(ed. Richard Overy, Hammond Atlas of the Twentieth Century. London: Times Books, 1999)

1. TRUE OR FALSE. The Allied nations agreed in 1943 to divide Germany into different zones of occupation. (p. 98)

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2. Where was the November 1945 post-war trial of German political and military leaders held? (p. 98)

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3. In a famous March 5, 1946 speech in Fulton, Missouri, Winston Churchill announced that this had descended across Europe. (p. 98)

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6. What was the name given to the general American strategy of restricting the expansion of communism abroad? (p. 98)

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What was the name of the Presidential doctrine that offered financial and military support to those nations resisting communism? (p. 98)

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What nation was the first beneficiary of this military support? (p. 98)

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7. True or False: The frontiers of Poland were moved substantially westward at WW II's end, incorporating what had been East Prussia into Poland but surrendering to the Soviets areas in the east that had part of Poland after Versailles. (p. 99)

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8. When did the USSR explode its first atomic bomb? (p. 100)

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15. Name the six states of Eastern Europe that became communist in 1947-48. (p. 100)

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16. What city did the Soviets blockade between June 1948 and May 1949 in an effort to force the Allies to leave it? (p. 100)

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17. How did the Western powers break the blockade? (p. 110)

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17-18. By October 1949, Germany had been divided into two separate states, the western ___________________________________ and the eastern ______________________ ______________________. (p. 100)

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21. What Western Cold War military alliance was established in April 1949? (p. 1010)

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In what year was the West German state admitted into this organization? (p. 100)

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After the successful launch of the Sputnik satellite by the Russian in 1957, some Americans began to talk of a _______________gap in regard to the arms race. (p. 101)

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22. Confrontation between the Soviets and Americans involving this Caribbean island almost led to a nuclear showdown in 1962. (p. 100)

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23-31. Look at the map on page 101. Who were the 9 founding members of NATO?

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What was the name given to the post 1960 rift between the communist countries of the USSR and China? (p.102)

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What Caribbean nation did the United States invade in 1983? (p. 102)

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34. Cuban troops participated in the bloody civil war in which sub-Saharan former Portuguese colony? (p. 102)

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35. Which Eastern European nation did the Soviets invade in 1968? (p. 102)

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36. This early arms limitation agreement emerged from Soviet-American negotiations initiated in 1969. (p. 103)

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37. What West German chancellor sought to ease Cold War tensions by forging closer links with the East? (p. 103)

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38. American President Richard Nixon’s historic 1972 visit to which Asian nation opened up restored political and trade relations. (p. 103)

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39. 39-40. Look at the map on p. 103. What two Asian nations have nuclear power reactors and have not ratified the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty?

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48. 41. What 1975 agreement recognized not only Europe's existing borders but also basic human rights and thus served as an organizing focus for dissidents within the Soviet bloc? (p. 113)

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42. What term did President Reagan famously use in the 1980s to refer to the Soviet Union? (p. 103)

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43. What was the formal name given to the proposed American space-based nuclear defense shield in the 1980s? (p. 103)

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44-45. Look at the map on page 102. In which two European nations were intermediate-range Cruise or Pershing II nuclear missiles based after 1973?

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46. True or False: - One year after the end of WW II industrial production in Europe was still only at approximately one-third of the pre-war level. (p. 104)

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47. Named after the American secretary of state, it was the popular name for the European Recovery Program that provided more than $10 billion in relief for Western Europe between 1948 and 1951. (p. 104)

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48. What British economist advocated state spending to stimulate the economy and to provide for the basic welfare needs of citizens? (p. 105)

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49. What 1952 economic agreement between France, Germany, Italy, Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg laid the groundwork for the later, more substantial European economic integration? (p. 105)

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50. This 1957 treaty established the European Economic Community (the Common Market). (p. 105)

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51. Look at the map on page 104. In what year did Britain and Ireland join the European Common Market?

