifest in the natural world, regarding those who call themselves His people, but have disqualified themselves, because they refuse to submit to His authority.

Symbolically, Saul was rejected by Yahuweh and judged on this day--the man-appointed King of Israel-- and we entered into a time of turbulence and trouble that will only culminate when David takes the throne as King.

“The time of Saul has ended, and I have arisen to judge the third temple, until the time that I reign as King”. That was His word to me on that morning of July 18th, the 9th of Av. It was an overpowering visitation, that held me in His grip for hours as His hand was heavy on me!! He is arising and before He comes the world will go through a purging like it has never seen before. There is a purging and purification of the just for reward, and a judgment on the unjust for damnation.

He must judge and purge His “third temple”--the Body of Messiah, and cut out of it all cancers and disease, and purify the Body so that a pure remnant remains true to Him. He rejected Saul (man’s ways), and now the time of purging has come in which He allows persecution, trials, and anti-messiah to purge His people, until the time that He, the Son of David, comes and takes the throne of David in Jerusalem. He has had grace on Constantine’s Saul-system for 1900 years now, but that tolerance is over, and He is returning us to what He left us at His ascension, followers of the Elohim of Israel and Yahushua, the final, spotless “Lamb of Elohim, who takes away the sin of the world”.

The great transition announcement regarding the plan of salvation was in those words spoken by John the Immerser, in introducing Yahushua to the nation at His baptism: “Behold the Lamb of Elohim, Who takes away the sin of the world”.

The Lamb was slain at exactly the time that Lamb’s are slain for sin on the Feast of Pesach (Passover), “between the evenings” in the Temple, on the 14th of Nissan, according to Exodus 12. He fulfilled the first 4 Feasts of Yahuweh perfectly, but we still have 3 to go for Him to fulfill. (Leviticus 23) The Torah talks about the second coming, and is the Law of His Kingdom’s government forever, —so is it obsolete? To even think so is arrogantly ludicrous!!!!

In I Samuel 15, Saul is rejected because of rebellion and sin against the Word of Yahuweh. He is rejected as King, and becomes demon possessed. Almost immediately, Yahuweh sends Samuel the Prophet to Jesse’s house, where he anoints the teenager David as the next King of Israel. David makes a name for himself by killing Goliath, but Saul is tormented by this Ruach-filled youth, and seeks to destroy him. The time of turbulence is immense for those who stood with David, believing

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that indeed he would one day be King. Those who stood with him were called his “mighty men”.

They were a rag-tag bunch of guys from different backgrounds and cultures, but they had one thing in common—a passion to see David on the throne. They risked their lives for him over and over. But, when he did reign, they were rewarded. Today, man’s ways are being judged and will end in destruction. But, those “mighty men” will arise and “do exploits” in these days, taking risks for Him, “overcoming by the blood of the Lamb, the word of their testimony, and loving not their lives even to death”.

This is the marked Bridal remnant. She will be shaken and tossed to and fro, worn out, and attacked by demons and their henchmen in flesh, but she will endure to the end and be delivered, because her one love is to be in His presence forever (Revelation 22:3-5 is her goal). This Bride has a martyred remnant that, like Stephen, won’t deny Him under any circumstance, but submit to prison, torture and death for His sake. This Bride has an “alive and remain” remnant, who, will see the return of Yahuweh; and, because they have to live through this horrendous time on the earth, they are marked visible and cannot be killed.

What Yahushua did was to take the performance of the Torah, the adherence to the “letter” of Torah, into a new realm--the enjoying the Torah from a personal relationship with Him--from the heart by the Ruach. The fruit of the re-born spirit is the spirit of Torah—Galatians 5:22-24. What Yahushua did was take the Torah out of the realm of duty and performance, and put it into a heart-relationship, so that His Bride could keep His loving teachings with great joy because she knows it pleases her beloved Bridegroom.

John the Apostle is a “type and shadow” of the Bridal mind-set. He said: “His laws are not grievous”. Doing His commandments are only blessing ourselves, because it separates us unto Him. The whole Torah is about “clean” and “unclean”—about what is separated unto Him and what is not. It is the Torah of Yahuweh, not the Torah of the Jews.

The Jewish religion, which Yahushua condemned, based and still base their practice on the Talmud and Rabbinical traditions of men which overshadowed the loving teachings of Yahuweh in the Torah. They made it a burdensome religion, an intellectual religion of laws—not the loving teachings of Father.

I will give you now a really great quote from an article by Rabbi Mark Ensign, JD, CPA, Attorney and Councilor at Law, of Texas, in his article “The Torah is not the Law”. He shows how the loving teachings of our Father in the Word, are not at all like the legal law that the scribes and lawyers turned it into. The religion of Judaism is a mixture of Torah, Talmud, Oral Tradition, intellectual writings of the Rabbis, and discussions of laws. Our Father gave us his absolutes, his perimeters by which we are judged if we step out of the perimeters—cause and effect. Mark says, “It is difficult for the average Christian to project themselves back some two thousand years in history into a cultural condition and mentality totally foreign to that of the Western world today. That is exactly, however, what we must do to gain proper perspective on the Torah. The context is Jewish (Hebrew). The language is Hebrew. Y’shua and Rav Sha’ul were both Jewish, spoke Hebrew, and their perspective on Torah is deeply rooted in the Hebrew thought of their day which recognized two Torahs, the written and the oral. The Hebrew mind was realistic but simple. Theirs was a God not thought out. They took Him for what He said He was and neither tried to explain or understand. That much was a mystery but it posed no problems. Questions could remain unanswered, things unknown. They only needed to know one thing: God is and He is one--great, wonderful, powerful, all-encompassing, and producing wonder and awe. The Greek mind had to reason everything out. The Greek mind was idealistic. They saw the world as it was, then tried to fashion it into what they thought it ought to be. Western theology is derived from the Greek mind, and the Hebrew mind has effectively been eliminated from our thought processes. To understand Torah we must return to the Hebrew mind and Hebrew thought”.

To quote Mark again, he says: “After the formation of the `church’--not at Sha’vu’ot (Pentecost) but

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years later--it was organized under the churchmen (the church fathers, scholars, teachers, and leaders) who, over the first few centuries after the life of Y’shua, rejected the Hebraic heritage of their faith. Some became quite anti-Semitic. The churchmen demanded orthodoxy from all who would follow in their footsteps as churchmen. Orthodoxy meant what these churchmen said was right and not necessarily what was the truth. Orthodoxy was thus perpetuated in the teaching cycle, from scholar/teachers to students who grew up to become scholar/teachers who taught the next generation their orthodoxy rather than the truth.” And in another place in the article he says: “Christianity’s view of `the law’ has been influenced by the struggle to define its own identity apart from its Hebraic roots. That struggle was fought with powerful figures like Marcion (130CE), who denied the validity of the Hebrew Bible for Christian faith and practice. He loved Rav Sha’ul, according to his own special interpretation of him, but Marcion hated the Bible. Even though the church called Marcion a heretic, his view of `the law’ was largely accepted without consideration of the Jewish understanding of the Torah. In contrast to Marcion, both Y’shua and Rav Sha’ul highly valued the Torah…”. Do you see that Marcion lived long before Constantine’s church was invented? The seeds of paganism which mixed with the truth of Yahushua and our Hebrew roots began to produce fruit as early as the end of the 1st century, when bishops worshipped with pagans on Sunday, to get them interested in following Yahushua. I’m sure that long before the Messianic letters and books were incorporated into the canon called a “new testament”, these tares among the wheat, substituted our Savior’s Name and titles to appease the Greeks. Rav Sha’ul and John were grieved at the Greek philosophy and heresies that had come into the new assemblies even around 60CE, because of the Hellenizing (assimilating into the Greek culture) of the gospel.

Mark says: “Martin Luther also had a negative impact on Christian theologies by misunderstanding Rav Sha’ul and developing the theology of justification by faith. According to Luther, faith negated Torah. Torah was bad, imperfect and transient. Judaism, as a religious system, was bad and all Jews would burn in hell unless they accepted Y’shua as their personal savior. Luther was as rabid an anti-Semitic as was Marcion and his anti-Semitism is clearly reflected in his theology.” Yes, we are justified by faith, but sanctified by keeping Torah. And, yes, Yahushua is the only way to salvation, being Elohim’s final sacrifice for sin. But, to make these truths exclusive to a man-made church system, and making it so that to embrace these truths you have to come into the man made system is totally in error. The “one new man” of Ephesians 2:15, is NOT Jew and Gentile in the church—that is false teaching. Once a person is born again, they are no more a gentile—but of the “household of Israel”. I think Mark’s statements clear up a lot.

Let us to look at this marked remnant. I can’t really cover the whole gamut of this teaching because it is extensive. But, I am going to hit the highlights so that you can diligently take it from here under the guidance of the Ruach.

The first “mark” was put on Cain, who killed Abel out of jealousy. Cain brought Yahuweh an unacceptable offering of his own invention. Most people bring such offerings to Elohim, thinking they should be rewarded for their efforts. He brought the work of his hands—veggies—knowing full well that Yahuweh expected blood sacrifice. Evidently he was the first New Age believer, Buddhist or Hindu who didn’t believe in killing animals. This religion progressed to this day, and is a part of the mystic theology of demonized gurus and their followers. But, because Abel obeyed, and brought a blood sacrifice, because he learned it was Yahuweh’s payment for sin, and Yahuweh was pleased, Cain was angered and killed him. The religious systems of this world want to kill those who have their personal Lamb sacrifice. So the first murder was over religious jealousy, one rebellious and freethinking and one obedient to Yahuweh.

The days of His tolerance of man’s traditions and man’s ways is over!!!! Only Abel is accepted. And, for some reason of His own, Yahushua will reinstate the animal sacrifices in the kingdom. We don’t have to have all the answers—we just have to know Him, and simply trust His decisions.

In Leviticus 10:1-3, Aaron’s two sons are excited because Yahuweh Himself is showing up to burn the

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sacrifice on the altar. So these two guys go and get their incense from the altar of incense in the Set-Apart Place (Holy Place) and bring it out and wave it in Yahuweh’s face. Well, it was not what Yahuweh told them to do. They were not to bring what was set-apart unto Him into the presence of the “outer court” and usurp the revelation of Himself to His people. So, these flashy ministers treated Yahuweh as common, and tried to show out their own importance. Of course, Yahuweh wasn’t to be usurped in His glory, so He just burned them to a crisp. Moses told his brother, Aaron, not to cry or mourn, because they deserved it.

