Borrowdale Parish Council Minutes

Borrowdale Parish Council MinutesMinutes of the meeting of Borrowdale Parish Council held in a virtual meeting room on Wednesday 18th November 2020 at 19:00Present: Pete Barron, Andrew Roberts, Andrew Webb, Freda ChapmanIn Attendance: Becx Carter (Clerk), A/BC Cllr M Campbell-Savours, Emma Moody (LDNPA), 1 member of the public, Rebecca Powell (Nat Trust), Thomas Burditt (National Trust)Absent: Trevor Dowson & David HindmarchApologies: A/BC Sally LansburyWith 4 councillors present the meeting was quorate. It was noted that due to Cllr D Hindmarch’s absence, Cllr F Chapman would take the role of Chair of the meeting, all present agreed with this. 62/2020 Apologies for absenceResolved that apologies were received from the above-mentioned persons63/2020 Request for Dispensations & Declarations of InterestNone64/2020 Approval of Minutes of the meeting held on the 23rd September 2020All members had received a copy of the minutes to read. Resolved that the minutes of the meeting held on the 23 September 2020 were confirmed as a true & accurate record, the Chair was authorised to sign the minutes.Action: Clerk to upload the minutes to the website.65/2020 Applications for Co-Option (2 Vacancies)None66/2020 Seathwaite Plans (Rebecca Powell National Trust & Emma Moody LDNPA)Back in 2019 plans for Seathwaite and parking for Armistice Sunday were discussed with Borrowdale Parish Council. Obviously Covid 19 has impacted on activities, but the National Trust & the LDNPA have continued working to gather information and data on what is already in the valley, in terms of infrastructure, tourist activities, heritage etc. This will then be mapped to look at options available for works in the valley.Parking has obviously been identified as a significant issue within the valley, and trying to address this will form part of the consultation, the river will also be included in this, and also reasons why people visit the valley, at the moment it is very focused on three peaks events. The focus of the multiagency project is to make the valley sustainable from Seathwaite to Seatoller and to see what appetite there is for change. The maps that are being prepared currently show the current heritage, environment, infrastructure & amenities, and issues/problems and then there is a map that highlights opportunities. These maps will be shared with the Parish Council and the public in early 2021. In 2019 an initial design had been done of the river and discussions had started with the tenants in the area. This was paused in March due to Covid 19 and has only just restarted. 2021 will be used for designing, planning and consulting with the outcomes being delivered in 2022 if an extension is granted for funding. It is a holistic project looking at the whole valley, and all parties are keen to have the input of the Parish Council into this process. For the project to proceed approval/buy in needs to be in place from a number of bodies, not just the Parish Council, but LDNPA, National Trust, Cumbria County Council (in terms of road/parking alterations) and others. The LDNPA are looking to include the Seathwaite Valley as a case study in the LDNP Partnership Plan. Some of the works around the river routes, and parking/road alterations will require planning and approval, so the preparation of supplementary planning document is being undertaken. It is hoped that this will go to the LDNPA Strategy and Vision committee in early February 2021 ‘a Valley for people, not just for parked cars’ e.g Grizedale in Patterdale. Regardless of what happens, residents’ access will be preserved and maintained. The LDNPA have asked the National Trust to anchor the plans into the framework of the World Heritage Site Status e.g. preserving the natural amenity and looking at how to protect the area from increased tourist pressures. Prior to Thomas Burditt leaving the National Trust he is keen to capture in map form the special significance of Seathwaite and the Seathwaite Valley e.g. Ancient Wood Pastures, Industrial remains (wad mines), the Temperate Rainforest, Field Patterns, Herdwick Farming, and the archaeological sites and the listed buildings. It is important that all of these are protected and preserved.The general consensus is that the River and the Road form part of making the landscape resilient, but they are not the only thing that needs to be altered, there are other issues that need addressed to give the landscape the protection and the sustainability that it needs. It was noted by the Parish Council the importance of keeping a very open and free dialogue with the residents and farmers of Borrowdale, there have been four generations of the farming family at Seathwaite with significant experience of extreme flood events, and farming in the area. The National Trust confirmed that they have been spending time with the Edmondson family and have been observing the behavior of the water in times of high water. Resolved by all present that thanks be noted to Emma, Rebecca & Thomas for attending, and Thomas was wished well in his future career. 