

Grade 7 Social Studies Extension Menu

Maya, Inca, and Aztec Civilizations

Directions: Choose an activity from one square to complete. If you choose the square, “Write your idea here,” please see the teacher with your idea first.

Circle the number of the box you choose.

|1. Study the lives of at least 6 individuals |2. Design a colorful, illustrated map of Latin | 3. Create a new, hybrid civilization that |

|from the Maya, Inca, and Aztec civilizations. |America that includes at least 6 important cities,|combines the best features of the Mayans, Incas, |

|Design an Ancient Americas Hall of Fame to |geographical features, and/or archeological sites |and Aztecs. Write a paragraph to describe each |

|celebrate their achievements. Share your Hall of|from the Maya, Inca, and Aztec civilizations. |aspect of this new civilization.. You must |

|Fame in a multimedia presentation using |Include a title, scale, orientation, legend, and a|include social structure, religion, government, |

|software, such as PowerPoint or Photo Story. |border on your map. You may draw your map by hand |economy, science, technology, and geography. |

|Integrate visuals, music, and written |or use multimedia software to create an |Justify your choices. |

|descriptions of the images and individuals shown|interactive map. | |

|in the presentation. | | |

|4. Research the type of calendar used by the |5. Explore the important cities and archeological |6. Research the collapse of the Maya, Inca, and |

|Maya, Inca, and Aztec civilizations and the role|sites from the Maya, Inca, and/or Aztec |Aztec civilizations. Create a handbook using |

|of the calendar in the daily life and religion |civilizations. Write a detailed itinerary for an |information you find that will help modern |

|of each civilization. Compose an essay to share |educational trip to at least 3 of these sites that|leaders avoid the collapse of their |

|your findings (minimum 5 paragraphs). Your essay|includes a description of each destination and |civilizations. Explain internal and external |

|should include an engaging introduction, at |recommendations for sightseeing and other |factors that lead to the collapse of each |

|least 3 body paragraphs, and a compelling |activities. Create a map with travel routes |civilization. List warning signs that modern |

|conclusion. |labeled and a budget that includes the total cost |leaders should look for. Suggest strategies |

| |of the trip including airfare, hotels, food, and |leaders can use to reverse the decline of their |

| |miscellaneous expenses. |civilization. |

|7. Design and create a triptych (three painted |8. Write your idea here. |9. Investigate a theme or topic such as religion |

|or illustrated panels that are attached) to | |and rituals, clothing and jewelry, myths and |

|celebrate the greatest achievements of the Maya,|__________________________ |legends, sports and games, marriage and family |

|Inca, and Aztec civilizations. Each panel of the| |life, etc. in either the Maya, Inca, and Aztec |

|triptych should focus on one civilization and |__________________________ |civilizations. Create a teaching tool such as a |

|contain a title and colorful images (handmade or| |documentary, a website, a learning center, an |

|computer-generated). Share your triptych with |__________________________ |exhibit, blog, etc. to inform your classmates |

|the class. Explain what is depicted in each | |about this aspect of ancient life in your chosen |

|panel. |__________________________ |civilization. |

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| |__________________________ | |

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| |Teacher Initials for Approval: ____ | |

Teacher Resource Page

Grade 7 Social Studies Extension Menu

Concept and/or Topic: Mayan, Incan, and Aztec Civilization

Intended Purpose: Culminating activity for the unit or alternative activity for students who have mastered curricular indicators

Standard(s) and Indicators Addressed:

Boxes 1-9: SS.HMW.60.01 Compare the development of complex civilizations in the Americas, including the Incas, Mayans, and Aztecs, including culture, economic, and political systems

Organizational Tips:

• Provide student access to the school media center, the Internet, textbooks, and/or subscription databases (SIRS, Student Resource Center, etc.).

• Provide access to the following resources as students create final products:

o Software (Publisher, PowerPoint, Word, Excel, etc.)

o Art supplies (poster board, colored pencils, magazines, rulers, markers, papers etc.)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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