The Congregational Connection

The Congregational Connection

Sunday School begins

Sunday, September 13th

following the Children’s Message

Ministry Highlights

September 6 BEAM Sunday

1:00 p.m. Soup Kitchen/Wiggins Team

September 10 Ladies Night Out/White Elephant @ Sarah Williams

September 20 11:00 a.m. Pancake Breakfast

September 21 7:00 p.m. Church Council Meeting

October 11th 9:00 a.m. Blood Drive

Delivery of Pumpkins

Ladies Night Out/White Elephant

Thursday, September 10th, 6 :00 p.m.

This month Ladies Night Out will be at Sarah Williams’: 10 Kingfish Ave in Dolphin Cove, Ponte Vedra. For the exchange, wrap up a "White Elephant" …anything you currently have that you no longer want…so it can be traded in the same manner we do the Christmas Ornament Exchange. To be sure there is plenty of food for this event, It is imperative to have a head count because ALL food and drink will be provided. Please RSVP no later than Sunday, September 6 to Sarah at swasoc@ or 285-3651 or 285-2626. You could also let Deb know using the church email address or church phone.

You can pick up a map to Sarah's at the Pavilion. Parking is available in Sarah's driveway, in the driveway across the street at the empty house, in Verna Horn’s driveway and possibly another driveway will be available. This information will be included on the map.

One more thing…Sarah welcomes anyone who is available to help with the preparations and cooking. Please let her know ASAP.

Pancake Breakfast

Beginning in September, every third Sunday Lord of Life will have a Pancake Breakfast following worship at 10:45 am. For more details speak with Cathy Wiggins.

Serving Sunday Mornings

Think of us in this way, as servants of Christ and stewards of God’s mysteries. 1 Corinthians 4:1

God is calling each disciple to take an active part in worship -- set up, clean up, reader, communion assistant, usher, music, host, refreshments, Sunday School, counters. Come share in the joy of serving and ministry to others. A sign-up sheet is located near the bulletins as you come in, it’s very helpful to know ahead of time who is serving each week. Thank you to all that serve!

Soup Kitchen

On the first Sunday of every month, Lord of Life plans, cooks, and serves the afternoon meal at the Soup Kitchen in Jacksonville Beach from 1:00-approx 4:30 p.m. This month is Team A’s responsibility, under the direction of Floyd & Cathy Wiggins, next month (October) Team B is under the direction of Rick and Kristen (Bankert) Woody. Team A & B alternate every month. Approximately 60 homeless people are served each Sunday. Serving at the Soup Kitchen has been a long-standing ministry of Lord of Life and has changed the lives of many people. If you can help, please speak to the Wiggins or the Woodys.

Blood Drive Rescheduled!

We have rescheduled our blood drive for Sunday, October 11th. The Florida Georgia Blood Alliance will be at the church from 9:00-11:30 a.m. Our goal is only eight units! Please reserve your donation for this drive. And tell your friends and family to come donate too. Kristen Bankert will have a sign-up sheet in the coming weeks. Remember, every drop counts!!

Pumpkins Patch News

YES, It’s that time of year again! Can you believe this is our 10th year doing the patch? We will invite past members and old friends to come back and join in the 10 year celebration (ask them to work a shift or two). Let me know if you can think of anybody you’d like to invite!

I am looking for suggestions for raffles, games, prizes, bake-sale, etc. All ideas and suggestions will be considered and are greatly appreciated.

It has been discussed that we should make this patch a truly giving event, two groups we’ve talked about helping are, The HEAL Foundation, and The Wounded Warrior Project. If you have another group to suggest, or any objections to either of these groups, please let me know.

No amount of help is too small, and ALL is appreciated. There’s lots to do, so check with me and let me know where you can help out. We will gladly accept help from other groups you may have a connection with. We have the Boy Scouts, and possibly some motorcycle club members. Ask your friends and relatives. We also give service hours to the middle and high school kids so let them know!

Delivery is scheduled for Sunday, October 11th. Please mark your calendars to help unload the truck and share a meal. Thank you for your continued support! A sign up sheet will be available.

