Résumé Builder - CSC Vanier


May 2013

What is a resume OR curriculum vitae?

➢ A marketing tool to sell yourself

➢ Your business card

➢ A summary of your abilities, skills and work experience

➢ A reminder that you leave with the employer

➢ A plan and an agenda to assist in your information meetings and interviews

Your resume must send a clear message that you will be a valuable asset to the company. It must convey this message in a few seconds. A resume indicates your background, your qualities and your professional accomplishments.

Goal of the resume : Obtain an interview

Simply said; the goal of the resume is to obtain an interview. The employer will take 15 to 20 seconds to glance at your resume, so tell yourself that your resume is a piece of advertising or a marketing tool.

Your resume must be brief and concise. It must present and sell your qualifications and skills effectively, relating them to the employer’s needs.

Your resume must catch the interest of the employer so that he/she wants more information and invites you to an interview.

How to use this form

This form will help you gather all the information required in your resume. You can start creating your ‘portfolio’.

1st step: Gather the information you need

2nd step: Discuss this with your employment counselor

3rd step: Always keep your resume up to date. Make changes to it as you change your personal information and/or as you add a work experience.

Print clearly

First name:…………………………..Last name :…………………………….


City/Prov.:………………………… Postal Code :……………..…………….



|Job Objective: What type of work are you looking for? (matching your skills) |

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|Obtain a position as ------------------------------ |

|Summary of your qualifications related to the type of work and work environment you are looking for. |

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|- Training? |

|- Experience? |

|- Skills? |

|- Languages? |

|- Computer skills? |

|- Other useful information? |

Transferable Skills

➢ Look at the attached list of transferable skills. Check those that you have to offer and that relate to the job you want.

➢ For each skill checked (ex. admin, accounting, health), describe your tasks and accomplishments. Specify what you did, for what type of business, for how long.

➢ Start each task and accomplishment with an action verb. See attached list of action verbs.

➢ If possible, quantify each task or accomplishment by adding numbers, amounts, percentages, etc. See attached list of accomplishment examples.

➢ Do not write dates or business names.


➢ One area of expertise (directly related to the job you want)

|Briefly describe the tasks and accomplishments that prove that you have this expertise. These descriptions should interest your future employer. |

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➢ Another area of expertise (directly related to the job you want)

|Briefly describe the tasks and accomplishments that prove that you have this expertise. These descriptions should interest your future employer. |

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➢ Another area of expertise (directly related to the job you want)

|Briefly describe the tasks and accomplishments that prove that you have this expertise. These descriptions should interest your future employer. |

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Add any number of areas of expertise

Work History

➢ First list your most recent jobs (in order of date, beginning with the most recent).

➢ Use an action verb to start describing your tasks and accomplishments.

Most recent job

1-Title of position : ______________________________________

Name of company / Organization : ________________________

City :___________ Prov/Country :__________ Years : ______

|Briefly describe your tasks and accomplishments in this position. These descriptions should interest your future employer. |

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2-Title of position : ______________________________________

Name of company / Organization : ________________________

City :___________ Prov/Country :__________ Years : ______

|Briefly describe your tasks and accomplishments in this position. These descriptions should interest your future employer. |

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3-Title of position : ______________________________________

Name of company / Organization : ________________________

City :___________ Prov/Country :__________ Years : ______

|Briefly describe your tasks and accomplishments in this position. These descriptions should interest your future employer. |

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4-Title of position : ______________________________________

Name of company / Organization : ________________________

City :___________ Prov/Country :__________ Years : ______

|Briefly describe your tasks and accomplishments in this position. These descriptions should interest your future employer. |

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Studies / Training / Certificates

➢ List your studies and training starting with the most recent.

➢ Write out diploma titles in full (ex. Masters in education, versus M.Ed.)

