AP European History Course Syllabus

AP European History Course Syllabus

Course Description:

This course will conform to the competency goals and objectives set forth in the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction’s Standard Course of Study. The course is described in the document as follows:

Advanced Placement European History is a college level survey course that covers the time period from approximately 1450 until the present. The course will cover economic, social, cultural, intellectual, political, and diplomatic themes in European History. Students will be expected to develop analytical thinking and persuasive writing skills in dealing with historical evidence and interpretation.

NCDPI Standard Course of Study, 2005

The course will follow the generally chronological organization of the textbook.

Competency Goal 1: Historical Tools and Practices: The learner will identify, analyze and synthesize the methods and tools valued by historians in order to investigate the themes of history.


1.01 Define the concepts of cause and effect, time continuity, perspective, and periodization.

1.02 Analyze and interpret primary and secondary sources to compare views, trace themes, and detect bias.

1.03 Relate psychology, geography, art, literature, political science, sociology, and economics to the study of history.

1.04 Evaluate themes of society, technology, economics, politics, and culture as they relate to the development of Europe.

1.05 Examine the indicators of European civilization including writing, labor specialization, cities, technology, trade, and political and cultural institutions.

Competency Goal 2: Formation of Governments and Diplomacy: The learner will investigate the development of European governments, their historical interrelationship, and their connections to Europe today.


2.01 Trace the development of the European political structure as they emerge from the Middle Ages and as it evolves into the nation-state.

2.02 Analyze the rise of the modern state in its various forms.

2.03 Compare and contrast the political relationships among European nations and their influence and expansion throughout the world: colonialism, imperialism, decolonization in global interdependence.

2.04 Exhibit an understanding of the revolutionary process, political protest and reform as they pertain to the development of European nation-states.

2.05 Analyze and explain the growth and changing forms of nationalism.

2.06 Demonstrate an understanding of varying origins, developments, technologies and consequences of war and civil conflicts.

2.07 Differentiate efforts to balance power and restrain conflict through treaties, diplomacy, and international organizations.

2.08 Evaluate the evolution of political elites and the development of political parties, ideologies and other mass politics.

2.09 Examine domestic and foreign policies and their interrelationship.

2.10 Summarize the extension and limitation of personal, civic, economic, and political rights and liberties, including political persecutions.

Competency Goal 3: Patterns of Social Order: The learner will investigate European social organization from approximately 1450 to the present, in order to understand shifts in power and status.


3.01 Trace the shift in social structures from hierarchical orders to modern social classes with an emphasis on the changing distribution of wealth and poverty.

3.02 Analyze the influence of sanitation and health care practices on society including, but not limited to, the impact of food supply, diet, famine, and disease.

3.03 Examine the development and transformation of racial and ethnic group identities.

3.04 Evaluate the role of urbanization in transforming cultural values and social relationships.

3.05 Analyze gender roles and their influence on the dynamics of domestic and public life.

3.06 Identify the changing definitions of and attitudes toward main stream groups and groups, characterized as the “other.”

3.07 Assess the causes and consequences of change in demographic structure and reproductive patterns of Europeans.

Competency Goal 4: Development of European Economic Systems: The learner will investigate and understand the formation of European economic systems.


4.01 Analyze growth of competition and interdependence in national and world markets.

4.02 Evaluate the private and state roles in economic activity from the Renaissance to the present.

4.03 Understand the development, rewards and benefits and the consequences of European Industrialization.

4.04 Assess the economic and social impact of mass production, and the consumption of commercial goods and services.

4.05 Examine the causes and effects of the agricultural, industrial and commercial revolutions and their impact upon European states and their colonies.

4.06 Evaluate the various economic theories and key economists and their impact upon European economic systems.

Grading: Tests 60%i

Homework 20%

Class Participation 20%

Tests: Chapter tests will consist of twenty-five multiple-choice items and one free-response question or document-based question.

Homework: Study questions, identification items and map exercises will be assigned from the Study Guide. These are to be completed as their corresponding chapter sections are read. Students should review the links listed below and read primary sources before discussion in class. Additional reading assignments chosen to acquaint students with the methodology of historical scholarship and interpretation and the analysis of secondary source documents are interspersed through the course and designated below by asterisks.


R.R. Palmer, Joel Colton and Lloyd Kramer. A History of the Modern World. New York: Knopf Publishing Group, 10th edition, 2007.

Megan McLean. Study Guide for use with A History of the Modern World. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2007.

Additional Reading:

Sherman, Dennis. Western Civilization: Sources, Images and Interpretations, from the Renaissance to the Present. New York: McGraw Hill, 8th edition, 2011.

Tuchman, Barbara W. Practicing History: Selected Essays by Barbara W. Tuchman. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1981.

|Date |Text, Primary and Secondary Sources and Multimedia |

|8/16/12 |Chapter 1 The Rise of Europe, Section 1. Ancient Times: Greece, Rome, and Christianity pp. 9-18 |

| |The Greek World |

| |[Maps Ancient Greece] |

| |[Primary Source Thucydides, Pericles' Funeral Oration] |

| |[Primary Source Description of Corinth] |

| |[Primary Source Aristotle, Description of Sparta] |

| |[Primary Source Plato, Republic] |

| |[Primary Source Herodotus, History] |

| |[Primary Source Thucydides, History of the Peloponnesian War] |

| |[Primary Source Pythagoras and the Pythagoreans] |

| |[Primary Source Aristotle, The Athenian Constitution] |

| |[Map Conquests of Alexander the Great] |

| |[Map Hellenistic world, 310 BC] |

| |[Image Ptolemaic Solar System] |

| |The Roman World |

| |[Image Roman couple] |

| |[Primary Source Roman Army] |

| |[Roman Army] |

| |The Coming of Christianity |

| |[Primary Source Josephus on Jesus] |

| |[Primary Source Pliny on the Christians] |

| |[Image Early Christian] |

| |[Primary Source Constantine] |

| |[Primary Source Augustine, City of God] |

| |*Read Tuchman pp. 15-24 “In Search of History.” |

|8/17/12 |Chapter 1, Section 2. The Early Middle Ages: The Formation of Europe pp. 18-28 |

| |The Disintegration of the Roman Empire |

| |[Primary Source Goths] |

| |[Primary Source Attila the Hun] |

| |[Image Mosque, Umayyad Damascus] |

| |[Primary Source Beowulf] |

| |[Primary Source Alaric's Sack of Rome, 410] |

| |[Image Muhammad] |

| |[Map Early Islamic Empire] |

| |The Byzantine World, Arabic World, and the West about 700 |

| |[Image Qur’an] |

| |[Primary Source Germanic law code] |

| |[Map Europe c. 526] |

| |The Church and the Rise of the Papacy |

| |[Image Bishop] |

| |[Primary Source On Papal Elections] |

| |The Empire of Charlemagne, 800-814 |

| |[Primary Source Charlemagne] |

| |[Image Charlemagne crowned, 800] |

| |[Primary Source Carolingians] |

| |[Primary Source Monetary Regulations of the Carolingians] |

| |Ninth-Century Invasions; Europe by 1000 |

| |[Primary Source Norsemen] |

| |[Map Movement of Hungarians into Europe] |

| |[Primary Source Moscow as the Third Rome] |

| |[Image Iconoclasts] |

| |*Read Tuchman pp. 33-44 “History by the Ounce.” |

|8/20/12 |Chapter 1, Section 3. The High Middle Ages: Secular Civilization pp. 28-37 |

| |Agriculture and the Feudal System after 1000 |

| |[Image Medieval German town] |

| |[Image Windmill] |

| |[Image Water mill] |

| |[Image Village in Winter] |

| |[Primary Source Manorial Management and Organization, c. 1275] |

| |[Primary Source Fief Ceremonies] |

| |[Primary Source Feudal Oaths of Fidelity] |

| |[Primary Source Election of Hugh Capet] |

| |[Primary Source Manor] |

| |The Rise of Towns and Commerce |

| |[Primary Source Long-distance trading] |

| |[Primary Source Venetian Doges] |

| |[Primary Source Great Fair at Thessalonica] |

| |[Primary Source Charter for Town of St. Omer, 1127] |

| |[Primary Source Merchant guild] |

| |[Primary Source Apprenticeship Agreements, c. 1250] |

| |The Growth of National Monarchies |

| |[Primary Source Magna Carta] |

| |[Primary Source Summons to Parliaments] |

| |[Primary Source Parliament of 1376] |

| |*Read Tuchman pp. 45-50 “The Historian as Artist.” |

|8/21/12 |Chapter 1, Section 4. The High Middle Ages: The Church pp. 37-48 |

| |[Image Miracle play] |

| |[Virtual Tour Amiens Cathedral] |

| |[Image Priest celebrating Mass] |

| |[Image Bishop marrying couple] |

| |The Development of the Medieval Church and Papacy |

| |[Map Holy Roman Empire, 962] |

| |[Primary Source Foundation Charter of Cluny, 910] |

| |[Primary Source Lay investiture] |

| |[Image Innocent III] |

| |[Primary Source Albigensians] |

| |[Image Trial by battle] |

| |Intellectual Life: The Universities, Scholasticism |

| |[Primary Source Abelard, Sic et Non, 1120] |

| |[Primary Source Aquinas, Summa] |

| |[Primary Source Scholastic philosophy: Anselm on God's] |

| |[Image Averroes] |

| |[Image Muslim Astronomers] |

| |The Crusades; New Invasions; Europe by 1300 |

| |[Primary Source The Crusades] |

| |[Map Map of Reconquista] |

| |[Primary Source Marco Polo] |

| |* Read Tuchman pp. 55-64 “The Historian’s Opportunity.” |

|8/22/12 |Chapter 1 Test (multiple-choice only) |

|8/23/12 |Chapter 2 The Upheaval in Western Christendom 1300-1560, Section 5. Disasters of the Fourteenth Century pp. 49-55 |

| |The Black Death and Its Consequences |

| |[Primary Source Black Death described by Boccaccio] |

| |[Image Black Death] |

| |[Image Beggars] |

| |[Primary Source Jacquerie of 1358] |

| |[Primary Source English Peasant Revolt of 1381] |

| |[Image Small peasants] |

| |[Primary Source Froissart, Hundred Years' War] |

| |[Primary Source Joan of Arc] |

| |[Primary Source Wars of Roses] |

| |Troubles of the Medieval Church |

| |[Primary Source Boniface VIII, Unam Sanctam] |

| |[Primary Source Petrarch, Letter Criticizing the Avignon Papacy] |

| |[Primary Source Great Schism] |

| |[Primary Source Witchcraft Documents] |

| |[Primary Source Witchcraft Trial] |

| |[Primary Source John Wyclif, On the Sacrament of Communion] |

| |[Primary Source Condemnation of Wycliffe, 1382 and Wycliffe's Reply, 1384] |

| |[Primary Source John Huss] |

| |The Conciliar Movement |

| |[Primary Source Council of Pisa] |

| |[Primary Source Council of Constance] |

| |[Primary Source Pragmatic Sanction of Bourges, 1438] |

| |[Image Leo X] |

| |[Image Lucretia Borgia] |

| |*Read Tuchman pp 76-90 “The Houses of Research” and “Biography as a Prism of History.” |

|8/24/12 |Chapter 2, Section 6. The Renaissance in Italy pp. 56-69 |

| |The Italian Cities and the New Conception of Life |

| |[Primary Source Villani, Florentine Chronicle] |

| |[Primary Source Da Vinci] |

| |Humanism: The Birth of "Literature" |

| |[Image Dante, Divine Comedy] |

| |[Image Petrarch] |

| |[Primary Source Petrarch, Familiar Letters] |

| |[Image Boccaccio] |

| |Schooling, Manners and Family Life |

| |[Image Durer, Young Venetian Woman] |

| |Politics and the Italian Renaissance |

| |[Image Niccolo Machiavelli] |

| |[Primary Source Niccolo Machiavelli, The Prince] |

| |*Read Sherman pp. 14-17 and answer chapter questions 1 and 2 on p. 17. |

|8/27/12 |Chapter 2, Section 7. The Renaissance Outside Italy pp. 69-72 |

| |Religious Scholarship and Science |

| |[Primary Source Paracelsus, The Treasure of Treasures for Alchemists] |

| |[Image Copernicus] |

| |Mysticism and Lay Religion |

| |[Primary Source Thomas a Kempis, Imitation of Christ] |

| |Erasmus of Rotterdam |

| |[Primary Source Praise of Folly] |

|8/28/12 |Chapter 2, Section 8. The New Monarchies pp. 71-77 |

| |The New Monarchy in England, France, and Spain |

| |[Primary Source Louis XI] |

| |The Holy Roman Empire and the Habsburg Supremacy |

| |[Image Charles V] |

| |[Primary Source Fall of Constantinople] |

| |[Primary Source Fall of Constantinople] |

| |[Map Hungary under Ottomans] |

| |[Primary Source Visit to Wife of Suleiman the Magnificent] |

| | |

|8/29/12 |Chapter 2. Section 9. The Protestant Reformation pp. 77-92 |

| |Luther and Lutheranism |

| |[Primary Source Luther on Indulgences] |

| |[Image Indulgence Letter] |

| |[Image City of Wittenberg] |

| |[Image Wittenberg University] |

| |[Image Luther before Charles V at Worms] |

| |[Image Peasant's War] |

| |[Primary Source The Twelve Articles of the Peasants] |

| |[Primary Source Anabaptists: The Schleitheim Confession, 1527] |

| |[Primary Source Peace of Augsburg] |

| |Calvin and Calvinism |

| |[Primary Source Calvin, Institutes of the Christian Religion] |

| |[Primary Source Geneva] |

| |The Reformation in England |

| |[Image Henry VIII] |

| |[Primary Source Letter of Thomas Cranmer on Henry VIII's divorce, 1533] |

| |[Primary Source Act of Supremacy] |

| |[Primary Source Thomas More, Utopia] |

| |[Primary Source The Thirty-nine Articles (1563)] |

| |The Consolidation of Protestantism by 1560 |

| |*Read Sherman pp. 28-32. |

|8/30/12 |Chapter 2. Section 10. Catholicism Reformed and Reorganized pp. 93-98 |

| |The Council of Trent |

| |[Primary Source Council of Trent] |

| |The Counter Crusade |

| |[Image Paul III] |

| |[Primary Source Ignatius Loyola, Spiritual Exercises] |

| |[Primary Source Index of Prohibited Books] |

|8/31/12 |Chapter 2 Test |

| |2005 Exam, FRQ 4 on Luther and Henry VIII |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|9/4/12 |Chapter 3 Economic Renewal and Wars of Religion 1560-1648, Section 11. The Opening of the Atlantic pp. 99-106 |

| |The Portuguese in the East |

| |[Primary Source Vasco da Gama, Round Africa to India, 1497-1498] |

| |The Discovery of America |

| |[Primary Source Columbus' letter to the King and Queen of Spain, 1494] |

| |[Primary Source An Aztec Account of the Conquest of Mexico] |

| |[Primary Source Mining] |

| |[Primary Source Magellan's Voyage Round the World, 1519-1522] |

| |[Primary Source John Cabot, Voyage to North America, 1497] |

| |[Primary Source Treaty of Tordesillas, 1494] |

| |The Spanish Empire in America |

| |[Primary Source The New Laws of the Indies, 1542] |

| |Read Sherman pp. 41-45 and answer chapter questions 1-3 on p. 45. |

|9/5/12 |Chapter 3, Section 12. The Commercial Revolution pp. 106-114 |

| |[Primary Source Thomas Mun, England's Treasure By Forraign Trade, 1664] |

| |[Primary Source John Locke, Further Considerations Concerning Raising the Value of Money] |

| |Changes in Commerce and Production |

| |[Image Rouen] |

| |[Image Manila Galleon] |

| |Capital and Labor |

| |[Image Book trade] |

| |Mercantilism |

| |[Image Russia Company] |

|9/6/12 |Chapter 3, Section 13. Changing Social Structures pp. 114-120 |

| |[Image Freeholders] |

| |[Image Peasants] |

| |Social Classes |

| |[Image French nobles] |

| |[Image Grands seigneurs] |

| |[Image German merchant] |

| |[Image Urban elite] |

| |[Primary Source Trade guilds] |

| |[Image Small retailers] |

| |[Primary Source Poor in 17th-century France] |

| |[Image Charitable relief: Foundling Hospital] |

| |Social Roles of Education and Government |

| |[Image Leyden] |

| |[Image Geneva] |

| |Eastern and Western Europe |

|9/7/12 |Chapter 3, Section 14. The Wars of Catholic Spain: The Netherlands and England pp. 121-130 |

| |The Ambitions of Philip II |

| |[Image The Escorial] |

| |[Image Duke of Alva] |

| |[Primary Source Massacre of St. Bartholomew's Day, 1572] |

| |The Revolt of the Netherlands |

| |[Primary Source Dutch Declaration of Independence, 1581] |

| |The Involvement of England |

| |[Image Mary Queen of Scots] |

| |[Image Union of Utrecht] |

| |[Primary Source Francis Pretty, Sir Francis Drake's Famous Voyage Round The World, 1580] |

| |[Primary Source Queen Elizabeth I, Speech Against the Spanish Armada, 1588] |

| |The Results of the Struggle |

| |[Primary Source Charter of the Dutch West India Company, 1621] |

|9/10/12 |Chapter 3, Section 15. The Disintegration and Reconstruction of France pp. 130-135 |

| |Political and Religious Disunity |

| |[Map Religious and Political Divisions of France, 1585-1598] |

| |The Civil and Religious Wars |

| |[Image Henry of Bourbon, King of Navarre] |

| |[Image Procession of Catholic League, 1590] |

| |[Image Duke of Parma Resupplies Paris, 1590] |

| |[Image Duke of Guise] |

| |[Image Jean Bodin] |

| |The End of the Wars: Reconstruction under Henry IV |

| |[Image Henry IV Enters Paris, 1594] |

| |[Primary Source Edict of Nantes] |

| |Cardinal Richelieu |

| |[Primary Source Cardinal Richelieu] |

|9/11/12 |Chapter 3, Section 16. The Thirty Year’s War, 1618-1648: The Disintegration of Germany pp. 135-143 |

| |Background of the Thirty Years' War |

| |The Four Phases of the War |

| |[Image Defenestration of Prague] |

| |[Image Gustavus Adolphus] |

| |[Primary Source The Destruction of Magdeburg, 1631] |

| |The Peace of Westphalia, 1648 |

| |[Primary Source Treaty of Westphalia] |

| |*Read Sherman pp. 58-60 (Holborn; Friedrich; Anderson). |

|9/12/12 |Chapter 3 Test |

| |2004 Exam, DBQ on attitudes towards poor |

|9/13/12 |Chapter 4, The Growing Power of Western Europe, 1640-1715, Section 17. The Grande Monarque and the Balance of Power pp. 145-148|

| |[Images Rise and Fall of the Absolute Monarchy] |

|9/14/12 |Chapter 4, Section 18. The Dutch Republic pp. 149-155 Dutch Civilization and Government |

| |[Primary Source Anna Maria van Schurman] |

| |[Image Anna Maria van Schurman] |

| |[Primary Source The Dutch Declaration of Independence, 1581] |

| |[Primary Source William Temple: Observations upon the United Provinces of the Netherlands] |

| |[Primary Source Charter of the Dutch West India Company] |

| |Foreign Affairs: Conflict with the English and French |

|9/18/12 |Chapter 4, Section 19. Britain: The Civil War pp. 155-162 |

| |[Primary Source The English Revolution] |

| |England in the Seventeenth Century |

| |[Primary Source James I, True Law of Free Monarchies, 1598] |

| |[Primary Source James I on divine right of kings] ] |

| |Background to the Civil War: Parliament and the Stuart Kings |

| |[Image Charles I] |

| |[Primary Source Petition of Right, 1628] |

| |[Primary Source Charles I : Declaration of Sports] |

| |[Image A Cavalier] |

| |[Primary Source Solemn League and Covenant] |

| |The Emergence of Cromwell |

| |[Primary Source Charles I, Speech to Parliament on the Occasion of his Trial for Treason] |

| |[Image Charles I beheaded] |

| |[Image Thomas Fairfax] |

| |[Primary Source Statement of the Levellers, 1649] |

| |[Primary Source Putney Debates] |

| |[Primary Source Commonwealth Instrument of Government, 1653] |

| |[Image Cromwell Portrait] |

| |[Primary Source Hobbes, Leviathan, Chaps 13-14] |

| |[Image Thomas Hobbes] |

| |*Read Sherman pp.60-61 (Russell; Monter). |

|9/19/12 |Chapter 4, Section 20. Britain: The Triumph of Parliament pp. 162-169 |