More info to follow.

Pumpkin Patch Leader,

Wendy Mowat


2009 Churchwide Assembly of the ELCA

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

St. Paul reminds us: “Let love be genuine…Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with

those who weep. Live in harmony withone another.” [Romans 12: 9a, 15-16a]

The 2009 Churchwide Assembly of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America daily gathered around the Lord’s Table for worship and Holy Communion. I commend the voting members from our Florida-Bahamas Synod who served with grace and dedication, giving considered attention to the business at hand each day. In addition to our 18 elected voting members, we had over 25 visitors at the assembly from our synod. We are grateful for your prayers and for the interest that you have shared before, during and following the assembly.

Throughout the week, we learned of the vastness of our mission and our ministry as the people of God, both at home and in distant lands. During our time together, the assembly:

Adopted an HIV/AIDS Strategy and strengthened our commitment to working in partnership with Lutheran World Relief and the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod in the Lutheran Malaria Initiative;

Overwhelmingly voted to approve a full-communion agreement with the United Methodist Church, which opens doors to significant ministry opportunities throughout our synod;

Approved the social statement “Human Sexuality: Gift and Trust” and the Recommendations on Ministry Policies;

Passed a resolution seeking comprehensive immigration reform in our country. As one of the bishops who serve on the Presiding Bishop’s “Ready Bench” for the ministry of Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services, I am deeply appreciative of the adoption, and I know firsthand what a significant role we play in helping others recognize and address the burdens of our neighbors who are new arrivals to this country;

Voted to strengthen our commitment to involving young people in the life of the ELCA by working toward increasing their representation to 10% of the total of assembly Voting Members. As you may recall, our synod was one of the first to take significant steps toward this inclusion by adding an additional Voting Member position for each congregation specifically designated for a youth or young adult;

Re-elected Mr. Carlos Peña from Texas as Vice President of the ELCA; and,

Rejoiced in worship, Bible study, and fellowship.

This Churchwide Assembly played deeply upon our hearts and our faith as decisions were made that filled some with great joy and others with sadness. The processes of adopting the Social Statement and the Recommendations on Ministry Policies were reflective of our own synod assembly several months ago as Voting Members at the national expression were certainly not of one mind or heart on these matters. It will continue to be important for each of us to lift one another up in prayer as we live into these decisions.

In the debate and the decision to find ways to allow congregations that desire to do so to “recognize, support and hold publicly accountable lifelong, monogamous, same-gender relationships,” and in the decision to “find a way for people in such relationships to serve as rostered leaders of this church,” the themes of loving one's neighbor and bearing one another's burdens were often cited by those sharing their thoughts and feelings. I encourage you to reflect upon the words shared by Presiding Bishop Mark Hanson following these votes. You can find his words in both video and written format on the ELCA Assembly website ().

The months ahead will bring shape and focus to the particular implementation of the decisions made by the assembly, especially those related to sexuality and ministry policies. It is important to know that the process of congregations extending calls to rostered leaders will be fundamentally the same as is the present practice: Congregations finally determine whom to call as their pastor or lay rostered leader in a process guided by the Holy Spirit.

I commit myself, and my staff, to walking with you and our congregations as we continue to place our focus upon being about God’s mission in the communities where God as called us to serve. I look forward to opportunities to listen more carefully to your concerns and your reflections on the actions of our Churchwide Assembly. What you think and feel is important to me. I want to be attentive to your joys and your sorrows. I look forward to being with our rostered leaders at the Conference on Ministry in September and with others around the synod in my travels.

Please receive this blessing with which we closed our time together in Minneapolis: “The God of steadfastness and encouragement grant you to live in harmony with one another, in accordance with Christ Jesus. The God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. May the God of all grace bless you now and forever. Amen.”

In Christ and His Love,

The Reverend Edward R. Benoway

Bishop, Florida-Bahamas Synod, ELCA

Birthdays Anniversaries

9/10 Courtney Mowat 9/19 Gene Tanton 9/04 Ed & Dorothy Archer

9/12 Kaitlyn Bankert 9/20 Jean Bankert 9/22 Rick & Kristen (Bankert) Woody

9/15 Vicki VanHorn 9/29 Jim & Vicki VanHorn

Have a safe and

happy holiday!

