Outlook 2016 – Getting Organized - How To KU

6375401592580Outlook 2016 Getting Organized00Outlook 2016 Getting OrganizedOutlook 2016 – Getting OrganizedContents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Overview PAGEREF _Toc398200737 \h 3Best practices to manage your inbox: PAGEREF _Toc398200738 \h 3Your email profile PAGEREF _Toc398200739 \h 3How power users manage their inbox: PAGEREF _Toc398200740 \h 3Best practices for KU email accounts: PAGEREF _Toc398200741 \h 4Check-up PAGEREF _Toc398200742 \h 5Getting Organized with Email PAGEREF _Toc398200743 \h 7Manage Incoming Messages PAGEREF _Toc398200744 \h 7Rules PAGEREF _Toc398200745 \h 7Conditional formatting PAGEREF _Toc398200746 \h 11Quick Steps PAGEREF _Toc398200747 \h 13Search folders PAGEREF _Toc398200748 \h 15Search PAGEREF _Toc398200749 \h 16Unsubscribe from/block emails PAGEREF _Toc398200750 \h 18Organize Messages PAGEREF _Toc398200751 \h 19Folders PAGEREF _Toc398200752 \h 19Flag messages for follow-up PAGEREF _Toc398200753 \h 20Categorize messages PAGEREF _Toc398200754 \h 21Getting Organized with Calendaring PAGEREF _Toc398200755 \h 24Categorize calendar entries PAGEREF _Toc398200756 \h 24Create calendar groups PAGEREF _Toc398200757 \h 24Automated Resource Booking PAGEREF _Toc398200758 \h 25Tasks PAGEREF _Toc398200759 \h 27Time Saving Tips and Tricks PAGEREF _Toc398200760 \h 28Create an in-person meeting, Lync meeting, or task from an email message PAGEREF _Toc398200761 \h 28Email templates PAGEREF _Toc398200762 \h 29Phone settings for VIP (only for iOS Devices) PAGEREF _Toc398200763 \h 30Keyboard Shortcuts for Microsoft Outlook 2016 PAGEREF _Toc398200764 \h 34OverviewBest practices to manage your inboxFor every message in your Inbox, follow the 4 D’s (Delete, Do, Delegate, Defer):If it isn't important, delete it immediately.If it can be done in two minutes or less, do it (reply, file, call, etc.). Then continue with the appropriate action, whether that is to file or delete the item if it is not needed for reference later.If it isn't for you or if you can, delegate (forward) it.If you need to do it, but it takes longer than two minutes (including reading), defer (hold off on) it.Examples of how to defer an email:Flag the message for follow-up. hereCategorize the message. hereMark the item as unread by right-clicking and choosing Mark as Unread.Shortcut: Press Ctrl+U on the keyboard to mark an item as unread quickly!Double-click on a message so you can see it as an open window for Outlook. When you close the window, the item is complete, when the window is still open, you still need to attend to it.Save your email attachments to a network drive and then delete the messages they are attached to in your mailbox.Do not store reference emails in the Deleted Items folder and empty the Deleted Items folder occasionally.Note: Deleted items are automatically removed from the folder after 30 days of its initial date when received. Recovery works for 2 weeks.Keep an eye on the size of your email Exchange account.Note: The number one hidden spot for large emails is in the Sent Items folder.You automatically get 2 GB (2,000,000 KB) of storage space, but you can request more.Your email profileThere are two types of email organizers: pilers and filers. If you find yourself continually creating folders for projects, people, etc. and filing emails into those folders regularly, then you may be filer. However, if you find yourself keeping everything in your inbox and searching for the items you are looking for, then you may be a piler. You may also be a combination of the two. To help keep yourself organized, no matter how you store your email messages, first determine which type best suites you and follow the recommendations below based on how power users manage their inbox.How power users manage their inbox:Example 1 – The true filer: This users organizes their email messages by folders and manually moves and deletes messages from them. Recommendations for the Filer: Create a minimal folder structure to organize emails you need to refer to. Keep only messages that are not already located in another place, such as university messaging that is posted on the website. Yearly clean-upEach year, for example in January, create a folder titled the past year.Move all existing folders into the newly created folder.You can always return to the folder to view these items, but you’ll be surprised how little you reference them.Set up a new folder structure for the up-coming year.Set up rules to make your life easier and move less critical items automatically to folders for review later.Set up notifications for rules.Example 2 – The true piler: This user keeps all received messages in their inbox and uses Microsoft Outlook’s search tool to find what he needs. As they run out of space, they contact KU IT for more.Recommendations for the Piler: Create a minimal folder structure to organize emails you need to refer to. Keep only messages that are not already located in another place, such as university messaging that is posted on the website. Yearly clean-up, for example, each January:Review your email and sort by date and size.Save any communications or documents as a PDF on a network drive and then delete the message.Delete any emails that you don’t need to refer to.Tip: It’s easiest to delete emails that you don’t need when you first receive them.Set up rules to make your life easier and