Remember Uzza? That guy was a nice man—helpful, thoughtful and sincere. King David was bringing back the Ark of the Covenant to Tsiyon (Zion—pronounced tz-ee-own), on a Philistine cart—totally in disobedience to Yahuweh’s commands. The Ark started to fall off the cart, and Uzza steadied it to protect it. But, he was immediately killed when he touched it. Our El, the consuming fire, is electric. David got mad at God over that. We must find out how He thinks, and why He does things, and how we can please Him and not put ourselves into a situation where we get zapped for doing what we think is OK. We can’t be like Cain and presume that we’re OK if we rebel against His Torah. Because in the kingdom to come if we are not Torah-observant, we are in big trouble with the King, and He surely won’t let us rule and reign with Him. We can’t presume that some man-made up view of a cheap grace can get us through the coming days of His wrath. Did you know that the dispensational, fundamental Evangelical doctrine of the cross, grace and salvation, was formalized from “St” Anselm’s theology—a philosopher and theologian--bishop of the Roman Catholic Church? (Anselm--1033-1109) Not all he said was wrong, but the mixture of pagan and truth still remained.

We have been fed a lie of cheap grace, that I John 1:9 is all we need, and we can live most any way we want and He’ll forgive us and bless us with what we want—money, power, fame, the good life, popularity, friends, control, and a reward of being “top dog” in the kingdom. Don’t be fooled!!

Don’t quote Deuteronomy 28:2-14, unless you are obedient of verse 1. Unfortunately, top dog or underdog, if you are a “dog”, then according to Yahuweh, you’re outside the eternal city forever. The “dogs” in Scripture are those who come to Yahushua for help and deliverance and all kinds of goodies, but won’t embrace the covenant with Israel. They return to their vomit, because that is their nature. We are taught that we can sin, get forgiveness and go right back to the same sin. That is returning to our vomit. The Word commands us to “REPENT!”—TURN AWAY FROM OUR WICKED WAYS AND DO NOT RETURN TO OUR VOMIT. Revelation 22:14-15: “Blessed are those doing His commands, so that the authority shall be theirs unto the tree of life, and to enter through the gates into the city, but outside are dogs.”

Earlier in the text--Revelation 21:23-22:5--we find out that there are 3 eternal positions-- 1) on the new earth, for the “saved”, 2) the Kings of the earth who represent the saved of the earth, and 3) those who are marked with His mark in their forehead--His bond-slaves--who live in His presence and see His face forever. As all of His marks, Cain was marked for his protection--grace from Yahuweh. Grace is His graciousness. He first displayed it by killing the animal to clothe Adam and Eve. Otherwise, if He were not merciful, kind, long-suffering, gracious and loving, He would have killed them for their blatant sin. This “age of grace” deception in “dispensational theology” is man’s invention.

The letter in Hebrew for “mark” on Cain, is in the Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, by James Strong, as #226, and means: “appearing, signal, flag, banner, omen, evidence, visible sign”. So, it is a visible sign to man in general, and to demons. His marks are always visible to demons, and men controlled by demons.

In Deuteronomy 6:6-9: “And these Words which I command you today shall be in your heart, and you shall impress them upon your children and shall speak of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise up and shall bind them as a sign on our hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes, and you shall write them on the doorposts of your house, and on your gates.” He wants to have signs that set us apart. We can spiritualize

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these outward signs, but the average guy on the street is not going to know that you are any different than the world, if you don’t observe these outward signs. That doesn’t mean you have to get weird looking, or strange. But, the keeping of Shabbat is His #1 sign. And the fact that your neighbor doesn’t see you out mowing your lawn on Shabbat, but sees you out on Sunday mowing your lawn while he’s on his way to church, could open up a discussion, especially if you let him know that Sunday is the first day of the week—time to get on with work.

For men, circumcision is a sign. Not eating unclean foods is a sign (Leviticus 11). By rejecting the pig on the platter at the family barbeque, could also open up a discussion.

But outwardly on your house and on your body, He told them to display signs of their commitment to Him, the Elohim of Israel. Having a mazusa is a good idea at the entrance of your house, and at the entrances of your rooms.

Who else in the world puts little boxes on their foreheads with the 10 commandments in them, and puts straps on their arms, wears fringes under their clothes (Numbers 15:37-40) and hangs little boxes (mazusas) on their entryways with His commandments in them, and has kept His governmental Laws and right-rulings and teachings for 4,000 years? Who is marked by His commanded markings? Of course, only the Torah-observant believers in the Elohim of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and those believers in Yahushua Messiah who also observe the right-rulings of Torah.

Yahuweh made set-apart signs to identify His people from all the other peoples of the earth, and to remind His people to serve and obey Him only.

Numbers 15:37-40: “And Yahuweh spoke to Moses saying `Speak to the children of Israel, and you shall say to them to make tziziyot on the corners of their garments throughout their generations, and to put a blue cord in the tzitzit of the corners. And it shall be to you for a tzitzit, and you shall see it, and shall remember the commands of Yahuweh and shall do them and not search after your own heart and your own eyes, after which you went whoring, so that you remember, and shall do all my commands, and be set-apart unto your Elohim.” These tzitzit were fringes that hung over an undergarment. “Tzitziyot” is the plural of tzitzit. Today, the Torah-observant men wear them. Did Yahushua think this was important? Well first of all He is the eternal Word of Elohim who spoke those things to Moses in the first place. So the tzitsit is His invention, just like these other outer sign inventions—not Jewish inventions—Yahuweh/Yahushua inventions. In Malachi 4 it says: “the sun of righteousness will arise with healing in His wings”. The talit (prayer shawl) had the tzitzit at the bottom and was worn by Rabbis (Teachers of Torah). And Yahushua was a Rabbi.

He didn’t command the kipot—that hat has pagan roots—the Pope wears one. He didn’t command the religious garb of the orthodox and Chasidic Jews. He didn’t command us to light candles on Friday night to welcome in the Shabbat. He didn’t command a lot of traditions that we know as Judaism. It is best just to keep the simplicity of the Torah from your heart!!! Don’t get flaky---Elohim is not flaky, man is. No, being a tee-tottler is not a sign of your faith either, but is a sign that you follow the Puritan group of American’s colonial history. Yahushua drank wine—fermented wine. Rav Sha’ul talks about moderation in all things. Every culture has its religious do’s and don’ts of religiosity, which produces self-righteousness. If we just stick to Torah, we won’t be self-righteous--we’ll just be free.

The prophecy in Malachi, regarding the healing in His “wings”, was known to refer to the Messiah. Now look at this familiar passage and get a Hebraic understanding of it: Matthew 9:20-21 and following. The little lady with “the issue of blood” kept saying, “If I could touch the hem of His garment, I will be healed”. She knew the prophecy of Malachi. She believed He was the Messiah, and so she sought to touch Yahushua’s tzizit, and when she did, she was instantly healed. He said power flowed out from Him, though she hid in the crowd. Power flowed from the tzitzit because Yahushua was obedient to wear it in obedience to His own Word. Think about that. When we obey

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His Word, He promises to heal us and keep us well. He was Torah-observant, and His only rebuke was for those political puppets of Rome who used their religious authority to carry out man’s traditions and at the same time keep the people under Rome’s subjection.

And, I might add, in the Hebrew language, the Jews have kept the text of the Tenak (Torah, Prophets and Writings) as it was originally written, without alterations and additions to match the translator’s personal doctrines. But, the “New Testament”, or Messianic Scriptures, the Brit Chadasha, after being translated out of Hebrew into Greek and then into Latin, and then into other languages, was altered in every single translation that they were written in to match the Church’s doctrines. Even today every translation is different, and some versions, which are translated “thought for thought”, like the NIV, actually alter the text in certain places to where it doesn’t mean the same as in the word-for-word translations. Be cautious, and be wise!!

He is an Elohim who marks His own. To separate us out the original sun god worship from Nimrod’s time, carried throughout the ages in different cultures with different names, He insisted that His people worship Him on Shabbat, not on the same day that the sun god worshippers worshipped. He says: “Be you set-part as I am set-apart”, and He gave us the specifics as to how to do that. (Leviticus 11:44 and I Peter 1:16) Understanding what Yahushua said must come from His Jewish cultural heritage, not our western thinking. When He said to “enter your closet”, He meant to put the talit over your head, the prayer shawl--not to go into some little room in your house. I have been all over the world, and so far, only in America are houses built with closets that you can walk into to put your things. In Yahushua’s day they certainly did not have walk-in closets in their homes.

The Messianic books and letters were written in Hebrew, by Hebrews who would never insert anything pagan into their writings--especially not call their Messiah by the name of a Greek god. Up until the 13th century, the followers of the Way had a copy of Matthew in Hebrew. It has survived to this day.

Another type of marking: Deuteronomy 15:16-17 talks about the release, every 7 years, of not only those who owed you money, or who were sold under contract to you to labor for you 6 years, but if that person, man or woman, had children during those 6 years and wanted to stay with your family, because they were so blessed by you, then these are the instructions: “And it shall be when he says to you `I do not go away from you’ because he loves you and your house, because it is good for him with you, then you shall take an awl and thrust it through his ear to the door, and he shall be your servant forever. Do the same to your female servant”. This ice-pick, ear-piercing ceremony was to mark those who, of their own free will, decide to submit to being a servant the rest of their lives out of love. Psalm 40:6-8 is a statement by the pre-incarnate Messiah: “You have opened my ear”--“I delight to do Your will”. The word for “opened” is “pierced”. We have that privilege of asking Yahuweh to piece our ear spiritually to the “DOOR” for Yahushua says in John 10, “I am the door”. By this spiritual marking, we are declaring that we are His bond-slaves by choice forever.

