8AM Personal Diaries

Year 8 Managing Personal Learning Journal

Welcome to Year 8 Investigate! 2014 will hopefully be an exciting year for you; we look forward to getting to know you all individually and to also engage you in exciting things in Investigate.

As part of your assessment in Investigate, you will be required to create your own ‘Managing Personal Learning Journal’ that will be assessed throughout the year. This will be an ongoing task. You will be expected to write in it frequently, reflecting on the work you have done and what your thoughts and feelings are after topics are covered. Your journal will be broken into 2 key components. They are:

1) Goal setting – You will be setting goals and frequently reflecting on them throughout the semester eg. at the start of a new topic or term, after completing an assessment task, or even at the end of a term. You will also need to include steps for how you think you might achieve those goals.

2) Reflection – After major assessment tasks are completed, we will ask you to write in your journals how well you believe you worked on that piece of assessment. You will need to talk about what your attitude was towards the task, what you did well, where you might have struggled a bit and why, where you need to improve, what your strengths and weaknesses were and what you enjoyed. You will also be required to do fortnightly reflections and plans.

Your journal is an extremely important learning tool for you to use. It is a major piece of assessment and a time to reflect. Take it seriously, and we look forward to reading what you have to say!

You will be required to do 3 things for your Learning Goals during the semester

Setting of Learning Goals:

• Set 1 literacy and 1 personal goal

• Look at your end of 2013 report and find one thing for you to improve on with literacy and one thing to improve on more generally as your personal goal

• Fill in the SMART goal template

• Get your Investigate teacher to check and approve

Fortnightly goal reflection:

1) What have I done in the last 2 weeks to help me get towards my goal?

2) What evidence do I have to show this?

3) What can I do in the next 2 weeks to further get towards my goal?

Post-assessment reflection:

This will be completed on the rubrics when you get them back. Therefore, don’t throw your rubrics away when you get them back!

Name of task:

How well did I work on this task?

1 (totally, completely awesome) 2 3 4 5 (pretty rubbish TBH)

Why did I work like this?

What am I most proud of in this piece of work?

What do I need to focus on most to improve for next time?

How did this task help me to work towards my learning goal?

Portfolio of evidence:

• Collect and keep tasks throughout the semester that demonstrate how you are working towards your goals

Year 8 Managing Personal Learning Journal Assessment Rubric

|Managing Personal Learning |

| |Well below Standard (Level 7) |Below the standard (Level 7.5) |At the Year 8 Standard (Level 8) |Above the Standard (Level 8.5) |Well above the Standard (Level 9) |

|Setting learning |Student sets short-term, achievable |Student sets short-term, achievable |Student sets short & long-term goals. With|Student sets realistic short & long-term |Student sets realistic short-term |

|goals |goals in relation to specific tasks. |goals in relation to specific tasks &|some assistance they develop and implement|learning goals. They independently monitor & |learning goals within a variety of tasks |

| | |maintains focus on those goals. |plans to complete short & long-term tasks |evaluate their progress towards achieving those|and describes their progress towards |

| | | |within timeframes set by the teacher, |goals. |achieving these. Students initiate and |

| | | |utilising appropriate resources. | |negotiate long-term goals recognising the|

| | | | | |constraints of competing needs and |

| | | | | |priorities. |

|Completion of |They complete some set tasks. |They complete some short tasks by |They undertake some set tasks |They undertake set tasks independently with the|They complete short, extended and group |

|tasks | |planning and allocating appropriate |independently, identifying stages for |use of planning and good study habits ie diary |tasks within set timeframes, prioritising|

| | |time and resources. |completion & completing most tasks within |keeping, organisation, a homework routine in |their available time, utilising |

| | | |the set timeframe ensuring they prioritise|order to assist learning and complete all set |appropriate resources and demonstrating |

| | | |their available time, utilise appropriate |tasks. |motivation. |

| | | |resources and demonstrate motivation. | | |

|Independently |They undertake some multi-step, |They undertake some tasks |They undertake some tasks independently |They develop good study habits to assist |They initiate and undertake some tasks |