move less critical items automatically to folders for review later.Set up conditional formatting to help you recognize important emails as you receive and review them.Set up search folders for commonly performed searches.Set up notifications for rules.Example 3 – The hybrid: This user sets up a more sophisticated folder structure and sets up rules to automatically move less critical communications to the existing folders. They then create search folders to help them find what they need within the folder structure. This person generally stays within the initial 2GB storage provided by KU IT by proactively managing their inbox.Recommendations for the Hybrid user: Yearly clean-up, for example, each January:Review your email and sort by date and size.Save any communications or documents as a PDF on a network drive and then delete the message.Delete any emails that you don’t need to refer to.Tip: It’s easiest to delete emails that you don’t need when you first receive them.Set up rules to make your life easier and move less critical items automatically to folders for review later as you continue to receive communications from other sources.Set up conditional formatting to help you recognize important emails as you receive and review them.Set up search folders for commonly performed searches. Set up notifications for rules.Best practices for KU email accountsYour KU email should be used to conduct all university business-related communications. Be wary of using this account for personal use and of using your personal account to conduct university business. As much as possible, your personal and business related communications should be kept separate.Do not forward your KU Exchange account to Gmail, etc.It will possibly break your calendaring or create problems with updates.It is not as secure. The off-site provider may not keep your data as secure as our network does. Don’t use your inbox as the primary method to retain important documents and communications. The best way to keep track of these documents or conversations is to print out a PDF copy that you can then store with other electronic records.It is possible to archive your email to a PST file, however these files become corrupted once they reach sizes over 1 GB. KU IT recommends that you not use PST but instead try to purge your email manually because the safest way to keep emails is to store them in your account.Check-upHow to check the entire mailbox size:Click on File.Under Mailbox Cleanup, you should see a status bar that lists the amount of space currently available.For example, below there is 1.8 GB free of the total 2 GB mailbox size.How to check specific folder size:Click on the white arrow in the upper right-hand corner to return to the inbox (if applicable).Right-click on the email address above Inbox.Choose Data File Properties.Click Folder Size, then review each of the items and subfolder size for the mailbox account.How to request space if you go over the max:Visit www2.ku.edu/~email/cgi-bin/storageRequest.shtml and sign in to request more space.Mailboxes are increased in 2GB increments and you can request up to 10 GB.Note: After your mailbox reaches 6 GB, IMAP and POP are disabled.If you reach your maximum of 10GB of storage, then talk to your Technical Support Staff. If you have email correspondence that you need to keep (for example, with a project or grant) after the project is done, print them to PDF and file with the project’s documents.Getting Organized with EmailManage Incoming MessagesRulesRules are ways to automatically take action on incoming messages. They help reduce wasting time filing manually or taking the same action when a similar message arrives to the Inbox. Rules can aid in staying organized and notified when it comes to receiving messages. Examples:NewslettersCC’ed emailsVendor promotionsNote: Be careful when setting up rules, especially when they include emails from senders that may contain critical and/or time sensitive information. How to create a new rule:Right-click on an email from the inbox.Choose Rules. Select Create Rule. Select the conditions for messages to meet.For example, in the image below messages must be from KU Today and Sent to me only.Select the actions for messages to take.In the image below messages from KU Today and Sent to me only will be automatically moved the KU Today folder in the inbox.When a new rule is created, it’s helpful to add notification settings. This will notify you when a new message has been received, even when it’s automatically filed into a folder other than the Inbox.For example, below the notifications include a New Item Alert window and the Windows Notify sound.For more sophisticated rules, click on Advanced Options. From there, you can set up additional conditions, actions, and exceptions for the rule.Click OK.To edit or delete or modify existing rules:Right-click on any message.Choose Rules.Select Manage Rules & Alerts.How to create a rule for an out-of-office message:Rules can also be set to run only when Automatic Replies (out-of-office) is turned on. Rules set in this way will only effect incoming messages during the specified time range, or until the Automatic Replies (out-of-office) is turned off.Click on File to access the backstage.Choose Automatic Replies (Out of Office). Select Send automatic replies.Check Only send during this time rage:.Set the start and end date and time.Type