The Bride is marked, for she is a bond-slave. Revelation 22:3-4: “His bond-slaves shall serve Him, and they shall see His face, and His Name shall be upon their foreheads”. What was on the forehead of the Torah observant Israelite? It was the little box with the commandments written on parchment and placed in the box. We must submit to His piercing. Yahushua was pierced in His hands and feet, too, but the reason He submitted to it was because long before He took flesh “He was slain before the foundation of the world”, and His ear was pierced in obedience to His Father’s every command. He said, I only do what My Father says to do, and I only say what My Father says to say (John 5). He was “obedient even unto death”.

We must learn absolute obedience, not partial obedience. We must have a healthy fear not to displease our Father. We are in training for reigning, and He can’t use lazy, disobedient servants in His kingdom who have “good ideas” from our human reasoning, but are not absolutely obedient to Him. He cannot allow any mixtures. To be “lukewarm” is a mixture of hot and cold. (Revelation 3:15)

We have to make a decision to be His bond-slaves or else when He asks us to do something that will

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crucify our flesh and be painful, we won’t turn away in disgust. The reason for the piercing is love. The only people who want to be bond-slaves are already so intoxicated with His love that they submit without any problem. We are “bought with a price”—only bond-slaves are bought.

In Romans 1:1, Paul begins his letter with: “Paul, a bond-slave of Yahushua ha Machiach (Messiah), called to be an Apostle”. His highest rank was bond-slave--His assignment in the Kingdom was Apostle. This has to be the attitude of all of His ministers!

In John 10, Yahushua says that the “hired servant” runs away when danger comes. The bond-slave lives in the Master’s house, and is close to the Master as a friend. The hired servant doesn’t care about anybody--he just does his job, collects his money and goes home to his family at night. But, the bond-slave lives with the Master until he dies. So, the bond-slaves of Revelation 22:3-4 are Brides in heart--and they end up with the Master, in His presence forever, being blessed.

The bond-slave is NOT the average Christian who prayed a sinner’s prayer and lives a moralistic life looking to get out hell when he dies. The bond-slave is not your average church-goer. This is someone with a Bride’s heart. A Bride’s heart is totally exclusive when it comes to her Bridegroom. Where our heart is, is where our treasure is, and where we’ll end up in eternity. We can’t be blasé regarding Him in this life, and expect to have some great reward in His kingdom. The kingdom rule is for the ones who overcome and prove themselves worthy of Him. Must we prove ourselves to Him? Yes!--That’s what the Word says.

I am going to jump over the marking of Ezekiel 9:1-11 and come back to it, because it is the only escape from His wrath on the sun god worshippers of chapter 8.

Let’s look at the marking of His remnant in Revelation 3:5; 7:3; 9:4; and again in 22:3-4.

Revelation 3:10-12—gives us the letter of Yahushua to the ecclesia, the called out ones, the assembly of the born-again ones in Asia Minor, in the town of Philadelphia. Philadelphia is definitely talking prophetically about the end-time Bridal remnant that will be alive and remain until His coming--protected by Him alone, like Daniel in the lion’s den, or the 3 Hebrew boys in the fiery furnace.

The assembly in Smyrna (now Izmir, Turkey) is a picture prophetically of the martyred remnant of these days. Both are Bridal in heart, but to the Philadelphian assembly, He lets them know that this mark protects them from destruction by the anti-messiah in the days of great slaughter. Look at the wording--it is talking about those alive at the time that Yahushua warned us about as being the most horrendous time in history. (Matthew 24:22) Yahushua speaking: “Because you have guarded MY WORD of endurance, I also shall guard you from the hour of trial which shall come upon all the world, to try those who dwell on the earth. See, I am coming speedily! Hold what you have that no one take your crown. He who overcomes, I shall make him a supporting post in the Dwelling Place of My Elohim and he shall by no means go out. And I shall write on him the Name of My Elohim and the name of the city of My Elohim, the renewed Jerusalem, which comes down out of the heaven from My Elohim, and My renewed Name.” This group does not go out of the Temple of Yahuweh eternally. They stay before His throne. The Bride stays beside her Husband, Yahushua sitting beside Yahuweh. The Name of Yahuweh is written on her forehead, and the Name of her Bridegroom Yahushua.

Look at Revelation 7:3 and 9:4—this is the same group. Four messengers of Satan are holding back four forces which when released go forth to damage the earth and its inhabitants. That time is now. But the warning to these dark angels, this Quartet, is not to harm anything until “we have sealed the servants of our Elohim upon their foreheads”. The number sealed is 144,000, twelve thousand from each of the tribes of Israel, minus Dan. Manasseh takes Dan’s place. Ephraim is strangely missing, who has the birthright—son of Joseph, who heads the house of Israel. But, Manasseh actually has the largest land inheritance of all the tribes, and he was the son of Joseph also. The house of Joseph stands for Ephraim and Manasseh also, as well as the other 9 tribes of the northern kingdom of Israel. (Israel actually is comprised of the 10 tribes plus the two tribes of the sons of Joseph.)

Dan has an eternal inheritance because Yahuweh keeps His Word. (Ezekiel 48) And, the 12

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entrances into the heavenly Jerusalem, which comes out of heaven to hover over the new earth, are each named for a tribe—and Dan is one of these. But, that is also the grace of our Father in being true to Himself. But, here in this list, Dan is missing, because Dan totally rejected Yahuweh at one point and started His own religion. Interesting…so did Constantine when he started Christianity. (See prophecies to Dan in Genesis 49:16-17 and Deuteronomy 33:22) But Dan also rules, and you can’t have someone rule who has not submitted themselves first to His Torah. Some people believe anti-messiah will come from the tribe of Dan.

This 144,000 group keeps the Torah, but also believes in Yahushua the Messiah. They are not world evangelists, as the old time prophecy teachers touted. In the last days, it is a call to Yahuweh, to Torah, for salvation, for Torah and the Ruach Yahuweh reveal Yahushua. But, these 144,000 do have a strategic position in the last 3 ½ years during anti-messiah’s tyrannical rule. Because of their purity of heart, they are His bond-slaves who hear only His voice—they are “virgin” and not contaminated with the whore system of the church, which deteriorates into a “one world religion” by this time. Paul calls the true believers “virgins”—(II Corinthians 11:2). If the False Prophet is indeed the last pope of the Roman Church, then the world’s religions will all come under that banner, and the Greek god Iesous will be the name that rallies all together. Look at Part I and see the roots of the pagan name of Iesous, translated into English as Jesus. Remember that in English the “J” sound is only about 400 years old. The end-time outpouring of the Ruach will be upon all the tribes of united Israel (14) so that they will know their Messiah and turn to Him for salvation. That is the Scriptural end-time “harvest”--not the evangelical and charismatic church’s speculation. The traditional “gospel” of the organized church even at its best, is not complete, and does not lead a person into Israel’s covenant and to Israel’s Elohim. The reason why Jews reject this westernized gospel, for the most part is, because it became an exclusive gentile club with pagan beliefs that were against the Torah. The church became an enemy to Torah-observant Jews, and for the most part, still is. To reach Jews, you must work within the framework of their Scriptures. The early church only worked within the framework of the Scriptures—Tenak. Thousands of Jews became believers in those early days. What will make Jews jealous are believers in Messiah Yahushua who keeps the Torah better than they do, and who love it more than they do!!! What will make Jews jealous are the believers in Yahushua who know Him and know His Word, and love them unconditionally.

This group of 144,000 is the first to descend with Messiah onto Mt. Tsiyon to rule and reign with Him, joined by the martyrs and Bridal remnant of all ages. Their purity will bring them the power necessary to do whatever He asks them to do. These compose His last-day Bride, and nothing can hurt them because they have His mark.

This “mark” is #8420 in the Exhaustive Concordance by James Strong (KJV), and means: “a mark, signature, scratch or imprint”. It will be visible perhaps to everyone, not just to demons. But, now, it is not visible on the foreheads of those He has marked.

I have done quite a study on the 4 winds, the 4 messengers, and Daniel’s 4 horns (the “Quartet” that arises after democracies’ victory over Iraq—Daniel 8), and the 4 carpenters or masons of Zechariah 1. From these four horns, one arises--anti-messiah. If it is so that these 4s are all the same group of people, the “Quartet” as Colin Powell named them—the U.N., the E.U., the U.S. and Russia--empowered by the Lucifer and his angels, then the marking of the 144,000 Bridal remnant is all ready past, or almost past. Do your own study on this—He is revealing to His listening ones each person’s destiny in these last days. Some are telling me that they know they will be martyred, and some are saying they know they will be alive and remain—not because of some escapist doctrine from man’s fears, but because they have really heard from Father. (Did you know that an escapist mentality is from Satan, and is very offensive to Yahushua? The escapist wants to save his own life, or the life of one that he is counting on for personal security. See Matthew 16:21-25).

In the passages on the marking in Revelation 7 and 9, the servants must be marked before He gives the go-ahead for Satan’s kingdom to do their best, while He pulls the strings and orchestrates their

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plans, keeping them as His puppets. He is now gathering the nations into Nimrod’s tower of Babel (confusion) for their ultimate destruction. That is what He was allowing at the Evian, France G-8 Summit June 1-3, 2003, and is now allowing in this “road map” initiative. They are trying to push “peace and security” on the Middle East, but the problem is in the heart of man and no legislation can change that—only love for Yahushua can change the heart.

The purpose of the 3 ½-year tribulation period is to weed out “tares”, and shake out the chaff from the true wheat (Matthew 13). There is no 7-year tribulation—but the Scriptures talk about a 3 ½-year tribulation several times. When He’s through using Satan to purge His people, then He’ll have a true remnant that He can work with and count on to be totally faithful to Him alone. We can’t approach Father is we don’t keep the Torah of our loving Abba.

Yahushua made reference to that, over and over, in John 13-15. The Father’s love is passive, and He loves everyone who is born on the earth, for they bare His image and likeness and are eternal. He wishes that all would be saved. But, the Word is very clear that the Book of Life was written according to His foreknowledge, before the foundation of the world. And when He ordered Joshua to kill every man, woman and child, in taking the Land He had promised to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, He knew that not one of those people would ever receive Him, but would contaminate His people with their demonic worship or their demonic gods. He said to kill even the cattle and other animals, because they were containers of demonic spirits. And, because Israel compromised and disobeyed, today in 2003CE, the same people groups are tormenting Israel and being used to bring Israel to a place of humility.