67/2020 Public Participation The owners of Number 2 Peat Howe in Longthwaite had submitted a letter to the Parish Council regarding the public right of way that passes through their garden at Peat Howe. This footpath is heavily used by locals and tourists. The garden of Number 2 Peat Howe starts off the highway through the 6-bar gate where you leave the road to cross the fields towards Rosthwaite. The owners are concerned about dogs being off lead and possible dog fouling on private land where their young child might play.At cost to themselves the land owners have installed signs stating ‘Public Footpath over Private Land. Please No Parking, Access Required at All times, Keep dogs on a Lead’. These signs have been repeatedly damaged, tampered with or removed. This has been reported to the Police. Following a phone call with the Clerk advice has been sought from the LDNPA who confirm that the land owners are within their rights to install such signs as the footpath crosses the private garden. The Land Owners have confirmed they will be developing the area including a physical boundary/hedge to demarcate the garden area.It was noted by Parish Councillors that there have been issues with signage damage elsewhere within the valley.It was noted that you can’t insist legally that dogs are kept on leads, but you can legally ask for them to be kept under close control.Resolved by all present that if the matter is with the Police the Parish Council have no further advice or guidance. 68/2020 Update from visiting councillors/other bodies (if present)PoliceNo report was received, however the Clerk noted that feedback had been received from a local parishioner confirming that the Police are focusing on Wildlife Crime as a priority action area at the moment, and that they have been more proactive in responding to issues in the past few months relating to hunting and wildlife crime. This news was positively received. ABCHeating Grants- Cllr F Chapman raised a query with Markus regarding the buy in from ABC to a new grant scheme for upgrades to heating and insulation.Resolved by all present that A/BC Cllr M Campbell-Savours be asked to look into this, as it may be of benefit to many Borrowdale Residents.Keswick Leisure Centre- This remains closed, however the ABC Councillors for the Keswick area are working on getting further updates on this site.Local Government Reform- There are many different visions from the different local authorities and there is no clarity on a consensus way forward. Markus confirmed that as an opposition councillor the opposition are pushing for a smaller unitary authority because of the geographic layout and size of Cumbria. The Labour Party are also raising concerns regarding the timing of this discussion about Unitary Authority during a Pandemic. Local Occupancy Clauses- A/BC Cllr M Campbell Savours confirmed that as part of his ABC role if a list of these clauses was produced, he would be pushing ABC to review this list when people are registering for Business Rates etc. Action: All to provide information to Markus on if there are any concerns about properties within the Parish that may not be appropriately registered on the ABC business rates system. Thanks were noted to ABC that following the initial challenges that the refuse collection is now very good, and passed thanks on to ABC. Though issues were noted with the quality of the Paper Bins.Action: Clerk to let Markus know of any damaged paper bins and he will organize replacement. National Trust-Thomas Burditt confirmed that wider visitor management has been challenging this year in between the Covid 19 lockdowns, and a partnership or collaborative approach has been formed to deal with the issues. The group (National Trust, LDNPA, UU, Police, Cumbria County Council, ABC) are also looking at more long term solutions. Thomas asked for feedback from the Parish Council on areas that have proved problematic this summer (Seathwaite, Grange, Hollows Farm, Stonethwaite/Langstrath have already been identified as areas of concern). Parish Councillors raised concerns about the Lake shore opposite Great Wood & also the layby and parking at Falcon Crag. Thomas noted that the various parties are aware of the issues at Great Wood & Falcon Cragg and some consideration has been given to these areas as part of the Multi-User trail project. Parish Councillors noted concerns previously about the need to guide/and steer walkers off the road at the Kettlewell/Mary Mount area which has only increased this summer. Some quick fixes around signage would encourage people off the road and were agreed with the National Trust & LDNPA in 2019 but this seems to have gone quiet, more longer-term solutions would be required particularly with the permissive path around the rear of the Lodore Hotel now being unavailable.Thomas noted that the firefighting related to the volume of visitors following the first Covid lockdown has put some things on the back burner, but it is hoped that these will be restarting in due course. Thomas confirmed that Roy has been out in the past few days looking at solutions for footpaths across National Trust land in the valley.It was noted that the owners of Mary Mount are very supportive of taking part in the round the lake multi-user trail project. Action: Emma Moody to take on board the feedback regarding the need for safe footpaths in the valley, and safe access to Lodore Falls etc. The National Trust have been asked to identify areas as part of the visitor management plan which areas might benefit from single or double yellow lines