The Timetable - Wild Apricot

The Timetable January 2016 Happy New Year from DCNRHS!

A SNOWY DAY AT POINT OF ROCKS ? A west bound MARC train slows for the stop at the much-photographed station at Point of Rocks, MD, on January 13, 1996, following the "Blizzard of 1996". The massive storm dumped over two feet of snow on the Mid-Atlantic region, bringing travel to a standstill. For more information on the 1873 station that E. Francis Baldwin designed for the B&O Railroad, see the "Railfan Hotspots" area of the Chapter website under "Learn". Photo by Alex Mayes.

A Tribute to the Dover Harbor

As 2016 begins, the 30th year that DCNRHS has operated the Dover Harbor, let's take a moment to pay tribute to our legendary Pullman. Built in 1923 and extensively renovated in 1934, the Dover Harbor is the only classic, heavyweight, revenue Pullman in its original configuration still operating on the main lines of America. Fortunately, previous owners did not modify the car before it was acquired by DCNRHS. From the green and gold exterior to the lounge, buffet kitchen, and

six double berths with ladders and washstand/toilets, all with the original fixtures, the car is a symbol of the golden age of railroading and the ascendancy of the Pullman Company. One young Amtrak employee who toured the car remarked, "It's just like a movie!" Since our goal is to operate the car as well as to preserve it, mechanical improvements have been made to comply with current standards. You can read the complete history of the Dover Harbor at .

Copyright ? 2016 DCNRHS

January 2016

The Timetable

Volume LXII, Issue No. 1.

The Timetable is the official monthly publication of the National Railway Historical Society, Washington, D.C., Chapter, Inc. (DCNRHS). Unless otherwise noted, the opinions expressed are those of the contributor or of the Editor and not the Society.

Editor: Hank Anderson, email: editor@ Proofreaders: Jerry Hott, Jim Lilly, Kevin Tankersley, and Scarlett Wirt.

Submission Procedures: Materials are due to the Editor by the tenth of the month for consideration for inclusion in the following month's edition. MS-Word or plain text and .jpg for pictures are preferred.

Membership Info

Membership in DCNRHS is open to all those interested in the objectives and mission of this Society. You become a member by making a tax deductible donation to DCNRHS in an amount you feel is appropriate. Joining or renewing your membership is easier than ever you can complete the process on the Chapter web site.

Membership Director: Russ Rudolph 1521 Elcadore Circle Unit 31 Anchorage, AK 99507-4510 Phone: 907-929-5640; e-mail: membership@

Join or renew on-line at dcnrhs.


The DCNRHS Chapter has many interesting volunteer opportunities and maintains a volunteer recognition program. Our volunteer opportunities cover a wide range of skills, so whatever your interests, the Chapter has a place for you. Please email us at volunteer@ to find out more about available opportunities.


The Timetable

Contact Info

DCNRHS P. O. Box 230 Savage, MD 20763 phone: 703-273-8440 email: info@

Chapter Leadership

President: Scarlett Wirt 712 Main Street Laurel, MD 20707 Phone: 301-490-2024 e-mail: president@

Vice President: Brandon Brown 309 Yoakum Parkway, Unit 1111 Alexandria, VA 22304 Phone: 571-228-6556 e-mail: vp@

Secretary: Andy Van Scyoc 11609 Galt Avenue Silver Spring, MD 20902 Phone: 301-943-6255 e-mail: secretary@

Treasurer: Bill Barnhart 13557 Den Hollow Court Manassas, VA 20112 Phone: 703-472-3338 e-mail: treasurer@

Comptroller: Peter G. Claymore 1141 Dixon Circle Gainesville, GA 30501-2801 Phone: 703-591-4862 e-mail: comptroller@

Chief Mechanical Officer Emeritus: Bernard Gallagher


Hank Anderson Jon H. Baake Jim Lilly Dave Splitt Kevin Tankersley Carol Zabrosky John Zabrosky

301-948-2434 301-994-1706 443-253-2956 202-362-3355 703-836-0165 703-754-0693 703-754-0693

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The National Railway Historical Society, Washington, D.C., Chapter, Inc., (DCNRHS) was chartered in 1944. The Chapter is governed by a Board of Directors elected by the membership and is an all-volunteer organization with no paid employees. As a 501(c)(3) IRS designated taxexempt charitable organization, Chapter donations are tax-deductible to the maximum extent allowed by the Internal Revenue Code.

On the Internet

DCNRHS ? Dover Harbor ? Library ? Members Only ? dcnrhs. Washington Terminal Project ?