Yes, Yahushua died for all people. But, He knows who belongs to Him and who doesn’t. In our presentation of His gospel, let us not fail to let people know that if they want salvation, according to Ephesians 2, they come in faith to the blood of Yahushua, and into the covenants and promises of Israel—His one covenant people. There is no salvation outside of Yahuweh, Elohim of Israel. Let us not continue to present a pagan gospel for pagans to easily believe. It is very self-inflating to say, “100 people were saved in my tent meeting”. But, He did not call us to get people “saved” by having them raise their hands or pray a prayer—He called us to make disciples who would obey His commandments (Matthew 28:18-20), and forsake all to follow Him, even to death.

You can’t make up a Greek god and put the sun’s characteristics on him and call him your savior--that is if you want to be truthful. The sun god “dies” and “rises” again each year--in the shortening of the days of winter, and the resurrection in the lengthening of the days of spring. The whole cycle is sex-oriented, and demonic to the core. Paganism is anything that denies and rejects and does not acknowledge the Elohim of Israel. The pagans had faith in the sun god’s death and resurrection for their eternal life--for their right to go to heaven. They had faith in the Queen of heaven for their prayers to be answered. All religions have an afterlife of bliss. The Hebrew’s Savior is quite different—and we need to make sure that people know about this difference.

Our Elohim calls us to get out of that religious system and get out fast, because as of the 9th of Av, July 18th, 2002, He has risen to judge, to separate, to purge, to test, and to destroy anything that is not of Him. He deals with individuals—Praise Him for that!! His wrath is on the institution—the Great Whore---BUT He commands His people to get out of it, because when His wrath comes, they will be caught in His “plagues”. Revelation 18:4! Things are in place now and moving incredibly fast. We can’t afford to keep playing games with our eternity.

Since July 18th, I’ve noticed polarizing of people more than before. The polarizing started around 1998. I noticed that when I’d go back to Africa, to the same churches, that the people would be colder and less receptive to teaching and had not implemented His truth in their lives given to them the year before. I noticed an attitude of arrogance and pride, because the American white man had taught them the way of escape in the rapture and the way of fame, money and fortune in the “prosperity message”. My message of preparing for judgment just didn’t fly anymore. I had taught them the way of preparation and hardship to follow Him perfectly. But, they were more interested in

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their pastor going to America so that he’d bring back keyboards, sound equipment, books, videos, TVs and all kinds of things to make their church services more exciting. It has broken my heart, because now they want white man’s ways, and before they wanted Him.

But, on this last 9th of Av, true to what happened 8 times before in Israel’s history, His people will be judged by terrible calamity because they choose the “golden calf” for the pure worship of Yahuweh.

In Exodus 32:1-5, Moses is too long on the mountain and the people are freaking out. So, Aaron pacifies them and collected their gold, and made a golden calf for them to worship, just like they had in Egypt. But, Aaron adds: “tomorrow is a feast to Yahuweh”. This is the history of Constantine’s church—give the people a religion to get naked with--party and have a great time with--but “we’ll have a prayer meeting in the back room of the church on Tuesday night”. Religion is hypocritical!

If Elohim’s Word gets in the way, churches just change the thinking of what it says to match what they believe. I’ve been in the traditional ministry since age 9—I know what I’m talking about. Leaders often read a passage, and if they don’t like it’s wording, they find something that makes it say what they want it to say, or they repeat what some book says, or what their Seminary professors said, and then they teach their version to their congregations or students, who go out and pass on the lies. Today the corrupt big-business church, runs on billions of dollars a day, hires worldly advertising agents to set up conferences, promote money telethons, and sells books, tapes and videos. Their message is slightly different than the old hymn, but their version says it like this: “Jesus paid it all, all to us He owes.”

The church has always been a co-partner with the world, because the church was just the religious arm of the Roman Empire. Rome always used religion to gain control over their newly conquered people, and kept the people happy in their religion by their fun festivals. The big fun festival was always the birthday of the sun gods from most ancient times. His birthday was always on December 25th.

So, in the church today, which is fragmented Rome--each church with its own pope and hierarchy, its own traditions and beliefs, and not according to the early church structure of I Corinthians 14:26--we have people freaking out because the world is falling apart, and the stock market may crash and Jesus has been gone too long in heaven--so they need a god they can have fun with—one that they can party with and feel good!! So feel-good-party-time Jesus is in. I remember a Prime Time documentary on a “revival” in the U.S., and the comment was “It looks like they are having a party for Jesus”.

That’s OK, it has its place, we can have fun with Him in joy and love, except that we must be aware that we are in the time period of Joel. Our gatherings must be times of weeping, repentance, mourning, sorrow, travail, and seeking His face in obedience with His Word. The church is NOT discerning the times!!! The church is not preparing people for the days ahead. The church is lying and deceiving people into false security. The church is mystery Babylon—the whore, with her beguiling and seducing spirits to just relax and lay back, because “everything’s going to be all right”. Amos talks about this church attitude in chapter 6, and says that they will be the first to go into judgment, because ”they are not grieved for the affliction of Joseph”. They are not grieved for the return of the house of Joseph from the captivity of the nations—the 10 tribes. (Amos 6:3-7) If you are now living in any country except Israel, and you are a child of Elohim, you are in the Diaspora—in captivity. So the attitude is in the lukewarm church, represented by Laodicea, which says: “Life is good, don’t rock my boat, don’t send any missionaries to make me feel guilty, let’s just have another pot-luck lunch”.

He comes in wrath for 2 reasons 1) to defend Israel--His people and nation, and 2) to destroy the “lawless”--or the Torah-less. I John 3:4 says: “Sin is the transgressing of the Law”. Therefore, sin is the rebellious breaking of His Torah.

The Constantine church mocked the Torah, and under bar Kochba, because his rebellion against

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Rome failed in 132CE, Rome stopped the teaching of Torah under penalty of death. All those gentile pagans who became followers of Yahushua the Jewish Messiah, and had been going to synagogue to study Torah, all of a sudden had no Torah teachers.

So, as early as 132CE, the whole ecclesia except for those who kept Torah in defiance of Rome began to lose their Hebrew roots and incorporated with the pagans. I’m not defending them, but being set-apart, especially when you are being persecuted and killed for that, is not an easy lifestyle. It is easier to compromise for peace and security—what a deception! Compromise is a destroyer!

So when Constantine came along, he stopped Rome’s persecution of the Christians, and made Christianity the religion of the empire, and he became its first pope—Pontifex Maximus. If you separate the people of Elohim from His Torah you have another religion.

It is a horrible debauchery and this church of man is so selfish and self-centered and ambitious, greedy, and lustful for power and material possessions, the ministry so filled with jealousy and competition, and the coldness of people to stay in their own space and not reach out to anyone else, is all indicative of the pagan mentality of its foundation. I find that jealousy and competition is natural among ministers, vying for power and influence and money. And, they love to be honored in public as “Pastor” or some other exalted title as “Father” or “Bishop” or “Cardinal”. They love the adulation of man and the love of Elohim is not in them. Religion is not from our Father.

The marked ones are radically different. Their whole focus is on His heart, and His business and how they can help edify their fellow believer. They walk in His love. They are givers, not takers. They are outward focused, not inward focused. How can the self centered, selfish and spoiled brat Christian expect to live with Him in His presence, who taught so totally a different lifestyle? There are no mansions--that is a greedy concept. How many other greedy and self-centered ideas have crept into the modern church? Think about it!

There are rooms in His Father’s house for His Bride! In John 14:1-6, He was reciting part of the Jewish wedding speech regarding the time period from when the Bridegroom paid for the Bride (Yahushua paid for His Bride with His own blood), and the time that He would finish with the rooms in His Father’s house, so that He could come and bring His Bride to the Father’s house. The Father’s house is coming down here over the new earth, and as Revelation 22:3-5 shows us, the Bride is the only group of the “saved” who is in the Father’s house. She doesn’t go out, and the nations don’t come in.

Those early Apostles minus Judas, and James, the brother of John who was beheaded by Herod, gave their lives for the spread of His true gospel—all the way to today’s Russia, China, north Africa, and to Ireland, the British Isles, France and Spain. They went to find “the lost sheep of the house of Israel”, who were scattered by Assyria into all the world in 722 BCE. These men felt worthy to suffer for His sake. They were no spoiled sissies. And most of them when they started to follow Yahushua were “teenagers”. They represented the Bride who will rule and reign with Him. Sha’ul is pretty blunt in II Timothy 2:11-13: “For IF we died with Him, we shall also live with Him. IF we endure, we shall also reign with Him. IF we deny Him He also shall deny us”. He told Timothy to “endure hardness as a good soldier of Yahushua ha Machiach” and not to be entangled in the affairs of this life, so that he could serve Him who called him to be a soldier. The life of a good soldier is a disciplined life.

Yahushua said it like this: “You cannot serve Elohim and money”. Yet the church encourages young people to attend schools that defy Elohim and His Torah blatantly and openly, so that they might make it good in this world. Young Christians have credit cards and go to movies and malls to congregate in, and are not taught to be set-apart from the world. These youth grow up to be worldly-minded and money-hungry, position hungry, fame hungry, selfish, with selfish ambition and thinking no different than the average pagan.

Now, let us look at Ezekiel 9:1-11. The marked ones are marked for certain reasons of His own. They are not marked because Elohim played “eeny, meeny, miney, moe” back in eternity. Yahushua said, “You have not chosen Me but I have chosen you”. He chooses on the basis of His

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foreknowledge, as Peter tells us. He knew us before the foundation of the world, and He put our names in the book of Life back before Genesis 1:1. In Revelation 13 and 17, we find that there were names, which were never in the book of Life “from the foundation of the world”. Then in Revelation 3:5, we find out that we can have our names erased from the book of Life. Many other passages in the Word carry the same message. According to Psalm 139, He knows our every thought, and action, and knew them before Genesis 1:1. He chose us not according to our goodness, but according to His plans and purposes. So this marking is His choosing. We have to cooperate with the choosing or our names can be erased. Here are just 2 other startling passages that we’re not taught very often, if at all—Revelation 22:18-19 and Exodus 32:31-33. We must “work out our salvation with fear and trembling”, totally depending on Him daily. “The soul that sins, it shall die”—Ezekiel 33. We have a responsibility to Him to maintain our salvation until the end, until He comes. He does not violate our free will and keep us against our will.

