West Virginia Department of Education

Project Design Template

Project Title: Within My Skin

Project Idea:

Students will prepare a multimedia presentation that will describe the effects of tattooing on the human body. Using a variety of methods, they will research and organize information to describe the tattooing process, its effects on the layers of the integument involved, and the potential health risks associated with the process

Entry Event:

On the day the project is introduced, the students will enter the classroom as a slide show of different tattoos flash on the screen in the front of the room. (This can be created by the teacher ahead of time using free images from the Internet.) This should loop through until all students have taken a seat. A discussion of tattoos will follow the slide show.  Students will then receive an Entry Event Document detailing the requirement of the project.


Buffy is 15 years old and she would like to get a tattoo. Her parents have reservations about the safety of the process and damage to her skin caused by the procedure.  In order to be open-minded; they are willing to give Buffy an opportunity to sway their opinion.   Using a scientific approach, she must research and explain the process of tattooing as well as its aesthetic and health consequences.  Buffy’s friends have offered to help her convince her parents. They break up into groups to research and help Buffy prepare her presentation.

Content Standards:

|S.HS.HAP.2 |describe the organizational levels, interdependency and the interaction of: |

| |cells |

| |tissues |

| |organs |

| |organ systems. |

|S.HS.HAP.3 |categorize, by structure and function, the various types of human tissue: |

| |muscle |

| |epithelial |

| |connective |

| |nervous. |

|S.HS.HAP.4 |relate the structure of the integumentary system to its function as a/an: |

| |sensory organ |

| |environmental barrier |

| |temperature regulator. |

|Standards Directly Taught or |Identified Learning Targets |Evidence of Success in Achieving Identified Learning Target |

|Learned Through Discovery | | |

| |Students will conduct experiments that allow |Student groups will successfully use technology and resources to create and |

|S.HS.HAP.2 |them to determine and examine the functions and |present their project. Students will conduct experiments on the structure and |

| |structure of the integument and keep accurate |functions of the integument and keep accurate records for experiments and |

|S.HS.HAP.3 |records of those experiments. |research. Student research groups will evaluate the progress of ongoing |

| | |research toward the desired outcomes using a Research Evaluation Report.      |

|S.HS.HAP.4 |Vocabulary: Epidermis | |

| |Dermis |Integumentary System Handout – students will successfully label and identify |

| |Adipose tissue |components of the integumentary system.    |

| |Dermal tissue |  |

| |Keratinization |Students will successfully complete the following activities: |

| |Melanocytes |What’s Covering You? and Why? (written discussion) |

| |Sensory receptors  |   |

| |  |  |

| |Identify the layers and structural components |Skin Function and Structure e-source activity |

| |and accessory organs of the skin. Relate the | |

| |functions of each of the components to the |  |

| |overall structure and function of the |Skin Assessment Lab Laboratory report |

| |integument.    |  |

| |  |Students will successfully complete the |

| |Devise and construct an accurate model of human | |

| |skin. |Students will successfully complete the SAS activity. |

| | |How does my body fight off invaders? –SAS in school audio activity 1281 |

| |Vocabulary: |report.     |

| |spleen |  |

| |lymphatic vessels |Handout on the Immune system- Students will successfully complete a handout on|

| |lymph nodes |the components of the immune system and the types of immune response.    |

| |lymph tissue |  |

| |bone marrow |Students will successfully the findings in the group |

| |thymus gland |presentation. Presentation Rubric |

| |  | |

| |Identify functions and components of the immune | |

| |system and determine its interactions with the | |

| |integumentary system. | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

Performance Objectives:


Types of tissues that are components of the integumentary system                                  

The structure of the integument

The function of the integument as an organ

The function of the accessory organs of the integument

The role of the integument within the immune system

The basic functions and components of the immune system

The basic process of tattooing

How to create multimedia presentations using PowerPoint or photo story


Use a variety of resources to create a multimedia presentation for peer review

Perform basic laboratory procedures

Collect data and make observations and interpretations from class experiments and activities

Identify structures and functions of the integument on class handouts

Describe the role of the integument in immune function

Identify components of the immune system and their functions

Access the internet to perform online activities

Employ basic research techniques

Write appropriate and relevant interview questions

Conduct interviews

Describe the process of tattooing

Driving Question: How does tattooing affect the layers of the integument and the immune system?