➢ Indicate the year you completed each diploma. If you haven’t yet completed your studies, write

‘’to be completed in … (year)’’

➢ Add any training programs or workshops that you have completed and that could be useful in the new job (ex. First Aid, WHMIS, Forklift, Food Handlers, Management, Supervision)

|Name of school, Country |Level (masters, |Field of study |Date obtained or ended|

| |diploma, | | |

| |certificate, etc.)| | |

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|Affiliations / Associations |

|Indicate organizations of which you are a member : professional organizations, associations, boards of directors, committees, etc. |

|(It is best not to indicate religious or political groups, unless they are related to the job you are seeking.) |

|Organization |What is/was your role? |Dates |

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|Community Involvement |

|List activities you are/were involved in to help your community, ex : working in an animal shelter, assisting seniors, etc. |

|Add any volunteer work done in clubs such as Guides or Scouts, religious groups and school organizations. |

|Organization |What is/was your role? |Dates |

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References available upon request

You need three or four references from your professional life. You may include a moral reference (who can speak about your personality) is you don’t have three professional references. A professional reference is a person with whom you have worked and who is willing to speak in your favor to a future employer. Always add a fourth reference in case the employer cannot reach your first three references.

|1. Name of reference | | | |

| |__________________ |Title: |___________________ |

|Organization: |__________________ |Telephone: |___________________ |

|City/Province: |__________________ |Other number: |___________________ |

|2. Name of reference | | | |

| |__________________ |Title: |___________________ |

|Organization: |__________________ |Telephone: |___________________ |

|City/Province: |__________________ |Other number: |___________________ |

|3. Name of reference | | | |

| |__________________ |Title: |___________________ |

|Organization: |__________________ |Telephone: |___________________ |

|City/Province: |__________________ |Other number: |___________________ |

|4. Name of reference | | | |

| |__________________ |Title: |___________________ |

|Organization: |__________________ |Telephone: |___________________ |

|City/Province: |__________________ |Other number: |___________________ |


To identify your skills, you can use the NOC – National Occupational Classification (www5.rhdcc.gc.ca) and get inspired by proposed job descriptions.

|Admin and Office Work |Plan schedules |

| |Coordinate event |

| |Organize work |

| |Delegate to junior staff |

| |Solve problems |

| |Write documents and reports |

| |Perform inventory |

| |Order office supplies |

| |Establish procedures |

| |Calculate sums |

|Communication |Negotiate and arbitrate |

| |Develop relationships and networks |

| |Teach and train |

| |Communicate in a professional manner |

| |Offer counseling services and consultations |

| |Promote and sell |

| |Interview |

|Management |Develop strategies |

| |Direct and motivate |

| |Direct and control resources |

| |Evaluate |

| |Coordinate and organize |

| |Recruit and hire |

| |Supervise |

|Information Management |Manage information |

| |Process information |

|Analysis |Predict results |

| |Research and investigate |

| |Plan |

| |Examine and establish diagnoses |

| |Analyze information |

| |Inspect and test |

|Customer Service |Greet clients and listen to their needs |

| |Assess client needs and suggest appropriate products/services |

| |Explain to clients how to use and maintain merchandise |

| |Control the cash register (cash, debit and credit cards) and handle refunds |

|Health Care |Offer counseling services and moral support |

| |Treat people or animals |

| |Offer protection services and enforce the law |

| |Prepare and serve meals |

| |Offer daily care services |

| |Offer cleaning and maintenance services |

|Product and Materials Handling |Sort |

| |Load and unload |

| |Build or erect |

| |Install infrastructure |

| |Finish buildings, inside and out |

| |Restore and repair |

|Technology, equipment and machines |Install and configure a technical infrastructure |