your message.You can also to choose to send the same or a different message to those outside of your organization.Click on Outside My Organization.Choose to send the Auto-reply to those only in your contacts or to anyone outside of the organization.Type your message.Click on Rules.Click Add Rule.Add in the desired variables and actions for the rule, then click OK.For example: In the image below, any messages sent from KU Information Technology directly to Tennille Fincham will be forwarded to the email account for IT Technology Training.1047750281305Continue to set-up an out-of-office message by setting the date range and entering a message to be sent those inside and outside of the organization then click, OK. Click on the white arrow in the upper right-hand corner to return to the inbox.Conditional formattingConditional formatting is a way to create defined conditions so that messages stand out by using color, fonts, and styles. First, set the conditions that must be met by incoming messages, such as a sender’s name or email address, then apply conditional formatting to only those messages.For example: An email from a manager can be set to appear in red text.How to set up conditional formatting:Click on Mail at the bottom of the screen.Click on the View tab.Choose View Settings.Choose Conditional Formatting.Click Add.Type in a name for the format you are creating.Apply a different font or font color by clicking on the Fonts button.Set the variables of the condition by clicking on Conditions.Click on From and Sent To to select individuals from the KU Global Address ListFor example: In the image below, the condition “Conditional Formatting – Manager” is set to show emails in red when they are sent from Suzie Johannes to Tennille Fincham.Click OK.Quick StepsQuick Steps allow you to apply multiple actions at the same time to an email. For example, if you are repetiviely forwarding messages to your manager or team members, you can set up a one-click Quick Step to help you save time. It’s important to note that Quick Steps will not run automatically like Rules. Instead, you must manually choose the Quick Step to be performed on each mail message.Default Quick StepActionMove toMoves the selected message to a specific mail folder and marks the message as read.To ManagerForwards the message to your manager. You can find and select your manager using the KU Global Address List.Team emailForwards the message to others in your team/project/department. You can find and select members using the KU Global Addres List.DoneMoves the message to a specific folder, marks the message as complete, then marks the message as read.Reply & DeleteOpens a reply to the selected message, and then deletes the original message.Create NewCreate your own Quick Step to perform any series of events. Be sure to name the Quick Step and apply an icon for easy recognition if desired.How to create a Quick Step:Click on Mail at the bottom of the screen.Click on the Home tab.Select a default option from the Quick Steps menu.Change the name if applicable.Click on To to add members from the KU Global Address List.Click on Options to add additional actions to the Quick Step such as moving the email to a specified folder after it is sent to the project team.For example: In the image below, the Quick Step Team Email has been selected and the name changed to Project 123. Once the Quick Step is chosen, the selected message will be fowarded to the chosen members(sjohannes and amjohnson) and then moved to the Project 123 folder.Search foldersA search folder can be created to view all of the emails that meet certain search criteria. For example, the Unread Mail search folder allows you to see all unread messages in once place, even though these messages may originate in different folders. This can be set-up in lieu of creating folders with rules or manual filing to access emails from specific people.Note:?Search Folders can’t contain search results from multiple Outlook Data Files (.pst).Search Folders support prefix matching in the text strings that you specify. For example, if you want to include all messages that contain the word "train" in the Search Folder, the Search Folder also includes messages that contain words such as "training" or "trained." Words such as "brain" are excluded.How to create a search folder:Click on the Folder tab (make sure to click on Mail at the bottom of the screen.)Choose New Search Folder.Choose the desired criteria for the new Search Folder.For example: In the image below, the Search Folder will be created to search for Mail from specific people and Suzie Johannes has been selected. Now, when any email message from Suzie Johannes is received, it will also show in the newly created Search Folder. This makes it easy to quickly see messages from specific people in one place.Click OK. After you’ve created a search folder, it will be located in the Search Folders area of your inbox.How to delete a search folder:Find the Search Folders section of your inbox.Click on the black arrow to expand the folder, if applicable.Right-click on the search folder, and choose Delete Folder.Note: If you choose Delete Folder, only the folder will be deleted, but not the messages themselves. If you choose Delete All, the folder and all of its contents will be moved to Deleted Items.SearchThe search function can be helpful when trying to find a specific email message