Loudoun County Public Schools

4143375-409575Cat Anatomy Reflection QuestionsExternal AnatomyWhat are some features you have observed that are unique to mammals?List areas of the body not covered by hair. What are possible reasons for the lack of hair in these areas?List some external features of your specimen that are specialized for predatory life.Describe external features of the cat that are similar to and different from humans.Digestive SystemDescribe the similarities between the interior wall of the stomach, the small intestine, and the large intestine.What differences are there between the stomach, the small intestine, and the large intestine?Measure the length of the small and large intestine of your specimen. What are the lengths and how do they compare?Draw the digestive tract of your specimen from beginning to end.On the Cat Anatomy Digestive System Bioreview worksheet, identify the structures shown in the diagrams.Urogenital SystemDraw a cross section of a bisected kidney and label the different regions.How does the male urinary system differ from the female urinary system?The male and female genital systems originate from the same embryonic tissues. List the parts of the male genital system and give the female homologues.On the female and male Cat Anatomy Urogenital System Bioreview worksheets, identify the structures shown in the diagrams.Circulatory SystemDraw a cross-section diagram of the heart, showing its internal parts. Label the major structures of the heart. Trace the path of circulation within the heart.How would the circulation within a mammalian fetal heart differ from an adult?What feature(s) of the cat’s circulatory system are unique to mammals?From your dissection, write a description of the features in each cavity of the heart.List the major branches of arteries and veins anterior to the heart in order, starting from the heart.List the major branches of arteries and veins posterior to the heart in order, starting from the heart. List the organs that each branch suppliesExplain the role of the hepatic portal system and lymphatic system within the circulatory system.On the Cat Anatomy Blood Vascular System Bioreview worksheets, identify the structures shown in the diagrams.Respiratory SystemDescribe the actions that take place during breathing. Trace the path of air intake from the nares to the respiratory membrane.What would you describe as the origin (s) and insertion(s) of the diaphragm?Describe the thin slice of the lobe of a lung that you observed under the microscope.Describe the interaction of the respiratory system and the circulatory system.On the Cat Anatomy Thoracic Cavity and Heart Bioreview worksheets, identify the structures shown in the diagrams.Nervous SystemOn the Cat Anatomy Brain Bioreview worksheets, identify the structures shown in the diagrams.Create a table (13 rows x 3 columns) that lists the names of the 12 cranial nerves and their functions. Identify each nerve as a sensory nerve, a motor nerve, or a mixed nerve.Skeletal SystemThe dental formula for an adult human is I 2/2, C 1/1, P 2/2, M 3/3 (I = Incisors, C = canines, P = premolars, and M = molars). Determine the dental formula for an adult cat.List the major bones that compose the skull. How are these bones connected?What observations can be made about the articulation of the first two vertebrae in vertebral column versus the remaining vertebrae?List the type and number of vertebrae in the vertebral column. What differences do you observe in the structure off the different types of vertebrae? Why are all vertebrae not structurally the same?How many pairs off ribs are there? What are the three types of ribs and how are they different?Give the articulating surfaces for the following forelimb joints: shoulder, elbow, wrist.Give the articulating surfaces for the following hind limb joints: hip, knee, ankle.On the Cat Anatomy Blood Vascular System Bioreview worksheets, identify the structures shown in the diagrams.154305074295 ................

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