Captions for Pictures - New York State Department of ...

Captions for Pictures

Page 3-Artist sketch showing future transportation including high speed rail, improved Intelligent transportation information systems etc.

Page 4- Picture of New York’ Travel Information Gateway web page

Page 6- Picture of several transportation modes.

Page 8- Quality Communities Logo.

Page 11- Picture of various modes of transportation.

Page 14 -(upper) Map of New York State showing the areas served by New York States 13 Metropolitan Planning Organizations.

Page 14-(lower) Photo of Advisory Panel Hearing showing a speaker and panel members.

Page 15- Directory listing of New York States MPOs

Page 15- Cover of Advisory Panel report.

Page 19- Chart showing both total and age 65+ Population Growth in New York State for the years 1990-2030. Total population is shown to be increasing at a slower rate than the 65+ population.

Page 20 - Image showing the value of 2002 commodity flows into ($248 billion), from ($195 billion), and within ($124 billion) New York State.

Page 21(upper) - Bar chart showing Employment in N.Y.S by sector over time 1970-2000. Trends for the sectors shown include: manufacturing sector - decreased employment; service sector – increased employment; wholesale/retail sector– growth with a slight decrease in 1995; and all employment – growth with a slight dip in 1995.

Page 21(lower) – Chart showing actual and projected growth in vehicle miles of travel (VMT) in New York State 1975-2030. Chart also shows 1975 to 1990 growth rate of 2.5% per year, 1990 to 2005 growth rate of 1.7 % per year and 2005 – 2030 projected growth rate of 1.1 % per year.

Page 23- Chart of Public Transit Ridership1974-2004. In 1974 there were just over 1.5 billion riders. In 2005 there were just over 2.5 billion riders.

Page 24- A photo of a bike and walking trail.

Page 26 – These are two maps. One presents the pattern of truck traffic for the year 1998, the other, the year 2020, showing a significant increase in the estimated Average Annual Daily Truck Traffic in New York. The maps were produced by the Federal Highway Administration.

Page 27- Picture showing the difference in approach between “push”(store in advance) and “pull”(respond to demand) logistics.

Page 29- Photo of a cargo plane.

Page 32- New York State map showing preliminary trade corridors and their extensions beyond the state borders.

Page 36- Photo of two workers inspecting a bridge.

Page 37- Photo of congestion and signs indicating congestion ahead (for the next 20 years)

Page -38(upper left) Photos showing Passengers boarding LIRR train and showing a Metropolitan Transportation Authority bus.

Page 40 - A photo of pedestrians within a crosswalk crossing a roadway.

Page 42- Photo of snow plows and other vehicles in operation.

Page 43 – (left) A photo of the interior of a Transportation Management Center.

Page 43-(right) A photograph of a NYSDOT HELP truck and a disabled vehicle. The NYSDOT HELP truck operator is rendering assistance.

Page 45 - A photograph showing the Statue of Liberty and a number of vessels including a large cargo ship.

Page 46 – A photograph of a plane being loaded with cargo.

Page 48- A photograph showing the Statue of Liberty and a New York Waterways ferry.


Page 50-(top) A photo collage of the Peace Bridge and trucks crossing the border.

Page 50-(bottom)- A photograph of the Lacolle-Champlain border crossing.

Page 53 - A graph depicting the decreasing driver fatality rate for New York State and the nation from 1999-2004. During the period shown, the rate for New York State dropped from 1.22 to 1.08 deaths per 100 million miles traveled and the. The nation’s rate dropped from 1.55 to 1.44.

Page 55- Photograph of a truck inspection being conducted.

Page 56- Photograph of a school bus inspection.

Page 57- A photograph of vehicles on the highway and a variable message sign indicating the need to merge left

Page 58- A photograph of a person with a walker using a ramp to exit a public bus.

Page 61 – The New York State Office of Homeland Security logo.

Page 63 – A photograph of an x-ray machine used to x-ray truck cargo in operation at a border crossing.

Page 64 – (upper left) A photograph of an airfield showing security fencing.

Page 64- (lower right.) A close up of an airfield fence and a warning sign.

Page 67- An Ozone emissions violation chart showing the monitored exceedances of the maximum levels of pollutants in the New York portion of the New York Non-Attainment Area for the years 1980-2004.

Page 68(top)- A breakdown by sector of greenhouse gas emissions from fuel combustion. Of the sectors listed Transportation produces the greatest share of emissions.

Page 68(bottom)- A breakdown of US petroleum consumption by sector for the year 2002. Transportation consumes the highest percentage of the listed sectors.

Page 69- A photograph of a NYSDOT clean fuel vehicle being filled with compressed natural gas.

Page 70-) A photograph of an Metropolitan Transportation Authority(MTA)- New York City Clean Air Hybrid Electric bus.

Page 71- A photograph of a water management system.

Page 73- The New York State Environmental Protection logo.

Page 76 Sign on I86/Route 17 highway indicating both routes.

Page 79- Photograph of scenic outlook on Whiteface Mountain Parkway.

Page 81- Pie chart of transportation funding in New York State 2004- budget by source. Sources include; Federal, State, Local, User/Other and Bond.

Page 83- A Photograph showing a Transportation Development Partnerships Conference Panel including Commissioner Madison, Assemblyman Brodsky, Senator Libous and Thruway Authority Executive Director Michael Fleischer.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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