Remember in our prayers those with special concerns, including:

Homebound/Assisted Living Facilities: Alma Ainsley (Vicar’s Landing, PVB), Lucille Halstead

Disciples Ed Archer, Darty family, Janet Dilts & family, MaryBeth Henningsen, Allie Larrimore, Aaron Nye, Vivian Steinbach, Natalie Taylor, Makenzie Wiggins, Sarah Williams

Families Mourning Loss:

Kenneth Andrus (Sarah Williams) Evelyn Smulovitz (Connors family)

George Cowgill (former member) Barbara Roberts (Deb Nye)

Bob Didiano (Chip Bianchi) Curtis Wright (Deb Nye)

Florence Philips (Amelia Orth)

Family of Prayer Partners are: Karen Bianchi, Amelia Orth, Jackie Woloscheck, Jim and Vicki VanHorn.

To Put Someone on the Prayer List: you can either call the office at 285-5347 or email the office at lordoflife2@


Lord of Life Lutheran Church ELCA

276 N. Roscoe Blvd.

Ponte Vedra Beach, FL 32082


About Our Church…

Our Vision is to be the body of Christ,

proclaiming God’s love to all in a broken world and

connecting the people of Ponte Vedra Beach and

surrounding communities with the healing power of

hope and peace brought by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Our Mission is to gather as a community of believers

empowered by the Holy Spirit to

spread God’s Word and love as His caring people.

Our Guiding Principles:

Jesus is our Lord and Savior

leading and encouraging Christ-centered lives

(Philippians 2:9-11)

Everyone is Welcome

all are forgiven at the foot of the cross

(Luke 15:1-2)

Providing Sanctuary in a Broken World

sharing Christ’s message of peace and hope

(1 Peter 2:9)

Serving Others with Compassion

letting the love of Christ flow from us into the world

(1 Corinthians 12:4-7)

Returning our Gifts for God’s Work

growing good stewards of the environment,

and our time, abilities and financial resources

(2 Corinthians 9:8)

Teaching and Modeling Christian Values

nurturing new, renewed and deeper discipleship

(2 Timothy 4:1-5)

Sunday Worship

9:45 a.m.

Holy Communion celebrated

Stay Connected with Us!

Office: (904) 285-5347

Fax: (904) 273-8271

Email: lordoflife2@

Web Site:


Lord of Life Lutheran Church September 2009 Volume 14 Issue 9




Partners in Ministry

Assistant to the Bishop

Rev. Paul Lutze

FL-Bahamas Synod ELCA website

Lutheran Social Services Lutheran Outdoor

Ministries of FL


Dona Horsley (The Bianchi family)

Carmen Jimenez (Hilda Markantonatos)

Juan Jimenez (Hilda Markantonatos)

Sandy Johme (Janet Dilts)

Pat Kaminshi (Pat Darty)

Samantha Kelley (Cathy Wiggins)

Beulah Landon (Deb Nye)

Linda Larrimore (Kevin Larrimore)

Kevin Mahoney (Dolly Holcomb)

Andres Marquez (Hilda Markantonatos)

Shawn Moffatt (Deb Nye)

Madeline Moore (Amelia Orth)

Bertha Neeson (former member)

Dorothy Orth (Bob Orth)

Bruce Pinover (Bankerts)

Dee Roberts (Jean Bankert)

Robert Schlobohm (Dolly Holcomb)

Evelyn Smalontz (Nancy Connors)

Heather Soucek (Brenda Braatz)

Sherrill Sullivan (Kristen Bankert)

Connie Shaffer (Kristen Bankert)

Becky Turner (MaryBeth Henningsen)

Riley Turner (Nancy Connors)

Ruth VanHorn (Jim VanHorn)

Al Wallace & family (Brenda Braatz)

Deb Willifor (Wendy Mowat)

