2008 BUDGETARY PROCEDURE - European Parliament


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|Doc No: |

|12: (2) |

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|4.12.2007 |



Kyösti VIRRANKOSKI - Section III (Commission)

Ville ITÄLÄ - Other Sections

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|Amendments adopted by the Committee on Budgets |

|Draft amendment 0334 | |=== BUDG/9737=== |

to the modification by the Council to Amendment 916 of the European Parliament

Budget reference line : 05 01 04 04

BUDG/4885 Compromise amendment between BUDG/3091



Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Item 05 01 04 04 European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) — Non-operational technical assistance

Amend figures as follows:

|05 01 04 04 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|6 180 000 |6 180 000 |4 326 000 |4 326 000 |6 180 000 |6 180 000 |-927 000 |-927 000 |5 253 000 |5 253 000 |

|Reserves | | |1 854 000 |1 854 000 | | |927 000 |927 000 |927 000 |927 000 |


Appropriations will be released in accordance with the rate of approval by the Commission of operational programmes according to a precise roadmap in line with the Joint statement No. 1 of European Parliament and Council on Structural and Cohesion Funds and Rural Development 2007-2013 programmes, agreed at the conciliation of 13 July 2007.

The Committee on Budgets has taken over and modified the amendment tabled by the rapporteur.

The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is modifying its first reading amendment and retabling it at second reading.


|Draft amendment 0051 | |=== BUDG/9426=== |

to the modification by the Council to Amendment 712 of the European Parliament

Budget reference line : 05 01 04 08



Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Item 05 01 04 08 Sustainable agriculture and soil conservation through simplified cultivation techniques

Amend figures as follows:

|05 01 04 08 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|p.m. |p.m. |1 000 000 |1 000 000 |150 000 |150 000 |850 000 |850 000 |1 000 000 |1 000 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


This item is intended to cover expenditure on the pilot project put forward in 2007.

The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is retabling it at second reading.


|Draft amendment 0337 | |=== BUDG/9769=== |

to the modification by the Council to Amendment 926 of the European Parliament

Budget reference line : 07 03 07

BUDG/4887 Compromise amendment between UEN//8102, BUDG/4750



Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Article 07 03 07 LIFE+ (Financial Instrument for the Environment — 2007 to 2013)

Amend remarks as follows:

|07 03 07 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|248 094 000 |46 400 000 |248 094 000 |46 400 000 |248 094 000 |46 400 000 | | |248 094 000 |46 400 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


LIFE+ (Financial Instrument for the Environment — 2007 to 2013)


After list beginning with :

Measures supported by the LIFE + programme shall cover, inter ..........and dissemination activities, including events, exhibitions and similar awareness-raising measures.

— ..........

and ending with :

support for the Commission's role in initiating environment policy development ..........and dissemination activities, including events, exhibitions and similar awareness-raising measures.

Amend text as follows:

The projects and measures financed by LIFE + may be implemented through grants or procurement procedures and may consist of:

— studies, surveys, modelling and scenario building,

— monitoring, including the monitoring of forests,

— monitoring of lands affected by the pesticides,

— capacity-building assistance,

— training, workshops and meetings, including the training of agents participating in forest fire prevention initiatives,

— networking and best practice platforms,

— information and communication actions, including awareness raising campaigns and, in particular, public awareness campaigns on forest fires,

— demonstration of innovative policy approaches, technologies, methods and instruments,

— support for operational activities of non-governmental organisations that are primarily active in protecting and enhancing the environment at European level and involved in the development and implementation of Community policy and legislation,

— developing and maintaining networks, databases and information and computer systems directly linked to the implementation of Community environmental policy and legislation, in particular when improving public access to environmental information. The expenditure covered will include the costs of development, maintenance, operation and support (hardware, software and services) of information and communication systems. It will also cover the cost of project management, quality control, security, documentation and training linked to the implementation of these systems.

— specifically for the nature and biodiversity component: site and species management and site planning, including the improvement of the ecological coherence of the Natura 2000 network, the monitoring of conservation status, including — but not limited to — setting up procedures and structures for such monitoring, the development and implementation of species and habitats conservation action plans, the extension of the Natura 2000 network in marine areas and, in limited cases, the purchase of land.

Legal basis:

Reference acts:


Monitoring of lands affected by the pesticides is very important because there are many countries in which the analysis does not exist or they are not correctly carried out. It makes difficult to efficiently and quickly eliminate obsolete pesticides.

In its recent resolution of 4 September on natural disasters, the European Parliament urged the Commission 'to introduce extraordinary Community aid arrangements, especially of a financial nature, so as to support the rehabilitation of the regions which have suffered heavy damage' (paragraph 4) owing to the scale of the natural disasters in Europe. LIFE + is one of the most important financial instruments for the development of actions to assist affected regions both to repair environmental damage and to limit the threat of natural disasters in the near future.

The Committee on Budgets has taken over and modified the amendments tabled by Mrs Xenogiannakopoulou and Mrs Batzeli, and by the UEN group.

The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is modifying its first reading amendment and retabling it at second reading.


|Draft amendment 0081 | |=== BUDG/9490=== |

to the modification by the Council to Amendment 927 of the European Parliament

Budget reference line : 07 03 09 01

BUDG/4888 Compromise amendment between BUDG/3041, BUDG/4309



Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Item 07 03 09 01 Subsidy for the European Environment Agency — Subsidy under Titles 1 and 2

Amend figures as follows:

|07 03 09 01 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|17 297 000 |17 297 000 |18 440 000 |18 440 000 |17 297 000 |17 297 000 |1 143 000 |1 143 000 |18 440 000 |18 440 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Item 07 03 09 02 Subsidy for the European Environment Agency — Subsidy under Title 3

Amend remarks and figures as follows:

|07 03 09 02 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|12 232 000 |12 972 000 |13 232 000 |13 972 000 |12 232 000 |12 972 000 |1 000 000 |1 000 000 |13 232 000 |13 972 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Subsidy for the European Environment Agency — Subsidy under Title 3


After list beginning with :

The key challenges of the Agency are to:further develop and ..........the enlargement process: increasing geographical coverage and cooperation in Europe.

— ..........

and ending with :

support the environment chapter on the enlargement process: increasing geographical coverage and cooperation in Europe.

Add following text:

Part of the appropriation will be used to fund soil and desertification measures and studies.

Legal basis:

Reference acts:



- PARTC-3-11-8 European Environment Agency

Amend remarks as follows:


European Environment Agency


After paragraph

Amend text as follows:

|Category and grade |Posts |

| |2007 |2008 |

| |Actually filled as at 31.12.2006 |Authorised under the Community |Authorised under the Community |

| | |budget |budget |

| |Permanent |Temporary |Permanent |Temporary |Permanent |Temporary |

|AD 16 |  |  |  | |  | |

|AD 15 |  |1 |  |1 |  |1 |

|AD 14 |  |2 |  |4 |  |2 |

|AD 13 |  |  |  |1 |  | |

|AD 12 |  |7 |1 |8 |1 |9 |

|AD 11 |1 |8 |  |12 |1 |8 |

|AD 10 |  |11 |  |13 |1 |9 |

|AD 9 |  |5 |  |4 |  |7 |

|AD 8 |  |7 |  |7 | |8 |

|AD 7 |  |7 |  |1 |  |64 |

|AD 6 |  |  |  | |2 |2 |

|AD 5 |  |  |  | |  | |

|Total grade AD |1 |48 |1 |51 |5 |5250 |

|AST 11 |1 |  |1 |2 |1 |1 |

|AST 10 |  |2 |  |2 |  |2 |

|AST 9 |  |2 |  |3 |  |2 |

|AST 8 |1 |6 |2 |6 |2 |6 |

|AST 7 |1 |4 |  |7 |  |4 |

|AST 6 |  |9 |  |9 |  |9 |

|AST 5 |  |5 |  |8 |  |5 |

|AST 4 |  |8 |  |11 |  |10 |

|AST 3 |  |14 |  |11 |  |1513 |

|AST 2 |  |2 |  |1 |  |3 |

|AST 1 |  |6 |  |1 |  |65 |

|Total grade AST |3 |58 |3 |61 |3 |6360 |

|Grand total |4 |106 |4 |112 |8 |115110 |

|Total staff |110 |116 |123118 |


Restore the PDB on line 07 03 09 01. Restore PDB organigramme.

Desertification is one of the most serious threats facing the EU, involving as it does erosion-driven soil degradation, loss of organic matter, compaction and salinisation. Given that the EU and all the Member States have signed and ratified the UN Convention to Combat Desertification, the EU should make a greater budgetary commitment in this area, therefore appropriations on line 07 03 09 02 are increased .

The Committee on Budgets has taken over and modified the amendments tabled by Mrs Haug and by Mrs Sornosa Martínez and Joan Calabuig Rull

The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is retabling it at second reading.


|Draft amendment 0084 | |=== BUDG/9451=== |

to the modification by the Council to Amendment 882 of the European Parliament

Budget reference line : 07 03 12

BUDG/4953 Compromise amendment between VERT/7325



Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Add: 07 03 12 —

Amend classification: NCE

Amend type: DA

|07 03 12 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations| | |1 500 000 |1 500 000 |1 500 000 |1 500 000 | | |1 500 000 |1 500 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Pilot project for a European Framework programme for the development and exchange of experience on sustainable urban development


Add following text:

This appropriation is intended to provide co-financing for inter alia

— the European Knowledge Platform,

— exchange of experience and best practices on sustainable urban transport plans,

— the development and exchange of best practices on sustainable urban management plans, including measures to limit environmental risks and to combat climate change,

— the exchange of experience and best practices on sustainable contruction, the promotion of sustainable urban design, biodiversity,

— awareness raising actions.

Legal basis:

Add following text:

Pilot project within the meaning of Article 49(2) of Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002 of 25 June 2002 on the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities (OJ L 248, 16.9.2002, p. 1), as amended by Regulation (EC) No 1995/2006 (OJ L 390, 30.12.2006, p. 1).

Reference acts:


The Commission envisages in its thematic strategy on the urban environment to set up a new European programme to exchange knowledge and experience on urban issues. Currently EU funding for urban environment is scattered over different EU programmes ( URBACT II , CIVITAS II , ERDF, FP 7 LIFE +) It is proposed to establish a pilot project along the lines proposed by the Commission but with a clear focus on sustainable urban development and looking at synergies between the different actions.

The Committee on Budgets has taken over and modified the amendment tabled by the Verts/ALE group.

The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is retabling it at second reading.


|Draft amendment 0082 | |=== BUDG/9450=== |

to the modification by the Council to Amendment 881 of the European Parliament

Budget reference line : 07 03 12

BUDG/4976 Compromise amendment between BUDG/4699



Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Add: 07 03 12 —

Amend classification: NCE

Amend type: DA

|07 03 12 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations| | |1 000 000 |1 000 000 |1 000 000 |1 000 000 | | |1 000 000 |1 000 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Preparatory action - An integrated coastal communication and risk management system


Add following text:

This appropriation is intended to fund a project which will develop and establish (1) a complementary participatory coastal communication system and (2) a cooperative coastal risk protection and management system for Member States in the Baltic Sea region and in particular the Baltic States themselves, whose 50 years under occupation excluded them from normal development processes, as a result of which there is a disparity in terms of development with older Member States. Coastal sustainability practice (including integrated applications) is to be actively re-enhanced and non-traditional innovations explored and fleshed out, tested and disseminated not only in relation to established implementation methods, i.e. not only vertically and horizontally across management levels, but also with particular attention being paid to developing new methodologies for participatory communication and cooperation, thus increasing coastal awareness and behaviour development among all stakeholders.

Legal basis:

Add following text:

Preparatory action within the meaning of Article 49(6) of Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002 of 25 June 2002 on the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities (OJ L 248, 16.9.2002, p. 1), as amended by Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1995/2006 (OJ L 390, 30.12.2006, p. 1).

Reference acts:


A preparatory action for an integrated and participatory coastal communication, protection and risk management system would offer a constructive and innovative approach and contribution to coastal protection and erosion abatement measures in the prevention and also rehabilitation of territories affected by coastal degradation processes and disasters.

The Committee on Budgets has taken over and modified the amendment tabled by Mr Dombrovskis and Mr Kristovskis.

The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is retabling it at second reading.


|Draft amendment 0083 | |=== BUDG/9411=== |

to the modification by the Council to Amendment 642 of the European Parliament

Budget reference line : 07 03 12



Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Add: 07 03 12 —

Amend classification: NCE

Amend type: NDA

|07 03 12 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations| | |p.m. |p.m. |p.m. |p.m. | | |p.m. |p.m. |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Action in the field of Renewable Energy


Add following text:

This appropriation is intended to cover financial support for the achievement of the targets agreed at the European Council on 8/9 March 2007 for the EU-wide development of renewable energies beyond 2010, mainly the binding target of 20% share of renewable energies in overall EU energy consumption by 2020 and a 10% binding minimum target to be achieved, in a cost-efficient way, by all Member States, for the share of biofuels in overall EU transport petrol and diesel consumption by 2020.

Legal basis:

Reference acts:


The European Council on 8/9 March 2007 called on the Commission for a proposal in 2007 for an overall coherent framework for renewable energies and the implementation of the measures highlighted in the June 2006 Council conclusion on the Commission Biomass Action Plan.

The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is retabling it at second reading.


|Draft amendment 0086 | |=== BUDG/9452=== |

to the modification by the Council to Amendment 883 of the European Parliament

Budget reference line : 07 04 04

BUDG/4957 Compromise amendment between ALDE/7832



Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Add: 07 04 04 —

Amend classification: NCE

Amend type: DA

|07 04 04 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations| | |3 500 000 |2 000 000 |3 500 000 |2 000 000 | | |3 500 000 |2 000 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Pilot project to step up cooperation between Member States on combating forest fires


Add following text:

The aim of the pilot project is to improve mobilisation of operational resources and emergency support from Member States to assist a Member State in coping with forest fires too numerous and too intense to be handled by that State using its own logistical capacity and manpower.

Add following text:

The pilot project's objectives are, in particular, to:

— draw up a schedule of Member State emergency teams and logistical resources which can be mobilised in a contingency situation,

— develop standardised communications and information mechanisms in order to make assistance more effective and exchange information on best practises and best equipment and on drawing up operation plans for using both technical and human contingency resources.

Legal basis:

Add following text:

Pilot project within the meaning of Article 49(6) of Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002 of 25 June 2002 on the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities (OJ L 248, 16.9.2002, p.1), as amended by Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1995/2006 (OJ L 390, 30.12.2006, p. 1).

Reference acts:


Events in recent years, in particular in summer 2007, have highlighted the scale of risks in some Member States when forest fires occur. In virtually all cases, the countries which have had to cope with such events have not been able to bring the situation under control until operational assistance has been provided by other Member States. While, admittedly, responsibility for dealing with fires and organising help lies with the individual Member State concerned, the frequency and intensity of the fires which have devastated many Member States clearly make it necessary to arrange for stepped-up operational cooperation between Member States.

The Committee on Budgets has taken over and modified the amendment tabled by the ALDE Group.

The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is retabling it at second reading.


|Draft amendment 0127 | |=== BUDG/9314=== |

to the modification by the Council to Amendment 52 of the European Parliament

Budget reference line : 11 02 03 01



Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Item 11 02 03 01 Fisheries programme for the outermost regions — New measures

Amend figures as follows:

|11 02 03 01 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|15 000 000 |15 000 000 |17 000 000 |17 000 000 |15 000 000 |15 000 000 |2 000 000 |2 000 000 |17 000 000 |17 000 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


The European Parliament resolution of 26 April 2007 set aid for the outermost regions at EUR 17 m. Funding has been increased by EUR 2 m, with no change in the breakdown between Member States.

The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is retabling it at second reading.


|Draft amendment 0128 | |=== BUDG/9315=== |

to the modification by the Council to Amendment 54 of the European Parliament

Budget reference line : 11 07 01



Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Article 11 07 01 Support for the management of fishery resources (collection of basic data)

Amend figures as follows:

|11 07 01 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|41 000 000 |35 000 000 |44 000 000 |40 000 000 |41 000 000 |35 000 000 |3 000 000 |5 000 000 |44 000 000 |40 000 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


In view of the need to collect data and keep them permanently up to date, so as to obtain better knowledge of the overall state of fishery resources and thus help ensure that actions to be taken are sustainable, the cut in budget appropriations against this heading is incomprehensible. It is therefore proposed that both commitment and payment appropriations be increased.

The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is retabling it at second reading.


|Draft amendment 0129 | |=== BUDG/9316=== |

to the modification by the Council to Amendment 55 of the European Parliament

Budget reference line : 11 08 01



Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Article 11 08 01 Financial contribution to the Member States for expenses in the field of control

Amend figures as follows:

|11 08 01 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|37 000 000 |25 000 000 |45 000 000 |35 000 000 |37 000 000 |25 000 000 |8 000 000 |10 000 000 |45 000 000 |35 000 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Less use has been made of this item because of a lack of Member State funds for fishing control measures, which remain inadequate.

Cutting funds against this budget item is simply concealing a failure by Member States to meet their obligations. Funds should be kept at the 2007 level, though in practice, regrettably, they are not being used because of Member State governments' lack of interest.

The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is retabling it at second reading.


|Draft amendment 0343 | |=== BUDG/9777=== |

to the modification by the Council to Amendment 1036 of the European Parliament

Budget reference line : 11 08 05 01



Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Item 11 08 05 01 Community Fisheries Control Agency (CFCA) — Subsidy under Titles 1 and 2

Amend figures as follows:

|11 08 05 01 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|3 339 000 |3 339 000 |4 300 000 |4 300 000 |3 339 000 |3 339 000 |2 761 000 |2 761 000 |6 100 000 |6 100 000 |

|Reserves |1 800 000 |1 800 000 |1 800 000 |1 800 000 |1 800 000 |1 800 000 |-1 800 000 |-1 800 000 | | |


Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Item 11 08 05 02 Community Fisheries Control Agency (CFCA) — Subsidy under Title 3

Amend figures as follows:

|11 08 05 02 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|1 011 000 |1 011 000 |1 200 000 |1 200 000 |1 011 000 |1 011 000 |189 000 |189 000 |1 200 000 |1 200 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |



- PARTC-3-11-19 Community Fisheries Control Agency (CFCA)

Amend remarks as follows:


Community Fisheries Control Agency (CFCA)


Amend text as follows:

| Category and grade | Posts |

| | 2007 | 2008 |

| |Actually filled as at 31.12.2006 | Authorised under the Community | Authorised under the Community |

| | |budget |budget |

| | Permanent | Temporary | Permanent | Temporary | Permanent | Temporary |

| AD 16 |  |  |  |  |  |  |

| AD 15 |  |  |  |  |  |  |

| AD 14 |  |1 |  |1 |  |1 |

| AD 13 |  |  |  |1 |  |1 |

| AD 12 |  |2 |2 |1 |2 |21 |

| AD 11 |  |  |  |  | |1 |

| AD 10 |  |  |  |  | |1 |

| AD 9 |  |  |4 |2 |4 |3 |

| AD 8 |  |  |2 |  |2 |1 |

| AD 7 |  |  |  |  |  |1 |

| AD 6 |  |  |  |  |  |1 |

| AD 5 |  |  |  |  |  |1 |

| Total grade AD |0 |3 |8 |5 |8 |1310 |

| AST 11 |  |  |  |  |  |1 |

| AST 10 |  |  |1 |5 |1 |5 |

| AST 9 |  |  |  |3 |  |3 |

| AST 8 |  |1 |1 |  |1 |  |

| AST 7 |  |  |  |8 |  |8 |

| AST 6 |  |  |  |2 |  |32 |

| AST 5 |  |1 |  |2 |  |3 |

| AST 4 |  |  |  |  |  |  |

| AST 3 |  |  |  |  |  |  |

| AST 2 |  |  |  |3 |  |3 |

| AST 1 |  |  |  |  |  |  |

| Total grade AST |0 |2 |2 |23 |2 |2624 |

|Grand total |0 |5 |10 |28 |10 |3934 |

|Total staff |5 |38 |4944 |


Restore the PDB. Restore PDB organigramme.

The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is modifying its first reading amendment and retabling it at second reading.


|Draft amendment 0344 | |=== BUDG/9754=== |

to the modification by the Council to Amendment 57 of the European Parliament

Budget reference line : 11 09 01



Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Article 11 09 01 Preparatory action — Maritime Policy

Amend figures as follows:

|11 09 01 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|4 500 000 |4 500 000 |8 500 000 |8 500 000 |4 500 000 |4 500 000 |2 000 000 |2 000 000 |6 500 000 |6 500 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


The amounts earmarked are insufficient for the preparatory actions which may be carried out in 2008. EUR 6.5 m is a sum more in keeping with capacity to carry out projects launching this new Community policy.

The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is modifying its first reading amendment and retabling it at second reading.


|Draft amendment 0345 | |=== BUDG/9752=== |

to the modification by the Council to Amendment 887 of the European Parliament

Budget reference line : 11 09 02



Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Add: 11 09 02 —

Amend classification: NCE

Amend type: DA

|11 09 02 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations| | |2 000 000 |2 000 000 | | |4 000 000 |4 000 000 |4 000 000 |4 000 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Pilot Project Networking and Best Practices in Maritime Policy


Add following text:

The appropriations are intended to promote pilot projects seeking to integrate various systems for the monitoring and surveillance of the seas, collate scientific data on the sea, and disseminate networks and best practices in the field of maritime policy and the coastal economy.

Legal basis:

Add following text:

Pilot project within the meaning of Article 49(6) of Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002 of 25 June on the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities (OJ L 248, 16.9.2002, p. 1), as amended by Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1995/2006 (OJ L 390, 30.12.2006, p. 1).

Reference acts:


The Parliament has asked in its "resolution of 12 July 2007 on a future maritime policy for the European Union: a European vision for the oceans and seas (2006/2299(INI))" to create a budget line entitled 'Maritime Policy: pilot projects' in order to promote pilot projects seeking to integrate various systems for the monitoring and surveillance of the seas, collate scientific data on the sea, and disseminate networks and best practices in the field of maritime policy and the coastal economy.

The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is modifying its first reading amendment and retabling it at second reading.


|Draft amendment 0165 | |=== BUDG/9458=== |

to the modification by the Council to Amendment 891 of the European Parliament

Budget reference line : 15 04 49

BUDG/4978 Compromise amendment between PPE//7577



Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Add: 15 04 49 —

Amend classification: NCE

Amend type: DA

|15 04 49 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations| | |1 500 000 |1 500 000 | | |1 500 000 |1 500 000 |1 500 000 |1 500 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Preparatory action - Fostering Baltic Sea regionalisation


Add following text:

This appropriation is intended to finance inter alia the following activities in connection with enhancing Baltic Sea regionalisation:

— strengthening the common Baltic Sea identity through training and improving governance,

— improving the economic and environmental competitiveness of the region by regionalising the Lisbon Strategy and promoting regional clusters,

— including adjacent regions to exploit the full dynamic potential of the Baltic Sea region, firstly by facing the challenge of including Russia in the Baltic Sea framework and, secondly, by meeting the challenge of dealing with Russia as an external power in the region. In maritime, environmental and transport policies, its presence would help to address common Baltic Sea issues. It might be possible to include Russia in areas involving the soft security dimension.

