Resume - revolutioniseSPORT

Curriculum VitaeProfessor Caleb GardnerCentre Head, Fisheries and Aquaculture, Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania, and Director Sustainable Marine Research Collaboration, University of Tasmania /2 Jersey St, Sandy Bay, 7005Phone:H- +61 (03) 6224 8417W- +61 (03) 6227 7233Mob- 0409 427 366Fax- +61 (03) 6227 have wide ranging interests in marine resources industries, across disciplines of economics and biology. I originally worked on health research and then transitioned into marine science with research on improving production and quality of oysters with triploidy. Following this I moved to research on crabs and lobsters, including hatchery production and wild catch management. My tertiary qualifications were originally in science but I later extended my training into economics. Examples of my projects are:Development of an industry scale lobster translocation program to increase fishery productionRock lobster aquaculture Guidelines for application of harvest strategies to Australian fisheriesBioeconomic modelling for setting management controls in fisheriesEconomic reporting of seafood industries in South Australia and Tasmania.The pitfalls and issues with catch-share or transferable quota management systems. Teaching sustainable aquaculture into Indonesia.I am currently the Head of the Fisheries and Aquaculture Centre at the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania. This centre has over 100 staff, mainly involved in research, plus over 40 PhD students. We have the highest ranking in Fisheries Science through the “Excellence in Research Australia” (ERA) ranking process. Further, we are ranked top 10 globally amongst universities for fisheries science (this includes both aquaculture and wild catch fisheries). I am also Director of Sustainable Marine Research Collaboration, University of Tasmania. This involves managing a partnership between IMAS, University of Tasmanian and the Tasmanian State Government. This supports all of the research services for management of Tasmanian Marine Resources. Around 1/3 of Australia’s seafood production comes from this jurisdiction so our research has significant impact and broad scope. Research is mainly on the larger marine industries of farmed Atlantic salmon and wild harvest blacklip abalone and southern rock lobster. However activities also span many other operations including recreational fisheries, scalefish, crabs, scallops and oyster culture.Online and Video LinksA quick, 90 second overview of some of the research that I supervise at IMAS is available here: interesting project summaries include:Oyster biosecurity and production farming and regulation of environmental impacts of the invasive urchin, Centrostephanus lobster aquaculture assessments of Tasmanian aquaculture plus commercial and recreational fisheries of Science. University of Adelaide (1985-1987)Graduate Diploma of Applied Science, Aquaculture. University of Tasmania (1993).Bachelor of Applied Science, Honours, Aquaculture. Upper First Class. University of Tasmania (1994).Doctor of Philosophy, Applied Science, University of Tasmania (1995-1997). The Larval and Reproductive Biology of the Giant Crab Pseudocarcinus gigas.Masters of Economics, University of Tasmania (2012). An economic evaluation of management strategies for the Tasmanian rock lobster fishery.External GrantsA summary of grants is given below. A complete list of recent grants is available here: TeamInitial YearFunding Body/ClientTitle of ProjectTotal Cash?