or calendar entry. When searching with Outlook 2016, there are many options to help you narrow down your search results. Be sure to click on the dropdown box to view which areas you can search within. Also, look at the search tool options to narrow results by subject, category, etc.For example, below the search has been limited to from:(johannes) subject:(training) and only searching the Current Mailbox.You can also access the Recent Searches function to perform recent/common searches.Unsubscribe from/block emailsYour inbox may, at some point, become inundated with emails from a variety of senders. If you’ve used your university account to sign up for promotions or to receive updates from vendors, you likely receive multiple emails a day that either take time to delete, or take up space in your inbox making it difficult to find more important emails. Oftentimes, emails from vendors or other promotional type emails can be unsubscribed from. To do this, open the email and click on the Unsubscribe link. If an email matches any of the following criteria, you may need to block the sender instead of just unsubscribe:There is no unsubscribe link in the emailYou do not know the sender The content of the email contains inappropriate or suspicious contentNote: If you are receiving emails with inappropriate or suspicious content please visit kuit.kb_view.do?sysparm_article=KB0010076 for instructions on how to notify KU IT.The email asks you for your university username and password or financial information.Note: KU IT will never ask you for your password. Never give out your account or financial information. If you receive an email with this content, please visit kuit.kb_view.do?sysparm_article=KB0010076 for instructions on how to notify KU IT.How to block emails from specific senders:Click on your inbox.Right-click on an email from a sender you want to block.Choose Junk.Choose Block Sender.How to unblock emails from specific senders:Click on your inbox.Right-click on any email.Choose Junk.Choose Junk E-mail Options.Click on the Blocked Senders tab.Click on the sender to select.Click on Remove. Organize MessagesFolders By default, all incoming emails arrive in the Inbox. To manage and maintain organization, folders can be created within your inbox and emails filed for reference later. In addition to helping aid in organization, folders can be shared with colleagues. Examples of folders include:Personal folder – information from HR/Pay, absence requests, etc.Individual folders for people, meetings, or projectsHow to create a folder:Right-click on the Inbox folder.Choose New Folder.Type a name for the folder.Press Enter on the keyboard to save the name.How to file an email within a folder:Select an email from the inbox.Drag and drop the email into a folder.Note: If the folders in the inbox are not visible, click on the small black arrow next to Inbox to expand the list.How to share folder:Right-click on a folder.Choose Properties.Click on the Permissions tab.Click Add to search for and add a colleague.Set the desired Permissions.Flag messages for follow-upFlags create a visible reminder that an action is due. When a message is flagged, a flag appears for that message in the message list. Flagged items also appear in the To-Do Bar, in the Daily Task List in Calendar, and in the To-Do List in the Tasks view. In addition to flags, you can include a reminder that alerts you at a specified time. As you hover over flagged messages in the Task List, the details that are associated with the flag appear, such as the due date, the type of follow up that is needed, or a when a reminder will appear. How to flag a message:Open a message.Click on the Message tab.Click Follow Up in the Tags group.Select a flag. Note: Messages can also be flagged by selecting a message and then clicking the icon to the right of the item. Right-click on the icon for more options and select from the drop down list.How to add a custom due date to a flag:Open a message. Click on the Message tab.Click on Follow Up.Choose Custom.Select the dates you want in the Start Date and Due Date boxes.How to add a reminder to a flag:Open a message. Click on the Message tab.Click on Follow Up.Choose Add Reminder.Select the box next to Reminder.Set the date and time to be reminded.Categorize messagesColor categories can be assigned to email messages in Microsoft Outlook, which enables you to quickly identify them and associate them with related items. You can assign more than one color category to messages, or use a Quick Click category to click once and assign a color category to a message in your Inbox.A color category must be in the color category list before you can assign it. If a color category is not listed, you can create a new color category and assign it to an item for the first time. You can also choose from several default color categories and rename them to be more meaningful to you.How to assign a color category:Right-click on a message.Choose Categorize.Select a color category.How to create a new color category:Right-click on a message.Choose Categorize.Click on All Categories.Click New.Name the category and assign a color.Click OK twice.Notes:You can change the color associated with a category at any time.Only the 15 most recently used color categories appear on the Categorize menu. To see the rest or to assign more than one category to a message, click All Categories on