Exploring Australia with Captain Cook

Exploring Australia with Captain CookLearning Areas:AC HASS & MathematicsYear Levels:4/5Author: Leasha’s LessonsLessons: 8+Unit Focus This unit aims to develop students understanding of?the expeditions Captain Cook took and the impact that had upon Australia. Students will explore Captain Cook’s life, sequence relevant events in chronological order and examine the HMB Endeavour. Students will undertake a two-part integrated Mathematics project where they will map the voyage, create a timeline, create a scaled drawing of the ship and compare the HMB Endeavour with a ship from the First Fleet. This unit allows students to explore the life and expeditions of Captain James Cook through different subjects by integrating History, Geography, Mathematics and Literacy.Resource TypeLink Book: Meet Captain Cook by Rae Murdie & Chris Nixon : Avoid Exploring with Captain Cook by Mark Bergin & David Antram : ABC Education: Captain Cook: National Museum Australia Website: State Library: Captain Cook Geographic: Ducksters: Captain Cook: My Place: Captain Cook: The Amazing Life and Strange Death of Captain Cook: Crash Course World History: Captain Cook Memorabilia : Navigational Instrument: Captain Cook Timeline Education- Maps Endeavour Virtual Tour Curriculum Established Goals Transfer HASS CurriculumAC History: Year 4: ACHASSK084 The journey(s) of at least one world navigator, explorer or trader up to the late eighteenth century, including their contacts with other societies and any impacts; examining the journey of explorers of the Australian coastline (James Cook) using navigation maps to reconstruct their journeys.AC History : Year 4: ACHHS081 Chronology, terms and concepts: Sequence historical people and eventsAC History : Year 4: ACHHS082 Chronology, terms and concepts: Use historical termsAC History : Year 4: ACHHS083 Historical questions and research: Pose a range of questions about the pastAC History : Year 4: ACHHS085 Perspectives and interpretations: Identify different points of viewAC History : Year 4: ACHHS086 Explanation and communication: Develop historical texts, particularly narrativesAC History : Year 4: ACHHS087 Explanation and communication: Use a range of communication forms (oral, graphic, written) and digital technologiesAC History: Year 5: ACHHS081 Chronology, terms and concepts: Sequence historical people and eventsAC History: Year 5: ACHASSI094 Develop appropriate questions to guide an inquiry about people, events, developments, places, systems and challenges.Mathematics CurriculumAC Mathematics: Year 4: ACMMG084 Use scaled instruments to measure and compare lengths, masses, capacities and temperaturesAC Mathematics: Year 4: ACMMG290 Compare objects using familiar metric units of area and volumeAC Mathematics: Year 4: ACMMG090 Use simple scales, legends and directions to interpret information contained in basic mapsAC Mathematics: Year 5: ACMMG108 Choose appropriate units of measurement for length, area, volume, capacity and massAC Mathematics: Year 5: ACMMG113 Use a grid reference system to describe locations. Describe routes using landmarks and directional languageACARA General CapabilitiesGC41 analyse information logically and make reasoned judgmentsGC42 evaluate ideas and create solutions and draw conclusionsGC35 pose insightful and purposeful questionsGC58 consider what it might be like to walk in another person’s shoes GC56 identify increasingly sophisticated characteristics of their own cultures and the cultures of othersBecome more aware of the influence that early explorers had on Australian lifeAbility to determine how past and present events may shape our futureMeaningSkillsEssential Questions Describing the experiences of Captain Cook and how that impacted Australian lifeSequencing historical events in chronological order, referencing key datesDeveloping questions about the pastCollecting and sorting informationInterpreting information contained in mapsUsing scaled instruments to measure lengthsUsing appropriate units of measurement for length Using a?grid reference?system to locate landmarksWhy did great journeys of exploration occur?What motivated countries to explore and colonise?Why did the Europeans settle in Australia?Who was Captain James Cook?What would life have been like aboard the HMB Endeavour?How can I create a scale to demonstrate accurate measurements?Assessment TasksDescription of TasksAchievement StandardsPart A: Captain Cook Voyage Map & Timeline of eventsDemonstrate an understanding of the voyage Captain Cook took to Australia through mapping and sequencing events.Map the journey: Create a map demonstrating the journey Captain Cook took to Australia using a grid refence system.Grid reference system and identified coordinatesScale & legendLabelled continentsClear path of the voyageTimeline of events: Create a timeline of key events from the journey.Events are clearly dated and in chronological orderShows all stops and points of interestUses a?grid reference?system to locate landmarksDescribes the experiences of an individual or group in the past.Sequences information about events and the lives of individuals in chronological order with reference to key datesSequences events in chronological order using timelinesRecords and represents?data?and the location of places and their characteristics in simple graphic forms, including large-scale?maps that use the cartographic?conventions?of?scale, legend, title and north point.?Part B: Ship Measurements & ComparisonDemonstrate an understanding of scale to recreate and compare ships.Create a scaled version of the ship ‘Endeavour’ which was used for the voyage. Compare that ship with another of your choice (must have been used in a voyage to Australia)Create a scaled drawing of your chosen shipExplain how the ships are similar and differentCreate a fact file and compare researched information between the