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MATHEMATICSSTAGE 2TEACHING AND LEARNING OVERVIEWTERM: WEEK: 2STRAND: Measurement and GeometrySUB-STRAND: Position 2WORKING MATHEMATICALLY: (MA2-1WM)OUTCOMES: MA2-17MGUses simple maps and grids to represent position and follow routes, including using compass directions CONTENT: Create simple scales, legends and directions to interpret information contained in basic maps (ACMMG090)use a legend (or key) to locate specific objects on a map use a compass to find north and then east, south and westuse N, E, S and W to indicate north, east, south and west respectively, on a compass rose use an arrow to represent north on a map determine the directions north, east, south and west when given one of the directions use north, east, south and west to describe the location of a particular object in relation to another object on a simple map, given an arrow that represents north, e.g. ‘The treasure is east of the cave’use NE, SE, SW an NW to indicate north-east, south-east, south-west and north-west, respectively, on a compass rose, e.g. calculate the distance between two points on a map using a simple given scaleuse scales involving multiples of 10 to calculate the distance between two points on maps and plansinterpret simple scales on maps and plans, e.g. 'One centimetre on the map represents one metre in real life' (Reasoning) * give reasons for using a particular scale on a map or plan (Communicating, Reasoning) recognise that the same location can be represented by maps or plans using different scales ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING(PRE-ASSESSMENT)Pre AssessmentUse a compass rose to label as many directions as possible.Use a grid to follow given instructionsWrite directions to get from one point to another or from A to B to E to C on the map following the shortest routeUse a compass rose to label directions(Working Beyond – label points of North-Northwest etc. 8 additional points on a compass)WARM UP / DRILLLearning Sequence 3: (Warm Up): Directionality with Compass Points (North, South, East and West)Place the same warm up activity in Learning Sequence 1 although; introduce the 8 point compass rose to the activity.A good way to introduce the content in Position 2Reinforcement Activity: Body TurnsMark the four major compass points in the room or on the ground. Have the student face north. Students are asked to turn left or right in quarter turns and state in which direction they then face.Students are given north and are then asked to face particular compass directions.Students record on a compass roseExtension:NE, NW, SE and SW are introduced to describe places that lie between N,S,E and W.Learning Sequence 4: (Warm Up): Buried TreasureThe teacher hides mystery objects and gives simple compass directions and distances in paces from a starting point to enable students to find the objects.Variation: Students work in groups and carry out searches to find objects.ICT Warm Up (Links) Introducing Compass Points Compass Game Interactive Maps and worksheets a Compass Rose TENS ACTIVITYNEWMAN’S PROBLEMINVESTIGATION Newman’s Problem QUALITY TEACHING ELEMENTSINTELLECTUAL QUALITYQUALITY LEARNING ENVIRONMENTSIGNIFICANCEDeep knowledge -4699015146000Deep understandingProblematic knowledge-4605015303500Higher-order thinkingMetalanguageSubstantive communication-4000516223000Explicit quality criteriaEngagementHigh expectations-4064015303500Social supportStudents’ self-regulationStudent directionBackground knowledge-4826015844500Cultural knowledge-4732016319500Knowledge integrationInclusivity -4826017208500ConnectednessNarrativeRESOURCESDigital and Interactive Resources Maths K-6 Using Maths Tracks (Dept. of Education and Training Document) Space and Geometry- Position (Centre for Learning Innovation). Space and Geometry –Position Stage 2 NAPLAN signage posters and cue cards to assist students with the positional language needed to complete learning activities.Other Digital and Interactive Links:Refer to Warm Up ICT Links listed aboveWHOLE CLASS INSTRUCTION MODELLED ACTIVITIESGUIDED & INDEPENDENT ACTIVITIES Explicitly communicate lesson outcomes and work quality. Teach and reviewThe relationship between coordinates and the use of a compass rose to locate position etc. Define and Reinforce metalanguage used in the lesson sequencesStudents should be able to communicate using the following language: position, location, map, plan, legend, key, scale, directions, compass, compass rose, north, east, south, west, north-east, south-east, south-west, north-west. Discuss the word 'scale' as it has different meanings in different contexts. Digital Resources:* See above for digital resourcesLEARNING SEQUENCERemediationS1 or Early S2 Have the students investigate a variety of maps and discuss direction and location. Have the students discuss the maps reinforcing the terminology north, east, south, west etc. Use a transparency grid template to lay over that includes compass rose and discuss how we can use a compass and compass rose to assist with position, location and direction. Use the Digital Resources listed to reinforce and consolidate these concepts.LEARNING SEQUENCES2 Learning Sequence 5: Treasure Island Students draw a ‘Treasure Island’ map, creating a scale and compass rose, and imposing a grid and coordinates. They write a set of directions, using compass points and grid coordinates, to the location of a hidden treasure on their map. Students exchange maps and follow the directions to find the treasure. They are encouraged to comment on the scale used. Variation: Students could reproduce their maps on a computer. Learning Sequence 6: (Independently or in Collaborative Teams) Making a Compass: Construct a compass using a saucer of water, a slice of cork, a needle and a magnet. Research How to make a wet or dry compass: Choose a compass to make (research and apply): Design and Technology – Making a Compass Construct a compass using a saucer of water, a slice of cork, a needle and a magnet.Students explore with magnets, predicting and investigating what is attracted to them and what is not, how they are used, their interaction with and relationship to compasses, and what magnetism passes through and what it doesn't pass through.Students explore with several different magnets, predicting and testing what objects are and are not attracted. They also investigate magnets interaction with each other, discovering polarity, attraction, and repulsion. They explore the effect of magnetism on compasses, make their own compasses, and investigate magnetism's passage through a variety of objects.Students will predict, investigate, and record the effects of magnets on a variety of objects, on other magnets, on compasses, and through space. They will describe the characteristics of magnets and how magnets are used in their lives.Science Processes and Content: Processes-predicting, observing, inferring, measuring, communicating, formulating and testing hypotheses, designing investigations, gathering and recording data, formulating models, and making operational