Marketing Management syllabus - Astro Temple

Marketing 401

Marketing Management: Creating Value For Customers

Temple University

Fall 2000

Dr. Susan Mudambi

Department of Marketing

Speakman Hall Room 337

Tel: (215) 204-3561

Fax: (215) 204-6237


Home Page:

Course web site:

Office Hours: By appointment

Course Description

Marketing Management is the art and science of choosing target markets and getting, keeping, and growing customers through creating, delivering, and communicating superior customer value. Marketing management seeks to meet organizational objectives by effectively satisfying customers in a dynamic environment. This course provides an overview of marketing processes and marketing principles, and provides students with the opportunity to apply the key concepts to practical business situations.

Learning Objectives

• To apply marketing theory and concepts to what marketers do in "the real world"

• To use marketing concepts to make business decisions

• To improve familiarity with current challenges and issues in marketing

Nature of the Class

The class meets on Thursday 7:25 - 9:55 p.m. Classes may involve lectures, videos, guest speakers, small group exercises, case analyses and discussions. Student contributions are an important part of the course. Students are expected to attend class, participate and contribute to discussions, and keep up with current issues in buyer behavior and marketing strategy.


A background in Economics is helpful, but not required.

Required Text

• Kotler, Philip (2000), Marketing Management (10th edition), Prentice Hall.

Other required readings will be assigned. These will be available in class, or via the course website. Also, you are expected to keep themselves current with issues in buyer behavior and marketing strategy by reading newspapers, business magazines, books, and online news sources. The Wall Street Journal and the Philadelphia Inquirer are especially recommended.

Overview of Assessment

Assessment will consist of two exams (30% each), three case analyses (10% each), and class participation (10%). The exams will assess your understanding of key course concepts. The case analyses will assess your ability to apply course concepts to what customers and companies do. Participation includes in-class discussion of cases, readings, exercises, and current marketing challenges.

| |Weight |Deadline |

|Case 1 |10% |Week 5: October 5 |

|Exam 1 |30% |Week 7: October 19 |

|Case 2 |10% |Week 9: November 2 |

|Case 3 |10% |Week 11: November 16 |

|Exam 2 |30% |Week 15: December 14 |

|Participation |10% |each week |

| |100% | |


The exams will be held in class on October 19 (Week 7), and December 14 (Week 15). They will cover assigned reading material and class discussions. Questions will primarily be in a multiple choice and short answer format. I will distribute a Study Guide to the exam, along with sample questions.

Case Analyses

Three case analyses will assess your analytical and written communication skills. I will provide you with the cases. The case questions will require you to apply your understanding of course principles to the situations described in the cases. The specific questions and assessment criteria will be provided to the class. The analyses should not exceed 5 pages in length.

Deadlines - The deadlines for the case analyses are at the beginning of class on the assigned days. Analyses turned in after the start of class will be marked down 10%. Analyses will not be accepted after 10 p.m. on the deadline day.

Class Participation

Student participation is an important component of the course. Students are expected to come to class prepared, and willing to discuss the readings, cases, videos, and other class exercises. Participation in the class listserv is also expected.

Class Listserv

Subscribing to the listserv address is required. This will allow you to send messages to the class, receive class messages from me and other class members, etc. Also, the review for the exams will be posted to the listserv approximately three to four days before the exams.

Instructions for Subscribing

(1) send an email message to

(3) leave the subject line blank

(4) type the following in the body of the message: sub marketing401-smudambi your name (first last).

Once you are subscribed, you can post messages by sending email to:

(Please note that this address is different from the one you used to subscribe).

Personal Integrity

Please refer to the Temple University Student Handbook’s discussion on plagiarism and academic honesty. Using information from other sources and not citing the source is plagiarism, a form of cheating. If you are working with other students, please remember that failing to contribute adequately to the project but taking full credit for others’ efforts is cheating and will be punished appropriately.


This course syllabus and schedule are preliminary, and are subject to change pending notification in class, the Listserv or via the course website. Students are expected to check the course website before each class session.

Marketing 401

Marketing Management

Dr. Susan Mudambi, Fall 2000

|Wk |Date |Topic |Readings |

| | | |(additional readings may be assigned) |

|1 |Sept. 7 |Introduction to Mktg 401 |Mktg 401 Syllabus |

| | |Overview of Marketing Management |Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 |

|2 |Sept. 14 |Customer Satisfaction & |Chapter 2 |

| | |Strategic Planning |Chapter 3 |

|3 |Sept. 21 |Market Research & |Chapter 4 |

| | |The Market Environment |Chapter 5 |

|4 |Sept. 28 |Consumer Behavior |Chapter 6 |

| | |Business Buying Behavior |Chapter 7 |

|5 |Oct. 5 |Case 1 Deadline | |

| |Oct. 5 |Competition |Chapter 8 |

|6 |Oct. 12 |Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning |Chapter 9 |

| | | |Chapter 10 |

|7 |Oct. 19 |Exam #1 |(Chapters 1-10) |

|8 |Oct. 26 |NPD & |Chapter 11 |

| | |Global Marketing |Chapter 12 |

|9 |Nov. 2 |Case 2 Deadline | |

| |Nov. 2 |Products, Brands & |Chapter 13 |

| | |Services |Chapter 14 |

|10 |Nov. 9 |Pricing |Chapter 15 |

|11 |Nov. 16 |Case 3 Deadline | |

| | |Marketing Channels, |Chapter 16 |

| | |Retailing & Wholesaling |Chapter 17 |

|12 |Nov. 23 |THANKSGIVING BREAK -- enjoy !! | |

|13 |Nov. 30 |IMC & |Chapter 18 |

| | |Advertising, Sales Promotion & PR |Chapter 19 |

|14 |Dec. 7 |Direct Marketing & |Chapter 20 |

| | |Online Marketing |Chapter 21 |

|15 |Dec. 14 |Exam #2 |(Chapters 11-21) |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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