Assessment Plan:

| | |

|Major Group Products |Group contract - (Sample Group Contract) |

| |Task Management Chart    |

| |Know and Need to Know Chart  |

| |Skin Model Lab |

| |Group multimedia presentations |

| | |

|Major Individual Products |What’s Covering You? and Why? Lab Report |

| |Skin Function and Structure e-source activity |

| |Quiz from SAS website, How does my body fight off invaders? |

| |Integument handouts |

| |Skin Assessment Lab Report |

| |Immune System Handouts |

Assessment and Reflection:

|Rubric(s) I will use: (Check all that apply.) |Collaboration | |Written Communication | |

| |Critical Thinking & Problem Solving | |Content Knowledge | |

| |Oral Communication |x |Other |x |

|Other classroom assessments for learning: (Check all |Quizzes/ tests | |Practice presentations | |

|that apply) | | | | |

| |Self-evaluation |x |Notes | |

| |Peer evaluation |x |Checklists/observations |x |

| |Online tests and exams | |Concept maps | |

|Reflections: |Survey |x |Focus Group |x |

| |Discussion | |Task Management Chart |x |

| |Journal Writing/ Learning Log |x |Other |x |

Map the Product:

Students will collaboratively work to determine how tattoos are produced, their effects on the integumentary system and on the body’s immune system. Students will perform laboratory experiments to analyze how the components of the integument create a barrier to infection.


Multimedia presentation created by student groups that will describe the effects of tattooing on the human body. The presentation will describe the tattooing process, its effects on the layers of the integument and the potential health risks associated with the process.  The presentation will be evaluated using the Presentation Rubric.

|Knowledge and Skills Needed |Already Have Learned |Taught Before the |Taught During the |

| | |Project |Project |

|1. Types of tissues |X | | |

|2. Locations and functions of the tissue |X | | |

|3. Access to SAS Curriculum Pathways |X | | |

|4. Structure of the Integument | | |X |

|5. Function of the Integument | | |X |

|6. Functions of the immune system | | |X |

|7. Components of the Immune system | | |X |

|8. Interactions of the immune system and the Integument | | |X |

|9. Utilize multimedia presentation software |X | |X |

|10. Basic research techniques |X | |X |


School-based Individuals:

Library-media/technology specialist,

Staff Members with Tattoos

School Nurse


Presentation software

Multimedia software

Word processing software

Computer with Internet access

Flip cameras and digital cameras



Tattoo artists

Health Care professionals


Integumentary System Handout

I am Joe’s Skin Reading Handout

What’s Covering You and Why?     Water, pepper, gloves, toothpicks, microscopes, overhead projector, skin slide, paper cups, model of the skin, transparency of the skin, crayons

Skin Models Lab – gelatin, food coloring, grapes, string, yarn, pipe cleaners, moon sand, and pint size freezer, boxes, other student determined materials

Skin Assessment Lab – microscopes, slides, cotton balls, watch glasses, coins, stop watches, magnifying glasses, rubbing alcohol, water, cup, dropper, dish liquid

Immune system Handout

What’s Covering You? and Why?    

Skin Function and Structure e-source activity     

How does my body fight off invaders? –SAS in school audio activity 1281       

Manage the Process:

This project will take 3-4 weeks to complete depending on the type of scheduling used by individual schools. The research portion of this activity is usually done intermittently with the classroom activities.  Teachers may complete activities for the integumentary system during the week and plan for the computer lab on Mondays or Fridays. After completing this project, the teacher may administer a quiz or test on the content matter.


The teacher should do observations with the groups during research, computer and classroom activities in order to insure all groups are on task and understanding the content. The various types of activities allow for students of differing ability levels to achieve success. Adjustments may be made to individual assignments as needed. 


Step 1: Before assigning the project to the students, schedule time in the computer lab and instruction with the library- media specialist. Check that technology resources are available such as flip video or digital cameras.  Gather slides and materials for the labs and activities listed below.


Step 2: On the day, the project is introduced, the entry event will be a slide show with a variety of tattoos. The teacher can create these using free images from the internet. This will loop through until all students have taken a seat. A discussion on tattoos will follow the slide show. Student should then receive an Entry Event Document detailing the requirements of the project.


Step 3: Students are placed into groups of 3 to 4 based on class size. The groups can be selected by the teacher, or selected by random draw. A class calendar containing due dates and class assignments is provided to each group for task management and planning purposes.  Try to schedule one day a week for the groups to work together in the computer lab. This way they can receive instruction from the librarian/ technology specialist, and do research or work on the group presentation. Additional work should be done outside of class and this is up to each group to plan and implement.


