Monroe #1 BOCES


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The policies of the BOCES Board of Education and any bargaining unit supersede any policy presented in this handbook. This handbook is not a contract. You can secure a copy of your bargaining unit agreement by contacting your representative.

(Revised August 2013)

Forms mentioned in this handbook are available on line.




You are expected to work the same calendar as the district building(s) to which you are assigned. Do not report to school in a district that has called a snow day or emergency closing. You must report to your school if that district is open even if the Foreman Center is closed.

Employees may scan in a BOCES building using a time clock or sign in on WinCap Web using a computer. Refer to Human Resources procedures for detailed information on Time & Attendance.

• Mental Health employees are to punch in and out daily.

• Punch In: 15 minutes before your start time and up to 8 minutes after for the occasional times where circumstances are out of your control

• Punch Out: Do not punch out before your scheduled end time but you can punch out up to 15 minutes after.

• Late punch in or Early punch outs: please enter a note on Win Cap Web indicating the reason for the late or early punch and actual hours worked if different than registered by the clock.

• Missed Punch – email Supervisor and Mental Health secretary as to the reason for the missed punch and time work started or ended.

• Unsuccessful Punch: same as missed punch.

Mental Health staff should call department secretary or coordinator for any questions or help with using the time and attendance system.

Employees may track their payroll and attendance record through their WinCap Web account.


Illness days may be used for either yourself or to take care of family members.

• Illness days may be taken in increments of whole days or half days.

• Accumulated illness days (sick bank) from previous years may only be used for your own illness.

• Two-hour medical leave requests are for use on any pre-scheduled medical appointment (self or family). The request must be made in writing at least 48 hours in advance of the appointment (this requirement may be waived if approved by your supervisor).

• Verification of the medical appointment must be submitted to the department after the appointment or the next day (doctor/dental receipt with date – confidential information may be blacked out or covered).

• As much as possible, please schedule medical appointments outside of the school day.

FMLA (Family Medical Leave Act)

Please be aware that if an employee is out of work for 5 days or more for the same reason, ie. 5 days for their illness or 5 days for a family illness, they now need to complete leave paperwork. This is so Human Resources can complete the regulation form to designate if the time taken qualifies for the Family / Medical Leave Act (FMLA). Time less than 5 days can also be designated as FMLA. If an employee is having surgery, even if it is less than 5 days, it should be designated as FMLA.

For leave forms, go to under quick links, >>Online documents>> Human Resources>>General Forms>>Leaves>>all forms can be accessed from this area. You can also contact the Human Resources Office at 383-2251, for forms or with any questions.


Days without pay and compensation time are not permitted unless you have received prior approval from the District Superintendent. Our “days off” are those designated by the school districts. The department cannot approve vacation time, with or without pay, when your school is in session.


If you have personal business that must be conducted during school hours, a Personal Business Day form must be completed and submitted to the Program Coordinator at least 5 days prior.

• Personal Business Days may not be used for recreational purposes.

• Taking a Personal Business Day the day before or after a holiday may result in the deduction for one-half day’s pay.

• Unused personal business days shall be added to accumulated sick days at the end of each school year, not to exceed 275 days. Accumulated sick days are to be used for personal illness only.


When you receive a notice of impending jury duty, please do the following:

• Contact the Mental Health office as soon as you receive the notice of jury duty to inform us when you may be absent. Please include your juror number.

• Follow the instructions on the jury notice to find out when/if you have to report. You must call the Mental Health office daily to update us on your need to report.

• Get a receipt from the court stating the number of days you actually reported. This receipt must be turned into the Mental Health Department in order for you to be paid by BOCES for those days. You will not collect pay from the court for those days.


Should the need arise for you to take an extended leave from your job, you must submit the request in writing to the Program Coordinator of Mental Health. If it is a medical leave, you must also have a note from your doctor. In addition, you will need to make an appointment to meet with Human Resources to work out details; call 383-2221 to set up that appointment. Prior to return from a medical leave, a physician’s note including any restrictions must be provided.