| |The Restoration, 1660-1688: The Later Stuarts |

| |[Image Charles II] |

| |[Image James II] |

| |[Image Great Fire of London] |

| |The Revolution of 1688 |

| |[Image William III and Mary II] |

| |[Image Anne 1705] |

| |[Primary Source Declaration of Right, February 1689] |

| |[Primary Source English Bill of Rights, 1689] |

| |[Image Battle of the Boyne] |

| |[Primary Source Locke, Two Treatises of Government, 1690, selections] |

| |[Image John Locke] |

| |*Read Sherman pp. 69-70, “The English Revolution 1688-1689” by George Macaulay Trevelyan. |

|9/20/12 |Chapter 4, Section 21. The France of Louis XIV, 1643-1715: The Age of Absolutism pp. 169-181 |

| |French Civilization in the Seventeenth Century |

| | |

| |The Development of Absolutism in France |

| |[Image Louis XIV] |

| |[Image The Fronde] |

| |[Image Jules Mazarin] |

| |[Primary Source Bossuet on kingship] |

| |[Image Bossuet] |

| |Government and Administration |

| |[Image Versailles in 17th century] |

| |[Primary Source Jean Domat, On Social Order and Absolute Monarchy, 1697] |

| |[Primary Source Reading Guide Jean Domat, On Social Order and Absolute Monarchy, 1697] |

| |Primary Source Duc de Saint-Simon, The Court of Louis XIV] |

| |Economic and Financial Policies: Colbert |

| |[Image Jean-Baptiste Cobert] |

| |[Primary Source Colbert, Memorandum on Trade, 1664] |

| |Religion: The Revocation of the Edict of Nantes, 1685 |

| |[Primary Source Revocation of Edict of Nantes] |

| |*Read Sherman p. 69, “Absolutism: Myth and Reality” by G. Durand and answer chapter question #1 on p. 72. |

|9/21/12 |Chapter 4, Section 22. The Wars of Louis X1V: The Peace of Utrecht |

| |Before 1700 |

| |[Image French soldier] |

| |The War of the Spanish Succession |

| |[Image Gibraltar] |

| |The Peace of Utrecht |

| |[Map Utrecht and Rastadt, 1713] |

|9/24/12 |Chapter 4 Test |

| |2003 Exam, FRQ 3 on Louis XIV |

|9/25/12 |Chapter 5 The Transformation of Eastern Europe, 1648-1740, Section 23. Three Aging Empires pp. 189-199 |

| |The Holy Roman Empire after 1648 |

| |[Map Growth of the Habsburg Dominions] |

| |The Republic of Poland about 1650 |

| |The Ottoman Empire about 1650 |

| |[Image Janissaries] |

| |[Image Grand Vizier ] |

| |[Map Map of Ottoman Empire] |

|9/26/12 |Chapter 5, Section 24. The Formation of an Austrian Monarchy pp. 199-203 |

| |The Recovery and Growth of Habsburg Power, 1648-1740 |

| |[Image Vienna] |

| |The Austrian Monarchy by 1740 |

|9/27/12 |Chapter 5, Section 25. The Formation of Prussia pp. 203-211 |

| |Sweden's Short-Lived Empire |

| |[Image Queen Christina] |

| |[Image Charles XII] |

| |The Territorial Growth of Brandenburg-Prussia |

| |[Image Berlin in 1685] |

| |[Map Maps of Brandenburg] |

| |[Image Frederick I] |

| |[Primary Source Frederick William I] |

| |The Prussian Military State |

| |[Primary Source Frederick II, the Great, Memoirs] |

| |[Primary Source Frederick II: Essay on the Forms of Government] |

| |[Image Schloß Sanssouci] |

|9/28/12 |Chapter 5, Section 26. The “Westernizing” of Russia pp. 211-224 |

| |[Virtual Tour] Moscow Kremlin] |

| |[Primary Source The Sudebnik of Ivan III] |

| |[Primary Source Samuel Collins on the Court of Aleksei Mikhailovich (1670)] |

| |Russia before Peter the Great |

| |[Primary Source Tatars] |

| |[Image Cossacks] |

| |[Image 17th century Duma] |

| |[Image Icon of Old Believers] |

| |Peter the Great: Foreign Affairs and Territorial Expansion |

| |[Primary Source Streltsi Rebellion] |

| |Internal Changes under Peter the Great |

| |[Primary Source Proclamation on the Introduction of the New Calendar 1700] |

| |[Primary Source Jean Rousset de Missy, Life of Peter the Great] |

| |[Image Shaving Beards] |

| |The Results of Peter's Revolution |

|10/1/12 |Chapter 5 Test |

| |2002 Exam, FRQ 5 on the effect of absolutism on nobility |

|10/2/12 |Chapter 6 The Transformation of Eastern Europe 1648-1740, Section 27. Prophets of a Scientific Civilization: Bacon and |

| |Descartes pp. 225-231 |

| |Science before the Seventeenth Century |

| |Bacon and Descartes |

| |[Image Francis Bacon] |

| |[Primary Source Bacon, Novum Organum, Preface] |

| |[Primary Source Bacon, Advancement of Learning] |

| |[Primary Source Bacon, The New Atlantis] |

| |[Primary Source Rene Descartes, Discourse on Method, 1637] |

|10/3/12 |Chapter 6, Section 28. The Road to Newton: The Law of Universal Gravitation pp. 231-240 |

| |Scientific Advances |

| |[Image Andreas Vesalius] |

| |[Image Vesalius, Structure of the Human Body] |

| |[Primary Source William Harvey, On the Motion of the Heart and Blood ] |

| |[Image John Napier] |

| |[Image Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz] |

| |The Scientific Revolution: Copernicus to Galileo |

| |[Image Nicholas Copernicus] |

| |[Primary Source Revolutions of the Heavenly Bodies, 1543] |

| |[Image Tycho Brahe] |

| |[Image Johannes Kepler] |

| |[Image Galileo] |

| |[Primary Source The Crime of Galileo,] |

| |The Achievement of Newton: The Promise of Science |

| |[Primary Source Isaac Newton, Mathematical Principles, 1687] |

| |[Primary Source Origin of the Royal Society of London] |

| |[Primary Source Letters patent establishing the French Academy, 1635] |

| |[Image Artillery] |

| |[Image Robert Boyle] |

| |The Scientific Revolution and the World of Thought |

| |*Read Sherman pp. 79-81 and answer chapter questions 1 and 2 on p. 81. |

|10/4/12 |Chapter 6, Section 29. New Knowledge of Human Beings and Society pp. 240-249 |

| |Current of Skepticism |

| |[Primary Source Montaigne, On Cannibals] |

| |The New Sense of Evidence |

| |[Primary Source Samuel Willard, A briefe account] |

| |[Image Witchcraft] |

| |History and Historical Scholarship |

| |The Questioning of Traditional Beliefs Richard Simon, Critical History of the Old Testament |

| |[Image Baruch Spinoza] |

| |[Primary Source John Locke, Letter on Toleration] |

| |[Primary Source John Locke, The Reasonableness of Christianity] |

| |[Primary Source John Locke, Essay Concerning the Human Understanding] |

|10/5/12 |Chapter 6, Section 30. Political Theory: The School of Natural Law pp. 249-255 |

| |[Primary Source Niccolo Machiavelli, The Prince] |

| |Natural Right and Natural Law |

| |Hobbes and Locke |

| |[Image Thomas Hobbes] |

| |[Primary Source Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan, exerpt] |

| |[Primary Source Thomas Hobbes, Leviathan, full text] |

| |[Primary Source John Locke, Two Treatises of Government] |

| |[Primary Source Bill of Rights, 1689] |

|10/8/12 |Chapter 6 Test |

| |2005 Exam, Form B, DBQ on societal factors affecting scientific work |

|10/9/12 |Chapter 7 The Struggle for Wealth and Empire, Section 31. Elite and Popular Culture pp. 257-265 |

| |[Image William Hogarth, The Fishing Party] |

| |[Image Thomas Rowlandson, The Old Tea Room, Assembly Rooms, Bath] |

| |[Image Pierre Bergeret, Dawdlers of the Rue de Coq] |

| |[Image William Hogath, The Cockpit] |

| |[Primary Source Potatoes] |

| |[Primary Source Salon Life] |

| |[Primary Source English Coffee-Houses] |

| |[Primary Source Nonconformists: Baptist Confession of faith, 1689] |

| |[Primary Source John Woolman, Journal] |

| |[Image Hogarth, Visit to a Quack Doctor] |

| |[Image Street Congestion] |

| |[Image Riots] |

| |[Image Hogarth, Laughing Audience] |

| |[Image Dancing: William Hogarth, An Analysis of Beauty Plate II] |

| |[Image William Hogarth, Southwark Fair, 1733] |

| |*Read Sherman pp. 92-94 (Roberts; Krieger; Blum). |

|10/10/12 |Chapter 7, Section 32. The Global Economy of the Eighteenth Century pp. 265-273 |

| |Commerce and Industry in the Eighteenth Century |

| |[Image A Broom Seller in 18th-century France] |

| |[Map London in Reign of Queen Anne] |

| |[Image William Hogarth, Apprentices at their Looms] |

| |The World Economy: The Dutch, British, and French |

| |[Image East India House, London] |

| |[Primary Source Daniel Defoe, The Complete English Tradesman] |

| |Asia, America, and Africa in the Global Economy |

| |[Primary Source Poem by Giovambatista Roberti] |

| |[Primary Source Kidnapped Into Slavery] |

| |The Wealth of Western Europe: Social Consequences |

| |[Virtual Tour] Harewood House] |

| |[Image Chippendale furniture] |

| |[Image William Hogarth, The Marriage Contract] |

| |[Image Thomas Pitt] |

| |Read Sherman pp. 95-96, “Women’s Work in Preindustrial Europe” by Merry E. Weisner. |

|10/11/12 |Chapter 7, Section 33. Western Europe after the Peace of Utrecht , 1713-1740 pp. 274-282 |

| |[Image Philip V] |

| |[Image John Law] |

| |France and Britain after 1713 |

| |[Image Cardinal Fleury] |

| |[Image Robert Walpole] |

| |[Image House of Lords] |

| |[Image House of Commons] |

| |[Image Queen Anne] |

| |[Image George I] |

| |[Primary Source Act of Settlement, 1701] |

| |[Image "James III"] |

| |[Primary Source The Fifteen: The Declaration of the Earl of Mar] |

| |[Primary Source After Culloden] |

| |[Image Bonnie Prince Charlie] |

| |The "Bubbles" |

| |[Image John Law] |

| |[Image Seal of Compagnie d'Occident] |

|10/12/12 |Chapter 7, Section 34. The Great War of the Mid-Eighteenth Century: The Peace of Paris, 1763 pp 282-296 |

| |[Primary Source The Louisburg Expedition] |

| |[Primary Source Braddock's Defeat] |

| |Eighteenth-Century Warfare |

| |[Primary Source Frederick the Great's Instructions to his Generals] |

| |[Primary Source Standing Orders for Roberts' Rangers, 1759] |

| |The War of the Austrian Succession, 1740-1748 |

| |[Image Frederick II "The Great"] |

| |[Primary Source Description of the Empress Maria Theresa] |

| |The Seven Years' War, 1756-1763: In Europe and America |

| |[Image William Pitt] |

| |[Primary Source The Battle of Minden, 1759] |

| |[Primary Source The Capture of Quebec, 1759] |

| |The Seven Years' War, 1756-1763: In India |

| |[Image Taj Mahal] |

| |[Image Aurungzeb] |

| |[Image Sepoy] |

| |[Primary Source Robert Clive on his Victory at Plassey] |

| |The Peace Settlement of 1763 |

| |[Primary Source Treaty of Paris] |

|10/15/12 |Chapter 7 Test |

| |2005 Exam, FRQ 7 on western domination of world trade |

|10/16/12 |Chapter 8 The Age of Enlightenment, Section 35. The Philosophes – and Others pp.297- 311 |

| |The Spirit of Progress and Improvement |

| |[Primary Source Voltaire, Philosophical Dictionary, on Quarrel of Ancients and Moderns] |

| |[Image Pietism] |

| |[Image John Wesley] |

| |[Image George Whitfield] |

| |[Image Great Awakening] |

| |[Image Methodist societies] |

| |[Primary Source John Wesley, A Short History of Methodism] |

| |[Image J.C. Lavate] |

| |The Philosophes |

| |[Primary Source Voltaire, Philosophical Dictionary] |

| |[Image Philosophes] |

| |[Primary Source Jonathan Swift, Advice to the Grub Street Verse-writers |

| |[Primary Source Coffeehouse] |

| |[Image Reading] |

| |[Primary Source On Julie de Lespinasse] |

| |[Image Encylopedie] |

| |[Image Denis Diderot] |

| |[Primary Source Cesare Bonesana, Of Crimes and Punishments] |

| |[Primary Source Salon Life] |

| |Montesquieu, Voltaire, and Rousseau |

| |[Image Montesquieu] |

| |[Primary Source Montesquieu, The Spirit of Laws, 1748] |

| |[Image Voltaire] |

| |[Primary Source Jean-Jacques Rousseau Origin of Inequality Among Men, 1755] |

| |[Primary Source Rousseau, Social Contract, 1762] |

| |[Image Rousseau] |

| |Political Economists |

| |[Image Quesnay] |

| |[Primary Source Adam Smith, Enquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations] |

| |Main Currents of Enlightenment Thought |

| |[Primary Source Condorcet, Sketch of the Progress of the Human Mind] |

| |*Read Sherman pp.107-109 (Porter; Becker; Anderson and Zinsser). |

|10/17/12 |Chapter 8, Section 36. Enlightened Despotism: France, Austria, Prussia pp.311-320 |

| |The Meaning of Enlightened Despotism |

| |The Failure of Enlightened Despotism in France |

| |[Image Louis XV] |

| |Austria: The Reforms of Maria Theresa (1740-1780) and of Joseph II (1780-1790) |

| |[Primary Source Description of the Empress Maria Theresa, 1749] |

| |[Image Maria Theresa] |

| |[Virtual Tour Schoenbrunn Palace] |

| |[Image Joseph II] |

| |[Image Leopold II] |

| |Prussia under Frederick the Great (1740-1786) |

| |[Primary Source Frederick the Great, Essay on Forms of Government] |

| |Prussian society remained stratified |

| |*Read Sherman pp. 109-110, “The Problem of Enlightened Absolutism” by H. M. Scott. |

|10/18/12 |Chapter 8, Section 37. Enlightened Despotism: Russia pp. 320-325 |

| |Russia after Peter the Great |

| |Catherine the Great (1762-1796): Domestic Program |

| |[Primary Sources] Domestic Program] |

| |[Primary Source Instructions of Catherine II to the Legislative Commission, 1767] |

| |[Primary Source Alexander Radishchev, Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow, 1790] |

| |Catherine the Great: Foreign Affairs |

| |[Map Russian expansion] |

| |The Limitations of Enlightened Despotism |

|10/19/12 |Chapter 8, Section 38. The Partitions of Poland pp. 325-329 |

| |[Primary Source Division of Poland] |

|10/22/12 |Chapter 8, Section 39. New Stirrings: The British Reform Movement pp. 329-337 |

| |Onset of an Age of "Democratic Revolution" |

| |The English-Speaking Countries: Parliament and Reform |

| |[Image House of Commons, 1741] |

| |Parliamentary reformers |

| |[Map Parliamentary Representation before 1832] |

| |Scotland, Ireland, India |

| |[Primary Source Declaration of United Irishmen] |

| |[Primary Source Act of Union] |

| |[Map British India] |

|10/23/12 |Chapter 8, Section 40. The American Revolution pp. 338-348 |

| |Background to the Revolution |

| |[Primary Source Stamp Act] |

| |[Primary Source Boston Tea Party] |

| |[Primary Source Edmund Burke, Speech on conciliation with America, 1775] |

| |The War of American Independence |

| |[Image George Washington] |

| |[Primary Source Declaration of Independence] |

| |Significance of the Revolution |

|10/24/12 |Chapter 8 Test |

| |2006 Exam, Form B, FRQ 6 on religious toleration in eighteenth century |

|10/25/12 |Chapter 9 The French Revolution, Section 41. The French Revolution : Backgrounds pp.349-355 |

| |The Old Regime: The Three Estates |

| |[Image The Three Estates ] |

| |[Image Louis XVI] |

| |The Agrarian System of the Old Regime |

| |Political Culture and Public Opinion after 1770 |

|10/26/12 |Chapter 9, Section 42. The Revolution and the Reorganization of France pp. 355-370 |

| |The Financial Crisis |

| |[Image Jacques Necker] |

| |From Estates General to National Assembly |

| |[Image Assembly of Notables] |

| |[Primary Source Abbe Sieyes, What is the Third Estate?] |

| |[Image Estates General] |

| |[Image The Third Estate Awakens] |

| |[Image The Oath of the Tennis Court] |

| |The Lower Classes in Action |

| |[Primary Source Arthur Young, Travels in France, 1789] |

| |[Image Taking of the Bastille |

| |[Image Marquis de Lafayette] |

| |The Initial Reforms of the National Assembly |

| |[Primary Source Decree Abolishing the Feudal System] |

| |[Image Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen] |

| |[Primary Source Declaration of the Rights of Man] |

| |[Primary Source Thomas Paine, The Rights of Man] |

| |[Primary Source Olympe de Gouges, The Rights of Women] |

| |[Image Return of Louis XVI to Paris ] |

| |Constitutional Changes |

| |[Map Departments of France] |

| |Economic and Cultural Policies |

| |[Primary Source Le Chapelier on Organisations of Workers] |

| |[Image Civic festival] |

| |[Image Liberty tree] |

| |[Image Marianne] |

| |The Quarrel with the Church |

| |[Primary Source Civil Constitution of the Clergy, 1790] |

| |[Image Charles de Talleyrand] |

|10/29/12 |Chapter 9, Section 43. The Revolution and Europe: The War and the “Second” Revolution, 1792 pp. 370-374 |

| |The International Impact of the Revolution |

| |[Image William Wordsworth] |

| |[Image Edmund Burke] |

| |[Primary Source Edmund Burke: Reflections on the Revolution in France, 1791] |

| |[Primary Source Alexander Radishchev, Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow, 1790] |

| |[Image Marie Antoinette] |

| |[Image Count of Artois] |

| |The Coming of the War, April 1792 |

| |[Image Francis I of Austria] |

| |The "Second" Revolution: August 10, 1792 |

| |[Primary Source Brunswick Manifesto, 1792] |

| |[Image Jean-Paul Marat] |

| |[Primary Source Marseillaise] |

| |[Primary Source Popular uprising of August, 1792] |

| |[Image Tuileries Palace] |

| |[Image September Massacres] |

| |[Primary Source September Massacres] |

|10/30/12 |Chapter 9, Section 44. The Emergency Republic, 1792-1795: The Terror pp. 374-383 |

| |The National Convention |

| |[Primary Source National Convention] |

| |[Primary Source Execution of Louis XVI] |

| |Background to the Terror |

| |[Image Paris Commune] |

| |[Map Resistance to the Revolution in 1793] |

| |[Image Maximilien de Robespierre] |

| |[Primary Source Robespierre on virtue and terror] |

| |The Program of the Convention, 1793-1794: The Terror |

| |[Primary Source Committee of Public Safety] |

| |[Image Louis Antoine de Saint-Just] |

| |[Primary Source Saint-Just, Republican Institutes] |

| |[Primary Source levee en masse] |

| |[Image Toussaint L' Ouverture] |

| |[Image Jacques Hebert] |

| |[Primary Source Robespierre, The Cult of the Supreme Being] |

| |[Tables Republican calendar and republican years] |

| |[Primary Source Robespierre, Speech on the Festival of the Supreme Being] |

| |The Thermidorian Reaction |

| |[Primary Source Constitution of the Year III] |

|10/31/12 |Chapter 9, Section 45. The Constitutional Republic: The Directory, 1795-1799 pp. 383-388 |

| |The Weakness of the Directory |

| |[Image Member of Council of Five Hundred] |

| |The Political Crisis of 1797 |

| |[Image Napoleon Bonaparte] |

| |[Primary Source Treaty of Campo Formio] |

| |The Coup d'Etat of 1799: Bonaparte |

| |[Primary Source Coup d'etat of Brumaire] |

|11/1/12 |Chapter 9, Section 46. The Authoritarian Republic: The Consulate, 1799-1804 pp. 389-394 |