based on the parking issues witnessed during the Summer of 2020. These would then be enforceable by the Cumbria County Council Highways Enforcement Officers. Cllr F Chapman asked if Stagecoach have been included in this project & consultation as during the worst of the summer there were no bus stops within the valley that weren’t parked on. Thomas confirmed that initial contact has been made with Stagecoach, and that the overall aim is to get enough vehicles off the road so that the bus becomes a viable and efficient way of transport. Parish Councillors noted that the cost of the bus is prohibitive to locals regularly using it (?9 for a round trip Rosthwaite to Keswick). Thomas confirmed this is the type of feedback is incredibly valuable. Action: Emma to take this issue away and seek input from Stagecoach on what they need in the future. Cllr A Webb noted that the issue of parking without permission at Hollows Farm campsite car park which involves the vehicles crossing private land, and is there anything that can be done about it? Thomas confirmed that he is aware of the issue but hasn’t had a huge amount of feedback about this issue. Cllr P Barron noted that in the past a gate was installed on that track by law that could be closed, it had legal permission to be there and to be closed if required. Action: Thomas agreed to add this to the list of locations where issues have been occurring. Cllr P Barron noted that Longthwaite Bridge was hit some time ago and it is dangerous, is there any prospect of a repair? Thomas noted that the National Trust are progressing the issue through their insurers. LDNPACllr P Barron noted that since the LDNPA restructure was discussed at the Sept 2020 meeting the LDNPA have altered their restructure and are keeping more of the ‘on the ground’ staff which is a positive. 69/2020 Report on Matters Arising/Clerks Report Borrowdale Institute Charitable Trust UpdateNo update Community Led Housing Cllr F Chapman noted that confirmation had been received in late October 2020 confirming that the conveyance on the Vicarage had finally been completed. Once the Land Registry is updated to reflect this conveyance contact will be made again by the Parish Council and the LDNPA regarding the land allocation on the Glebe land.Action: Clerk to monitor the Land Register and liaise with the Land Registry as appropriate. Fourways Bus ShelterThis project is ongoing, there have been delays in the contractors accessing materials necessary to complete this repair (wood for the timber structure) due to Covid supply chain issues. The Clerk is continuing to liaise with the lead contractor to try and ensure these works are completed prior to the winter setting in.Action: Clerk to speak to insurers to see if any of this damage would be covered? Local Occupancy Clauses & Enforcement (LDNPA)Cumbria County Councillor T Lywood had written to seek Parish Council support for two propositions:That all areas within the LDNPA need a definitive list of properties that are subject to a local occupancy clause, this list should be provided by the LDNPA and include the conditions attached. This list should be accessible on the LDNPA website and be available to members, councilors & the general public. This would enable members of the public and others to report possible breaches of occupancy condition.That extra resources should be given to LDNPA Planning Enforcement as at present Planners are overwhelmed no matter how hard they work and as such enforcement is not being prioritized. Resolved by all present that Borrowdale Parish Council fully support both these propositions. Borrowdale Parish Council have serious concerns about the management and resourcing of the LDNPA in particular with regard to the discharge of their statutory functions as a planning authority linked to compliance and enforcement. Action: Clerk to confirm this in writing to C/Cllr T Lywood and send a copy to the LDNPA for information. Cllr F Chapman raised a query regarding historic local occupancy clauses placed by ABC rather than LDNPA.Action: Markus to raise this query with ABC as to be useful a definitive list would be required. 70/2020 Highways & Transport MattersSocially Distanced Road RestrictionsThe Clerk informed those present that concern had been raised from a number of Parishioners regarding the function, use and purpose of the ‘New Road Layout for Social Distancing’ structures that have appeared at three points on the Catbells Terrace Road between Manesty and Swinside. These temporary signs & traffic cones and barriers are forcing pedestrians even further into the flow of traffic (on stretches of road that don’t have any pedestrian infrastructure). Local residents are concerned that these signs are increasing the hazard of an accident between a pedestrian and a vehicle or a cyclist, and that the signs are likely to be easily damaged/obstruct the highway as the winter weather arrives. Clarity has been sought from CCC on the purpose of these road restrictions and the only limited information that has been received from CCC is that the County Council had been successful in bidding for emergency funding to carry out temporary highway schemes relating to the Covid 19 pandemic. The intention of the scheme is to initiate something akin to a ‘quiet lane’ by creating a priority pinch point sections