| |Fine tune and reprogram technical systems |

| |Use specialized instruments and material |

|Civil Engineering |Identify client needs |

| |Plan and develop large construction projects |

| |Prepare technical specifications and construction methods |

| |Assess construction materials |

| |Study, interpret and approve survey plans |

| |Supervise construction sites |

| |Prepare contractual documents |

|Artistic Expression |Invent, create, develop, write |

| |Present a performance and entertain people |


|Communication / People Skills |Creative Skills |Data / Financial Skills |

|[pic]Addressed |[pic]Acted |[pic]Administered |

|[pic]Advertised |[pic]Adapted |[pic]Adjusted |

|[pic]Arbitrated |[pic]Began |[pic]Allocated |

|[pic]Arranged |[pic]Combined |[pic]Analyzed |

|[pic]Articulated |[pic]Composed |[pic]Appraised |

|[pic]Authored |[pic]Conceptualized |[pic]Assessed |

|[pic]Clarified |[pic]Condensed |[pic]Audited |

|[pic]Collaborated |[pic]Created |[pic]Balanced |

|[pic]Communicated |[pic]Customized |[pic]Budgeted |

|[pic]Composed |[pic]Designed |[pic]Calculated |

|[pic]Condensed |[pic]Developed |[pic]Computed |

|[pic]Conferred |[pic]Directed |[pic]Conserved |

|[pic]Consulted |[pic]Displayed |[pic]Corrected |

|[pic]Contacted |[pic]Drew |[pic]Determined |

|[pic]Conveyed |[pic]Entertained |[pic]Developed |

|[pic]Convinced |[pic]Established |[pic]Estimated |

|[pic]Corresponded |[pic]Fashioned |[pic]Forecasted |

|[pic]Debated |[pic]Formulated |[pic]Managed |

|[pic]Defined |[pic]Founded |[pic]Marketed |

|[pic]Developed |[pic]Illustrated |[pic]Measured |

|[pic]Directed |[pic]Initiated |[pic]Netted |

|[pic]Discussed |[pic]Instituted |[pic]Planned |

|[pic]Drafted |[pic]Integrated |[pic]Prepared |

|[pic]Edited |[pic]Introduced |[pic]Programmed |

|[pic]Elicited |[pic]Invented |[pic]Projected |

|[pic]Enlisted |[pic]Modelled |[pic]Qualified |

|[pic]Explained |[pic]Modified |[pic]Reconciled |

|[pic]Expressed |[pic]Originated |[pic]Reduced |

|[pic]Formulated |[pic]Performed |[pic]Researched |

|[pic]Furnished |[pic]Photographed |[pic]Retrieved |

|[pic]Incorporated |[pic]Planned | |

|[pic]Influenced |[pic]Revised | |

|[pic]Interacted |[pic]Revitalized | |

|[pic]Interpreted |[pic]Shaped | |

|[pic]Interviewed |[pic]Solved | |

|[pic]Involved | | |

|[pic]Joined | | |

|[pic]Judged | | |

|[pic]Lectured | | |

|[pic]Listened | | |

|[pic]Marketed | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Helping Skills |Management / Leadership Skills |Organizational Skills |