Legal basis:

Add following text:

Preparatory action within the meaning of Article 49(6) of Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002 of 25 June 2002 on the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities (OJ L 248, 16.9.2002, p. 1), as amended by Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1995/2006 (OJ L 390, 30.12.2006, p. 1).

Reference acts:


The Baltic Sea is an internal Sea of the EU. Eight Member States border to the Baltic Sea. The challenges and the potentials of the Baltic Sea Region are not, however, fully exploited. Fresh ideas and new forms of regional collaboration need to be initiated and instituted.

The Committee on Budgets has taken over and modified the amendment tabled by the EPP-ED group.

The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is retabling it at second reading.


|Proposed modification 0329 | |=== BUDG/9629=== |

to the modification by the Council to Amendment 896 of the European Parliament

Budget reference line : 17 01 04 06

BUDG/4954 Compromise amendment between AGRI/5365



Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Add: 17 01 04 06 —

Amend classification: NCE

Amend type: NDA

|17 01 04 06 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations| | |1 000 000 |1 000 000 | | |1 000 000 |1 000 000 |1 000 000 |1 000 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Pilot project: Improved methods for animal-friendly production


Add following text:

This appropriation is intended to cover a pilot project developing improved methods for animal-friendly production.

Add following text:

This pilot project should focus at least on:

— alternatives to the castration of pigs,

— alternatives to the dehorning of cows.

Legal basis:

Add following text:

Pilot project within the meaning of Article 49(6) of Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) N° 1605/2002 on the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities (OJ L 248, 16.9.2002, p. 1), as amended by Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1995/2006 of 13 December 2006 (OJ L 390, 30.12.2006, p. 1).

Reference acts:


A Pilot Project on animal welfare should be launched, in order to develop improved animal production methods. Animals are often kept under circumstances, which could be easily improved following the development of certain technologies.

The Committee on Budgets has taken over and modified the amendment tabled by the AGRI committee.

The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is retabling it at second reading.


|Draft amendment 0185 | |=== BUDG/9463=== |

to the modification by the Council to Amendment 897 of the European Parliament

Budget reference line : 17 03 13

BUDG/4955 Compromise amendment between VERT/7353



Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Add: 17 03 13 —

Amend classification: NCE

Amend type: DA

|17 03 13 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations| | |1 000 000 |1 000 000 | | |1 000 000 |1 000 000 |1 000 000 |1 000 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Pilot project - Sulphur dioxide emission trading in the Baltic Sea


Add following text:

This appropriation is intended to cover payments to fund a pilot project intended to cut sulphur emissions in the Baltic Sea by launching a pilot sulphur emissions trading scheme between countries which are willing to participate.

Legal basis:

Add following text:

Pilot project within the meaning of Article 49(6) of Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002 of 25 June on the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities (OJ L 248, 16.9.2002, p. 1), as amended by Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1995/2006 (OJ L 390, 30.12.2006, p. 1).

Reference acts:


The Baltic Sea has been defined as a Sulphur Emission Control Area All ships in the Baltic Sea have to either use fuel with sulphur content not exceeding 1.5% or emission-cleaning systems reaching an equivalent standard. Nevertheless, further sulphur emission reductions are needed. Emission trading has been acknowledged as a cost-efficient way to cut the sulphur emissions from shipping. The scheme could be launched as a pilot project in the Baltic Sea and if the experiences are positive, used in other EU sea areas.

The Committee on Budgets has taken over and modified the amendment tabled by the Verts/ALE group.

The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is retabling it at second reading.


|Draft amendment 0186 | |=== BUDG/9500=== |

to the modification by the Council to Amendment 941 of the European Parliament

Budget reference line : 17 04 02 01

BUDG/4889 Compromise amendment between AGRI/5363, UEN//8106



Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Item 17 04 02 01 Other measures in the veterinary, animal welfare and public health field — New measures

Amend remarks and figures as follows:

|17 04 02 01 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|14 000 000 |10 000 000 |17 000 000 |13 000 000 |14 000 000 |10 000 000 |3 000 000 |3 000 000 |17 000 000 |13 000 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Other measures in the veterinary, animal welfare and public health field — New measures


After paragraph

This appropriation is intended to cover the Community’s contribution to ..........in these sectors, at veterinary support and at back-up measures.

Amend text as follows:

It consists in providing financial assistance:

— for the purchase of foot-and-mouth antigens, their storage and formulation,

— for an information policy in the field of animal protection, including information campaigns and programs to inform the public about the harmlessness of consumption of meat from vaccinated animals, as well as information campaigns and programs emphasizing the humane aspects of vaccination strategies in the fight against contagious animal diseases,

— for the monitoring of compliance with animal-protection provisions during the transport of animals for slaughter,

— for the development of marker vaccines or tests that can distinguish between sick and vaccinated animals,

— for the establishment and maintenance of a rapid alert system, including a world-wide rapid alert system, for the notification of direct or indirect risks to human health deriving from food or feed,

— for technical and scientific measures necessary to develop Community veterinary legislation and for the development of veterinary education or training,

— for IT tools including TRACES and the Animal Disease Notification System,System.

— for measures to combat illegal imports of dog and cat furs.

Legal basis:

Reference acts:


Appropriations should be strengthened for increased efforts in communication policy to the public to inform them about the harmlessness of consumption of meat from vaccinated animals, as well as emphasizing the humane aspects of vaccination strategies in the fight against contagious animal diseases. These vaccination strategies can substantially reduce the number of animals that have to be culled in case of an outbreak of a contagious animal disease. Furthermore part of the increase should preferably be reserved for the further development of marker vaccines or tests that can distinguish between sick and vaccinated animals.

Illegal imports of dog and cat furs are still common in Europe.

Measures including proper information provision and more stringent customs controls could help put a stop to this illegal trade.

The Committee on Budgets has taken over and modified the amendments tabled by the AGRI committee and the UEN group.

The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is retabling it at second reading.


|Proposed modification 0330 | |=== BUDG/9630=== |

to the modification by the Council to Amendment 898 of the European Parliament

Budget reference line : 17 04 03 03

BUDG/4977 Compromise amendment between AGRI/5250



Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Add: 17 04 03 03 —

Amend classification: NCE

Amend type: NDA

|17 04 03 03 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations| | |4 000 000 |4 000 000 | | |4 000 000 |4 000 000 |4 000 000 |4 000 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Preparatory action: Control posts (resting points) in relation to transport of animals


Add following text:

This appropriation is intended to cover the costs of developing improved control posts (resting points) for animals during long journeys. In the interests of animal health and welfare, it has been necessary to introduce specific measures to avoid stress, for example, when animals are unloaded and reloaded, and to prevent the spread of infectious diseases.

Legal basis:

Add following text:

Preparatory action within the meaning of Article 49(6) of Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002 of 25 June 2002 on the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities (OJ L 248, 16.9.2002, p. 1), as amended by Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1995/2006 (OJ L 390, 30.12.2006, p. 1).

Reference acts:


Transport of animals and especially long journeys has now for years been brought up for discussion among citizens and politicians in the EU. According to Article 3 in Regulation 1255/97, 130 control posts have been approved in the EU. It should however be stressed that 14 Member States have no approved control posts. Furthermore the majority of approved control posts are situated in Germany, France and Italy, whereas neither of the Scandinavian nor the Baltic Member States have approved control posts.

Some Member States as well as some hauliers have claimed that the quality of certain controls posts is unsatisfactory. Additionally, there are claims that the locations of the control posts are wrong. The poor quality of certain control posts is leading some hauliers - in concern of the health and welfare of the animals - to prefer to avoid unloading and subsequently re-loading at the control posts.

The Committee on Budgets has taken over and modified the amendment tabled by the AGRI committee

The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is retabling it at second reading.


|Draft amendment 0187 | |=== BUDG/9368=== |

to the modification by the Council to Amendment 305 of the European Parliament

Budget reference line : 17 04 04 01



Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Item 17 04 04 01 Plant-health measures — New measures

Amend remarks as follows:

|17 04 04 01 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|2 000 000 |2 000 000 |2 000 000 |2 000 000 |2 000 000 |2 000 000 | | |2 000 000 |2 000 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Plant-health measures — New measures


After paragraph

This appropriation is intended to cover the Community contribution to ..........obstacles to the free movement of goods in these sectors.

Add following text:

This relates to the EU platform for coordination of minor uses – system for knowledge pooling on the use of plant protection products, in particular as regards minor uses.

Legal basis:

Reference acts:


An EU platform for coordination/funding of minor uses. Such a platform, building on the already existing structure of the EU Expert Group on Minor Uses, could be a permanent structure aiming at the efficient exchange of minor use related information and contributing to the availability of plant protection products and exchange of non-chemical methods that are sustainable and compatible with the high level of protection for human and animal health and the environment. The platform could also contribute to obtaining and maintaining the desired level European playing field, by creating equal opportunities for all Member States, reducing duplication of work and contribute to the sustainable production of minor crops.

The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is retabling it at second reading.


|Draft amendment 0188 | |=== BUDG/9388=== |

to the modification by the Council to Amendment 435 of the European Parliament

Budget reference line : 17 04 05



Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Article 17 04 05 Other measures

Split as follows: 17 04 05 01 , 17 04 05 02

Amend classification: NCE

Amend type: DA

|17 04 05 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|— |— |0 |0 |0 |0 | | |0 |0 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Community Plant Variety OfficeOther measures


Amend text as follows:

This article covers the Community Plant Variety Office (CPVO). This agency has total financial autonomy. The estimated revenue and expenditure in year 2008 are as follows:

Delete following text:

| | | | | | |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations| | |p.m. |p.m. |p.m. |p.m. | | |p.m. |p.m. |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Community Plant Variety Office - Subsidy under Titles 1 and 2


Add following text:

This item is intended to cover the Office's staff and administrative expenditure (Titles 1 and 2).

Add following text:

The Office’s establishment plan is shown in Part C ‘Staff‚ of the general statement of revenue (volume 1).

Legal basis:

Add following text:

Council Regulation (EC) No 2100/94 of 27 July 1994 on Community plant variety rights (OJ L 227 of 01.09.94 p.1), as last amended by Council Regulation (EC) n°873/2004 (OJ L 162 of 30.04.2004, p.38).

Reference acts:



Amend classification: NCE

Amend type: DA

|17 04 05 02 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations| | |p.m. |p.m. |p.m. |p.m. | | |p.m. |p.m. |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Community Plant Variety Office - Subsidy under Title 3


Add following text:

This item is intended to cover the Office's operating expenditure (Title 3).

Add following text:

The estimated revenue and expenditure in year 2008 are as follows:

Add following text:

|Revenue: | |

|— Title 1 «Revenue» |11 535 000 |

|— Title 2 «European Community subsidy» |p.m. |

|— Title 3 «Deficit reserve» | |

|— Title 5 «Revenue — CPVO administrative operations» |12 000 |

|— Title 6 «Repayments» |15 000 |

|— Title 9 «Miscellaneous revenue» |790 000 |

|— Amounts drawn on the reserve of surpluses accumulated from earlier years |p.m. |

|Total |12 352 000 |

|Expenditure: | |

|— Title 1 «Staff» |4 817 000 |

|— Title 2 «Administrative expenditure» |1 697 000 |

|— Title 3 «Operating expenditure» |6 424 000 |

|Total |12 938 000 |

| | |

|— Balance for the financial year |— |

|— Profit as per 31 December | |

Legal basis:

Add following text:

Council Regulation (EC) No 2100/94 of 27 July 1994 on Community plant variety rights (OJ L 227 of 01.09.94 p.1), as last amended by Council Regulation (EC) n°873/2004 (OJ L 162 of 30.04.2004, p.38).

Reference acts:


According to Annex III of the Interinstitutional Agreement between the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission on budgetary discipline and sound financial management of 17 May 2006, this budget line should be classified as non-compulsory expenditure.

For reasons of transparency and accountability, full information on all agencies should be included separately and openly in the general budget.

The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is retabling it at second reading.


|Draft amendment 0047 | |=== BUDG/9365=== |

to the modification by the Council to Amendment 236 of the European Parliament

Budget reference line : 04 04 09

EMPL/6379 Compromise amendment between EMPL/6345



Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Article 04 04 09 Support for the running costs of the Platform of European Social Non-governmental Organisations

Amend figures as follows:

|04 04 09 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|620 000 |620 000 |680 000 |680 000 |620 000 |620 000 |60 000 |60 000 |680 000 |680 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


The Platform of European Social Non-governmental Organisations needs not only to extend its work to two new Member States but also to new sectors as new demands have emerged in the field of internal market, health and consumers’ rights, good governance and the future of Europe. Therefore it is necessary to increase the budget line covering the support for the running cost of the Platform back to its 2006 level;

The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is retabling it at second reading.


|Draft amendment 0085 | |=== BUDG/9529=== |

to the modification by the Council to Amendment 988 of the European Parliament

Budget reference line : 07 04 01

BUDG/4892 Compromise amendment between PSE//8525, ENVI/5919, PPE//7571

ENVI/5919 Compromise amendment between ENVI/5910



Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Article 07 04 01 Civil Protection Financial Instrument

Amend remarks and figures as follows:

|07 04 01 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|17 890 000 |13 370 000 |20 000 000 |15 000 000 |17 890 000 |13 370 000 |2 110 000 |1 630 000 |20 000 000 |15 000 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Civil Protection Financial Instrument


Before paragraph

To the appropriations entered in this item must be added ..........section, which forms an integral part of the general budget.

Amend text as follows:

This appropriation is intended to cover expenditure on actions in the field of civil protection. It is aimed at supporting and complementing the efforts of the Member States, EFTA and candidate countries having signed a memorandum of understanding with the Community on response, preparedness and prevention actions with regard to natural and man-made disasters, acts of terrorism and technological, radiological or environmental accidents. It also aims to facilitate closer cooperation between the Member States in the field of civil protection. It covers, in particular:

— the provision of a complementary capability in the form of a stand-by force based on a pooling of existing resources or by access to complementary resources and equipment

— mobilisation of experts to assess assistance needs and facilitate European assistance in Member States or third countries in the event of disasters;

— transportation of European civil protection assistance — including the provision of relevant information on transportation means — in the event of a disaster as well as associated logistics;

— training courses (including general training courses in the context of the mechanism as well as training courses focusing on specific issues or for a specialised audience) to provide experts and team leaders with the knowledge and tools needed to participate effectively in Community interventions and to develop a common European intervention culture;

— command post exercises and full-scale exercises to test interoperability, train civil protection officials and create a common intervention culture;

— the exchange of experts to enhance understanding of European civil protection and to share information and experience;

— workshops, projects, studies, surveys, modelling, scenario-building and contingency planning, capacity-building assistance; demonstration projects; technology transfer; awareness and dissemination actions; communication actions; monitoring, assessment and evaluation;

— information and communication (ICT) systems, in particular CECIS (Common Emergency Communication and Information System), facilitating the exchange of information with Member States during emergencies – to improve efficiency and to enable the exchange of ‘EU restricted’ information. This covers the costs of development, maintenance, operation and support (hardware, software and services) of the systems. It also covers the cost of project management, quality control, security, documentation and training linked to the implementation of such systems.

After paragraph

Any revenue from the candidate countries' contribution to participation in ..........additional appropriations, pursuant to Article 18(1)(d) of the Financial Regulation.

Add following text:

A sufficient amount from the budget shall be used to ensure the development of necessary expertise to ensure full consideration for and research on the particular needs of persons with disabilities in all actions in the field of civil protection.

Legal basis:

Reference acts:


In its recent resolution of 4 September on natural disasters, the European Parliament welcomed the establishment of a Civil Protection Financial Instrument, while expressing its concern 'that the amount allocated to this new instrument will not be sufficient for its ambitious tasks to be carried out effectively' (paragraph 13).

This additional action would enhance solidarity in the EU and proof EU's value added. It should cover natural and man-made disasters, ie. industrial and maritime accidents, terrorist attack, technological, radiological and environmental accidents. This request reflects the EP resolution P6_TA-PROV(2007)0362 on this summer's natural disasters (especially par. 9, 12 and 13) and some aspects of the proposals of the Barnier report on a "European civil protection force: Europe aid".

Persons with disabilities run a greater risk in the event of natural and man-made disasters than persons without disabilities. There is a need for ensuring better understanding of the needs of disabled people in such situations and enhanced preparedness of interventions, ensuring full consideration of the particular needs of persons with disabilities. The EU as well as the Member States are also obliged under the Article 11 of the UN Convention on the Rights and Protection of Persons with Disabilities to take all necessary measures to ensure the protection and safety of persons with disabilities in situations of risk.

This implies a minor increase of the foreseen costs, in particular when it comes to the involvement of necessary expertise on assistance needs of disabled persons in the event of disasters, and the budget line has been amended accordingly.

The Committee on Budgets has taken over and modified the amendments tabled by PSE, EPP-ED Groups and ENVI Committee.

The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is retabling it at second reading.


|Draft amendment 0111 | |=== BUDG/9616=== |

to the modification by the Council to Amendment 1140 of the European Parliament

Budget reference line : 09 06 01

PLEN/9108 Compromise amendment between BUDG/4843, PPE//7618

BUDG/4843 Compromise amendment between PPE//7618, FEMM/6022



Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Article 09 06 01 Media 2007 – Support programme for the European audiovisual sector

Amend remarks and figures as follows:

|09 06 01 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|93 794 000 |55 200 000 | | |93 794 000 |55 200 000 | |15 000 000 |93 794 000 |70 200 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Media 2007 – Support programme for the European audiovisual sector


Before paragraph

To the appropriations entered in this article must be added ..........section, which forms an integral part of the general budget.

Amend text as follows:

This appropriation is intended to cover the following measures:

Support for the pre-production phase:

a) Favour the acquisition of skills and qualifications for audiovisual professionals in the fields of scriptwriting, management and new technologies. For example: support the mobility of trainers; scholarships for professionals from the new Member States;

b) Support the development of audiovisual works, in respect of the creative (scripts) as well as economical aspects (production strategies, distribution and promotion). For example: support the development of individual projects or catalogues of projects; support intended to facilitate access to financing by SMEs.

Support for the post-production phase:

c) Support the transnational distribution of European works, to improve the circulation of non-national European works. For example: support cinema and video distribution of non-national European films; automatic and selective support for distributors of non-national European films, support for promotion kits, support to digitisation;

d) Improve the promotion of European works. For example: ensuring access by professionals to European and international markets; ensuring access by the audience to works reflecting European cultural diversity.

1) Support innovation and enable the programme to adapt to technological changes. Action: support pilot projects, notably in respect of digital technologies.

2) Support for high-quality programmes while at the same time restricting the broadcasting of violent content.

3) Support a network of information offices (Media desks) throughout Europe.

4) Support for the European Audiovisual Observatory.

5) Monitoring the implementation of Community legislation regarding the designation of content unsuitable for underage viewers.

After paragraph

Any revenue from the Swiss Confederation’s contribution to participation in ..........appropriations in accordance with Article 18(1) of the Financial Regulation.

Add following text:

The Commission is requested to provide information on the actions undertaken or foreseen to be taken to overcome implementation difficulties. This information should be presented at the forthcoming trialogue meetings. This is in line with the declaration on ensuring proper budget implementation adopted at the November 2006 budget conciliation.

Legal basis:

Reference acts:


The process for an improved implementation should be continued. The budget forecast alert report and the implementation figures of 30 June 2007 presented by the Commission show weaknesses ( rate of implementation less than 10% in implementation except for "Community action in the field of Consumer Policy" 12.86%) and that specific attention and action is required to the above lines.

The basic objective of the support programme for the European audiovisual sector is to promote high-quality content and impose considerable restrictions on the broadcasting of violent content by the audiovisual media. In this context, it is necessary to ensure strict monitoring of compliance with Community law concerning the compulsory designation of content unsuitable for underage viewers.

The Committee on Budgets has taken over and modified the amendments tabled by EPP-ED Group, FEMM and CULT Commitees.

Amendment adopted in Plenary.

The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is retabling it at second reading.


|Draft amendment 0161 | |=== BUDG/9307=== |

to the modification by the Council to Amendment 22 of the European Parliament

Budget reference line : 15 04 44



Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Article 15 04 44 Culture Programme (2007 to 2013)

Amend figures as follows:

|15 04 44 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|44 639 000 |34 700 000 |44 639 000 |39 700 000 |44 639 000 |34 700 000 | |5 000 000 |44 639 000 |39 700 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Reinstate PDB.

The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is retabling it at second reading.


|Draft amendment 0162 | |=== BUDG/9456=== |

to the modification by the Council to Amendment 889 of the European Parliament

Budget reference line : 15 04 45

BUDG/4958 Compromise amendment between CULT/5871



Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Add: 15 04 45 —

Amend classification: NCE

Amend type: DA

|15 04 45 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations| | |1 500 000 |1 500 000 | | |1 500 000 |1 500 000 |1 500 000 |1 500 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Pilot scheme for artist mobility


Add following text:

This appropriation is intended to fund a pilot programme aiming at supporting the environment for mobility, the networking of existing structures in the independent civil society sector and public authorities initiatives, as well as strengthening and encouraging the development of mobility funds and programmes in the cultural sector. It aims to finance in particular:

— a feasibility study for a comprehensive scheme designed to provide a European wide system of information on the different legal, regulatory, procedural and financial aspects to mobility in the cultural sector, including if necessary, mobility contact points at national level,

— calls for networking of existing structures supporting mobility in different sectors in order to develop exchange of best practices, evaluation methodologies, valorisation of results as well as possible joint actions and studies aiming at improving the overall effectiveness at EU level,

— contributions to the operational costs of mobility funds, programmes or schemes on a matching basis, in the sense that EU support will free up or elicit new funding to be used exclusively to achieve concrete mobility, and/ or is used to open access to a new target group, geographical area, expressed need or other similar improvement/ development (added value) and/ or is used to generate new programmes, formats or structured experiences of mobility.

Legal basis:

Add following text:

Pilot project within the meaning of Article 49(6) of Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002 of 25 June 2002 on the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities (OJ L 248, 16.9.2002, p.1), as amended by Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1995/2006 (OJ L 390, 30.12.2006, p. 1).

Reference acts:


The culture programme is currently lacking a specific initiative for the mobility of artists. This pilot project is intended to start such mobility initiative which should idealiter be integrated in the Culture programme at the time of the mid term review.

The Committee on Budgets has taken over and modified the amendment tabled by the CULT committee.

