Disclaimer: These unofficial ... - Allen County, Kansas


The Allen County Board of Commissioners met in regular session at 8:30 a.m. with Chairperson Dick Works, Commissioner Gary G. McIntosh, Commissioner Robert A. Francis and Sherrie L. Riebel, County Clerk.

Bob Johnson, Iola Register representative, was present to observe the meeting.

Commissioners corrected and approved the minutes of the December 31, 2009 meeting.

Commissioners discussed who should be considered for the Allen County Hospital Facility Commission. They would like a good variety of individuals. Commissioner Francis moved to contact 9 individuals to see if they would serve on this commission. Commissioner McIntosh seconded, motion passed 3-0-0. They are David Toland, Robin Betts, Mark Boyd, Mary Ann Arnott, Don Copley, Mary Kay Heard, Dr. Myers, Barbara Culbertson, and Deb Tynon. Terry Sparks will be the alternate if one of these individuals declines to serve.

Bill King, Public Works Director, reported his crews are hauling off snow from the courthouse sidewalks because we are due to get more snow later this week.

Bill discussed calls from an individual whose drive way was blocked when show was plowed. Discussion followed on trying to clean the roads and not block driveways or knock over mailboxes. Bill stated it is really the landowners to be responsible for replacing mailboxes if they are knocked over or damaged.

Bill reported some roads received damage due to the snow and ice received already.

Bill reported on the solid waste committee meeting last evening. Discussion followed. Commissioners review Resolution 201001 A Resolution Certifying the Review and Revision of the Allen County Solid Waste Management plan:





WHEREAS, The Southeast Kansas Solid Waste Authority (SEKSWA) Solid Waste Management Plan and the Solid Waste Management Plans of Allen, Bourbon, Cherokee, Crawford, Labette, Neosho, Wilson and Woodson Counties contained therein, were approved by the Kansas Department of Health and Environment on March 28, 1996 and;

WHEREAS, K.A.R. 28-29-82 requires that Solid Waste Management Plans must be reviewed one year after there approval, or one year after the completion and distribution of the Kansas Solid Waste Management Plan, whichever is later, and;

WHEREAS, The State Plan was completed on December 2, 1996, the SEKSWA Solid Waste Management Plan, and the Solid Waste Management Plans of Allen, Bourbon, Cherokee, Crawford, Labette, Neosho, Wilson and Woodson Counties contains therein, must be reviewed no later than December 2, 1997 and annually thereafter, and;

WHEREAS, The Governing Board of the Southeast Kansas Solid Waste Operating Authority (SEKSWOA) has previously submitted to the Secretary of the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDH&E) a NOTICE OF REVIEW AND REVISION OF SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PLANS, as adopted by the Governing Board of Allen, Bourbon, Cherokee, Crawford, Labette, Neosho, Wilson and Woodson Counties, in compliance with the Solid Waste Management Plan review requirements of K.A.R. 28-29-82 to be effective December 2, 1997, and;

WHEREAS, Allen County has subsequently reviewed the Solid Waste Management Plan that was in effect for the county and SSEKSWOA on December 2, 1997 and submits the following revisions:


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: the Governing Body of Allen County is in compliance with the Solid Waste Management Plan review requirements of K.A.R. 28-29-82 until October 2010.




Commissioner Francis moved to approve Resolution 201001. Commissioner McIntosh seconded, motion passed 3-0-0.

Bill mentioned he would be looking for an older style truck to be used for a blade truck. His fleet needs to be looked at to replace the older vehicle because the repairs are costing more than a new vehicle.

Jason Nelson, Allen County EMS Director, publicly thanked TJ’s Towing for pulling out the ambulance and removing snow from the ambulance station apron. They had also pulled out sheriff vehicles as well.

Jason reported Bourbon County has cut hours in their ambulance department. Jason asked about visiting with Bourbon County to see if Allen County Ambulance would be covering the area since the Moran ambulance station is closer to Bronson than Fort Scott. Discussion followed. Commissioners asked Jason to visit with Bourbon County to see what they would expect as long as it doesn’t compromise Allen County services.