Safety Rule of the Month

By Jim Lilly

140. The emergency application of the brakes should not be used except in emergency cases, and when used the brake should not be released until 20 seconds after the train stops. Engine brake must not be partially or wholly released unless drivers slide.

Excerpted from "Instructions Governing the operation of air brakes, train air signal equipment, and electric lighting of locomotives and passenger cars ? Passenger Service"

The Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Co., the Alton Railroad Co., effective April 1, 1941.

Trivia Test

By Andy Van Scyoc

How many miles did the Dover Harbor travel in 2015?

A. 9,834 B. 10,921 C. 12,881 D. 13,799

(See page 7 for the answer.)

Copyright ? 2016 DCNRHS

January 2016

The Timetable

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From the Office Car

By Scarlett Wirt

Happy New Year everyone! DCNRHS had one of its best years in 2015 and we're looking forward to another exciting year in 2016. I'd like to introduce two new officers whose terms began on January 1, 2016. Brandon Brown has assumed the Vice President's position and Bill Barnhart has taken over as Treasurer. Welcome to both! We're glad to have you on the leadership team and look forward to working with you.

and Collinsville Inn in the consist for this past summer's excursions behind the historic locomotive. The venue this year will again be Normandie Farm in Potomac, MD. Make your reservation today at or return the flier enclosed with this newsletter!

Membership Renewal

We want to remind everyone to renew your membership for 2016. All it takes to renew (or for new members to join) is to make a tax deductible donation to the Chapter in an amount of your choosing. (We no longer have fixed dues.) (Chapter membership is separate and distinct from membership in the national NRHS.) Please give as generously as you can to help the Chapter continue its mission to expand public appreciation of railroads and their history through preservation and education. You can download the membership form from our website, or you can renew online on our secure website. Please direct any membership questions to our Membership Director, Russ Rudolph, at membership@, or to one of the officers or directors listed on page 2.

Annual Gala Keynote Address to Feature NKP 765

Annual Gala, Sunday, March 6, 2016: Join us for the DCNRHS yearly gala banquet for a delicious buffet dinner and the rare opportunity to hear a presentation by our keynote speaker, Wayne York of the Fort Wayne Railroad Historical Society (FWRHS). The FWRHS is the owner and operator of Nickel Plate Road Berkshire steam locomotive 2-8-4 No. 765. Celebrated for pulling passenger excursions through 17 states as a goodwill ambassador, No. 765 is one of only a handful of steam locomotives that still operate on the mainlines of the United States. Mr. York has been involved with the FWRHS since its beginnings in 1972 and is currently the Excursion Manager. His talk will range from No. 765's days on the Nickel Plate Road, to the formation of FWRHS, all the way to today's programs, with a couple of interesting side trips along the way with James Earl Jones and Harrison Ford.

No. 765 featured prominently in DCNRHS' 2015 operations, as the Dover Harbor joined the Franklin Inn

NKP No. 765 at Altoona, PA, on May 25, 2013. Photo by Gail Anderson.

On Christmas Eve this year, we received this e-postcard from Mr. York:

To Our Dover Harbor Friends,

It is the night of December 2, 1979, on the interchange track between the former PRR and NYC in Sandusky, OH. It is a clear and cold night in the single-digits. The next day, NKP No. 765 will move east on the Water Level Route on its own power and then head onto industrial trackage and into a heated warehouse for the winter. The deadhead trip the day before from New Haven, IN, to Bellevue, OH, demonstrated to all that No. 765 could indeed return to the mainline twenty years after being retired. Her Second Career had begun (1979-1993) and, of course, No. 765 is on her Third Career now for the FWRHS. Little could I have imagined in 1979 where all our travels with No. 765 would take us. We've been to places like Horseshoe Curve, the New River Gorge, and crossed the Mississippi, Tug Fork and Susquehanna Rivers. We've touched seventeen states including Missouri, Wisconsin, Alabama, and New Jersey and covered well over 50,000 miles since that night in 1979.

Thank you to DCNRHS and the crews of the Dover Harbor, Franklin Inn and Collinsville Inn for your

Copyright ? 2016 DCNRHS

January 2016

The Timetable

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part in bringing joy and discovery to thousands of people this year and looking forward to new adventures in 2016!

Monthly Programs

DCNRHS Monthly Programs are resuming with the New Year. They are free and open to the public. The location alternates between Silver Spring, MD, and Alexandria, VA.