The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is retabling it at second reading.


|Draft amendment 0163 | |=== BUDG/9545=== |

to the modification by the Council to Amendment 1020 of the European Parliament

Budget reference line : 15 04 47

BUDG/4893 Compromise amendment between BUDG/4611



Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Article 15 04 47 European Year for Intercultural Dialogue

Amend remarks as follows:

|15 04 47 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|7 000 000 |6 200 000 |7 000 000 |6 200 000 |7 000 000 |6 200 000 | | |7 000 000 |6 200 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


European Year for Intercultural Dialogue


After list beginning with :

In accordance with the decision concerning the European Year of ..........and long-term follow-up to the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue.

— ..........

and ending with :

surveys and studies on a Community or national scale to ..........and long-term follow-up to the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue.

Add following text:

2008 is European Year for Intercultural Dialogue. Actions will be financed which are dedicated to the improvement and development of multilingualism and to enhancing the European Union's role in relation to awareness and understanding of different cultures worldwide. This promotional action will be based on the use of IT and information society services.

Legal basis:

Reference acts:


2008 is European Year for Intercultural Dialogue. Actions will be financed which are dedicated to the improvement and development of multilingualism and to enhancing the European Union's role in relation to awareness and understanding of different cultures worldwide. This promotional action will be based on the use of IT and information society services.

The Committee on Budgets has taken over and modified the amendments tabled by BUDG Committee.

The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is retabling it at second reading.


|Draft amendment 0164 | |=== BUDG/9457=== |

to the modification by the Council to Amendment 890 of the European Parliament

Budget reference line : 15 04 48

BUDG/4959 Compromise amendment between PPE//7572



Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Add: 15 04 48 —

Amend classification: NCE

Amend type: DA

|15 04 48 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations| | |500 000 |500 000 |500 000 |500 000 | | |500 000 |500 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Preservation of the historical finds of regional museums through the digitisation of their archives


Add following text:

This appropriation serves a dual purpose:

Add following text:

1) the preservation and conservation of the finds of regional museums through the creation of digital archives;

Add following text:

2) wider dissemination of the rich cultural heritage and history of the peoples of the European Union through the exchange of digital data.

Legal basis:

Add following text:

Pilot project within the meaning of Article 49(2) of Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002 of 25 June on the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities (OJ L 248, 16.9.2002, p. 1), as amended by Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1995/2006 of 13 December 2006 (OJ L 390, 30.12.2006, p. 1).

Reference acts:


The electronic archiving of the finds and exhibits contained in all museums, especially in the regions, would facilitate their conservation and also the dissemination of culture. For educational purposes also, particularly now that new technologies are complementing traditional teaching methods, this will contribute greatly to wider knowledge of the European cultural heritage beyond national borders. The appropriation may be allocated to one or more museums as necessary.

The Committee on Budgets has taken over and modified the amendment tabled by the PPE-DE Group.

The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is retabling it at second reading.


|Draft amendment 0351 | |=== BUDG/9705=== |

to the modification by the Council to Amendment 1146 of the European Parliament

Budget reference line : 15 05 55

PLEN/9107 Compromise amendment between BUDG/4844, PPE//7618

BUDG/4844 Compromise amendment between PPE//7618



Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Article 15 05 55 Youth in action

Amend figures as follows:

|15 05 55 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|119 483 000 |90 000 000 |109 034 700 |91 000 000 |119 483 000 |90 000 000 |1 500 000 |10 000 000 |120 983 000 |100 000 000 |

|Reserves | | |11 948 300 |9 000 000 | | | | | | |


The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is modifying its first reading amendment and retabling it at second reading.


|Draft amendment 0167 | |=== BUDG/9621=== |

to the modification by the Council to Amendment 1147 of the European Parliament

Budget reference line : 15 06 06

PLEN/9127 Compromise amendment between BUDG/4690, CULT/5883

CULT/5883 Compromise amendment between CULT/5865



Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Article 15 06 06 Special annual events

Amend remarks and figures as follows:

|15 06 06 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|p.m. |p.m. |1 880 000 |1 880 000 |p.m. |p.m. |1 880 000 |1 880 000 |1 880 000 |1 880 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Special annual events


After paragraph

This appropriation is intended to cover possible completion costs of measures supported as special annual events.

Add following text:

The amount of 880.000 EURO is allocated for the organization of the “9’th Winter Olympics of the European Youth „Silesia – Beskidy 2009”, winter sport games to be held for 7 days of 2009 in Poland.1 400 European sportsmen at the age between 15 and 18, from 44 countries of Europe will be taking part in the Olympics. Expenditures of the Organizational Committee of the Olympics will be also partly covered through.

Add following text:

An European dimension of the event is clear and strong. Thanks to massive participation of the youth from all countries of the continent, the Olympics will bring a solid development of cultural cooperation among the youth, with a strong focus on educational values of a fair play and on empowerment of the sport spirit among the youth. The event will be also an effective promotional vehicle of the healthy style of living and a voluntary involvement of the youth.

Add following text:

Last but not least, the Olympics will contribute to the development of the European Community with a stronger base of cultural and sport values.

Add following text:

With due regard for the provisions of the Financial Regulation, in particular Articles 109 and 110 thereof, EUR 1 000 000 is intended as a contribution to the financing of the «Marathon for a United Europe» at the place in which the first marathon commenced in ancient times in celebration of the Athenian victory over the Persians. This will take place in the summer of 2008 as part of a three-day cultural event. The «Marathon for a United Europe» will be run from Tymbos Marathonos to the Panathinaiko Stadium in Athens and will be open to young people from the 27 Member States of the European Union, including champion distance runners.

Legal basis:

Reference acts:


A financial participation of the EU in the 9th Winter Olympics of the European Youth may be translated directly into implementation of a set of the Community priorities among which education, equal opportunities, mobilization of the youth, public health, regional policy should be particularly pointed. The total cost of planned investments is 27,5 million EURO. A financial support from the EU budget of 880.000 EURO will constitute only 3 percent of the overall budget of the event and 48% of the budget of non investment expenditures.

For the first time an event is being organised which will highlight the Community dimension of sport. Young men and women from the 27 EU Member States will be given the opportunity to meet and exchange ideas. It symbolises the enduring nature of competition against the clock in cementing friendships among a young generation of European citizens, the struggle for democracy and the ideal of the European Union, in the place where the first marathon began in ancient times. The «Marathon for a United Europe» will symbolise the endeavour of young people in present-day Europe to achieve harmonious and peaceful coexistence thanks to the cultural values of each of the EU Member States.

Amendment adopted in plenary.

The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is retabling it at second reading.


|Draft amendment 0169 | |=== BUDG/9459=== |

to the modification by the Council to Amendment 892 of the European Parliament

Budget reference line : 15 06 08

BUDG/4960 Compromise amendment between PSE//8501



Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Add: 15 06 08 —

Amend classification: NCE

Amend type: DA

|15 06 08 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations| | |1 000 000 |1 000 000 | | |1 000 000 |1 000 000 |1 000 000 |1 000 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Erasmus public administration programme


Add following text:

The pilot project's aim is to help national public administrations to learn about EU decision-making procedures. It will involve providing new recruits to posts directly linked to Community policies within public administrations with access to traineeships within the European institutions.

Add following text:

The pilot project could be funded under a national cofinancing system. (Part of public administrations' current expenditure on the local training of new recruits could be used for this purpose.)

Legal basis:

Add following text:

Pilot project within the meaning of Article 49(6) of Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002 of 25 June 2002 on the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities (OJ L 248, 16.9.2002, p.1), as amended by Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1995/2006 (OJ L 390, 30.12.2006, p. 1).

Reference acts:


The project is intended as a practical and effective response to the Lisbon Strategy objectives relating to more efficient public administration within Europe (Member States).

It is becoming increasingly clear that national administrations need to gain a better understanding of EU decision-making mechanisms in order to improve their relations with the European institutions and secure more effective action within Europe.

The Committee on Budgets has taken over and modified the amendment tabled by the PSE Group.

The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is retabling it at second reading.


|Draft amendment 0170 | |=== BUDG/9460=== |

to the modification by the Council to Amendment 893 of the European Parliament

Budget reference line : 15 06 10

BUDG/4979 Compromise amendment between PPE//7576



Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Add: 15 06 10 —

Amend classification: NCE

Amend type: DA

|15 06 10 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations| | |3 000 000 |2 500 000 | | |3 000 000 |2 500 000 |3 000 000 |2 500 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


AMICUS - Association of Member States Implementing a Community Universal Service


Add following text:

The preparatory action should define a common framework for national civic services across the European Union, relying on the existing national civic service infrastructures and permitting the large-scale exchange of participants between EU Member States, leading to a truly universal European civic service. The service should be civic, i.e. civil or military. Each Member State would be able to choose the form of civic service. It should be open to young people, male and female, between 16 and 28 years old. This project would give tangible substance to the notion of European citizenship since it would provide an opportunity for the young participants to carry out part of their civic service in another country taking part in Amicus.

Legal basis:

Add following text:

Preparatory action within the meaning of Article 49(6) of Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002 of 25 June 2002 on the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities (OJ L 248, 16.9.2002, p. 1), as amended by Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1995/2006 (OJ L 390, 30.12.2006, p. 1).

Reference acts:


In a view of a new European citizenship, this pilot project will enable, through social and cultural mixing, rediscovering certain fundamental values of our society, such as good citizenship, civility, and in addition would lead to a satisfaction of social needs that are currently ignored for lack of financial resources

The Committee on Budgets has taken over and modified the amendment tabled by the EPP-ED group.

The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is retabling it at second reading.


|Draft amendment 0171 | |=== BUDG/9409=== |

to the modification by the Council to Amendment 610 of the European Parliament

Budget reference line : 16 02 02



Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Article 16 02 02 Multimedia actions

Amend figures as follows:

|16 02 02 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|18 800 000 |15 100 000 |22 200 000 |18 500 000 |18 800 000 |15 100 000 |3 400 000 |3 400 000 |22 200 000 |18 500 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


The Commission considers that due to the new political context following the European Council audiovisual media coverage will be all the more important. The Commission thus requests EUR 3 million extra to improve AV tools and to sign multi-annual contracts with TV or radio networks in order to ensure larger coverage of EU topics. Due to a lack of margin in heading 3B and other EP priorities the Commission's request cannot be fully honoured. It is proposed to increase the budget line with EUR 1,5 million.

The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is retabling it at second reading.


|Draft amendment 0172 | |=== BUDG/9308=== |

to the modification by the Council to Amendment 32 of the European Parliament

Budget reference line : 16 02 03



Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Article 16 02 03 Information for the media

Amend figures as follows:

|16 02 03 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|3 470 000 |3 000 000 |4 470 000 |4 000 000 |3 470 000 |3 000 000 |1 000 000 |1 000 000 |4 470 000 |4 000 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


The Commission asks for a reinforcement of EUR 1 million for seminars with journalists, which have proven to be very successful and are in high demand. Due to a lack of margin in heading 3B and other EP priorities it is proposed to increase this budget line with EUR 0,5 million.

The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is retabling it at second reading.


|Draft amendment 0173 | |=== BUDG/9622=== |

to the modification by the Council to Amendment 1148 of the European Parliament

Budget reference line : 16 03 02

PLEN/9111 Compromise amendment between BUDG/4894, PSE//8437

BUDG/4894 Compromise amendment between PSE//8437, BUDG/4745, BUDG/4312



Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Article 16 03 02 Local actions

Amend remarks and figures as follows:

|16 03 02 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|10 400 000 |9 700 000 |11 400 000 |10 700 000 |10 400 000 |9 700 000 |1 000 000 |1 000 000 |11 400 000 |10 700 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Local actions


After paragraph

The Interinstitutional Group on Information (IGI), co-chaired by the European ..........years based on a report drawn up by the Commission.

Amend text as follows:

These activities are implemented mainly via the Representations in the Member States:

— seminars and conferences,

— organisation of or participation in European events, exhibitions and public-relations activities, organisation of individual visits, etc.,

— direct communication measures targeted at the general public (e.g. citizens’ advice services),

— direct communication measures targeted at opinion multipliers, in particular stepped-up measures involving the regional daily press, which is a major information outlet for a large number of European citizens,

— opening and management of information centres and spaces for the general public.

After paragraph

The amount of assigned revenue in accordance with Article 18(1)(e) ..........of the Financial Regulation is estimated at EUR 5 000.

Add following text:

Part of this appropriation is intended to cover expenditure stemming from the European Union's participation in Expo Zaragoza 2008, «Water and Sustainable Development», to be held in Zaragoza (Spain) from 14 June to 14 September 2008, in particular in connection with the European Union stand, as agreed at the meeting of the Interinstitutional Working Group on Communication on 22 May 2007.

Legal basis:

Reference acts:


Local actions must make it possible to raise public awareness of European issues and set in train a public debate. Talks, exhibitions and communication actions, in particular via local media, for reaching out to citizens and bringing the European Union closer to them must be encouraged, and a substantial increase in the allocation for this heading is requested.

Expo Zaragoza 2008 will be a major international event involving more than 100 countries, together with businesses, international organisations and NGOs, to address what is an issue of the highest importance for mankind and the 21st century's key issue: water and sustainable development. These areas have been designated priority issues for the EU, which ought therefore to have a significant presence at the Expo and significant involvement in activities and contacts with citizens and organisations from throughout the world.

The Committee on Budgets has taken over and modified the amendments tabled by the PSE Group, by Mrs Rudi Ubeda and others, and by Mrs Douay.

Amendment adopted in Plenary.

The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is retabling it at second reading.


|Draft amendment 0174 | |=== BUDG/9623=== |

to the modification by the Council to Amendment 1149 of the European Parliament

Budget reference line : 16 03 04

PLEN/9103 Compromise amendment between BUDG/4895

BUDG/4895 Compromise amendment between AFCO/6502, GUE//7972, UEN//8104



Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Article 16 03 04 Specific actions on priority themes, of which PRINCE

Amend remarks and figures as follows:

|16 03 04 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|10 230 000 |5 900 000 |12 830 000 |10 500 000 |10 230 000 |5 900 000 |2 600 000 |4 600 000 |12 830 000 |10 500 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Specific actions on priority themes, of which PRINCE


After paragraph

They fit into the Action Plan adopted by the Commission ..........that it drew up in cooperation with the other institutions.

Amend text as follows:

The appropriation is intended primarily to cover the provision of information to citizens, as far as possible in their mother tongue,informing citizens about the Union’s present and future options and involving them in a debate on this subject.

After paragraph

The amount of assigned revenue in accordance with Article 18(1)(e) ..........of the Financial Regulation is estimated at EUR 5 000.

Add following text:

Part of this appropriation is earmarked for funding the «Rivers for Life» European Youth Forum, from 25 to 27 June 2008, to open Expo Zaragoza 2008. Implemented in close cooperation with the authorities in the Member States and/or civil society, these activities take account of specific national and regional features.

Legal basis:

Reference acts:


The Commission plans for a constant amount of 3 million Euros for the implementation of "Plan D". This is insufficient in view of the necessity to familiarise citizens with the outcome of and institutional changes adopted by the IGC of autumn 2007. The Council has even further reduced this amount. Therefore, an increase is necessary to carry out properly the tasks defined for the PRINCE programme.

The European Year of Intercultural Dialogue and Expo Zaragoza, both in 2008, will be unique opportunities for the EU to promote European cultural diversity and citizenship, including through projects such as the «Rivers for Life» European Youth Forum which will bring together more than 2 000 young people from Spain, Portugal, Germany, France and several Mediterranean countries (Turkey, Israel, the Palestinian Territories, Algeria and Morocco) under the theme of water, which has become a priority issue for the Community institutions.

It is relevant for the citizens to receive the information in their own mother tongue; this is the best way to involve them in the European programmes, actions and debates.

The Committee on Budgets has taken over and modified the amendments tabled by the AFCO committee and by the GUE and UEN groups.

Amendment adopted in plenary.

The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is retabling it at second reading.


|Draft amendment 0175 | |=== BUDG/9461=== |

to the modification by the Council to Amendment 894 of the European Parliament

Budget reference line : 16 03 05

BUDG/4961 Compromise amendment between VERT/7301



Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Article 16 03 05 EuroGlobe

Amend remarks and figures as follows:

|16 03 05 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|p.m. |p.m. |1 000 000 |1 000 000 |p.m. |p.m. |1 000 000 |1 000 000 |1 000 000 |1 000 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |




Amend text as follows:

This appropriation is intended to continuecover the pilot project started in 2007 for a mobile Globe theatre aiming to foster a European public space for debate, culture and learning.clearance of commitments up to 31 December 2007.

Legal basis:

Reference acts:


Although funds will be committed late in 2007 it is nevertheless necessary to foresee commitments for 2008 so as to be able to continue this action.

The Committee on Budgets has taken over and modified the amendment tabled by the Verts/ALE group.

The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is retabling it at second reading.


|Draft amendment 0176 | |=== BUDG/9462=== |

to the modification by the Council to Amendment 895 of the European Parliament

Budget reference line : 16 03 06

BUDG/4962 Compromise amendment between ITRE/6162



Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Article 16 03 06 Pilot project on pilot information networks (PINs)

Amend remarks, legal basis and figures as follows:

|16 03 06 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|p.m. |2 000 000 |1 500 000 |1 500 000 |p.m. |2 000 000 |1 500 000 |-500 000 |1 500 000 |1 500 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Pilot project on pilot information networks (PINs)


After paragraph

This appropriation is intended to cover the clearance of commitments up to 31 December 2007.

Add following text:

The pilot project was launched in 2007 and could be continued. IT-based information networks will serve the interests of better information at national, regional and local level.

Legal basis:

Amend text as follows:

Pilot project within the meaning of Article 49(6) of Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002 of 25 June 2002 on the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities (OJ L 248, 16.9.2002, p. 1)),1), as amended by Regulation (EC, Euratom)(EC) No 1995/2006 (OJ L 390, 30.12.2006, p. 1).

Reference acts:


In 2000 in the Lisbon strategy, the EU set itself the goal of becoming the world's most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy. The pilot project was launched in 2007 and could be continued. IT-based information networks will serve the interests of better information at national, regional and local level.

The Committee on Budgets has taken over and modified the amendment tabled by the ITRE committee.

The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is retabling it at second reading.


|Draft amendment 0177 | |=== BUDG/9530=== |

to the modification by the Council to Amendment 991 of the European Parliament

Budget reference line : 16 04 02

BUDG/4896 Compromise amendment between PPE//7606, BUDG/4736



Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Article 16 04 02 Online information and communication tools

Amend remarks as follows:

|16 04 02 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|10 880 000 |8 500 000 |10 880 000 |8 500 000 |10 880 000 |8 500 000 | | |10 880 000 |8 500 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Online information and communication tools


Before paragraph

The Commission has adopted communications to the European Parliament, the ..........and after consultations this will be followed by operational proposals.

Amend text as follows:

This appropriation is intended to fund on-line multi-media information and communication tools concerning the European Union, for the purpose of providing all citizens with general information on the work of the Community institutions, the decisions taken and the stages in the building of Europe. On-line tools make it possible to gather citizens’ questions or reactions on European issues. This is a public service task. The information covers all the Community institutions. These tools must be made accessible to people with disabilities, following WAI guidelines.

Legal basis:

Reference acts:


In order to fulfil its intention to be closer to citizens and its public service task, the EU institutions cannot have web tools that remain inaccessible to disabled citizens, as it is often the case up until today.

The Committee on Budgets has taken over and modified the amendments tabled by the EPP-ED Group and by Mrs McGuinness.

The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is retabling it at second reading.


|Draft amendment 0179 | |=== BUDG/9567=== |

to the modification by the Council to Amendment 1045 of the European Parliament

Budget reference line : 17 01 04 30



Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Item 17 01 04 30 Executive Agency for the Health and Consumer Policy Programmes

Amend heading and figures as follows:

|17 01 04 30 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|5 800 000 |5 800 000 |4 100 000 |4 100 000 |5 800 000 |5 800 000 |-1 700 000 |-1 700 000 |4 100 000 |4 100 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Executive Agency for the Health Programmeand Consumer Policy Programmes


Legal basis:

Reference acts:


This executive agency was created in 2004 for the Health Programme 2003 - 2008, with its lifetime foreseen to end in 2010 after two years of phasing out of the programme. Since the Commission has not notified the budgetary authority of its intention to extend the lifetime of this executive agency in order to allow it to assist in the implementation of any new programme in the health and consumer policy area, the heading of the budget line should reflect the name of the original programme for which the executive agency has been set up.

A transfer request for decreasing the budget line by an amount of 1,7m was introduced by the Commission in 2007 with the same argument namely that this amount "originates from the envelope of the Consumers programme and was intended to cover the cost of implementation of actions in the field of Consumer protection" while no decision had yet been taken to allow the implementation of the Consumer Programme by the Executive Agency for the Health Programme. Since, the Commission argues that, for the time being, "the Consumers programme will continue to be implemented by Commission services", the corresponding amount should also be deleted from the Budget line for 2008.

The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is retabling it at second reading.


|Draft amendment 0180 | |=== BUDG/9624=== |

to the modification by the Council to Amendment 1150 of the European Parliament

Budget reference line : 17 02 02

PLEN/9128 Compromise amendment between BUDG/4845

BUDG/4845 Compromise amendment between PPE//7618, PSE//8462



Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Article 17 02 02 Community action in the field of Consumer policy

Amend remarks as follows:

|17 02 02 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|19 100 000 |17 000 000 |19 100 000 |17 000 000 |19 100 000 |17 000 000 | | |19 100 000 |17 000 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Community action in the field of Consumer policy


After paragraph

The consumer programme consolidates and expands the action areas of ..........product safety, consumer education and capacity building for consumer organisations.

Add following text:

For this purpose Commission should conduct a survey of a basket of products in all 27 Member States, with the aim of assessing the actual conformity to the CE Marketing.

After paragraph

Any revenue from the contribution from candidate countries for participation ..........available in accordance with Article 18(1)(d) of the Financial Regulation.

Add following text:

The Commission is requested to provide information on the actions undertaken or foreseen to be taken to overcome implementation difficulties. This information should be presented at the forthcoming trialogue meetings. This is in line with the declaration on ensuring proper budget implementation adopted at the November 2006 budget conciliation.

Legal basis:

Reference acts:


The process for an improved implementation should be continued. The budget forecast alert report and the implementation figures of 30 June 2007 presented by the Commission show weaknesses ( rate of implementation less than 10% in implementation except for "Community action in the field of Consumer Policy" 12.86%) and that specific attention and action is required to the above lines.

As of lately we have seen the withdrawing from the European market of a number of products (mainly toys, foodstuffs) which did not conform to the required standards despite the CE Marking. A consumer organisation in the Czech Republic lately commissioned a survey whereby it claimed to have found more than 100 products with CE Marking that in fact did not meet this standard. Legislation in many Member States does not provide for penalties in such situation. To permit the use of a CE marking on a product, proof that the item meet the relevant requirements must be documented.