Worker’s Compensation is a form of insurance (paid for by the employer) that provides medical care for workers who become disabled because of an injury or sickness related to their job.

• What to do if you are injured on the job:

It is very important that any employee injured on the job immediately report to the BOCES nurse’s office to fill out an accident report. Call Nurse’s office at the Foreman Center at 383-6416 (Bird/Morgan call 586-1850). If the nurse is not available, be sure to notify your supervisor.

If you need medical attention, be sure to inform the doctor or emergency room personnel that this is a work related injury.

• Absences related to a work injury:

Employees are required to use their sick days to cover the time they are out. If the employee does not have enough days to cover them, Worker’s Compensation will pay the employee a portion of their salary.

After the Worker’s Compensation case is closed, the Worker’s Compensation Board informs BOCES and you are reimbursed for your sick days.

Any questions about Worker’s Compensation should be directed to Darlene Spain, 383-2268.


Follow your school or district’s emergency procedure plan. It is your responsibility to know and follow your school’s emergency procedures. To get a copy of your school or district’s emergency procedures go to your school’s main office or obtain a copy on the school or district’s website.


If radio or television announces "Monroe #1 BOCES is closed," that means that all programs on the Central Campus (the Foreman Center, the Harris Building on Baird Road, 11 Linden Park, 15 Linden Park and O’Connor Academy) are cancelled.

Central Campus programs include, but are not limited to, Adult Education, EMCC, Creekside, Alternative Education, other classroom programs, the Diagnostic Center, etc. All other BOCES school age programs are closed only if the district in which that program is located is closed. The name of the program (e.g. Bird/Morgan) will NOT be announced, so please listen/look for the name of the district in which the program is located.

Personnel Expectations

If the school or district in which you work is open during inclement weather or school is closed for students but staff is to report, you are expected to be there. If the school or district closes due to an emergency and both staff and students do not need to report then do not report.

If a staff member determines that it is not safe to report to that assignment, (s)he must:

1. Call the school which is open to report (s)he will not be there, and

2. Call BOCES to report that (s)he is taking an emergency Personal Day, or if no Personal Business Days are left, an additional request for Personal Business Day(s) are with no pay. (In this case, a Personal Business Day can be taken retroactively and the five-day advance request will be waived.)

Broadcast Information

Television stations to be notified are: WROC (Ch. 8), R News (Ch. 9), WHEC (Ch. 10), and WHAM News (Ch. 13)

Radio stations to be notified are: WHAM (1180 AM), WCMF (96.5 FM), WPXY (97.9 FM), WVOR (100.5 FM), and WRMM (101.3 FM).

Check the Website - In addition, information on Monroe #1 BOCES school closings will be posted to the BOCES Website:

Please Note

Monroe #1 BOCES will close if weather conditions warrant. Safety is the primary issue when considering when to close, not whether other districts are closing. Please be sure to check for announcements specifically listing Monroe #1 BOCES as closing


The Emergency Contact Form should be completed at the beginning of each school year and given to the Mental Health Department secretary. If there is a change in home address, phone, emergency contact person, or other pertinent information, a new emergency sheet should be filled out with the changes and submitted to the Mental Health Department secretary.


Any change in name and/or address will need to be made on the Employee Information Change form which is available on the Human Resources website.


You are responsible to review ALL of the IEPS for the classrooms you are assigned to, determine which students receive IEP-Mandated mental health services, and create a schedule accommodating these. Do not rely on summary printouts that the programs may provide to you to determine this information, as it may be incomplete or incorrect. It is also strongly advised that you consult with the case manager for each student to double check that you have accurate information.

Submit a completed schedule to the Mental Health secretary by September 15th of each school year. Be as specific as possible to location, time and phone numbers. It is not sufficient to simply indicate which building you are assigned to for any given day. You must include a student name(s) with each counseling slot. Whenever there is a significant change in assignment, please complete a new schedule form and return to the Mental Health Department secretary.


