Name________________________________________________________ Class Period________Midterm Study GuideMODERN GEOGRAPHYWhat is the silly sentence for Mainland Western Europe?Label those countries numbers 1-10 in order on the map on the back of this pageWhat is the silly sentence for Scandinavia and the Islands?Label those countries numbers 11-16 in order on the map on the back of this pageWhat is the silly sentence for Eastern Europe?Label those countries numbers 17-26 in order on the map on the back of this pageLabel Greece as number 27. Now write the name of the country for each number that you labeled on the map.Mainland Western EuropeScandinavia and the IslandsEastern EuropeLone Country______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________LATER MIDDLE AGESDescribe the state of Europe in the High Middle Ages (the early 13th century, before the Black Death of the 14th Century) Describe the late 13th century in Europe before the Black Death Where did the Black Death originate?The percentage of the European population who died between 1347 and 1351 by the Black Death? How was the Black Death spread? Describe the social and economic reactions to the Black Death. Who fought in the Hundred Years War and what caused the war? Which side was the most successful during the majority of the war (before Joan of Arc)? Describe Joan of Arc and why she is remembered in European History Describe the issue between Pope Boniface VIII and Philip the Fair of France.What was the Unam Sanctam about and what was Philip’s reaction to it?Describe the papacy at Avignon and how people felt about its residence there. What caused the Western Schism? Describe the overall results of the Western Schism with regard to reactions to the Church and development of other popular religious trends. During this period literature began to be produced in the vernacular. Why is this cultural achievement significant? Describe the Chaucer’s purpose behind writing “The Pardoner’s Tale.” How did art change during the fourteenth century? What two major inventions of the Later Middle Ages did we discuss in class? What was their significance. ? RENAISSANCEWhat does Renaissance mean? What did Jacob Burckhardt believe the Renaissance marked? How did the Medici family come to power? Describe the extent of their power What was Castiglione's The Courtier about? What class of society (elite, mass, etc) was responsible for the majority changes in the Renaissance? Describe marriages in during the Renaissance.Why did slavery occur in the Renaissance and where were the slaves from?Who invented the printing press? What was the impact of the invention of the printing press What were the five major regional powers that dominated Italy in the 15th century? Describe Machiavelli’s ideas in The Prince Describe Erasmus’s ideas in Education of a Christian Prince Which countries fought for control of Italy in the Italian Wars?How do Neoplatonism and Hermeticism exemplify the Renaissance feature of idealizing humanity?Describe Spain under Ferdinand and IsabellaWho was the War or Roses between? What was the result of the War of Roses? What was the major success of the Habsburg dynasty? What was a result of the Byzantine Empire falling to the Turks in 1453 Describe the Renaissance papacy REFORMATIONAttach you recently completed study guide here. You must have this attached to be able to get credit.FREE RESPONSEOutline your plan to discuss: How has the Catholic Church’s power changed in Europe since the Middle Ages?Describe the church’s extend of power in the High Middle AgesHow did the Black Death cause a loss of faith?How did the Western Schism cause of a loss of faith?How did new Renaissance ideals cause a loss of faith?How did Renaissance popes cause a loss of faith?How did Martin Luther contribute to a loss of faith in the Catholic Church?How did the Henry VIII contribute to a loss of faith in the Catholic Church?How did Elizabeth I contribute to a loss of faith in the Catholic Church? ................

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