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Curriculum Map


Course Title: U.S. History Since Reconstruction

Resources: Textbook – McDougal Littell

WB – McDougal Littell In Depth Resource Workbook

|Week |

|1 |Course Introduction |US 8 |OBJ 1,4,5 |Pre-test |Textbook Ch 1-4 |

|AUG 24-28 |Pre-Test | | |Map Test |WB 9-76 |

| |8th Grade Review | | | | |

| |Colonization |

| |Revolution |

| |Constitution |

|2 |8th Grade Review |8.16 b |OBJ 1,4,5 |8th Grade Review Test |Textbook Ch 1-4 WB |

|AUG 31-SEPT 4 |Map Skills |8.16 d | | |77-131 |

| |Civil War |

| |Reconstruction |

|3 |Native Americans, |US 21 a-c |OBJ 2,3 | |Textbook Ch 5 WB 1-19 |

|SEPT 8-11 |Westward Expansion, Populist |US 12 a | | | |

| |Movement |US 4 c | | | |

| |Homestead Act Effect of barbed wire on the open range |

| |Dawes Act |

| |•Opening of the Great Plains |

| |•Transcontinental Railroad |

| | |

| |Indian policies - Worchester v Georgia, Trail of Tears, Little Big Horn, Chief Joseph, treaties, Dawes Act, Indian |

| |removal, destruction of buffalo and Plains Culture, reservation system |

| |New South |

| |Grange, Populist, William Jennings Bryant, silverites and gold bugs |

|4 |Industrial Boom, Age of |US 23 ab |OBJ 1,2,3,4, |Test Ch 5-6 |Textbook Ch 6 WB 20-38 |

|SEPT 14-18 |Railroad, Big Business and |US 25 a,b,d | | | |

| |Labor | | | | |

| |Constitution Day | | | | |

| |Observance | | | | |

| |Industrialists (Carnegie, Vanderbilt, Rockefeller), Interstate Commerce Act, Sherman Anti-trust Act, technological |

| |innovations, tariff issues, AFL – Samuel Gompers |

|5 |Ellis Island, Immigration |US 12 c |OBJ 1,2,3 | |Textbook Ch 7 WB 39-60 |

|SEPT 21-25 | |US 19 b | | | |

| |Urbanization, Patterns of settlement, Immigration, Environmental Impacts |

| |Gilded Age (Industrialization, Urbanization, Political Machines) |

| |Urbanization, westward expansion, and development of the market economy |

| |Tenements, “new” immigrants from southern and eastern Europe, |

| |Political realities – Hayes-Tilden election, solid democratic South, assassination of Garfield, political machines, Boss |

| |Tweed, Pendleton Act of 1883 and Civil Service Reform, Thomas Nast |


|6 |Urbanization, Gilded Age, |US 10 b |OBJ 1,3,5 |Test Ch 7-8 |Textbook Ch 8 WB 61-81 |

|SEPT 28-30 |Advancement in Science, |US 8 b | | | |

|OCT 1-2 |Segregation, Mass Culture | | | | |

| |Automobile industry, mass production of consumer goods, advertising, and installment plans 20th Century –George Washington|

| |Carver, W.E.B. DuBois, Marcus Garvey, NAACP, new KKK, desegregation, Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire, Robber Barons vs. |

| |Captains of Industry |

| |Gospel of Wealth, Social Darwinism |

| |treatment of minorities, child labor, growth of cities, problems of immigrants, women's rights, growing class conflict, |

| |and reform movements |

| |Plessy Vs. Ferguson, Jim Corw, lynching |

| |Nativism and anti-foreign sentiments, KKK, Chinese Exclusion Act, Immigrant quotas. |

| |Jane Adams and Hull House Urban growth, slums, tenements, unsafe living and working conditions, child labor. |

| |Immigrants' problems - isolated, scared, unable to speak language, used by politicians |

| |

|7 |Progressives |US 22 a-c |OBJ 3,4,5 | |Textbook Ch 9 WB 1-11 |

|OCT 5-9 |Roosevelt, Taft |US 23 a,b | | | |

| | |US 25 a-b,d | | | |

| |Progressive Era (16th, 17th, 18th 19th Amendment) |

| |16th –19th Amendments |

| |Impact – Third parties often focus on issues the main parties ignore; third party candidates can split the major party |