Step 4: Students should then begin working on a group contract (Sample Group Contract provided) for the project. Each group will work collaboratively to complete the Know and Need to Know Chart. The teacher should meet with each group to discuss details of the contract and Know and Need to Know Chart. They will then have a short time to make any revisions and final versions will be due at the beginning of the next class. Each group will be given a binder in which to keep copies of contracts and documents created during the duration of the project.


Step 5: The teacher should then assign the Skin Function and Structure e-source activity.  This activity introduces the structures and functions of the integument. After completing the internet activity, students should be given reinforcement handouts on the structure of the skin and its associated organs. These are available with most anatomy teacher resource materials.


Step 6: After this activity, plan a day in the lab for group work and research. At the end of each computer lab day, the students should complete a Daily Learning Log and review their Know and Need to Know Chart. These are placed in the group project binder as a record of the individual work and group work completed that day. Days in the computer lab days should now be scheduled on a weekly basis.


Step 7: A good outside reading is the article I am Joe’s Skin.  A few questions about the reading may be assigned. This is based on a series of articles on the human body written for Readers Digest. The book was made into a set of educational videos that can be purchased if monetary resources are available. ( for the book and Pyramid Media for the videos)


Step 8: After the reading, students will be directed to complete the What’s Covering You and Why? mini-lab   on skin functions. In this activity, the students will use knowledge gleaned from the reading to infer the functions of the skin that are modeled in the mini-lab.


Step 9: Students will be assigned an open-ended modeling activity in which project groups are given the task of creating a three-dimensional model of a section of skin. They will receive a Skin Model Lab handout and a copy of the grading rubric Skin Model Rubric. This outlines the requirements of the assignment and the way points are allotted. Students then have the option of using the models as part of the overall project presentation. The teacher should allot sufficient time for completion and submission of the models.


Step 10: At this point, the groups should have a second trip to the computer lab and should be given the PowerPoint Presentation Planning Guide. If students are using a presentation other than Power Point, they may modify this document. Students may work with the technology integration specialist to receive help with use of Flip cameras, merging media and presentation production. Along with the planning guide the groups should complete a Task Management Chart that identifies the responsibilities of each group member and time lines for completion of each task. This should be placed in the group binder and updated as needed.


Step 11: For approximately, two days, the students will explore the structure of the integument and its accessory structures. The students will complete the Skin Assessment Lab (Skin Assessment Lab Key).  In this lab the students explore the structure of hair, location and distribution of sensory receptors, and functions of the glands. Students individually answer the Summary and Analysis questions at the end of the lab.


Step 12: The teacher should schedule computer/research days when convenient. Students will complete the Daily Learning Log each time for their binders.


Step 13: The students should be given a chance to meet with each other to evaluate progress on the project. During this time, the teacher should rotate around the groups and ask questions and offer help. Before the students leave for the day, each student should complete an interim progress Research Evaluation Report. By comparing these individual reports, the teacher can determine whether adequate progress is being made and the involvement of each group member. It also allows the teacher to insure the groups are on target with the goals of the project.


Step 14: The teacher should do a quick introduction to the immune system. Students should then complete the SAS in Schools activity, How Does My Body Fight off Invaders (SAS in school audio activity 1281).   They will complete the quiz at the end and print the results to be handed in for class credit. SAS in schools is free to educators and only involves registering for the program.


Step 15: After completing the SAS activity, students should complete the immune system handouts. These are available with most anatomy teacher resource materials


Step 16: The students may need to return to the computer lab to complete their multimedia presentations. Any additional time needed to complete presentations will be scheduled by the groups.


Step 17: On the day of the presentation, the audience should consist of several parents, other school personnel and possibly a representative of the medical or tattooing profession. Students are expected to present in a professional manner and will be evaluated by their peers using a PowerPoint Peer Evaluation and evaluated by guests and the instructor using a Presentation Rubric.


Step 18: After all the presentations are completed; the students should review the peer evaluations, fill out PowerPoint Self Evaluation and the Project Debrief Chart. This will allow the students an opportunity to reflect on their experiences during the project and suggest improvements to the PBL design.

