Learning About Our World: Thematic Unit
Learning About Our World: Thematic Unit
First – Sixth Grades
Michelle Munoz, Debbie Martinez, Beth Lottinger, Jim Bails, and Michelle Hinkle
This unit will focus around the children's book "This is the Way We Go to School", by Edith Baer. All lessons may be modified for 1-6th grade by varying the degree of difficulty. Lessons will be structured for all levels of language learners, to include both ESL and native speakers.
Overall Objectives:
1. Students will develop Reading and Vocabulary skills.
2. Students will develop Geography skills.
3. Students will develop Math skills.
4. Students will develop Writing skills.
5. Students will develop speaking and oral presentation skills.
Specific Objectives:
Student will:
1. Accurately predict information about the story based on the title and pictures with 100% accuracy.
2. Identify 18 of 20 rhyming words.
3. Identify common and proper nouns.
4. Locate geographical locations represented in book.
5. Create Math graphs.
6. Develop an understanding of fractions.
7. Practice strategies for solving math word problems.
8. Correctly label a world map with continents and oceans.
9. Write a creative story.
10. Write a set of clues that will identify a specific type of transportation.
11. Compare/Contrast with Venn diagrams various transportation.
12. Create an alphabet book with children’s personal experiences with relation to traveling to school.
13. Participate in physical activities that incorporate thematic elements.
This is the Way We Go to School Syllabus
Day One:
Language Arts Lesson- Rhyming
Listening Center- Read along
Geography- Maps and Globes
Math- Graphing
PE- Jump rope
Day Two:
Language Arts- Writing a rhyme
Common and Proper Nouns
Alphabet book
Geography-Labeling continents and oceans
Math- Graphing using different values for pictographs
PE- Parachute activity
Day Three:
Language Arts- Write clues about transportation
Write a paragraph and apply noun lesson from yesterday
Geography – Continent Game
Introduce final project
Day One
Subject: Language Arts
Students will identify the 18 of 20 words that rhyme on each page and add more words that rhyme with them.
1. Read, This is the Way We Go To School, together, as a choral reading.
2. Go back to the beginning of the book and read page by page to locate the words that rhyme.
3. As the teacher writes the word pair on the chalkboard students should write the words in their notebook of rhyming words.
4. Encourage students to add more rhyming words to each of the word pairs.
5. Examples:
Two slow rule past
Do grow school fast
Blue so fool last
Who know tool cast
Zoo go cool mast
Pages can be evaluated for correctly selecting and matching rhyming words.
Individual storybooks
Rhyming notebooks
Subject: Social Studies/Geography
Students will identify 5 similarities and differences between maps and globes with 80% accuracy.
1. While reading This is the Way We Go to School have students guess where they think the students in the book live by paying extra attention to the pictures.
2. Teacher then rereads the book revealing where on Earth the students live, including which continent and which country. Students will be marking their world map in pairs while teacher demonstrates using the overhead.
3. Teacher introduces or reviews (depending on grade level) the seven continents and four oceans using a globe and map emphasizing their location and size.
4. Teacher leads class into class discussion explaining and showing the similarities and differences between maps and globes.
In groups students draw and complete a Venn diagram comparing and contrasting maps and globes
World Map worksheet
Overhead markers
Subject: Graphing
Students will create a pictograph, correctly representing the mode of travel used by students to arrive at school, with 80% accuracy.
1. Teacher will read the story, This is the Way We Go to School, with special attention given to the various modes of transportation.
2. Teacher and students will create a tally chart of the correct number of children for each of the following categories: Walking, Bus, Bike, Car, on the board.
3. Given a blank graph sheet, students will correctly label both the horizontal and vertical axis.
4. Students will cut and glue pictures to represent the correct number of children for each category.
Correctly labeled graph.
Correct number of pictures for each category
Intermediate Extension:
Students correctly represent the information by creating a:
• Pie Chart
• Line Graph
• Bar Graph
• Histogram
Graph worksheet
Graphing pictures
Subject: P. E.
Students will be able to participate for three minutes in a jump rope activity ("on my way to school I saw. . . ) in a regular physical education setting.