Friday, January 15, 8 pm: Location: George Washington National Masonic Memorial, 101 Callahan Drive, Alexandria, VA. Program: Our speaker will be Carl M. Franz. He will present a very comprehensive, high definition, wide-screen video of Norfolk & Western Class J locomotives in action. It will cover Class J's in regular service, highlights of the Norfolk Southern Steam Program in the 1980's and 1990's, and No. 611's return to service in 2015. A small number of DVDs and Blu-rays will be available for sale at discounted prices.

Friday, February 19, 8 pm: Location: B&O RR Station, 8100 Georgia Avenue, Silver Spring, MD. Program: "Resources for Railroad Research at the National Archives" by speaker David Pfeiffer.

the National Railway Historical Society, which has provided more information on their website .

The scholarship winner normally attends RailCamp East, which will be held in Newark, DE, from June 26 ? July 2, 2016. (NRHS also sponsors a RailCamp West, which will be held in Tacoma, WA, from July 31 ? August 7, 2016.) If you know of a high school student with an interest in railroading, please encourage them to apply. Applications must be postmarked by March 1, 2015, and received by March 5, 2015. All applications for the scholarship will be evaluated by the Washington D.C. Chapter, NRHS. Information about RailCamp and our scholarship is available on the RailCamp page of the Chapter website or by emailing info@ with the subject line RAILCAMP.

Christmas Train Reprise

Our ex-PRR coaches, Franklin Inn and Collinsville Inn, spent the Christmas holiday serving on "The Train to Christmas Town" on the Piedmont & Northern Railway in Belmont, NC. See the Chapter Facebook page for more photos and a video of our cars in action.

Saturday Work Sessions

Work sessions are continuing at Dover Park on most Saturdays starting at 10 am, and volunteers are needed to help complete maintenance tasks on Dover Harbor to prepare the car for the 2016 season, its 30th year of operation by DCNRHS. There will be a designated manager each week to direct the work. Come on out and lend a hand and learn more about our vintage railcars. All skill levels are welcome. Please contact Jim Lilly at 443-253-2956 if you need directions to Dover Park.

RailCamp 2016 Scholarship

DCNRHS is sponsoring a scholarship to RailCamp again this year for one lucky high school student. RailCamp is an educational experience designed to teach students about 21st century railroad operations, dispatching, and maintenance, while simultaneously providing insight into the early history of U.S. railroads in the development and settlement of our country. The scholarship is awarded annually to a high school student, usually from the Washington, D. C., area, who shows interest and aptitude in railroads and history. The scholarship covers tuition, meals, and lodging (but not travel costs). RailCamp is organized and sponsored by

The DCNRHS "Inn" cars bracket the Iowa Pacific dome car Prairie View on the "Train to Christmas Town" at North Belmont, NC. Photo by Jim Fetchero, Manager of Private Car Operations, Iowa Pacific/High Iron Travel.

Trains Magazine 75th Anniversary Celebration

Story and photos by Alex Mayes

In November, 2015, Teresa and I were in Milwaukee to attend Trains Magazine's 75th anniversary celebration, which was held on Saturday, November 14. While there, we also toured Kalmbach Publishing Company and did a little railfanning. The Trains Magazine 75th anniversary celebration was an upscale and well planned event,

Copyright ? 2016 DCNRHS

January 2016

The Timetable

which was to be expected from TRAINS. I spoke with friends I've known for several years and met several prominent people whom I've wanted to meet for years. The entire event was a real pleasure. I took the photos mainly for some of my friends who really wanted to attend, however were unable to due to conflicts, poor health or other reasons.

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Attendees of the Trains Magazine 75th Anniversary Gala enjoy dinner.

The Trains Magazine 75th Anniversary Gala was held at the Harley-Davidson Museum in downtown Milwaukee.

TRAINS Editor Jim Wrinn makes opening comments.

Sign welcoming anniversary gala attendees at the entrance to the banquet hall.

The Trains Magazine 75th Anniversary Gala began with a social hour.

Copyright ? 2016 DCNRHS

Mike Gresham, General Superintendent of Western Maryland Scenic Railroad. At the banquet TRAINS Editor Jim Wrinn announced that the WMSR was the winner of the $10,000 annual TRAINS Preservation Award. Mike informed attendees that Scott Lindsay, who was involved in the restoration of N&W No. 611, evaluated ex-C&O 2-6-6-2 No. 1309, which is undergoing restoration at the WMSR, and based on his evaluation the projected date that No. 1309 will enter service is July 24, 2016.

On Tuesday, November 10th, we toured Kalmbach Publishing Company (KPC) in Waukesha, WI. The tour was arranged in advance with Classic Trains Editor, Rob


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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