| |they are most similar to leading to the other major party's victory; |

| |election of 1912: Bull Moose Party |

| |Dixiecrats – Strom Thurmond (1948) Socialist Party, Progressive Party, and Populist Party, Ralph Nader |

|8 |Progressivism, |US 3 a |OBJ 3,4 |Test 9 |Textbook Ch 9 WB 12-23 |

|OCT 13-16 |Wilson |US 11 b | | | |

| | |US 19 a-b | | | |

| |Forest Reserve Act of 1891; |

| |Teddy Roosevelt’s Newlands Act of 1902 and conservation policies; |

| |Sierra Club – 1892 BEFORE EPA Including the establishment of the National Park System and efforts of private nonprofit |

| |organizations. |

| |John Muir, Gifford Pinchot, and Yosemite |

| |George Catlin suggested national policy to preserve lands – 1st national park, Yellowstone, came from his efforts; |

| |Desert Land Act of 1877; |

| |The establishment and protection of the National Park System and efforts of private nonprofit organizations •Conservation|

| |of lands by Roosevelt |

| |Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Booker T. Washington, Jane Adams, Teddy Roosevelt, and Muckrakers-Upton Sinclair, Ida Tarbell, Ida|

| |B. Wells, Lincoln Steffens, Jacob Riis. |

|9 |Imperialism, Spanish-American |US 24 a-c,f |OBJ 3,4 | |Textbook Ch 10 WB 24-34 |

|OCT 19-23 |War |US 18 a, c | | | |

| |The building of the Panama Canal |

| |Imperialism (Spanish American War, Panama Canal, Roosevelt Corollary) |

| |1898: Spanish-American War |

| |Underlying causes for American Imperialism and the long running effects of same. |

|10 |America builds an Empire |US 9 b |OBJ 3,4 |Test Ch. 10 |Textbook Ch 10 WB 35-46 |

|OCT 26-30 | |US 3 a | | | |

| |Including the Spanish-American War and World War I, on the United States. |

| |GI Bill, Taft-Hartley Act –weakened labor groups; Employment Act of 1946; Federal Housing Authority; NAFTA Spanish- |

| |American War and World War I, on the United States. ˜˜Wars fueled the economy, and in the case of Spanish American War, |

| |led to America becoming an imperial powerSpanish American War and the Treaty of Paris |

| |Open Door Policy – Sect'y of State John Hay's economic policy in China giving the imperial powers equal trading rights in |

| |the country 1899-1900; Boxers rebelled, U.S. forces suppressed the uprising. |

| |Dollar Diplomacy - Taft encouraged investment by U.S. banks/businesses in Latin America & Far East. He promised military |

| |protection to those who invested abroad. WWI reoriented the priorities of the emerging world power and U.S. foreign policy|

| |makers returned to a goal of isolationism. |


|11 |Panama Canal, |US 1 a-c |OBJ 1,2,3,4 | |Textbook Ch 11 WB 47-51 |

|NOV 2--6 |WW I |US 15 b | | | |

| |World War I 1914-1918 (Wilson, League of Nations); 1914-1918: World War I Underlying causes of European World War I |

| |Causes for American introduction into World War I: the Lusitania and the Zimmermann Note, British propaganda, anti-German|

| |sentiment Events-Battle of the Somme, Battle of the Marne and Argonne Forest, Russian Revolution Individuals – Sergant |

| |York, Eddie Rickenbaker, JJ Pershing, Kaiser Wilhelm, Yanks, Lenin, Woodrow WilsonIsolation v. internationalism, |

| |self-determination of all peoples, US relations to communist Russia/USSR and changes in morality |

| |Issues-Mobilization for war, Home front- volunteer, League of Nations and it’s defeat in US, fear of entangling alliances,|

| |failure of Fourteen Points, cruel treatment of Germans in Treaty of Versailles |

| |Conferences and major treaties between the wars and the role isolationism played in US positions |