$Dr?Q?Fitzgibbon; Professor?C?Gardner; Professor?GG?Smith; Dr?R?Day; AssocProf?P?Turner2020Fisheries Research & Development Corporation: Grant-Annual Open Call RoundImproving the Southern Rock Lobster on-vessel handling practices, data collection and industry tools for lobster quality assessment538,604Dr?R?Day; AssocProf?P?Turner; Dr?Q?Fitzgibbon; Professor?C?Gardner; Professor?X?Shen2019Department of Agriculture: Contract ResearchDevelopment of a Post-Harvest Handling and Processing Training Program for the Chinese Segment of the Southern Rock Lobster Supply Chain25,000Dr?RD?Stuart-Smith; Professor?C?Gardner; AssocProf?NS?Barrett; Professor?GJ?Edgar; Dr?JF?Stuart-Smith2019Department of Environment and Energy (Cwth): Contract ResearchRed Handfish Conservation45,454Dr?PE?Ziegler; Dr?D?Wellsford; Professor?C?Gardner; Professor?CG?Carter; Mr?D?Maschette; Dr?JT?Dell2019Fisheries Research & Development Corporation: Grant; Australian Antarctic DivisionScience to support Australia's Southern Ocean Fisheries 2018-20201,473,000Dr?K?Hartmann; Professor?C?Gardner; Mr?RI?Leon2019Victorian Fisheries Authority: Contract ResearchVictorian Rock Lobster and Giant Crab Assessments 2019-2021317,008Professor?C?Gardner; Dr?K?Hartmann2018CSIRO-Commonwealth Scientific & Industrial Research Organisation: Contract ResearchPostdoctoral Research Fellow: Quantitative Fisheries214,372Professor?C?Gardner2018Econsearch Pty Ltd: Contract ResearchReview of the Environmental, Social and Economic Values of Marine Park Sanctuary Zones7,273Professor?CG?Carter; Professor?C?Gardner; AssocProf?C?MacLeod; Dr?DJ?Ross; Ms?GE?Eagle2018Fisheries Research & Development Corporation: Grant; Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water & Environment; Huon Aquaculture; Petuna Aquaclture Pty Ltd; Tassal Operations Pty LtdPlanning for a Blue Future Salmon - informing R&D, regulation and industry development300,000Dr?EM?Ogier; Dr?K?Hartmann; Dr?SS?Jennings; Professor?C?Gardner2018Fisheries Research & Development Corporation: GrantLever opportunities under the Aquatic Resources Management Act WA: benefit sharing, re-allocation, and co-management in practise273,240Professor?C?Gardner2018Fisheries Research & Development Corporation: Grant-Annual Open Call RoundCommunicating the research, management and performance of Tasmanian marine resource industries by video.84,000Professor?GM?Hallegraeff; Dr?Q?Fitzgibbon; Professor?C?Gardner; Ms?AR?Turnbull2018Fisheries Research & Development Corporation: Grant-Annual Open Call Round; Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre; Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water & Environment; South Australian Research and Development InstituteImproved risk management of paralytic shellfish toxins in Southern Rock Lobster895,500AssocProf?JM?Lyle; Dr?K?Hartmann; AssocProf?S?Tracey; Dr?EM?Ogier; Professor?C?Gardner; Dr?S?Yamazaki; Mr?H?Revill2018Fisheries Research & Development Corporation: Grant-Annual Open Call Round; Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water & EnvironmentRebuilding Southern Rock Lobster stocks on the east coast of Tasmania: informing options for management103,800Dr?C?Crawford; Dr?DJ?Ross; Professor?C?Gardner; Dr?S?Allen2017Department of Industry, Innovation and Science: CRC-PFuture Oysters CRC-P: Advanced understanding of POMS to guide farm management decisions in Tasmania694,773Professor?C?Gardner; Professor?CG?Carter2017Department of Industry, Innovation and Science: CRC-PFuture Oysters CRC-P3,000,000Dr?JP?Keane; Professor?C?Gardner2017Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water & Environment: Contract ResearchShellfish Survey 2017-201952,838Professor?C?Gardner2017Econsearch Pty Ltd: ConsultancyEconomic analysis of fisheries and aquaculture activities in South Australia9,711Dr?K?Hartmann; Dr?BR?Moore; Professor?C?Gardner; Dr?CJ?Mundy; Professor?JM?Semmens; AssocProf?JM?Lyle; Dr?JP?Keane2017Fisheries Research & Development Corporation: Contract ResearchStatus of key Australian fish stocks (SAFS) reports 2018, and further development of the SAFS production and dissemination system84,400Mr?A?Moore; AssocProf?S?Tracey; AssocProf?JM?Lyle; Mr?L?West; Professor?C?Gardner; Mr?J?Murphy2017Fisheries