The Committee on Budgets has taken over and modified the amendments tabled by EPP-ED and PSE Groups.

Amendment adopted in plenary.

The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is retabling it at second reading.


|Draft amendment 0181 | |=== BUDG/9382=== |

to the modification by the Council to Amendment 390 of the European Parliament

Budget reference line : 17 02 03



Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Add: 17 02 03 —

Amend classification: NCE

Amend type: DA

|17 02 03 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations| | |1 000 000 |1 000 000 |1 000 000 |1 000 000 | | |1 000 000 |1 000 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Pilot project "Monitoring measures in the field of Consumer policy"


Add following text:

The robust pilot projects in relation to market monitoring would cost approximately 1 million Euro.

Add following text:

This amount should be used to finance different monitoring measures such as:

— establishment of a data base for the collection of data about the situation of consumers in Europe,

— studies and surveys about the situation of consumers in Europe,

— interviews with consumers on European level to examine their situation,

— application of methods which allow the comparison of the achievements in the Member States.

Legal basis:

Add following text:

Pilot project within the meaning of Article 49(6) of Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002 of 25 June on the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities (OJ L 248, 16.9.2002, p. 1), as amended by Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1995/2006 (OJ L 390, 30.12.2006, p. 1).

Reference acts:


The Commission in its Consumer Policy Strategy for 2007-13 has identified as a priority the need for a much improved monitoring of consumer markets and national consumer policies. The most urgent needs are to develop key missing data to enable the performance of the internal market to be monitored, in terms of prices, consumer complaints, levels of cross-border trade, consumer satisfaction, consumer confidence and consumer detriment. This data could then be part of a consumer or internal market scoreboard. This monitoring is essential to identify failing markets from a consumer point of view. Failing markets then need to be subject to more in-depth market studies to identify the causes of market failure.

The proposed pilot project is in line with the overall objectives of Community actions in the field of Consumer policy which are:

— to ensure a high level of consumer protection, notably through an improved evidence basis, better consultation and better representation of consumers’ interests, and

— to ensure effective application of consumer protection rules notably through enforcement cooperation, information, education and redress.

In order to meet these goals it is necessary to apply well established monitoring measures. Only by these measures it is possible to see concretely the deficits regarding the situation of consumers in Europe.

The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is retabling it at second reading.


|Draft amendment 0182 | |=== BUDG/9568=== |

to the modification by the Council to Amendment 1046 of the European Parliament

Budget reference line : 17 03 03 01



Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Item 17 03 03 01 European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control — Subsidy under Titles 1 and 2

Amend remarks and figures as follows:

|17 03 03 01 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|17 365 000 |17 365 000 |20 700 000 |20 700 000 |17 365 000 |17 365 000 |3 335 000 |3 335 000 |20 700 000 |20 700 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control — Subsidy under Titles 1 and 2


After paragraph

To the appropriations entered in this item must be added ..........section, which forms an integral part of the general budget.

Delete following text:

The amounts repaid in accordance with Article 16 of the Framework Financial Regulation for the bodies referred to in Article 185 of the Financial Regulation constitute assigned revenue (Article 18(1)(f) of the Financial Regulation) to be charged to Item 6 6 0 0 of the general statement of revenue.

Legal basis:

Reference acts:


Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Item 17 03 03 02 European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control — Subsidy under Title 3

Amend remarks and figures as follows:

|17 03 03 02 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|15 435 000 |15 435 000 |18 400 000 |18 400 000 |15 435 000 |15 435 000 |2 965 000 |2 965 000 |18 400 000 |18 400 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control — Subsidy under Title 3


After paragraph

To the appropriations entered in this item must be added ..........section, which forms an integral part of the general budget.

Delete following text:

The amounts repaid in accordance with Article 16 of the Framework Financial Regulation for the bodies referred to in Article 185 of the Financial Regulation constitute assigned revenue (Article 18(1)(f) of the Financial Regulation) to be charged to Item 6 6 0 0 of the general statement of revenue.

Legal basis:

Reference acts:



- PARTC-3-11-20 European Centre For Disease Prevention and Control

Amend remarks as follows:


European Centre For Disease Prevention and Control


Amend text as follows:

| Category and grade | Posts |

| | 2007 | 2008 |

| |Actually filled as at 31.12.2006 | Authorised under the Community | Authorised under the Community |

| | |budget |budget |

| | Permanent | Temporary | Permanent | Temporary | Permanent | Temporary |

| AD 16 | | | | | | |

| AD 15 | |1 | |1 | |1 |

| AD 14 | |2 | |2 | |2 |

| AD 13 | | | | | | |

| AD 12 | | | | | |21 |

| AD 11 | |4 | |4 | |3 |

| AD 10 | |5 | |8 | |9 |

| AD 9 | | | |4 | |96 |

| AD 8 | |8 | |13 | |1715 |

| AD 7 | | | |8 | |1311 |

| AD 6 | | | |8 | |1411 |

| AD 5 | |8 | |8 | |1612 |

| Total grade AD | 0 | 28 | 0 | 56 |0 |8671 |

| AST 11 | | | | | |  |

| AST 10 | | | | | |  |

| AST 9 | | | | | |  |

| AST 8 | | | | | |1 |

| AST 7 | | | |2 | |2 |

| AST 6 | |2 | |4 | |4 |

| AST 5 | | | |2 | |7 |

| AST 4 | |7 | |15 | |12 |

| AST 3 | |1 | |3 | |54 |

| AST 2 | | | | | |31 |

| AST 1 | |12 | |8 | |108 |

| Total grade AST | 0 | 22 | 0 | 34 | |4439 |

|Grand total |0 |50 |0 |90 | |130110 |

|Total staff |50 |90 |130110 |


Restore the PDB.Restore PDB organigramme.

In line with the joint declaration adopted by the budgetary authority at the Conciliation of 13 July 2007, the application of the instrument of assigned revenue should be closely monitored especially in the case of decentralised agencies.

An assigned revenue facility for the agencies was created to allow for more flexibility in case of unexpected changes in the agencies' "Other income". The European Centre For Disease Prevention and Control is almost exclusively financed through a subsidy coming from the EU budget. Its "Other income", as estimated for 2008, accounts for less than 5% of its revenue. In the interest of budgetary transparency the paragraph relating to assigned revenue in the remarks of this budget line is therefore deleted.

The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is retabling it at second reading.


|Draft amendment 0183 | |=== BUDG/9531=== |

to the modification by the Council to Amendment 992 of the European Parliament

Budget reference line : 17 03 06

BUDG/4897 Compromise amendment between UEN//8105, ALDE/7838, BUDG/4352



Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Article 17 03 06 Community action in the field of health

Amend remarks as follows:

|17 03 06 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|45 200 000 |3 000 000 |45 200 000 |3 000 000 |45 200 000 |3 000 000 | | |45 200 000 |3 000 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Community action in the field of health


After paragraph

The second public health programme replaces the previous programme established by Decision 1786/2002 and covers the period 2008-2013.

Amend text as follows:

The main objectives of the second public health programme are:

1) to improve information on and knowledge of health: the objective is to strengthen the collection, analysis, exchange and dissemination of health-related information in Europe,

2) to improve the capacity to react rapidly to health threats to protect citizens against health threats,

3) to promote good health and prevent disease through action on health determinants, paying particular attention to issues linked to obesity and alcohol abuse.determinants to improve prosperity and solidarity.

After paragraph

(1) Health information

Amend text as follows:

The objective of this pillar is to strengthen the collection, analysis, exchange and dissemination of health-related information in Europe – including on disabilities and 'dys' conditions – which is necessary to provide a solid foundation for health policy making and is also needed by professionals for their work and by citizens to enable them to make healthy lifestyle choices.

After paragraph

Non-governmental organisations are key players in the implementation of the programme. Therefore, they should be allocated adequate funds.

Add following text:

Actions would also include appropriate initiatives to follow up on the recommendations obtained through the Green paper consultation on mental health, and in particular on strategies to prevent suicide across the life spam.

Legal basis:

Reference acts:


Obesity and alcohol abuse are serious conditions that are often overlooked.

The exchange and dissemination of health-related information in Europe should include measures to foster the identification and recognition of 'dys' conditions, as well as all disabilities, in order to facilitate access to information and early detection, systematic diagnosis and treatment of such conditions, which affect more than 10% of children and can even lead to their social exclusion.

Mental health problems affect every fourth European citizen at least once during life. 58.000 EU citizens commit suicide per year, more than the sum of those whose death is caused by traffic accidents and AIDS. Suicide is second after accidents as the cause of death for schoolchildren and juveniles. The sum of suicide attempts is ten times higher. Appropriate follow up to the Commission´s Green paper on mental health must be ensured.

The Committee on Budgets has taken over and modified the amendments tabled by the UEN and the ALDE Groups, and by Mr Pomes Ruiz et al..

The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is retabling it at second reading.


|Draft amendment 0184 | |=== BUDG/9569=== |

to the modification by the Council to Amendment 1047 of the European Parliament

Budget reference line : 17 03 07 01



Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Item 17 03 07 01 European Food Safety Authority — Subsidy under Titles 1 and 2

Amend remarks and figures as follows:

|17 03 07 01 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|39 965 000 |39 965 000 |42 121 000 |42 121 000 |39 965 000 |39 965 000 |2 156 000 |2 156 000 |42 121 000 |42 121 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


European Food Safety Authority — Subsidy under Titles 1 and 2


After paragraph

The Authority’s establishment plan is shown in Part C Staff of the general statement of revenue (volume 1).

Delete following text:

The amounts repaid in accordance with Article 16 of the Framework Financial Regulation for the bodies referred to in Article 185 of the Financial Regulation constitute assigned revenue (Article 18(1)(f) of the Financial Regulation) to be charged to Item 6 6 0 0 of the general statement of revenue.

Legal basis:

Reference acts:


Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Item 17 03 07 02 European Food Safety Authority — Subsidy under Title 3

Amend remarks and figures as follows:

|17 03 07 02 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|20 285 000 |20 285 000 |21 379 000 |21 379 000 |20 285 000 |20 285 000 |1 094 000 |1 094 000 |21 379 000 |21 379 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


European Food Safety Authority — Subsidy under Title 3


After table

|Revenue: | |

|— Title 1 «European Community subsidy» |63 500 000 |

|— Title 2 «Miscellaneous revenue» |p.m. |

|Total |63 500 000 |

|Expenditure: | |

|— Title 1 «Staff» |34 142 000 |

|— Title 2 «Administrative expenditure» |7 979 000 |

|— Title 3 «Operating expenditure» |21 379 000 |

|Total |63 500 000 |

Delete following text:

The amounts repaid in accordance with Article 16 of the Framework Financial Regulation for the bodies referred to in Article 185 of the Financial Regulation constitute assigned revenue (Article 18(1)(f) of the Financial Regulation) to be charged to Item 6 6 0 0 of the general statement of revenue.

Legal basis:

Reference acts:



- PARTC-3-11-14 European Food Safety Authority

Amend remarks as follows:


European Food Safety Authority


Amend text as follows:

| Category and grade | Posts |

| | 2007 | 2008 |

| |Actually filled as at 31.12.2006 | Authorised under the Community | Authorised under the Community |

| | |budget |budget |

| | Permanent | Temporary | Permanent | Temporary | Permanent | Temporary |

| AD 16 |  | |  |  | | |

| AD 15 | |1 |  |1 | |1 |

| AD 14 | |1 |1 |1 | |2 |

| AD 13 | | |  |  | | |

| AD 12 | |5 |1 |12 |1 |12 |

| AD 11 | |16 |  |16 | |14 |

| AD 10 |1 |1 |1 |2 |1 |2 |

| AD 9 | |8 |1 |21 |1 |2625 |

| AD 8 | |27 |  |30 | |31 |

| AD 7 | |5 |1 |35 |1 |4239 |

| AD 6 | |20 |1 |22 |1 |2624 |

| AD 5 | |2 |  |20 | |2423 |

| Total grade AD |1 |86 | 6 | 160 |5 |180173 |

| AST 11 |  | |  |  | | |

| AST 10 | | |  |  | | |

| AST 9 | | |  |  | | |

| AST 8 | | |  |1 | |1 |

| AST 7 | |3 |  |5 | |5 |

| AST 6 | | |  |2 | |32 |

| AST 5 | |9 |2 |20 |2 |16 |

| AST 4 | |11 |  |30 | |35 |

| AST 3 | |15 |  |20 | |2120 |

| AST 2 | |8 |  |21 | |2924 |

| AST 1 |1 |39 |2 |31 |2 |3633 |

| Total grade AST |1 |85 | 4 | 130 |4 |146136 |

|Grand total |2 |171 |10 |290 |9 |326309 |

|Total staff |173 |300 |335318 |


Restore the PDB. Restore PDB organigramme.

In line with the joint declaration adopted by the budgetary authority at the Conciliation of 13 July 2007, the application of the instrument of assigned revenue should be closely monitored especially in the case of decentralised agencies.

An assigned revenue facility for the agencies was created to allow for more flexibility in case of unexpected changes in the agencies' "Other income". The European Food Safety Authority is almost exclusively financed through a subsidy coming from the EU budget. Its "Other income", as estimated for 2008, accounts for less than 5% of its revenue. In the interest of budgetary transparency the paragraph relating to assigned revenue in the remarks of this budget line is therefore deleted.

The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is retabling it at second reading.


|Draft amendment 0189 | |=== BUDG/9318=== |

to the modification by the Council to Amendment 63 of the European Parliament

Budget reference line : 18 02 01



Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Article 18 02 01 Completion of Schengen facility

|18 02 01 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|p.m. |p.m. |p.m. |p.m. |p.m. |p.m. | | |- |- |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


This facility is now covered by the External Borders Fund. This means that no expenditure from this line can be made during the budget year 2008. For technical reasons it is therefore proposed to replace the token entry (p.m.) by a dash (-).

The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is retabling it at second reading.


|Draft amendment 0353 | |=== BUDG/9746=== |

to the modification by the Council to Amendment 1133 of the European Parliament

Budget reference line : 18 02 03 01



Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Item 18 02 03 01 European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders — Subsidy under Titles 1 and 2

Amend remarks and figures as follows:

|18 02 03 01 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|14 085 000 |14 085 000 |10 126 200 |10 126 200 |26 466 000 |26 466 000 |-9 200 000 |-9 200 000 |17 266 000 |17 266 000 |

|Reserves | | |4 339 800 |4 339 800 | | | | | | |


European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders — Subsidy under Titles 1 and 2


After paragraph

Any revenue from the contribution from Iceland, Norway and Switzerland, ..........appropriations in accordance with Article 18(1)(d) of the Financial Regulation.

Delete following text:

The amounts repaid in accordance with Article 16 of the framework Financial Regulation for the bodies referred to in Article 185 of the Financial Regulation constitute assigned revenue (Article 18(1)(f) of the Financial Regulation) to be charged to Item 6 6 0 0 of the general statement of revenue.

Legal basis:

Reference acts:


Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Item 18 02 03 02 European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders — Subsidy under Title 3

Amend remarks and figures as follows:

|18 02 03 02 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|22 915 000 |22 915 000 |53 534 000 |53 534 000 |41 534 000 |41 534 000 |9 200 000 |9 200 000 |50 734 000 |50 734 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders — Subsidy under Title 3


After paragraph

Any revenue from the contribution from Iceland, Norway and Switzerland ..........appropriations in accordance with Article 18(1)(d) of the Financial Regulation.

Delete following text:

The amounts repaid in accordance with Article 16 of the framework Financial Regulation for the bodies referred to in Article 185 of the Financial Regulation constitute assigned revenue (Article 18(1)(f) of the Financial Regulation) to be charged to Item 6 6 0 0 of the general statement of revenue.

Legal basis:

Reference acts:



- PARTC-3-11-21 European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at External Borders

Amend remarks as follows:


European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at External Borders


Before paragraph

(*) The 2007 figures are based on the preliminary draft amending Budget No 3 to the general Budget 2007.

Amend text as follows:

| Category and grade | Posts |

| | 2007 | 2008 |

| |Actually filled as at 31.12.2006 | Authorised under the Community | Authorised under the Community |

| | |budget |budget |

| | Permanent | Temporary | Permanent | Temporary | Permanent | Temporary |

| AD 16 |  | | | |  | |

| AD 15 |  | | | |  |1 |

| AD 14 |  |1 |  |1 |  |1 |

| AD 13 |  |1 |  |1 |  |6 |

| AD 12 |  |3 |  |6 |  |3 |

| AD 11 |  |1 |  |7 |  |7 |

| AD 10 |  |2 |  |7 |  |7 |

| AD 9 |  | |  |1 |  |2 |

| AD 8 |  |1 |  |2 |  |107 |

| AD 7 |  | | | |  | |

| AD 6 |  | |  | |  | |

| AD 5 |  | |  | |  |3 |

| Total grade AD |0 |9 |0 |25 |0 |4037 |

| AST 11 |  | | | | | |

| AST 10 |  | | | | | |

| AST 9 |  | | | | | |

| AST 8 |  |3 |  |5 |  |5 |

| AST 7 |  |2 |  |4 |  |4 |

| AST 6 |  |1 |  |3 |  |4 |

| AST 5 |  |2 |  |8 |  |8 |

| AST 4 |  |0 |  |2 |  |32 |

| AST 3 |  |1 |  |2 |  |54 |

| AST 2 |  |0 |  |0 |  |0 |

| AST 1 |  |0 |  |0 |  |0 |

| Total grade AST |0 |9 |0 |24 |0 |2927 |

|Grand total |0 |18 |0 |49 |0 |6964 |

|Total staff |18 |49(*) |6964 |


Agency must be more accountable to the budgetary authority.

The EU Member States failed to live up to their pledges with respect to CRATE (Frontex toolbox). Parliament calls upon Frontex to come up with firm undertakings from Member States in which they commit themselves to deliver on their promises. Commission should co-operate with Parliament and Frontex to achieving this goal. To this end, the Parliament puts 30% of the agency’s staff and administrative budget in reserve.

Restore the PDB on line 18 02 03 01 with 30% of appropriations in the reserve. Restore PDB organigramme.

In line with the joint declaration adopted by the budgetary authority at the Conciliation of 13 July 2007, the application of the instrument of assigned revenue should be closely monitored especially in the case of decentralised agencies.

An assigned revenue facility for the agencies was created to allow for more flexibility in case of unexpected changes in the agencies' "Other income". The European Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders is almost exclusively financed through a subsidy coming from the EU budget. Its "Other income", as estimated for 2008, accounts for less than 5% of its revenue. In the interest of budgetary transparency the paragraph relating to assigned revenue in the remarks of this budget line is therefore deleted.

Follow up of the COBU delegation to Malta.

Agency's tasks have increased (increased number and duration of missions, RABIT).

Both Commissioner Frattini (in June and July '07) and the Council underlined the need to strengthen FRONTEX.

The European Parliament has therefore the responsibility of providing the adequate appropriations. Therefore it proposes to increase the operational budget of the agency by €30 million. The Parliament also calls upon the three institutions to urgently launch a discussion on financing of this agency.

The Committee on Budgets has taken over and modified the amendments tabled by Mrs Haug and by the PPE group.

The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is retabling it at second reading.


|Draft amendment 0354 | |=== BUDG/9740=== |

to the modification by the Council to Amendment 66 of the European Parliament

Budget reference line : 18 02 04 01

LIBE/5645 Compromise amendment between LIBE/5604



Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Item 18 02 04 01 Schengen information system (SIS II)

|18 02 04 01 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|19 000 000 |13 620 000 |15 000 000 |11 000 000 |19 000 000 |13 620 000 | | |19 000 000 |13 620 000 |

|Reserves | | |4 000 000 |2 620 000 | | | | | | |


The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is modifying its first reading amendment and retabling it at second reading.


|Draft amendment 0355 | |=== BUDG/9741=== |

to the modification by the Council to Amendment 997 of the European Parliament

Budget reference line : 18 02 05

BUDG/4891 Compromise amendment between LIBE/5635, PPE//7618



Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Article 18 02 05 Visa information system (VIS)

Amend remarks and figures as follows:

|18 02 05 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|20 000 000 |14 000 000 |15 500 000 |9 500 000 |20 000 000 |14 000 000 |-2 000 000 |-2 000 000 |18 000 000 |12 000 000 |

|Reserves | | |4 500 000 |4 500 000 | | |2 000 000 |2 000 000 |2 000 000 |2 000 000 |


Visa information system (VIS)


Before paragraph

Any revenue from the contributions of Iceland, Norway and Switzerland, ..........appropriations in accordance with Article 18(1)(d) of the Financial Regulation.

Amend text as follows:

This appropriation is intended to cover expenditure related to the analysis development, delivery and installation of a Europe-wide large-scale information system «VIS» (visa information system), including the costs of an independent study on age limits for fingerprints which should consist of an in-depth assessment of the technical feasibility of different age limits in the context of a large scale database such as the VIS but also of the necessity and proportionality in view of the objectives of the VIS and other elements which can be identified by common agreement of all institutions involved.system).

Legal basis:

Reference acts:


Given the lack of legal bases for the additional border management functionality (entry-exit) (EUR 2 m) and given the lack of details concerning the handover to the French administration of the systems management and operations (EUR 2.5 m), EUR 4.5 m have been entered in the reserve. It will be released, on a case-by-case basis, once the appropriate legal basis has been adopted and once the Parliament has been duly notified of the VIS management arrangements according to Article 26(6) of the VIS Regulation as adopted by the Parliament, which states that "prior to any delegation [...] and at regular intervals thereafter, the Commission shall inform the European Parliament and the Council of the terms of the delegation, its precise scope and the bodies to which tasks are delegated".

There are no reliable and independent EU studies dealing with age limit for fingerprints in large-scale databases. The only large-scale experiments are Eurodac and US-Visit systems, which both use fingerprints from 14 year olds onwards. Therefore, the use of fingerprints below that age should be supported by studies proving their accuracy, usefulness and proportionality as pointed out also by the EDPS. This study could be financed from the 1 million Euros allocated for unforeseen events.

The process for an improved implementation should be continued. The budget forecast alert report and the implementation figures of 30 June 2007 presented by the Commission show weaknesses ( rate of implementation less than 10% in implementation except for "Community action in the field of Consumer Policy" 12.86%) and that specific attention and action is required to the above lines.

The Committee on Budgets has taken over and modified the amendments tabled by the LIBE committee and by the PPE group.

The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is modifying its first reading amendment and retabling it at second reading.


|Draft amendment 0194 | |=== BUDG/9321=== |

to the modification by the Council to Amendment 69 of the European Parliament

Budget reference line : 18 03 01



Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Article 18 03 01 Completion of European Council on Refugees and Exiles

|18 03 01 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|p.m. |p.m. |p.m. |p.m. |p.m. |p.m. | | |- |- |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


This Community action programme is finished. Therefore, no expenditure from this line can be made during the budget year 2008. For technical reasons it is therefore proposed to replace the token entry (p.m.) by a dash (-).

