CIS 3345 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION S - University of Texas at El ...



INSTRUCTOR: Dr Leopoldo Gemoets,

o Email: o Office: CoBA 218; Phone: 915 747 7763 o Office Hours:

TT 2: PM to 4:00 PM By Appoinment

REQUIRED TEXTBOOK: Management Information Systems: Managing the Digital Firm 14th ed.; Kenneth C. Lauddon and Jane P. Laudon; Pearson; 2016. ISBN-13:978-0-13-389816-3


CIS 3345

FALL 2016

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course integrates both computer concepts and information systems concepts, and provides a strong managerial emphasis focusing on the impact of technologies in different environments. Coverage includes the analysis, design, development, and implementation of information systems. The course provides the fundamentals of management of information systems including organizational, global and strategic issues.


The objective of CIS 3345 is to increase the student's understanding of the role of IT in business so that he/she can be prepared for an active role in designing, using, and managing information systems. Upon successful completion of this course, the CIS 3345 students will be able to:

describe how organizations compete with information technology; describe how organizations use information technology for competitive advantage; develop a systems view of the role of technology in various domains; understand information systems concepts and their application to organizations; know the fundamentals of computer hardware, software, database management systems,

and telecommunication; classify and categorize types of information systems based on types of function they

support; know with the various approaches to Information Systems development; and understand the emerging technological issues facing management.


Projects There will be a team research project. Exams There will be 4 exams. All questions will be multiple choice and true/fales. Bring a scantron.

Attendance Attendance for class is MANDATORY and will be worth 15% of your grade. . Attendance will be taken at the beginning of class and if you are not there on time it will be counted as an absence. If you miss 1-2 classes, your attendance grade will be an A. if you miss 3-4 classes your attendance grade wil be a B. If you miss 5-6 classes your attendance grade will be a C. If you miss 7-8 classes your attendance grade will be a D. If you miss more than 8 classes your attendance grade will be an F. If you can not make your class on time, please register for a different section.

Need for Assistance: If you have any condition, such as a physical or learning disability, which will make it difficult for you to carry out the work as I have outlined it, or which will require academic accommodations, please notify me as soon as possible.


CIS 3345

FALL 2016

There are no make-ups. If you miss an exam you must do a

15 page paper instead of the exam. ** Late work is not accepted. Don't even

ask. Period. ** Computer issues (Server/Browser, etc...) are not a valid excuse to miss an assignment.


I expect all students to conduct themselves with the highest level of integrity. You have the opportunity throughout your business career to demonstrate your own level of integrity. Similarly, in this class you will have an opportunity to demonstrate academic integrity. The two are inextricably linked. I encourage you to think about the standard you set for business integrity in your career, and to implement that standard with respect to your academic integrity in this class.

Academic dishonesty in any form will not be tolerated. For a definition of academic dishonesty and its consequences, see your student handbook.

For the purposes of this course, academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to,

? Copying another student's solution or allowing another student to copy your solution ? Removing or copying pages or problems from exams or quizzes, including those posted on the World Wide Web ? Any other activity that jeopardizes the integrity of this course.


Grades are not given; they are EARNED. You must work for it. Your grade will be based on results rather than on effort--your performance is an indicator of your ability to master the topic. Decide to work NOW for the grade you want. Students who keep up with the materials, do all of the assignments, and participate in the learning experiences typically do well.

Your grade will be based on the total number of points that you earn for each assignment group. The weight associated with each of the graded areas, and the total points required to earn the various grades, are shown below.

Attendance Exams 4 Project Total

Assignment Group


15% 75% 10% 100%

Your grade will be calculated using the following scale:

Grade Level of Work Percentage Range


Excellent, distinguished

90 ? 100%

B Very good, above average

80 ? 89%


Average, Normal

70 ? 79%


Below Average

60 - 69%


CIS 3345

FALL 2016




In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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