two shipsUses scaled instruments to measure lengths, shapes and objectsUses appropriate units of measurement for lengthAbility to create and use simple scaleCollects and sort informationDescribes the experiences/journey of a ship in the past.Suggested Lesson SequenceDescription LE1 Captain Cook IntroductionFocus: Who was Captain Cook and what impact did he have upon the settlement of Australia?Brainstorm & pose questions: who was Captain Cook? What do we already know? What do we want to find out? Brainstorm as many questions we can think of about Captain Cook.Book: Read- Meet Captain Cook with the class. While reading- prompt students to record key dates and events (this could be done as a whole class or single activity. For whole class a student could type key dates which would be displayed on the interactive whiteboard).Map exploration- Students use an Atlas to find key places on the world map and discuss the journeyWhat were the places that they stopped at?What places would they have sailed past?What oceans would they have sailed on?Discuss findings as a class. Revisit class. Brainstorm: what questions have been answered? What questions do we still have?LE2 The Journey on the HMB EndeavourFocus question: What would life have been like aboard the HMB Endeavour?Question: what do you think it would have been like aboard the ship?Read book title: The Danger Zone: Avoid Captain Cook and look at front cover. Does this change or confirm your thoughts? What does the ship cover suggest that the conditions might be like? Predictions: make some class predictions about the conditions and what might have gone on in this time frame?Read the book aloud to the classDiscussions to have during and after the book:What was Captain Cook setting sail to actually do? What was the mission plan?Why would the men get punished and what were some of the reasons for the punishment?What is mutiny?Who were the different types of people aboard the ship?What kinds of rations did they have?What was the difference in behaviour towards them from the Tahitians compared to the Maoris?When did they find Australia?Literacy Response: Would you have liked being aboard the HMB Endeavour to Australia? Explain why/ why not. Using an A4 piece of paper using both images and text demonstrate what the journey would have been like.LE3 Captain James CookFocus question: What do we know about the life of Captain James Cook?What have we learned about Captain Cook and the journey so far?Watch clip: The Amazing Life & Strange Death of Captain CookExploring artefacts:Print images from Resource 10 & 11 for students to exploreFocus questions: what do you think these artefacts are? What might they have been used for? What questions do we have?Share students thinking before exploring what they artefacts are back on the websiteTimeline Sequencing events in Captain Cooks life: Using the timeline website (resource 12) copy and paste events out of chronological order for students to then place on a timeline in correct time order.LE4 Mapping Australia & Grid CoordinatesFocus question: What were old maps of the world like and how do we read grid coordinates?Discuss: When do you think that the world maps were completed? Did people always know about Australia? Was it always called Australia?Map Exploration: Using Resource 13 (use Ch 2 & Ch 3) examine and compare the old maps of Australia- what has changed? Watch: New Holland Maps. How was Australian named? Discuss. Explore websiteGrid Coordinates: Captain Cook PowerPoint Slide 12: How do we read this? Find all the coordinates on the PowerPointClass Game on Interactive Whiteboard: Click the coordinates. Math is fun gameBattle Ships Coordinates gamesOption 1: Play against a partner on laptops (each student needs a laptop). Students place the ships on coordinates and record hits and misses on their own and partners battleship grids. Play gameOption 2: Print blank quadrant grids and play against a partner using pencil and paper. Download gameLE5 This will take multiple lessonsCreating Scale: HMB EndeavourFocus question: What did the HMB Endeavour look like? How do you create a scaled drawing?Watch video: BTN HMB Endeavour hereDiscuss: what do we know about the HMB Endeavour? What information would we need to accurately draw it?Virtual Tour: HMB Endeavour (Resource 13)- explore ship- upper deck, lower deck and after fall deck.Display ship specifications on the board- why is this information important? What information do we need to use?Captain Cook PowerPoint: Slide 7: Go through the task- explain expectationsScale: Math is fun website: Go through how to create a scale. Model different scaled drawings on the board. E.g. 1cm = 1m.Students to work on creating their scaled version of the HMB Endeavour using ship specifications.LE6 This will take multiple lessonsCaptain Cook Voyage Map & TimelineFocus question: How can I record Captain Cooks different expeditions?Recap: What have we learned so far about Captain Cook and the expeditions he undertook?Captain Cook PowerPoint: Slide 6: Go through the task- explain expectationsStudents will need time to research, map and create their timeline for this task.LE7 This will take multiple lessonsShip Comparison & Fact FileFocus question: What other ships travelled great distances to get to Australia?Watch video: BTN First Fleet hereWhat were the 11 different ships of the first fleet? What were the similarities and differences between this journey and the expositions of Captain Cook?Students need to choose one of the 11 ships to compare to the HMB EndeavourCaptain Cook PowerPoint: Slide 8: Go through the task- explain expectationsStudents will need time to work on the scaled drawing, comparison and fact file.LE8 Sharing our findingsStudents to present their ship comparisons to the class and hand up their Captain Cook map and timeline. ................

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