the Categorize menu.Getting Organized with CalendaringCategorize calendar entriesIf you keep a lot of appointments and meetings on your Outlook calendar, adding color categories lets you scan and visually associate similar items. For example, you might assign all personal items to the green category and all important items to the red category.Note: Categories don’t work for calendars in an IMAP account.How to assign a category to a calendar entry:Click Calendar at the bottom of the screen.Right-click on an existing calendar appointment, meeting, or event, and then click Categorize.Select a category, or click All Categories to create one.Notes: When you assign a color category, that color is used as the item’s background color on the calendar grid.You can change the name of any category. Right-Click an appointment, meeting, email message, or contact, and then click Categorize > All Categories. Click a category, and then click Rename.Create calendar groupsIf you have a set of calendars that you frequently view together, such as colleagues or conference rooms, using calendar groups makes it easy for you to see the combined schedules at a glance. How to create a calendar group:Click on Calendar at the bottom of the screen.Click on the Home tab.Click on Calendar Groups in the Manage Calendars group.Click Create New Calendar Group.Type in a name for the group.Click OK.Search for contacts by last name.Click on a name to select it.Click Group Members ->.Click OK.Notes:The new calendar group opens beside any calendars or groups that were already open.To add other calendars to the view, select the check boxes of the calendars that you want in the Navigation Pane.To add a calendar to an existing calendar group, in the Navigation Pane, drag it to a calendar group.Automated Resource BookingAutomated Resource Booking allows users to schedule rooms when setting up meetings in their Outlook calendar. Users can see free/busy times for rooms, and room requests can be automatically approved. A room can be set up to handle requests in one of three ways:Moderated: Requests to reserve the room must be approved or denied by a Moderator. Self-service group(s): Requests are automatically accepted for designated groups. Self-service for all: Requests are automatically accepted based on availability. A room has its own calendar, which can be viewed in a meeting request much like an individual’s calendar. When a request for a room is accepted, an event is added to the room’s calendar.The response you receive depends on how the room is set up: Moderated: Request will be reviewed, approved or denied by the Moderator. When you receive an approval or denial depends on when the Moderator reviews your request. Self-service group(s): If you are in the designated group, your request will be automatically accepted, assuming the room is available. If you are not in the designated group, your request will be either reviewed by the Moderator or automatically denied, depending on how the room was set up. Self-service for all: All requests are automatically accepted based on room availability. Note: Not all rooms use this, such as Edwards campus, contact account management if you are interested in setting up a room as an automated resource.How to schedule a room using Automated Resource Booking:Click on Calendar at the bottom of the screen.Choose New Meeting.Click on Rooms in the meeting invitation.Type in the name of the room in the search field.Click on the name of the room to select it.Click on Rooms ->Click OK.Once a room is added, it will appear in both the To and Location fields of the meeting invitation.TasksMany people keep either electronic or paper to-do lists, or any combination of the two. When you create tasks in Outlook, you can combine these various to-do lists into one, get reminders, and track progress.How to create tasks:Click Tasks at the bottom of the screen.Click New Task.Type in the name of the task in the Subject box.Tip: Keep the subject short and add more details within the body of the task.Set the Start Date and the Due Date if applicable.Set the task’s priority by using Priority.Select the box next to Reminder select and the date and time to receive a notification.Click Save & Close.How to assign tasks:Click Tasks at the bottom of the screen.Double click on an existing task to open it, or create a new task.Click on Assign Task.Click on To to add a recipient.Adjust the Start time, Due Date, Priority, Status, and completion percent if applicable.Select Keep an updated copy of this task on my task list to see when % complete is changed select Send me a status report when the task if complete to receive notification of the task’s completion.Time Saving Tips and TricksCreate an in-person meeting, Lync meeting, or task from an email messageOftentimes, a task may need to be created based off of an email message. Another scenario may be that a calendar item needs to be created that contains information from a specific email. In order to save time and to automatically include the message information, emails can be dropped directly onto either the Calendar or Tasks link at the bottom of the screen.To create a task without an existing email message click here.How to create a meeting, appointment, or task from an email message:Select an email message.Click and drag the message to either Calendar or Tasks at the bottom of the screen.The Calendar or Task