Research & Development Corporation: GrantDetermining the design, output specifications and sample size for a national social and economic survey of recreational fishers in Australia87,201Professor?C?Gardner2016Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water & Environment: Contract ResearchFishery Data: Commercial Catch Sampling143,275Professor?C?Gardner2016Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water & Environment: Contract ResearchShellfish Survey 201613,205Dr?K?Hartmann; Professor?C?Gardner; Mr?TJ?Emery; Professor?JM?Semmens; Dr?CN?Mundy; Mr?H?Jones; AssocProf?S?Tracey2016Fisheries Research & Development Corporation: Contract ResearchStatus of key Australian fish stocks (SAFS) reports 2016, and further development of the SAFS production and dissemination system63,400Dr?Q?Fitzgibbon; Professor?C?Gardner; Dr?S?Pyecroft; Dr?C?Caraguel2016Fisheries Research & Development Corporation: Grant; University of AdelaideImproving post-harvest survivability of southern rock lobster in a changing environment663,817Dr?J?Morison; Professor?C?Gardner; Dr?S?Mayfield; Mr?R?Edwards; Dr?S?Sloan2016Fisheries Research & Development Corporation: Grant-Annual Open Call Round; CORVEL Marketing and Management Pty Ltd; Econsearch Pty Ltd; Primary Industry and Resources, South Australia; South Australian Research and Development InstituteBuilding economics into Fisheries Management decision making - to utilise a suite of SA case studies196,400Professor?C?Gardner2016SCS Global Services: ConsultancyMSC Full Assessment Western Australian Abalone Managed Fishery15,000Professor?C?Gardner2016SCS Global Services: ConsultancyMSC Assessment of Lakes and Coorong pipi fishery2,000Professor?C?Gardner2016SCS Global Services: ConsultancyMSC Fishery Assessment of Lakes and Coorong finfish fishery located in South Australia2,000Dr?K?Hartmann; Professor?C?Gardner2016Victorian Fisheries Authority: Contract ResearchVictorian Giant Crab and Rock Lobster Assessments195,039AssocProf?BS?Green; Professor?C?Gardner; Dr?K?Hartmann2015Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre: Grant; Fisheries Research & Development CorporationDynamics of growth in translocated lobsters28,307Dr?CJ?Simon; AssocProf?BS?Green; Professor?C?Gardner2015Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre: GrantMeasuring condition of lobsters to improve management of harvesting around periods of high transport mortality67,704Professor?C?Gardner2015Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water & Environment: GrantMinor Shellfish Surveys 20157,635Dr?Tony?Smith; Professor?C?Gardner; Dr?EM?Ogier2015Fisheries Research & Development Corporation: Grant-Annual Open Call RoundTowards consistent standards for Australian fisheries management410,115AssocProf?L?Bonney; Professor?ML?Tamplin; Professor?B?Duh; Professor?J?Louviere; AssocProf?P?Turner; Professor?A?Arundel; AssocProf?SC?Cahoon; AssocProf?S?Chen; Professor?C?Gardner; Professor?J?Swait; Mr?P?Gooday; Mr?J?Fielding2014Australian Research Council: Pathways to Market: Transforming Food Industry Futures through Improved Sensing, Provenance and Choice4,835,000Professor?C?Gardner2014Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre: GrantImproved understanding of economics in fisheries harvest strategies50,000Professor?C?Gardner; Mr?TJ?Emery2014Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre: Grant; Fisheries Research & Development CorporationRoadblocks to the adoption of economics in fisheries policy50,625Mr?TJ?Emery; Professor?C?Gardner2014Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre: GrantIntroduction to the use of bioeconomics in fisheries management for key decision makers32,000Professor?C?Gardner2014Econsearch Pty Ltd: ConsultancyEconomic analysis of fisheries and aquaculture activities in South Australia27,484Professor?C?Gardner2014Fisheries