| |[Map Treaty of Luneville] |

| |The Settlement with the Church; Other Reforms |

| |[Primary Source Concordat] |

| |[Primary Source Civil Code] |

| |*Read Sherman pp.125-129 and answer chapter questions 1-4 on p. 129. |

|11/2/12 |Chapter 9 Test |

| |2007 Exam, FRQ 7 on the grievances of the groups making up the Third Estate |

|11/5/12 |Chapter 10 Napoleonic Europe, Section 47. The Formation of the French Imperial System pp. 395- 404 |

| |The Dissolution of the First and Second Coalitions, 1792-1802 |

| |[Primary Source Treaty of Campo Formio] |

| |[Primary Source Treaty of Amiens] |

| |Peace Interim, 1802-1803 |

| |[Primary Source Constitution of the Italian Republic] |

| |[Map Germany and Italy in 1803] |

| |[Primary Source Reorganization of Germany] |

| |Formation of the Third Coalition in 1805 |

| |[Image Emperor Francis II of Austria] |

| |[Image Tsar Alexander I] |

| |The Third Coalition, 1805-1807: The Peace of Tilsit |

| |[Primary Source Letters of Lord Nelson] |

| |[Images Battle of Trafalgar] |

| |[Virtual Tour Battle of Austerlitz] |

| |[Primary Source Documents on Kingdom of Italy] |

| |[Primary Source Documents on Confederation of the Rhine] |

| |[Primary Source Treaty of Tilsit] |

| |[Map Treaty of Tilsit] |

| |The Continental System and the War in Spain |

| |[Primary Source Overthrow of the Spanish Monarchy] |

| |[Map Continental System] |

| |[Image Charles IV] |

| |[Map Peninsular War] |

| |[Primary Source Peninsular War] |

| |The Austrian War of Liberation, 1809 |

| |[Map Battle of Wagram] |

| |Napoleon at His Peak, 1809-1811 |

| |[Image Clemens von Metternich] |

|11/6/12 |Chapter 10, Section 48. The Grand Empire: Spread of the Revolution pp. 404- 409 |

| |The Organization of the Napoleonic Empire |

| |[Map The Grand Empire] |

| |Napoleon and the Spread of the Revolution |

|11/7/12 |Chapter 10, Section 49. The Continental System; Britain and Europe pp. 409-414 |

| |British Blockade and Napoleon's Continental System |

| |[Primary Source Continental System] |

| |The Failure of the Continental System |

|11/8/12 |Chapter 10, Section 50. The National Movements: Germany pp. 414- 421 |

| |The Resistance to Napoleon: Nationalism |

| |The Movement of Thought in Napoleonic Germany |

| |Romanticism |

| |[Primary Source, Herder, Philosophy of the History of Mankind] |

| |[Primary Source Johann Gottfried Fichte, Addresses to the German Nation, 1808] |

| |Reforms in Prussia |

| |[Image August von Gneisenau] |

|11/9/12 |Chapter 10, Section 51. The Overthrow of Napoleon: The Congress of Vienna pp. 421-431 |

| |The Russian Campaign and the War of Liberation |

| |[Map Charles Minard Flow Map of 1812 Russian Campaign] |

| |[Primary Source Decree for Raising Conscripts |

| |[Image French troops returning from Russia] |

| |The Restoration of the Bourbons |

| |[Primary Source Frankfurt Declaration] |

| |[Primary Source Treaty of Chaumont] |

| |[Primary Source Bourbon Restoration] |

| |[Primary Source Constitutional charter] |

| |[Image Napoleon bids the Imperial Guard farewell] |

| |The Settlement before the Vienna Congress |

| |[Primary Source Treaty of Paris] |

| |[Map Map showing Russian gains] |

| |The Congress of Vienna, 1814-1815 |

| |[Primary Source Metternich on Making Peace, 1814] |

| |The Polish-Saxon Question |

| |The Hundred Days and Their Aftermath |

| |[Primary Source Proclamation of Napoleon, March 1815] |

| |[Primary Source Wellington's dispatches] |

| |[Primary Source Treaty of Paris, 1815] |

| |[Primary Source Holy Alliance Treaty] |

| |[Map Europe after the Congress of Vienna, 1815] |

| |*Read Sherman pp. 135-139 and answer chapter questions 1and 2 on p. 139. Also read Sherman p. 168 “The Congress of Vienna” by |

| |Hajo Holborn. |

|11/13/12 |Chapter 10 Test |

| |2012 Exam, FRQ 4 on ways government policies in the Revolutionary and Napoleonic era contributed to French national identity |

|11/14/12 |Chapter 11 Industries, Ideas, and the Struggle for Reform, Section 52. The Industrial Revolution in Britain pp. 433-443 |

| |The Agricultural Revolution in Britain |

| |[Image Seed Drill] |

| |[Image Horse-hoe] |

| |Industrialism in Britain: Incentives and Inventions |

| |[Image Spinning Jenny] |

| |[Image Richard Arkwright] |

| |[Image Water frame] |

| |[Image Steam engine] |

| |[Image Saltaire, Yorkshire] |

| |[Images New Lanark Cotton Mills] |

| |[Image Power Loom] |

| |[Image Cotton gin] |

| |[Image Newcomen steam engine] |

| |[Image Riverboat] |

| |[Image Robert Fulton] |

| |[Image George Stephenson's Rocket] |

| |Some Social Consequences of Industrialism of Britain |

| |[Primary Source Manchester industry] |

| |[Image Working class housing, Birmingham] |

| |[Primary Source Observations on the Loss of Woolen Spinning, 1794] |

| |[Image Child labor] |

| |[Image Female textile worker] |

| |[Primary Source Letter from Leeds Cloth Merchants, 1791] |

| |[Image Robert Peel the Elder] |

| |Classical Economics: "Laissez Faire" |

| |[Image Thomas Malthus] |

| |[Primary Source Thomas Malthus, Essay on Population, 1798] |

| |[Primary Source David Ricardo, The Iron Law of Wages, 1817] |

| |[Image David Ricardo] |

| |*Read Sherman pp. 151-156 and answer chapter questions 1-3 on p. 155. |

|11/15/12 |Chapter 11, Section 53. The Advent of the “Isms” pp. 443- 457 |

| |Romanticism |

| |[Primary Source William Wordsworth, The World Is Too Much with Us, 1807] |

| |[Image William Wordsworth] |

| |[Primary Source Lord Byron, The Isles of Greece] |

| |[Image Lord Byron] |

| |[Primary Source Percy Bysshe Shelley, Defence of Poetry, 1819] |

| |[Image Percy Bysshe Shelley] |

| |[Primary Source Mary Shelley, The Last Man, 1822] |

| |[Image Mary Shelley] |

| |[Image Victor Hugo] |

| |[Image Rene Chateaubriand] |

| |[Image George Sand] |

| |[Primary Source Friedrich von Schiller, Letters Upon the Aesthetic Education of Man, 1794] |

| |[Primary Source Friedrich von Schiller, Ode to Joy] |

| |[Primary Source Friedrich von Schlegel, German Romanticism in Philosophy] |

| |Classical Liberalism |

| |[Primary Source Benjamin Constant On the Limits of Popular Sovereignty, 1815] |

| |[Image John Stuart Mill] |

| |[Primary Source Mill, On Liberty, 1859] |

| |[Primary Source John Stuart Mill, Liberalism Evaluated] |

| |Radicalism, Republicanism, Socialism |

| |[Image Jeremy Bentham] |

| |[Primary Source Jeremy Bentham, Principles of Morals and Legislation, 1781] |

| |[Image Republicanism: Eugene Delacroix, Liberty Leading the People at the Barricades, 1830] |

| |[Image Henri de Saint-Simon] |

| |[Primary Source Charles Fourier, Theory of Social Organization, 1820] |

| |[Image Charles Fourier] |

| |[Primary Source Louis Blanc, Organization of Work] |

| |Feminism |

| |[Image French feminists, 1848] |

| |[Primary Source Anna Wheeler and William Thompson, Appeal of One Half of the Human Race, Women, against the Pretensions of the |

| |Other Half, Men] |

| |[Image Frances Wright] |

| |[Image Harriet Taylor] |

| |[Primary Source John Stuart Mill, The Subjection of Women] |

| |[Image Flora Tristan] |

| |[Primary Source Flora Tristan, L'Union Ouvriere] |

| |Nationalism: Western Europe |

| |[Primary Source Johann Gottfried Fichte, Addresses to the German Nation, 1808] |

| |[Image Johann Gottfried Fichte] |

| |[Image Slavic Revival] |

| |[Primary Source Herder, Materials for the Philosophy of the History of Mankind] |

| |[Primary Source Joseph Mazzini] |

| |[Image Joseph Mazzini] |

| |[Image Young Italy printed works] |

| |[Primary Source Joseph Mazzini, The Duties of a Man] |

| |[Image Brothers Grimm] |

| |[Image G.W.F.Hegel] |

| |[Primary] Friedrich List, National System of Political Economy] |

| |Nationalism: Eastern Europe |

| |[Image Francis Palacky] |

| |[Image Adam Mickiewicz] |

| |Other "Isms" |

| |[Primary Source Conservatism: Joseph DeMaistre, The Divine Origins of Constitutions, 1810] |

| |*Read Sherman pp. 168-169 “Western Liberalism” by E.K. Bramsted and K.J. Mehuish. |

|11/16/12 |Chapter 11, Section 54. The Dike and the Flood: Domestic pp. 457-461 |

| |[Image Louis XVIII] |

| |[Image Metternich] |

| |[Primary Source Metternich, Political Confession of Faith, 1820] |

| |[Primary Source Metternich, Secret Memorandum to Tsar Alexander I, 1820] |

| |[Image Tsar Alexander I] |

| |[Primary Source French Constitutional Charter of 1814] |

| |Reaction after 1815: France, Poland |

| |[Image Charles X] |

| |[Image University of Vilna] |

| |Reaction after 1815: The German States, Britain |

| |[Map German Bund] |

| |[Image Burschenschaft] |

| |[Image Wartburg Congress, 1817] |

| |[Primary Source Carlsbad Decrees] |

| |[Primary Source Peterloo Massacre] |

|11/19/12 |Chapter 11, Section 55. The Dike and the Flood: International pp. 461-468 |

| |[Primary Source Holy Alliance] |

| |The Congress of Aix-la-Chapelle, 1818 |

| |[Image Lord Castlereagh] |

| |Revolution in Southern Europe: The Congress of Troppau, 1820 |

| |[Primary Source Congress of Troppau] |

| |Spain and the Near East: The Congress of Verona, 1822 |

| |[Image Alexander Ypsilanti] |

| |[Image Caricature of the Congress of Verona] |

| |Latin American Independence |

| |[Primary Source Simon Bolívar, Message to the Congress of Angostura, 1819] |

| |[Image Jose de San Martin] |

| |[Primary Source Mexican Constitution, 1824] |

| |[Primary Source Monroe Doctrine] |

| |[Image George Canning] |

| |The End of the Congress System |

| |Russia: The Decembrist Revolt, 1825 |

| |[Image Decembrist Revolt] |

| |[Image Nicholas I] |

|11/20/12 |Chapter 11, Section 56. The Breakthrough of Liberalism in the West: Revolutions of 1830-1832 pp. 468-476 |

| |[Primary Source Greek independence] |

| |France, 1824-1830: The July Revolution, 1830 |

| |[Image July Revolution] |

| |[Image Marquis de Lafayette] |

| |[Image Louis Philippe] |

| |[Primary Source French Constitution of 1830] |

| |[Primary Source Francois Guizot, The July Monarchy] |

| |Revolutions of 1830: Belgium and Poland |

| |[Image Belgian revolution] |

| |[Primary Source Nicholas I, Imperial Manifesto on Poland, 1832] |

| |Reform in Great Britain |

| |[Image Robert Peel] |

| |[Secondary] Church of England] |

| |[Image Bobbies] |

| |Borough-mongers |

| |Britain after 1832 |

| |[Image Lord Ashley] |

|11/26/12 |Chapter 11, Section 57. Triumph of the West European Bourgeoisie pp. 476-482 |

| |[Image West-European bourgeoisie] |

| |[Image Steamship] |

| |The Frustration and Challenge of Labor |

| |[Images Labor estranged from bourgeois age] |

| |[Images Labor estranged from bourgeois age] |

| |[Image Chartist demonstration, 1848] |

| |[Image Workhouse] |

| |Socialism and Chartism |

| |[Primary Source People's Charter] |

| |[Image Wave of Riots in 1842] |

| |[Primary Source Riots] |

| |[Primary Source Testimony Gathered by Mines Commission, 1842] |

|11/27/12 |Chapter 11 Test |

| |2005 Exam, FRQ 2 on economic effects on women |

|11/28/12 |Chapter 12 Revolutions and the Reimposition of Order,1815-1848, Section 58. Paris: The Specter of Social Revolution in the West|

| |pp. 483-490 |

| |Paris : The Specter of Social Revolution in the West |

| |[Image Bourgeoisie: German family] |

| |[Image Corruption during the reign of Louis Philippe] |

| |[Image Louis Philippe] |

| |The “February” Revolution in France |

| |[Primary Source Documents of the Revolution of 1848 in France] |

| |[Image Barricade] |

| |[Primary Source Victor Hugo, Les Miserables, description of barricades] |

| |[Primary Source Lamartine, History of the Revolution of 1848 in France] |

| |[Image Lamartine] |

| |[Primary Source Percy B. St. John, The French Revolution in 1848] |

| |[Image Louis Blanc] |

| |[Image National Workshops] |

| |[Image Protest in Paris, March 1848 ] |

| |The "June Days" of 1848 |

| |[Image Constituent Assembly attacked] |

| |[Image National Guard] |

| |[Map June 1848 Insurrection in Paris] |

| |[Image Class war] |

| |[Image Class war] |

| |[Image Chartist agitation] |

| |The Emergence of Louis Napoleon Bonaparte |

| |[Image President Louis Bonaparte] |

| |[Image Napoleon III] |

|11/29/12 |Chapter 12, Section 59. Vienna: The Nationalist Revolutions in Central Europe and Italy pp. 490-497 |

| |The Austrian Empire in1848 |

| |[Map German confederation] |

| |The March Days |

| |[Primary Source The March Days] |

| |[Primary Source Diet of Hungary ] |

| |[Image Louis Kossuth] |

| |[Image Metternich Flees] |

| |[Image Emperor Ferdinand V] |

| |[Map Italy in 1848] |

| |[Image March Days, Milan] |

| |[Image March Days] |

| |The Turning of the Tide after June |

| |[Primary Source Manifesto of the Prague Slav Congress, 1848] |

| |[Primary Source Frantisek Palacky, Letter to the Frankfurt Assembly, 1848] |

| |Victories of the Counterrevolution, June-December |

| |[Primary Source Hungarian Declaration of Independence , April 1849] |

| |[Image Insurrection in Rome , 1848 ] |

| |[Image French troops take Rome , 1849] |

| |[Primary Source Syllabus of Errors] |

| |[Image Prince Schwarzenberg] |

| |[Image Alexander von Bach] |

| |*Read Sherman pp. 169-170 (Sperber; Weiss). |

|11/30/12 |Chapter 12, Section 60. Frankfurt and Berlin: The Question of a Liberal Germany pp. 498-503 |

| |The German States |

| |[Map German Confederation ] |

| |Berlin: Failure of the Revolution in Prussia |

| |[Primary Source Student Life at the German Universities] |

| |[Map Zollverein] |

| |The Frankfurt Assembly |

| |[Primary Source German Fatherland and the German Language] |

| |The Failure of the Frankfurt Assembly |

| |[Image Declaration of the Rights of the German People] |

| |[Image Flag of the German Reich, 1848-1852] |

| |The Prussian Constitution of 1850 |

| |[Primary Source Constitution of the Kingdom of Prussia, 1850] |

|12/3/12 |Chapter 12, Section 61. The New European “Isms”: Realism, Positivism, Marxism pp. 503-512 |

| |[Image German peasants] |

| |Materialism, Realism, Positivism |

| |[Primary Source Positivism] |

| |[Primary Source Auguste Comte, Course of Positive Philosophy, 1830] |

| |Early Marxism |

| |[Primary Source Marx, Scientific Socialism] |

| |[Image Friedrich Engels] |

| |[Primary Source Communist Manifesto] |

| |Sources and Content of Marxism |

| |*Read Sherman pp. 202-203 “The Unfinished Revolution: Marxism Interpreted” by Adam B. Ulam. |

|12/4/12 |Chapter 12, Section 62. Bonapartism: The Second French Empire pp. 512-516 |

| |Political Institutions of the Second Empire |

| |[Primary Source Constitution of the Second Empire, 1852] |

| |[Image Eugénie and Napoleon III ] |

| |[Image Rebuilding Paris] |

| |[Image Paris City Hall, 1860] |

| |Economic Developments under the Empire |

| |[Image Suez Canal] |

| |Internal Difficulties and War |

|12/5/12 |Chapter 12 Test |

| |FRQ: Compare and contrast the revolutions of 1848 in Paris and Berlin. |

|12/6/12 |Chapter 13 The Global Consolidation of Large Nation-States, 1859-1871, Section 63. Backgrounds: The Idea of the Nation-State |

| |pp. 517-521 |

| |The Crimean War, 1854-1856 |

| |[Primary Source Alfred Lord Tennyson, The Charge of the Light Brigade] |

| |[Image Charge of the Light Brigade |

| |[Image Tsar Nicholas I] |

| |[Image Napoleon III] |

| |[Image Congress of Paris, 1856] |

| |[Primary Source Treaty of Paris, 1856- click "documents" or scroll to bottom of page] |

|12/7/12 |Chapter 13, Section 64. Cavour and the Italian War of 1859: The Unification of Italy 521-525 |

| |Italian Nationalism: The Program of Cavour |

| |[Image Roman Republic of 1849 discomforts the Pope and King of Piedmont] |

| |[Image King Victor Emmanuel] |

| |[Image Camillo di Cavour] |

| |[Primary Source Documents of Italian Unification, 1846-61] |

| |[Image Battle of Magenta] |

| |[Image Battle of Solferino] |

| |[Primary Source Giuseppe Garibaldi, Proclamation for the Liberation of Sicily, 1860] |

| |[Image Garibaldi conquers Kingdom of Two Sicilies] |

| |[Image First Italian Parliament] |

| |The Completion of Italian Unity |

| |[Image Giuseppe Garibaldi] |

| |[Image Red Shirts] |

| |[Image Conquest of south of Italy] |

| |[Image Garibaldi and King Victor Emmanuel] |

| |[Map Unification of Italy] |

| |[Primary Source King Victor Emmanuel, Address to Parliament, Rome, 1871] |

| |Persistent Problems after Unification |

| |*Read Sherman pp. 184-185 “A Sterner Plan for Italian Unity: Nationalism, Liberalism, and Conservatism” by Raymond Grew. |

|12/10/12 |Chapter 13, Section 65. The Founding of a German Empire and the Dual Monarchy of Austria-Hungary pp.525-536 |

| |The German States after 1848 |

| |[Image Hamburg] |

| |[Map Confederation of 1815] |

| |[Map Zollverein] |

| |Prussia in the 1860s: Bismarck |

| |[Image Otto von Bismarck, 1863] |

| |[Primary Source Bismarck "Blood and Iron" Speech] |

| |Bismarck's Wars: The North German Confederation, 1867 |

| |War with Denmark |

| |[Primary Source Helmuth von Moltke, On the Nature of War] |

| |[Image Battle of Koniggratz] |

| |[Image Austrian soldiers, 1866] |

| |[Primary Source Otto von Bismarck, Memoirs] |

| |[Map North German Confederation (borders in red)] |

| |[Image Ferdinand Lassalle] |

| | |

| |The Franco-Prussian War |

| |[Primary Source Ems Dispatch] |

| |[Image War fever in Paris, 1870] |

| |[Primary Source A War Correspondent in the Franco-Prussian War, 1870] |

| |[Image Insurrection in Paris] |

| |The German Empire, 1871 |

| |[Image Founding the Second Reich] |

| |[Primary Source Imperial Proclamation, 1871] |

| |[Image Kaiser Wilhelm I] |

| |[Map German Empire, 1871] |

| |[Image Honore Daumier, German Unity--the French perspective] |

| |[Image German industry: Krupp factory] |

| |[Image German railway, late 19th century] |

| |[Image Reichstag building] |

| |The Habsburg Empire after 1848 |

| |[Image Francis Joseph, 1854] |

| |The Compromise of 1867 |

| |[Primary Source Count von Beust, Memoirs of the Ausgleich, 1867] |

| |[Primary Source Austrian Constitution of 1867] |

| |[Map Dual Monarchy of Austria and Hungary] |

| |[Image King-Emperor Franz Joseph, 1879] |

| |[Map Nationalities of Hungary, 1886] |

| |*Read Sherman p. 185 “German Unification” by David Blackborn. |

|12/11/12 |Chapter 13, Section 66. Liberalization in Tsarist Russia: Alexander II pp. 537-544 |