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52. Who vetoed British entry into the European common Market in 1962? (p. 107)

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53. True or False: - France withdrew its military forces from NATO in 1966. (p. 107)

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54. What terrorist organization pushed for the union of Northern Ireland with the Irish Republic? (p. 107)

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55. The terrorist organization ETA pushed for the independence of which Spanish region? (p. 107)

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56-57. In 1974, civil war on the Mediterranean island of Cyprus led to its partition between these two nationalities. (p. 107)

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58-59. What were the names of most important Italian and West German terrorist organizations of the 1970s? (p.107)

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60. What Wisconsin senator orchestrated an early 1950s effort to expose Communists in American public life? (p. 108)

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61. In what year was the US military finally fully integrated? (p. 108)

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62. In what year did the US Supreme Court rule in Brown v. Board of Education that segregated schooling was "inherently unequal" and thus unconstitutional? (p. 108)

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63. The 1957 attempt of African-Americans to enroll in a previously all-white public high school in which Southern city led to a showdown between state and federal officials? (p. 108)

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64-65. Who was elected US President in 1960 promising a "New Frontier" in American politics? (p. 108)

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In what year was he assassinated? (118)

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66. A 1963 demonstration in this American city that drew some 200,000 participants is typically highlighted as one of the apogees of the US Civil Rights Movement. (p. 108)

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67. The economic crisis of the early 1970s was dramatically influence by the rising price of which basic commodity? (p. 118)

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68. Which American President resigned amidst corruption charges in 1974? (p. 108)

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69. What former Hollywood actor was elected US President in 1980 on a platform stressing tax reform and anti-communism? (p. 108)

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70. What American-sponsored 1947 international trade agreement promoted trade liberalization in the non-communist world? (p. 110)

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71-86. Look at the map on the bottom of page 111. Name the six members of the American-initiated alliance, the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization.

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Name the two American Allies in the Middle East circa 1985.

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What prominent Middle Eastern nation broke with the United States in 1979?

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In which Middle Eastern nation did the US intervene militarily in both 1958 and 1982?

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Name two African nations that rejected an earlier alliance with the United States by 1985.

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What Central American nation broke with the United States in 1979?

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Name three Caribbean nations in which American military forces have seen action since WW II and provide the date for those invasions.

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87-88. In which two Latin American nations did the United States successfully back right-wing government coups? (p. 111)

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89-92. Name four places in which the US intervened militarily in the 1990s. (p. 111)

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93. What 1823 Presidential statement declared that Latin America was and should remain within the US sphere of influence? (p. 110)

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94. Founded in 1948 as an intergovernmental organization, its critics have often described it as too beholden to American foreign policy interests. (p. 110)

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95. Who was the head of Stalin's secret police? (p. 112)

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96. On what date did Stalin die? (p. 113)

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97. At this 1956 Soviet political gathering, the new Premier Nikita Khrushchev denounced the "excesses" of Stalinism. (p. 113)

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98. True or False: - By 1980, the Soviet Union had close to 10,000 nuclear warheads. (p. 113)

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99. Look at the map on page 113. What was the approximate range of a Soviet ICBM missile?

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100-103. What were the three major Slavic nationalities of the Soviet Union? (p. 112)

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104. True or False: - The Soviet Union underwent a dynamic period of liberalization in the two decades following Khrushchev's ouster. (p. 113)

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105-106. What Moscow-dominated international communist organization was established in 1947? (p. 114)

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What nation was expelled from that organization in 1948 for excessive independence from the USSR? (p. 114)

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107. North African nation (headed by Gamel Abdul Nasser) began to receive Soviet and in 1955? (p. 115)

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108. In 1956, into what Central European nation did the USSR send 5,000 tanks and 250,000 troops? (p. 115)

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109. In 1960, the Chinese leader accused which nation of "bourgeois deviation"? (p. 115)

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110. The Nationalist Chinese leader Chiang Kai-Shek fled to which island in 1949 when defeated by the communist forces? (p. 118)

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111-112. What was the name given to the disastrous 1958 Chinese attempt to collectivize agriculture and forcibly industrialize? (p. 118-19)

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How many people died in the resultant famine? (p. 119)

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113. Mao's revolutionary beliefs were printed in which mass-produced book? (p. 119)