Project Reflection and Evaluation:

| |

|During the project the teacher should make observations of the groups and individuals in order to assess which activities |

|were successful and which ones may need to be revised and adjusted. |

|  |

|The teacher should read and consider comments and input from the parents, health professionals and tattoo artists present |

|as guests during the presentations this may improve the way the projects are presented.   |

|  |

|Peer evaluations and self-evaluations done during the presentations and after can be used to assess the impact of the |

|learning experience on the individual students. |

|  |

|Finally, a Project Debrief Chart should be completed by each student in order to help the teacher determine what |

|can be improved upon before using the PBL again.   |

Name _________________ Date_______

Entry Event Document– Tattoo Project

Buffy is 15 years old and she would like to get a tattoo. Her parents have reservations about the safety of the process and damage to her skin caused by the procedure. In order to be open-minded, they are willing to give Buffy an opportunity to sway their opinion. She must scientifically research and explain the process of tattooing and its aesthetic and health consequences using a scientific approach.

You and your group are to place yourself in Buffy’s shoes. You must create a multimedia presentation that will be presented to a group of parents and peers. You may use programs such as: power point, photo story, and movie maker. You may use research from a variety of sources including the internet, books and interviews. Models may be used as part of your presentation.

Included in the presentation should be detailed information about the structure and function of the integument, the tattooing process and what role if any the immune system plays.

Presentation Due Date__________________

Name_________________ Date_______________

Research Evaluation Report

1. Briefly describe your project. Be detailed. Describe what your group has accomplished in your project presentation so far.

2. What still must be completed?

3. Look over the information you have written above. Does it meet the original project assignment? See the entry event handout from day one. Why or Why not? If not, what must be done to get back on track?

4. Thinking about your project, is there any depth to your presentation or is it all “flash and trash?”

Name _____________________ Date____________

Skin Assessment Lab

Activity 1: Skin Color and Pressure

Observe the color of the palm of your hand under normal conditions. Describe it in the chart below. Obtain a watch glass and press your palm firmly against the plate for 1 minute. Observe the skin through the glass and record your observations.


|Before | |

|After | |


1. After making the observations above, explain in your own words why the skin color changes.



2. What does this activity suggest about the location of blood vessels within the skin and their relationship

to skin color? ____________________________________________________________________________




Activity 2: Tactile Localization

Work with a partner. The subject should close their eyes. Have the partner touch the palm of the subject’s hand with a felt tip marker. The subject should then try to touch the exact location of the first touch with a second different colored marker. Then measure the difference between the two dots with a ruler. Repeat two more times on the palm Average the results. Repeat the test in the same manner for the locations listed on the data table. Record your measurements in mm.

|Location |Trial 1 |Trial 2 |Trial 3 |Average |

|Palm | | | | |

|Fingertip | | | | |

|Forearm | | | | |

|Back of hand | | | | |


1. Why should the subject close their eyes? __________________________________________


2. What types of receptors are being tested? __________________________________________

3. What does this test reveal about the concentration density of touch receptors?




4. Which area had the smallest difference in measurements? Is this what you would have expected? Why

or Why not? _____________________________________________________________________



Activity 3: Tactile Adaptation

With the subject’s eyes closed place a coin on the anterior surface of the forearm. Using a stopwatch determine the length of time the sensation of the coin persists. Then record the time in the chart below. Repeat the experiment with a coin on the back of the hand. Record the time interval. After the sensation has ceased to persist, place 3 additional coins on the first coin. Record any new sensations in the data chart.

|Trial |Length of sensation in seconds or change in sensation. |

|One coin | |

|forearm | |

|One coin | |

|Back of hand | |

|Four coins | |

|Back of hand | |


1. Why does the sensation fade? ____________________________________________________________


2. Are the same receptors stimulated when four coins are stacked together versus when one is used? Explain.




Activity 4: Accessory Structures

A. Use a magnifying glass to observe the fingerprints of the index finger on one hand. There are ridges and valleys in the prints.

1. How are the ridges an advantage? ________________________________________________


2. Sometimes small particles are can be seen within the ridges, what causes the particles to stick there? ________________________________________________________________________



B. Mount a hair plucked from an eyebrow onto a slide containing a drop of water. Cover it with a coverslip. Look at it using the low and high powers. Draw and label the hair in the space below.

Activity 5: Other Skin Characteristics

As we get older our skin becomes less supple, and more lined. Gently pinch a small section of skin on the back of your hand. Hold it for about 30 seconds and then let it go.