No the song really goes “Jesus paid it all, all to Him I owe”. Sha’ul says we are debtors.

Why did Yahushua say in Matthew 7 that the way was narrow and “FEW there be that find it”? In Ezekiel 9:1-11 the remnant is marked for one very special reason, making them “the few”. Ezekiel sees a vision. Yahuweh calls six men, each having a sword in their hand. One man, wearing a white linen garment, representing the Bride, as per Revelation 19:7-9, is called by Yahuweh, and he has a “writers inkhorn” in his hand. It is related to the scene in Ezekiel 8, which we will thoroughly discuss shortly. The six are to go throughout Jerusalem and unmercifully slay men, women and children, BUT first, the man with the inkhorn must do something. He must go and put a mark on the forehead, in visible ink which can be clearly seen, of all those who “sigh and cry for the abominations done in the midst of Jerusalem”—abominations done in rebellion against His Torah. Once these few are sealed, who have not participated in the sun god worship going on to false gods on the temple mount, then the other six are released to slaughter those participating in sun god worship. This mark, #8420 Strong’s Concordance, means “a signature, a scratch, or an imprint”. The Greek equivalent for mark is #5480, which is a “scratch, etching, stamp, badge, graven mark, servitude, sharpen, a point, or the idea of scratching on”, from #5482. Interesting about the word “imprint”, because there is talk now about making bio-passports required as soon as 2004, in which your fingerprint will identify you, or your computerized facial features, plus having a chip on the passport that has all your vital information in it. Also, much is in discussion regarding having everyone have a bio-chip implanted in their skin, which would imply the need of a physical scratch, so that your ID would be on your body at all times. The one-world order, international community, is based on economic unity, and Revelation 13:16 is already invented modern technology, which is being implanted in “progressive people”.

Abominations in Jerusalem? Yes! Just 2 days ago, after a very serious bus bombing in downtown Jerusalem, the announcement was given on Israeli radio that the “gay and lesbian pride parade” will be postponed for a week. Not only is homosexuality allowed marching in the streets of Jerusalem but the city of Eliat on the Red Sea (the same Eliat in Deuteronomy 2) has just recently been elected as the #1 homosexual city in the world. The women who serve in the Israeli military are given 2 free abortions by the government. Pornography, nakedness on TV, and oppression of the poor by over taxation and eliminating even the word Elohim from their constitution, is just a picture of the abominations done in Israel today. In Revelation 11:8, the city of Jerusalem is “spiritually called Sodom and Egypt”—Sodom for its sexual perversions and Egypt for its idolatry.

Today, the church system, as a whole, is a sun god worshipping institution. The focus on the sun god has so blinded the people of the church system that when He departed, they didn’t even notice. John says to “test the spirits to see if they be of Elohim”. We have a lot of spirits in the church that are not of Elohim!! Now churches are doing all kinds of spectacular entertaining to drum up “the anointing”, which is like the prophets of Ba’al, and of Asheroth, on Mt. Carmel, who did everything they could do to get their god to come down and manifest himself, but they didn’t ask the Elohim of Israel to manifest Himself. The Elohim of Israel cannot manifest Himself to the disobedient. He is light. And

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light cannot, by its very nature, mix with darkness. On Carmel they went on an emotional rampage, trying to get God’s attention, but they were calling on the wrong one. Elijah, who knew Yahuweh, only had to say a short prayer to the One he was intimate with, and the fire fell.

It is time to return to Mt. Carmel, and ask again Elijah’s question to the church system, “How long will you halt between two opinions, if Yahuweh be Elohim then serve Him, but if Ba’al (the Lord) be Elohim, serve Him”. Of course, the terrified people chose Israel’s Elohim over Ba’al, god of the Moabites. But, Elijah took the 450 prophets of Ba’al and slew them down by the river. So, when Yahuweh separates out His remnant in the days to come, those who have stayed in the whore system and refused to leave will have judgment.

Ezekiel 9:3-4: “And the glory of the Elohim of Israel went up from the cherubim, where He had been, to the threshold of the House, and He called to the man clothed with linen, who had the writer’s inkhorn at his side, and Yahuweh said to him, `Pass on into the midst of the city, into the midst of Jerusalem, and you shall put a mark on the foreheads of the men who sign and cry over all the abominations that are done within it’. And to the others He said in my hearing `Pass on into the city after him and smite, do not let your eye pardon nor spare. Slay to destruction old, young men, maidens and children and women, but do not come near anyone upon whom is the mark, and begin at My set-apart place’”.

I know this must remind you of the “book of remembrance” in Malachi 3. He does see and remember who weeps as He weeps. He will spare those whom He marks—whom He sees gathering together in the fear of His Name.

When you hear of the bus bombings, the shootings, the prophetic things happening to bring Israel down in the face of their enemies, remember Leviticus 26:14-42 and Deuteronomy 28:15 and following. We weep because they rejected Torah and rejected Him. Their right to the Land is a conditional covenant. Their right to Yahuweh’s blessings is conditional. Our rights for blessing are conditional. It is Yahuweh’s land, and Israel was to be the caretaker of it until Messiah could give it to them forever. Only a “Kinsman Redeemer” can redeem the Land. No one has an ancient title deed to the land, so everyone in the land must wait until Yahushua, our Kinsman Redeemer, comes to divide up the inheritances. Now, Israel has, again, defiled the land with blood (the blood of the unborn), sin against Yahuweh. They have rejected Torah and Yahuweh Himself. We must have His heart---and weep and cry for the abominations of sin that is causing all of this judgment to fall. Israel’s leaders practice the ancient witchcraft of the Kabala. They are prostituting themselves to the world community to even divide up His Land for their peace. You can’t have peace if you defile His Land and forget His Torah, and reject Him!! “There is no peace to the wicked”. Israel is behaving wickedly. But, there is a remnant. Pray for the salvation of the remnant.

In Ezekiel 9, the priests and Levites were in His set-apart place--the church leadership, in other words. They received the first of the slaughter. How clearly this will be repeated. We are between these two events--the marking of the remnant and the loosing of the 4 winds of destruction upon the earth to destroy those who don’t have His mark.

Most Christians don’t even know what is going on. They don’t know that America is the leader and missionary of all the world’s most vile and filthy sins—from abortion, to homosexuality, pornography, vile movies of violence, filthy language and sex perversions, to drug pushing, to murders, to thefts, to rapes, to selfishness in the extreme, to greed, to divorce, to wicked experimental scientific projects for the destruction of human beings, to religious deceptions and lies, to addictive entertainment that breaks His Law and destroys the desire for Him, to idolatry in self-worship, to the worship of material things, to power-hunger, pride and arrogance, and to the undermining of Israel by pushing legislation to divide up His eternal Land and take it from His eternal people. They wave their flags and support anything that insures that their lifestyle remains unchanged. As long as dinner’s on the table in time to catch the favorite sit-com, life’s good—that’s the general attitude.

Then some drill sergeant comes along like me, and says “study the Word, praise, pray, get to know

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Him, obey, keep Shabbat the feasts, stop eating Mc Ribs from Mc Donald’s and turn off the TV, the videos, the radio, stop going to movies, -- and horrors, who gets turned off? I’m chuckling at this somewhat, but very few find the narrow way, because it means dying to the self-life. It breaks my heart because it breaks His heart. “My people have forgotten Me days without end”, He pleads. He holds out His hands pleading for His children to come to Him, but as Yahushua said, “they would not”. As I was riding the bus from Eliat to Jerusalem this April, going up for Pesach, I leaned my head against the window, and I asked Him why the holocaust, why He has not shown Himself clearly to His people. Surely if He’d just show Himself, they’d believe. His answer in my spirit made me so sad. He let me know that He couldn’t show Himself, because He is set-apart in light, and His people have chosen to go their own way into the darkness. He let me know that He held out His hands and called His children over and over, yet they rejected Him for their own ways. He can’t do anything to help those who don’t want Him. So, all of what is to come is to divide out those who want Him from those who don’t. I saw Him in my mind holding out His hands, and His people just walking on by without noticing.

Here are Scriptures which give His reasons for judgment: Jeremiah 6:19; 9:13-14, 32:23; Zechariah 712, Isaiah 24:5-6; Ezekiel 20:19-24 and Jeremiah 2:32—“My people have forgotten Me days without number”.

As you are in His presence, sitting quietly, ask Him to reveal His heart to you, and you will feel sadness and loneliness and grief, and He will let you know how happy He is that you have taken the time to “fellowship in His sufferings”.

As He approached Jerusalem on that 10th of Nissan, He wept. Luke uses a word in the Greek for “wept”, which means: “loud, convulsive sobbing”. Our Elohim, our Father, has feelings and He hurts when we turn Him off to indulge in TV, or in useless chit chat, or to yell and scream at a ball game, and won’t lift our voice in worship to Him even at home.

This marking is about over, and the loosing of the 4s is upon us.

As we saw in chapter 9, the glory, the splendor, the esteem, the honor, the presence of Yahuweh lifted off His place over the mercy seat, from between the cherubim on the ark, and came to the door of the Temple. He lifted off from the mercy seat---and that is scary!!! Because when He leaves the mercy seat to depart--that is the ultimate judgment. In my article on the 10-pattern of judgment--the difference between the wrath of man, wrath of Satan and wrath of Elohim—I show that the final thing that He does, when nothing else gets through to people, is to leave. Hell, the lake of fire, and eternal death is at the end of rejecting Him. Eternal death is separation of souls from the presence of the King of eternal life, and love, joy and peace and well-being, salvation and victory. There is nothing more horrible than being separated from Him. And, yet most Christians live their entire Christian life not spending time in His presence, to know His voice, to know His sweetness. Tragic!!!! How can they enjoy eternity if He is so boring to them now?

He leaves slowly, not dramatically but slowly, hoping that someone will notice. He ascended in visible form, off of the mercy seat, stayed around the Temple for a while. Then in Ezekiel 11:23, He moves in full view of everyone in the Temple, onto the top of the Mount of Olives, and then the glory of Yahuweh departs totally. And, they just kept on playing church, and never took notice that He was gone!!