Each staff member is expected to attend a mandatory monthly department meeting held at the discretion of the Mental Health Program Coordinator. The meetings are held to provide professional growth and to share information. These meetings typically occur the 1st Tuesday of each month from 2:45 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. in the Foreman Center Board Room.


Each staff member is expected to attend after school faculty meetings in the program to which they have been assigned.


In October 1999, the New York State Education Department passed an amendment to the Regulation of the Commissioner of Education Part 100.2 (effective September 1, 2000). This amendment mandated the Annual Professional Performance Review (APPR) be written with the goal of improving the quality of teaching and learning while meeting the needs of all students.

For more information go to the following link -



You are encouraged to participate in additional staff development activities such as those offered through conferences/workshops, district teacher centers, Regional Special Education-Training & Resource Support Center (RSE-TASC) and the BOCES Staff Development office. Conference monies are used to pay for registration fees, mileage, thruway/tolls, car rental, lodging, and meals up to the BUP specified limit.

All staff are eligible to attend conferences and workshops with prior approval from the department administrator. It is your responsibility to talk with your program principal prior to requesting conference time to ensure that the program will have adequate mental health coverage in your absence. Complete a Conference/Meeting Expense Proposal Form (5211F.1) and submit to the Program Coordinator of Mental Health along with conference information and registration 4 weeks prior to the conference date.

After the conference, a Conference Report Form (5211F.3) must be completed and returned to the Department secretary. Also sign and date the Conference/Meeting Expense Reimbursement form (5211F.2) if you have any expenses to be reimbursed and include Mapquest directions if requesting reimbursement for mileage.

For full instructions on attending conferences, please refer to the Conferences folder under Human Resources in the Online Documents.


You will be reimbursed for travel between work sites.

Please follow these procedures:

• Mileage may be claimed for travel between two or more schools in the same day or to the Foreman Center

• Mileage is not reimbursed for travel to or from your home, except for conference attendance, which is submitted on the “Conference Request” form. Conference mileage is calculated to and from the Foreman Center.

• Fill out the mileage form online, sign, and submit mileage sheet to the Mental Health Dept. secretary at the end of each month. The mileage form will not be accepted if handwritten.

• Staple the mapquest directions to the claim form in the same order as the miles being claimed. Including the map is optional.

• Mileage checks are issued by the Business Office on the 15th and 30th of each month.

• BOCES prohibits the transportation of students in your vehicle.


All requests to send any information contained in the student’s file to the parent/guardian, school, or other agencies, must be done through the Student Admissions and Records office.


• A reevaluation of the child’s educational disability, programs and services must occur in written format. This may or may not include formal assessment measures. If you choose to conduct a record review, classroom observation, teacher rating scale, etc. rather than standardized measures, this must be submitted in writing before the Annual Review. You may use assessment results from other sources, i.e. Developmental Units, to substantiate your written review of handicapping condition, program and services.

• All reevaluations must include an updated Social History. This may be gathered through written parental feedback on the Social History provided, phone conference or other means. If a Social History is not returned it is the responsibility of the multidisciplinary team to determine who will gather this information and provide a written summary at the time of the Annual Review.

• All parents must be notified of reevaluation results prior to the Annual Review. Even if no further testing was completed, the results must be shared. This can occur at a team staffing, parent conference, or phone conference.

• All reports must be submitted 4 weeks prior to the reevaluation due date or by the Annual Review meeting, whichever comes first!

• All reports must be submitted to the designated person in the student’s program or school for distribution. Please send the report as an e-mail attachment (student’s name in the title), or submit on disc, to Mental Health Department and keep a copy for your records.

• If a child is no longer active in the program in which you are assigned, and is due for a re-evaluation this year, please notify the Mental Health office immediately.

• It is the responsibility of the School Psychologist completing each re-evaluation to frequently check upcoming Annual Review dates with the classroom teacher. They are provided with this information before the Mental Health Department is notified.