to encourage slower speeds (30mph) and safer areas for pedestrians along a scenic route. These signs were installed at the 3 locations as these were the only feasible safe options to install them. This was not advertised nor consulted on.The Clerk has sought additional clarity on the legal status of these signs, the cost incurred in ‘siting them’ and the duration for which they are likely to remain in place. But after over 2 months no further information or correspondence has been received from Cumbria County Council. Resolved by all present that the Clerk continue to pursue Cumbria County Council for further information on these signs and their rationale to enable a response to be provided to members of the public who have raised concerns about their positioning.Action: Clerk to progress this matter. Removal of White Lines at 20mph outside Mary MountA query was raised regarding the rationale for the removal of the central white line on this stretch of road.Action: Clerk to raise this query. 71/2020 Correspondence received for discussionResolved by all present that correspondence be noted as received unless otherwise noted.Lake District Local Plan: Consultation on Proposed Main Modifications This document had been circulated to all councilors prior to the meeting. It was noted that the way the information was presented and written is not accessible or written in plain English and Parish Councillors don’t feel they are qualified to make comments on the lawfulness of the plan. Resolved by all present that no further action be taken. 72/2020 Planning applicationsRef: 7/2020/2205Location:Grange Cottage, GrangeProposal:Remove and replace existing conservatory It was noted that the increase in glazing is fairly significant in a local architectural vernacular of older buildings, however it was felt that there was limited options available to break the expanse of glass up and there is some screening of the glass from the road. Resolved by all present that Borrowdale Parish Council have no objections to this proposal Action: Clerk to submit these comments. Ref:7/2020/2263Location:The Barn, Rosthwaite, KeswickProposal:Proposed Stand-alone garage/store and greenhouseResolved by all present that it is difficult to visualize the proposals from the plans and that Councillors would like a site visit and more time to consider the plansAction: All to provide comments to the Clerk by the 27th November 2020. Clerk to forward the reference number to all councilors. Planning Compliance mattersThe Clerk confirmed that she had sought an update from the LDNPA regarding enforcement action at the Lodore site regarding the ‘emergency car park’ and the area on the other side of the road that has not been restored.It was noted with concern that there appears to be no way of a Parish Council raising concerns or complaints to the LDNPA and there appears to be no external scrutiny or reporting mechanism. This was noted with significant concern.The Clerk confirmed that the information regarding the Lodore issue has been passed to Mr Tony Lywood at his request following the September 2020 meeting. Resolved that the issue be deferred to the January 2021 meeting to allow Tony Lywood to pursue this matter on behalf of the Parish Council. 73/2020 Planning Decisions.Resolved that the below decisions be noted.RefLocationProposalDecision7/2020/2184Scawdell, Grange Village, GrangeInstallation of first floor window to the front elevation and alteration to ground floor windowApproved with conditions 74/2020 Finance & AccountsInvoices for approvalResolved by all that the below invoices be paid, and cheques signed by two authorized signatories. PayeeReasonAmountClaranet Web Fees?15.12Becx CarterExpenses?36.42Action: Clerk to pay the above accounts.Approval & Signing of Bank ReconciliationResolved by all present that this be noted as a true and accurate record. Keswick & District First Responders Request for Grant Resolved by all present that a S.137 Grant of ?60 be made to the Keswick & District First Responders. Action: Clerk to process this donation Draft Budget for 21/22The Clerk had circulated a Draft Budget to all councilors for consideration prior to the meeting, based on the expenditure to date for 20/21 and the expected remaining expenditure for the financial year the Parish Council will be in a strong position in terms of reserves and as such no precept rise is likely to be necessary for 21/22Action: Clerk to update the budget and agenda for approval at the January 2021 meeting when hopefully the Band D figures will be available to allow the impacts of the precept setting to be known on an individual property basis. Action: Clerk to include Glebe Investigation on the top line of the budget as well. 75/2020 Councillor Matters None 76/2020 Dates of next meetingResolved that the next meeting date be 20th January 2021 at 19:00 in a Virtual Meeting Room.It was noted that there is a requirement to be able to offer a blended meeting functionality until May 2021, where people can dial in as well as attend in person. As none of the venues that Borrowdale Parish Council meet in are not digitally enabled it is likely that the virtual meetings will continue for the foreseeable future. Signed……………………………………………………………………………. (Dated) …………………………. ................

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