1. Using a long jump rope with two students twirling, the rest of the class will line up single file ready to jump in- Students will repeat the phrase, "On my way to school today, I saw... ". The first person to jump in will name all the things they could think of that start with the letter A. Once they cannot think of any more words beginning with the letter A, their turn is over. The next student will name as many objects that begin with the letter B.
2. An alternative procedure is to have everyone do the letter A, then B, etc.
Students will be evaluated by casual observation, by choral response to the rules of the game, and summarization at the end of the period.
Five long jump ropes
Class of students
Rules of the game
Day Two
Subject: Language Arts
Students will write their own two sentence rhyme that describes the way someone gets to school with 100% accuracy.
1. Read, This is the Way We Go to School. As an echo reading. (Explain that as we read we should pay attention to the poetry in the story.)
2. Working in cooperative groups, have students write several rhymes that describes the way someone goes to school. For example:
Kate and Michael quickly walk.
On the way, they laugh and talk.
3. Have students choose a poem each to illustrate.
4. Watercolor a picture to go with their poem.
5. Glue poems onto watercolor pictures.
6. Have volunteers recite their poems.
7. Display their work around the classroom.
Papers can be evaluated for:
• Word choice
Sentence fluency and rhyming
Individual storybooks
Construction paper
Subject: Alphabet Book
Students will complete a page from the alphabet book, by providing a sentence and illustration that correctly identifies a particular letter of the alphabet with 100% accuracy.
1. Given the alphabet, each student will identify something they saw on the way to school for each letter.
2. Share various answers for each letter.
3. Assign a letter to each student.
4. Student will write a sentence and add an illustration of what they saw on the way to school for that particular letter.
5. Combine all pages together to create a class alphabet book.
6. Read the book together aloud, or ask each student to read their page.
Pages can be evaluated for:
- Correctly selecting an item that matches the letter.
- Correct grammar and mechanics in the sentence
Construction paper
Writing paper
Alphabet letters (optional)
Subject: Social Studies/Geography
When given a world map, students will correctly label the continents with 80% accuracy.
1. Teacher uses book This Is the Way We Go To School to review continents that the students in the book were from pointing out the oceans that are between them.
2. Then teacher uses large cut out shapes of each of the continents for students to examine one at a time. Teacher will identify which continent it is and facilitate the class discussion as to the shape and the size on each continent. After each continent is presented it is labeled.
3. Then as a class will place cut outs of continents on board or wall in appropriate locations (referring to the distance from one another, etc.) Then the teacher will discuss the size and locations of the four oceans, labeling them also.
In groups students will be given a: blank map with a list of continents and oceans. Students will correctly label all continents and oceans by working together.
World Map worksheet
Large cut out shapes of continents
Labels with names on continents and oceans
Subject: Common &Proper Nouns
After identifying continents and oceans, students will identify 15 of 20 common nouns and proper nouns
Teacher will then draw a T chart on board or overhead and lead students into a discussion comparing and contrasting common and proper nouns. Using continents, oceans and nouns from the book as direct examples.
Students will complete T chart identifying common and proper nouns together as a class.
Overhead markers
Subject: Graphing Intermediate
Students will create a fractional pictograph, correctly representing the mode of travel used by students to arrive at school.
1. Teacher will read the story, This is the Way We Go to School, with special attention given to the various modes of transportation.
2. Teacher and students will create a tally chart of the correct number of children for each of the following categories: Walking, Bus, Bike, Car, on the board.
3. Given a blank graph sheet, students will correctly label both the horizontal and vertical axis.
4. Students will decide the value of each picture. le. 2, 3, 4, 5 etc.
5. Students will cut and glue pictures to represent the correct number of children for each category aware of the factional part of pictures needed to enter the correct number.
6. Remind students to cut each picture into correct fractional parts depending on its value.
Correctly labeled graph
Correct number of pictures for each category
Graph worksheet
Graphing pictures
Subject: P. E.
While playing with a parachute, students will successfully climb the parachute.