|manage learning |extended tasks independently. |independently seeking support when |describing task progress and achievements,|learning and evaluate those habits when |independently, within negotiated |

| | |necessary. |suggesting how outcomes may have been |challenged. They demonstrate adaptability in |timeframes. They review the effectiveness|

| | | |improved. They persist when experiencing |overcoming challenges. They use a variety of |of the management of tasks, identifying |

| | | |difficulty with learning tasks. They |strategies such as relaxation & giving and |successes and suggesting strategies that |

| | | |review the effectiveness of the management|seeking help to complete tasks. |would improve outcomes. They participate |

| | | |of tasks, identifying successes and | |in reflective activities that enable them|

| | | |suggesting strategies that would improve | |to consider the progress they are making |

| | | |outcomes. | |with their learning and to acknowledge |

| | | | | |their potential for learning beyond the |

| | | | | |post-compulsory school years. |

|Attitude to |They manage their feelings in pursuit |They sometimes persist when |They understand the impact of negative |They display a positive attitude using coping &|They demonstrate a positive and |

|learning |of goals and demonstrate a positive |experiencing difficulty with learning|talk & practise positive self talk. They |problem solving strategies for persistence. |structured approach to learning, |

| |attitude towards their learning. |tasks. They monitor & check negative |demonstrate a positive attitude to |They contribute to a positive learning |identifying and using effective |

| | |self talk & start developing the |learning within and outside the classroom.|environment. |strategies that assist with study, both |

| | |habit of using encouraging self talk.| | |at school and at home. |

|The Individual Learner |

| |Well below Standard (Level 7) |Below the standard (Level 7.5) |At the Year 8 Standard (Level 8) |Above the Standard (Level 8.5) |Well above the Standard (Level 9) |

|Learning habits |With support, they identify their |They identify their strengths and |They identify or evaluate their strengths |They identify a variety of learning habits & |They monitor and describe their progress |

| |learning strengths and weaknesses and|weaknesses and seek assistance for |& weaknesses. They monitor and describe |adopt these to assist learning in order to |as learners, identifying their strengths |

| |learning habits that improve learning|enquiring & problem solving. They |progress in their learning and demonstrate|enhance their strengths and address their |and weaknesses and taking actions to |

| |outcomes. |create considered questions. |learning habits that address their |weaknesses. They can identify & use a |address their weaknesses. They |

| | | |individual needs. |repertoire of learning strategies appropriate |demonstrate increasing independence in |

| | | | |to tasks. |the completion of tasks as they work |

| | | | | |towards becoming autonomous learners. |

|Use of Goals to aid|Student makes decisions about their |Student makes decisions about their |With feedback & support, student |With support, student determines learning |With support, student determines learning|

|learning |learning and, with support, sets |learning and, with support, sets & |negotiates learning improvement goals and |improvement goals, justifying the goals they |improvement goals, justifying the goals |

| |learning improvement goals. |justifies learning improvement goals.|justify the choices & goals they make |make. They begin to make appropriate |they make. They use, evaluate and modify |

| | | |about learning. |modifications as necessary. |the criteria they use to check that their|

| | | | | |work is relevant, accurate and meets task|

| | | | | |objectives. They make appropriate |

| | | | | |modifications as necessary. |

|Use of feedback to |Student seeks teacher feedback to |Student seeks & usually responds to |Student seeks and responds to teacher |Student seeks and responds to feedback from |Student work with their teacher or a |

|support learning |develop their content & knowledge. |teacher feedback to develop their |feedback & begins to ask others for |peers, teachers & seeks other adults to |mentor to develop measures for evaluating|

| | |content & knowledge. |feedback so that with support they can |independently develop their content & |achievement of goals. They respond to |

| | | |develop their content & knowledge. |knowledge. |feedback from peers, teachers & other |