|12 |WWI, 14 Points |US 3 d |OBJ 1,4 |Test Ch. 11 |Textbook Ch 11 WB 53-67 |

|NOV 9-13 |Treaty of Versailles |US 9 b | | | |

| |Celebrate Freedom Week | | | | |

| |Observance | | | | |

| |World War I 1914-1918 (Wilson, League of Nations); 1914-1918: World War I |

| |WW I led to great levels of industrialization in the US. |

| |

|13 |Stock Market Game |US 13 a-b |OBJ 1,3,5 | |Textbook Ch 12 WB 1-19 |

|NOV 16-20 |Roaring 20’s |US 26 b | | | |

| | |US 13 a | | | |

| |Twenties 1920-1929, Isolationism, immigration and Red Scare, Jazz Age, economic boom); |

| |Al Capone |

| |The 18th amendment, the Volstead Act, |

| |Red Scare – (Sacco and Vanzetti) |

| |The changing role of women (flappers) |

| |Causes/effects – Nativism |

|14 |Prohibition, Scopes Trial, |US 5 a,b |OBJ 1,3,4 |Test 12-13 |Textbook Ch 13 WB 20-40 |

|NOV 30 | |US 24 a,c,g,h | | | |

|DEC 1-4 | | | | | |

| |John Scopes, figures from popular culture such as Babe Ruth, Charlie Chapman Twenties 1920-1929, Isolationism, immigration|

| |and Red Scare, Jazz Age, economic boom); |

|15 |Flappers, Harlem Renaissance, |US 5 a |OBJ 1,3,4 | |Textbook Ch 14 |

|DEC 7-11 |Sick Economy |US 13 c | | |WB 41-59 |

| |The expanded role and power of the federal government |

| |Effects – Unemployment, hunger, business and bank failures, Republicans voted out of House and Senate, unpopularity of |

| |Hoover, shift of Black voter to Democratic PartyMargin buying, over-speculation, income gap, and the stagnation of “real” |

| |wages |

| |Including the decline in worldwide trade, the stock market crash, and bank failures; |

| |Hawley-Smoot Tariff plunging US into economic isolation, and overproduction by farms and factoriesDepression 1929-1940 |

| |(Crash of stock market, Great Depression, New Deal, FDR) ; |

| |1929: Stock Market Crash, Beginning of the Great Depression |

| |Dust Bowl |

| |Environmental issues and concerns |

|16 |Semester Exams |US 8 b |OBJ 2,3,5 | | |

|DEC 14-18 | |US 9 a | | | |

| | |US 10 a | | | |

| |AAA -Court Packing -FDIC -SEC -Social Security -Subsidies -TVA -CCC |

| |WPA ,Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the Securities and Exchange Commission, and Social Security, TVA, NLRB |

| |Expectation that government should step in during economic crises or when the people are suffering.Depression 1929-1940 |

| |(Crash of stock market, Great Depression, New Deal, FDR) ; |

| |1929: Stock Market Crash, Beginning of the Great Depression |

| |Effectiveness limited, but democracy in US was preserved when it was lost elsewhere in the world. Brought in big |

| |government era. |

| |Expanded role of the federal government - the U.S. gov’t. became the largest single employer in the country. State |

| |governments lost power |


|17 |Stock Market Crash, Great Depression |US 8 b |OBJ 2,3,5 |Test |Textbook Ch 15|

|JAN 5-8 | |US 9 a | |14-15 |WB 60-72 |

| | |US 10 a | | | |

| |AAA -Court Packing -FDIC -SEC -Social Security -Subsidies -TVA -CCC | | | | |

| |WPA ,Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the Securities and Exchange | | | | |

| |Commission, and Social Security, TVA, NLRB | | | | |

| |Expectation that government should step in during economic crises or when | | | | |

| |the people are suffering.Depression 1929-1940 (Crash of stock market, Great | | | | |

| |Depression, New Deal, FDR) ; | | | | |

| |1929: Stock Market Crash, Beginning of the Great Depression | | | | |

| |Effectiveness limited, but democracy in US was preserved when it was lost | | | | |

| |elsewhere in the world. Brought in big government era. | | | | |

| |Expanded role of the federal government - the U.S. gov’t. became the largest| | | | |