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114. What was the nickname given to the small circle of radical Chinese leaders, headed by Mao's wife Chiang Ch'ing, who jockeyed for control of the state in the early 1970s? (p.119)

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115. What is the name given to radical reform movement launched by Mao and designed to purge the party of capitalists and conservatives that would create so much chaos in China between 1966 and 1978? (p. 119)

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116. In what year was Korea "temporarily" divided between a Soviet-occupied north and a US controlled south? (p. 120)

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117. Who invaded South Korea in June 1950? (p. 120)

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118. True or False: The Korean War officially was not an American war but instead a United Nations-backed "police action". (p. 120)

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119. What nation entered the Korean War in October 1950? (p. 120)

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120. The French war in Vietnam ended in 1954 with the decisive defeat at which battle? (p. 120)

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121. Under the terms of the Geneva Accords of 1954, Vietnam was temporarily divided along which parallel? (p. 120)

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122. Who was the American-backed leader of South Vietnam during the 1950s? (p. 120)

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123. True or False: Fearing a defeat, the Communist Ho Chi Minh cancelled the 1956 elections despite the fact that these had been specified by the Geneva agreements. (p. 120)

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124. What was the official name for the South Vietnamese guerrilla organization established in 1960? (p. 120)

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125. The US dramatically escalated its military involvement in Vietnam after North Vietnamese pt-boats (patrol and torpedo boats) fired on an American destroyer in which gulf in 1964? (p. 120)

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126. In which year did the city of Saigon fall to the Communist forces? (p. 120)

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127-28. What Communist party came to control the Southeast Asian nation of Cambodia in the mid-1970s? (p. 120)

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Who was the leader of this group? (p. 130)

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129. Why did Communist Vietnam invade Communist Cambodia in 1978? (p. 120)

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130. Who invaded Vietnam in 1979? (p. 120)

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131. What 1968 Communist offensive in Vietnam increased American doubts about the war and helped lead to a gradual de-escalation of US troop levels? (p. 120)

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132-33. Who was the communist dictator of North Korea at the start of the Korea War? (p. 120)

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Who was the American-backed authoritarian ruler in the South? (p. 120)

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134. Who was the first commander of the UN troops in the Korean War? (p. 120)

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135. Look at the map on page 120. Where did the UN forces make a surprise amphibious landing behind enemy lines on September 15, 1950 during the Korean War? (p. 121)

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136-42. Look at the large map on page 121. Then answer the following. What two islands are contested between Taiwan and China?

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True or False: Thailand has experienced no significant guerrilla insurgency in the post WW II era.

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When did Singapore gain its independence from Malaysia?

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True or False: The Netherlands willingly and peacefully acceded to Indonesian demands for independence at the end of WW II.

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What former Portuguese colony was forcibly occupied by Indonesia in 1976?

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What major Philippines island has witnessed the most intense civil strife in the post-WW II era?

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143. True or False: The 1947 partition of India was largely based upon religious lines. (p. 122)

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144-46. A bloody independence struggle was waged in this North African colony for eight years before it gained its independence from France in 1962. (p. 123)

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What was the main Algerian nationalist force?

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What prominent French politician was restored to the Presidency in 1958 largely in response to domestic unrest incited by the war?

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147. What was the name given the colonialists' uprising in Kenya that preceded that nation's gaining of independence in 1964? (p. 123)

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148-50. Look at the maps on page 122-23. Then answer the following questions. If the majority of colonies in northwest Africa was controlled by ______________, the majority of those in eastern Africa was controlled by __________________.

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What was Ceylon renamed in 1972?