| |Tsarist Russia after 1856 |

| |[Image Execution in Russia, 1879] |

| |[Image Russian serfs] |

| |[Image Russian Aristocrat] |

| |The Emancipation Act of 1861 and Other Reforms |

| |[Image Alexander II] |

| |[Primary Source Coronation of Alexander II, 1855] |

| |[Image Alexander Herzen] |

| |[Primary Source Emancipation Manifesto, 1861] |

| |[Image mir] |

| |[Primary Source Novgorod Zemstvo] |

| |[Image Polish Rebels on the way to Siberia, 1863] |

| |Revolutionism in Russia |

| |[Primary Source Nihilism] |

| |[Image Mikhail Bakunin] |

| |[Image Sergei Nechaev] |

| |[Primary Source Catechism of a Revolutionist] |

| |[Image Andrei Zhelyabov, member of the People's Will] |

| |[Primary Source Assassination of Alexander II, 1881] |

| |[Image Alexander III] |

| |[Image Late 19th century executions] |

|12/12/12 |Chapter 13, Section 67. The United States: The American Civil War pp. 544-549 |

| |Growth of the United States |

| |[Map/Primary Source Tocqueville's Tour] |

| |[Image Taking the Census] |

| |[Image Early immigrants as Americans] |

| |[Image Early photograph of the Capitol] |

| |The Estrangement of North and South |

| |[Primary Source Lowell Mill Girls] |

| |[Primary Source Lowell mill work schedule, 1853] |

| |[Image Raising cotton in South] |

| |[Map Slave Crops in South, 1860] |

| |[Primary Source Working conditions of slaves on a Louisiana cotton plantation, 1853] |

| |[Image Mexican-American War, 1846] |

| |[Image Emmanuel Leutze, Westward the Course of Empire Takes its Way, 1861] |

| |[Map Missouri Compromise of 1820] |

| |[Primary Source Fugitive Slave Act, 1850] |

| |[Image Wendell Phillips Speaks Against the Fugitive Slave Law, 1851] |

| |[Map Slave and Free States, 1856] |

| |[Image Abraham Lincoln] |

| |[Primary Source Constitution of the Confederate States of America] |

| |[Image A Georgia Private] |

| |[Image Confederate dead, Gettysburg, 1863] |

| |[Primary Source Abraham Lincoln, Gettysburg Address] |

| |[Image Austrian Archduke Maximilian, Emperor of Mexico] |

| |[Primary Source Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution] |

| |[Primary Source Emancipation Proclamation, 1862] |

| |[Primary Source Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution] |

| |After the Civil War: Reconstruction, Industrial Growth |

| |[Lincoln Assassinated] |

| |[Image Procession in Washington, DC celebrating abolition, 1866] |

| |[Primary Source Report of the Joint Committee on Reconstruction, 1866] |

| |[Image Union Pacific railroad completed, 1869] |

| |[Map Land-grant colleges] |

| |[Image Vanderbilt Mansion, Fifth Avenue, New York City] |

|12/13/12 |Chapter 13, Section 68. The Dominion of Canada, 1867 pp. 549-552 |

| |[Image United Empire Loyalists] |

| |[Primary Source Quebec Act of 1774] |

| |[Map British North America, 1791] |

| |[Image 1837 rebellion] |

| |Lord Durham's Report |

| |[Primary Source Lord Durham's Report] |

| |Founding of the Dominion of Canada |

| |[Primary Source British North America Act] |

| |[Image The Fathers of Confederation] |

| |[Image Uncle Sam Kicked Out] |

| |[Map Dominion of Canada] |

|12/14/12 |Chapter 13, Section 69. Japan and the West pp 552-559 |

| |[Image Commodore Matthew Perry] |

| |[Primary Source Matthew Perry, When We Landed in Japan, 1854] |

| |[Image Commodore Perry arrives in Yokohama, 1854] |

| |Background: Two Centuries of Isolation, 1640-1854 |

| |[Image Dutch traders in Japan] |

| |[Primary Source Honda Toshiaki, A Secret Plan for Government, 1798] |

| |[Virtual Tour Edo (Tokyo)] |

| |[Image Samurai] |

| |[Primary Source The Way of the Samurai] |

| |The Opening of Japan |

| |[Primary Source US-Japanese Commercial Treaty, 1854] |

| |[Map Choshu Daimyo] |

| |The Meiji era (1868-1912): The Westernization of Japan |

| |[Image Emperor Meiji] |

| |[Image Western architectural influence] |

| |[Image Export furniture] |

| |[Image Industrialization: tramcar] |

| |[Primary Source Constitution of Imperial Japan, 1889] |

| |[Primary Source Sakutaro Fujioka, Fifty Years of New Japan, 1909] |

|12/17/12 |Chapter 13 Test |

| |2004 Exam, FRQ 7 German and Austrian nationalism. |

|1/7/13 |Chapter 14 European Civilization, 1871-1914: Economy and Politics, Section 70. The Modern “Civilized World” pp. 561-565 |

| |Materialistic and Nonmaterialistic Ideals |

| |[Image Berlin restaurant] |

| |[Image Viennese coffee house] |

| |[Image Dining] |

| |[Image Bourgeois family life, c. 1850] |

| |[Image Bourgeois family, c. 1900] |

| |[Primary Source Sanitation] |

| |[Primary Source Michael Faraday, The Filth of the Thames, 1855] |

| |[Image Ocean liner] |

| |[Image Railroad] |

| |[Image Electric tram] |

| |[Image Telephone] |

| |[Image Transatlantic telegraph] |

| |[Image Electric street lights illumination the Avenue de l'Opéra c. 1878 |

| |[Primary Source Thorstein Veblen, Conspicuous Consumption, 1902] |

| |The "Zones" of Civilization |

| |[Image Heavy industry: AEG complex, Berlin] |

| |[Image Outer zone: Summer harvest in Russia] |

|1/8/13 |Chapter 14, Section 71. Basic Demography: The Increase of the Europeans pp. 565-574 |

| |European and World Population Growth since 1650 |

| |[Primary Source Vaccination against smallpox] |

| |[Image Death's Dispensary, 1866 |

| |[Image Thomas Crapper's toilet] |

| |[Image Sewers of Paris after 1852] |

| |Stabilization of European Population |

| |Growth of Cities and Urban Life |

| |[Image London, 1888] |

| |[Image Berlin, late 19th century] |

| |[Image Claude Monet: Gare Saint-Lazare, Paris] |

| |[Image Liverpool Railway Lines] |

| |[Image AEG factory, Berlin] |

| |[Image English Midlands: Sheffield, 1854] |

| |[Image Krupp works, Essen, Ruhr] |

| |[Image City life: Ford Madox Brown, Work, 1865] |

| |[Image Mary Cassatt, Reading Le Figaro, 1878 |

| |[Image Cezanne's father reading a newspaper] |

| |Migration from Europe, 1850-1940 |

| |[Image Bar Chart: US Immigration 1820-1970] |

| |[Primary Source Immigration Diary of Michael Friedrich Radke, 1848] |

| |[Image Ford Madox Brown, The Last of England, 1855] |

| |[Image S.S. Great Britain, launched 1843] |

| |[Image European migrants to Argentina, 1892] |

| |[Image The Embarkation, Waterloo Docks Liverpool, 1850 ] |

|1/9/13 |Chapter 14. Section 72. The World Economy of the Nineteenth Century pp. 574-584 |

| |The "New Industrial Revolution" |

| |[Image Electrical turbines] |

| |[Image Poster, General Elektricitaets society Berlin, 1888] |

| |[Image French De Dion-Bouton auto, 1885] |

| |[Image Gastambide-Mengin airplane] |

| |[Image First Cross Channel Flight, 1909] |

| |[Image Submarine] |

| |[Image Oil Wells] |

| |[Primary Source Harold Baron, The Chemical Industry on the Continent] |

| |[Primary Source Francis Fox, How the Swiss Built the Greatest Tunnel in the World, 1905] |

| |[Image Simplon Tunnel] |

| |[Image Suez Canal] |

| |[Primary Source Suez Canal] |

| |[Image Thomas Edison and phonograph] |

| |[Image Filming a Moving picture] |

| |[Image "Son of the Sheik"] |

| |[Image Radio] |

| |[Primary Source Anesthetics] |

| |[Primary Source The X-ray Century] |

| |[Image X-ray unit] |

| |[Image Eiffel Tower] |

| |[Primary Source Frederick W. Taylor, The Principles of Scientific Management, 1911] |

| |Free Trade and the European "Balance of Payments" |

| |[Image Port of London] |

| |The Export of European Capital |

| |[Image Railroad station, Bombay, 1866] |

| | |

| |An International Money System: The Gold Standard |

| |[Primary Source Walter Bagehot, Lombard Street: A Description of the Money Market] |

| |A World Market: Unity, Competition-and Insecurity |

| |Changes in Organization: Big Business |

| |[Image Woolworth building, 1913] |

| |[Image Alfred Krupp] |

| |[Image Frederick Krupp AG at Essen,1906] |

| |[Image Andrew Carnegie] |

| |[Image J.P. Morgan] |

| |*Read Sherman p. 203 “Understanding Nineteenth-Century Industrialization and Urban Life” by C. A. Bayly. |

|1/10/13 |Chapter 14, Section 73. The Advance of Democracy: Third French Republic, United Kingdom, German Empire pp. 585-600. |

| |France: The Establishment of the Third Republic |

| |[Primary Source Manifesto of the Paris Commune] |

| |[Image Execution of Communards] |

| |[Image Chamber of Deputies] |

| |[Image Premier Jules Ferry] |

| |Troubles of the Third French Republic |

| |[Image French School, 1881] |

| |[Image George Boulanger] |

| |[Image Emile Zola] |

| |[Primary Source Zola, I Accuse] |

| |The Strength and Weakness of the Republic |

| |[Image Paris Exhibition, 1889] |

| |[Image French patriotism: Claude Monet, Rue Montargueil with Flags, 1878] |

| |[Image Robert Koehler, The Strike 1886] |

| |The British Constitutional Monarchy |

| |[Image Queen Victoria] |

| |[Image William E. Gladstone] |

| |[Image Benjamin Disraeli] |

| |[Image Second Reform Bill: "A Leap in the Dark"] |

| |[Image Ragged School, 1858] |

| |[Image Voting by secret ballot] |

| |British Political Changes after 1900 |

| |[Image Herbert Asquith] |

| |[Image David Lloyd George] |

| |[Image Coal strike of 1912] |

| |The Irish Question |

| |[Map Ireland, mid 19th c.] |

| |[Image Irish Peasants] |

| |[Image Ulstermen arming and drilling] |

| |Bismarck and the German Empire, 1871-1890 |

| |[Image Otto van Bismarck] |

| |[Primary Source George Makepeace Towle, Bismarck in the Reichstag and at Home, 1880] |

| |[Primary Source German Banking, 1910] |

| |[Primary Source German Social Democracy: The Erfurt Program, 1891] |

| |[Image German Social Welfare System] |

| |The German Empire after 1890--William II |

| |[Image William II opening Reichstag, 1888] |

| |[Primary Source Bismarck's Fall from Power, 1890] |

| |[Image Dropping the Pilot] |

| |Developments Elsewhere; General Observations |

| |[Primary Source Filippo Marinetti, The Founding and Manifesto of Futurism, 1909] |

| |[Image Emperor-King Francis Joseph] |

|1/11/13 |Chapter 14 Test |

| |2006 Exam, Form B, DBQ on Alsace-Lorraine. |

|1/14/13 |Chapter 15, Section 74. The Advance of Democracy: Socialism, Labor Unions, and Feminism pp. 601-609. |

| |[Primary Source Idea of progress] |

| |[Image Voting by secret ballot] |

| |The Trade Union Movement and Rise of British Labor |

| |[Secondary British Labour Party] |

| |European Socialism after 1850 |

| |[Primary Source Capital] |

| |[Image First International] |

| |[Image Notice of meeting, First International] |

| |[Primary Source Prince Peter Kropotkin, Anarchism: Its Philosophy and Ideal, 1896] |

| |[Primary Source Gotha Program] |

| | |

| |[Primary Source German Social Democratic Party Erfurt Program, 1891] |

| |[Primary Source French Socialist Party Program, 1905] |

| |[Image H. M. Hyndman] |

| |[Image Social Democratic Federation] |

| |[Primary Source William Morris, Why I Am A Socialist] |

| |Revisionist and Revolutionary Socialism, 1880-1914 |

| |[Primary Source George Bernard Shaw, An Unsocial Socialist, 1883] |

| |[Image H. G. Wells] |

| |[Primary Source Sidney Webb, The Historic Basis of Socialism, 1889] |

| |[Primary Source Eduard Bernstein, Evolutionary Socialism] |

| |[Image Well-off worker ] |

| |[Primary Source Sorel on the General Strike] |

| |[Image Karl Kautsky] |

| |[Image Lenin] |

| |[Primary Source V.I. Lenin, Marxism and Revisionism, 1908] |

| |Feminism, 1880-1914 |

| |[Image "A Suffragette’s Home, ] |

| |[Primary Source Emmeline Pankhurst, Militant Suffragist, 1913] |

| |[Image Suffragette disturbances] |

| |[Image Suffragettes marching in London, 1912] |

| |[Image Forcible feedings] |

|1/15/13 |Chapter 15, Section 75. Science, Philosophy, the Arts, and Religion pp. 609-622 |

| |[Primary Source Patent/Bell telephone] |

| |The Impact of Evolution |

| |[Primary Source Charles Darwin, Origin of the Species] |

| |[Primary Source Charles Darwin, Descent of Man] |

| |[Image T.H. Huxley] |

| |[Primary Source Thomas Henry Huxley, The Struggle for Existance, 1888] |

| |Genetics, Anthropology, and Psychology |

| |[Image Gregor Mendel] |

| |[Primary Source Sir James Frazer, The Golden Bough] |

| |[Image Wilhelm Wundt] |

| |[Image Ivan Pavlov] |

| |[Image Sigmund Freud] |

| |[Primary Source Freud, The Interpretation of Dreams] |

| |[Primary Source Freud, Five Lectures on Psychoanalysis] |

| |The New Physics |

| |[Image Albert Einstein, c. 1900] |

| |[Primary Source Albert Einstein, Relativity: The Special and General Theory] |

| |[Image Antoine Henri Becquerel] |

| |[Image Pierre and Marie Curie] |

| |[Primary Marie Curie, On the Discovery of Radium] |

| |[Image J.J. Thompson] |

| |[Image Lord Rutherford] |

| |[Image Max Planck] |

| |[Image Niels Bohr] |

| |[Primary Source Einstein explains e=mc2] |

| |[Image Werner Heisenberg] |

| |[Primary Source Werner Heisenberg, Principle of uncertainty] |

| |Trends in Philosophy and the Arts |

| |[Image Ernst Haeckel] |

| |[Image Frederick Nietzsche] |

| |[Primary Source Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spake Zarathustra, 1891] |

| |[Primary Source Emile Zola, Germinal] |

| |[Image Henrik Ibsen] |

| |[Primary Source Henrik Ibsen, A Doll's House, 1879] |

| |The arts: relativism, irrationalism, social determinism, unconscious |

| |[Image Gaugin, Tahitian Women, 1891] |

| |[Image Claude Monet, Gare St Lazare ] |

| |[Primary Source Atonal music: The Rite of Spring] |

| |The Churches and the Modern Age |

| |[Image David Friedrich Strauss] |

| |[Primary Source Ernest Renan, The Life of Jesus] |

| |[Primary Source Samuel Wilberforce, On Darwin's Origin of Species, 1860] |

| |[Image Pius IX] |

| |[Primary Source Pius IX, Syllabus of Errors] |

| |[Primary Source Vatican Council] |

| |[Primary Source Leo XIII, Rerum Novarum |

| |[Image Pogrom in Russia] |

| |[Primary Source Theodor Herz, On the Jewish State, l896] |

| |[Primary Source Zionism] |

| | |

|1/16/13 |Chapter 15, Section 76. The Waning of Classical Liberalism pp. 622-628 |

| |The Decline of Nineteenth-Century Liberalism: Economic Trends |

| |[Primary Source Friedrich List, National System of Political Economy] |

| |Intellectual and Other Currents |

| |[Primary Source Sorel, Reflections on Violence |

| |[Image Joseph Chamberlain] |

| |[Primary Source Joseph Chamberlain, The Radical Programme, 1885] |

| |*Read Sherman pp. 201-202 “The Decline of Political Liberalism” by F. H. Hinsley. |

|1/17/13 |Chapter 15 Test |

| |2006 Exam, DBQ on Sports in European society 1860-1940 |

|1/18/13 |Chapter 16 Europe’s World Supremacy 1871-1914, Section 77. Imperialism: Its Nature and Causes pp. 629-638 |

| |[Map Imperialism and the Balance of Power] |

| |The New Imperialism |

| |[Image Railway Bridge in China] |

| |[Image Choshu fort] |

| |[Image 19th century Alexandria] |

| |Incentives and Motives |

| |[Primary Source Missionaries] |

| |[Image Cotton Mill, Shanghai, 1895] |

| |[Image Cheap labour: workers loading ship with coal, Nagasaki, 1895] |

| |[Image Non-European products: Chinese Tea] |

| |[Primary Source J. A. Hobson, Imperialism, 1902] |

| |[Image J. A. Hobson] |

| |[Primary Source Vladimir Lenin, Imperialism, the Highest Stage of World Capitalism, 1916] |

| |[Image Harvesting coffee in Brazil] |

| |[Map British empire and investments] |

| |[Image Joseph Chamberlain] |

| |[Primary Source Joseph Chamberlain Preaches the Doctrine of Commercial Imperialism, 1893] |

| |[Primary Source Kaiser Wilhelm II, A Place in the Sun, 1901] |

| |Imperialism as Crusade |

| |[Primary Source Friedrich Rabri, Does Germany Need Colonies?, 1879] |

| |[Primary Source Rudyard Kipling, The White Man's Burden, 1899] |

| |[Image Rudyard Kipling] |

| |[Image "The Yellow Peril"] |

| |[Primary Source Jack London essay "The Yellow Peril"] |

| |[Primary Source Josiah Strong, On Anglo-Saxon Predominance, 1891] |

| |[Primary Source William Bentinck, On Ritual Murder in India, 1829] |

| |[Primary Source Dadabhai Naoroji, The Benefits and Detriments of British Rule, 1871] |

| |*Read Sherman pp. 186-188 (Hobsbawn; Hayes; Headrick; Strobel) and answer chapter questions 2 and 3 on p. 188. |

|1/22/13 |Chapter 16, Section 78. The Americas pp. 638-643 |

| |The United States and Mexico |

| |[Image Austrian Archduke Maximilian, Emperor of Mexico] |

| |United States Imperialism in the 1890s |

| |[Primary Source Albert Beveridge, The March of the Flag, 1898] |

| |[Primary Source Convention between the U.S. and Panama, 1903] |

| |[Image Panama Canal] |

| |[Primary Source U.S. Recognition of Cuban Independence, 1898] |

| |[Image "Cuba," Puck cartoon, 1890s] |

| |[Image "Yellow" press] |

| |[Image The Maine destroyed] |

| |[Image Rough Riders] |

| |[Primary Source Treaty of Peace between the United States and Spain, 1898] |

| |[Map Philippines] |

| |[Primary Source The Rebellion in the Philippines, 1896] |

| |[Primary Source President McKinley on the Philippines, 1900] |

| |[Primary Source Platt Amendment, 1901] |

| |[Image President Theodore Roosevelt] |

| |[Primary Source "Roosevelt Corollary"] |

| |[Image Queen Liliuokalani of Hawaii] |

|1/23/13 |Chapter 16, Section 79. The Dissolution of the Ottoman Empire pp. 643-650 |

| |The Ottoman Empire in the 1850s |

| |[Map Decline of the Ottoman Empire] |

| |[Image Railway and Commerce Algiers |

| |[Image Punch Cartoon, 1879: Khedive of Egypt weighed down with debt] |

| |[Image Mehemet Ali, his son Ibrahim, and Soliman-Pasha (Colonel Sèves)] |

| |Attempts at Reform and Revival, 1856-1876 |

| |[Image Sultan's Palace, Constantinople] |

| |[Image Abdul Aziz] |

| |[Image Cartoon of Abdul Hamid II] |

| |Repression after 1876 |

| |[Primary Source Bulgarian massacres of 1876] |

| |The Russo-Turkish War of 1877-1878: The Congress of Berlin |

| |[Image Fyodor Dostoyevsky] |

| |[Image Fedor Tyutchev] |

| |[Image Bulgarians welcoming Russian troops, 1877 |

| |[Image Russian-Turkish naval engagement, 1877] |

| |[Image Russo-Turkish War] |

| |[Primary Source Lord Roberts, When Queen Victoria Became Empress of India, 1877] |

