Facultatea de Istorie şi Filosofie - Universitatea Babeş ...

Felix Marcu


Date and place of birth: 22 May 1974, Cluj-Napoca; son of Silviu Marcu (born 1945) and Angela Marcu (born 1947).


- Highschool ‘Avram Iancu’ of Cluj-Napoca (finished in 1992)

- Faculty of History and Philosophy of the ‘Babeş-Bolyai’ University at Cluj-Napoca (finished in 1997) – research area Ancient History and Archaeology.

- Also, specialisation in Ethnography at the Facuty of Philology of the ‘Babeş-Bolyai’ University at Cluj-Napoca.

Language abilities: English, German, French

Marital status: Married in 2001 with Valeria Marcu, teacher of Roumanian and French language; a son - Matei - born in 2003.

Address: Loc. Floreşti, jud. Cluj, b-dul Cetatea Fetei, bl. A5, ap. 6, cod 407280, tel. +40-(0)740 239532.

Professional activity:

- 1997-1998 – teacher of history at the General School no. 7, Cluj-Napoca.

- Oct.-Dec. 1998 – teacher of history at the Highschool of Telecommunication, Cluj-Napoca

- Apr. 1999-March 2000 – employee at the Museum of Transylvanian History of Cluj Napoca.

- Feb.-June 2001 – teacher of history at the National College ‘Emil Racoviţă’ at Cluj-Napoca.

- Ian. 2001-Nov. 2002 – employee at the Museum of Transylvanian History of Cluj Napoca.

- Oct. 2002 – Ian. 2003; Oct. 2003 – Ian. 2004; Nov. 004 – Ian. 2005 ; Nov. 2005 – Ian. 2006 : employee of the ‘Babeş-Bolyai’ University at Cluj-Napoca for theaching Ancient History at the Seminars, especially The Hellenistic and the Roman period.

- Starting with 3th of Dec. 2002 researcher-archaeologist at the Museum of Transylvanian History of Cluj Napoca.

Scholarships and professional specialisation:

01.08.-30.08.1997: guest researcher - Oberndorf-Bochingen, Kreis Rottweil (Germany), archaeological excavation at the villa rustica (conducted by Dr. C.S. Sommer). Funds from Landesdenkmalamt Baden-Württemberg Stuttgart and partially from Soros Foundation (Cluj-Napoca).

- 1.08.-2.09.1999; 15.05.-15.06.2001; 6.05.-6.06.2002 – guest researcher - archaeological excavation at Carnuntum (Austria) – (conducted by dr. W. Jobst, Mag. F. Humer). Funds from Amt der NÖ Landesregierung – Archäologischer Park Carnuntum.

1.04.-1.09.2000: guest researcher - Scholarship ‘Socrates’ – at the University of Heidelberg (Germany). Funds from Socrates Foundation and partially from Soros Foundation, Cluj-Napoca.

- 01.02.-30.06.2004: - guest researcher - Scholarship ‘Tyssen-Humboldt’ – at the University of Köln. Funds from Thyssen and Humboldt Foundations.

- 20.09.2004 – 3.10. 2004 – supervisor - Archaeological excavations at the Roman fort at Teregova (Dacia). Funds from Tyche Foundation (America).

- 27.04.-31.05.2005: Scholarship ‘Tyssen-Humboldt’ – University of Köln. Funds from Thyssen and Humboldt Foundations.

Archaeological research in Romania as a field director

Căşei, the Roman fort –July 1997

- Gilău, Medieval cemetery – 1997

Ulpia Traiana Sarmizegetusa, the Roman forum: 20.07.2003 – 3.08.2003; 10.07.2005 – 14.08.2005; 07.2006 – 09.2006; 07.2007 – 09.2007; 07.2008 – 09.2008.

Ulpia Traiana Sarmizegetusa, Roman cemetery –– Oct. 2000; 17.07-5.09.2001; 14.07.-14.08.2002; 22.09.-18.10.2003; 15.08.2004-20.09.2004; 15.08.2005-20.09.2005; 10.2006; 09.2007-10.2007; 08.2008-09.2008.