Keene Schaaf, Osage Ambulance Representative, reported his company has a demonstrator ambulance he would like to sell Allen County. The cost for a new 2009 ambulance would be $122,895.00; this is the demo cost without a trade in amount. Discussion followed on changes in the ambulances and companies that build the ambulances. Commissioner Francis moved to purchase the ambulance from Osage Ambulance. Commissioner McIntosh seconded, motion passed 3-0-0. Keene will send the county a letter of acceptance. The ambulance will be available in June 2010.

Jason reported he has applied for an 80/20 KRAF grant for four cardiac monitors for Allen County ambulances. The grant would be for $112,000 total.

Thomas R. Williams, Allen County Sheriff, joined the meeting.

Angie Murphy, Allen County 911 Communications Director, thanked the Public Works Department for cleaning the parking lot at the Allen County Critical Response Center.

Angie presented bids for signage at the Allen County Critical Response Center; 9” tall, 1” thick, painted, mounting stud & stencil for $1,510.15 plus shipping or 9” tall, 1.5” thick, painted, mounting stud & stencil for $1,590.50 plus shipping from Hawk Business. Discussion followed on 9” or 6”. Discussion followed on plastic or High Density Urethane. Commissioner Francis moved to purchase 33 9” letters from Hawk Business. Commissioner McIntosh seconded, motion passed 3-0-0.

Angie requested commissioners accept the bid for shirts for the 911 department. Hawk Business presented bids for digitizing cost at $75.00 and the stitch count is 6,000 at 13-24 @$3.50 plus shirt cost, 25-72 @ $2.40 each plus the cost of the shirt, and 73-144 @ $2.30 each plus the cost of the shirt. Commissioner Francis moved to purchase shirts from Hawk Business. Commissioner McIntosh seconded, motion passed 3-0-0.

Angie discussed the differences on narrow band radio requirements compared to the wide band radio. She reported where Allen County is on being prepared for the legislative changes.

Angie has received her certification from the State of Kansas for 911 at the new location on State Street.

Sheriff Williams discussed the open house for the Allen County Critical Response Center. He feels it should be a secure open house for invited guests only. There is vital equipment in the building that should not be exposed to the public. Discussion followed.

Angie presented some Mission Statement posters for approval. Discussion followed. Commissioners approved the one with the map.

Alan Weber, Allen County Counselor, reported he has received some consultant applications. Alan will be accepting applications for hospital consultants until January 15, 2010. Alan had contacted some and also published a notice. Discussion followed.

Alan discussed the 2007 Flood buyout. There are still a couple residents Allen County needs to settle with. Alan is hoping all is settled by February so the county can start tearing down houses. Discussion followed.

Commissioners discussed the Allen County Hospital Facility Commission with Alan. Discussion followed on a time line and what would be expected of the commission.

Commissioner McIntosh moved to go into executive session for 10 minutes for attorney client discussion. Commissioner Francis seconded, motion passed 3-0-0. Those in the room will be Chairman Works, Commissioner McIntosh, Commissioner Francis, Alan Weber, Allen County Counselor and Sherrie L. Riebel, Allen County Clerk. The time is now 11:32 a.m. Commissioners reconvened at 11:42 a.m. No action was taken.

Commissioners approved the following documents:

a) Clerk’s Vouchers Totaling $241,876.71

b) Payroll Changes

c) Journal Entries # 112 for 2009

d) Journal Entries #1-2 for 2010

e) Abatements – Real Estate Tax Year 2009 - 11,619; $2096.04

Personal Property Tax Year 2009 – 213; $29.78

Trucks Tax Year 2009 – 705; $84.26

Oil Tax Year 2009 – 16,437; $2465.32

Gas Tax Year 2009 – 611,055; $88,223.64

With no further business to come before the board, the meeting was adjourned until January 12, 2010, at 8:30 a.m. in the Commission room of the courthouse.

__________________________________ ___________________________________

Dick Works, Chairperson Gary G. McIntosh, Commissioner

__________________________________ __________________________________

Sherrie L. Riebel, County Clerk Robert A. Francis, Commissioner


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