| |[Image Turks and Russians signing the Treaty of San Stefano] |

| |[Image Bismarck and Disraeli at the Congress of Berlin, 1877] |

| |[Image Turkish silk factory] |

| |[Image German military mission to Ottomans] |

| |[Map Berlin to Baghdad railway] |

| |Egypt and North Africa |

| |[Image Cairo, 1894] |

| |[Image Building the Suez Canal] |

| |[Image Muhammad Tewfik Pasha, Khedive of Egypt] |

| |[Image British occupation of Egypt, 1882] |

| |[Primary Source Earl of Cromer, Why Britain Acquired Egypt, 1908] |

| |[Image Algiers, 1894] |

| |[Image Tunis, 1894] |

| |[Image Tangier, Morocco 1894] |

| |[Primary Source Young Turks, Proclamation for the Ottoman Empire, 1908] |

|1/24/13 |Chapter 16, Section 80. The Partition of Africa pp. 650-659 |

| |[Image Ceremonial mask, Zaire] |

| |The Opening of Africa |

| |[Image David Livingstone] |

| |[Primary Source Henry M. Stanley, How I Found Livingstone, 1871] |

| |[Image Leopold II] |

| |[Primary Source Conference of Berlin, 1885] |

| |[Map Congo Free State] |

| |[Primary Source Edward D. Morel, The Black Man's Burden, 1903] |

| |[Primary Source A. E. Scrivener, Private Company Rule in the Congo, 1903] |

| |[Primary Source Report of the British Consul, Roger Casement, on the Administration of the Congo Free State, 1904] |

| |[Image Punch cartoon: King Leopold looking at skulls of dead Congolese] |

| |[Image Real occupation: Hoisting the German flag in East Africa, 1885] |

| |[Image Ethos of imperialism: Education as white man's burden] |

| |Friction and Rivalry between the Powers |

| |[Map Italian empire] |

| |[Image Battle of Adowa] |

| |[Image Cartoon: Ethiopian emperor Menelik II and Italian General Baratieri] |

| |[Map African Colonies] |

| |[Primary Source Gustave Freensen, In the German South African Army, 1903-1904] |

| |[Image German officer and African policeman, Cameroon] |

| |[Map French West Africa predominant within French empire] |

| |[Image "Africa British from Cape to Cairo"] |

| |[Primary Source Rhodes Obtains a Concession in Southern Rhodesia, 1888] |

| |[Image General General Charles "Chinese" Gordon] |

| |[Primary Source Alfred Egmont Hake, The Death of General Gordon at Khartoum, 1885] |

| |[Image General Kitchener] |

| |[Primary Source Winston S. Churchill, The Battle of Omdurman, 1898] |

| |[Image French Cartoon: France as Little Red Riding Hood, Britain as the Big Bad Wolf] |

| |[Map Cape Colony, Transvaal, Orange Free State] |

| |[Image The Great Trek] |

| |[Image Boers] |

| |[Image Leander Starr Jameson] |

| |[Image Paul Kruger] |

| |[Map South African War] |

| |[Image British Trenches in the Boer War] |

| |[Image Krugersdorp concentration camp] |

| |[Image British Unpopularity in the U.S.: Britain devouring African territory] |

| |[Map Africa in the Early Twentieth Century] |

|1/25/13 |Chapter 16, Section 81. Imperialism in Asia: The Dutch, the British, and the Russians pp. 659-666. |

| |The Dutch East Indies and British India |

| |[Image French Indochina Banknote] |

| |[Image Revolt in Dutch East Indies suppressed in 1880s] |

| |[Image Dutch East Indies forced labor] |

| |[Primary Source Charles Creighton Hazewell, The Indian Revolt, 1857] |

| |[Primary Source Elisa Greathed, An Account of the Opening of the Indian Mutiny at Meerut, 1857] |

| |[Image Sepoy mutineers being executed by the British, 1857 ] |

| |[Image East Bengal Railway, 1895] |

| |[Image Indian National Congress] |

| |[Primary Source Indian National Congress] |

| |Conflict of Russian and British Interests |

| |[Image Vladivostok, 1895] |

| |[Primary Source Prince Gortchakoff, Dispatch justifying conquest of Tashkent, 1864] |

| |[Primary Source Anglo-Russian agreement, 1907] |

| |[Image Persian nationalist revolution, 1905-06] |

|1/28/13 |Chapter 16, Section 82. Imperialism in Asia: China and the West pp. 666-672 |

| |China before Western Penetration |

| |[Primary Source Taiping Rebellion] |

| |The Opening of China to the West |

| |[Image Chinese opium smokers] |

| |[Primary Source Lin Zixu, Letter of Advice to Queen Victoria, 1839] |

| |[Primary Source British Foreign Secretary Palmerston, Instructions on , 1841 - scroll down] |

| |[Image Opium War] |

| |[Primary Source Treaty of Nanking, 1842] |

| |[Primary Source Treaty of Tien-Tsin, 1858] |

| |[Image European factories in Canton, 1857] |

| |[Map Treaty ports and foreign spheres in China] |

| |Annexations and Concessions |

| |[Map Burma] |

| |[Image Indochina, 1883] |

| |[Image Vietnamese perspective of French invasion of Indochina, 1884] |

| |[Image Chinese emperor's palace, Peiking, 1890s] |

| |[Image Forbidden City] |

| |[Image Sino-Japanese War of 1894] |

| |[Image Trans-Siberian Railway] |

| |[Map Trans-Siberian Railway] |

| |[Primary Source Kaiser Wilhelm II and German Interests in China] |

| |[Primary Source First Open Door Note] |

| |[Primary Source Boxer Rebellion] |

| |[Primary Source Yao Chen-Yuan, My Adventures During the Boxer War, 1900] |

| |[Image Boxer] |

| |[Primary Source Pierre Loti, When the Allies Entered Peking, 1900] |

| |[Image Sun Yat-sen] |

|1/29/13 |Chapter 16, Section 83. The Russo-Japanese War and Its Consequences pp. 672-675. |

| |• [Primary Source The Anglo-Japanese Alliance, 1902] |

| |• [Image Japanese view of Russian imperialism] |

| |• [Image Port Arthur] |

| |• [Primary Source Japanese attack on Russians at Port Arthur, 1905] |

| |• [Primary Source Captain Vladimir Semenoff, Battle of Tsushima] |

| |• [Primary Source Treaty of Portsmouth] |

| |• [Image Russian Revolution of 1905] |

| |• [Map Nationalist revolution in China, 1911] |

|1/30/13 |Chapter 16 Test |

| |2009 Exam, DBQ on attitudes toward and motivations behind the European acquisition of African colonies from 1880 to 1914. |

|1/31/13 |Chapter 17 The First World War, Section 84. The International Anarchy pp. 677-687. |

| |[Image A Global Conflict] |

| |[Image Young German men, August 1914] |

| |[Image German remains at Verdun] |

| |Rival Alliances: Triple Alliance versus Triple Entente |

| |[Primary Source Kaiser Wilhelm II, A Place in the Sun, 1901] |

| |[Image Kaiser Wilhelm II] |

| |[Primary Source The Triple Alliance] |

| |[Primary Source Bismarck's "reinsurance" treaty with Russia] |

| |[Primary Source Franco-Russian Alliance] |

| |[Image German Fleet Association, 1902] |

| |[Image German battleship] |

| |[Primary Source The Anglo-Japanese Alliance, 1902] |

| |[Primary Source Entente cordiale] |

| |[Primary Source Anglo-Russian agreement, 1907] |

| |The Crisis in Morocco and the Balkans |

| |[Map Diplomatic Crises, 1905-14] |

| |[Primary Source Anglo-French Agreement on Morocco] |

| |[Primary Source The First Moroccan Crisis, 1905] |

| |[Image German gunboat Panther] |

| |[Image David Lloyd George] |

| |[Primary Source David Lloyd George speech on the German menace, July 1911] |

| |[Image Nationalities of Hungary in 1901] |

| |[Primary Source Annexation of Bosnia] |

| |[Image Austrians take Bosnia-Herzegovina] |

| |[Image Serbian women learning to shoot] |

| |[Primary Source Young Turks, Proclamation for the Ottoman Empire, 1908] |

| |[Image Constantinople] |

| |[Primary Source Second Balkan war] |

| |The Sarajevo Crisis and the Outbreak of War |

| |[Primary Source Constitution of Union of Death] |

| |[Primary Source Assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand] |

| |[Primary Source The German "blank check" to Austria] |

| |[Map German invasion of Belgium] |

| |*Read Sherman pp. 216-217 (von Strandmann; Strachan). |

|2/1/13 |Chapter 17, Section 85. The Armed Stalemate pp. 687-696 |

| |[Primary Source The Schlieffen Plan] |

| |[Map The Schlieffen Plan] |

| |The War on Land, 1914-1916 |

| |[Image Helmuth von Moltke] |

| |[Image General Joseph Joffre] |

| |[Map Battle of the Marne] |

| |[Map Battle lines extended to the sea] |

| |[Image Battle of Tannenberg] |

| |[Image Russian Cavalry] |

| |[Image Machine gun] |

| |[Primary Source Trench warfare begins] |

| |[Image Trench warfare] |

| |[Primary Source Donald Fraser, My Daily Journal, 1915-1916] |

| |[Primary Source Gallipoli] |

| |[Image Tanks in action] |

| |The War at Sea |

| |[Primary Source U.S. Protests Against Allied Maritime Warfare] |

| |[Image German postcard, 1915: Inside a submarine] |

| |[Image Take up the Sword of Justice] |

| |[Primary Source U.S. Lusitania Note to Germany, May 1915] |

| |[Primary Source Battle of Jutland] |

| |Diplomatic Maneuvers and Secret Agreements |

| |[Image Ottoman Empire Joined Germany and Austria Hungary] |

| |[Image Turkey enters war] |

| |[Primary Source Treaty of London, April 1915] |

| |[Primary Source Italians Join the Allies] |

| |[Image Ottoman sultan as caliph proclaims holy war] |

| |[Image Roger Casement] |

| |[Image Proclamation of the Irish Republic, 1916] |

| |[Primary Source Zimmerman Telegram] |

| |[Image T.E. Lawrence] |

| |[Primary Source T.E Lawrence, Personal Notes on the Sherifial Family] |

| |[Image Emir Hussein of Hejaz] |

| |[Primary Source Balfour Declaration, November 1917] |

| |[Primary Source Japan ultimatum to Germany, August 1914] |

| |[Image Theobald von Bethmann Hollweg] |

|2/4/13 |Chapter 17, Section 86. The Collapse of Russia and the Intervention of the United States pp. 696-700 |

| |The Withdrawal of Russia: Revolution and the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk |

| |[Primary Source Diaries of Nicholas II, 1917] |

| |[Primary Source Abdication of Nicholas II] |

| |[Primary Source Russian Provisional Government] |

| |[Image Fighting in Petrograd, July 1917] |

| |[Primary Source Resolutions adopted by the First All-Russian Congress of Soviets, June 1917] |

| |[Primary Source Lenin, Call to Power, Oct 24, 1917] |

| |[Primary Source Decree on Peace, November 1917 ] |

| |[Image Signing the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk] |

| |[Primary Source Treaty of Brest-Litovsk] |

| |[Map Russian territory lost after the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk] |

| |[Image Field Marshall Paul von Hindenburg] |

| |[Image General Ludendorff] |

| |[Image German spring offensive, 1918] |

| |The United States and the War |

| |[Primary Source Germans debate renewal of unrestricted submarine warfare, January 1917] |

| |[Primary Source President Woodrow Wilson's War Message, April 1917] |

| |[Image I want you for U.S. Army] |

| |[Image Victory Bonds will Help Stop This] |

| |[Secondary Discussion/Primary Sources Food Rationing] |

| |[Primary Source Battle of Passchendaele] |

| |[Secondary Discussion/Primary Sources] Battle of Cambrai] |

| |The Final Phase of the War |

| |[Image The Armistice] |

| |[Primary Source The End of World War I] |

| | |

|2/5/13 |Chapter 17, Section 87. The Collapse of the Austrian and German Empires pp. 701-703 |

| |• [Image Austrian emperor Charles I] |

| |• [Image Prince Max of Baden] |

| |• [Image Revolutionary sailors, Berlin, 9 Nov. 1918] |

| |• [Image Workers council, Berlin, Dec 1918] |

| |• [Image Abdication of Kaiser William II] |

| |• [Image Weimar Republic proclaimed] |

|2/6/13 |Chapter 17, Section 88. The Economic, Social, and Cultural Impact of the War pp. 703-709. |

| |Effects on Capitalism: Government-Regulated Economies |

| |[Image Women of Britain Say Go] |

| |[Image "We’re all too busy just now"] |

| |[Image Women munitions workers] |

| |[Image Women's Auxiliary Army Corps] |

| |[Image "War socialism" in Germany: Furnishings expropriated] |

| |[Image Walter Rathenau] |

| |[Image U.S. War Industries Board] |

| |Inflation, Industrial Changes, Control of Ideas |

| |[Image Russian propaganda: German atrocities in Poland] |

| |[Image French propaganda: the war is the national industry of Prussia, 1917] |

| |[Image British anti-German propaganda] |

| |[Image American anti-German propaganda] |

| |[Image Hun or Home? American anti-German propaganda] |

| |[Image Destroy This Mad Brute: American anti-German propaganda] |

| |[Image Back Him Up. Buy War Bonds.] |

| |[Image The War Illustrated] |

| |[Primary Source Propaganda Leaflets] |

| |Cultural Pessimism |

| |[Image Charles Peguy] |

| |[Primary Source Rupert Brooke, War Sonnets] |

| |[Primary Source Siegfried Sassoon, "How to Die"] |

| |[Primary Source Wifred Owen, "Dulce et Decorum Est"] |

| |[Primary Source Sigmund Freud, Civilization and its Discontents] |

| |[Image Oswald Spengler] |

| |[Primary Source Otto Spengler, The Decline of the West] |

| |[Primary Source Tristan Tzara, Dadaism] |

| |[Image Surrealism: Andre Mare, Zillebecke Trench] |

| |[Primary Source A Surrealist Manifesto] |

| |[Image Thomas Mann] |

| |[Primary Source W.B. Yeats, "The Second Coming"] |

| |*Read Sherman pp. 217-219 (Craig; Anderson and Zinsser). |

|2/7/13 |Chapter 17, Section 89. The Peace of Paris pp. 709-718 |

| |[Primary Source Treaty of St. Germain (with Austria)] |

| |[Primary Source Treaty of Trianon (with Hungary)] |

| |[Primary Source Treaty of Neuilly (with Bulgaria)] |

| |[Primary Source Treaty of Sevres (with Turkey)] |

| |The Fourteen Points and the Treaty of Versailles |

| |[Primary Source The Fourteen Points] |

| |[Image The Big Four at Versailles] |

| |[Primary Source League of Nations Covenant] |

| |[Primary Source Anglo-French-American guarantee treaty, November 1918] |

| |[Primary Source Treaty of Versailles] |

| |Significance of the Paris Peace Settlement |

| |[Map Post-war new nations] |

| |*Read Sherman pp. 219-220 “Peace and Diplomacy” by Arthur Walworth. |

|2/8/13 |Chapter 17 Test |

| |FRQ: What were the principal war aims of each of the major belligerents (Austria, Germany, Serbia, France, Russia, Britain), |

| |and to what degree did they accomplish those war aims? |

|2/11/13 |Chapter 18 The Russian Revolution and the Soviet Union, Section 90. Backgrounds pp. 719-728 |

| |Russia after 1881: Reaction and Progress |

| |[Image Prison Camp, Siberia 1890s] |

| |[Image Andrei Zhelyabov, member of the People's Will] |

| |[Image Pogrom in Russia] |

| |[Image Constantine Pobiedonostsev] |

| |[Image Tolstoy] |

| |[Image Ivan Turgenev] |

| |[Image Fyodor Dostoyevsky] |

| |[Image Pyotr Tchaikovsky] |

| |[Image Rimsky-Korsakov] |

| |[Primary Source Count Witte, Lectures on Political Economy and State Finance, 1912] |

| |[Image Count Witte] |

| |[Image Business class ] |

| |[Image Nevsky Prospect, St. Petersburg] |

| |[Image Factory] |

| |[Image Factory worker] |

| |[Primary Source Constitutional Democratic Party Program, 1905] |

| |[Image Mir] |

| |[Image Kulak] |

| |The Emergence of Revolutionary Parties |

| |[Image Peasants] |

| |[Image Gentry home] |

| |[Primary Source Social Revolutionary Party Program, 1905] |

| |[Image Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, 1897] |

| |[Image Leon Trotsky] |

| |[Image Joseph Stalin, 1912] |

| |Split in the Social Democrats: Bolsheviks and Mensheviks |

| |[Primary Source The Mensheviks according to Lenin] |

|2/12/13 |Chapter 18, Section 91. The Revolution of 1905 pp. 728-733 |

| |Background and Revolutionary Events |

| |[Image Vyacheslav Plehve] |

| |[Image Father George Gapon] |

| |[Secondary Discussion/Primary Sources Bloody Sunday] |

| |[Image Bloody Sunday] |

| |[Primary Source October Manifesto] |

| |[Image Stalin in Siberia, 1915] |

| |The Results of 1905: The Duma |

| |[Primary Source The Fundamental Law, 1906] |

| |The Stolypin Reforms |

| |[Primary Source Stolypin Agrarian Reform, 1906] |

|2/13/13 |Chapter 18, Section 92. The Revolution of 1917 pp. 733-742 |

| |End of the Tsardom: The Revolution of March 1917 |

| |[Image Russian POWs] |

| |[Image Tsarina Alexandra] |

| |[Image Rasputin] |

| |[Secondary Discussion/Primary Source Disturbances during the March Revolution] |

| |[Primary Source Abdication of Nicholas II] |

| |[Image Alexander Kerensky] |

| |[Primary Source Lenin, April Theses] |

| |The Bolshevik Revolution: November 1917 |

| |[Image Street demonstration in Petrograd, June 1917] |

| |[Image Street fighting in Petrograd, July 1917] |

| |[Image General Lavr Kornilov] |

| |[Image All-Russian Congress of Soviets, June 1917] |

| |[Image Central Committee of Bolsheviks] |

| |[Primary Source Lenin, Call to Power, Oct 24, 1917 Politburo ] |

| |[Image Reenactment of Bolshevik seizure of power] |

| |[Primary Source Council of People's Commissars] |

| |[Image Council of People's Commissars] |

| |[Primary Source Decree on Peace, November 1917] |

| |[Secondary Discussion/Primary Sources] Constituent Assembly] |

| |The New Regime: The Civil War, 1918-1922 |

| |[Image Signing the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk] |

| |[Primary Source Peace Treaty of Brest-Litovsk] |

| |[Map Russian territory lost after Treaty of Brest-Litovsk] |

| |[Map Civil war] |

| |[Image Poster of Trotsky slaying the dragon] |

| |[Image Poster, Communists appeal to peasants during Civil War] |

| |[Primary Source Founding the Cheka] |

| |[Image Join the Red Cavalry!, 1920] |

| |[Image Leon Trotsky as Commissar of War] |

| |[Primary Source 1918 Constitution] |

| |[Primary Source Decree on Grain Procurements, 1918] |

| |[Primary Source Demands of the workers of the metallurgical plant in Motovilikha, December 1918] |

| |[Image General Denikin] |

| |[Image Czech legion] |

| |[Primary Source Statement on the Japanese Landing at Vladivostok] |

| |[Image General Peter Wrangel] |

| |[Image Admiral Alexander Kolchak] |

| |[Primary Source Trotsky Speech Rallying Army during Civil War, 19191] |

| |[Image Russian soldiers during war with Poland] |

| |[Primary Source U.S. Participation in the Archangel Expedition, 1918] |

| |[Image White Russian anti-Semitism: Trotsky ] |

| |[Primary Source Statement by Kronstadt rebels, 1921] |

| |[Image Suppressing the Kronstadt rising 1921] |

| |[Primary Source Emma Goldman, Kronstadt] |

| |*Read Sherman p. 220 “The Russian Revolution” by Robert Service. |

|2/14/13 |Chapter 18, Section 93. The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics pp. 742-749 |