In I Samuel chapter 4, Eli the priest had two wicked sons, who performed the service of the temple with wickedness. He did not discipline them. The Philistines came in and took the ark and his two sons were killed. Upon hearing about the ark being taken, Eli fell backwards and broke his neck. One of his daughter-in-laws who had been pregnant, gave birth to a son when she heard that the ark had been taken, and she named the boy Ichabod, “saying, `the glory has departed from Israel: because the ark of Elohim was taken’”. Tragic!!! The name Ichabod means: “the glory has departed”.

He is the glory, the honor, the esteem, the nobility, the Rock, the Defender, the Protector, the

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Teacher, the Guide, the Shepherd, and the pride of Israel. Without Him, Israel is just another bunch of people living in this pagan world with no hope. So when these Philistines took the ark and put it in front of Dagon, their fish god, Dagon fell over and broke. When the ark of Messiah Yahushua comes, all the Dagon’s will fall over and break. Right now, the worship of Dagon under another form is in the Roman Catholic Church, and when the Elohim of Israel arises, Dagon will fall. Do you see the fish with its mouth open in the tall Papal hat? This fish-hat and the fish ring were worn by the priests of Dagon.

What did Israel do without the ark—the sign of His presence? They kept on with their church services in Shilo--sacrificing and dancing and celebrating the feasts--continuing on as usual.

Yahushua has departed from the organized church and turned it over to the whoring church system. You will read in Part I about the leaders of the church in America making a pact with the Pope to work together, denying the differences and the murders of the true believers.

Why did Yahuweh allow His Ruach to depart from the Temple, and then allow Nebuchadnezzar to totally destroy it?

Let us look at Ezekiel chapter 8 and see the terrible parallels with the church system of today.

They had put a “sun pillar”—an “image of jealousy” at the northern gate of the Temple. Today that gate is called “St. Stephen’s Gate”, because it is believed that Stephen was taken out through that Gate and stoned to death nearby.

Under Rome, the pools of Bethesda had been turned into mystic “medicine pools” which had periodic magical demonic activity. In John 5, Yahushua goes and heals a man who had been lying there by the pools for 38 years, hoping for some “angel” to trouble the waters so that he could get into them and be healed. Hocus Pocus! But, Yahushua healed him there in that pagan place. In the 1st Temple period, these pools were just beyond where the “image of jealousy”, the sun-pillar was erected to the sun god inside the doors of the Temple area on the north. Yahushua went into that very place, that very area, from which the Ruach had departed in Ezekiel 8-11, to rescue a man who was calling out for help to the wrong source of help. That is the love and mercy of our Yahushua—Elohim of Israel! His love just breaks my heart, because He keeps on loving those who reject Him!! It will break His heart to judge the wicked, but He has to. Darkness and light cannot live together!!

The north gate of the temple mount is the gate that the Muslims use now to come up on the temple mount.

The sun pillar is all over our culture--in church steeples, in the Washington Monument, in obelisks, in the minarets of mosques, and in the Christmas tree. These things provoke our jealous Lover to great anger!! You can’t honor your King with His enemy’s symbols, nor can you honor your beloved by calling Him the names of His enemies.

Yet in the Temple, they were worshipping the sun god, and facing east as the sun arose. When He departed, He was in front of them, as they faced the Mount of Olives, yet they could not see Him because they were so blinded by the sun.

Are you getting this horrible picture? The church as a whole unit is so blinded by sun god worship that to even suggest that they worship on the day that Yahuweh says to worship on, rather than the day of sun god worship, makes people really mad, haughty, prideful and disgusted. Most people do not want the truth messing up their lives. They’d rather believe a lie for their security and comfort that believe the truth and change.

Check out Jeremiah 7:17-20 and the 44th chapter regarding the worship of the Queen of Heaven. This very ancient worship goes on today in the worship of Mary, “Queen of Heaven” in the Catholic Church. Nimrod’s wife, Samiramis was the original Queen of Heaven, the mother-goddess, and Tammuz, her son was the original sun god.

The women were “weeping for Tammuz”. (Ezekiel 8:14) There was prostitution going on in the temple. All idolatry involves sexual freedoms. Tammuz was the son of Nimrod and Samiramis. He

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was the sun god, whom the ancients thought died and rose again each year according to the length of shortness of light in the day. In all cultures this sun god is worshipped—including the United States. Constantine worshipped Iesous (Jesus) as a sun god, Sol Invictus, whom he equated with Mithra, the Persian sun god. Constantine and later some church fathers also equated Jesus with the fish god, even calling Him, “Jesus our fish”.

The worship that started at Babel, the tower of Babel, in Genesis 11, continues on to this day in all cultures. Recently, in an archeological dig east of the Sea of Galilee in Israel, over 1,000 mother goddesses were found. The worship of the mother and son goes back over 5,000 years and is today predominant in all cultures under different names. In Christianity it is the worship of Mary and Jesus. The women wept for the god Tammuz because he “died”—the sun went into its winter mode to be resurrected in the spring at the feast of Ishtar or Asteroth, the mother fertility goddess (Easter). They were weeping for him hoping that he’d resurrect in the coming spring as usual.

Are Protestant, Evangelical and Charismatic groups guilty of these things? In part, yes! They might not worship Mary as an intercessor, or pray to saints like the pagans did, but they honor her and her little boy at the birthday of all the sun gods of the pagan world--Christmas. They honor Tammuz at Easter with their sunrise services—totally a pagan practice, even repeating in prayers the words of the ancient sunrise services. The Easter sunrise service is equivalent to the sun god worshippers facing east at the rising of the sun for their festivals. The dyed eggs and bunnies are ancient fertility symbols of Ishtar or Astare, the fertility goddess. Each culture had its own mother goddess and sun god under different names. The Hindus have a mother goddess holding a baby. All pagan cultures have the mother-goddess—even the ancient Muslims, who worshipped the moon god. In “little Petra”, where the tourists usually don’t go, where Job lived, and Esau lived, there is a tall statue in the rocks of the mother goddess holding a baby. Mother-son worship was part of the ancient worship of the Edomites, Moabites, Midianites, Ammonites, Canaanites, Hittites, Jebusites, and all the other ites throughout the world.

That is why Father told Joshua to kill off all these people—to get rid of sun god worship. All the Central and South American Indian tribes had their sun god worship, which as was common, included human sacrifice. I always wondered, in studying archeology, why there were crosses on rocks made by ancient Indians, and the same markings were seen all over the world. Now, I know that the religion of Satan is one, and the symbols are all the same.

The ancient December 25th celebration was the winter solstice, the “child mass”, in which dead children were placed under the pine or fur tree decorated with gold and silver ornaments in honor of the birthday of their sun god. Druid worship, Stonehenge was all about sun god worship, the zodiac and star cycles. All mystic and pagan religions have their zodiac and star and sun cycle intrigue.

The whore is burned with fire by the world system. Jezebel was totally destroyed except for her feet and the palms of her hands--eaten by her own dogs. Jezebel’s own servants will betray here and throw her down to destruction. (Revelation 17) The dogs outside of the covenant of Israel will destroy her.

I was in Montreux, Switzerland a few days ago, with the town of Evian not far across Lake Geneva. I was sitting by Lake Geneva in sight of the famous Castle of Chillon. (Lord Byron wrote a famous poem called “The Prisoner of Chillon”.) I began to prophesy under a heavy anointing. I had gone out on my friend’s balcony to read the Word, and the Word opened to II Kings 9, and the grizzly destruction of Jezebel. The spirit of prophesy came down, and I prophesied the destruction of the systems of Jezebel and Ahab, both represented by things that happened in that castle…that beautiful castle, where Jews were burned alive along with Christians who favored them. Across the lake were the agents of Lucifer at the G-8 Summit working out plans for world domination, and the rule of Lucifer over the earth. They were, as Psalm 2 and 83, plotting against Yahuweh and His anointed.

Elijah prophesied the doom of Jezebel and it happened exactly as he said. (I Kings 21 and II Kings 9)

Ahab, at Jezebel’s wicked leading, had cheated Naboth out of his little vineyard and had him killed.

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The son of Ahab and Jezebel, Joram, King of Israel, was afraid of Jehu, the son of Jehoshaphat, who was now the newly anointed King of Judah. Joram had been in battle with the King of Syria and was wounded. He had returned to his mother’s house. He asked Jehu, who had come to his mother’s house, if he came in peace. Jehu remarked in II Kings 9:22, “What peace, as long as the whoring of your mother Jezebel and her witchcraft are so many”. Jehu put an arrow through Joram and threw his dead body into the field of Naboth to avenge the blood of Naboth. Then Jehu had the servants of Jezebel throw her down from her balcony, where her own dogs ate her up. (Jezebel was Jehu’s grandmother on his mother’s side.)

Read the story of Naboth and what happened in I Kings 21, which includes Elijah’s prophecy about Jezebel being eaten by the dogs and the total destruction of the house of Jeroboam. The whole house of Ahab and Jezebel was destroyed.

Ahab was the grandson of Jeroboam—the original anti-messiah, the original Constantine. Because of this man, Jeroboam, first King of Israel, Israel was scattered into Assyria and all over the world, and is just now beginning to know who she is, and returning to Israel. If you love Israel and are a believer in Messiah Yahushua, there is a big chance that you are an Israelite in the Diaspora, no matter what country you live in outside of Israel. That means that Jeroboam was ultimately responsible for your being in the Diaspora.

To change the Torah of Yahuweh and make it fit pagan practice is such a horrible abomination to Yahuweh that He divorced Israel because of it. How can Constantine’s official church system, Catholic, Protestant, Evangelical, etc., continue un-judged? It has changed the days of the Festivals of Yahuweh that He commanded, and created such abominations in His Name as Christmas, Easter, Valentine’s Day, Halloween, and changed His worship to the day of the sun god’s worship. It has set up a gold standard of the world in the place of suffering for His sake. Don’t be deceived--judgment is soon against this whore system, which He has now separated out for burning!!!


There was only 1 kingdom of Israel under King David. But, because of Solomon’s sin of idolatry and whoredom with his foreign wives and concubines, Yahuweh split the kingdom in the days of his son, Rehoboam, and Jeroboam became the King of the northern 10 tribes in Samaria (I Kings 12:20), what we call the “west bank” today, and Rehoboam became the King of Judah (I Kings 11:4). (Jeroboam had been a servant of Solomon’s).