Research & Development Corporation: Contract ResearchStatus of key Australian fish stocks (SAFS) reports 2014 and beyond52,250Dr?CN?Mundy; Professor?C?Gardner; Dr?K?Hartmann; Mr?D?Tarbath2014Fisheries Research & Development Corporation: Grant-Annual Open Call RoundUnderstanding East Coast recruitment collapse - development of pre-recruitment monitoring, simulation of recruitment variation and predicting the impact of climate variation141,718Dr?J?Leland; Dr?D?Bucher; Dr?P?Butcher; Dr?Simon?de?Lestang; Professor?C?Gardner; Mr?MA?Grubert; Dr?J?How; Dr?R?Joannes-Boyau; Dr?CM?Jones; Dr?G?Liggins; Dr?AJ?Linnane2014Fisheries Research & Development Corporation: Grant-Annual Open Call RoundDirect age determination with validation for commercially important Australian lobster and crab280,000Professor?GT?Pecl; Professor?C?Gardner; Professor?SD?Frusher2014Holsworth Wildlife Research Endowment: GrantModelling predator/prey interaction under climate change: Implications for a target fishery in Tasmania8,000Dr?D?Welsford; Dr?S?Candy; Dr?G?Duhamel; Professor?C?Gardner; Dr?K?Hartmann; Dr?PE?Ziegler2013Fisheries Research & Development Corporation: Grant-Annual Open Call RoundDevelopment of Robust Assessment Methods and Harvest Strategies for Spatially Complex, Multi-jurisdictional Toothfish Fisheries in the Southern Ocean1,365,700Dr?CN?Mundy; Dr?Da?Allen; Dr?K?Hartmann; Professor?CD?Buxton; Professor?C?Gardner; Dr?JP?Keane; Dr?Greg?Ryan2013Fisheries Research & Development Corporation: Grant-Annual Open Call Round; Seafoods TasmaniaCan Commercial Harvest of Long-Spined Sea Urchins Reduce the Impact of Urchin Grazing on Abalone and Lobster Fisheries301,581Dr?EM?Ogier; Dr?M?Flood; Professor?C?Gardner; Dr?JA?Jabour; Dr?S?Sloan2013Fisheries Research & Development Corporation: Grant-Annual Open Call RoundMeeting Sustainability Expectations: Policy Translation, Objective Setting and Reporting for Australian Fisheries164,674Professor?C?Gardner; AssocProf?BS?Green; Dr?KJ?Miller; AssocProf?S?Tracey; Dr?K?Hartmann2012Australian Research Council: Grant-Linkage Projects Round 2; Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water & Environment; Tasmanian Rock Lobster Fishermens AssociationUnderstanding the stock-recruitment relationship to reverse the decline in the southern rock lobster.924,779Professor?C?Gardner; AssocProf?BS?Green; Dr?K?Hartmann; Mr?H?Revill; Mr?R?Treloggen2012Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre: GrantCommercialising translocation of southern rock lobster793,504Mr?D?Tarbath; Mr?M?Bradshaw; Professor?C?Gardner2012Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre: GrantCould harvests from abalone stocks be increased through better management of the size limit/quota interaction?199,002Professor?CG?Carter; Professor?C?Gardner; Professor?CD?Buxton2012Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water & Environment: Grant-PartnershipSustainable Marine Research Collaboration Agreement (SMRCA)32,894,834Professor?GT?Pecl; Professor?SD?Frusher; Dr?K?Hartmann; Dr?CN?Mundy; AssocProf?S?Tracey; Professor?C?Gardner; Dr?SM?Jennings2012Dept of Climate Change, Energy & Efficiency and FRDC: Grant-NCCARF Marine Biodiversity Resources & FRPPreparing fisheries for climate change: identifying adaptation options for four key fisheries in south eastern Australia655,000AssocProf?BS?Green; Professor?C?Gardner2012Holsworth Wildlife Research Endowment: GrantSettlement cues and early survival in the Southern Rock Lobster6,000Professor?C?Gardner; Professor?CD?Buxton; Professor?JG?Tisdell2011Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre: GrantAS-CRC PDRF Project - Fisheries Economist296,874Dr?R?McGarvey; Dr?J?Feenstra; Professor?C?Gardner; Dr?K?Hartmann; Dr?E?Hoshino; Dr?A?Linnane; Dr?J?Morison; Mr?R?Treloggen2011Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre: GrantBioeconomic decision support