1. What happens? _______________________________________________________________


2. Why? ______________________________________________________________________


3. How do you think your skin will respond to this test as you get older? ____________________



1. What is the uppermost layer of the skin called? ___________________________________

2. Why is this layer important? __________________________________________________


3. What structures are located in the dermis? ________________________________________


4. Explain the function of each of the following substances:

a) keratin ______________________________________________________________________


b) melanin _____________________________________________________________________


c) sebum _______________________________________________________________________


5. Describe the major functions of the skin. __________________________________________





Name___________________ Date__________

Skin Model Lab

Objective: In your lab groups you will have three days to construct and complete an accurate model of the integument and its accessory structures.

Materials: A variety of materials may be used. The following are some suggestions and examples: gelatin, food coloring, grapes, corn pop type cereal, string, pipe cleaners, rubber bands, moon sand, freezer boxes, and any materials you may wish to bring from home.

Procedure: Observe the diagram of the integument in your text book. You may use this as a guide for your model. All appropriate structures should be included in the model.

Name ________________ Date___________________

Skin Model Rubric

Points will be awarded based on the criteria listed below. Four points are the greatest number of points per category, one point being the lowest value available. Twelve points are the greatest value possible. Bonus points will be awarded to any group that can visually illustrate the placement of a sample tattoo.

|Category |1 |2 |3 |4 |

| | | |Model is somewhat complex. |Model design is shows |

|Design |Model is incomplete. |Model is extremely simple. | |thought and complexity. |

| | | |Model is somewhat visually|Model is attractive and |

|Appearance |Model is messy. |Model lacks neatness. |appealing |visually appealing |

| |Model Lacks multiple |Model lacks two or more essential |Lacks one or two components|Model is accurate. All |

|Accuracy |components and components |components and placement of |and some positions are |components are correctly |

| |are misplaced. |components are only partially |inaccurate. |positioned. |

| | |accurate | | |

Bonus: ____________ Total points: ____________

Presentation Rubric Group _________________

Name _______________________ Date________________


| |Above Average |Acceptable |Needs Work |

| |25-21 points each |20-16 points each |15-10 points each |

|Introduction |Highlights key points |Key points present |Key points not present |

| |Grabs attention of the audience |Audience can identify main topic but not |Audience cannot determine main point |

| |Audience knows exactly what the |key points |Presenters lose audience interest |

| |presentation is about | | |

|Body |Presentation is broken into logical |Presentation has individual components but |No logical order to information presented |

| |components |the audience cannot tell where one ends and|Audience cannot determine the direction the|

| |Audience knows exactly what to expect next |the next begins |presentation is headed |

| | |Audience has an idea of what to expect next| |

|Content |Accurate information |Most information accurate |Inaccurate Information |

| |Structure/ function of the Integument |Structure/function of the Integument |Simplistic explanation of the integument |

| |addressed |discussed with some details lacking |and lacks details |

| |Tattooing procedure is extensively |Tattooing process described without |Tattooing process is described but is |

| |described |elaboration |incomplete |

| |Health risks are addressed |Health risks and Immune system interactions|Health risks/Immune system interactions |

| |Immune System interactions are described |are discussed in a limited manner |are not addressed |

|Technical Expertise |Variety of visuals and audio used |Visuals and audio are repetitious |Visuals and audio are inconsistent and of |

| |Quality visuals used |Student explanation of tatting techniques |poor quality |

| |Student explanation of tattooing techniques|are somewhat accurate |Student has difficulty explaining tattooing|

| |show high level of understanding | |techniques |

Total points: ______________ out of 100 points possible.

PowerPoint Peer Evaluation Group ____________

Name_______________________ Date____________

Directions: Fill this form out after viewing/listening to the presentation. Score each of the peer evaluation categories (see below) out of 25 points. Return completed evaluations to your teacher(s). Note: You will receive a work ethic (effort) grade for thoroughly completing this evaluation.

|Members of the group: | |

|Title of the presentation: | |

|The most important idea you got from | |

|the presentation is …: | |

| | |

|Did the group provide an | |

|overview/preview of their | |

|presentation? What did you learn from | |

|it? | |

|Did the group provide an attention | |

|grabber at the beginning of their | |

|presentation? Did it work? Why or why | |

|not? | |

|Did the group provide a recap/review | |

|of their presentation? What did you | |

|learn from it? | |

|Which slide delivered the most | |

|important and/or relevant information?| |

|Why? | |

|Which slide delivered the most | |

|distracting or inaccurate information?| |

|Why? | |

|Did the group successfully deliver a | |

|meaningful, relevant message? Why or | |

|why not? | |

|Relevant Information |Technical Proficiency |Critical Thinking |Organization and Planning |

| /25 | /25 | /25 | /25 |

PowerPoint Self-Evaluation

Directions: Review the peer evaluations your group received then complete this self-evaluation.