definitions. Content-magnetism, attraction, repulsion, iron, interaction, compasses, magnetic fields, North Pole, South Pole, and magnetite. Instructions:Place the cork on the waterRub the magnet one way along the needle repeatedly until magnetisedLay the needle on the cork. The needle will swing in a north-south directionWhen the needle stops mark north, South, East and West on the saucerExplain to students the four main points of the compassConfirm the results from the experiment with a standard compass.Label walls of the classroom with North, South, East and West.Discuss how compass directions are used with position and mapping.LEARNING SEQUENCEExtension Late S2 or Early S3Differentiation Learning Sequence 2: (Extension) Find the Earth’s poles. Investigate the compass and the Earth’s Poles. Magnetic North etc. A compass will guide you to magnetic north, not true north (Investigate) EVALUATION & REFLECTIONStudents complete the assessment task on Position 2 (See attached sheets)Design a cross country course or bike track within the school grounds.See attached assessment. All assessment tasks should be written in red and planning should be based around developing the skills to complete that task.Assessment rubrics or marking scale should be considered.25400160655Stage 2 Assessment Task Position 2Outcomes:MA2-1WM uses appropriate terminology to describe, and symbols to represent, mathematical ideas MA2-17MG uses simple maps and grids to represent position and follow routes, including using compass directions 00Stage 2 Assessment Task Position 2Outcomes:MA2-1WM uses appropriate terminology to describe, and symbols to represent, mathematical ideas MA2-17MG uses simple maps and grids to represent position and follow routes, including using compass directions 2540070485Prior Learning and Assessment Task Student will use their prior knowledge and understanding of position gained through the lessons to construct a cross country course or bike track within the school groundsThe students will draw their design on a provided grid.Students will be asked to demonstrate their understanding of co-ordinates by locating key features on their map/plan incorporating positional language and compass functionalities in relation to structures or pathways. Use a compass rose to indicate direction.00Prior Learning and Assessment Task Student will use their prior knowledge and understanding of position gained through the lessons to construct a cross country course or bike track within the school groundsThe students will draw their design on a provided grid.Students will be asked to demonstrate their understanding of co-ordinates by locating key features on their map/plan incorporating positional language and compass functionalities in relation to structures or pathways. Use a compass rose to indicate direction.57150185420Achievement Criteria RubricStudents construct a cross country or bike track.Students plot coordinates on their map and include a key and a compass rose.Students draw a grid over their map and are asked to describe their cross country course or bike track using positional language. Students use the compass rose to indicate direction on their course or track.00Achievement Criteria RubricStudents construct a cross country or bike track.Students plot coordinates on their map and include a key and a compass rose.Students draw a grid over their map and are asked to describe their cross country course or bike track using positional language. Students use the compass rose to indicate direction on their course or track.Achievement Criteria RubricTask SkillOutstanding High Sound DevelopingSG2.3Describes the location of an object or course using co-ordinates, directions and a compass rose. I am able highly proficient in describing the location of objects on a simple map using coordinates and directions and independently with insight and I can apply this knowledge to other areas.I am able to efficiently describe the location of objects on a simple map using coordinates and directions efficiently and independently with insight.I am able to effectively describe the location of objects on a simple map using coordinates and directions.I am developing my skills to describe an object using coordinates.SG2.3Describes paths, routes, courses with co-ordinates and using a features of a compassI am highly proficient in communicating co-ordinates, directions and routes using a compass and compass rose.I am proficient in communicating co-ordinates, directions and routes using a compass and compass rose.I am effective in communicating co-ordinates, directions and routes using a compass and compass rose.I am developing my skills in communicating co-ordinates, directions and routes using a compass and compass rose.SG2.3Uses maps and grids to represent position and follow routesI am highly proficient in communicating co-ordinates, directions and routes using effectively positional language to articulate and write and set of directions.I am proficient in communicating co-ordinates, directions and routes using effectively positional language to articulate and write and set of directions.I am effective in communicating co-ordinates, directions and routes using effectively positional language to articulate and write and set of directions.I am developing my skills in communicating co-ordinates, directions and routes using effectively positional language to articulate and write and set of directions.WMS2.3Construct a path, route, course using a grid and use positional language to describe their mapI have demonstrated an extensive understanding and competence to construct and represent position to describe a route on a self-created map.I have demonstrated a proficient understanding and competence to represent position to describe a route on a self-created map.I have demonstrated a component understanding to represent position to describe a route on a self-created amp.I have developing in my ability to represent position and describe a route on a self-created map.60960054362350028575057150Name _________________________ Date __________Assessment Task: Position 2Task: Design and sketch a bike track or cross country course to be marked out within the school grounds. Include a starting point for your course and ensure that the course does not overlap or cross itself. Use grid paper for your map, and use positional language to describe your course in relation to other structures or pathways. Use a compass rose to indicate directions. 00Name _________________________ Date __________Assessment Task: Position 2Task: Design and sketch a bike track or cross country course to be marked out within the school grounds. Include a starting point for your course and ensure that the course does not overlap or cross itself. Use grid paper for your map, and use positional language to describe your course in relation to other structures or pathways. Use a compass rose to indicate directions. 285750208915My directions_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________0My directions_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ................

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