The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is retabling it at second reading.


|Draft amendment 0195 | |=== BUDG/9322=== |

to the modification by the Council to Amendment 70 of the European Parliament

Budget reference line : 18 03 05



Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Article 18 03 05 European Migration Network

Amend figures as follows:

|18 03 05 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|6 500 000 |2 790 000 |0 |0 |6 500 000 |2 790 000 |-6 500 000 |-2 790 000 |0 |0 |

|Reserves | | |6 500 000 |2 790 000 | | |6 500 000 |2 790 000 |6 500 000 |2 790 000 |


Since the legal basis is not adopted yet, the amount is put in reserve. It will be released once the appropriate legal basis is adopted.

The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is retabling it at second reading.


|Draft amendment 0196 | |=== BUDG/9323=== |

to the modification by the Council to Amendment 71 of the European Parliament

Budget reference line : 18 03 09



Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Article 18 03 09 European Fund for the Integration of Third-country Nationals

Amend figures as follows:

|18 03 09 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|77 500 000 |39 000 000 |77 500 000 |43 000 000 |77 500 000 |39 000 000 | |4 000 000 |77 500 000 |43 000 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


There is no justification for the Cuncil's proposed cuts in appropriations. The amounts requested by the Commission should be reinstated.

The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is retabling it at second reading.


|Draft amendment 0197 | |=== BUDG/9324=== |

to the modification by the Council to Amendment 72 of the European Parliament

Budget reference line : 18 03 10



Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Article 18 03 10 European Return Fund

Amend legal basis and figures as follows:

|18 03 10 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|55 500 000 |21 750 000 |0 |0 |55 500 000 |21 750 000 |-55 500 000 |-21 750 000 |0 |0 |

|Reserves | | |55 500 000 |26 750 000 | | |55 500 000 |26 750 000 |55 500 000 |26 750 000 |


European Return Fund


Legal basis:

After paragraph

Decision No 575/2007/EC of the European Parliament and Council of ..........Management of Migration Flows’ (OJ L 144, 6.6.2007, p. 45).

Add following text:

Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on common standards and procedures in Member States for returning illegally staying third-country nationals (COM(2005)391)

Reference acts:


The whole amount of the European Return Fund is put in reserve. It will be released when the Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on common standards and procedures in Member States for returning illegally staying third-country nationals (COM(2005)391 - 2005/0167(COD)) is adopted.

The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is retabling it at second reading.


|Draft amendment 0198 | |=== BUDG/9325=== |

to the modification by the Council to Amendment 73 of the European Parliament

Budget reference line : 18 03 12



Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Article 18 03 12 Preparatory action: Migration management — Solidarity in action

Amend remarks as follows:

|18 03 12 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|p.m. |1 000 000 |p.m. |1 000 000 |p.m. |1 000 000 | | |p.m. |1 000 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Preparatory action: Migration management — Solidarity in action


Before paragraph

For all components, part of the appropriations should be used ..........in the management of this action (external experts, studies, etc.).

Amend text as follows:

The purpose of the action is to test hypotheses in the field of migration management. On the basis of its evaluation, it could lead to the development of a global approach, an objective set by the European Union. The action will be based on threefour related components.

Delete following text:

Component 1: Extension for a third year (cf. the former preparatory action on return management in the area of migration, Article 18 03 08) of preparatory measures for:

— the implementation of integrated actions to return illegal residents to their country of origin, or countries of former residence and transit, as well as measures aimed at ensuring sustainability of these returns. The plans would include actions involving both voluntary and forced returns,

— encouraging the development of cooperation between Member States both in devising return plans and in implementing actions within these plans.

Amend text as follows:

Component 1: Component 2: Financial assistance for the employment of immigrants returning to their countries of origin with which there are admission agreements.

Amend text as follows:

Component 2: Component 3: Organising information campaigns, in countries of origin, for applicants for immigration into the European Union so as to inform them in particular about the dangers of illegal immigration.

Amend text as follows:

Component 3:Component 4:Reception in dignity and solidarity – Assistance to Member States in coping with reception of irregular migrants arriving by sea. Measures would:

— assist Member States affected by sudden arrivals of migrants, e.g. by improving and exchanging good/best practices and providing interpreters and medical and legal teams,

— assist Member States to enhance reception quality and capacity, including temporary capacity, reception of irregular migrants at arrival points, e.g, by providing first aid and transport to adequate reception centres and improving/increasing reception facilities and conditions at those facilities,

— assist Member States in pooling resources to address particular pressures on their asylum systems, in particular through activities where specific expertise is needed, sharing knowledge and promoting joint approaches to address mass arrivals of asylum seekers at the external border of the EU.

Amend text as follows:

For component 3,4, recipients of funding should be national authorities. Projects may include partnerships with other Member State authorities, international organisations and NGOs.

Legal basis:

Reference acts:


The European Parliament has repeatedly announced that no return actions should be funded without Community common standards for return procedures.

The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is retabling it at second reading.


|Draft amendment 0199 | |=== BUDG/9570=== |

to the modification by the Council to Amendment 1048 of the European Parliament

Budget reference line : 18 04 05 03



Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Item 18 04 05 03 European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights — Subsidy under Titles 1 and 2

Amend remarks and figures as follows:

|18 04 05 03 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|8 347 000 |8 347 000 |8 488 000 |8 488 000 |8 347 000 |8 347 000 |141 000 |141 000 |8 488 000 |8 488 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights — Subsidy under Titles 1 and 2


After paragraph

The Commission, if requested by the Agency, undertakes to notify ..........budgetary authority of transfers made between operating and administrative appropriations.

Delete following text:

The amounts repaid in accordance with Article 16 of the framework Financial Regulation for the bodies referred to in Article 185 of the Financial Regulation constitute assigned revenue (Article 18(1)(f) of the Financial Regulation) to be charged to Item 6 6 0 0 of the general statement of revenue.

Legal basis:

Reference acts:


Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Item 18 04 05 04 European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights — Subsidy under Title 3

Amend remarks and figures as follows:

|18 04 05 04 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|6 403 000 |6 403 000 |6 512 000 |6 512 000 |6 403 000 |6 403 000 |109 000 |109 000 |6 512 000 |6 512 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights — Subsidy under Title 3


After paragraph

The Commission, if requested by the Agency, undertakes to notify ..........budgetary authority of transfers made between operating and administrative appropriations.

Delete following text:

The amounts repaid in accordance with Article 16 of the framework Financial Regulation for the bodies referred to in Article 185 of the Financial Regulation constitute assigned revenue (Article 18(1)(f) of the Financial Regulation) to be charged to Item 6 6 0 0 of the general statement of revenue.

Legal basis:

Reference acts:



- PARTC-3-11-4 European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights

Amend remarks as follows:


European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights


Before paragraph

(*) The 2007 figures are based on the preliminary draft amending Budget No 3 to the general Budget 2007.

Amend text as follows:

|Category and grade |Posts |

| |2007 |2008 |

| |Actually filled as at 31.12.2006 |Authorised under the Community |Authorised under the Community |

| | |budget |budget |

| |Permanent |Temporary |Permanent |Temporary |Permanent |Temporary |

|AD 16 |  |  |  |  |  |  |

|AD 15 |  |  |  |1 |  |1 |

|AD 14 |  |1 |  |  |  |  |

|AD 13 |  |  |  |1 |  |2 |

|AD 12 |  |2 |  |5 |  |5 |

|AD 11 |  |2 |  |  |  |  |

|AD 10 |  |1 |  |11 |  |10 |

|AD 9 |  |2 |  |2 |  |54 |

|AD 8 |  |1 |  |  |  |  |

|AD 7 |  |  |  |3 |  |3 |

|AD 6 |  |6 |  |  |  |  |

|AD 5 |  |  |  |  |  |  |

| Total grade AD |0 |15 |0 |23 |0 |2625 |

|AST 11 |  |  |  |  |  |  |

|AST 10 |  |  |  |1 |  |1 |

|AST 9 |  |  |  |  |  |  |

|AST 8 |  |  |  |1 |  |1 |

|AST 7 |  |3 |  |9 |  |9 |

|AST 6 |  |4 |  |1 |  |1 |

|AST 5 |  |2 |  |1 |  |1 |

|AST 4 |  |6 |  |9 |  |9 |

|AST 3 |  |3 |  |  |  |  |

|AST 2 |  |  |  |1 |  |1 |

|AST 1 |  |2 |  |  |  |  |

| Total grade AST |0 |20 |0 |23 |0 |23 |

|Grand total |0 |35 |0 |46 |0 |4948 |

|Total staff |35 |46 (*) |4948 |


Restore the PDB. Restore PDB organigramme.

In line with the joint declaration adopted by the budgetary authority at the Conciliation of 13 July 2007, the application of the instrument of assigned revenue should be closely monitored especially in the case of decentralised agencies.

An assigned revenue facility for the agencies was created to allow for more flexibility in case of unexpected changes in the agencies' "Other income". The European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights is almost exclusively financed through a subsidy coming from the EU budget. Its "Other income", as estimated for 2008, accounts for less than 5% of its revenue. In the interest of budgetary transparency the paragraph relating to assigned revenue in the remarks of this budget line is therefore deleted.

The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is retabling it at second reading.


|Draft amendment 0200 | |=== BUDG/9326=== |

to the modification by the Council to Amendment 76 of the European Parliament

Budget reference line : 18 04 06



Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Article 18 04 06 Fundamental rights and citizenship

Amend figures as follows:

|18 04 06 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|12 000 000 |9 100 000 |12 000 000 |11 600 000 |12 000 000 |9 100 000 | |2 500 000 |12 000 000 |11 600 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


There is no justification for the Council's proposed cuts in appropriations. Therefore, the amounts requested by the Commission should be reinstated.

The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is retabling it at second reading.


|Draft amendment 0201 | |=== BUDG/9332=== |

to the modification by the Council to Amendment 98 of the European Parliament

Budget reference line : 18 04 07

FEMM/6024 Compromise amendment between FEMM/6005, FEMM/6020



Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Article 18 04 07 Fight against violence (Daphne)

Amend remarks and figures as follows:

|18 04 07 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|14 400 000 |13 145 000 |14 400 000 |15 645 000 |14 400 000 |13 145 000 | |2 500 000 |14 400 000 |15 645 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Fight against violence (Daphne)


After list beginning with :

This appropriation is intended to support the following areas:to contribute ..........the fight against trafficking of human beings and sexual exploitation.

— ..........

and ending with :

to contribute, especially where children, young people and women are ..........the fight against trafficking of human beings and sexual exploitation.

Amend text as follows:

In particular, this appropriation is intended to cover the following actions:

— specific actions taken by the Commission, such as studies and research, opinion polls and surveys, formulation of indicators and common methodologies, collection, development and dissemination of data and statistics, seminars, conferences and experts meetings, organisation of public campaigns and events, development and maintenance of websites, preparation and dissemination of information materials, support to and animation of networks of national experts, analytical, monitoring and evaluation activities,

— specific transnational projects of Community interest presented by at least three Member States under the conditions set out in the annual work programmes,

— support to the activities of non-governmental organisations or other entities pursuing an aim of general European interest regarding the general objectives of the programme under the conditions set out in the annual work programmes,

— prevention of, and protection of children, adolescents and women from, all kinds of violence and commercial sexual exploitation, trafficking and other forms of abuse, violence at school and juvenile delinquency, and promoting the rehabilitation of victims of such abuses,

— conducting information campaigns aimed at combating paedophilia, trafficking in human beings, sexual exploitation, female genital mutilation and forced marriage, and at preventing juvenile delinquency,

— promoting the introduction of instruments designed to encourage reporting of violence against women, children and adolescents and of forms of trafficking in women for the purpose of sexual exploitation,

— pilot projects and grants targeted at organisations which, as part of action to protect children and combat paedophilia on the Internet, are involved in devising and/or adopting measures to prevent materials and images that involve child pornography or constitute an offence against human dignity from being carried on the Internet,Internet.

— exchange of best practices regarding action in response to violence at school, measures to prevent and combat juvenile delinquency, support for relevant NGO initiatives and cross-border cooperation, pilot projects at local and regional level and the networking of the authorities responsible for dealing with cases of juvenile delinquency.

Legal basis:

Reference acts:


Restore PDB.

The amounts proposed by the Commission should be maintained in order to ensure the programme's effectiveness.

Reinstate PDB.

Juvenile delinquency, of which juveniles themselves are the principal victims, and in particular violence at school, are currently the main forms of violence directed against adolescents. The DAPHNE III programme must include measures to combat and prevent such developments through the development of best practices or support for pilot projects or the networking of the national and Community authorities responsible.

The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is retabling it at second reading.


|Draft amendment 0202 | |=== BUDG/9327=== |

to the modification by the Council to Amendment 77 of the European Parliament

Budget reference line : 18 04 08



Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Add: 18 04 08 —

Amend classification: NCE

Amend type: DA

|18 04 08 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations| | |1 000 000 |1 000 000 | | |1 000 000 |1 000 000 |1 000 000 |1 000 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


European cooperation between national and international authorities with responsibility for children's rights and civil society promoting and defending children's rights


Add following text:

The appropriations intended for this action are to be used to implement the EU strategy on the rights of the child in line with the Commission communication «Towards an EU Strategy on the Rights of the Child» [COM(2006) 367], e.g.

— coordination of measures taken in the EU to combat child poverty;

— any direct measure to prevent social exclusion of children, trafficking in children and paedophile pornography on the Internet.

Add following text:

These appropriations may also be used for any preparatory measure needed to pursue the above objectives.

Legal basis:

Add following text:

Commission communication of 4 July 2006 - «Towards an EU Strategy on the Rights of the Child» [COM(2006) 367 final].

Add following text:

Preparatory action within the meaning of Article 49(6) of Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002 of 25 June 2002 on the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities (OJ L 248, 16.9.2002, p. 1), as amended by Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1995/2006 (OJ L 390, 30.12.2006, p. 1).

Reference acts:


In 2006, the Commission adopted a communication entitled «Towards an EU Strategy on the Rights of the Child». To lay down that strategy, a set of preparatory actions is required such as impact analyses, studies and comparative-data gathering.

All these actions require funding. The preparatory actions will assist the Commission in drafting the strategy referred to in the communication.

The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is retabling it at second reading.


|Draft amendment 0203 | |=== BUDG/9328=== |

to the modification by the Council to Amendment 78 of the European Parliament

Budget reference line : 18 04 09



Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Add: 18 04 09 —

Amend classification: NCE

Amend type: DA

|18 04 09 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations| | |1 000 000 |1 000 000 | | |1 000 000 |1 000 000 |1 000 000 |1 000 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


European-level introduction of a rapid alert mechanism for child abductions or disappearances


Add following text:

The aim of this heading is to introduce throughout the European Union a mechanism known as «Amber Alert» (in the United States and Greece) and «Alerte - enlèvement» (in France), while stressing the need for cross-border interconnection.

Add following text:

Following the successful use, in France and Greece (and also in the USA and Canada), of systems alerting the public in cases of child abduction (and/or disappearance) and when children’s health or lives may be at serious risk, the Commission would like to help Member States to put similar mechanisms in place nationally. Provided that all Member States adopt such mechanisms and that communication schemes are put in place, resolving cross-border cases will be possible and easier.

Add following text:

This budget heading is intended to finance the additional costs which might arise as a result of putting this mechanism in place. Costs involved in setting up round-the-clock contact points, freephone lines and IT networks would be typical costs.

Legal basis:

Add following text:

Pilot project within the meaning of Article 49(6) of Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002 of 25 June 2002 on the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities (OJ L 248, 16.9.2002, p.1), as amended by Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1995/2006 (OJ L 390, 30.12.2006, p. 1).

Reference acts:


In 2006, the Commission adopted a communication entitled «Towards an EU Strategy on the Rights of the Child». The communication provides not only for that strategy to be laid down, but also for short-term urgent measures to be carried out. Inter alia, child disappearances and abductions are one of the issues referred to. Reserving a single number (116000) at European level for reporting disappearances has been accepted.

In addition to that hotline, however, a mechanism for alerting the public and the authorities needs to be set up so that searches are more successful and faster.

Such a mechanism exists and has been piloted in France and Greece, where it has demonstrated its effectiveness.

Since, geographically, the European Union is highly fragmented, such an electronic mechanism cannot come to a halt at Member State borders. The European Union will be doing something worthwhile by helping to set up this mechanism in all Member States and by interlinking them.

The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is retabling it at second reading.


|Draft amendment 0204 | |=== BUDG/9571=== |

to the modification by the Council to Amendment 1049 of the European Parliament

Budget reference line : 18 05 02



Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Article 18 05 02 Europol

Delete: 18 05 02

|18 05 02 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|p.m. |p.m. | | |p.m. |p.m. | | |— |— |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


The Committee on Budgets supports the idea of communitarising the European Police Office. However, the relevant COM proposal, which is still under discussion, only foresees the financing of Europol from the EC budget from the year 2010 onwards. In addition, according to Article 47 of the IIA, the budgetary authority has to come to an agreement on the financing of any new agency before it can be set up. Thus it is premature to already include Europol in the Budget for 2008, the line should therefore be deleted.

The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is retabling it at second reading.


|Draft amendment 0205 | |=== BUDG/9329=== |

to the modification by the Council to Amendment 79 of the European Parliament

Budget reference line : 18 05 03



Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Article 18 05 03 Completion of cooperation measures resulting from Member States’ initiatives

|18 05 03 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|p.m. |p.m. |p.m. |p.m. |p.m. |p.m. | | |- |- |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


No appropriations are foreseen for 2008, therefore, no expenditure from this line can be made during the budget year 2008. For technical reasons it is therefore proposed to replace the token entry (p.m.) by a dash (-).

The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is retabling it at second reading.


|Draft amendment 0206 | |=== BUDG/9572=== |

to the modification by the Council to Amendment 1050 of the European Parliament

Budget reference line : 18 05 05 01



Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Item 18 05 05 01 European Police College — Subsidy under Titles 1 and 2

Amend remarks and figures as follows:

|18 05 05 01 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|3 460 500 |3 460 500 |3 731 000 |3 731 000 |3 460 500 |3 460 500 |270 500 |270 500 |3 731 000 |3 731 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


European Police College — Subsidy under Titles 1 and 2


After paragraph

The College’s establishment plan is shown in Part C Staff of the general statement of revenue (Volume 1).

Delete following text:

The amounts repaid in accordance with Article 16 of the framework Financial Regulation for the bodies referred to in Article 185 of the Financial Regulation constitute assigned revenue (Article 18(1)(f) of the Financial Regulation) to be charged to Item 6 6 0 0 of the general statement of revenue.

Legal basis:

Reference acts:


Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Item 18 05 05 02 European Police College — Subsidy under Title 3

Amend remarks and figures as follows:

|18 05 05 02 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|4 609 000 |4 609 000 |4 969 000 |4 969 000 |4 609 000 |4 609 000 |360 000 |360 000 |4 969 000 |4 969 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


European Police College — Subsidy under Title 3


After paragraph

The Commission, if requested by the College, undertakes to notify ..........budgetary authority of transfers made between operating and administrative appropriations.

Delete following text:

The amounts repaid in accordance with Article 16 of the framework Financial Regulation for the bodies referred to in Article 185 of the Financial Regulation constitute assigned revenue (Article 18(1)(f) of the Financial Regulation) to be charged to Item 6 6 0 0 of the general statement of revenue.

Legal basis:

Reference acts:


Restore the PDB.

In line with the joint declaration adopted by the budgetary authority at the Conciliation of 13 July 2007, the application of the instrument of assigned revenue should be closely monitored especially in the case of decentralised agencies.

An assigned revenue facility for the agencies was created to allow for more flexibility in case of unexpected changes in the agencies' "Other income". The European Police College is almost exclusively financed through a subsidy coming from the EU budget. Its "Other income", as estimated for 2008, accounts for less than 5% of its revenue. In the interest of budgetary transparency the paragraph relating to assigned revenue in the remarks of this budget line is therefore deleted.

The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is retabling it at second reading.


|Draft amendment 0207 | |=== BUDG/9532=== |

to the modification by the Council to Amendment 994 of the European Parliament

Budget reference line : 18 05 09

BUDG/4884 Compromise amendment between LIBE/5636, LIBE/5618, FEMM/6023



Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Article 18 05 09 Prevention of and fight against crime

Amend remarks and figures as follows:

|18 05 09 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|50 900 000 |26 910 000 |45 775 000 |23 910 000 |50 900 000 |26 910 000 |-5 125 000 |-3 000 000 |45 775 000 |23 910 000 |

|Reserves | | |7 125 000 |5 000 000 | | |7 125 000 |5 000 000 |7 125 000 |5 000 000 |


Prevention of and fight against crime


Before list beginning with :

In particular, this appropriation is intended to cover the following ..........methodology,training, exchange of staff and experts, andawareness and dissemination activities.

— ..........

and ending with :

awareness and dissemination activities.

Amend text as follows:

This appropriation is intended to support the following areas:

— to promote and develop coordination, cooperation and mutual understanding among law enforcement agencies, and other institutions (in particular organisations active in preventing violence and crime), other national authorities and related Union bodies,

— to stimulate, promote and develop horizontal methods and tools necessary for strategically preventing and fighting crime, such as prevention of urban violence, in particular urban violence affecting minors or measures to prevent and combat juvenile delinquency through exchanges of best practice, networking of the authorities responsible and the implementation of pilot projects,minors, public-private partnerships, best practices in crime prevention, comparable statistics and applied criminology, and

— to promote and develop best practices for the protection of crime victims and witnesses.

After list beginning with :

In particular, this appropriation is intended to cover the following ..........methodology,training, exchange of staff and experts, andawareness and dissemination activities.

— ..........

and ending with :

awareness and dissemination activities.

Add following text:

Part of the appropriation will cover the costs of creating an EU telephone hotline for the victims of human trafficking, in view of establishing one common telephone number across EU Member States to provide equal standards for social, psychological and legal assistance to the victims of human trafficking and if possible to respond to a request for shelter. This project will involve a variety of stakeholders: national regulatory authorities to provide telephone lines, telecommunication companies, specialised NGOs, local and professional staff, enforcement authorities (to exchange information on the smugglers and actors involved in perpetrating human trafficking).

Legal basis:

Reference acts:


In an enlarged Europe with greater freedom of movement, the EU must increase action against trafficking in human beings and fight this form of organised crime. Furthermore, all victims of trafficking in the EU should benefit of a common standard of protection and assistance. The aim of this hotline is to: provide protection to the victims of human trafficking; provide psychological assistance and information to the victims (health care, legal counselling); to detect the location of the victim if possible and to respond to a request for shelter; cooperation among local, national and pan-European NGOs involved in the project; to promote awareness and to campaign towards the visibility of the common hotline; to pay for the training of qualified staff to respond to the calls and to set up the operational infrastructure required for the staff in each Member State to complete its tasks.