| |Government: The Nationalities and Federalism |

| |Government: State and Party |

| |[Image Politburo] |

| |[Primary Source Leon Trotsky, Communist Policy toward Art, 1923] |

| |The New Economic Policy, 1921-1927 |

| |[Image Great Famine 1921-1922] |

| |[Image American Relief Association, 1921-22] |

| |[Image Market under NEP] |

| |[Image NEP poster] |

| |Social and Cultural Changes after the Revolution |

| |[Image Street Propaganda] |

| |[Image Street Car Propaganda] |

| |[Image Women's Emancipation, 1920] |

| |[Image Sergei Eisenstein] |

| |[Image Odessa Steps scene (Potemkin), 1925] |

| |[Image Vladimir Mayakovsky] |

| |[Image Socialist realism: Efim Cheptsov, Meeting of a Village Party Cell, 1924] |

| |Stalin and Trotsky |

| |[Primary Source Portrait of Trotsky] |

| |[Image Lenin in a wheelchair, 1923] |

| |[Primary Source Vladimir Lenin, Testament, 1922] |

| |[Image Lenin's first tomb, Red Square] |

| |[Image Cult of Lenin] |

| |[Image Old Bolsheviks: Celebrating Stalin's 50th Birthday, 1929] |

| |[Image Lenin and Joseph Stalin] |

|2/15/13 |Chapter 18, Section 94. Stalin: The Five-Year Plans and the Purges pp. 749-758 |

| |Economic Planning |

| |[Primary Source Joseph Stalin, Industrialization of the Country, 1928] |

| |[Primary Source First Five-Year Plan] |

| |The Collectivization of Agriculture |

| |[Image Collective farm] |

| |[Primary Source Dizzy With Success: Pravda, 1930] |

| |[Primary Source Impact of collectivization] |

| |[Primary Source Grain Problem] |

| |The Growth of Industry |

| |[Map Siberia] |

| |[Image Kasli Iron Works, Urals] |

| |[Image Tashkent cotton factory] |

| |[Image Blast furnace, Kuznetsk, 1932] |

| | |

| |Social Costs and Social Effects of the Plans |

| |[Primary Source Correctional labor camp] |

| |[Image Self-denial: Worker and Farm Woman, 1937] |

| |[Image Sustaining morale by propaganda: Meet the Five-Year Target Figures for the Production of Coal in Three Years, 1931] |

| |[Image Aleksei Stakhanov] |

| |[Lenin and H.G. Wells, 1920] |

| |[Primary Source Joseph Stalin, Dialectical and historical materialism, 1938] |

| |[Primary Source Hymn to Stalin] |

| |The Purge Trials of the 1930s |

| |[Image Stalin, 1936] |

| |[Primary Source Constitution of 1936] |

| |[Image Bukharin] |

| |[Image Sergei Kirov] |

| |[Image Grigory Zinoviev] |

| |[Image Lev Kamenev] |

| |[Primary Source Stalin's Purges: The Official Explanation] |

| |[Primary Source Rykov's Last Plea, 1938] |

| |[Primary Source Bukharin Purge Trial] |

| |*Read Sherman pp. 247-248 “Dictatorship in Russia: Stalin’s Purges” by Stephen J. Lee. |

|2/19/13 |Chapter 18, Section 95. The International Impact of Communism 1919-1939 pp. 759-762 |

| |Socialism and the First World War |

| |[Image Karl Kautsky] |

| |[Image Karl Radek] |

| |The Founding of the Third International |

| |[Image Poster, Communist International, 1917] |

| |[Image First meeting of Comintern] |

| |[Image Lenin at Second Congress Third International, 1920] |

| |[Image Boris Kustodiev, Second Congress of the Comintern, 1921] |

| |[Image Comintern Congress, including Communists from many countries] |

| |[Primary Source Zinoviev Letter] |

|2/20/13 |Chapter 18 Test |

| |2005 Exam, FRQ #6 on Marxism in post-revolutionary Russia. |

| | |

|2/21/13 |Chapter 19 Democracy, Anti-Imperialism, and the Economic Crisis after the First World War, Section 96. The Advance of Democracy|

| |after 1919 pp. 763-767 |

| |[Image Maimed German veteran] |

| |[Primary Source Paul Valery, On European Civilization and the European Mind, 1922] |

| |Gains of Democracy and Social Democracy |

| |[Primary Source Nineteenth Amendment, 1920] |

| |[Image German women voting for the first time, 1919] |

| |[Image Fight for the eight-hour working day, 1927] |

| |[Image German Trade Union Federation badge, c. 1930] |

| |[Image Benito Mussolini] |

| |[Primary Source Benito Mussolini, What is Fascism, 1932] |

| |The New States of Central and East-Central Europe |

| |[Map Map of Europe, 1919] |

| |[Map German-speaking population of Czechoslovakia] |

| |[Primary Source Ivan Derer, The Autonomist Movement in Slovakia, 1938] |

| |[Map Post-war Yugoslavia] |

| |[Image Bela Kun] |

| |[Image Admiral Horthy] |

| |[Primary Source Miklos Horthy becomes Regent of Hungary, scroll to p. 127, Ch. 10] |

| |Economic Problems of Eastern Europe; Land Reform |

|2/22/13 |Chapter 19, Section 97. The German Republic and the Spirit of Locarno pp. 768-773 |

| |[Image Karl Liebknecht] |

| |[Image Rosa Luxemburg] |

| |[Primary Source Rosa Luxemburg, The Socialisation of Society, December 1918] |

| |[Primary Source Karl Liebknecht, Proclamation of the Free Socialist Republic, 1918] |

| |[Image Spartacist poster, 1919] |

| |[Image Spartacist uprising, 1919] |

| |[Image Provisional Government troops attacking Spartacists, 1919] |

| |[Image Elections for National Constituent Assembly 1919] |

| |[Image Opening session, German National assembly, 1919] |

| |[Primary Source Weimar Constitution, 1919] |

| |[Image Wolfgang Kapp] |

| |[Image Kapp Putsch] |

| |[Image Adolf Hitler, 1923] |

| |[Primary Source The 25 Points: Nazi Program, 1920] |

| |[Image Nazi revolt in Munich, 1923] |

| |The German Democracy and Versailles |

| |[Map Germany in 1920] |

| |[Image Weimar Germany the lost territory] |

| |[Image League of Nations Covenant] |

| |[Primary Source Franco-Polish Agreement, 1921] |

| |[Primary Source Treaty of Rapallo, 1922] |

| |Reparations, the Great Inflation of 1923, Recovery |

| |[Image French occupy Essen, Ruhr valley, 1923] |

| |[Image German view of French occupation of the Ruhr, 1923] |

| |[Primary Source Socialist Perspective on Occupation of Ruhr] |

| |[Image German children with stacks of worthless German currency] |

| |[Primary Source Dawes Plan, 1924] |

| |[Image Ruhr factory, c. 1930] |

| |The Spirit of Locarno |

| |[Image Gustav Stresemann at League of Nations, 1926] |

| |[Image Édouard Herriot] |

| |[Image Aristide Briand] |

| |[Image Ramsay Macdonald] |

| |[Image League Headquarters, Geneva] |

| |[Image Locarno Conference] |

| |[Primary Source Treaty of Locarno between France and Poland, 1925] |

| |[Primary Source Eduard Benš, The Rationale for the Little Entente, 1928] |

| |[Primary Source Pact of Paris (Kellog-Briand Pact), 1928] |

|2/25/13 |Chapter 19, Section 98. Anti-Imperialist Movements in Asia pp. 773-785 |

| |Resentments of Asia |

| |[Image Indonesian waiters serving a rice table] |

| |[Image Gandhi as a lawyer] |

| |[Primary Source Japanese attack on Russians at Port Arthur, 1905] |

| |[Image Persian constitutional revolution, 1905-1906] |

| |[Primary Source Young Turks, Proclamation for the Ottoman Empire, 1908] |

| |[Image Sun Yat-sen] |

| |[Map Nationalist revolution in China, 1911] |

| |First World War and Russian Revolution |

| |[Image Battle in Persia, 1917] |

| |[Image Indian troops, World War I] |

| | |

| |The Turkish Revolution: Kemal Ataturk |

| |[Map Turkey, 1924] |

| |[Image Mustafa Kemal] |

| |[Primary Source Convention Concerning the Exchange of Greek and Turkish Populations, 1923] |

| |[Image The fez as symbol of backwardness] |

| |[Image The hat as symbol of progress] |

| |The National Movement in India: Gandhi and Nehru |

| |[Primary Source Gandhi on the passive resistance campaign] |

| |[Image Homespun alternative to English cotton] |

| |[Image Gandhi leads campaign against salt tax] |

| |[Image Jawaharlal Nehru and Mohandas Gandhi] |

| |[Image Roundtable Conference, 1930] |

| |[Image Rebellion in Dutch East Indies, 1922] |

| |[Map Chinese revolution, 1911-12] |

| |[Image Sun Yat-sen] |

| |[Primary Source Sun Yat-sen, The Three People's Principles] |

| |[Image Demonstrations against the Western powers May 4, 1919] |

| |[Image Lu Xun] |

| |China: Nationalists and Communists |

| |[Image Chiang Kai-shek] |

| |[Map China under warlords, 1924-26] |

| |[Image Chinese Red Army] |

| |[Image Mao Zedong] |

| |[Primary Source Mao Zedong, Report on an Investigation of the Peasant Movement in Hunan, 1927] |

| |[Image Zhu De] |

| |[Map The Long March] |

| |Japan: Militarism and Aggression |

| |[Image Japanese Troops in Siberia] |

| |[Image Japanese army in Manchuria, 1931] |

| |[Primary Source Japan-Manchukuo Protocol, 1932 |

| |[Map Manchukuo] |

|2/26/13 |Chapter 19, Section 99. The Great Depression: Collapse of the World Economy pp. 785-793 pp. 785-793 |

| |The Prosperity of the 1920s and Its Weaknesses |

| |[Image Automobile in front of grocery store, Washington, DC] |

| |[Image Tire shop] |

| |[Image Highway] |

| |[Image Truckdriver] |

| |[Image Filling-station attendant] |

| |[Image Purchase of radios in Germany, 1923-33] |

| |[Image Marlene Dietrich, The Blue Angel, 1930] |

| |[Image Installment buying] |

| |[Image Farm being auctioned] |

| |[Image Harvester-thresher combine] |

| |The Crash of 1929 and the Spread of Economic Crisis |

| |[Image New York Stock Exchange crash, October 1929] |

| |[Image Closed bank, Tombstone, Arizona] |

| |[Image Closed factory, Dubuque, Iowa] |

| |[Image Unemployment in America, 1929-42] |

| |[Image Unemployed worker, Berlin 1931] |

| |[Image Workers lining up at labor office, Hanover, 1930] |

| |[Primary Source Food Line in Paris] |

| |[Image German workers, 1930 |

| |[Image German woman in Berlin, 1930] |

| |[Image Hitler campaign poster, 1932] |

| |Political and Economic Reactions to the Crisis |

| |[Primary Source German Chancellor Bruning justifies his policy of austerity, 1931] |

| |[Image President Herbert Hoover] |

| |[Image Rearmament: making aircraft motor casings] |

| |[Image A Hooverville, 1933] |

| |[Image Signing the Canada-US Trade agreement, 1935] |

| |Cultural Reactions to the Crisis |

| |[Image Modernist art: Wasily Kandinsky, Two Sides Red, 1928- advance to slide 15 of 31] |

| |[Primary Source T. S. Eliot, The Waste Land, 1922] |

| |[Image James Joyce Ulysses] |

| |[Image Eugene O'Neill] |

| |[Image Virginia Woolf] |

| |[Image Ernest Hemingway, 1923] |

| |[Image Andre Gide] |

| |[Image John Steinbeck] |

|2/27/13 |Chapter 19 Test |

| |2010 Exam, DBQ on instability of the Weimar Republic |

|2/28/13 |Chapter 20 Democracy and Dictatorship in the 1930s, Section 100. The United States: Depression and the New Deal pp. 795-799 |

| |[Image President Herbert Hoover] |

| |[Image Franklin Delano Roosevelt] |

| |[Image WPA project, Tuskegee, Alabama, 1936] |

| |[Image Public works: Roosevelt dam, Arizona] |

| |[Image Civilian Conservation Corps] |

| |[Primary Source President Roosevelt, Presidential Statement on National Industrial Recovery Act, 1933] |

| |[Image National Recovery Administration poster] |

| |[Image Tennessee Valley Authority powerhouse at Tupelo, Mississippi] |

| |[Primary Source Abraham Epstein, Social Security under the New Deal, 1935] |

| |[Primary Source National Labor Relations Board] |

| |[Image Sit-down strike by United Auto Workers, Flint, 1937] |

|3/1/13 |Chapter 20, Section 101. Trials and Adjustments of Democracy in Britain and France pp. 799-808 |

| |British Politics: The 1920s and the Depression |

| |Unemployment "dole" |

| |coal-mining industry |

| |[Image Coal Mine] |

| |1918 Labour committed to a program of socialism |

| |[Primary Source Zinoviev Letter] |

| |Election of May 1929 Unemployment to 3 million |

| |National government Election of 1931 |

| |[Image 1929 Election ] |

| |[Image Pamphlet on unemployment crisis ] |

| |[Image Election of 1931] |

| |Britain and the Commonwealth: Imperial Relations |

| |[Primary Source British Mandate for Palestine] |

| |[Image British soldiers fighting Irish rebels, 1916 ] |

| |[Image Sinn Fein Members of Parliament, 1919 ] |

| |[Primary Source Constitution of the Irish Free State, 1922] |

| |[Map Ulster and Eire] |

| |[Primary Source Statute of Westminster of 1931] |

| |France: The 1920s and the Coming of the Depression |

| |[Image Edouard Herriot] |

| |[Image Raymond Poincare] |

| |Depression Ferment and the Popular Front |

| |[Image Croix de Feu march, 1934] |

| |[Image Stavisky Riots of February 1934 |

| |[Primary Source Leon Blum Popular Front ] |

| |[Image Leon Blum] |

| |The Popular Front and After |

| |[Image Edouard Daladier] |

| |Western Europe and the Depression |

| |*Read Sherman pp. 231-232 “The Great Depression in Europe” by James M. Laux. |

|3/4/13 |Chapter 20, Section 102. Italian Fascism pp. 808-813 |

| |[Image Benito Mussolini] |

| |[Primary Source Benito Mussolini, What is Fascism, 1932] |

| |[Image fasci di combattimento] |

| |[Image Blackshirts ] |

| |[Image Squadristi] |

| |[Image March on Rome, 1922] |

| |Mussolini was named premier |

| |[Image Cartoon associating Mussolini with murder of Matteotti] |

| |[Image Lateran accord in 1929] |

| |[Image Poster, Confederazione Nazionale Fascista degli Agricoltori, 1934] |

| |[Image Fascism as national revival] |

| |*Read Sherman pp. 244-246 (Kedward; Karsten). |

|3/5/13 |Chapter 20, Section 103. Totalitarianism: Germany’s Third Reich pp. 813—825 |

| |The Rise of Adolf Hitler |

| |[Image Adolf Hitler] |

| |[Image Hitler as German soldier in WWI] |

| |[Image National Socialist German Workers' party] |

| |[Image Free corps, Berlin 1920] |

| |[Image Kapp Putsch] |

| |[Image Brownshirts or Storm Troopers] |

| |[Image Walter Rathenau] |

| |[Image Matthias Erzberger] |

| |[Image Beer hall putsch in Munich, 1923] |

| |[Image Mein Kampf] |

| |[Image General Ludendorff] |

| |[Image German unemployment chart] |

| |[Image Our Last Hope: Hitler: Nazi poster, 1932 presidential election] |

| |[Primary Source Hitler's anti-Semitism] |

| |[Image Franz von Papen] |

| |[Image General Kurt von Schleicher] |

| |[Image Adolf Hitler, Chancellor of the German Republic, 1933] |

| |[Image Hitler's First Cabinet] |

| |[Primary Source Bruno Heilig, Why the German Republic Fell, 1938] |

| |The Nazi State |

| |[Image Two German Jewish families, 1928] |

| |[Image Flyer,“Attention Jew, Visit Forbidden,” pasted on doctor's sign] |

| |[Primary Source Nuremberg laws, 1935] |

| |[Image Dachau Concentration camp] |

| |[Primary Source Nazi youth movement] |

| |[Image Youth Serves the Fuhrer] |

| |Public works program |

| |[Image Autobahn] |

| |[Image Rearmament program: Battleship Scharnhorst] |

| |[Image Poster, Your Strength Through Joy car] |

| |Totalitarianism: Some Origins and Consequences |

| |[Primary Source Hymn to Stalin] |

| |[Primary Source Oath to Adolf Hitler] |

| |[Image Nazi sculpture: The Party and The Army, by Arno Breker] |

| |[Primary Source Joseph Goebbels, Knowledge and Propaganda, 1928] |

| |[Image Goebbels with Hitler and Goering] |

| |[Primary Source Joseph Goebbels, The Jew] |

| |[Images Anti-Semitic caricatures from Der Sturmer, 1928-1931] |

| |[Image Nazi appeal to violence] |

| |[Image Investiture of Reich Church Bishop, 1933] |

| |[Primary Source Barmen Declaration, 1934] |

| |[Image Poster, Hitler Youth] |

| |[Image Hitler Youth weapons training] |

| |[Image Nazi athletics] |

| |[Primary Source Improving the German Aryan Breed, 1933] |

| |[Primary Source Order Authorizing Involuntary Euthanasia, October 1939] |

| |[Primary Source Cardinal Clemens von Galen, Sermon against Nazi euthanasia, 1941] |

| |[Image Nazi rally] |

| |The Spread of Dictatorship |

| |[Image Antonio Salazar] |

| |[Image General Franco] |

| |*Read Sherman pp. 246-247 “Hitler and Nazism” by Klaus P. Fischer and pp. 248-249 “Nazism and Communism” by Bernard |

| |Wasserstein. |

|3/6/13 |Chapter 20 Test |

| |2012 Exam, FRQ #6 on how ideology shaped the foreign policy of Nazi Germany |

| | |

|3/7/13 |Chapter 21 The Second World War, Section 104. The Weakness of the Democracies: Again to War pp. 827-837 |

| |The Pacifism and Disunity of the West |

| |[Image Maginot Line] |

| |[Image Tank barrier, Maginot Line] |

| |The March of Nazi and Fascist Aggression |

| |[Image Engelbert Dollfuss] |

| |[Image Austrian fascists] |

| |[Primary Source Locarno Agreement] |

| |[Image Reoccupation of the Rhineland] |

| |[Image German annexation of Austria, 1938] |

| |[Image 1935 Italian invasion of Ethiopia] |

| |[Map Ethiopia] |

| |[Primary Source Haile Selassie, Appeal to the League of Nations, 1936] |

| |[Image Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie] |

| |The Spanish Civil War, 1936-1939 |

| |[Image General Francisco Franco] |

| |[Image Fascist Spain] |

| |[Image German fliers in Spain, 1939] |

| |[Primary Source George Orwell, Barcelona during the Spanish Civil War] |

| |[Image Abraham Lincoln Brigade] |

| |[Image The Rome-Berlin Axis] |

| |[Primary Source The Anti-Comintern Pact] |

| |[Primary Source The "rape of Nanjing"] |

| |The Munich Crisis: Climax of Appeasement |

| |[Image Sudeten Germans] |

| |[Image Conference at Munich, 1938] |

| |[Primary Source Munich Agreement, 1938] |

| |[Map Dismemberment of Czechoslovakia] |

| |[Image "Peace in our time"] |

| |[Primary Source Neville Chamberlain, Peace in our Time] |

| |[Image Sudetenland Germans, 1938] |

| |End of Appeasement |

| |[Map Europe in 1939] |

| |[Primary Source The Nazi-Soviet Pact, 1939] |

| |[Image Celebrating signing of Nazi-Soviet Pact] |

| |[Primary Source Hitler's Directive No. 1 for the Conduct of the War, August 31, 1939] |