Please remember that we should not be referencing HIV/AIDS, specific confidential medical information, alleged substance abuse by a specific individual, or involvement with services such as Child Protective Services on any written reports. Examples of statements that are acceptable include: “mother reports tumultuous family relationships or family stressors” or “father reports familial history of substance use.” Any specific statements such as “maternal grandmother is an alcoholic” will be stricken from the record.


Written documents are a permanent record of the work provided by Monroe #1 BOCES and you as a professional. Proof read all your repots to assure accuracy and quality.

• Reports for Reevaluation and Annual Review, including psychological reports, counseling summaries, justifications are to be submitted in accordance with timelines set by the student’s program or school.

• Submit a signed, original report to the individual in the student’s program designated to receive Annual Review/Reevaluation reports.

• e-mail the report to the Mental Health secretary and Mental Health Coordinator.

• Keep a copy for your own records.

• Intakes: The following information should be gathered during an intake: release of information, Medicaid reimbursement, permission to videotape, PCP release, emergency care information, free and reduced lunch and student biographical data. Other program specific forms may be required, check with the program main office.

• Please submit your report as above within one week of intake and send a signed copy to Student Admissions and Records.


Counseling records are to be maintained for all students whose educational program includes Psychological Counseling, Counseling Consultation or FLECS services. Counseling records document all counseling interventions implemented as supportive educational service. The service provider is to maintain records so that the course of mental health counseling services may be communicated at the request of parent, district or other legal authority. The “course of counseling” includes: student progress towards stated goals, relevant psychosocial information, referrals made, consultations on behalf of the student and outside contacts. The counseling records must include sufficient information to allow monitoring and evaluation of services and timelines provided by the counselor.

The Official Student Record

• Held and maintained by the Student Admissions and Records Office.

• Includes all reports/documents of any formal information shared with the educational team for planning and delivery of programs, services and interventions for a student.

• May be viewed by any member of the educational team, including home district and guardian, who has a legitimate educational interest without the need for parental consent.

• Returned to the student’s district upon exit from BOCES services.

Counselor’s working files

• Documentation kept by the counselor to help inform the professional’s work and establish a coherent “course of counseling” for the counselor’s reference. This may include copies of official records and other notes/information not kept in the student record (cumulative folder). Documents that are shared with team members, whether written or verbally, are officially part of the student’s record but not kept in the cumulative student folder for reasons of limiting its accessibility within the school. Examples are: parent meeting notes, team meeting notes, standardized test protocols, Risk Assessment and Response Forms, goal monitoring sheets.

• May be requested at any time by team member, including guardian, with a legitimate educational interest.

Counselor’s personal counseling notes

• Through the counseling process, a mental health provider may gain sensitive information that is to be kept confidential. This information is not formally shared with the educational team and is documented for the counselor’s own information. Retention of personal notes are the responsibility of the professional counselor. Examples may include: family mental health or substance abuse involvement, family psychiatric diagnosis and treatment, certain outside communications that should be confidential.


Staff are required to complete Related Service logs online for all students receiving IEP indicated counseling. Logs, including a brief session note, are to be entered for each session scheduled as close to the time of the session as reasonably possible. Medicaid relevant providers (LCSW’s) are to follow the Monroe #1 BOCES process for recording Medicaid reimbursable services.


The Behavioral Specialist leads the child’s multidisciplinary team, including Mental Health staff, may develop an FBA/BIP. Please refer to the Monroe #1 BOCES FBA/BIP Process Guidance Document and Template Forms on the BOCES Mental Health website.


Review the Response for Incidents Involving Suicide or Homicidal Individuals, the procedural flowchart and documentation form.

Monroe #1 BOCES has adopted a “See Something, Say Something” motto for all employees across the organization. Mental Health professionals, with administration, will lead interventions for students or staff who may be a risk of harm to self or others. It is the responsibility of all Mental Health providers to follow the procedural guidelines in responding to a concern for the safety of any person in the Monroe #1 BOCES community.



