Major Canadian Battles of WWI - Waterloo Region District ...

Major Canadian Battles of WWI

Miss. Chester


Knowledge and Understanding Expectations:

✓ Explain how global influences have helped shape Canadian Identity.

✓ Analyze the impact of external forces on Canada and its policies since 1914.

✓ Assess Canada’s participation in War and contributions to peacekeeping and security.

o Describe Canada’s and Canadians’ contributions to the war effort overseas during World War I

✓ Explain how and why Canada’s international status and foreign policy have changed since 1914.

Methods of Historical Inquiry and Communication:

✓ Formulate Questions on topics and issues in the history of Canada since 1914.

o Formulate different types of research questions.

✓ Interpret and analyze information gathered through research.

o Organize and Record information gathered through research (e.g. using notes, lists, concept webs, timelines, charts, maps, graphs, mind maps)

✓ Communicate the results of historical inquiries, using appropriate terms and concepts and a variety of forms of communication.


You will be giving three computer lab days to complete the final product of a presentation on the Major Battles of WWI. Using the above curriculum expectations as a guideline you will complete the following in your groups.

Day One:

1. Meet in assigned group. Select a Major Battle of WWI.

2. Assign group roles: Leader (ensures the group is on-task and completing the assignment within the requirements), Secretary (takes notes on group progress and brainstorming ideas), Graphic Artist (enlists webs, timelines, charts, maps, graphs, mind maps for presentation of research) Media Expert (Leads the group in producing Powerpoint, Prezi, or otherwise for the presentation), Production Specialist (Drama coach). In addition to these roles each student is responsible for researching and taking notes on the group’s battle.

3. Formulate Research Questions: using the above Knowledge and Understanding Expectations the group needs to develop a series of critical/issue based questions about their battle. The ensuing presentation will explore the answers to these questions. Questions will be approved by Miss. Chester

4. Begin research --

Day Two:

1. Meet in assigned groups. Secretary will tell the group progress thus far. Group Leader will then compare the progress with the requirements for the assignment and determine what needs to be completed.

2. Complete any research needed to answer group questions (perhaps giving each member a question to research and take notes on).

3. Meet to discuss the FORM the presentation will take. Brainstorm ideas regarding media content (pictures, videos, graphs, maps) with Media Expert.

4. Transfer notes into new graphic form: mind map, timelines, graphs, etc.

5. Begin transferring information into presentation form: Powerpoint, Prezi, etc.

Day Three:

1. Meet in assigned groups. Secretary will tell the group progress thus far. Group Leader will then compare the progress with the requirements for the assignment and determine what needs to be completed.

2. Complete any work that needs to be done on presentation form/transfer of information.

3. Meet with Production Specialist. How will you make your presentation engaging to the class? Ensure that each of the members has a speaking role.

4. Practice!!! Each of the members should practice speaking their role in front of the group. Be sure to give constructive criticism in terms of improvements for in class production.

|Category |Level 4 |Level 3 |Level 2 |Level 1 |

|Knowledge and |Each of the knowledge and|Each of the knowledge and|Each of the knowledge and|Each of the knowledge and|

|Understanding |understanding |understanding |understanding |understanding |

| |expectations are clearly |expectations are |expectations are somewhat|expectations are not |

| |demonstrated. Students |demonstrated. Students |demonstrated. Students |demonstrated. Students do|

| |provide excellent answers|provide answers to their |provide some detail in |not provide detailed |

| |to their research |research questions. |answers to their research|answers to their research|

| |questions. | |questions. |questions. |

|Thinking and Inquiry |The group creates thought|The group creates |The group creates |The group creates |

| |provoking and relevant |interesting and mostly |research questions that |uninteresting and cliché |

| |research questions about |relevant research |only explore facts about |research questions about |

| |Canada’s contribution to |questions about Canada’s |Canada’s contribution to |Canada’s contribution to |

| |the major battles of WWI.|contribution to the major|the major battles of WWI.|the major battles of WWI.|

| | |battles of WWI. | |(e.g. How long did the |

| | | | |battle of the Somme |

| | | | |last?) |

|Application |The group transfers the |The group transfers the |The group transfers the |The group transfers the |

| |information gathered |information gathered |information gathered |information gathered |

| |through their research to|through their research to|through their research to|through their research to|

| |a new media form that is |a new media form that is |a new media form that is |a new media form that is |

| |engaging and interesting |mostly engaging and |somewhat engaging and |not engaging or |

| |for the audience. |interesting for the |interesting for the |interesting for the |

| | |audience. |audience. |audience. |

|Communication |Students communicate the |Students communicate the |Students communicate the |Students communicate the |

| |results of their |results of their |results of their |results of their |

| |historical inquiry to a |historical inquiry to a |historical inquiry with |historical inquiry with |

| |high degree of |considerable degree of |some effectiveness using |limited effectiveness |

| |effectiveness using oral |effectiveness using oral |oral presentation skills,|using oral presentation |

| |presentation skills, |presentation skills, |graphic forms, and do not|skills, graphic forms, |

| |graphic forms, and do not|graphic forms, and do not|rely solely on text to |and do not rely solely on|

| |rely solely on text to |rely solely on text to |illustrate their |text to illustrate their |

| |illustrate their |illustrate their |research. |research. |

| |research. |research. | | |


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