This project is in line with the general objectives of the specific programme "prevention of and fight against crime". As stated in article 2 of the Decision establishing the programme, "The Programme shall contribute to a high level of security for citizens by preventing and combating crime, organised or otherwise, in particular (...) trafficking in persons".

The Commission intends to propose in the 2008 work programme of this programme that:

- 3.825.000 euros are devoted to the implementation of the Prüm Treaty

- 3.300.000 euros are devoted to the implementation of the principle of availability with a particular focus on the establishment of the technical, organisational and administrative infrastructures required to implement the Treaty of Prüm.

These amounts are put in reserve. They will be released when the Parliament is duly informed of the content of the Prüm implementing Decision ("Council Decision on the implementation of the Council Decision on the stepping up of cross-border cooperation, particularly in combating terrorism and cross-border crime") and of the manual setting out the technical and practical details; both these documents should be transmitted to the Parliament before the reserve can be released.

The basic aim of the «Prevention of and Fight against Crime» Programme must be to prevent and combat juvenile delinquency, which has, over the last few decades, been assuming alarming proportions and is in many cases a precursor to juvenile crime.

The Committee on Budgets has taken over and amended the amendments tabled by the LIBE committee and the FEMM committee.

The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is retabling it at second reading.


|Draft amendment 0208 | |=== BUDG/9573=== |

to the modification by the Council to Amendment 1051 of the European Parliament

Budget reference line : 18 06 04 01



Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Item 18 06 04 01 Eurojust — Subsidy under Titles 1 and 2

Amend remarks and figures as follows:

|18 06 04 01 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|13 704 330 |13 704 330 |14 593 330 |14 593 330 |13 704 330 |13 704 330 |889 000 |889 000 |14 593 330 |14 593 330 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Eurojust — Subsidy under Titles 1 and 2


After paragraph

Eurojust’s establishment plan is shown in Part C Staff of the general statement of revenue (Volume 1).

Delete following text:

The amounts repaid in accordance with Article 16 of the framework Financial Regulation for the bodies referred to in Article 185 of the Financial Regulation constitute assigned revenue (Article 18(1)(f) of the Financial Regulation) to be charged to Item 6 6 0 0 of the general statement of revenue.

Legal basis:

Reference acts:


Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Item 18 06 04 02 Eurojust — Subsidy under Title 3

Amend remarks and figures as follows:

|18 06 04 02 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|5 077 950 |5 077 950 |5 406 670 |5 406 670 |5 077 950 |5 077 950 |328 720 |328 720 |5 406 670 |5 406 670 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Eurojust — Subsidy under Title 3


After paragraph

The Commission, if requested by Eurojust, undertakes to notify the budgetary authority of transfers made between operating and administrative appropriations.

Delete following text:

The amounts repaid in accordance with Article 16 of the framework Financial Regulation for the bodies referred to in Article 185 of the Financial Regulation constitute assigned revenue (Article 18(1)(f) of the Financial Regulation) to be charged to Item 6 6 0 0 of the general statement of revenue.

Legal basis:

Reference acts:



- PARTC-3-11-15 Eurojust

Amend remarks as follows:




Before paragraph

(*) The 2007 figures are based on the preliminary draft amending Budget No 3 to the general Budget 2007.

Amend text as follows:

| Category and grade | Posts |

| | 2007 | 2008 |

| |Actually filled as at 31.12.2006 | Authorised under the Community | Authorised under the Community |

| | |budget |budget |

| | Permanent | Temporary | Permanent | Temporary | Permanent | Temporary |

| AD 16 |  | |  | |  |1 |

| AD 15 |  |1 |  |1 |  | |

| AD 14 |  | |  | |  | |

| AD 13 |  | |  | |  | |

| AD 12 |  | |  | |  | |

| AD 11 |  |1 |  |2 |  | |

| AD 10 |  | | | |  |54 |

| AD 9 |  |5 |  |4 |  |5 |

| AD 8 |  |3 |  |4 |  |2 |

| AD 7 |  | |  |11 |  |11 |

| AD 6 |  |9 |  |4 |  |1413 |

| AD 5 |  |4 |  |12 |  |3 |

| Total grade AD |  |23 |  |38 |  |4139 |

| AST 11 |  | | | |  | |

| AST 10 |  | | | |  | |

| AST 9 |  | | | |  |1 |

| AST 8 |  |1 |  |1 |  |1 |

| AST 7 |  |1 |  |1 |  | |

| AST 6 |  | |  | |  |1 |

| AST 5 |  |1 |  |2 |  |2 |

| AST 4 |  |2 |  |17 |  |1817 |

| AST 3 |  |18 |  |37 |  |5942 |

| AST 2 |  |18 |  |26 |  |2827 |

| AST 1 |  |28 |  |25 |  |24 |

| Total grade AST |  |69 |  |109 |  |134115 |

|Grand total |  |92 |  |147 |  |175154 |

|Total staff |92 |147 (*) |175154 |


Restore the PDB. Restore PDB organigramme.

In line with the joint declaration adopted by the budgetary authority at the Conciliation of 13 July 2007, the application of the instrument of assigned revenue should be closely monitored especially in the case of decentralised agencies.

An assigned revenue facility for the agencies was created to allow for more flexibility in case of unexpected changes in the agencies' "Other income". The Eurojust is almost exclusively financed through a subsidy coming from the EU budget. Its "Other income", as estimated for 2008, accounts for less than 5% of its revenue. In the interest of budgetary transparency the paragraph relating to assigned revenue in the remarks of this budget line is therefore deleted.

The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is retabling it at second reading.


|Draft amendment 0209 | |=== BUDG/9464=== |

to the modification by the Council to Amendment 899 of the European Parliament

Budget reference line : 18 06 07 01

BUDG/4956 Compromise amendment between PPE//7620



Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Add: 18 06 07 01 —

Amend classification: NCE

Amend type: DA

|18 06 07 01 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations| | |1 000 000 |750 000 |1 000 000 |750 000 | | |1 000 000 |750 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Pilot project for an impact assessment of legislative measures in contract law


Add following text:

The aim of the pilot project is to fund the following measures, a total of EUR 1 000 000 being earmarked for 2008:

— conducting a legal and economic impact assessment of legislative measures in contract law;

— establishing which choice-of-law rules apply in Community law and Member States' legal orders, and explaining how they relate to each other, in particular as regards the conditions for assessing the validity of a choice of law, binding provisions and the role of the «lex fori»;

— examining and developing the Common Frame of Reference (CFR).

Legal basis:

Add following text:

Pilot project within the meaning of Article 49(6) of Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002 of 25 June on the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities (OJ L 248, 16.9.2002, p. 1), as amended by Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1995/2006 (OJ L 390, 30.12.2006, p. 1).

Reference acts:


In October 2004, the Commission submitted the communication on «European contract law and the revision of the acquis: the way forward» to Parliament and the Council. The communication sets out the Commission’s follow-up to the 2003 contract law action plan. In September 2005, the Commission submitted the first annual progress report on European contract law and the acquis review.

Establishment of a Common Frame of Reference (CFR) for any future Community contract law is one follow-up measure. For the Commission, the CFR could inter alia conceivably be drawn on by national legislative authorities in non-Community-regulated areas of contract law, serve as a basis for developing an optional instrument (Measure III under the contract law action plan) and complement national law.

The Committee on Budgets has taken over and modified the amendment tabled by the EPP-ED group.

The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is retabling it at second reading.


|Draft amendment 0210 | |=== BUDG/9574=== |

to the modification by the Council to Amendment 1052 of the European Parliament

Budget reference line : 18 07 01 01



Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Item 18 07 01 01 European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction — Subsidy under Titles 1 and 2

Amend remarks and figures as follows:

|18 07 01 01 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|9 104 000 |9 104 000 |9 242 000 |9 242 000 |9 104 000 |9 104 000 |138 000 |138 000 |9 242 000 |9 242 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction — Subsidy under Titles 1 and 2


After paragraph

The Centre’s establishment plan is shown in Part C Staff of the general statement of revenue (Volume 1).

Delete following text:

The amounts repaid in accordance with Article 16 of the framework Financial Regulation for the bodies referred to in Article 185 of the Financial Regulation constitute assigned revenue (Article 18(1)(f) of the Financial Regulation) to be charged to Item 6 6 0 0 of the general statement of revenue.

Legal basis:

Reference acts:


Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Item 18 07 01 02 European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction — Subsidy under Title 3

Amend remarks and figures as follows:

|18 07 01 02 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|4 096 000 |4 096 000 |4 158 000 |4 158 000 |4 096 000 |4 096 000 |62 000 |62 000 |4 158 000 |4 158 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction — Subsidy under Title 3


After paragraph

The Commission, if requested by the Centre, undertakes to notify ..........budgetary authority of transfers made between operating and administrative appropriations.

Delete following text:

The amounts repaid in accordance with Article 16 of the framework Financial Regulation for the bodies referred to in Article 185 of the Financial Regulation constitute assigned revenue (Article 18(1)(f) of the Financial Regulation) to be charged to Item 6 6 0 0 of the general statement of revenue.

Legal basis:

Reference acts:


Restore the PDB.

In line with the joint declaration adopted by the budgetary authority at the Conciliation of 13 July 2007, the application of the instrument of assigned revenue should be closely monitored especially in the case of decentralised agencies. An assigned revenue facility for the agencies was created to allow for more flexibility in case of unexpected changes in the agencies' "Other income". The European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction is almost exclusively financed through a subsidy coming from the EU budget. Its "Other income", as estimated for 2008, accounts for less than 5% of its revenue. In the interest of budgetary transparency the paragraph relating to assigned revenue in the remarks of this budget line is therefore deleted.

The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is retabling it at second reading.


|Draft amendment 0356 | |=== BUDG/9742=== |

to the modification by the Council to Amendment 88 of the European Parliament

Budget reference line : 18 08 01



Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Article 18 08 01 Prince — Area of freedom, security and justice

Amend remarks and figures as follows:

|18 08 01 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|4 814 000 |4 000 000 |6 814 000 |6 000 000 |4 814 000 |4 000 000 |3 000 000 |3 000 000 |7 814 000 |7 000 000 |

|Reserves | | |1 000 000 |1 000 000 | | | | | | |


Prince — Area of freedom, security and justice


After paragraph

It covers information to citizens about their rights of access ..........system environment support, development and preparation complete with maintenance ).

Add following text:

This appropriation is intended to cover the funding of an awareness raising campaign by the Commission, in cooperation with civil society, on EU citizens rights under article 13 of the TEU.

Legal basis:

Reference acts:


The Commission, as guardian of the Treaties, cannot leave it up to the agency of Fundamental Rights alone to promote and defend EU citizens' rights. Citizens should be informed of their rights under article 13 of the Treaty on the European Union. An adequately informed public will be better able to effectively monitor the respect of those rights by their governments.

The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is modifying its first reading amendment and retabling it at second reading.


|Draft amendment 0322 | |=== BUDG/9577=== |

to the modification by the Council to Amendment 1055 of the European Parliament

Budget reference line : PARTC-3-14-2




- PARTC-3-14-2 Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency

Amend remarks as follows:


Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency


Before paragraph

(*) The 2007 figure are based on the preliminary draft amending Budget No 3 to the general Budget 2007.

Amend text as follows:

| Category and grade |Posts |

| | 2007 | 2008 |

| |Actually filled as at | Authorised under the | Authorised under the |

| |31.12.2006 |Community budget |Community budget |

| | Permanent | Temporary | Permanent | Temporary | Permanent | Temporary |

| AD 16 |  |  |  |  |  |  |

| AD 15 |  |  |  |  |  |  |

| AD 14 |  |1 |  |1 |  |1 |

| AD 13 |  |  |  |0 |  |  |

| AD 12 |  |5 |  |5 |  |6 |

| AD 11 |  |6 |  |7 |  |67 |

| AD 10 |  |1 |  |1 |  |13 |

| AD 9 |  |15 |  |19 |  |22 |

| AD 8 |  |9 |  |11 |  |1317 |

| AD 7 |  |3 |  |4  |  |911 |

| AD 6 |  |1 |  |1  |  |3 |

| AD 5 |  |7 |  |6  |  |1 |

| Total |0 |48 |0 |55 |0 |6371 |

| AST 11 |  |  |  |  |  |  |

| AST 10 |  |3 |  |3 |  |32 |

| AST 9 |  |  |  |  |  |  |

| AST 8 |  |  |  | |  |  |

| AST 7 |  |2 |  |2 |  |23 |

| AST 6 |  |2 |  |4 |  |34 |

| AST 5 |  |4 |  |4 |  |54 |

| AST 4 |  |  |  |4 |  |69 |

| AST 3 |  |5 |  |11 |  |9 |

| AST 2 |  |  |  |  |  |  |

| AST 1 |  |  |  |  |  |  |

| Total |0 |16 |0 |28 |0 |2831 |

|Grand total |0 |64 |0 |83 |0 |91102 |

|Total staff |64 |83* |91102 |


Restore organigramme of original fiche financiere as submitted to the budgetary authority on the occasion of the extension of tasks and lifetime of the EAC executive agency in November 2006. The decision of the budgetary authority not to raise any objections against the extension of the mandate of the EAC executive agency was based, amongst other things, on a cost-benefit analysis the quality of which even then raised some concern in COBU. Staff costs of the extended agency were calculated on the basis of 91 organigramme posts for 2008. If the PDB 2008 suddenly requests 102 posts instead the 91 posts originally projected, this is not acceptable, since the additional amounts will be taken from the remaining operational envelope of the programme.

The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is retabling it at second reading.


|Draft amendment 0053 | |=== BUDG/9367=== |

to the modification by the Council to Amendment 290 of the European Parliament

Budget reference line : 05 05 02



Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Article 05 05 02 Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance for Rural Development (IPARD)

Amend figures as follows:

|05 05 02 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|76 800 000 |63 000 000 |85 300 000 |70 000 000 |76 800 000 |63 000 000 |8 500 000 |7 000 000 |85 300 000 |70 000 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Restore the PDB.

The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is retabling it at second reading.


|Draft amendment 0079 | |=== BUDG/9449=== |

to the modification by the Council to Amendment 880 of the European Parliament

Budget reference line : 07 01 04 05

BUDG/4963 Compromise amendment between PSE//8459



Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Add: 07 01 04 05 —

Amend classification: NCE

Amend type: NDA

|07 01 04 05 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations| | |1 000 000 |1 000 000 | | |1 000 000 |1 000 000 |1 000 000 |1 000 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Pilot project: Environmental monitoring of the Black Sea Basin and a common European framework programme for the development of the Black Sea region


Add following text:

The project is intended to promote measures for regular monitoring of the quality of the marine and coastline environment, and control of pollution in the Black Sea region. Its overall objectives are as follows:

— to provide a basis for research and to study pollution of the marine and coastline environment; to study the impact of pollution on biodiversity and on jobs supported by the marine and coastline environment;

— to develop new technologies for environmental protection and emergency pollution clean-up;

— to design and put in place an integrated marine and coastline monitoring system in the region;

— to establish a network of facilities for dynamic remote sensing monitoring of the «sea - coast - river» system;

— to train people and prepare staff for the actual implementation of monitoring-related activities.

Legal basis:

Add following text:

Pilot project within the meaning of Article 49(6) of Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002 of 25 June on the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities (OJ L 248, 16.9.2002, p. 1), as amended by Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1995/2006 (OJ L 390, 30.12.2006, p. 1).

Reference acts:


The action proposed addresses the need for pollution protection and control in the Black Sea region. The rise in economic and industrial activities there poses threats and risks that can have serious environmental consequences. Being an area of great geostrategic importance with intensive transport of energy resources throughout its territory, the Black Sea region demands serious proactive measures with a view to prevent pollution, reduce environmental risks and ensure sustainable development.

The Committee on Budgets has taken over and modified the amendment tabled by the PSE group.

The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is retabling it at second reading.


|Draft amendment 0112 | |=== BUDG/9454=== |

to the modification by the Council to Amendment 886 of the European Parliament

Budget reference line : 09 06 01 01

BUDG/4980 Compromise amendment between CULT/5881

CULT/5881 Compromise amendment between CULT/5812



Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Add: 09 06 01 01 —

Amend classification: NCE

Amend type: DA

|09 06 01 01 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations| | |2 000 000 |2 000 000 | | |2 000 000 |2 000 000 |2 000 000 |2 000 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Preparatory action on the implementation of the MEDIA 2007 programmes in third countries


Add following text:

This preparatory action is intended to concentrate on three action lines:

— support for training:

Opening access to third countries to the training courses supported by MEDIA 2007, and developing networks between film schools in the Member States and those in third countries.

— support for sales agents:

Supports sales agents who market European films in the third countries and who by the same token, market films from third countries within the European Union.

— support for the development of cinemas networks:

Use the EuropaCinema model in third countries. The cinemas of the network should devote a significant share of their programming to European film distribution. On the other hand, the cinemas of the EuropaCinema network would commit themselves to programming a similar proportion of films from third countries.

Legal basis:

Add following text:

Preparatory action within the meaning of Article 49(2) of Council regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002 of 25 June 2002 on the financial regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities (OJ L 248, 16.9.2002, p.1).

Reference acts:


Media 2007 legal basis does not allow the implementation of actions in cooperation with third countries; therefore the aim of this preparatory action is to overcome this obstacle in order to satisfy immediate needs of third countries and to improve the overall effectiveness of MEDIA 2007 over the next three years, which allow time to modify the legal basis.

The Committee on Budgets has taken over and modified the amendment tabled by the CULT committee.

The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is retabling it at second reading.


|Draft amendment 0143 | |=== BUDG/9386=== |

to the modification by the Council to Amendment 414 of the European Parliament

Budget reference line : 13 05 02



Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Article 13 05 02 Instrument for Pre-Accession (IPA) — Regional Development component

Amend figures as follows:

|13 05 02 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|223 700 000 |208 000 000 |233 700 000 |220 000 000 |223 700 000 |208 000 000 |10 000 000 |12 000 000 |233 700 000 |220 000 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Restore the PDB.

The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is retabling it at second reading.


|Draft amendment 0159 | |=== BUDG/9566=== |

to the modification by the Council to Amendment 1042 of the European Parliament

Budget reference line : 15 02 27 01



Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Item 15 02 27 01 European Training Foundation — Subsidy under Titles 1 and 2

Amend remarks as follows:

|15 02 27 01 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|13 484 000 |13 484 000 |13 484 000 |13 484 000 |13 484 000 |13 484 000 | | |13 484 000 |13 484 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


European Training Foundation — Subsidy under Titles 1 and 2


After paragraph

The Foundation must inform the budgetary authority about transfers of ..........budgetary authority of transfers made between operating and administrative appropriations.

Delete following text:

The amounts repaid in accordance with Article 16 of the Framework Financial Regulation for the bodies referred to in Article 185 of the Financial Regulation constitute assigned revenue (Article 18(1)(f) of the Financial Regulation) to be charged to Item 6 6 0 0 of the general statement of revenue.

Legal basis:

Reference acts:


Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Item 15 02 27 02 European Training Foundation — Subsidy under Title 3

Amend remarks as follows:

|15 02 27 02 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|4 500 000 |4 500 000 |4 500 000 |4 500 000 |4 500 000 |4 500 000 | | |4 500 000 |4 500 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


European Training Foundation — Subsidy under Title 3


After paragraph

The Foundation must inform the budgetary authority about transfers of ..........budgetary authority of transfers made between operating and administrative appropriations.

Amend text as follows:

The amounts repaid in accordance with Article 16 of the Framework Financial Regulation for the bodies referred to in Article 185 of the Financial Regulation constitute assigned revenue (Article 18(1)(f) of the Financial Regulation) to be charged to Item 6 6 0 0 of the general statement of revenue.

Legal basis:

Reference acts:


In line with the joint declaration adopted by the budgetary authority at the Conciliation of 13 July 2007, the application of the instrument of assigned revenue should be closely monitored especially in the case of decentralised agencies. An assigned revenue facility for the agencies was created to allow for more flexibility in case of unexpected changes in the agencies' "Other income". The European Training Foundation is almost exclusively financed through a subsidy coming from the EU budget. Its "Other income", as estimated for 2008, accounts for less than 5% of its revenue. In the interest of budgetary transparency the paragraph relating to assigned revenue in the remarks of this budget line is therefore deleted.

The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is retabling it at second reading.


|Draft amendment 0214 | |=== BUDG/9413=== |

to the modification by the Council to Amendment 664 of the European Parliament

Budget reference line : 19 01 04 01



Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Item 19 01 04 01 Development Cooperation Instrument (DCI) — Expenditure on administrative management

Amend remarks and figures as follows:

|19 01 04 01 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|50 606 000 |50 606 000 |40 484 800 |40 484 800 |50 606 000 |50 606 000 |-10 121 200 |-10 121 200 |40 484 800 |40 484 800 |

|Reserves | | |10 121 200 |10 121 200 | | |10 121 200 |10 121 200 |10 121 200 |10 121 200 |


Development Cooperation Instrument (DCI) — Expenditure on administrative management


After paragraph

This appropriation covers administrative expenditure under Chapters 19 02, 19 09 and 19 10.

Add following text:

The appropriations are placed in reserve pending proposals for concrete actions by the Commission for the establishment of a real political and regular dialogue with Parliament and information on the planned implementation of the instruments, including the annual programmes, as foreseen by the declaration number 5 of the new IIA of 17 May 2006.

Legal basis:

Reference acts:


Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Item 19 01 04 02 European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI) — Expenditure on administrative management

Amend remarks and figures as follows:

|19 01 04 02 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|37 513 000 |37 513 000 |30 010 400 |30 010 400 |37 513 000 |37 513 000 |-7 502 600 |-7 502 600 |30 010 400 |30 010 400 |

|Reserves | | |7 502 600 |7 502 600 | | |7 502 600 |7 502 600 |7 502 600 |7 502 600 |


European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI) — Expenditure on administrative management


After paragraph

This appropriation covers administrative expenditure under Chapter 19 08.

Add following text:

The appropriations are placed in reserve pending proposals for concrete actions by the Commission for the establishment of a real political and regular dialogue with Parliament and information on the planned implementation of the instruments, including the annual programmes, as foreseen by the declaration number 5 of the new IIA of 17 May 2006.

Legal basis:

Reference acts:


Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Item 19 01 04 03 Instrument for Stability (IfS) — Expenditure on administrative management

Amend remarks and figures as follows:

|19 01 04 03 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|6 725 000 |6 725 000 |5 380 000 |5 380 000 |6 725 000 |6 725 000 |-1 345 000 |-1 345 000 |5 380 000 |5 380 000 |

|Reserves | | |1 345 000 |1 345 000 | | |1 345 000 |1 345 000 |1 345 000 |1 345 000 |


Instrument for Stability (IfS) — Expenditure on administrative management


After paragraph

This appropriation covers expenditure on administrative management under Articles 19 ..........19 06 01, 19 06 02 and 19 06 03.