|Members of my group: | |

|My name: | |

|Date: | |

|Title of the presentation: | |

|The most important idea I got from the| |

|peer evaluations was: | |

| | |

|The most surprising information I got | |

|from the peer evaluations was: | |

| | |

|The least surprising information I got| |

|from the peer evaluations was: | |

| | |

|Which information from the peer | |

|evaluations do I agree with? | |

| | |

|Which information from the peer | |

|evaluations do I disagree with? | |

| | |

|Because of the feedback I received | |

|from my peers and because of my | |

|self-reflection, I will make the | |

|following changes in my next | |

|presentation. Provide specifics. | |

| | |

| | |

How I score my group on this presentation:

|Relevant Information |Technical Proficiency |Critical Thinking |Organization and Planning |

| /25 | /25 | /25 | /25 |

PowerPoint Presentation Planning Guide

Directions: Fill this form out in preparation for your presentation and turn it to your teacher the Friday before final presentations.

Name ______________________________________ Date______________

|Members of our group: | |

|Title of our presentation: | |

|The most important idea we want our | |

|audience to get from our presentation | |

|is …: | |

|Which group member will provide an | |

|overview/preview of our presentation | |

|during slide 1 or 2: | |

|An attention grabber we will use at | |

|the beginning of our presentation is: | |

| | |

|Which group member will provide a | |

|recap/review of our presentation | |

|during the last slide: | |

|We will have succeeded in our | |

|presentation if our audience ….: | |

| | |

|Who is responsible for bringing the | |

|final version of our presentation? | |

|Where is it stored? Who else has a | |

|copy of the final? | |

| | |

| | |

Which group member will talk during slide number:

|1 | |11 | |

|2 | |12 | |

|3 | |13 | |

|4 | |14 | |

|5 | |15 | |

|6 | |16 | |

|7 | |17 | |

|8 | |18 | |

|9 | |19 | |

|10 | |20 | |

Project Debrief Chart

Spend a few minutes to analyze your performance on group and individual tasks.

|Name: | |

|Date: | |

|Project Name: | |

|What is the most important thing you learned | |

|during this project? | |

|What do you wish the class had spent more time| |

|on? | |

|What do you wish the class had spent less time| |

|on? | |

|Where there any assignments (or parts of | |

|assignments) you didn’t understand? Provide | |

|details? | |

|Was there a part of the project you didn’t | |

|enjoy? Why? | |

|Which part of the project should be dropped? | |

|Why? | |

|What could be added to make this a better | |

|project? | |

|Where there any parts of the project that was | |

|graded unfairly or worth too few or too many | |

|points? Explain. | |

Note: You will receive full points (work ethic) for completing this assignment in a thoughtful manner. Points will be given for both critical and positive comments ONLY when they are supported by details/specifics.

Sample Group Contract

Our Contract

o We all promise to listen to each other’s ideas with respect.

o We all promise to do our assigned work to the best of our ability.

o We all promise to turn in our work on or before due dates.

o We all promise to ask for help if we need it.

o We all promise to share responsibility for our success and for our mistakes.

o We all promise to turn in work that is our own.

If someone in our group breaks one or more of our rules, the group has the right to call a meeting and ask the person to follow the rules. If the person still breaks one or more of our rules, we have the right to vote to fire that person.


Group member signatures:


Name________________ Date_________ Group______________

Know/Need to Know Chart: Work together as a group to create a list of information about tattoos.

| | | |

|What do we know about tattoos |What do we need to know |How and where can we find this information |

| | | |

Task Management Chart

Project Title: ___________________________________

Team Members: ________________________________

Date: _________________________________________

|Task |Person |Date |Date |

| |Responsible |Due |Completed |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |


|Student name: | |

|Project Name: | |Date: | |

|Today I had the following goals for |1 | |

|project work | | |

| |2 | |

| |3 | |

| |4 | |

| |5 | |

|Today I accomplished… |1 | |

| |2 | |

| |3 | |

| |4 | |

| |5 | |

|My next steps are… |1 | |

| |2 | |

| |3 | |

| |4 | |

| |5 | |

|My most important concerns, problems |1 | |

|or questions are… | | |

| |2 | |

| |3 | |

| |4 | |

| |5 | |


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