|[pic]Adapted |[pic]Administered |[pic]Approved |

|[pic]Advocated |[pic]Analyzed |[pic]Arranged |

|[pic]Aided |[pic]Appointed |[pic]Catalogued |

|[pic]Answered |[pic]Approved |[pic]Categorized |

|[pic]Arranged |[pic]Assigned |[pic]Charted |

|[pic]Assessed |[pic]Attained |[pic]Classified |

|[pic]Assisted |[pic]Authorized |[pic]Coded |

|[pic]Clarified |[pic]Chaired |[pic]Collected |

|[pic]Coached |[pic]Considered |[pic]Compiled |

|[pic]Collaborated |[pic]Consolidated |[pic]Corrected |

|[pic]Contributed |[pic]Contracted |[pic]Corresponded |

|[pic]Cooperated |[pic]Controlled |[pic]Distributed |

|[pic]Counseled |[pic]Coordinated |[pic]Executed |

|[pic]Demonstrated |[pic]Decided |[pic]Filed |

|[pic]Diagnosed |[pic]Delegated |[pic]Generated |

|[pic]Educated |[pic]Developed |[pic]Incorporated |

|[pic]Encouraged |[pic]Directed |[pic]Inspected |

|[pic]Ensured |[pic]Eliminated |[pic]Logged |

|[pic]Expedited |[pic]Emphasized |[pic]Maintained |

|[pic]Facilitated |[pic]Enforced |[pic]Monitored |

|[pic]Familiarized |[pic]Enhanced |[pic]Obtained |

|[pic]Furthered |[pic]Established |[pic]Operated |

|[pic]Guided |[pic]Executed |[pic]Ordered |

|[pic]Helped |[pic]Generated |[pic]Organized |

|[pic]Insured |[pic]Handled |[pic]Prepared |

|[pic]Intervened |[pic]Headed |[pic]Processed |

|[pic]Motivated |[pic]Hired |[pic]Provided |

|[pic]Prevented |[pic]Hosted |[pic]Purchased |

|[pic]Provided |[pic]Improved |[pic]Recorded |

|[pic]Referred |[pic]Incorporated |[pic]Registered |

|[pic]Rehabilitated |[pic]Increased |[pic]Reserved |

|[pic]Represented |[pic]Initiated |[pic]Responded |

|[pic]Resolved |[pic]Inspected |[pic]Reviewed |

|[pic]Simplified |[pic]Instituted |[pic]Routed |

|[pic]Supplied |[pic]Led |[pic]Scheduled |

|[pic]Supported |[pic]Managed |[pic]Screened |

|[pic]Volunteered |[pic]Merged |[pic]Submitted |

| |[pic]Motivated |[pic]Supplied |

| |[pic]Navigated |[pic]Standardized |

| |[pic]Originated |[pic]Systematized |

| |[pic]Overhauled |[pic]Updated |

| |[pic]Oversaw |[pic]Validated |

| |[pic]Planned |[pic]Verified |

| |[pic]Presided | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Research Skills |Teaching Skills |Technical Skills |

|[pic]Analyzed |[pic]Adapted |[pic]Adapted |

|[pic]Clarified |[pic]Advised |[pic]Applied |

|[pic]Collected |[pic]Clarified |[pic]Assembled |

|[pic]Compared |[pic]Coached |[pic]Built |

|[pic]Conducted |[pic]Communicated |[pic]Calculated |

|[pic]Critiqued |[pic]Conducted |[pic]Computed |

|[pic]Detected |[pic]Coordinated |[pic]Conserved |

|[pic]Determined |[pic]Critiqued |[pic]Constructed |

|[pic]Diagnosed |[pic]Developed |[pic]Converted |

|[pic]Evaluated |[pic]Enabled |[pic]Debugged |

|[pic]Examined |[pic]Encouraged |[pic]Designed |

|[pic]Experimented |[pic]Evaluated |[pic]Determined |

|[pic]Explored |[pic]Explained |[pic]Developed |

|[pic]Extracted |[pic]Facilitated |[pic]Engineered |

|[pic]Formulated |[pic]Focused |[pic]Fabricated |

|[pic]Gathered |[pic]Guided |[pic]Fortified |

|[pic]Inspected |[pic]Individualized |[pic]Installed |

|[pic]Interviewed |[pic]Informed |[pic]Maintained |

|[pic]Invented |[pic]Instilled |[pic]Operated |

|[pic]Investigated |[pic]Instructed |[pic]Overhauled |

|[pic]Located |[pic]Motivated |[pic]Printed |

|[pic]Measured |[pic]Persuaded |[pic]Programmed |

|[pic]Organized |[pic]Simulated |[pic]Rectified |

|[pic]Researched |[pic]Stimulated |[pic]Regulated |

|[pic]Reviewed |[pic]Taught |[pic]Remodelled |

|[pic]Searched |[pic]Tested |[pic]Repaired |

|[pic]Solved |[pic]Trained |[pic]Replaced |

|[pic]Summarized |[pic]Transmitted |[pic]Restored |

|[pic]Surveyed |[pic]Tutored |[pic]Solved |

|[pic]Systematized | |[pic]Specialized |

|[pic]Tested | |[pic]Standardized |

| | |[pic]Studied |

| | |[pic]Upgraded |

| | |[pic]Utilized |


Position: Administrative Assistant

Demonstrated excellent abilities in business communication by preparing presentations for colleagues and training sessions for new trainees. Reworked the budget and financial procedures manual to make it easier to understand.

Position: Accounting Clerk

Developed accounting procedures that greatly facilitated the operations of non-profit and small businesses. Installed and configured accounting software and trained 300 users and clients. Completed the computerized accounting program with an honours certificate.

Position: Public Relations Officer

Used my people skills to develop relationships with the social services provincial sectors, thereby obtaining four case management contracts for my team.

Position: Supervisor

Thanks to my supervision ability, hired and directed a team of 15 contractual employees, which has allowed our office to complete an environmental impact assessment six weeks before the deadline.

Position: Marketing Expert

Combined my communication talent and my marketing skills to publish an effective professional newsletter, consequently hiking sponsorships by 38 %, compared to last year.

Position: Computer Installer

Installed 125 SecurIT fire walls on NT and UNIX platforms for 12 Canadian and 18 American financial institutions around the world.

Position: Warehouse Manager

Managed the daily operations of a 2000 m2 warehouse containing 2 to 3 million $ worth of perishable merchandise. Prepared a schedule for a team of four, supervised them and ensured all required forms were correctly filled out.

Position: Landscaping Assistant

Maintained lawns and gardens on 15 private and public properties during 5 summers. Built old stone paths on the property of the Governor general of Canada.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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