- Roşia Montană (com. Roşia Montană, jud. Cluj), the Roman cemetery – 1-15.08.2001; 11.10.-1.11.2001; 6.09.-31.10.2002; 26.05-01.07.2003.

- Teregova (Teregova, county. Caraş-Severin), the Roman fort – 6.08.-20.08.2001; 1.07.-13.07.2002; 1.07.-09.07.2004.

- Sutoru (com. Zimbor, jud. Sălaj), the Roman fort – 15.09.-10.10.2001; 11.2008.

- Sighişoara (jud. Mureş) – 13.03.-26.04.2002

- Floreşti (com. Floreşti, jud. Cluj) – 15.08.-4.09.2002.

- Cristorel (com. Vultureni, jud. Cluj) – 20.10.-21.11.2003.

- Ciurila-Filea (com. Ciurila, jud. Cluj) – 15.08.-17.12.2004; 02.02. -20.04.2005

Some of the papers presented at the scientific conference:

- ‘Die handgearbeitete Keramik aus dem Römerkastell von Gilau‘ – 23.11.1996 – Turda (Romania).

- ‘The Brittons and the name of the units from Britannia’ – Nov. 1998 –The conference of ‘The Young Historians’, Zalău (Romania).

- ‘The military vicus from Căşeiu’ – iulie 1998 – Stuttgart. Landesdenkmalamt Baden-Württemberg (Germany).

- ‘Geminari castra’ in Dacia. The XIXth Congress of the Roman Frontier Studies, Pècs, Hungary, 1-8 septembrie 2003.

- The quarters of military associations in the forts of Dacia, 20th International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies, León (Spania), 4-11.09.2006.

The presentation of many Archaeological reports published afterwards in the ‘Chronicles of the Archaeological Reports’ (see infra).


- Responsible of the excelence programm no. CEX 06 D 11-67 (CERES programm of the Ministry of Education and Research), 2006-2008 – Integrarea spaţiului actual al României în civilizaţia romană antică (Romania’s territory integration in the ancient Roman civilization)(supervisor prof. dr. I. Piso).

- Responsible of the Partenership project in the priority domains no. 91-033: Harta geofizică a siturilor romane de pe teritoriul Daciei romane (The geophysical map of the Roman sites from Dacia) – 2007-2009 (supervisor prof. dr. I. Piso).

- Manager of the exploratory research project PN-II-ID-PCE-2007-2, no. 2051: Curba de referinţă pentru datare arheomagnetică în arheologie. Spaţiul intracarpatic (The reference curve for archaeomagnetic dating in archaeology. The Carpathian area) – 2009-2012.

Research area

- Archaeology of the Roman provinces; military architecture of the Roman forts; Roman army.


A) Books

Cosiş, S., Marcu, F. and Ţentea, O. (2003): Bibliografia Daciei romane (The bibliography of Roman Dacia). Cluj-Napoca. Nereamia Napocae Press. 266 pp.

Marcu, F. (2009) : Organizarea internă a castrelor din Dacia (The internal planning of the Roman forts of Dacia). Cluj-Napoca. Mega Press. 309 pp.

B) articles in journals/contributions to books

Marcu, F. and Ţentea, O. (1997): Die handgearbeitete Keramik aus dem Römerkastell von Gilau. Acta Musei Porolissensis 21, 221-268.

Marcu, F. and Ţentea, O. (2000): Consideraţii asupra ceştii dacice în perioada romană şi post-romană (Considerations on the Dacian cup in the Roman and post-Roman period). Revista Bistritei 14, 67-85.

Ghergari, L., Marcu, F. and Ţentea, O. (2000): Aspecte mineralogice a ceramicii lucrate cu mâna din castrul roman de la Gilău (Mineralogical aspects of the handmade pottery from the Gilau (the Roman fort): Apulum 37/1, 401-416.