The Board of Education prohibits harassment of anyone by anyone, as well as unlawful discrimination, on BOCES grounds or at BOCES-sponsored functions. Harassment involves hostile words or actions, including but not limited to bullying, taunting, and intimidation, that have the purpose or effect of interfering with an individual’s rights to learn, teach or otherwise function in the BOCES or which may reasonably cause an individual to fear for his/her safety or well-being. This policy includes, but is not limited to, discrimination and harassment based on a person's actual or perceived race, color, weight, national origin, ethnic group, religion, religious practice, disability, sexual orientation, gender or sex.

The Board also prohibits acts of discrimination or harassment, including cyber bullying that occur off school grounds or outside of school sponsored events and which can reasonably be expected to materially and substantially disrupt the educational atmosphere. Such acts may be subject to BOCES intervention and response, and may result in disciplinary consequences.

As part of this policy, the Board adopts all provisions of and definitions in the Dignity for All Students Act of 2010 (DASA). The purpose of that act, and of this policy, is to “to foster civility in public schools and to prevent and prohibit conduct which is inconsistent with a school's educational mission.” While all harassment and unlawful discrimination is prohibited under this policy, BOCES resources and training will focus on the protection of students, pursuant to the Act.

Staff Training

The Board directs the District Superintendent to establish training programs for staff aimed at sustaining a school environment that is free from discrimination and harassment, and to provide guidelines for such programs designed to:

1. Raise the awareness and sensitivity of school employees to potential discrimination or harassment, and

2. Enable employees to prevent and respond to discrimination or harassment.

Dignity Act Coordinator (DAC)

Each BOCES program will maintain at least one Board-appointed Dignity Act Coordinator (DAC) who is trained in dealing with human-relations situations with respect to the areas of race, color, weight, national origin, ethnic group, religion, religious practice, disability, sexual orientation, gender, and sex. The DACs will oversee programs designed to raise the sensitivity of students and staff to these human relations situations in their respective locations and will play an active role in prevention, intervention, and follow up to incidents of harassment or discrimination.

Reporting of and Response to Suspected Harassment

The District Superintendent will establish procedures by which reports or complaints of harassment or discrimination are received and responded to expeditiously by the BOCES officials who are responsible for addressing them. Because of the emotionally-charged tensions that generally accompany situations of harassment or discrimination, the procedures will be applied with sensitivity toward all individuals involved and, to the extent possible, with care to avoid unintended negative consequences. Procedures will include provisions for receiving and investigating reports of harassment or discrimination and of determining appropriate corrective action, and will include opportunities for parties who are dissatisfied with the outcome of an investigation to appeal.

BOCES will maintain a minimum of two Compliance Officers, one male and one female. Compliance Officers will play a central role in provisions for investigating reports of harassment or discrimination as specified in procedures established by the District Superintendent. In addition, Compliance Officers will be responsible for reviewing cases to determine whether any BOCES policies, procedures, training, or programs should be adjusted in order to better prevent harassment and discrimination, and to advance a culture of respect for individuals and for the BOCES educational environment. Officers will submit any concerns and recommendations that emerge from their reviews to the District Superintendent.

Incidents of harassment or discrimination that occur within a BOCES program will be initially addressed at the Program Level. Incidents involving more than one program should be submitted directly to the Compliance Officer Level.

Whistleblower Protection

No person who, acting reasonably and in good faith, reports suspected discrimination or harassment or participates in a related investigation will be subject to any retaliation on the part of BOCES or its employees.

Knowingly Making False Accusations

Employees and/or students who knowingly make false accusations of discrimination or harassment may also face disciplinary consequences.

Reporting to the Commissioner

Pursuant to the Dignity Act, the BOCES will report incidents of discrimination and of harassment of students to the Commissioner through the channels and in the manner that the Commissioner requires.


The Board of Education affirms its commitment to non-discrimination and recognizes its responsibility to provide for all Monroe #1 BOCES personnel an environment that is free of sexual harassment and intimidation. Sexual harassment, including sexual violence, is a violation of law and stands in direct opposition to Monroe #1 BOCES policy. Therefore, the Board prohibits and condemns all forms of sexual harassment by employees, school volunteers, students, and non-employees such as contractors and vendors which occur on school grounds and at all school-sponsored events, programs and activities including those that take place at locations off school premises or those that take place in another state.

