Advisory Board Meeting

November 18, 2005

The Advisory Board met at 3 p.m. on Friday, Nov. 18, 2005, in Room 108, Burkhiser Building. Members present were:

Russ Bohnenkamp, Chief Financial Officer, Chadron Community Hospital, Chadron, NE

Steve Cleveland, President, First National Bank of Chadron, Chadron, NE

Rob James, Managing Director, Northwestern Mutual Financial Network, Rapid City, SD

Kim Labato, Assistant Vice President, AON Consulting, Omaha, NE

Chris Goodwin, District Manager, Wells Fargo, Denver, CO

Deena Kennell, Career Services, CSC, Chadron, NE

Dr. Tim Anderson, Chair, Business & Economics, CSC, Chadron, NE

Some members were present via conference call.

An agenda and a letter from Teri Dawson, Asst. Vice President, Enrollment Management, CSC, dated Nov. 17, 2005, were available. Also available were the Department Survey of Alumni, the Employer’s Evaluation of Students Internship Experience, the Dennis Jones Report, and the Summary of Career Services Ideas/Enhancements.

1. Advisory Board conference calls need to have a standing time each month. Starting in January 2006, they will be every third Friday, at 3 p.m.

2. Dr. Anderson said the Department Survey of Alumni has been sent several times and is now being revised. Last time it was sent out was 2001, and it covered the year of 2000 graduates which was May 2000 and December 2000 graduates. Our goal is to design a curriculum to serve the needs of our service area. CSC needs to know: What are the employers’ needs? What is expected of a 4-year graduate?

3. Employers’ Answer: Employers want graduates not just to be prepared, but also employers want them to fit in, have the right attitude, and have ability. Employers develop people. Employers eliminate nonproducers and try not to even hire them. Employers are looking for a good work ethic, good character traits, and specific knowledge. Employers hire all majors, not just business majors. Employers are looking for a previous track record of accomplishments, certain skill sets, teachable employees. Employers don’t shut the door just because students graduated with the wrong major. Students’ activities during college such as athletics, SIFE, student government, and other leadership roles seem to predict success in business. Chris Goodwin said the college experience will come to light in employees. The difference will eventually show itself. He said in the short term, a 4-year degree doesn’t help; but in the long run as a person moves up and manages people, that’s where the higher level of education will surface.

4. Employers suggested additional questions for the Department Survey of Alumni:

a. Did graduates consider staying in the area? If not, why not?

b. Where are they now?

5. Action Item: A book mentioned by employers for recommended reading was "Seven Habits of Highly Effective People."

6. Action Item: A Survey of Employers needs to be developed. There is a consulting place in Chicago. There is Survey Monkey on the web which may be better than a paper version. Survey Monkey would have automatic compilation. CSC’s output is our students as product. The Survey of Employers should answer the following question: What are the employers’ needs?

a. Deena Kennell will draft a Survey of Employers. She is going to a Nebraska Career Services Meeting soon. She will ask for a Survey of Employers and give a report at the next meeting.

7. Internships help. They could even start in high school. They are a means of helping students develop a more accurate vision of reality. Vocational education has been pushed away, but it is coming back. CSC has 100-120 interns per year. CSC graduates 150 students per year. Russ Bohnenkamp said interns need to get away from campus and do more than 12 hours per week. Employers need to do internships for summer and fall or spring and summer in order to have the intern for a longer period of time. Dr. Anderson responded that CSC could modify the way we offer courses. For instance, this year for the first time, CSC is offering to the MBA students all courses in 8-week sessions. This was in response to student preference.

8. Possible Action Items for Student Internship Program

a. Dr. Anderson said CSC could do a pilot program of 8-week sessions for undergraduates.

b. Deena Kennell suggested that an internship could be the final 12 or 18 credit hours of a student’s curriculum. Then the employer could slide them directly into the job.

c. Steve Cleveland said we have good internships in Chadron, and CSC could use the internship program as a recruitment tool.

9. Action Item: Dr. Anderson discussed the Employers Evaluation Form regarding Student Internship Program from the Dean’s Office. It needs to be redesigned. It needs to address: What are the employers’ needs?

10. Action Item: Request employers to come to a Career Fair and be on a panel to talk with students.

11. Deena Kennell discussed a handout on Summary of Career Services Ideas/Enhancements. The Alumni Mentor Career Network has a contact person in a business for recent student graduates or for alumni who are searching for work. This contact person would help them find a house, tell them who the Human Resources person is, let them know of job openings, and give them job leads.

12. Annual Placement Report:

a. Action Item: Deena Kennell will get the Annual Placement Report to everybody on the Advisory Board. It is done one year after graduation. For example, in January 2005, it is sent to the 2004 graduates. It asks questions about job placement, salary, if their position is degree related, and their destination by state. There is an electronic version available at placement_report.asp. The current year is kept on the web. Email Deena at to get archives.

b. Action Item: The Advisory Board would like to have prior years of the Annual Placement Report sent to it also.

13. Terie Dawson provided CSC recruiting information packets to be distributed to the Advisory Board members. She should come to the next meeting, Friday, Jan. 20, 2006, at 3 p.m.

a. Action Item: Jennifer Wittrock will mail the recruiting information packets to the Advisory Board members.

14. Items for the next Advisory Board meeting:

a. Annual Placement Report

b. Survey of Employers

c. Report of Deena Kennell regarding Survey of Employers

d. Executive Summary of the Dennis Jones Report (a survey of CSC’s service area)

e. Report from Steve Cleveland--Enrollment Management (Recruiting high school students)

15. Action Items:

a. Invite Terie Dawson to the next meeting and have Deena Kennell continue to come to future meetings.

b. Add two members to the Advisory Board.

c. Dr. Anderson asked Deena Kennell to help with the Department Survey of Alumni, and she agreed.

d. A summary email of this meeting will be coming.

With no further business to discuss the meeting was adjourned.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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