| |single employer in the country. State governments lost power | | | | |

|18 |Road to WWII |US 7 |OBJ 1,2,3,4,5| |Textbook Ch 16|

|JAN 19-22 | |a,b,d | | |WB 79-84 |

| | |US 18 b | | | |

| | |US 21 | | | |

| | |a,c,d | | | |

| |

|19 |WW II |US 6a |OBJ 1,2,4,5 | |Textbook Ch 16 WB 1-9 |

|JAN 25-29 | |US 8a | | | |

| | |US 1 a,b | | | |

| |1941-1945: World War II , Lend Lease Program |

| |World War II 1941-1945 |

|20 |Japanese Internment, D-Day |US 6 a |OBJ 3,4,5 | |Textbook Ch 16-17 |

|FEB 1-5 | |US 8a | | |WB 10-21 |

| | |US 1 a,b | | | |

| |Battle of the Bulge |

| |Rise of dictators, use of the atomic bomb, launching of Sputnik, |

| |Iwo Jima, Potsdam, Yalta, the Atlantic Charter, Kellogg-Briand Pact, Creation of the United Nations, missile treaties and |

| |their affect on foreign policy; connection to Cold War.1941-1945: World War II |

| |World War II 1941-1945 |

|21 |Holocaust, Atomic Bomb |US 6 b |OBJ 1,3,4 |Test Ch 16- 17 |Textbook Ch 17 |

|FEB 8-12 | |US 9 a | | |WB 22-44 |

| | |US 19 a | | | |

| |Increased military spending and the growth of the suburbs |

| |impact on middle class teens and suburban youth, increased spending during peacetime, more women working out of the home, |

| |increase in international trade |

| |˜Causes - WW II, Korean War, cheap energy, high productivity from workers, more educated work force, huge levels of farm |

| |production, G.I. Bill, increased capital spending, highway construction |

| |1941-1945: World War II |

| |World War II 1941-1945 Rommel Including Chester Nimitz, Bernard Montgomery, Erwin and YamamotoIncluding rationing, female |

| |employment, and the end of the Great Depression; halting production of non-essential items such as cars and shifting of |

| |Black workers to West and North. WW II brought economic prosperity and affluence to US but greatly increased the national |

| |debt. cities; Western migration; Growth of suburbs; Population movement to the Sun Belt |

|22 |Cold War, |US 6 d-h |OBJ 1,4 | |Textbook Ch 18 WB 45-65 |

|FEB 15-19 | |US 14 b,e | | | |

| | |US 22 a | | | |

| |United Nations and Douglas MacArthur, domino theory, escalation, Vietnamization, anti-war protests, Tet Offensive, Ho Chi|

| |Mihn Trail Bay of Pigs, containment, the Cuban Missile Crisis, the creation of the Joint Chiefs, NSA, Department of |

| |Defense/Sec. Of Defense |

| |Warsaw Pact, Iron Curtain, U2 incident Postwar World 1945-1960 (Cold War, UN, Korean War, economic boom of 50s); |

| |1957: Sputnik, Iron Curtain, 38th Parallel |

| |Berlin Airlift |

|5th SIX WEEKS | |

|23 |Postwar Boom |US 6 d-h |OBJ 1,4,5 |Test Ch 18-19 |Textbook Ch 19 WB 66-86 |

|FEB 22-26 |The Fifties |US 17 a | | | |

| |Postwar World 1945-1960 (Cold War, UN, Korean War, economic boom of 50s); |

| |~Effects – Population shift to Sunbelt, growth of suburbs (white flight), baby boom, Industrial complex and weapons of |

| |mass destruction |

| |Cold War fueled businesses, especially high tech industries and research and development (Rand Corp.) and steadily |

| |increased gov’t. defense spending. Cold War led to creation of a huge national security apparatus (Military Industrial |

| |Complex) NASA, Space Race, GI Bill, Taft-Hartley Act –weakened labor groups; Employment Act of 1946; Federal Housing |

