Learning Byte - Overview

Timeline Before Life of Jesus - Palestine from 750 Years Before JesusNotable AspectsJesus lived in a territory, Palestine, with a long-standing history of power struggle (see map of 1st century Palestine)Palestine is currently part of modern day Israel (see map of Palestine with modern-day Israel)Jesus' own people group, the Jews, were subject to enslavement and captivity of various empiresOther than 80 years of self-rule that ended a half-century before Jesus' birth, the Jews had not ruled themselves for three-quarters of a millenniumBy the time of Jesus' birth, Roman rule had become entrenched in PalestineDates (BCE) Event / Stage Details 750-612Assyrian Empire 612-539Babylonian Empire 539-331Persian Empire 331-143Greek Empire Alexander the Great 331-198 BCE Ptolemaic Rule: Alexander's generals divided the empire with general Ptolemy 1 taking Palestine & Egypt and general Selecus taking Syria, Babylon and a large part of Asia Minor (see map) 198-143 BCE Selucid Rule: Syria's Selucid's captured Palestine (see map) 143-63Jewish (Maccabean) Rule Jewish revolt for independence lead by Hasmonean family, later called the Maccabees (see map) 63Roman Empire Under Julius Caesar, Romans general Pompey occupies Palestine in 63 BCE (see map) 40Neighbouring Parthian's invade Palestine installing a local Jewish king, Antigonus 37-4Herod the Great as King (under Roman authority) Herod gets Mark Anthony & Octavian's (future Augustus Caesar) support to have Roman Senate make Herod king of Jews in Palestine 37 BCE: Herod recaptures Palestine by force with Roman support 20 BCE: To win loyalty of the Jews, Herod begins reconstruction of the Jewish Temple 6 BCE: Jesus is born and Herod tries to find and kill Jesus. Jesus' family escapes to Egypt until Herod dies 4 BCE: Herod dies 4 BCE-39 CEThree sons of Herod divide up rule of Palestine (under Roman Authority) * Herod Phillip (4 BCE-34 CE) - ruler of territories east of Galiliee * Herod Antipas (4 BCE-39 CE) - ruler of Galilee and Perea: He beheaded Jesus' cousin (John the Baptist) and participated in condemning Jesus to death * Archelaus (4 BCE-6 CE) - ruler of Samaria, Judea and Idumea Time Line During Life of Jesus - Lifetime Overview Notable AspectsMost of his life was spent as a carpenter in northern Israel (see map of modern day Israel); ( see map of 1st century Palestine)Jesus taught publicly for three yearsJesus made radical claims and attracted a following of thousands. Jesus was killed at the request of Jewish religious leaders charging Jesus with "blasphemy" or claiming to be GodJesus' followers reported and recorded his live appearances throughout forty days after his executionDate Event / Stage Location 6 BCEBirth (recent historians push back date to coincide with simultaneous historical events) Israel: Bethlehem 6-4 BCE Infancy Egypt 4 BCE-26 CE Youth Israel: Nazareth 27 CE Beginning of Jesus' public ministry Israel: Jordan/Jericho/Samaria 27 CE Rejection by his own people in Nazareth Israel: Nazareth 27-29 CE Ministry in Galilee Israel: Capernaum, Sea of Galilee 29 CE Ministry in Judea /Jerusalem Israel: Judea, Jerusalem 29 CE-winter Ministry in Perea Jordan: Perea 30 CE Back to Judea/Jerusalem Israel: Judea, Jerusalem April 30 CE Final Week in Jerusalem (Trial/Arrest/Execution) Israel: Judea, Jerusalem April-May 30 CE Reported Return from the Dead and Final Appearances Israel: Judea (South), Galilee (North) Timeline After Jesus - Through 325 Years After Notable AspectsJesus' followers lived in relative obscurity for several decades after JesusPaul was primarily responsible for expanding the message of Jesus outside of the Jewish communityFollowers of Jesus were persecuted and martyred from immediately after Jesus"Christianity" did not become a legally recognized religion until a quarter millennium after Jesus' birth 300 years after the Romans executed Jesus, the Roman Emperor Constantine became a follower of JesusDate (CE)Event / Stage 30Jesus Executed on the Cross30Jesus' followers imprisoned and ordered not to speak regarding Jesus' death and Jesus' resurrection from the dead. 46Paul begins missionary journeys 49Jews expelled from Rome 62Paul executed in Rome 64Emperor Nero starts persecuting followers of Jesus 66Jews begin revolt against Rome 70Roman commander Titus captures Jerusalem and destroys Jewish Temple 132Jews revolt against Rome again 135Rome squashes revolt and makes Jerusalem a Roman city 161-260Persecution of Jesus' followers intensified and continued by Roman Emperors Marcus Aurelius, Decious, Gallus, Valerian 261Emperor Gallienus's edict makes Christianity a legal religion 325Emperor Constantine embraces and supports Christianity - making the church an institution of wealth and power ................

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