| | | | | |adults & explain how their ideas have |

| | | | | |changed to develop & refine their content|

| | | | | |knowledge & understanding. |

|Ability to create a|Student recognises & contributes to |Student contributes to the |Student actively develops, monitors & |Student displays open-minded consideration of a|Student considers both their own and |

|positive learning |the development of protocols that |development of protocols that create |refines protocols and make decisions about|range of views & values. They are supportive of|others’ needs, when making decisions |

|environment |create a positive learning |a positive learning environment in |suitable learning processes that create a |others’ opinions & begin to consider both their|about suitable learning processes. |

| |environment in the classroom. |the classroom. They begin to self |positive learning environment. |own and others’ needs when making decisions |Likewise they are proactive in |

| | |monitor & refine those protocols to | |about suitable learning processes and the |contributing to the creation of positive |

| | |create a positive learning | |creation of positive learning environments |learning environments within and outside |

| | |environment. | |within & outside the classroom. |the classroom. |

Learning Goals:

|Literacy goal |Specific: what exactly do I want to achieve? |Personal goal |Specific: what exactly do I want to achieve? |

| | | | |

| |Measurable: How will I know when I have achieved my goal? What steps will I take to get | |Measurable: How will I know when I have achieved my goal? What steps will I take to get |

| |there? | |there? |

| | | | |

| |Attainable: Is my goal a challenge but still possible to achieve? | |Attainable: Is my goal a challenge but still possible to achieve? |

| | | | |

| |Realistic/relevant: Is my goal realistic and/or relevant? | |Realistic/relevant: Is my goal realistic and/or relevant? |

| | | | |

| |Time bound: When is the deadline? | |Time bound: When is the deadline? |

| | | | |

Fortnightly goal reflection:

|Date: |

|What have I done in the last 2 weeks to help me get towards my goals? |

|Literacy: |

|Personal: |

|What evidence do I have to show this? |

|Literacy: |

|Personal: |

|What can I do in the next 2 weeks to further get towards my goals? |

|Literacy: |

|Personal: |

|Date: |

|What have I done in the last 2 weeks to help me get towards my goals? |

|Literacy: |

|Personal: |

|What evidence do I have to show this? |

|Literacy: |

|Personal: |

|What can I do in the next 2 weeks to further get towards my goals? |

|Literacy: |

|Personal: |

|Date: |

|What have I done in the last 2 weeks to help me get towards my goals? |

|Literacy: |

|Personal: |

|What evidence do I have to show this? |

|Literacy: |

|Personal: |

|What can I do in the next 2 weeks to further get towards my goals? |

|Literacy: |

|Personal: |

|Date: |

|What have I done in the last 2 weeks to help me get towards my goals? |

|Literacy: |

|Personal: |

|What evidence do I have to show this? |

|Literacy: |

|Personal: |

|What can I do in the next 2 weeks to further get towards my goals? |

|Literacy: |

|Personal: |

|Date: |

|What have I done in the last 2 weeks to help me get towards my goals? |

|Literacy: |

|Personal: |

|What evidence do I have to show this? |

|Literacy: |

|Personal: |

|What can I do in the next 2 weeks to further get towards my goals? |

|Literacy: |

|Personal: |

|Date: |

|What have I done in the last 2 weeks to help me get towards my goals? |

|Literacy: |

|Personal: |

|What evidence do I have to show this? |

|Literacy: |

|Personal: |

|What can I do in the next 2 weeks to further get towards my goals? |

|Literacy: |

|Personal: |

|Date: |

|What have I done in the last 2 weeks to help me get towards my goals? |

|Literacy: |

|Personal: |

|What evidence do I have to show this? |

|Literacy: |

|Personal: |

|What can I do in the next 2 weeks to further get towards my goals? |

|Literacy: |

|Personal: |

|Date: |

|What have I done in the last 2 weeks to help me get towards my goals? |

|Literacy: |

|Personal: |

|What evidence do I have to show this? |

|Literacy: |

|Personal: |

|What can I do in the next 2 weeks to further get towards my goals? |

|Literacy: |

|Personal: |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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