| |Authority; NAFTA |

| |Head Start and Upward Bound Great Society |

|24 |Kennedy |US 1 a,b |OBJ 1,3,4, | |Textbook Ch 20 WB 1-19 |

|MAR 1-5 | |US 7 a,d | | | |

| | |US 17 b | | | |

| |

|25 |Rosa Parks, Bus Boycott, Civil|US 16 a |OBJ 1,4,5 | |Textbook Ch 21 WB 20-30 |

|MAR 8-12 |Rights Movement |US 19 a | | | |

| | | | | | |

| |Martin Luther King, Jr.; such as Thurgood Marshall, Malcolm X, Caesar Chavez, Betty Friedan and Jesse Jackson, Phillip |

| |Randolph, Stokely Carmichael Brown v. Board of Education, Jim Crow laws, Martin Luther King, Jr. and Montgomery bus |

| |boycott, Rosa Parks, SCLC, sit-ins, Civil Rights Acts of 50s and 60s, Voting Rights Act 20th Century –Civil Rights Act of |

| |1964 and Voting Rights Act of 1965 |

| |Social Reform Era 1954-1976 (Civil Rights Movement) |

|26 |Civil Rights |US 16 a |OBJ 1,4,5 |Test Ch 20-21 |Textbook Ch 21 WB 31-38 |

|MAR 22-26 | |US 19 a | | | |

| |Social Reform Era 1954-1976 (Civil Rights Movement) |

|27 |Vietnam |US 16 a |OBJ 1,2,3,4,5 | |Ch 22 |

|MAR 29-31 | | | | |WB 39-63 |

|APR 1 | | | | |Taks games |

| | | | | |Taks review |

| |17th Parallel ,Vietnam War, Protest Movements, end of economic boom |

| | | | | | |

|28 | | | | | |

|APR 5-9 |Vietnam |US 19 a |OBJ 1,2,3,4,5 |Test Ch 22 |Ch 22 |

|29 |Counterculture |US 6 h |OBJ 1,4 | |TAKS Spiral Content |

|APR 12-16 | |US 19 a | | |Review Pp. 17-46 |

|6TH SIX WEEKS | | | | | |

|30 |TAKS Review |US 6 h |OBJ ,3,4,5 | |TAKS Spiral Content |

|APR 19-23 | |US 19 a,c | | |Review Pp. 47-66 |

| |

|31 |TAKS Review |US 6 h |OBJ 1,3,4,5 | |TAKS Spiral Content |

|APR 20-24 | |US 19 a, c | | |Review Pp. 67-98 |

|32 |TAKS Test |US 6 h |OBJ 1,3,4,5 | |TAKS Spiral Content |

|APR 26-30 | |US 22 a, c | | |Review Pp. 99-122 |

|33 |Era of Social Change |US 6 H |OBJ 1,2,3,4,5 |Test 23 |Textbook Ch 23 WB 64-82 |

|MAY 3-7 | | | | | |

| |United Farm Workers |

| |American Indian Movement |

| |Feminism |

|34 |Reagan, Conservatives, End of |US 6 h |OBJ ,3,4,5 |Test Ch 24 |Textbook Ch 24 WB 1-21 |

|MAY 10-14 |Cold War |US 19 a,c | | | |

| |Conservatism 1976-1992 (collapse of communism, postindustrial economy); |

| |Soviet economic difficulties, Gorbachev’s policies of glasnost and perestroika, breakup of the Soviet Union into separate |

| |states. Fall of the Berlin Wall |

|35 |90’s, Gulf War, Clinton |US 6 h |OBJ 1,3,4,5 |Test 25-26 |Textbook Ch 25-26 |

|MAY 17-20 |Impeached, |US 19 a, c | | |WB 22-64 |

| |.com boom | | | | |

| |Changing ethnic relationships |

| |New Century 1990s- today (internationalism, terrorism) |

|36 |SEMESTER EXAM REVIEW | | |SEMESTER EXAM |Textbook Map Workbook |

|MAY 24-27 | | | | |Primary source |

|37 |Tier II | | | |Textbook Map Workbook |

|JUNE 1-4 | | | | |Primary source |

|38 |Tier II | | | |Textbook Map Workbook |

|JUNE 7-9 | | | | |Primary source |


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