Cociş, S., Marcu, F. and Ţentea, O. (2001): Bibliografia istorică a României VII (The Romania’s historical bibliography VII). Ephemeris Napocensis 11, 75-104.

Ilieş, C., Cociş, S., Marcu, F., Al.V.Matei and Tamba, D. (2002): Raport privind cercetările arheologice de la Sutoru (The archaeological excavations at Sutoru). Studia Universitatis Theologia Graeco-Catholica Varadiensis 1, XLVII, 62-74.

Bolindeţ, V., Marcu, F. et alii (2002): The Roman habitat forms on Balea’s property [Alburnus Maior]. In: Alburnus Maior I, Eds. P. Damian (MNIR-CIMEC Press), 387-432.

Ţentea, O. and Marcu, F. (2002): Cercetări arheologice în Sighişoara (Archaeological research at Sighişoara). Apulum 40, 267-272.

Marcu, F. (2004): Military tile-stamps as a guide for the garrisons of certain forts in Dacia. In: Orbis Antiquus. Studia in honorem Ioannis Pisonis, Eds. Ruscu, L., Ciongradi, C., Ardevan, R., Roman, C. and Găzdac, C. (Nereamia Napocae Press), 570-594.

Marcu, F. (2004): Comments on the identity and deployment of Cohortes I Brittonum. Acta Musei Napocensis 39-40/1, 219-234.

Marcu, F. (2006): The valetudinarium at Ilişua. In: Fontes Historiae. Stvdia in Honorem Demetrii Protase, Eds. Gaiu, C. and Găzdac, C. (Accent Press), 461-470.

Franzen, P., Matei, Al.V. and Marcu, F. (2007): The Roman fort at Romita (Dacia). Results of the geophysical survey. Acta Musei Napocensis 41-42/1, 161-177.

Marcu, F. (2006): Organizarea internă a castrelor din Dacia în timpul lui Traian (The internal planning of Dacian forts during Trajan reign). In: Dacia Augusti Provincia, Eds. Teodor, E.S. and Ţentea, O.), 153-164.

Marcu, F. (2007): Places of worship in the Roman forts of Dacia. Acta Musei Napocensis 41-42/1, 75-105.

Marcu, F. (2007): Ala Flavia Gaetulorum oder Gallorum. Ephemeris Napocensis 14-15, 73-80.

Cupcea, G. and Marcu, F. (2007): The size and organization of the Roman army and the case of Dacia under Trajan. Dacia NS 50, 175-194.

Marcu, F. (2007): Scholae in the forts of Dacia. Dacia NS 50, 259-269.

Marcu, F. (2007): Locus gromae la Bivolari (Arutela) (Locus gromae at Bivolari). In: Dacia Felix. Studia Michaeli Bărbulescu Oblata, Ed. Nemeti, S. (Tribuna Press), 284-286.

Marcu, F. (2009): The adjacent forts of Germania Superior and Dacia. Saalburg Jahrbuch 55, 133-154.

C) published contributions to academic conferences

Isac, D. and Marcu, F. (1999): Die Truppen im Kastell von Căşeiu: cohors II Br(itannorum) milliaria und cohors I Britannica milliaria cR eq Antoniniana. Proceedings of the XVIIth. International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies, Zalău, Romania, October 1997, 520-529.

Marcu, F. (2003): Rolul arhitecturii în cunoaşterea interiorului castrelor (The role of the architecture for understanding of the forts’ internal planning). The symposium "Tinerii Istorici". Cum scriem istoria?, Alba-Iulia, November 2002, 81-90.

Marcu, F. (2005): ‘Geminari castra’ in Dacia. Proceedings of the XIXth. International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies, Pécs, Hungary, 703-711.

Marcu, F. (2006) : The quarters of military associations in the forts of Dacia. Proceedings of the XXth. International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies, Leon, Spania, 89-94.


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