If you feel like you have been the victim of sexual harassment contact your supervisor immediately – for more information on BOCES sexual harassment policies and procedure go to the following link:


Please complete an inventory form located in the Mental Health office or advise the Mental Health secretary when signing out any test materials


• All new staff are required to read and sign the BOCES Internet/Electronic Mail User Application and Agreement form, when utilizing use of the Internet or Lotus Notes. Please return the completed form to the Mental Health office.


Staff may not access social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook during work hours. It is strongly recommended that you not “friend” or “follow” students who you are currently working with.  Teachers in other districts have experienced problems with inappropriate communications with students, and inappropriate content being posted on their page by themselves or their “friends”.  In some cases, teachers have been dismissed due to inappropriate content on their social network site.


You are a mandated reporter for any suspicions of child abuse or neglect. You are asked to contact the program/building administrator and classroom teacher prior to making a referral. All calls to report suspected child abuse or maltreatment must be made to the New York Statewide Central Register of Child Abuse and Maltreatment (SCR). Mandated reporters can reach the SCR by calling 1-800-635-1522 and the general public can reach the SCR by calling 1-800-342-3720.


The EAP provides professional help to employees and eligible family members troubled by personal concerns. If you (or a family member) experience problems related to alcohol, drugs, grieving, marital problems, family stress, financial difficulties, or other issues, there is help available for you. Call the Health Association at 325-2980 for free confidential help.


|Salary/Pay |383-2251 |

|Retirement |383-2251 |

|Employee Health Benefits |383-2251 |

|Verification of Sick Days, etc. |383-2251 |

|General Information |383-2221 |

|Establishing Leaves of Absence (Robin Hyatt) |383-6684 |

|Viewing Personnel Records |383-2251 |

|Teacher Certification |383-2208 |

|Conference, In-service and Tuition Reimbursement |383-2221 |


As an employee of an educational institution, you are in a very select group of taxpayers who are eligible for a special tax shelter, the Tax Shelter Annuity (TSA) plan. Tax Sheltered Annuities are special retirement plans for employees of public school systems.

If you are interested in a TSA, you must go through an insurance agent or a financial advisor. The BOCES Payroll Department will provide you with a list of eligible companies that you may use if you choose to start a TSA. The payroll office has a Salary Reduction Agreement form that you will be required to sign.


Membership in the New York State Teacher’s Retirement System is mandatory for all full time certified staff. Substitute and part time certified staff may elect to join the retirement system.

Application forms for joining the retirement system must be completed by the employee and are available in the Payroll office. Under current law, any employee who joins a retirement system after 7/1/76 must contribute 3% of gross salary toward the retirement benefit up to 10 years.

If an employee leaves school or municipal employment and has at least five (5) years of credited service (prorated for part-time employees), the employee has vested rights that enable him/her to receive a retirement benefit at age 62. If an employee does not have five (5) years of credited service and leaves school or municipal employment, the employee can apply for a refund of the contributions, with interest, at age 62.


All Monroe #1 BOCES employees and family members are eligible to belong to the Penfield Federal Credit Union and may use any of its services.

Penfield Federal Credit Union

2520 Browncroft Boulevard

Rochester, N.Y. 14625-1526

Phone: (585) 586-4474

Mental Health Department

The following people can be contacted at the Mental Health Office. You may leave a message on voice mail or e-mail 24 hours a day if no one is available. You may also FAX to 383-6446.


William F. Hurley 383-6641 email:


Audrey Davis 383-2261 email:


ADA Compliance Statement

Monroe #1 BOCES does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, creed, sex and age or disability as defined by law, and is in compliance with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and with the Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.

For more information, contact one of our Title IX officers: Jim Colt, (585) 383-2298; or Dennis Glaser, (585) 383-2232; or Liz Walton, (585) 383-6635.





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