Jeroboam first off proceeded to tell the people of the northern tribes (who, as a group were called “Israel” as opposed to the southern tribes of Judah, Benjamin and Levi who were called corporately “Judah”,) that they didn’t need to go to Jerusalem anymore for the feasts, that he would put two gods, two molten calves, one in Beth El and the other over in the inheritance of Dan, near today’s Tel Aviv, and they could celebrate their feast in the 8th month as opposed to the instructions of Yahuweh for the feast in the 7th month. This, my friends, is the original replacement theology, which was repeated and carried to perfection under the Roman Emperor Constantine the Great--“We don’t have to go to Jerusalem or obey Torah anymore--we have grace to fit our lifestyle”. It is no more than god in man’s likeness and image.

Jeroboam, and Constantine, changed times and seasons, set up different gods, and told the people basically that they didn’t have to do what the Torah said anymore, they had “grace”. They created a “Christ”, a good-god, who was a good guy, and they could worship without being so set-apart and different than the people around whom they lived. That is who the god “christo” was—under a few different spellings—the good god of the pagans. Ask questions, like: If Messiah is the translation of the Hebrew “Machiach”, then where did “Christ” come in? (See Part I)

Speaking of anti-messiah, in the days soon to come, we read about him in Daniel 7:25: “He shall speak great words against the Most High, and shall wear out the set-apart ones of the Most High, and

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think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time (3 ½ years). And the judgment shall sit and they shall take away his dominion, to consume and to destroy it unto the end. And the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the set-apart ones of the Most High, whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey Him”.

We learn from other passages, that anti-messiah will be given power to kill the set-apart ones until the time of his end. This is to test and purge out who is loyal to Messiah Yahushua and who isn’t. In the days of Jeroboam and Constantine, anyone who didn’t go along with the changes, was killed. It will be that way under anti-messiah.

Israel under Jeroboam considered that they were freed from Judah’s yoke of government and religion. For this, Yahuweh totally destroyed Jeroboam’s house linage and scattered Israel. Israel went into the nations, and forgot who they were. They became the “lost tribes”, though geographically they were never lost. They eventually ended up, for the most part, accepting another pagan religion called Christianity. The history of these roots can be found in secular history books

about the Roman Empire, under “Constantine” and or the Council of Nicaea.

In Hosea 1:10, it says that Israel would later on be called “the sons of the living God”. In Hosea 3, it says that they lost their identity totally. We talk about the unsaved being “lost”, but what are they lost to? They are lost to their right-standing with the Elohim of Israel. Is that not what salvation is all about—restoration to right standing with the Elohim of Israel?

There is much confusion in Christendom now. People tired of the church system are trying to identify with the Jews. Jew refers to the tribe of Judah, not the whole of the house of Israel. In trying to identify with Israel, people have come up with a unique religion of their own—another mixture at best. Some people just dump Christianity for Judaism--bad move!

The early believers kept Torah and believed in Yahushua the Messiah. They were followers of The Way, or of the Nazarene. They were a “sect” or section within Judaism, until later when they mixed with paganism for acceptance (before Constantine came along). If they had remained true to His teachings, they never would have been set-up by Satan to receive Constantine’s lies, deception and control.

Few of the House of Israel know who they are. But, more and more are finding out. Because Israel doesn’t know that she is Israel, the northern tribes, she identifies with Judah. Don’t try to identify with the Jews or Judaism, because there are anti-missionaries out there who know how to covert weak Christians to Judaism by showing them a few facts of the pagan base of Christianity. Many of these weak Christians are denying their Savior, and throwing away their Lamb, and are left

with no covering of sin, just the words of rabbis and opinions of man for hope. House of Israel wake up—you are not Judah, so stop trying to be Judah, but return to your own roots!!! Ezekiel 36 prophecies to the house of Israel—enjoy that!

Each house has a plan and a place designed for them by Yahuweh, and one day the two houses will come together as one in Yahushua. Right now, Israel carries the gospel of Yahushua, and must clearly present it from a truthful Hebraic rooted standpoint, and not from a gentile mindset.

In chapter 2 of Hosea, it says that the scattered tribes of Israel picked up names of Ba’al and forgot their Husband. He had to divorce them. They were too filthy. But, they were to become as the sand of the seashore in number. Hosea 1:10 gives us so much hope: “Yet, the number of the children of Israel shall be as the sand of the sea, which is not measured or counted. And shall be in the place where it was said to them `you are not My people’, they shall be called `the sons of the living God’”. Who are called the “sons of the living El”? They are the believers in Yahushua—the true born-again remnant (whether they know His Hebrew Name yet or not).

In Ezekiel 36 and Jeremiah 31, He promises to bring back Israel to the mountains of Samaria. And, today Israel is returning. The wonderful thing is that they are returning because they are being restored to their Elohim, their Husband, Yahushua and the covenant of Israel. Don’t throw away your

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belief in Yahushua—just begin to keep Torah, starting with setting aside and guarding Shabbat (Exodus 31:12-17 and Isaiah 56) and the 3 sets of Feasts (Pesach, Pentecost and Tabernacles). I thought one day that I would look up all the Scriptures on Shabbat and see what the Word said about our keeping it. It took me 15 hours total to go through all those Scriptures with the Ruach. I have that study available to whoever would like it.

He promises to teach Israel the truth and bring them into His full covenant. (Hosea 2) Even in Ezekiel 43, He tells Ezekiel to write down all about the Temple so that the believers in His kingdom on earth can understand and catch up to their Hebrew roots (Ezekiel 43:7-11).

Judah is upset, like the elder brother of the parable of the prodigal son—for that parable is about Israel returning and the Father receiving Israel, and the elder brother Judah being upset. The state of Israel will accept secular Jews, homosexual Jews, atheistic Jews, and religious Jews, but not Christians as citizens. Father must change their heart too.

At the last Feast of Tabernacles, 2002, I was staying in the “west bank” on Mt.Ga’ash where Joshua is buried, in Ephraim, in Ariel, and I took the bus, going on the Ramallah bypass into Jerusalem. I knew full well that I was doing “prophetic action” in reversing what Jeroboam had told his subjects—I was going from Samaria to Jerusalem for the Feast as Yahuweh told us—in the 7th month, representing the house of Israel. What joy filled me on that bus!!! In Zechariah 14:16-19, He tells us that in His kingdom WE WILL come to Jerusalem for the Feast of Tabernacles.

Jeroboam set up 2 golden calves for the people to worship. In our society we have multitudes of golden calves that we worship, that we put in the place of Yahuweh. A god, or an idol, is something that we substitute for Yahuweh, something that we can see--something that we have created to bring us security. Little children like to fall asleep with a favorite doll or teddy bear in their arms. We like our “teddy bears” as adults--material things that we hold dear. The lifestyle of materialism is nothing more than golden calves, because they hold us to themselves and don’t let us go freely to serve Yahuweh.

Sentimentality creates idols in our life and is a great snare to us—especially us women. We keep our family treasures, our children’s baby booties, etc., and we take them from house to house our whole lifetime because they are “precious” to us. They are just things—and have no eternal value, but we put value on them and hold them dear. They will perish some day. My mother kept everything--even bunches of my baby hair and my first cut fingernails. When she was dying, she told me that none of those things she had treasured all those years meant anything to her anymore. I had to go through all those things, and threw out masses of her treasures, because what would I do with them? I have given my life to follow the Lamb wherever He goes, and so I have to travel light. I gave many things to my 4 children, but maybe I should not have burdened them with sentimentalities.

Warning from a typical woman: Ladies, don’t go to the mall or to any store unless you absolutely have to have something in order to live, and then just go and get it and get out. Because I am telling you from experience that the word “cute” is a very dangerous word. It draws us into a web of lust, and we buy it. Whenever I hear myself say, “oh, isn’t that cuuuuuuuuuute!”--a warning device goes off in my head---get away from it!!!!

We relegate the 2nd commandment to ancient people-groups who bowed down to stone idols. Look at that commandment again, with the 1st one. We might not get down on our knees and bow down to a TV, or a new car, or a new dress, or to that sale item that we couldn’t resist, but they have powers to snare us IF we bought them without Father’s consent!!! Think about that—it’s true!!!

A whore, natural or spiritual, in Yahuweh’s dictionary means anyone who runs after anyone or anything except Him. He doesn’t want to be #1 in our lives—He wants to be totally everything in our lives. He wants to take over and control everything. Oh the joy when we allow Him to do that! What a relief that we don’t have to control our lives!!!

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Isn’t it whoring if we are married, and we run after another man, and put someone or something above our husband to obey, love and honor? Yahushua is jealous for His Bride. He won’t have a whore for a Bride. Most good Christians are idolaters and don’t really know it.

Our Yahushua died and rose again, of His own free will, in order to break the marriage contract with Israel (the northern 10 tribes--not Judah), so that He could re-marry her again along with Judah as “one new woman”. That is how much our Savior keeps His own Word. Torah says that one of the two spouses has to die in order for the covenant of marriage to be broken. Yahushua, because of the sin of Israel under Jeroboam, had to divorce Israel. Did He throw her away forever? No! He scattered her, and she forgot who she was. Now, He is letting her know, in her re-born spirit who He is and who she is. He is gently leading His remnant Bride into the knowledge of her Hebrew, Jewish Messiah. He died in order to bring the house of Israel and the house of Judah together into “one new man”. This is the beautiful Ezekiel 37.

The two sticks, the two houses, the two kingdoms, reunited in Yahushua—that is the “one new man”!!! It is not the Jews and Gentiles coming together into Constantine’s whore church--it is the reuniting of His two houses of

the sons of Jacob, in the blood of the Lamb and His renewed Covenant. Now, He is alive and returning to marry His Bride from the two houses united in Him. The totally non-Jew and the totally non-Israelite, called “gentile” or of the nations, comes into the covenant of Israel and is adopted into the family of Israel by the blood of Yahushua and the keeping of His covenant—Torah. Many Scriptures tell how the “stranger, foreigner and alien” could come into the covenant of Israel by faith and by keeping Shabbat and Passover.

