Town of Milo Minutes

Municipal Office Selectmen’s Meeting

6 Pleasant Street January 3, 2017

Milo, Me 04463

MEMBERS PRESENT: Lee McMannus, Paula Copeland, Peter Hamlin, Wilma Stanchfield, Isabelle Warren and Damien Pickel.


6:30 PM Call to Order– by Lee McMannus, Chairman


Isabelle made the Motion to approve the Minutes of December 6th with corrections and December 13th. Second – Wilma. Passed – unanimously.


Betty read a card received from the Sebec Church with a $100 donation for the HOPE Program. They wanted to thank Damien for starting a great program.


Mike Anderson wanted to ask what the liability would be if Damien were responding to a call and something were to happen to him. He feels that since Damien has not been cleared, he should not be responding. He is concerned as a tax payer. Ron Desmarais stated that he is very happy with the Police Department and with Damien. Ron thinks they are doing a wonderful job. Lee stated that he will look into this matter.



Health Officer –Ben wanted to remind everyone to get their flu shot.

Fire Department – Damien stated that the Fire Department has started using the Training Building in the Business Park.


Betty presented the Board with the Renewal for the Dance License. This is to allow the Town Hall to be used for dances and weddings.

Peter made the Motion to authorize the Town Manager to sign the Dance Renewal as presented. Second – Wilma. Passed – unanimously.


Betty presented the Board with the Assessing Contract from Hamlin Associates. She stated that there has been no increase to the cost. The Board stated that they had not received a copy of the Contract.

Lee made the Motion to Table the Assessing Contract until the next Meeting. Second – Paula. Passed – unanimously.


Damien informed the Board that 2 signs for the Business Park were received today. Coover Construction will have the signs up by Friday. Harrigan’s are still working on the design for theirs.

The Bissell Brothers Brewery is a huge project happening at the Business Park. They plan to be up and running by September.

Ron Desmarais presented the Board with a Purchase and Sales Agreement to purchase the “remaining land” at the Business Park (46.85 acres).

Peter made the Motion to approve the sale of the land of Map 8, Lot 5 to Ron Desmarais. Second – Lee. Passed – unanimously.


Town Manager’s Report:

No report for this meeting.

Land Installment Payment Contracts:

Betty informed the Board that she has Land Installment Payment Contracts for the properties which were Tax Acquired in November.

Peter made the Motion to sign Land Installment Payment Contracts as prepared. Second – Wilma. Passed – unanimously.

Quitclaim Deeds:

Betty informed the Board that she had Quitclaim Deeds for approval for the property owners that have completed their Land Installment Payment Contracts.

Isabelle made the Motion to approve and sign the Quitclaim Deeds as presented. Second – Wilma. Passed – unanimously.


Betty had 3 Abatements to present to the Board.

One property was double billed, one was a trailer which was removed before April 1, 2016 and one was billed to the wrong owner.

Peter made the Motion to approve and sign the Abatements as presented. Second – Wilma. Passed – unanimously.


Damien passed out a draft Traffic Event Ordinance which he would like the Board to review before the next meeting. This would allow the Town of Milo to recover costs associated with incident scene traffic control, victim extrication and clean up. This will not affect Milo residents. Many towns in Maine are adopting a similar ordinance. Lee requested that an account be set up to handle these revenues.


Richard Mullins wanted to inform the Board that the Planning Board needs to be more involved in the sales of the lots at the Business Park. Lee stated that the Planning Board is not required to be part of the Business Park sales.

Richard Mullins also wanted to ask about the endowment of Cemetery. He stated that Erik Stumpfel has been working on this for a year with no response. Damien will call tomorrow.

Lee stated that the Derby Shops is still ongoing and moving forward. Phase 1 & 2 have been completed.

Richard wanted to inform the Board that he was very pleased with the Police Officer responding to the call to his house. The Officer was very good and professional.


Not needed.


Peter made the Motion to adjourn at 7:21 PM. Second – Paula. Passed – unanimously.

Respectfully submitted:

___________________________ __________________________

Lee McMannus, Chairman Betty Gormley, Secretary

Date: ____________________


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