War in the Pacific Map Worksheet

War in the Pacific Map Worksheet Name: Hour:

Please Locate and Label the Following:

Pearl Harbor/Hawaii The Aleutian Islands Australia Japan

New Guinea New Zealand The Philippines Korea

Manchuria China IndoChina Coral Sea

Midway Okinawa Iwo Jima The Marianas

Leyte Gulf Russia Alaska California

War in the Pacific/WW2 Review Name: Hour:

**You can use your ‘cellular device’ for researching the answers to the following questions. Please put your answers on a separate sheet of paper.

1) Why did the Japanese conduct a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor?

2) What was the significance of the Battle of the Coral Sea?

3) What was the significance of the Battle of Midway?

4) Describe the Allied offensive against Japan.

5) What were the kamikaze?

6) What were the long and short term effects of dropping the Atomic Bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

7) Describe the Yalta Conference. What did each leader want to gain?

8) Why were Japanese Americans interned? Why weren’t German and Italian Americans?

9) What were some of the “firsts” achieved by the Germans during WWII?

10) How did WWII affect the United States’ role on the world stage?


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