Add following text:

The appropriations are placed in reserve pending proposals for concrete actions by the Commission for the establishment of a real political and regular dialogue with Parliament and information on the planned implementation of the instruments, including the annual programmes, as foreseen by the declaration number 5 of the new IIA of 17 May 2006.

Legal basis:

Reference acts:


Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Item 13 01 04 02 Instrument for Pre-Accession (IPA) – Regional development component — Expenditure on administrative management

Amend remarks and figures as follows:

|13 01 04 02 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|3 850 000 |3 850 000 |3 080 000 |3 080 000 |3 850 000 |3 850 000 |-770 000 |-770 000 |3 080 000 |3 080 000 |

|Reserves | | |770 000 |770 000 | | |770 000 |770 000 |770 000 |770 000 |


Instrument for Pre-Accession (IPA) – Regional development component — Expenditure on administrative management


After paragraph

This appropriation covers administrative expenditure under Chapter 13 05.

Add following text:

The appropriations are placed in reserve pending proposals for concrete actions by the Commission for the establishment of a real political and regular dialogue with Parliament and information on the planned implementation of the instruments, including the annual programmes, as foreseen by the declaration number 5 of the new IIA of 17 May 2006.

Legal basis:

Reference acts:


Ensure that the political dialogue between the Commission and the EP on the external programmes is implemented according to the declaration number 5 of the new IIA of 17 May 2006 according to which the position of the EP should be taken duly into account when implementing the strategies.

The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is retabling it at second reading.


|Draft amendment 0357 | |=== BUDG/9711=== |

to the modification by the Council to Amendment 1009 of the European Parliament

Budget reference line : 19 02 01

BUDG/4905 Compromise amendment between AFET/5018, AFET/5040



Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Article 19 02 01 Cooperation with third countries in the areas of migration and asylum

Amend remarks and figures as follows:

|19 02 01 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|51 120 000 |38 000 000 |54 120 000 |40 000 000 |51 120 000 |38 000 000 |1 000 000 |2 000 000 |52 120 000 |40 000 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Cooperation with third countries in the areas of migration and asylum


After paragraph

As part of the rationalisation and simplification of the instruments ..........703), which have paved the way for the legal basis.

Amend text as follows:

The aim of the programmeUnder this programme, the appropriation is to address the causes of migration in countries of origin. Under this programme, appropriations may also be usedintended to provide, in a specific and complementary way, technical and financial assistance for third countries to support them in their efforts to ensure better management of migratory flows in all aspects.

After paragraph

Partners eligible for financial support under this appropriation may include ..........departments and agencies, institutes, associations and public and private operators.

Add following text:

Part of this allocation will be used to establish effective partnership with third countries in the fight against human trafficking.

Legal basis:

Reference acts:


Human trafficking from third countries into the EU is a very problematic aspect of the international migration flow that needs to be addressed on EU level. While recognising the importance of various initiatives under Titles 18 03 and 18 05, the international dimension of the fight against human trafficking must receive adequate funding from this budget line as well.

Technical and financial assistance for third countries in support of their efforts to ensure better management of all aspects of migratory flows must be in keeping with real needs. The Community must therefore make ever-greater efforts to help tackle the underlying causes of migration. What is more, given the United Nations Population Fund's estimate that the world's population will grow by some 3 000 000 000 over the next 50 years and in view of the resulting increase in migratory flows around the world (which will affect developing countries first and foremost), the proposed increase is moderate.

The DCI is the legal basis for both budget headings;they cover different thematic programmes. The appropriations for these programmes are purely indicative.

The «Migration and asylum» programme is failing to meet Parliament's wish that, in particular, the causes of migration be addressed; rather, it focuses on controlling refugee flows. The thematic programme «Investing in people» is more suitable for making a start on genuinely tackling causes of flight, however. Better education, in particular, gives people a better start for coping with their lives in their home countries and is therefore a core factor for combating flight from poverty. In addition, the «Education» budget heading has been reduced appreciably and must be increased.

The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is modifying its first reading amendment and retabling it at second reading.


|Draft amendment 0216 | |=== BUDG/9369=== |

to the modification by the Council to Amendment 328 of the European Parliament

Budget reference line : 19 03



Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Chapter 19 03 Common foreign and security policy

Amend remarks as follows:


Common foreign and security policy


After paragraph

The Council Presidency must ensure that the European Parliament is closely ..........and aspects of the Union's Common Foreign and Security Policy.

Amend text as follows:

The regular joint consultation meetings should provide an opportunity for a real political dialogue, instead of beingwhich they are considered merely usedan obligation to inform Parliament after the event.

Legal basis:

Reference acts:


Your rapporteur believes that the progress reached in the joint consultation meetings should be used to enhance Parliament's role in CFSP.

The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is retabling it at second reading.


|Draft amendment 0358 | |=== BUDG/9771=== |

to the modification by the Council to Amendment 944 of the European Parliament

Budget reference line : 19 03 01

BUDG/4907 Compromise amendment between AFET/5055, BUDG/3065



Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Article 19 03 01 Monitoring and implementation of peace and security processes

Amend legal basis as follows:

|19 03 01 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|5 000 000 |4 000 000 |4 000 000 |3 200 000 |5 000 000 |4 000 000 | | |5 000 000 |4 000 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Monitoring and implementation of peace and security processes


Legal basis:

Before paragraph

Council Joint Action 2005/807/CFSP of 21 November 2005 extending and ..........(OJ L 303, 22.11.2005, p. 61); EUR 3 723 982,80.

Delete following text:

Council Joint Action 2005/643/CFSP of 9 September 2005 on the European Union Monitoring Mission in Aceh (Indonesia) (Aceh Monitoring Mission — AMM) (OJ L 234, 10.9.2005, p. 13); EUR 900 000.

Reference acts:


Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Article 19 03 02 Non-proliferation and disarmament

Amend figures as follows:

|19 03 02 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|16 000 000 |12 000 000 |12 800 000 |9 600 000 |16 000 000 |12 000 000 | |-1 000 000 |16 000 000 |11 000 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Article 19 03 03 Conflict resolution and other stabilisation measures

Amend figures as follows:

|19 03 03 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|82 850 000 |70 000 000 |66 280 000 |56 000 000 |167 850 000 |110 000 000 | |-10 000 000 |167 850 000 |100 000 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Article 19 03 04 Emergency measures

Amend figures as follows:

|19 03 04 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|15 000 000 |13 000 000 |12 000 000 |10 400 000 |15 000 000 |13 000 000 | |-1 000 000 |15 000 000 |12 000 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Article 19 03 05 Preparatory and follow-up measures

Amend figures as follows:

|19 03 05 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|4 000 000 |3 500 000 |3 200 000 |2 800 000 |4 000 000 |3 500 000 | |-180 000 |4 000 000 |3 320 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Article 19 03 06 European Union Special Representatives

Amend figures as follows:

|19 03 06 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|17 000 000 |13 000 000 |13 600 000 |10 400 000 |17 000 000 |13 000 000 | |-1 000 000 |17 000 000 |12 000 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Article 19 03 07 Police missions

Amend figures as follows:

|19 03 07 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|60 000 000 |40 000 000 |88 000 000 |67 000 000 |60 000 000 |40 000 000 | |-3 000 000 |60 000 000 |37 000 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Item 19 01 04 04 Common foreign and security policy (CFSP) — Expenditure on administrative management

|19 01 04 04 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|400 000 |400 000 |320 000 |320 000 |400 000 |400 000 | | |400 000 |400 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


As the Aceh Monitoring Mission has been finished, the reference should be deleted from the legal base.

CFSP agreement at Conciliation.

The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is modifying its first reading amendment and retabling it at second reading.


|Draft amendment 0219 | |=== BUDG/9414=== |

to the modification by the Council to Amendment 665 of the European Parliament

Budget reference line : 19 04 01



Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Article 19 04 01 Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR)

Amend remarks as follows:

|19 04 01 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|106 122 000 |51 700 000 |106 122 000 |51 700 000 |106 122 000 |51 700 000 | | |106 122 000 |51 700 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR)


After paragraph

Part of this appropriation will be devoted to the European ..........the Council of 21 April 2004 (OJ L 138, 30.4.2004, p. 31).

Add following text:

Whenever the Commission is launching a procurement procedure, according to art. 91 of the Financial Regulation and under one of the budget lines in this Policy area, the Commission should insert in the proposed contract a clause encouraging candidates to include in their team one or more young people eligible to the "First job" initiative. The Commission will set up a "First job" database created for this purpose to facilitate Candidates, if necessary.

Add following text:

Candidates unable to respect this condition should provide an explanation.

Add following text:

To be eligible to this initiative young people should have:

— a Bachelor degree in one European University;

— no working experience or at maximum two years experience, including master degree and or some traineeships, including in European Institutions;

— knowledge of at least one languages, in addition to their mother tongue.

Legal basis:

Reference acts:


The Commission is invited to offer some job opportunities for young people with a maximum of two years working experience. This practice could start as a testing period for this first year in the external policy area. Commission should present the results achieved by this practice.

The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is retabling it at second reading.


|Draft amendment 0359 | |=== BUDG/9755=== |

to the modification by the Council to Amendment 761 of the European Parliament

Budget reference line : 19 04 02



Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Article 19 04 02 Pilot project: European emergency judicial assistance

Amend remarks as follows:

|19 04 02 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|p.m. |p.m. |200 000 |200 000 |p.m. |p.m. | | |0 |0 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Pilot project: European emergency judicial assistance


After paragraph

Former Article 21 04 04

Amend text as follows:

The objective of the measure is to provide financial support for lawyers acting in criminal cases involving Member State nationals in third countries whose judicial rights have been found not to have been observed. The following actions are envisaged:

Add following text:

- defending accused persons and victims alongside local lawyers and ensuring that fair trials are held;

Add following text:

- protecting and providing financial assistance to defenders of human rights defending EU nationals whose fundamental rights have been threatened.

Delete following text:

This appropriation is intended for the following measures:

— defending accused persons and victims alongside local lawyers and ensuring that fair trials are held,

— protecting and assisting defenders of human rights who have been threatened.

After paragraph

The aim of the project is to establish partnership relations ..........and trade associations for the legal professions in third countries.

Add following text:

Bodies responsible for providing immediate defence (ad hoc assignments in countries where human rights are under threat, either acting alone or together with local lawyers in sensitive cases in criminal courts) could be beneficiaries. Were this to be the case, the urgent protection provisions set out in Article 13(c) of Regulation (EC) No 1889/2006 establishing a financing instrument for the promotion of democracy and human rights worldwide would remain unchanged.

Legal basis:

Reference acts:


The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is modifying its first-reading amendment and retabling it at second reading.


|Draft amendment 0223 | |=== BUDG/9333=== |

to the modification by the Council to Amendment 103 of the European Parliament

Budget reference line : 19 06 01 01

DEVE/5551 Compromise amendment between DEVE/5533



Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Item 19 06 01 01 Crisis response and preparedness (Instrument for Stability)

Amend remarks as follows:

|19 06 01 01 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|135 371 000 |70 000 000 |135 371 000 |70 000 000 |135 371 000 |70 000 000 | | |135 371 000 |70 000 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Crisis response and preparedness (Instrument for Stability)


After paragraph

This appropriation is intended to cover an integrated programme of ..........CFSP, as part of a comprehensive EU approach to crisis.

Add following text:

The appropriation is also intended to cover response measures to prevent and reduce climate-change-induced hazards, in particular management of water resources, in cases where these hazards risk escalating into security threats.

Legal basis:

Reference acts:


Billions of people live in areas which are periodically exposed to at least one major hazard in the form of earthquakes, tropical cyclones, floods or drought. As extreme weather events and major disasters are on the increase as a result of climate change, the link to security is obvious. For example, tensions around access to water are bound to increase as some of the world's driest, poorest areas become drier still. Prolonged drought and scant water have already fuelled conflicts in regions like Afghanistan, Nepal, Somalia and Sudan. Moreover, other types of severe climate impacts – like floods, heavy storms and sea level rise - are set to undermine the livelihoods of hundreds of millions of people and force many of them to migrate. The result will be increasing instability, potential conflicts and security risks around the globe. Unless climate change related disaster risks are more fully integrated into security risk assessments, peace and stability will be very difficult to reach.

The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is retabling it at second reading.


|Draft amendment 0224 | |=== BUDG/9334=== |

to the modification by the Council to Amendment 104 of the European Parliament

Budget reference line : 19 06 01 04



Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Add: 19 06 01 04 —

Amend classification: NCE

Amend type: DA

|19 06 01 04 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations| | |1 500 000 |1 500 000 |1 500 000 |1 500 000 | | |1 500 000 |1 500 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Conflict prevention network


Add following text:

This appropriation is intended to finance a conflict prevention network to carry out analytical groundwork for, and underpin, decision-taking in the external relations field, as provided for in the European Parliament resolution of 13 December 2001 on the Commission communication on conflict prevention (OJ C 177 E, 25.7.2002, p. 291).

Legal basis:

Add following text:

Regulation (EC) No 1717/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 November 2006 establishing an Instrument for Stability (OJ L 327, 24.11.2006, p. 1).

Reference acts:


The preparatory action to establish a conflict prevention network will be in its third and final year in 2008. It has proved to be very successful to date and should be continued with the same level of funding. To secure continuation, a separate budget heading has been introduced, with funding to come from the Instrument for Stability. For technical reasons, the budget heading for the preparatory action is being maintained so that the Commission can fund outstanding payments from it.

The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is retabling it at second reading.


|Draft amendment 0225 | |=== BUDG/9506=== |

to the modification by the Council to Amendment 947 of the European Parliament

Budget reference line : 19 06 02 03

BUDG/4909 Compromise amendment between DEVE/5406



Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Add: 19 06 02 03 —

Amend classification: NCE

Amend type: DA

|19 06 02 03 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations| | |2 000 000 |2 000 000 |2 000 000 |2 000 000 | | |2 000 000 |2 000 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Community policy on combating the proliferation of light arms


Add following text:

This appropriation is intended to finance operations to combat the proliferation of light arms and illicit arms trafficking.

Legal basis:

Add following text:

Regulation (EC) No 1717/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 November 2006 establishing an Instrument for Stability (OJ L 327, 24. 11. 2006, p. 1).

Reference acts:


The Commission successfully implemented the pilot project (2004 and 2005) and subsequent preparatory action on reducing NBC weapons and light arms. The measures are being incorporated into operations under the Instrument of Stability. Without calling into question the mainstreaming of action to combat arms proliferation, support for measures exclusively geared towards combating the proliferation of light arms and combating illicit arms trafficking should be provided via a dedicated budget heading. For technical reasons, the budget heading for the preparatory action is being maintained so that the Commission can fund outstanding payments from it.

The Committee on Budgets has taken over and modified the amendments tabled by the Committee on Development.

The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is retabling it at second reading.


|Draft amendment 0226 | |=== BUDG/9507=== |

to the modification by the Council to Amendment 948 of the European Parliament

Budget reference line : 19 08 01 01

BUDG/4928 Compromise amendment between AFET/5002, AFET/5100

AFET/5100 Compromise amendment between AFET/5065, AFET/5009, AFET/5029, AFET/5042



Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Item 19 08 01 01 European Neighbourhood and Partnership financial cooperation with Mediterranean countries

Amend remarks as follows:

|19 08 01 01 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|774 380 000 |664 000 000 |774 380 000 |664 000 000 |774 380 000 |664 000 000 | | |774 380 000 |664 000 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


European Neighbourhood and Partnership financial cooperation with Mediterranean countries


Before paragraph

Horizontal visibility of Community Assistance and information actions and measures ..........of the objectives of EU action in Mediterranean third countries.

Amend text as follows:

This appropriation is intended in particular to finance cooperation measures aimed primarily at supporting the implementation of the agreements and the ENP Action Plans concluded with the EU’s Mediterranean neighbours. It will also be used to support the implementation of the five-year Euro-Mediterranean Work Plan for 2006 to 2010. This will cover inter alia the following areas of cooperation:

1) promoting political dialogue and reform,

2) promoting legislative and regulatory approximation and encouraging the progressive participation of partner countries in the internal market and the intensification of trade;

3) strengthening the national institutions responsible for the elaboration and implementation of policies in the areas covered by the association agreements;

4) promoting respect for human rights and good governance;

5) promoting sustainable development and contributing to poverty reduction;

6) supporting the modernisation of the economy, promoting investments in the region and strengthening small- and medium-sized enterprises;

7) establishing better transport and energy interconnections between the EU and neighbouring countries and among neighbouring countries themselves and addressing threats to our common environment;

8) promoting actions contributing to conflict resolution;

9) fostering the development of civil society, encouraging less well represented groups to gain a voice and participate in civil society, combating all forms of discrimination, and strengthening the rights of women and children and other particularly vulnerable groups, including disabled persons and older persons;society;

10) promoting people-to-people contacts and exchanges in the field of education, research and culture;

11) supporting regional integration within the context of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership and in particular the promotion of regional cooperation, the creation of networks and partnerships of public and private not-for-profit organisations with a view to exchanging knowledge and best practices in all the relevant fields;

12) supporting actions in the field of migration designed, inter alia, to promote links between migration and development, to combat illegal immigration and to facilitate readmission. These actions will be supplemented by actions financed from the ENPI allocation from the thematic line 19 02 01 01 (Cooperation in the areas of migration and asylum).

After paragraph

Regulation (EC) No 1638/2006 of the European Parliament and of ..........Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (OJ L 310, 9.11.2006, p. 1).

Add following text:

With the exception of humanitarian aid; assistance and cooperation with governments should not be provided if there is a clear evidence that the governments in question are responsible for a deterioration of the situation in the fields of democracy, the rule of law and respect for fundamental rights and freedoms;

Add following text:

Part of this appropriation is intended to be used, with due regard for the provisions of the Financial Regulation, for operations carried out by senior volunteer experts from the European Union who come under the ESSN (European Senior Services Network), including technical assistance, advisory services and training in selected public or private sector enterprises.

Legal basis:

Reference acts:


Vulnerable groups need more support in the implementation of measures tackling the needs of civil society. In the past programmes such as ENP, PHARE, ISPA and CARDS have enhanced successfully the participation of civil society and, in particular, disabled people’s organizations. Civil society has shown to be a driver of change, stabilization, democratization and reconciliation.

Parliament's successful initiative of previous years (2005 - 2007), to integrate the senior volunteer experts in the EU external cooperation programmes, should be continued in response to both, demand in partner countries and interest signalled by the Commission.

Human rights clauses in agreements concluded with non-EU countries should be applied rigorously. For this reason Community assistance to third countries should be conditional upon respect of fundamental values such as democracy, rule of law and human rights and freedoms.

The European Union should use the experience, skills and knowledge of senior volunteer experts pooled in the European Senior Services Network (ESSN).

In the past, support for European projects drawing on the many years of personal and professional experience which senior experts have behind them has proved worthwhile, and it should continue.

The voluntary contribution made by the association provides vital added value for EU external action at minimal cost.

The Committee on Budgets has taken over and modified the amendments tabled by the AFET committee.

The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is retabling it at second reading.


|Draft amendment 0360 | |=== BUDG/9756=== |

to the modification by the Council to Amendment 949 of the European Parliament

Budget reference line : 19 08 01 02

BUDG/4910 Compromise amendment between AFET/5109, AFET/5003

AFET/5109 Compromise amendment between AFET/5016



Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Item 19 08 01 02 European Neighbourhood and Partnership financial assistance to Palestine, the peace process and UNRWA

Amend remarks as follows:

|19 08 01 02 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|300 000 000 |200 000 000 |158 000 000 |115 000 000 |300 000 000 |200 000 000 | | |300 000 000 |200 000 000 |

|Reserves | | |172 000 000 |95 000 000 | | | | |0 |0 |


European Neighbourhood and Partnership financial assistance to Palestine, the peace process and UNRWA


After paragraph

This appropriation is intended to cover operations for the benefit ..........Strip, in the context of the Middle East peace process.

Amend text as follows:

The operations are primarily aimed at:

1) supporting State building and institutional development;

2) promoting social and economic development;

3) mitigating the effects on the Palestinian population of the deteriorating economic, fiscal and humanitarian conditions through the provision of essential services and other support;

4) contributing to the financing of the operation of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) and in particular its health, education and social services programmes;

5) financing preparatory operations aimed at promoting cooperation between Israel and its neighbours in the context of the peace process, notably with regard to institutions, economic matters, water, the environment and energy;

6) financing activities designed to create a public opinion favourable to the peace process;

7) financing information, including in Arabic and Hebrew, and disseminating information on Israeli-Palestinian cooperation.

8) fostering the development of civil society, encouraging less well represented groups to gain a voice and participate in civil society, combating all forms of discrimination, and strengthening the rights of women and children and other particularly vulnerable groups, including disabled persons and older persons.

Add following text:

The active involvement of the EU in, and its support for, the Middle East peace process will continue in 2008. It should, in particular, ensure the provision of aid to UNRWA, with a view to meeting Palestine refugees' needs. Such aid needs to be increased, given that the amounts set out in the joint declaration signed by UNRWA and the Commission on 28 February 2007 are inadequate. Additional funding is required in order to meet the needs of the Palestinian population which are becoming more urgent with every passing day, particularly since the de facto split between the Gaza Strip and the West Bank in June 2007.

Legal basis:

Reference acts:


According to information from the Commission authorisation for a further increase of the EU engagement will be requested, supposedly summing up to 400 million euro for the year 2007. A draft amending letter on the PDB 2008 has already been announced. The DB 2008 figures seem unrealistic in comparison and must therefore be amended. The increase is put in the reserve in order to allow for the European Parliament to be fully involved in the control of the resumed cooperation with the Palestinian Authority as well as the TIM.

The EU is an essential player in the Middle East, as is shown by its commitment to the Palestinian people. One example of this commitment is the Convention between the European Community and the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) concerning aid to refugees in the countries in the Near East (2002 to 2005) (OJ L 281, 19.10.2002, p. 10), which was signed in 2002. In order to be able to continue the funding and maintain the synergies established that year, the aid provided under the UNRWA-EU joint declaration needs to be increased.

Vulnerable groups need more support in the implementation of measures tackling the needs of civil society. In the past programmes such as PHARE, ISPA and CARDS have enhanced successfully the participation of civil society and, in particular, disabled people’s organizations. Civil society has shown to be a driver of change, stabilization, democratization and reconciliation.

