Name: ______________________________________________ Block: ___________Passport to Latin AmericaGroup members: ___________________________________________________________Countries: _________________________________________________________________CATEGORY 8-10 5-7 3-4 1-2 Neatness The cover page and all titles are neat and easy to read. The brochure is easy to follow and goes in the order found on the assignment sheet. The cover page and all titles are neat, but the brochure is a little confusing because it is not organized well. The title page is neat and organized, but the rest of the titles are not. It is hard to follow and it doesn’t\'t have an order whatsoever. There is no title page and there is no order to the brochure. The titles that are present are not neat at all. Map The map of all the countries in Latin America is labeled correctly and the countries the group was assigned stand out a little more. The map of all of the countries in Latin America is mostly correct, although there are some small errors. The countries the group was assigned stand out a little bit. There are far too many errors on the map of Latin America and the countries the group was assigned do not stand out at all. The map is too messy and too full of errors OR it is not handed in at all. Sources Careful and accurate records are kept to document the source of all facts and pictures used throughout the research. They are cited properly using MLA format and easy bib. Careful and accurate records are kept to document the sources pf the facts, but some of the picture sources were not kept properly. Most is in MLA format, but there are some links not cited properly. The students did not keep the proper links for a good portion of their websites and pictures. There are far too many links that are cited using easybib and MLA format. The bibliography is just the links for some of the websites and pictures. They are not cited properly. Content - Accuracy All facts in the brochure are accurate and all necessary components are included as listed on the project assignment. Most of the facts are accurate, but there is some information on the project assignment that is not included in the final brochure Most of the information included does not seem to be accurate OR there is a lot of missing information not included in the brochure. There is a lot of information missing on the country fact pages and the information that is present is inaccurate. Graphics/Pictures Graphics go well with the text and there is a good mix of text and graphics. Graphics go well with the text, but there are so many that they distract from the text. Graphics go well with the text, but there are too few and the brochure seems \"text-heavy\". Graphics do not go with the accompanying text or appear to be randomly chosen. Writing - Organization Each section in the brochure has a clear beginning, middle, and end. Almost all sections of the brochure have a clear beginning, middle and end. Most sections of the brochure have a clear beginning, middle and end. Less than half of the sections of the brochure have a clear beginning, middle and end. Student Choice Pages Four different student choice pages are included. It is clear that each student helped with this part. They are clear and specific and full of correct information. There are four different student choice pages, but it appears as though one student did a little more work than another. The explanations could be a bit more clear. There are four student choice pages, but they are not four different topics. Students also did not split the work evenly. There are less than four student choice pages OR there are four, but about the same topic OR the information is incorrect. Writing - Mechanics Capitalization and punctuation are correct throughout the brochure. Capitalization and punctuation are correct throughout the brochure after feedback from an adult. There are 1-2 capitalization and/or punctuation errors in the brochure even after feedback from an adult. There are several capitalization or punctuation errors in the brochure even after feedback from an adult. Spelling & Proofreading No spelling errors remain after one person other than the typist reads and corrects the brochure. No more than 1 spelling error remains after one person other than the typist reads and corrects the brochure. No more than 3 spelling errors remain after one person other than the typist reads and corrects the brochure. Several spelling errors in the brochure. Use of class time Students used class time well and did not fool around or interact with other groups. Students hit the halfway checkpoint and handed the project in on time. Students had to be spoken to at least 4 times. They met their halfway checkpoint and handed the project in on time. Students had to have their seats moved because they were too distracted and distracting other groups. Students did not meet the halfway checkpoint. Seats had to be moved, checkpoint was not reached, and project handed in late. Total Score/Comments:Passport to Latin AmericaDirections: In order to learn more about the cultures and countries of Latin America you will be responsible for creating a “Passport to Latin America,” presentation. This will be a final project grade for our unit on Latin America and will be worth 200 points. I will give you as much class time as possible to complete this assignment, but once the class time is up it will be homework. You must be able to focus during this class time. Use your textbook and the internet (NO WIKIPEDIA) to complete the project. Your textbook has almost everything you need for this project, so there is no excuse for not having the work done. If you use additional outside resources, be sure to include a bibliography. If there is evidence of outside research without a bibliography you will receive a zero for the assignment. Check in date (1/2 done): Wednesday, March 30, 2014Final due date: Friday, April 8, 2014The following information and materials should be included in your passport: ___ 1 Cover page that says “Passport to Latin America” along with your name and class___ 1 Labeled political map of the countries of Latin America___ 3 Country fact pages (see description below)___ 4 Student choice page (pick ANY appropriate topic that relates to Latin America and include a page for this)___ 1 Bibliography page if you choose to complete outside research (properly formatted, see example) *All pages should be in its own page/construction slide.Latin American Country Pages: Pick any three countries in Latin America and create an individual fact page for each of them. Each page should include the following information:___ A picture/map of the country the capital city labeled ___ 4 facts about the country’s history (important wars, empires, colonization, or turning points)___ 2 Places to visit (provide a picture and description for two important tourist attractions)___ 4 Interesting facts about the country’s cultural heritage (foods, customs, traditions, holidays, etc.) Student Choice Page:Pick any particular topic that is of interest to you and create a passport page for this topic. If there are no particular topics you would like to choose, replace this page with a third country fact page. These should be in paragraph form and should include some pictures. Ideas for possible topics are listed below:Revolutionary leaders: Jose de San Martin, Miguel Hidalgo, Simon Bolivar, etc.Tourist attractions of Latin America- Christ the Redeemer, Machu Picchu, Patagonia, Lake Titicaca, etcImportant leaders- Fidel Castro, Ernesto “Che” Guevara, Eva Peron, Hugo Chavez, etc Foods of Latin AmericaTraditional clothing in Latin AmericaPhysical features fact page- Amazon River, Amazon Basin, Galapagos Islands, Tierra del FuegoCurrent events in Latin AmericaWomen’s rights in the Latin AmericaGovernments of Latin AmericaSetup:All of this information can be provided in bullet point format, you are not required to write paragraphs. These should be like scrapbook pages and should include the information listed in the checklist. See Ms. Mullaney for construction paper if you need it. In the end you should hand in 9-10 pages total. You must pace yourself and make sure to stay on track in order to get each page done. AS ALWAYS- IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO COMPLETE ADDITONAL RESEARCH AND PASSPORT PAGES, FEEL FREE TO DO SO FOR EXTRA CREDIT! YOU WILL RECEIVE FIVE BONUS POINTS FOR EACH ADDITIONAL PAGE YOU INCLUDE, WITH A LIMIT OF 3 ADDITIONAL PAGES. ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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