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151. True or False: Middle Eastern nations tended to gain their independence sooner in the post-WW II era than was the case for Africa. (p. 124)

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152. What British politician had committed the United Kingdom to support for a Jewish homeland in Palestine through a WW I era declaration? (p. 124)

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153-54. Who founded the terrorist organization the Fighters for the Freedom of Israel in 1940? (p. 124)

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This Jerusalem hotel was blown up in 1946 with the loss of some 100 lives. (p. 134)

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155. True or False: A November 29, 1947 United Nations resolution divided Palestine into separate Jewish and Arab states. (p. 124)

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156-57. Who was the first Prime Minister of an independent Israel? (p. 124)

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Who was Israel’s first President? (p. 134)

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158. How many days of independence did the new nation of Israel enjoy before it was plunged into war with Syria, Transjordan and Egypt? (p. 124)

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159. Approximately how many Palestinian refugees were created by the 1948 Arab-Israeli War? (p. 124)

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160-62. What three nations combined to invade the Sinai Peninsula and Egypt in 1956? (p. 124)

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163. The Egyptians’ decision to nationalize this waterway was one catalyst for the invasion. (p. 125)

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164-65. What two nations temporarily joined to form the United Arab Republic in 1958 in an effort to promote pan-Arabism? (p. 124)

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166. Who came to power in Egypt in 1954 after a coup which overthrew King Farouk? (p. 124)

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167-73. Look at the map on p. 125. Then answer the following questions. What Mediterranean island did Turkey invade in 1974?

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What was the nickname given to the 1970 attempt by the Jordanian army to destroy the Palestinian Liberation Organization?

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In what year did Saudi Arabia help to found the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)?

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What party seized power in Syria in 1963?

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In 1991, in the immediate aftermath of the First Gulf War, which two Iraqi groups unsuccessfully attempted to overthrow Saddam Hussein’s regime?

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What left-leaning Iranian Prime Minister was overthrown with covert American support in 1954?

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174-77. Besides East Jerusalem, what four areas were seized by the Israelis in the 1967 War? (p. 126)

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178. Founded in 1964, it engaged in both political organizing and terrorist activity in an effort to promote the Palestinian cause. (p. 126)

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207. On what Jewish holiday did Egypt and Syria launch a 1973 attack upon Israel? (p. 126)

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180-82. Who were the Egyptian President and Israeli Prime Minister who signed a peace treaty at Camp David in Maryland in 1978? (p. 127)

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Who was the American President who helped to negotiate the deal?

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183. What was the name for the state-sponsored policy of segregation in South Africa? (p. 128)

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184-86. What two independent nations were created from a former British colony in August 1947? (p. 130)

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In this region, a war was fought between October 1947 and December 1948 before the United Nations imposed a ceasefire and divided the area between the new countries. (p. 140)

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187. What Asian nation was occupied by the Soviet Union from 1979 to 1989? (p. 131)

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188-89. What two Asian nations detonated atomic bombs in 1998? (p. 131)

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190. What religious minority pushed in the 1980s for independence in the Punjab region of India? (p. 131)

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191. What nation was created in 1972 when East Pakistan broke away from West Pakistan? (p. 130)

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Sri Lanka’s national history has been marked by religious and ethnic tensions between the _________________________ Tamils and the ___________________ Sinhalese. (p. 131)

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What is the name of the Tamil separatists who have fought the government for the independence of the northern half of the island since 1983? (p. 131)

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What nation intervened militarily in the dispute in 1987? (p. 131)

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196-98. Look at the map on p. 131. Then answer the following. What is the name of the Burmese leader arrested in 1989 after pro-democracy demonstrations?

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The destruction of a mosque in which western Indian city in 1992 led to inter-religious violence between Hindus and Muslims?

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In which Indian city did a 1984 gas leak from a Union Carbide factory kill approximately 2,500 people and severely injure many more?

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199. What was the name of the civil war fought between industrialists and agriculturalists in Columbia that left more than 200,000 people dead? (p. 132)

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200. What was the name of the Argentine revolutionary who promoted leftist change in many Latin American nations, including Cuba, before being killed in Bolivia in 1967? (p. 132)

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201. How many Latin American nations had democratically-elected governments in 1975? (p. 132)

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202. What islands did the Argentinian military leader General Galtieri seize in 1982, thus provoking an unsuccessful war with Britain? (p. 133)

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203. What European nation was associated with the post-World War II “Economic Miracle?” (p. 134)

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204. With what nation did the United States sign a peace treaty with in 1951? (p. 137)

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205. What was the Japanese ministry that coordinated its post-1950 industrial expansion? (p. 137)

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