The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is modifying its first reading amendment and retabling it at second reading.


|Draft amendment 0361 | |=== BUDG/9715=== |

to the modification by the Council to Amendment 950 of the European Parliament

Budget reference line : 19 08 01 03

BUDG/4911 Compromise amendment between ENVI/5920, AFET/5004, BUDG/4743, PPE//7604, BUDG/3094

ENVI/5920 Compromise amendment between ENVI/5906



Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Item 19 08 01 03 European Neighbourhood and Partnership financial cooperation with Eastern Europe

Amend remarks and figures as follows:

|19 08 01 03 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|372 626 000 |230 000 000 |337 363 400 |209 000 000 |372 626 000 |230 000 000 |-37 262 600 |-21 000 000 |335 363 400 |209 000 000 |

|Reserves | | |37 262 600 |23 000 000 | | |37 262 600 |21 000 000 |37 262 600 |21 000 000 |


European Neighbourhood and Partnership financial cooperation with Eastern Europe


Before paragraph

Appropriations under this Article will also be used for actions ..........of assistance and at increasing the visibility of Community assistance.

Amend text as follows:

This appropriation is intended in particular to finance cooperation actions aimed primarily at supporting the implementation of the agreements and the ENP Action Plans concluded with the EU’s Eastern neighbours. It will also be used to support the Strategic Partnership between the EU and Russia through implementation of the four common spaces covering economic cooperation; freedom, security and justice; external security; and research and education, including culture. This will entail, inter alia, the following areas of cooperation:

1) promoting political dialogue and reform,

2) promoting legislative and regulatory approximation and encouraging the progressive participation of partner countries in the internal market and the intensification of trade;

3) strengthening the national institutions responsible for the elaboration and implementation of policies in the areas covered by the association agreements;

4) promoting respect for human rights and good governance;

5) supporting the transition to a market economy and the modernisation of the economy, promoting investments in the region and strengthening small- and medium-sized enterprises;

6) promoting sustainable development and contributing to poverty reduction;

7) establishing better transport and energy interconnections between the EU and neighbouring countries and among neighbouring countries themselves and addressing threats to our common environment;

8) promoting actions contributing to conflict resolution;

9) fostering the development of civil society, encouraging less well represented groups to gain a voice and participate in civil society, combating all forms of discrimination, and strengthening the rights of women and children and other particularly vulnerable groups, including disabled persons and older persons;society;

10) promoting people-to-people contacts and exchanges in the field of education, research and culture;

11) supporting regional cooperation, including within the context of the ‘Black Sea Synergy’ with special focus on co-operations developing ecological highly effective solutions for environmental protection;Synergy’;

12) supporting actions in the field of migration designed inter alia to promote links between migration and development, to combat illegal immigration and to facilitate readmission. These actions will be supplemented by actions financed from the ENPI allocation from the thematic line 19 02 01 01 (Cooperation in the areas of migration and asylum)asylum).

13) supporting measures to eliminate stockpiles of obsolete pesticides..

After paragraph

Possible income, coming from financial contributions from Member States and ..........the line for administrative support expenditure for the corresponding programme.

Add following text:

Part of this appropriation is intended to be used, with due regard for the provisions of the Financial Regulation, for operations carried out by senior volunteer experts from the European Union who come under the ESSN (European Senior Services Network), including technical assistance, advisory services and training in selected public or private sector enterprises.

Add following text:

The importance of developing cooperation in the Black Sea region is recognised in the context of the 'Black Sea Synergy'. The Black Sea region occupies a strategic position for energy security and for the economic development of the EU and the neighbouring countries. The Black Sea Joint Operational Programme includes ten partner states, of which three are Member States and one is an applicant country. It is necessary to supplement the budget with a view to developing infrastructures for transport, tourism and cultural cooperation in the Black Sea region.

Add following text:

Part of the commitments and payment appropriations are placed in reserve pending a presentation by the Commission of an improvement action plan following the findings of the Court of Auditors (Special CoA Report No2/2006).

Legal basis:

Reference acts:


Follow up of the COBU delegation to the Court of Auditors (12.09.2007)

The report of the Court of Auditors identified serious shortcomings in the implementation of the TACIS programme in the Russian Federation. It is of outmost importance that the new generation of programmes (such as ENP) do not repeat the mistakes of the TACIS and that the Commission ensures the correct implementation of the new programmes.

In its Special Report 2/2006 on TACIS, the Court of Auditors examined projects in Russia, which is the highest recipient of funds, and notes poor dissemination, poor and poor sustainability in general. One specific problem had been procurement and purchase of material and services. Purchase free of VAT from domestic suppliers in the Russian Federation were impossible because Russian Law does not allow it, which is contrary to the agreements EU - Russian Federation.

Another problem was the frequent misuse of purchased equipment for the purpose of the projects.

Part of appropriations should be placed in reserve until the Commission addresses these weaknesses and reports to Parliament:

-on how the Commission intends to address the problem of impossibility of purchase free of VAT with the Russian authorities

- clarify how the shortcomings noted have been addressed in the new Neighbourhood programme and any new country strategy proposed for Russia;

- explain the concrete measures taken to improve involvement of beneficiaries in order to ensure that equipment purchased reaches the beneficiaries;

The importance of developing cooperation in the Black Sea region is recognised in the context of the 'Black Sea Synergy'. The Black Sea region occupies a strategic position for energy security and for the economic development of the EU and the neighbouring countries. The Black Sea Joint Operational Programme includes ten partner states, of which three are Member States and one is an applicant country. It is necessary to supplement the budget with a view to developing infrastructures for transport, tourism and cultural cooperation in the Black Sea region.

Still not enough is done to eliminate stockpiles of dangerous obsolete pesticides neither within nor outside the EU.

Vulnerable groups need more support in the implementation of measures tackling the needs of civil society. In the past programmes such as PHARE, ISPA and CARDS have enhanced successfully the participation of civil society and, in particular, disabled people’s organizations. Civil society has shown to be a driver of change, stabilization, democratization and reconciliation.

The Committee on Budgets has taken over and modified the amendments tabled by the Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats) and European Democrats, the Committee on Foreign Affairs and the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety.

The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is modifying its first reading amendment and retabling it at second reading.


|Draft amendment 0230 | |=== BUDG/9466=== |

to the modification by the Council to Amendment 901 of the European Parliament

Budget reference line : 19 08 01 04

BUDG/4981 Compromise amendment between AFET/5026



Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Add: 19 08 01 04 —

Amend classification: NCE

Amend type: DA

|19 08 01 04 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations| | |2 500 000 |2 500 000 | | |2 500 000 |2 500 000 |2 500 000 |2 500 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Minorities in Russia – Developing culture, media and civil society


Add following text:

The objective of this preparatory action is to establish effective partnership with the Russian Federation to promote the culture, education, media and civil society of Russia’s numerous ethnic and national minorities. Under this preparatory action, assistance will be provided for activities related to the promotion and development of native culture, education, media and civil society.

Legal basis:

Add following text:

Preparatory action within the meaning of Article 49(6) of Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002 of 25 June 2002 on the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities (OJ L 248, 16.9.2002, p. 1), as amended by Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1995/2006 (OJ L 390, 30.12.2006, p. 1).

Reference acts:


The EU – Russia co-operation in the field of culture and education has so far focused exclusively on the Russian majority. By widening the scope of the partnership, the EU could effectively contribute to the protection and development of ethnic and national minority cultures thus promoting multiculturalism, tolerance and supporting sustainable minority communities.

The Committee on Budgets has taken over and modifed the amendment tabled by the AFET committee.

The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is retabling it at second reading.


|Draft amendment 0229 | |=== BUDG/9465=== |

to the modification by the Council to Amendment 900 of the European Parliament

Budget reference line : 19 08 01 04

BUDG/4964 Compromise amendment between BUDG/4256



Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Add: 19 08 01 04 —

Amend classification: NCE

Amend type: DA

|19 08 01 04 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations| | |2 500 000 |2 500 000 | | |2 500 000 |2 500 000 |2 500 000 |2 500 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Pilot project - Preventive and recovery actions for the Baltic seabed


Add following text:

This appropriation is intended to cover payments to fund a pilot project intended to prevent potential pollution from underwater waste land fills and to test methods to revive deep-water layers of the Baltic sea.

Legal basis:

Add following text:

Pilot project within the meaning of Article 49(6) of Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002 of 25 June on the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities (OJ L 248, 16.9.2002, p. 1), as amended by Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1995/2006 (OJ L 390, 30.12.2006, p. 1).

Reference acts:


Comprehensive search for former hazardous waste land fills in the sea area of all Baltic countries, which have the potential of polluting the Baltic Sea with thousands of tons of hazardous substances, should be carried out. In addition, as the known hazardous waste land fills contain mixed hazardous waste and have typically no ownership, economically feasible environmentally sound management practices should be further developed.

The deep water layers of the small and large semi-enclosed basins suffer from lack of oxygen. Thus, large amounts of phosphorus are released from sediment into the water column, which enhances eutrophication. The oxygen-rich surface water can be pumped from the surface water to deep water layers. Testing of the method and equipment should be made in a small semi-enclosed basin in order to ensure the positive effects of oxygenation in water and surface sediment before large scale implementation.

The Committee on Budgets has taken over and modified the amendment tabled by Mr Virrankoski and others.

The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is retabling it at second reading.


|Draft amendment 0231 | |=== BUDG/9606=== |

to the modification by the Council to Amendment 1126 of the European Parliament

Budget reference line : 19 08 02

BUDG/4871 Compromise amendment between BUDG/4693



Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Article 19 08 02 Cross-border cooperation (CBC) — European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI)

Amend remarks as follows:


Cross-border cooperation (CBC) — European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI)


After paragraph

Cross-border cooperation on the EU's external borders is a key ..........provided in the two budget items presented under this article.

Amend text as follows:

This appropriation is intended to fund a number of cross-border cooperation programmes, established along all the land and maritime borders. Such programmes will provide a tangible signal that the EU does not want to establish new dividing lines and they will also strengthen the partnership among border regions of the EU and neighbouring countries and help them to deal with common development problems. They will focus on the following four main objectives:

1) promoting economic and social development in regions on both sides of common borders;

2) working together to address common challenges, in fields such as the environment, public health and the prevention of and the fight against organised crime;crime.

3) ensuring efficient and secure borders and solving EU border crossing problems by increasing capacity for handling goods traffic;borders;

4) promoting local, cross-border ‘people-to-people’ actions;actions.

5) fostering the development of civil society, encouraging less well represented groups to gain a voice and participate in civil society, combating all forms of discrimination, and strengthening the rights of women and children and other particularly vulnerable groups, including disabled persons and older persons.

Legal basis:

Reference acts:


EP in its 2007 May 8 resolution on "the EU-Russia Summit to be held in Samara on 18 May 2007" calls to redouble efforts in solving the EU-Russian border-crossing problems by engaging in concrete projects and fully using the new Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument and the INTERREG funds.

The Committee on Budgets has taken over and modified the amendments tabled by the AFET committee and by Mrs Starkeviciute.

The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is retabling it at second reading.


|Draft amendment 0362 | |=== BUDG/9710=== |

to the modification by the Council to Amendment 951 of the European Parliament

Budget reference line : 19 08 04

BUDG/4912 Compromise amendment between AFET/5008, AFET/5035, BUDG/4268, ALDE/7830, BUDG/3064



Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Article 19 08 04 Aid to Kosovo

Delete: 19 08 04

|19 08 04 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations| | | | | | | | | | |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Article 01 03 02 Macroeconomic assistance

|01 03 02 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|152 000 000 |112 000 000 |152 000 000 |112 000 000 |152 000 000 |112 000 000 | | |152 000 000 |112 000 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Article 22 02 02 Transition and institution-building assistance to potential candidate countries

Amend remarks as follows:

|22 02 02 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|436 700 000 |98 625 400 |466 700 000 |128 625 400 |436 700 000 |98 625 400 | | |436 700 000 |98 625 400 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Transition and institution-building assistance to potential candidate countries


Amend text as follows:

Under the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA), pre-accession financial assistance is available not only for candidate countries but is also extended to potential candidate countries. This appropriation is intended to cover the component ‘transition and institution building’ for potential candidate countries. The main objective is to support the participation of the potential candidates in the stabilisation and association process and their progression towards candidate status given their enhanced European perspective following the Thessaloniki European Council (19 to 20 June 2003). This will involve supporting the gradual introduction of the acquis for all countries and the implementation of obligations under the Interim Agreement / Stabilisation and Association Agreements, in particular by means of:

— strengthening democratic institutions, as well as the rule of law, including its enforcement,

— the promotion and the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms and enhanced respect for minority rights, the promotion of gender equality and non-discrimination,

— public administration reform, including the establishment of a system enabling decentralisation of assistance management to the beneficiary country in accordance with the rules set down in the Financial Regulation,

— economic reform,

— the development of civil society and social inclusion, encouraging less well represented groups to gain a voice and participate in civil society, combating all forms of discrimination, and strengthening the rights of women and children and other particularly vulnerable groups, including disabled persons and older persons,

— reconciliation, confidence-building measures and reconstruction.reconstruction

Add following text:

Part of the appropriations for Serbia should be used for institutionbuilding and administrative development which will make it possible to prevent fresh disruption to the ethnic make-up of populations and ensure that the creation of NUTS2 regions does not lead to the break-up of ethnic/national areas or groups.

Add following text:

Part of the appropriations should be used to finance reconciliation and ethnic tolerance programmes in the potential Member States.

Add following text:

Part of this appropriation will be used to support the activities of the International Commission on Missing Persons in potential candidate countries.

Legal basis:

Reference acts:


Vulnerable groups need more support in the implementation of measures tackling the needs of civil society. In the past programmes such as ENP, PHARE, ISPA and CARDS have enhanced successfully the participation of civil society and, in particular, disabled people’s organizations. Civil society has shown to be a driver of change, stabilization, democratization and reconciliation.

The Council's intention to cut payment appropriations for budget line 22 02 02 (Transition and institution-building assistance to potential candidate countries) is presumably based on the additional funds foreseen for Kosovo and Palestine. However, it is of paramount importance to provide sufficient funding for the potential candidate countries, and especially Serbia during the year of 2008. The continued and sufficient EU assistance in promoting democracy, the rule of law, human and minority rights, the economic and public administration reforms, the development of civil society, and reconciliation is of key importance in respect to the stability of the Western Balkans region. This is especially crucial in 2008, when the final status decision on Kosovo will likely take place. Every eurocent is needed to make the benevolent EU presence felt. The EU should not save up for Kosovo at the expense of the other Western Balkans country.

ICMP’s mandate is to secure the co-operation of governments and other authorities in locating and identifying persons missing as a result of armed conflicts, other hostilities or violations of human rights and to assist them in doing so. ICMP is currently based in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and is engaged in most of the Western Balkans countries.

The rapporteur has tabled this amendment following the Commission's Amending Letter. It deletes the Council's new line for Kosovo, created under the neighbourhood chapter.

The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is modifying its first reading amendment and retabling it at second reading.


|Draft amendment 0363 | |=== BUDG/9717=== |

to the modification by the Council to Amendment 952 of the European Parliament

Budget reference line : 19 09 01

BUDG/4914 Compromise amendment between DEVE/5558

DEVE/5558 Compromise amendment between DEVE/5484, DEVE/5512, DEVE/5522, DEVE/5527



Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Article 19 09 01 Cooperation with developing countries in Latin America

Amend remarks, reference acts and figures as follows:

|19 09 01 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations|342 192 000 |320 000 000 |314 092 800 |288 000 000 |342 192 000 |320 000 000 |-30 849 200 |-32 000 000 |311 342 800 |288 000 000 |

|Reserves | | |34 899 200 |32 000 000 | | |34 899 200 |32 000 000 |34 899 200 |32 000 000 |


Cooperation with developing countries in Latin America


Before paragraph

This appropriation is also intended to cover measures to promote ..........may be financed jointly with non-governmental organisations and international organisations.

Delete following text:

The appropriations in the reserve will be released when the Commission submits to the European Parliament its programming for the funds which clearly shows that 20 % of overall spending will be allocated to basic and secondary education and basic health in accordance with the Commission Declaration concerning Article 5 of Regulation (EC) No 1905/2006 establishing the Development Cooperation Instrument (DCI).

Amend text as follows:

This appropriation is intended to cover cooperation schemes in developing countries in Latin America in order to:

— improve basic health and basic education by endeavouring, in accordance with the Commission Declaration concerning Article 5 of the DCI, to ensure that a benchmark of 20 % of its allocated assistance under country programmes covered by the DCI will be dedicated, by 2009, to basic and secondary education and basic health, through project, programme or budget support linked to these sectors, taking an average across all geographical areas and recognising that a degree of flexibility must be the norm, such as in cases where exceptional assistance is involved,

— assist institutional support and help consolidate democracy, human rights and the rule of law,

— combat poverty and social exclusion, with particular attention being paid to the poverty trap faced by disabled people,

— promote an SME friendly business climate through legal property rights, cutting red tape and improved access to credit as well as improving SME associations,

— support microfinance programmes,

— support regional integration,

— improve the standard of education, health and transport infrastructures,

— promote the increased use of information and communications technologies,

— foster regional integration,

— support capacity-building, in particular in the least-developed countries, to help them to integrate better into the multilateral trading system, including improving their ability to participate in the WTO,

— encourage the transfer of know-how and promote contact and collaboration between business players on both sides,

— promote a more favourable climate for economic expansion and hence development in the countries concerned,

— promote the sustainable use of natural resources, sustainable energy and the combating of climate change,

— support disaster prevention and risk reduction, including climate-change-related hazards,

— support trade unions, NGOs and local initiatives to monitor the impact of European investments on the national economy, particularly codes of conduct and sector agreements incorporating respect for labour, environmental, social and human rights standards,standards.

— foster the development of civil society, encourage less well represented groups to gain a voice and participate in civil society and the political system, combat all forms of discrimination, and strengthen the rights of women and children and other particularly vulnerable groups, including disabled persons and older persons.

After paragraph

Part of this appropriation is to be used for actions ..........war (ERW) and illicit small arms and light weapons (SALW).

Add following text:

The measures funded from this budget heading will take account of the demographic change factor.

Add following text:

Funding over and above the reference amount in the legal basis may be used for measures in the higher-education field, even though they may not be directly relevant in terms of abolishing poverty in Latin America.

Add following text:

Part of this appropriation is intended to be used, with due regard for the provisions of the Financial Regulation, for operations carried out by senior volunteer experts from the European Union who come under the ESSN (European Senior Services Network), including technical assistance, advisory services and training in selected public or private sector enterprises.

Legal basis:

Reference acts:

Add following text:

European Parliament resolution of 1.06.2006 on small and medium sized enterprises in developing countries 2005/2207(INI) (OJ C 298E, 8.12.2006, p. 171).


Democratic scrutiny when implementing the DCI has shown that not all measures sought by the Commission, and described in country and regional strategy papers, are covered by the DCI. Accordingly, funds are being lost for development cooperation measures provided for in the DCI.

Measures for better understanding between the EU and recipient countries and for supporting developed industrial sectors cannot be financed under the DCI. Measures in the higher-education field (Erasmus Mundus) should be financed under this budget heading, albeit with funds over and above the DCI reference amount.

The appropriations will be released from the reserve once the Commission has satisfactorily shown that the appropriations made available are genuinely used in accordance with its Declaration concerning Article 5 of Regulation (EC) No 1905/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2006 establishing a financing instrument for development cooperation (OJ L 378, 27.12.2006, p. 41) (the DCI), i. e. that, for countries defined as Official Development Assistance (ODA) recipients by the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC), the Commission will continue to report annually on the benchmark, used in the past but now superseded, of 35 % of assistance to developing countries to be allocated to social infrastructure and services, recognising that the EU contribution must be seen as part of the overall donor support to the social sectors and that a degree of flexibility must be the norm, and that the Commission will endeavour to ensure that a benchmark of 20% of its allocated assistance under country programmes covered by the DCI will be dedicated, by 2009, to basic and secondary education and basic health through project, programme or budget support linked to these sectors, taking an average across all geographical areas and recognising that a degree of flexibility must be the norm, such as in cases where exceptional assistance is involved.

The demographic factor is having an ever increasing impact on developing countries' social structures. A forward-looking development policy must take this important element into account.

SMEs in most countries form the backbone of the economy. In developing countries, the role of SMEs is still rather small and the business climate in which SMEs function is often unfavourable. Therefore, many SMEs function outside the formal sector. They can be brought into the formal economy if the business climate is improved. That should especially be done through legal property rights, cutting red tape and improving the access to credit. Helping SMEs to thrive means ultimately helping the poor to become self-sustainable and improving the economy of a country.

Parliament has underlined the importance of SMEs for the economy in developing countries in its resolution on small and medium sized enterprises in developing countries of 1.6.2006.

In the past, support for European projects drawing on the many years of personal and professional experience which senior experts have behind them has proved worthwhile, and it should continue.

Vulnerable groups need more support in the implementation of measures tackling the needs of civil society. In the past programmes such as ENP, PHARE, ISPA and CARDS have enhanced successfully the participation of civil society and, in particular, disabled people’s organizations. Civil society has shown to be a driver of change, stabilization, democratization and reconciliation.

The Committee on Budgets has taken over and modified the amendments tabled by the Committee on Development.

The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is modifying its first reading amendment and retabling it at second reading.


|Draft amendment 0234 | |=== BUDG/9467=== |

to the modification by the Council to Amendment 902 of the European Parliament

Budget reference line : 19 09 02

BUDG/4982 Compromise amendment between DEVE/5410



Volume 4 (section 3) — Commission

Add: 19 09 02 —

Amend classification: NCE

Amend type: DA

|19 09 02 |DB 2008 |PE1 |CSL2 |AMENDMENT |PE2 |

| |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |Commitments |Payments |

|Appropriations| | |1 500 000 |1 500 000 | | |1 500 000 |1 500 000 |1 500 000 |1 500 000 |

|Reserves | | | | | | | | | | |


Cooperation with middle income group countries in Latin America — Preparatory action


Add following text:

This appropriation is intended to finance cooperation measures in Latin American developing countries not covered by Regulation (EC) No 1905/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2006 establishing a financing instrument for development cooperation (OJ L 378, 27.12.2006, p. 41), in particular measures for cooperation in sectors capable of developing independently, the result being that EU budget investment makes no contribution towards combating poverty in those countries.

Legal basis:

Add following text:

Preparatory actions within the meaning of Article 49(6) of Council Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1605/2002 of 25 June 2002 on the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities (OJ L 248, 16.9.2002, p. 1), as amended by Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1995/2006 (OJ L 390, 30.12.2006, p. 1).

Reference acts:


Democratic scrutiny when implementing the DCI has shown that not all measures sought by the Commission, and described in country and regional strategy papers, are covered by the DCI. Accordingly, funds are being lost for development cooperation measures provided for in the DCI.

Commission-proposed measures to support developed industrial sectors (e.g. the aviation industry in India or the film industry in Argentina) may make sense in terms of the EU's external relations; but they do not help to combat poverty.

Such measures cannot be financed under the DCI and, accordingly, are being implemented in 2007 as preparatory actions. In the future, a coherent approach must be developed on the basis of the preparatory action.

The Committee on Budgets has taken over and modified the amendments tabled by the DEVE committee.

The Council not having accepted this amendment in its entirety, Parliament is retabling it at second reading.


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