| |[Image German invasion of Poland] |

| |*Read Sherman pp. 266-269 (Kennan; Taylor; Weinberg). |

|3/8/13 |Chapter 21, Section 105. The Years of Axis Triumph pp. 837-845 |

| |Nazi Europe, 1939-1940s: Poland and the Fall of France |

| |[Image German air war on Poland] |

| |[Image Bombardment of Warsaw, 1939] |

| |[Image Finnish soldiers at war with Soviets, 1939] |

| |[Image Germans attack Norway, 1940] |

| |[Image German attack on Holland, 1940] |

| |[Image Germans attack France, 1940] |

| |[Map Dunkirk] |

| |[Image Dunkirk] |

| |[Image German occupation of Paris, June 1940] |

| |[Primary Source Franco German armistice, June 1940] |

| |[Image Battle of France] |

| |[Image Charles DeGaulle] |

| |[Image British attack on French fleet at Oran] |

| |[Image Vichy regime poster] |

| |[Image General Henri-Philippe Petain] |

| |[Image Pierre Laval] |

| |[Image French Resistance] |

| |[Image Slave laborer in German war industry, 1943] |

| |[Image Vidkun Quisling] |

| |The Battle of Britain and American Aid |

| |[Image Winston Churchill] |

| |[Primary Source Winston Churchill, "Blood, toil, tears, and sweat" speech] |

| |[Primary Source President Roosevelt, The Four Freedoms, 1941] |

| |[Primary Source Lend-Lease Agreement] |

| |[Image Battle of Britain: German perspective] |

| |[Primary Source Aircraft strengths and losses during Battle of Britain] |

| |[Image Radar device] |

| |[Image Coventry Cathedral destroyed] |

| |The Nazi Invasion of Russia: The Russian Front, 1941-1942 |

| |[Image German occupation of Yugoslavia] |

| |[Primary Source Vyacheslav Molotov, German Invasion of Russia, June 1941] |

| |[Primary Source Walter von Reichenau, Instruction to the German Army invading the Soviet Union] |

| |[Primary Source Hitler's intentions for Leningrad] |

| |[Images Soviet propaganda: Saving Leningrad] |

| |[Images Soviet propaganda: Saving Moscow] |

| |[Image Germans forced to fight in Russian winter] |

| |[Image Battle of Moscow] |

| |[Image Siege of Stalingrad] |

| |[Image Albert Speer] |

| |1942, the Year of Dismay: Russia, North Africa, the Pacific |

| |[Map Europe, North Africa and the Middle East, 1939-42] |

| |[Image Against England in North Africa, 1941] |

| |[Image Afrika Korps] |

| |[Image General Erwin Rommel] |

| |[Image British tank at El Alamein] |

| |[Image Pearl Harbor] |

| |[Image Takeo Tanimizu, Japanese fighter pilot] |

| |[Map Japan's conquests, 1942] |

|3/11/13 |Chapter 21, Section 106. The Western-Soviet Victory pp. 845-859 |

| |Plans and Preparations, 1942-1943 |

| |[Map Axis Powers, 1942] |

| |[Primary Source Declaration by the United Nations, 1942] |

| |[Image Battle of the Coral Sea] |

| |[Primary Source/Images J. R. Garrett, A Marine Diary: My Experiences on Guadalcanal] |

| |[Images Women war workers] |

| |[Images Women war workers] |

| |[Image German woman war emergency service, 1942] |

| |[Image Soviet women fighter pilots] |

| |[Image War Ration Book] |

| |[Image War Bond Poster] |

| |[Image Collecting Scrap Metal in Nebraska] |

| |[Image Black Workers during World War II] |

| |[Image Japanese Internment Camp] |

| |[Image Battle of the Atlantic] |

| |The Turning of the Tide, 1942-1943: Stalingrad, North Africa, Sicily |

| |[Image General Dwight D. Eisenhower] |

| |[Image German POWs, North Africa, 1943] |

| |[Image Battle of Stalingrad, 1942-3] |

| |[Image General Zhukov] |

| |[Image Black market, Hamburg, 1944] |

| |[Image Allied invasion of Sicily] |

| |The Allied Offensive, 1944-1945: Europe and the Pacific |

| |[Map Normandy invasion] |

| |[Image Normandy landing] |

| |[Image Liberation of Paris, August 1944] |

| |[Image Out with the Germans!, 1944] |

| |[Image V-1 rocket] |

| |[Image Launch of V-2 rocket] |

| |[Images Fire-bombing of Dresden] |

| |[Image Polish underground rising] |

| |[Image Soviets in Berlin, 1945] |

| |[Image Hitler Dead] |

| |[Image Admiral Doenitz] |

| |[Image Oradour-sur-Glane] |

| |[Image Execution of hostages in Pancevo, 1941] |

| |[Image Dachu Concentration camp] |

| |[Primary Source Rudolf Hoss Visits Treblinka] |

| |[Primary Source Wannsee Protocol, 1942] |

| |[Image Battle of Iwo Jima] |

| |[Image Atomic bomb] |

| |[Image Japanese surrender signed, September 2, 1945] |

| |[Image Primo Levi] |

| |*Read Sherman p. 269 “Life and Death in the Third Reich” by Peter Fritzsche. |

|3/12/13 |Chapter 21, Section 107. The Foundations of the Peace pp. 859-864 |

| |[Primary Source The Atlantic Charter] |

| |[Image Yalta Conference, February 1945] |

| |[Primary Source Potsdam Conference protocol, July 1945] |

| |[Primary Source Paris peace conference, 1946] |

|3/13/13 |Chapter 21 Test |

| |2006 Exam, FRQ #7 on reasons for Germany’s defeat |

|3/14/13 |Chapter 22 The Cold War and Reconstruction after the Second World War, Section 108. The Cold War: The Opening Decade, |

| |1945-1955. |

| |[Map Europe in 1949 ] |

| |[Image Atomic bomb explosion] |

| |[Image Fallout shelter] |

| |[Primary Source Charter of the United Nations, 1945] |

| |[Map UN Security Council] |

| |[Image United Nations Headquarters, New York] |

| |[Primary Source Universal Declaration of Human Rights] |

| |The Cold War: Origins and Nature |

| |[Image President Harry Truman] |

| |[Image German refugees moving west, 1945] |

| |[Image Germany Divided] |

| |[Image Soviet troops occupy Berlin] |

| |[Image Headquarters of the American military administration in Germany, 1945] |

| |[Primary Source Churchill and Stalin on Poland, October 1944] |

| |[Primary Source Proposal for International Control of Atomic Weapons, 1946] |

| |[Image First Soviet atomic bomb test, 1949] |

| |[Primary Source Winston Churchill, Iron Curtain speech, 1946] |

| |[Primary Source Stalin's reply to Iron Curtain speech] |

| |[Primary Source Truman Doctrine, 1947] |

| |[Secondary Discussion/Primary Source National Security Act, 1947] |

| |[Image Seoul, South Korea, 1950] |

| |Germany: The Berlin Blockade and the Airlift of 1948-1949 |

| |[Image Russian occupied East Berlin, 1945] |

| |[Image Soviets stripped plants of machinery] |

| |[Image Establishment of German Democratic Republic] |

| |[Image Exchanging Reichsmarks for Deutsche Marks, 1948] |

| |[Image Soviet roadblock] |

| |[Imagens Berlin air lift] |

| |The Atlantic Alliance |

| |[Primary Source North Atlantic Treaty, 1949] |

| |[Primary Source Warsaw Pact of 1955] |

| |[Primary Source Marshal Tito defied Cominform, 1948] |

| |The Revival of Japan |

| |[Image General Douglas MacArthur] |

| |Containment in Asia: The Korean War |

| |[Image Syngman Rhee] |

| |[Map Korean War] |

| |[Primary Source Report of United Nations Commission on Korea, 1950] |

| |[Primary Source Andrei Gromyko, On American Intervention in Korea, 1950] |

| |[Image American combat troops in Korea] |

| |[Image Air strikes above the thirty-eighth parallel] |

| |[Image Amphibious landing at Inchon] |

| |[Image French Communist poster protesting European Defense Community] |

| |[Image Federal Republic of Germany joins NATO] |

| |[Image Nuclear submarine USS Seawolf, 1955] |

| |[Image Testing the Hydrogen Bomb] |

| |*Read Sherman pp. 269-270 “Origins of the Cold War” by James L. Gormly. |

| | |

|3/15/13 |Chapter 22, Section 109. Western Europe: Economic Reconstruction pp. 882-886 |

| |The Marshall Plan and European Recovery |

| |[Primary Source Mike Mansfield, Memorandum on Economic Conditions in Europe, 1947] |

| |[Image George Marshall] |

| |[Primary Source Marshall Plan] |

| |[Image Conference for European Economic Cooperation, 1947] |

| |Economic Growth in Western Europe |

| |[Imagens Wirtschaftswunder: West German department store, 1950s] |

| |[Image Social services: Disability Insurance] |

| |[Image 1950s immigrants to Britain from Africa] |

| |[Image The universal welfare state: German poster, 1954] |

|3/18/13 |Chapter 22, Section 110. Western Europe: Political Reconstruction pp. 886-896 |

| |Great Britain: Labour and Conservative |

| |[Image Clement Attlee] |

| |[Primary Source The 1945 Labour Party Manifesto] |

| |[Primary Source Nationalising the Iron and Steel Industry, 1948] |

| |[Primary Source Beveridge Report, 1942] |

| |[Image Obsolete Yorkshire textile mill] |

| |[Image Bloody Sunday] |

| |The French Republic: Fourth and Fifth |

| |[Image Charles de Gaulle] |

| |[Image Jean Monnet] |

| |[Primary Source Geneva Conference, Final Declaration on Restoring Peace in Indochina, 1954] |

| |[Primary Source The "Loi-Cadre," 1956] |

| |[Image Charles de Gaulle, 1958] |

| |[Primary Source Charles de Gaulle, Speech at Constantine, Algeria, 1958] |

| |[Image Barricades in Paris, May 1968] |

| |Federal Republic of Germany |

| |[Image Nuremberg trials] |

| |[Primary Source Transcript of the Nuremberg Trials] |

| |[Image Denazification program poster, 1948] |

| |[Image Prosperity for all via the social free-market economy, West German poster, 1957] |

| |[Image Parliament Building, Bonn] |

| |[Primary Source The Federal Republic of Germany Basic Law, 1949 |

| |[Image Konrad Adenauer signs Basic Law, 1949] |

| |[Image Bundestag, 1953] |

| |[Image Konrad Adenauer] |

| |[Image Willy Brandt] |

| |[Image Brandt's Ostpolitik] |

| |[Image Helmut Schmidt] |

| |[Image Helmut Kohl] |

| |The Italian Republic |

| |[Image Alcide De Gasperi] |

|3/19/13 |Chapter 22, Section 111. Reshaping the Global Economy pp. 896-902 |

| |[Primary Source Bretton Woods Agreement, 1944] |

| |[Primary Source President Roosevelt on Bretton Woods Proposals, 1945] |

| |[Primary Source General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, 1947] |

| |Currency Stability: Toward the "Gold-Dollar" Standard |

| |European Integration: From the Common Market to the European Community |

| |[Image European Court of Human Rights] |

| |[Image European Coal and Steel Community] |

| |[Primary Source The Messina Declaration, 1955] |

| |[Primary Source Treaty of Rome] |

| |[Image Signing the Treaty of Rome] |

| |End of the Gold-Dollar Standard, 1971 |

|3/20/13 |Chapter 22, Section 112. The Communist World: The U.S.S.R. and Eastern Europe pp. 902-908 |

| |Stalinism in the Postwar Years |

| |[Image Poster, For Construction Sites of Communism, 1952] |

| |[Primary Source Alexander Solzhenitsyn, What I Learned in the Gulag] |

| |[Image NKVD headquarters] |

| |Khrushchev: The Abortive Effort at Reform |

| |[Image Lavrenti Beria] |

| |[Image Nikita Khrushchev] |

| |[Primary Source Nikita Krushchev, Secret speech to the twentieth party congress, 1956] |

| |[Image Boris Pasternak] |

| |[Image Alexander Solzhenitsyn] |

| |[Image Soviet hydrogen bomb test, 1955] |

| |[Image Sputnik, 1958] |

| |[Primary Source Khrushchev and Eisenhower, Summit Statements, 1960] |

| |[Primary Source Cuban Missile Crisis] |

| |[Map Cuba during missile crisis] |

| |[Image Leonid Brezhnev] |

| |Eastern Europe: The Decades of Dictatorship |

| |Consolidation of Communist Control |

| |[Image Poster promoting land redistribution in East Germany, 1945] |

| |[Image Poster, GDR nationalized economy, 1953] |

| |[Image Poster, GDR collectivized agriculture] |

| |[Image Heavy industry--Basis of independence and prosperity, East German poster, 1952] |

| |Ferment and Repression in East Germany, Poland, and Hungary, 1953-1956 |

| |[Image Anti-government demonstration in East Berlin, June 1953] |

| |[Primary Source Why Must We Increase our Alertness? An East German Interpretation of the Riots of 1953] |

| |[Primary Source Poland, 1956] |

| |[Image Wladyslaw Gomulka] |

| |[Image Hungarian Revolution, 1956] |

| |[Primary Source Sixteen Political, Economic, and Ideological Points, Budapest, 1956] |

| |[Primary Source Clear Current and Scum, 1956] |

| |[Primary Sourcens Hungary, 1956] |

| |[Image Imre Nagy] |

| |[Image Janos Kadar] |

| |[Image Soviet intervention in Hungary, 1956] |

|3/21/13 |Chapter 22, Section 113. The Communist World: Mao Zedong and the People’s Republic of China pp. 908-913. |

| |The Civil War |

| |[Image Mao Zedong] |

| |Mao: The New Regime |

| |[Primary Source China Gets the Bomb, 1964] |

| |[Primary Source Mao Tse-Tung's Thought is the Telescope and] |

| |[Image Hundred Flowers Campaign] |

| |[Image Red Guards with Mao's Living Thoughts] |

| |[Image Poster Promoting Cultural Revolution] |

| |Foreign Affairs |

| |[Primary Source The Anti-Soviet Policy of Communist China, Pravda, 1967] |

|3/22/13 |Chapter 22 Test |

| |2005 Exam, Form B, FRQ #6 on comparing treatment of Germany after two world wars |

|3/25/13 |Chapter 23 Postcolonial Nations in Asia and Latin America, Section 114. The Emergence of Independent Nations in South Asia pp. |

| |915-925 |

| |End of the British Empire in Asia |

| |[Image Gandhi] |

| |[Primary Source Pakistan Resolution of Muslim League, 1940] |

| |[Image Muhammad Ali Jinnah] |

| |[Primary Source Ganhdi, Quit India campaign, 1942] |

| |[Primary Source Jawaharlal Nehru, Speech on the Granting of Indian Independence, 1947] |

| |[Primary Source British Government Policy Statement on Burma, 1945] |

| |[Image Gandhi assassinated in 1948] |

| |[Primary Source Ghandi's assassin] |

| |[Primary Source Kashmir Crisis, 1947] |

| |[Image Indian army in Kashmir, 1948] |

| |[Primary Source Declaration of Pakistan and India on Jammu and Kashmir, 1966] |

| |[Image 1971 India-Pakistan war in East Pakistan] |

| |[Primary Source Nehru, Speech to Bandung Conference, 1955] |

| |[Image Sino-Indian War, 1962] |

| |Nehru's Successors |

| |[Image Indira Gandhi] |

| |[Image Massacre at Golden Temple at Amritsar] |

| |[Image Rajiv Gandhi] |

| |[Image 1992 Hindu extremists destroy Muslim mosque] |

| |[Image Communal Riots of 1992] |

| |[Image Indian Schoolchildren Learning Computing Skills] |

| |[Map Tsunami’s Impact on India]] |

| |Fifty Years of Independence |

| |[Image Health worker visiting Calcutta slum] |

| |The Islamic Republic of Pakistan |

| |[Image Poster from Bangladesh war of independence, 1971] |

| |[Image East Pakistan proclaimed independence as Bangladesh, 1971] |

| |[Image Fish Market, Dhaka, Bangladesh] |

| |[Image Islamic Madrassah in Karachi, Pakistan] |

| | |

|3/26/13 |Chapter 23, Section 115. The Emergence of Independent Nations in Southeast Asia. |

| |The Union of Burma (Myanmar) |

| |[Primary Source U Nu, Burma Looks Ahead, 1951] |

| |[Image Aung San] |

| |[Image Aung San Suu Kyi] |

| |Malaysia |

| |[Image Hydroelectric Dam Project, Malaysia] |

| |End of the Dutch Empire: Indonesia |

| |[Image Sukarno] |

| |[Image General Suharto] |

| |[Image Arrest of a Communist] |

| |[Image Rebels in Aceh] |

| |End of the French Colonial Empire: Indochina |

| |[Image French return to Indochina, 1945] |

| |[Primary Source Declaration of Independence of the Democratic Republic of Viet-Nam, 1945] |

| |[Image Warfare in 1946 in Indochina] |

| |[Image Ho Chi Minh] |

| |[Image Viet Minh] |

| |[Primary Source Declaration of the Geneva Conference on Restoring Peace in Indochina, 1954] |

| |[Image Dien Bien Phu, 1954] |

| |The Americans and the Philippines |

| |[Image Emilio Aguinaldo] |

| |[Primary Source Declaration of Philippine Independence, 1898] |

| |[Image Ferdinand E. Marcos] |

| |[Image Corazon Aquino] |

|3/27/13 |Chapter 23, Section 116. Changing Latin America pp. 933-944 |

| |The Colonial Experience and the Wars for Independence |

| |The Colossus to the North |

| |[Primary Source Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine ] |

| |[Primary Source Calvin Coolidge, Intervention in Nicaragua] |

| |[Image Poverty in Latin America] |

| |Economic Growth and Its Problems |

| |[Primary Source Inter-American Committee, Problems of Latin American Economies, 1965] |

| |[Image Getulio Vargas] |

| |[Primary Source President John Kennedy, On the Alliance for Progress, 1961] |

| |[Image Poverty in Guatemala] |

| |End of Yankee Imperialism? |

| |[Primary Source Senator William Fulbright, Appraisal of US Policy in the Dominican Crisis, 1965] |

| |[Primary Source Charter, Organization of American States] |

| |The Political Record |

| |[Primary Source Juan Peron, Justicialism, 1948] |

| |[Primary Source The Dirty War in Argentina] |

| |[Image Salvador Allende] |

| |[Image General Augusto Pinochet] |

| |[Image Fidel Castro] |

| |[Image Cuban revolution] |

| |[Image Vincente Fox] |

| |[Primary Source North American Free Trade Agreement, 1994] |

| |[Image Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva ] |

| |[Image Hugo Chavez] |

|4/8/13 |Chapter 23 Test |

| |2005 Exam, Form B, FRQ #7 on reasons for decolonization. |

|4/9/13 |Chapter 24 Empires into Nations: African and the Middle East after the Second World War, Section 117 The African Revolution pp.|

| |945-969 |

| |The African Revolution |

| |[Image Aids in Africa] |

| |[Image Aids patient] |

| |French North Africa |

| |[Image Habib Bourguiba] |

| |Algeria |

| |[Primary Source Proclamation of the National Liberation Front (FLN), 1954] |

| |[Image FLN soldiers] |

| |End of British Rule in West Africa |

| |[Primary Source Kwame Nkrumah, I Speak of Freedom, 1961] |

| |[Primary Source All-African People's Conference, Resolution on Imperialism and Colonialism, 1958] |

| |[Image Jerry John Rawlings] |

| |Nigeria |

| |End of British Rule in East Africa: Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda |

| |[Primary Source Jomo Kenyatta, Kenya Africa Union is Not the Mau Mau, 1952] |

| |[Image Jomo Kenyatta] |

| |[Image Daniel arap Moi] |

| |[Image Julius Nyerere] |

| |[Image Milton Obote] |

| |[Image Idi Amin] |

| |[Primary Source Eriya Kategaya, Statement on AIDS in Uganda, 2001] |

| |Southern Africa |

| |[Image Robert Mugabe] |

| |The Union of South Africa |

| |[Image Nationalist party cabinet, 1948] |

| |[Primary Source The National Party's Colour Policy, 1948] |

| |[Primary Source The Case for Apartheid, 1953] |

| |[Primary Source UN Resolution on Race Conflict in South Africa, 1961] |

| |[Image Nelson Mandela] |

| |[Primary Source Nelson Mandela, Speech on Release from Prison, 1990] |

| |[Primary Source Strategy and Tactics of the ANC, 1969] |

| |[Image F.W. de Klerk] |

| |[Image Thabo Mbeki] |

| |The French Sub-Saharan Empire |

| |The Belgian Congo: From Mobutu's Zaire to the Democratic Republic of Congo |

| |[Image Patrice Lumumba] |

| |[Image Joseph Desire Mobutu] |

| |[Primary Source U Thant, The Congo Problem, 1962] |

| |[Image Laurent Kabila] |

| |End of the Portuguese Colonial Empire |

| |[Image Army overthrew Portuguese dictatorship in 1971] |

| |Ethiopia, Eritrea, Somalia, and Sudan |

| |[Image Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie] |

| |Liberia and Sierra Leone: Civil War |

| |The African Revolution |

| |[Image Leopold Senghor] |

| |[Image Wole Soyinka] |

| |[Image Chinua Achebe |

| |[Image African refugees] |

| |[Primary Source Charter of the Organization of African Unity, 1963] |

| |[Image Organization of African Unity] |

| |*Read Sherman pp. 270-272 (Springhall; Fanon). |

|4/10/13 |Chapter 24, Section 118. Ferment in the Middle East pp. 969-981 |

| |The Islamic and the Arab World |

| |[Image Oil well Saudi Arabia] |

| |[Primary Source Pact of the League of Arab States, 1945] |

| |[Image League of Arab States] |

| |[Image Colonel Gamal Abdel-Nasser] |

| |The Emergence of Israel |

| |[Primary Source Balfour Declaration, 1917] |

| |[Primary Source League of Nations mandate for Palestine] |

| |[Image Jewish refugees arriving in Israel, 1948] |

| |[Secondary Discussion/Primary Source Declaration of Israel's Independence 1948] |

