Outline 1 - Weebly

AP Human GeographyMr. GreenPCHSSTUDY GUIDE Chapter 2 & 3POPULATION & MIGRATIONWhat are the five regions of population concentration? What are the similarities in their geographic location? What are differences that you notice?Explain the relationship between climate and population distribution. Define Ecumene. What is the name of the scientific study of population? Why do geographers believe this to be important?Explain the four stages of demographic transition. Give an example for each pare the transition of MDC’s and LDC’s in the DTM. What factors led to transition?What does fertility rate mean? What factors led to a decrease in TFR?Explain dependency ages in relationship to MDCs and LDCsWhat is arithmetic density? What does physiological density tell geographers? Agricultural?Draw a population pyramid for a developed and developing country. Include and label ages, sexes, dependency ages and the numbers of people in millionsWho was Thomas Malthus? Explain Malthusian Theory. Explain Neo-Malthusians and opponents to Malthus Theory.Cyclical vs Periodic Movement. What is the relationship of activity space?Types of migration: transnational, internal, chain, step, seasonal agricultural, and rural to urban. Be able to identify examples of migration as discussed in the text and beyond.What are refugees? Where do they come from and where do they go?Why migrants settle in areas that are not their desired destination? What are the two types of Internal (National) Migration? What are the two types of International Migration?Ravenstein’s Characteristics of Migration. Who is more likely to migrate long distances? Are males or females more likely to migrate? How does the origin of Mexican immigrants follow expectations?What is a maquiladora? How have they affected migration in Mexico and the US?How has immigration affected the United States over time (US Immigration Patterns)? How has it impacted the United States? Explain the factors for internal migration in the United States?How has Emigration of Europeans affected other countries? What fueled the Emigration of Europeans especially after 1800? Currently how is Europe affected by migration?What are Quota Laws? Why would countries institute Quota Laws?What is brain drain and how has the United States contributed to this?What are examples of temporary migration for work? What are the differences between Economic Migrants and Refugees? Examples of both. Examples of Interregional migration in other countries. Why does it happen?What are some of the obstacles immigrants face once they are admitted into a country?What is the ‘center of population gravity’? What does it show? How has it changed in the US?Please view the video above then post a response below. Instructions for posting are on the home page. ?Feel free to post your response in different colored text and please add your First Name and Initial at the end of your response to get credit. ?Response should be a complete and thoughtful response (what you thought/agree/disagree/like it when he explained this...etc). 2 to 3 sentence minimum.? ................

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