As a lead in to the game, teacher will ask students how they arrived at school that day. Teacher will announce to students that this day they will climb a mountain to get to school. Students will stand around the outside of the parachute, using the over hand grip. Students will follow the teacher's command ("one, two, three, up!'), and pull it down to the ground to keep the air inside. Teacher calls out a color, and the students holding that color get to "climb the mountain". This procedure is repeated until all students have had a turn. Game can be modified to have students who have climbed the mountain also have to call out the first or last letter of the color.
Students will be evaluated by casual observation, which will include a summarization of the colors upon which they landed, the letters the colors start or end with, as well as summarize the rules of the game.
A parachute
Class of students
Day Three
Subject: Language Arts
Students will write three clues about a type of transportation used to go to school with 100% accuracy.
1. Have students read, This is The Way We Go To School, with a partner.( They may sit anywhere in the classroom)
2. Explain that as they read the book this time they should be paying attention to the different types of transportation.
3. When students finish they should return to their desks. Each child should secretly choose a particular means of transportation from the story. Tell students to write three clues about their type of transportation. Provide the following example:
I have a motor. I don't have wheels. I help people get across the water. What am I? (A boat)
4. As students finish their work instruct them to sit in a group at the front of the room. Call on volunteers to read their clues aloud and see how many of their classmates are able to guess what the mode of transportation is.
Papers can be evaluated for:
- Sentence structure
- Word choice
Individual storybooks
Subject: Social Studies/Geography
Objective: When given a world map, students will correctly label the continents with 80% accuracy.
Teacher will lead class in an activity that requires students to-place the correct name on the correct continent or ocean using the large cut outs used in the previous lesson.
Students will be given the same blank map and will label it in pairs. When students are finished teacher will give them a correctly labeled map to check their own answers.
World Map worksheet
Large cut out shapes of continents
Labels with names on continents and oceans
Subject: Common &Proper Nouns
Identify common and proper nouns
5. Teacher will lead class discussion on what students on what students see on their way to school pointing out all the nouns.
6. Teacher will write this on the board categorizing them by common or proper nouns.
7. Teacher will demonstrate how to write a paragraph about the nouns they see on their way to school on the overhead or board.
8. Teacher will assist underlining all common and circling all proper nouns.
In pairs students will write a paragraph about how they come to school and what they see using as many common and proper nouns as they can underlining all common and circling all proper nouns.
Overhead markers
Subject: Math
When provided with a list of word problems, students will identify the proper operation needed to complete each problem to find the answer with 80% accuracy.
1. Give students a copy of the word problem page.
2. Read problems together as a class.(Choral read)-Reading
Students work in pairs to solve each problem.-Speaking
3. Correct problems together on the board.-Listening
Check students responses for understanding.
Word Problem worksheet
Intermediate Extension:
Have students create their own questions and then share them with their classmates to be solved.- Writing
Math Word Problems:
1. Which mode of travel has the most responses?
2. What is the difference between the number of students who rode bikes compared to those who rode the bus?
3. What is the total number of students who walked, and rode in a car?
4. What mode of transportation was used the least?
5. What is the difference between the highest mode of transportation and the least mode of transportation?
6. How many students used some sort of transportation instead of walking?
7. List the totals for each mode of transportation.
8. What is the difference between the students who walked and those who rode a bike?
Intermediate Enrichment:
Have students create questions that use the fractional values.
Subject: P. E.
Students will be able to verbally identify U.S. states while playing the "United States Map Game" with 80% accuracy.
While music is being played in the back round, students will run (or teacher can choose to have them hop, skip, jump, or walk) around on a large floor map of the states, until the music stops. Once the music has stopped, the students must be able to name that state or they are out. Modifications can include having students proceed to a state that begins with a certain letter, or placing the letters of the alphabet in a hat and randomly choosing a letter. Once a letter has been pulled from the hat, any number of questions can be generated pertaining to the states beginning with that letter. Students will remain in the game or be taken out depending on their answer.
Students will rename the states upon which they landed during the game, as well as a summarization of the versions of the game they played. Teacher will keep a chart of students names and what states they missed.
A room sized floor map of the United States
A boom box
A hat (or box)
A labeled map of the U. S. for the teacher to guide by
Subject: Social Studies/Geography
When given a world map, students will correctly label the continents and oceans with 90% accuracy.