| |[Image Israel Declares Independence] |

| |[Primary Source Arab League declaration on the invasion of Palestine, 1948] |

| |[Map Conflict of 1948] |

| |[Image Bombardment of Jerusalem by Arab Legion] |

| |[Image Palestinian refugees] |

| |The New State of Israel |

| |[Primary Source Law of Return, 1950] |

| |[Image David Ben-Gurion and First Israeli government, 1949] |

| |[Primary Source David Ben-Gurion, Broadcast After The Arab Invasion, 1948] |

| |[Image Knesset building] |

| |The Arab-Israeli Wars after Independence |

| |[Map Arab-Israeli War, 1956] |

| |[Image Six-Day War, 1967: Egyptian planes destroyed by Israelis] |

| |[Map Golan Heights] |

| |[Image Yom Kippur War, 1973] |

| |[Map War in Sinai, 1973] |

| |[Primary Source Eisenhower Doctrine] |

| |[Image Yasir Arafat] |

| |[Image Menachem Begin] |

| |[Image Anwar al-Sadat] |

| |[Image President Hosni Mubarak] |

| |[Image King Hussein] |

| |Israel, the Occupied Territories, and Peace Negotiations |

| |[Primary Source The Palestinian National Charter, 1968] |

| |[Primary Source Oslo Declaration] |

| |[Images Second intifada 2000] |

| |Libya and Syria |

| |[Image Colonel Muhammad al-Quaddafi] |

| |[Image Hafez al-Assad] |

| |The Revolution in Iran |

| |[Image Shah of Iran] |

| |[Image Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini returning from exile, 1979] |

| |[Primary Source Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, The Uprising of Khurdad 15, 1979] |

| |[Image Seizure of American Embassy in Tehran, 1979] |

| |The War between Iran and Iraq |

| |[Image Saddam Hussein] |

| |[Image Iran-Iraq War] |

| |[Image Muhammed Khatami] |

| |Iraq and the Persian Gulf War of 1990-1991 |

| |[Image Operation Desert Storm] |

| |Changes in the Middle East |

| |[Image Afghanistan fell to Taliban movement, 1996] |

|4/11/13 |Chapter 24, Section 119. Revolution and War in the Persian Gulf pp. 981-989 |

| |The Revolution in Iran |

| |[Image Shah of Iran] |

| |[Image Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini returning from exile, 1979] |

| |[Primary Source Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, The Uprising of Khurdad 15, 1979] |

| |[Image Seizure of American Embassy in Tehran, 1979] |

| |The War between Iran and Iraq |

| |[Image Saddam Hussein] |

| |[Image Iran-Iraq War] |

| |[Image Muhammed Khatami] |

| |Iraq and the Persian Gulf War of 1990-1991 |

| |[Image Operation Desert Storm] |

| | |

| |Changes in the Middle East |

| |[Image Afghanistan fell to Taliban movement, 1996] |

|4/12/13 |Chapter 24, Section 120. The Developing World pp. 989-994 |

| |The Development Experience |

| |[Primary Source Norman Borlaug on the Green Revolution ] |

| |Changing Worlds and Persistent Problems |

| |Reappraising Development |

|4/15/13 |Chapter 24 Test (multiple-choice only) |

|4/16/13 |Chapter 25 Coexistence, Confrontation, and the New Global Economy, Section 121. Confrontation and Détente, 1955-1975 pp |

| |995-1010 |

| |[Image President Eisenhower] |

| |[Image John Foster Dulles] |

| |[Primary Source Khrushchev and Eisenhower, Summit Statements, 1960] |

| |[Primary Source Eisenhower Doctrine] |

| |[Image Sputnik, 1958] |

| |[Image Explorer I] |

| |[Image Soviet SS-25 ICBM] |

| |[Image American Titan II nuclear missile] |

| |The Kennedy Years, 1961-1963 |

| |[Secondary Source The Beginning of the Peace Corps] |

| |[Primary Source Alberto Lleras, Report on the Alliance for Progress, 1963] |

| |[Map Bay of Pigs invasion] |

| |[Secondary Discussion/Primary Source Civil defense program] |

| |[Image Advertising bomb shelters] |

| |[Image Supplies for a well-stocked bomb shelter] |

| |[Image Bomb shelter] |

| |[Image Berlin Wall] |

| |[Primary Source Berlin Wall Exchange of Notes on the Berlin Wall, 1961] |

| |The Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962 |

| |[Primary Source Cuban Missile Crisis Debate, 1962] |

| |[Primary Source President John Kennedy, Address on the Cuban Crisis, 1962] |

| |[Map Cuba during missile crisis] |

| |The United States and the Vietnam War |

| |[Image Ho Chi Minh] |

| |[Image Ngo Dinh Diem] |

| |[Image Viet Cong] |

| |[Primary Source President Eisenhower, Aid to the State of Viet-Nam, 1954] |

| |[Primary Source Gulf of Tonkin Incident, 1964] |

| |[Image US troops in VN] |

| |[Image Massive bombing1965-69] |

| |[Image Anti-war protest, Washington DC, early 1970s] |

| |[Primary Sources Paris Peace talks] |

| |[Image Henry Kissinger] |

| |[Image Signing the cease-fire agreement, January 1973] |

| |[Image Khmer Rouge guerillas] |

| |[Image Choeung Ek, Cambodia killing field] |

| |[Primary Source Fran's Ponchaud, Cambodia: Year Zero, 1978] |

| |Brezhnev: The "Prague Spring" |

| |[Image Leonid I. Brezhnev] |

| |[Image Alexander Dubcek] |

| |[Images Soviet army in Prague, 1968] |

| |[Primary Source Brezhnev Doctrine, 1968] |

| |Brezhnev and Nixon |

| |[Image Nixon visited Mao in Beijing] |

| |[Primary Source SALT I treaty, 1972] |

| |[Primary Source Helsinki accords, 1975] |

| |[Image Helsinki conference] |

|4/17/13 |Chapter 25, Section 122. Collapse and Recovery of the Global Economy: The 1970s and 1980s pp. 1010-1021 |

| |[Image Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, 1960] |

| |The Recession: Stagnation and Inflation |

| |[Image Margaret Thatcher] |

| |[Primary Source Ronald Reagan, Evil Empire Speech, 1982] |

| |Economic and Political Change in Western Europe |

| |[Image Unemployed in 1970s UK] |

| |[Image Falkland war, 1982] |

| |[Primary Source New Labour manifesto, 1997] |

| |[Image Tony Blair] |

| |[Image Francois Mitterrand, 1981] |

| |[Image Prime Minister Jacques Chirac] |

| |[Image Helmut Schmidt] |

| |[Image Bettino Craxi] |

| |[Image Felipe Gonzalez] |

| |The American Economy |

| |[Image Bill Clinton] |

| |The Financial World |

| |[Primary Source General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, 1947] |

| |The Enlarged European Community: Problems and Opportunities |

| |Toward a "Single Europe": the European Union |

| |[Image Commodore personal computer, 1984] |

| |[Primary Source Maastricht Treaty of European Union] |

|4/18/13 |Chapter 25, Section 123. The Cold War Rekindled pp. 1021-1027 |

| |[Image Jimmy Carter] |

| |[Primary Source SALT II treaty, 1979] |

| |[Image Soviet advisors in Afghanistan, 1988] |

| |The Reagan Years: From Revived Cold War to New Detente |

| |[Image American invasion of Grenada, 1983] |

| |[Image American planes bombed military installations in Libya] |

| |[Image Terrorist attack on American and French installations in Lebanon, 1983] |

| |Nuclear Arms Control |

| |[Primary Source Partial test-ban treaty, 1963] |

| |[Primary Source/Secondary Discussion Partial test-ban treaty] |

| |[Image Chernobyl] |

| |[Image Cruise missile] |

| |[Primary Source Treaty establishing the "hot line," 1963] |

|4/19/13 |Chapter 25, Section 124. China after Mao pp. 1027-1032 |

| |[ImageDeng Xiaoping] |

| |Deng's Reforms |

| |The "Democracy Movement" |

| |[Image Hu Yaobang] |

| |[Images Hu's death in April 1989 set off student demonstrations in Tiananmen Square] |

| |[Image Understanding Tianamen] |

| |[Image Jiang Zemin] |

| |[Images Chinese clothing factory] |

| |[Images Wuhan] |

| |[Images Hu Jintao] |

| |Population Growth |

| |*Read Sherman pp. 277-278 “The Rise of China” by Rosemary Righter. |

|4/22/13 |Chapter 25 Test |

| |2005 Exam, DBQ on Western European Unity |

|4/23/13 |Chapter 26 The International Revolt Against Soviet Communism, Section 125. The Crisis in the Soviet Union pp. 1033-1038 |

| |[Image Mikhail S. Gorbachev] |

| |[Image Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn] |

| |[Image Andrei Sakharov] |

| |[Image Azerbaijani refugees from conflict over Karabakh] |

| |Gorbachev and the West |

| |[Image Soviet troops leaving Afghanistan]] |

| |[Image Reagan in Moscow, 1988] |

|4/24/13 |Chapter 26, Section 126. The Collapse of Communism in Central and Eastern Europe pp. 1039-1046 |

| |[Primary Source Helsinki Accords, 1975] |

| |Poland: The Solidarity Movement |

| |[Image Wladyslaw Gomulka] |

| |[Image Edward Gierek] |

| |[Image Solidarity poster, 1980] |

| |[Image Lech Walesa] |

| |[Image General JaruzelskI] |

| |[Image Martial law imposed] |

| |[Image John Paul II] |

| |Hungary: Reform into Revolution |

| |[Image Janos Kadar] |

| |The German Democratic Republic: Revolution and Reunification |

| |[Image Erich Honnecker] |

| |[Image Berlin Wall] |

| |[Image Anti-government demonstrators, East Berlin, November 1989] |

| |[Image Leipzig demonstrators, 1989] |

| |[Image Berliners destroying the Wall, November 9, 1989] |

| |[Image Helmut Kohl] |

| |[Image The German Question] |

| |[Image October 3, 1990, GDR merges with Federal Republic of Germany] |

| |Czechoslovakia: '89 is '68 Upside Down" |

| |[Primary Source Charter '77] |

| |[Image Vaclav Havel] |

| |[Image Demonstrators in Prague, November 24, 1989] |

| |Bulgaria's Palace Revolution, Bloodshed in Romania |

| |[Image Nicolae Ceausescu] |

| |[Image Protest in Timisoara] |

| |[Image Security forces intervening in Romania] |

| |[Image Protestors in Bucharest] |

| |[Image Ceausescu and wife after trial and before execution] |

| |The Revolutions of 1989 in Central and Eastern Europe |

|4/25/13 |Chapter 26, Section 127. The Collapse of the Soviet Union pp. 1046-1050 |

| |[Map Collapse of the Soviet Union] |

| |The "Creeping Coup d'Etat" |

| |[Image Demonstrators in Lithuania] |

| |[Image Boris N. Yeltsin] |

| |The Failed August Coup |

| |[Primary Source Ukrainian Declaration on State Sovereignty, 1990] |

| |[Map Commonwealth of Independent States] |

| |*Read Sherman pp. 276-277 “After Communism: Causes for the Collapse” by Robert Heilbroner. |

|4/26/13 |Chapter 26, Section 128. After Communism pp. 1050-1064 |

| |[Map Europe in 1995] |

| |Russia after 1991 |

| |[Image The Russian flag] |

| |[Primary Source Constitution of 1993] |

| |[Image Russian invasion of Chechnya, 1994] |

| |[Image Vladimir Putin] |

| |[Image Chechen terrorist attack on Moscow theater] |

| |[Image Chechen terrorist attack on school in Beslan] |

| | |

| | |

| |The Resurgence of Nationalism: the Breakup of Yugoslavia |

| |[Image Marshal Tito] |

| |[Image Franjo Tudjman] |

| |[Image Ethnic cleansing] |

| |[Image Siege of Sarajevo] |

| |[Map Serbia, including Kosovo] |

| |[Image Destruction in Kosovo] |

| |[Image NATO propaganda sheet dropped during 1999 air attacks against Serbia] |

| |[Primary Source Indictment of Milosevic as a war criminal] |

| |[Image Milosevic trial] |

| |Central and Eastern Europe after 1989 |

| |[Image Files of East German secret security police (Stasi)] |

|4/29/13 |Chapter 26 Test |

| |2003 Exam, FRQ #5 on reasons for end of Soviet domination |

|4/30/13 |Chapter 27 The Changing Modern World, Section 129. Western Europe after the Cold War pp. 1065-1069 |

| |[Image Protest against unemployment, Germany, 1991] |

| |[Image Terrorist Weapon Cache, Mosul, Iraq] |

| |[Image Global Culture: Monk and McDonald’s in Myanmar] |

| |Western Europe: Political Crises and Discontents |

| |[Image Italian Popular party] |

| |Europe's Immigrants and Refugees |

| |[Image Right-wing arson attack in Germany, 1993] |

| |[Image Neo-Nazis in Germany] |

| |[Image Jean-Marie Le Pen] |

| |[Image National Front] |

|5/1/13 |Chapter 27, Section 130. Nation-States and Economies in the Age of Globalization pp. 1069-1079 |

| |Economic Recovery and Boom: A "Third Way" in Politics |

| |[Image President Clinton] |

| |[Image Tony Blair]] |

| |[Primary Source New Labour manifesto, 1997] |

| |[Image New parliament in Scotland in 1999] |

| |[Image Last Day of historic House of Lords] |

| |[Image Gerhard Schroder] |

| |[Image Daniel Jospin] |

| |[Primary Source Independent International Commission on Decommissioning Report, 2005] |

| |[Image Angela Merkel] ] |

| |Japan in the 1990s |

| |The European Union: Widening and Deepening |

| |[Image Treaty of Maastricht, 1991] |

| |[Map 27 member EU, 2007] |

| |[Image The "euro"] |

| |[Image French voters reject European constitution] |

| |The "New Economy": The 1990s and Beyond |

| |[Image Bill Gates] |

| |[Image World Wide Web invented, 1989] |

| |[Image Anti-WTO protest, Seattle 1999] |

| |*Read Sherman pp. 282-283 “Globalization” by Thomas L. Friedman. |

|5/2/13 |Chapter 27, Section 131. Intellectual and Social Transitions in Modern Cultures pp. 1079-1099 |

| |The Advance of Science and Technology |

| |[Image Motion picture] |

| |[Image Early Television] |

| |[Image German washing machine, 1950s] |

| |[Image B-29] |

| |[Image The Electronic Era for Business] |

| |[Image COBE, launched 1989] |

| |[Image ENIAC computer, 1946] |

| |[Image Aids in Africa] |

| |[Image Aids patient] |

| |Nuclear Physics |

| |[Image Max Planck] |

| |[Primary Source Einstein explains e=mc2] |

| |[Image Otto Hahn] |

| |[Image Lise Meitner] |

| |[Image Nils Bohr] |

| |[Image Enrico Fermi] |

| |[Image Testing the A-bomb] |

| |[Image Fat Man and Little Boy] |

| |[Image Soviet hydrogen bomb test, 1955] |

| |[Image Brown’s Ferry nuclear power plant] |

| |[Image cyclotron] |

| | |

| |Social Implications of Science and Technology |

| |[Image Cloning sheep: Dolly and her mother] |

| |Space Exploration |

| |[Image Sputnik, 1958] |

| |[Image Apollo 11: man on the Moon, 1969] |

| |[Image Neil Armstrong] |

| |[Image Voyager 2] |

| |[Image Hubble space telescope] |

| |[Image Mir space station] |

| |Philosophy: Existentialism in the Postwar Years |

| |[Image Soren Kierkegaard] |

| |[Image Jean-Paul Sartre] |

| |[Image Albert Camus] |

| |Philosophy: Logic and Language; Literary Criticism; History |

| |[Image Bertrand Russell] |

| |[Image Alfred North Whitehead] |

| |[Image Ludwig Wittgenstein] |

| |[Image Jacques Derrida] |

| |The Creative Arts |

| |[Image James Joyce] |

| |[Image Postmodern architecture: Frank Gehry, Weisman Art Museum, University of Minnesota, 1995] |

| |[Image Robert Venturi] |

| |[Image Andy Warhol, Self Portrait] |

| |[Image Harold Pinter] |

| |[Image Samuel Beckett] |

| |[Image Waiting for Godot] |

| |[Image Eugene Ionesco] |

| |Religion in the Modern World |

| |[Primary Source Paul Tillich, The Courage to Be, 1952] |

| |[Image Billy Graham preaching in London, 1954] |

| |[Image Pius XII] |

| |[Image John XXIII] |

| |[Primary Source Pacem in Terris] |

| |[Primary Source Documents of the Second Vatican Council] |

| |[Primary Source Pope Paul VI, Humanae Vitae (On The Regulation of Birth), 1968] |

| |[Primary Source Evangelicals & Catholics Together, 1994] |

| |[Image Benedict XVI] |

| |[Primary Source The Sacred Cluster: Core Values of Conservative Judaism] |

| |[Image 1992 Hindu extremists in India destroy Muslim mosque]] |

| |Activism: The Youth Rebellion of the 1960s |

| |[Image Students for a Democratic Society demonstration poster, 1968 |

| |[Image Frantz Fanon] |

| |[Primary Source Port Huron Statement] |

| |[Image Students for a Democratic Society demonstration, 1965] |

| |The Women's Liberation Movement |

| |[Primary Source Simone de Beauvoir, The Second Sex (1949)] |

| |[Primary Source Betty Friedan, The Feminine Mystique (1963)] |

| |[Image Indira Gandhi] |

| |[Image Golda Meir] |

| |[Image Corazon Aquino] |

| |[Image Benazir Bhutto] |

| |[Image Margaret Thatcher] |

| |[Image US women undergraduates] |

|5/3/13 |Chapter 27, Section 132. International Conflict in the Twenty-First Century pp. 1099-1110 |

| |The United Nations |

| |[Image Taliban rulers in Afghanistan destroyed Buddhist sculptures] |

| |[Map UN Security Council] |

| |[Primary Source Universal Declaration of Human Rights (ch 25)] |

| |[Image UN Secretary General Kofi Annan] |

| |NATO, Russia and the New International Cooperation |

| |[Image George W. Bush] |

| |[Primary Source Non-Proliferation Treaty, 1968] |

| |[Primary Source Antiballistic Missile Treaty, 1972] |

| |[Image/Map Expanded NATO, 2004] |

| |[Primary Source NATO-Russia Council] |

| |Terrorism and War after September 11, 2001 |

| |[Image Osama Bin Laden] |

| |[Image 9/11] |

| |[Primary Source War on Terrorism] |

| |[Image Hamid Karzai ] |

| |[Image Saddam Hussein] |

| |[Image Weapons inspections in Iraq] |

| |[Image Iraqi insurgents] |

| |[Map Ethno-religious map of Iraq] |

| |[Map Subway London] |

| |*Read Sherman pp. 278-281 (Huntington; Juergenmeyer; Ignatieff) |

| | |

|5/7/13 |Chapter 27, Section 133. Social Challenges in the Twenty-First Century pp.1110-1114 |

| |The Population Explosion |

| |The Environment |

| |[Image Desertification in Niger] |

| |[Image "Earth Summit" meeting in Rio de Janeiro, 1992] |

| |[Image Campaign poster, West German Green party, 1983] |

| |*Read Sherman pp. 283-284 (Kolbert; McNeill) |

| |*Read Tuchman pp. 247- 255 “Is History a Guide to the Future?” |

|5/8/13 |Chapter 27 Test |

| |2005 Exam, FRQ #5. Physics and psychology |


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