Anna Wroblewski (Sarah Williams)

Michael Zich (Sarah Williams)

Rita Zich (Sarah Williams)

Staff, Officers, Church Council

Interim Pastor Rev. John Hugus

Parish Secretary Deb Nye

Lead Musician Katie Bonfati

President Kevin Larrimore

Vice President Sarah Williams

Cong.Secretary Karen Bianchi

Treasurer Cathy Wiggins

Financial Secretary John Sievers

Council Jean Bankert

Council Nancy Connors

Council Smith Holcomb

Council Wendy Mowat

Council Leann Wiggins

Ministry Team Leaders

Disipleship Leann Wiggins

Fellowship Jean Bankert

Finance Kevin Larrimore

Mutual/Staff Support VACANT

Outreach Kristen Bankert

Property VACANT Stewardship John Sievers

Youth Wendy Mowat

Cathy Wiggins

Witness VACANT

Worship & Music VACANT

Building Ministry Team

Wendy Mowat Deb Nye

Bob Orth Floyd Wiggins


Relatives & Friends:

Ann’s brother (Amelia Orth)

Julia (Amelia Orth)

Vanessa (Wendy Mowat)

Ian Aguilar (Hilda Markantonatos)

Evan & Brent Baker (Dorothy Waple)

Pr. Pat Bell (congregation)

Connor Bos (Leann Wiggins)

Alvina Braatz (Brenda Braatz)

Georgia Braddock (Hilda Markantonatos)

Aleatha Brantner (Hilda Markantonatos)

Frieda Carillo (Hilda Markantonatos)

Vickie Centeno (Dorothy Waple)

Nancy Chojn (Leann Wiggins)

Juan, Johnny, Shannon Colon (Hilda Markantonatos)

Adrian & Olivia Colon (Dorothy Waple)

Margaret Darty (Bill Darty)

Marlie Didson (Kristen Bankert)

Ethan &Evan Elfsey (Lindsey Larrimore)

David Ennis (Hilda Markantonatos)

Terry Fahr (Deb Nye)

Diane Fortier (Deb Nye)

Lindsey Franqui (Hilda Markantonatos)

Brenda Jewell Grafton Garner (Hilda Markantonatos)

Marita and Terry Greene (Dolly Holcomb)

Nancy Goodale (Roy Lewis)

Gene Hager (Hilda Markantonatos)

Arnie Henningsen (Marybeth Henningsen)

Gary & Cindy Hogman (Jean Bankert)

To our friends…

BEAM Back to School and Food Pantry

A BIG THANK YOU to Thrivent Financial for Lutherans for funding this event and to our members that also donated items or monetary contributions for this project. BEAM has seen a 50% increase in families needs for assistance, one of their volunteer workers said “In all the years he has worked there he has never seen it this bad and the shelves in their pantry this empty”. This congregation is a very giving congregation! Together we have put a smile on children’s faces and their families as well.

Here are the results of the clothing, food and school supply drive:

14 bags cereal girls socks 8 pkgs. construction paper

30 cans ravioli 60 prs 33 pkgs. notebook paper

30 cans tuna 16 erasable pens

21 cans chicken boys socks 20 highlighters

12 cans corn beef hash 82 prs. 21 boxes crayons

1 can manwich 14 ring binders

2 cans spam 20 pkgs. index cards

6 jars jelly 44 spiral theme books

18 cans chili 15 composition books

2 cans beans 14 bottles of glue

2 cans vegetables 18 glue sticks

34 cans soup 14 pkg. dividers

36 ramen noodles girls undies 23 block erasers

24 boxes mac & cheese 90 21 scissors

48 cans fruit boys boxers/briefs 228 pencils

2 jars applesauce 41 54 pens

1 jar pickles 16 pencil boxes

9 jars spaghetti sauce 20 folders/portfolios

7 boxes potatoes 2 bags of gently 21 rulers

4 cartons milk used clothing 5 pencil sharpeners

4 boxes of rice

6 noodle/rice sides $30 monetary gift

6 boxes hamburg helper


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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