editor will open.The body of the email and addressees will automatically be included within the details of the item.Adjust dates, times, reminders, etc.Click Save & Close.How to create a Lync meeting from an email message:Select an email message.Drag the message to Calendar the bottom of the screen.The Calendar editor will open.Click Invite Attendees.Click Lync Meeting.The body of the email and addressees will automatically be included within the details of the item as well as the Lync footer.Adjust dates, times, reminders, etc.Click Send.Email templatesEmail templates are useful for messages that are sent out regularly and contain the same information. Instead of searching for previous emails, or copying text from a sent item, you can create and save email templates to a specified folder on your computer or server for use later. This is also helpful if a number of people need access to the same stock emails to send to users.How to create an email template:Click on Mail.Click on New Email.Construct the Subject and Body of the email.Click File.Choose Save As.Select a location to save the file.Note: The file will be saved as an Outlook Message Format – Unicode.Click Save.How to create a message using an email template:Browse to the location in which the email template is saved.Double-click to open the file.The file will automatically open as an email message within Outlook.Type in the addressees.Click Send.Phone settings for VIP (only for iOS Devices)The VIP inbox is a feature unique to the Mail app on the iPhone, iPad, iPad mini, and iPod touch. It allows you to sort mail to a special area from those you mark as being “very important”. Keep in mind that it does not move your emails to this area. Instead, it highlights these emails so that they are easier to find in one location. In addition, you can create custom notifications to alert you when one of your VIP contacts has sent you an email. These notifications can include sound and visual alerts. Mark no more than six people as VIP’s. If there are too many VIPs, then the VIP inbox will become unorganized and overwhelming quickly.Note: The VIP Inbox only looks through your inbox messages, but it does so across all email accounts set up in the Mail app. It does not, however, look at mail stored in archives or other folders.Is the VIP Inbox for You?Using the VIP Inbox could be useful to you if you meet the following criteria: the number of messages in your inbox is overwhelmingyou frequently miss important emails from a few select peopleright now, you need to check whether you've missed any important emails from a few select peopleyou do not file messages into other folders (the VIP inbox only looks through the inboxes of your email accounts and not through the archive or additional folder structure).How to set up the VIP Inbox via mail:On iPhones and iPads, the Mail app already comes with a VIP Inbox, and all you have to do to turn it on is to start marking people as "very important persons." Open the Mail app from your iOS device.Tap to open a mail message.Tap on the Sender’s Name.Tap Add to VIP.How to set up VIP notifications:Open the Mail app.Tap the icon next to VIP.Tap VIP Alerts to add notification settings then scroll to Mail in the Notification Settings. Note: This is a shortcut to the VIP notification settings. The settings can also be found by going to: Settings > Notifications > Mail > VIPSelect the desired VIP notification settings.How to edit VIP membership:Open the Mail app.Tap the icon next to VIP InboxFrom here:Tap Edit to delete listed VIP’s.Tap Add VIP to add additional VIPs from the Contacts list.Tap VIP Alerts to access/change the notification settings.How to access VIP email messages:Open the Mail app.Tap VIP.Note: This will show all emails currently in the inbox of all email accounts that are from all members of your VIP list.Keyboard Shortcuts for Microsoft Outlook 2016Basic NavigationTo do this:Press:Switch to Mail.Ctrl + 1Switch to Calendar.Ctrl + 2Switch to Contacts.Ctrl + 3Switch to Tasks.Ctrl + 4MailTo do this:Press:Send.Alt + SReply to a message.Ctrl + RReply all to a message.Ctrl + Shift + RForward a message.Ctrl + FGo to the previous message.Up ArrowGo to the next message.Down ArrowCreate a message (when in Mail)Ctrl + NOpen a received message.Ctrl + OMark as read.Ctrl + QMark as unread.Ctrl + USend.Ctrl + EnterCalendarTo do this:Press:Create an appointment (when in Calendar).Ctrl + NCreate a meeting.Ctrl + Shift + QForward a meeting or appointment.Ctrl + FReply to a meeting request with a message.Ctrl + RReply All to a meeting request with a message.Ctrl + Shift+ RGo to date.Ctrl + GGo to the next day.Alt + ArrowGo to the next week.Alt + Down ArrowCommand commands in most itemsTo do this:Press:Save (except in Tasks).Ctrl + S or Shift + F12Save and close (except in Mail).Alt + SSave as (only in Mail).F12Undo.Ctrl + Z or Alt + BackspaceDelete an item.Ctrl + DPrint.Ctrl + PCopy an item.Ctrl + Shift + YMove an item.Ctrl + Shift + VCheck names.Ctrl + KCheck spelling.F7Forward.Ctrl + FFormat TextTo do this:Press:Make letters bold.Ctrl + BAdd bullets.Ctrl + Shift + LMake letters italic.Ctrl + ICenter.Ctrl + EUnderline.Ctrl + UIncrease font size.Ctrl + ]Decrease font size.Ctrl + [Cut.Ctrl + XCopy.Ctrl + CPaste.Ctrl + VDelete the next word.Ctrl + Shift + HInsert a hyperlink.Ctrl + K ................

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