1. Teacher will lead class in an activity that requires students to-place the correct name on the correct continent or ocean using the large cut outs used in the previous lesson.
2. Pairs of students will then be given one blank map and one map that is correctly labeled. Student will take turns quizzing one another.
Students will be given the same blank map and will label it individually. The teacher will use this for an assessment to see which students will require extra instruction or practice.
World Map worksheet
World Map correctly labeled
Large cut out shapes of continents
Labels with names on continents and oceans
Subject: Common &Proper Nouns
Students will orally read a prewritten paragraph using proper and common nouns with 100% accuracy.
1. Teacher will discuss and demonstrate proper methods to speak in front of a group of people.
2. Teacher will group students into pairs. The same pairs of students that wrote the paragraph together. Students will practice the reading of their paragraphs together for a reasonable amount of time.
Students will read their finished stories to the class. They will then list the common and proper nouns on the board for the whole class to see and discuss.
Subject: Language/Adjectives
When given an object, students will generate 5 adjectives that describe that object with 80% accuracy.
When asked, students will generate a list of nouns and pair the list with adjectives with 80% accuracy.
When asked, students will write three sentences using appropriate nouns and adjectives with 100% accuracy.
1. Teacher will use the Big Book to revisit the nouns the students in the book see on their way to school
2. Teacher will list several of them with students input creating a T Chart with the nouns on the right side
3. Teacher will tell students that today they will be learning about adjectives and that they make writing more interesting and help readers to create pictures in their head. Explain that adjectives describe nouns
4. On the board write the following words: color, size, number, smell, looks, feels, sounds, and taste
5. Teacher will then tell students that they are going to come up with as many adjectives as they can to describe Skittles (M&M's and many other food items would also work well)
6. Teacher will then pass out several Skittles to each student telling them not to eat them yet
7. Teacher will then facilitate a discussion so students are able to come up with several adjectives filling them in next to the word on the board leaving how they sound and taste for last
8. When finished teacher will demonstrate. why adjectives are important to good writing by writing a sentence using Skittles without adjectives and then with the students' input to create sentences using adjectives
9. Teacher will then direct students to the T Chart they started before the activity completing it by filling in adjectives to go with the nouns in the book
Individually or in pairs have students create their own 'F Chart with nouns and adjectives using nouns they see on their way to school. When finished have them write 3 sentences using the words on their chart
PEP/LD Accommodations:
1. Use of graph organizers
2. Use of different learning styles-visual, auditory, tactile
3. Use of content students can easily relate to in their own life
This Is the Way We Go To School Big Book
Subject: Language/Adjectives-Poems
When presented with a noun, students will identify adjectives that start with the first letter of the nouns with 80% accuracy..
Teacher will explain to the students that adjectives are an important part of writing poetry
Teacher will read a poem -- one that has a lot of adjectives -leaving out all the adjectives
Teacher will then read the same poem again reading the entire poem
Lead a discussion about the importance of using adjectives to make reading more interesting and to help us to create pictures in our head when we read
Teacher will then explain what an acronym poem is and will model how to write one using a noun from the book or a noun the students are familiar with form their community -demonstrating how to use a dictionary to find adjectives that start with a particular letter
Teacher and students will create 2 or 3 poems together using nouns from the book or ones they are all familiar with.
Individually or in pairs have students write 2 acronym poems, using two nouns they see on their way to school or are familiar with and present them to the class.
This is the Way We Go to School
Subject: Final Project
1. Students will complete a comprehensive project, with length and difficulty depending on the grade level.
2. Students will select their favorite country, state, or city mentioned in the book and complete an appropriate written project.
3. Students will use reading skills to re-read the book, or research information.
4. Students will use their writing skills to write sentences, paragraphs, or their research paper.
5. Students will present their paper to the class. (Oral speaking skills.)
Subject: Children's Book List
1. City Mouse Country Mouse Aesop
There's No Place Like Home Marc Brown
A Picture Book of the USA Beth Goodman
Toot and Puddle Holly Hobbie
Scrambled States of America Laurie Keller
Maps and Globes Jack Knowlton
Amelia Hits the Road Marissa Moss
How Apple Pie is Made Margorie Price
My World Ira Wolfman
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