This faith-works duo is the Bride’s lifestyle--she lives to please her Bridegroom. She has no personal agendas, no selfish ambitions--she just lives to be a part of His life. Look up these Scriptures: Revelation 12:17, 14:12; 15:3, 22:14 (there are more) and you will see that her faith is exhibited in her works—her passion to do His will. (Note: I saw in the NIV, the NAS, and Good News Bibles, a shocking mistranslation of Revelation 22:14. Even in the oldest texts, it is translated as the KJV translates it. The Greek word for “commandments” should be translated commandments all through the “New Testament”. But, in the NIV, NAS, Good News Bible, and perhaps other mistranslations, it is translated totally different to match the translator’s theology. Be fully aware that each English translation—each translation from the beginning into different languages-- of the so called New Testament is different, doctored and changed ever so slightly in places to match the doctrine and theology of the translators.)

In Ezekiel 8, Ezekiel is shown the abominations done in Jerusalem--the “image of jealousy” at the north gate--the sun pillars and other things of abomination. In verse 6, Yahuweh pleads through His servant, “Son of man, do you see what they are doing, the great abominations which the house of Israel are doing here, DRIVING ME AWAY FROM MY SET-APART PLACE?” How horrible!!! We can drive Him away from His set-apart place. When we are born again, and filled with the Ruach, He comes in to dwell into our set-apart place, our spirit-man. But, if we engage in the abominations of the nations, of our culture, we can literally drive Him away from our being, and have our names erased from the book of life.

Many scriptures put it that bluntly. Let us daily examine ourselves to make sure that we are not driving Him away!

He showed Ezekiel the idolatry in His house. The priests thought that Yahuweh didn’t notice. Each priest would make an incense smoke screen and hide inside it. Don’t people do that every day? They make excuses, a smoke screen and hide from doing His perfect will in order to do their own will? We say: “we live in the age of grace”--Yahuweh doesn’t care.

I’ve heard people say, “He doesn’t care what name we call Him by”. Think about the insanity of that statement, even in the natural. I suppose if a Buddhist is born again, they can continue to bow to Buddha and call upon the name of Buddha in prayer. If He doesn’t care what we call Him, we can

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call Him anything--Buddha, or Krishna, or Allah, or some other name—because of course, He knows we mean “Him”, doesn’t He? Yet, He says “I am jealous for MY SET-APART NAME”. We who know the truth of His Name should get serious about using His correct set-apart Name!!

Many have the idea from man’s theology that He will always be in their life, no matter what they do. And, people get so self-satisfied with their lifestyle that they don’t know that He is departing. Then people get into a problem and call on Him, and He is not responding. The children get sick, the car gets wrecked, money is stolen, jobs are lost, and people think it is the devil attacking, when it is not the devil but cause and effect, allowed by Father, because the protective barrier of obedience has been removed, and doors opened because of rejection and lawlessness against the Torah and against the Set-apart One of Israel. Deuteronomy 28:1 must be obeyed to get the following 12 verses of blessing. Psalm 91:1 must be obeyed in order to get all those protective blessings. His commandments are always referring to Torah--from Genesis to Revelation, plus the few additions that Yahuweh made that are compatible with Torah—like “go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature”. If we love our neighbor as we love ourselves, then if we are born again, we’ll do anything—lay down our lives, to make sure others are born again.

We know that “You shall love Yahuweh your Elohim with all your heart, with all your mind and with all your soul” is in Deuteronomy 6, and connected to the “Sha’ma” in verses 4-5. BUT, the “second commandment” of Mark 12:31—where is that? Leviticus??? Yes! Did you think that Leviticus was done away with? Leviticus contains material about Yahushua and is prophetic of the future as well. It also contains covenant commands that we must obey for our good! Leviticus 19:18, says “…you shall love your neighbor as yourself: I am Yahuweh”. It has to do with not getting revenge or bearing any grudge or hurt or bitterness against your neighbor, but forgiving your neighbor (which includes family, friends or people you don’t know). The law of love is defined by the teachings of Torah—love of Yahuweh and love of neighbor!!! Unless you have this defining, you end up sinning and perhaps not knowing it.

But, your body, soul and spirit know it, because you end up sick, broke, with multitudes of problems, demonically attacked, losing your children to evil, and losing your reputation, etc.--curses of the broken Torah and not the blessings of the obeyed Torah.

No, Yahushua did not nail the Torah to a pagan symbol called a “cross”. He nailed our offenses that are contrary to the Torah to the accursed tree, a stake, a pole, so that we go free from the penalties of the broken Torah.

Regarding our Hellenist (Greek) culture and religion: In Steve Lightle’s book, Operation Exodus II, pages 220-221, he says this: “The enemy has very carefully poisoned our culture in a variety of ways, deceiving us and making us ineffective … A major way has been through the worldwide promotion of the ancient Greek culture. That is, Hellenistic philosophies, values, religion, art, sporting events, (i.e. the Olympics), entertainment, etc. Remember, all Greek mythology and philosophy has its foundation in Nimrod’s Babylon. The entire theme of Hellenism is humanism. Humanism is basically the worship of man. This philosophy insists on “self”, that is self-examination, self-fulfillment, self-love and self-will. Hellenism glorifies man, man’s achievements, man’s order, man’s mind, and man’s body. This way of thinking is the foundation for modern psychology. This inward focus has resulted in self-worship. And self-worship is the most prevalent form of idolatry today.” From the Greek culture we get democracy. The Greek culture gave us “thinkers”—philosophers, lawyers and a system of reasoning that often reasons away faith.

In Ezekiel 8 is an expression that you might not understand. I just found out recently what it means. Verse 17: ”…they are putting the branch to My nose. Therefore, I shall indeed deal in wrath. My eye shall not pardon nor would I spare. And they shall cry in My ears with a loud voice, but I shall not hear them”. Then we go into chapter 9 about the marking.

That expression: “branch to My nose”, was referring to a pagan worship custom. While looking to the sun, they put a palm branch or some tree branch to their nose to shield their eyes from the sun’s rays,

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but also out of respect so as not to “offend” the sun god. What He was saying was, that these ministers of His, these spiritual leaders of the people, were putting the branch not only to their nose but to His nose--to involve Him in their worship of the sun. They wanted Yahuweh to approve of their practices. In the ministry, we often think up our own plans and ideas, and then ask God to bless them. It is similar. We go about establishing traditions and things totally contrary to His Word, and then, for example, pray before our children’s Christmas program that He will bless the program. Man’s traditions are the branch at the nose. How can He bless what is not from Him? If souls are saved on the days of abomination, in the places of abomination, then it is simply Yahushua going to the medicine pools of Bethesda. (“Bethesda” as it is called in Greek, means “house of kindness”. Yes, at this place, the grace and mercy and kindness of Yahushua was manifested.)

My friends, He has departed from this whore system. He still deals with individuals, but the time is coming quick that individuals had better get out of His way as He judges the system. He can take no more of our abominations!!! His judgment is imminent, and very few are prepared for it.

He is planning to come, and the agents of Lucifer are planning to put the anti-messiah on the throne. We are in critical times!! In Amos 7:7-8: “This is what He showed me, and see, Yahuweh stood on a wall made with a plumb-line, and with a plumb-line in His hand, and Yahuweh said to me, `Amos, what do you see?’ And I said, `A plumb-line’. And Yahuweh said, `See I am setting a plumb-line in the midst of My people Israel, no longer do I pardon them…and I shall rise with the sword against the house of Jeroboam’”. In chapter 8, He says: “The end has come upon My people Israel, no longer do I pardon them”. There is an end, Ezekiel 7 says of His tolerance of evil. He allows Satan and man do their best for 3 ½ years. He spares a remnant for His Name’s sake!! Then He comes to restore and bless and bring order and peace. Oh how we long for that!!!!

In Ezekiel 11:23, after He has done all He could to get His people’s attention (most likely the branch was to their nose and they couldn’t see Him, or they were totally blinded by the sun), He departs quite dramatically, right in front of them. As they are staring at the sun, He moves in between the sun and them.

That is why when Yahushua came they still didn’t recognize Him. The branch was still to their nose. When He ascended again from the top of the Mt. of Olives, they still didn’t recognize Him as their Messiah. He left twice and life went on as usual.

One time I was in a Bible Study, and there was much confusion that was not of Father. I thought to myself “what is going on?” He spoke to my spirit: “I am not here”. I had a vision of Him standing there with His arms folded. Of course He was there—He’s omnipresent by His Ruach. He still has the “whole world in His hands”. But, He couldn’t do anything in that situation, because He was being discussed, not invited to join in the discussion. He has departed the church system, because for the most part He was never in the church system. He has always dealt with a remnant within the system—a remnant. The Constantine system, the Jeroboam spirit of Satan, shuts out Yahuweh. But, a few individuals have always invited Him in. He is only present where He is wanted, honored and loved!!!

But, this time, when He returns, life definitely will not go on as usual!!! When He comes, the sun will “refuse to shine”—the earth will be in nuclear winter/nighttime—and His brilliance will blind the eyes of those in the darkness. He comes “brighter than the sun”. In fact, it is scientifically feasible, as well as probable, that the sun will nova, or it implodes, and self-destructs as He descends. The “Light of the world” will make our little sun/star into a nothing, and all who have worshipped this puny celestial body will be destroyed. Time for the “Hallelujah Chorus”!

Verse 23: “And the glory of Yahuweh went up from the midst of the city, and stood upon the mountain, which is on the east side of the city”—the Mt. of Olives. He left the mercy seat—and all that was left was judgment. But, before He left, true to His wonderful nature, in verses 17-20, He tells the end of the story. He returns with judgment on the wicked, but mercy for His people. He will re-gather Israel, and will give them a new spirit, so that they will walk in His Torah and be His

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people”. That day is soon to come. But, He will do it!! He will descend upon the Mt. of Olives and His glory will return to Israel. Our job is to help position His people for His outpouring of the Ruach. Rejoice!!

Do not be deceived. Do not be terrified. These are the commands of Yahushua. We don’t need to be deceived or terrified if we are Torah-observant, and know Yahuweh through Messiah Yahushua.

Blessings to you and grace, peace and joy, in Him alone,


June 2004—revised from June 2003

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