tools for Southern Rock Lobster272,545AssocProf?BS?Green; Professor?C?Gardner; AssocProf?S?Tracey; Dr?K?Hartmann; Dr?SM?Jennings; Professor?JG?Tisdell; Dr?J?André; Professor?RA?Watson; Professor?R?Hilborn; Dr?R?Tobin; Dr?E?Fulton; Professor?GA?Thomas; Professor?P?Tyedmers; Dr?N?Pelletier; Dr?Tony?Smith; Dr?B?Molony; Dr?A?Tobin2011Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations: Grant-ANNIMS Springboard ProgramPutting fisheries in the food bowl299,362AssocProf?PG?Strutton; Professor?JM?Semmens; Professor?C?Gardner2011Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations: Grant-ANNIMS Springboard ProgramUnderstanding climate drivers and predicting the future for coast Australian ecosystems297,857Professor?C?Gardner2011Department of Fisheries, WA: ConsultancyWestern Australian Rock Lobster Total Allowable Catch Determination1,785Professor?JG?Tisdell; Professor?C?Gardner; Dr?SA?Rust2011Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water & Environment: Contract Research2011/13 The cost effectiveness of culling long-spined sea urchins off the East Coast of Tasmania14,765AssocProf?BS?Green; Mr?MA?Campbell-Ellis; Professor?C?Gardner; AssocProf?JM?Lyle2011Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water & Environment: Grant-Fishwise CommunityUnderstanding interactions and competition over Rock Lobster Resource Access, Tasman Peninsula20,200Professor?C?Gardner2011Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water & Environment: Grant-Fishwise CommunityShellfish Survey13,205Professor?C?Gardner; Dr?M?Flood; Dr?James?Andrews; Dr?G?Begg; Dr?Rick?Fletcher; AssocProf?JM?Lyle; Dr?K?Hartmann; Dr?CN?Mundy; Professor?JM?Semmens2011Fisheries Research & Development Corporation: Grant-Annual Open Call RoundNational Fishery Status Reports592,275AssocProf?BS?Green; Professor?C?Gardner2011Winifred Violet Scott Charitable Trust: GrantImproving Assessment of Threatened, Endangered and Protected Species Interactions with Rock Lobster Fishing51,000AssocProf?BS?Green; Professor?JG?Tisdell; Professor?C?Gardner2010Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre: Scholarship-Postgraduate Research2009/762 - Assessing the Costs and Benefits of Changing Fishing Practices in the Southern Rock Lobster Fishery57,090Dr?K?Hartmann; Professor?C?Gardner2010Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre: Scholarship-Postgraduate ResearchManaging Fisheries to Maximise Profits by Understanding and Reducing Variable Costs of Fishing52,755Professor?C?Gardner2010The South Eastern Professional Fisherman's Association: ConsultancySeasonal Closures in Rock Lobster Fisheries3,724Professor?C?Gardner2009Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre: Grant2009-712 Future Harvest Theme Leadership220,800AssocProf?BS?Green; Professor?C?Gardner2009Fisheries Research & Development Corporation: Grant-Tactical Research FundManaging Inshore Stocks of Southern Rock Lobster for a Sustainable Fishery75,000Professor?CD?Buxton; Professor?C?Gardner2009The South Eastern Professional Fisherman's Association: ConsultancyProposed Marine Parks in South Australia15,042Professor?GT?Pecl; Dr?SM?Jennings; Professor?SD?Frusher; Professor?MG?Haward; Ms?MJ?Nursey-Bray; Professor?C?Gardner; Mr?H?Revill; Dr?S?Yamazaki2009University of Tasmania: Grant-Cross ThemeDeveloping Analytical Skills and Tools for Incorporating Multidisciplinary Approaches into Marine and Climate Change Research - An Example of Capacity Building at the Disciplinary Boundaries19,900Professor?SD?Frusher; Professor?GT?Pecl; Ms?MJ?Nursey-Bray; Professor?MG?Haward; Dr?SM?Jennings; Professor?C?Gardner2008Department of Climate Change: ConsultancyNational Coastal Vulnerability Assessment - Tasmanian East Coast Rock Lobster Fishery Case Study199,616Professor?CR?Johnson; Professor?C?Gardner; Professor?SD?Frusher2008Fisheries Research & Development Corporation: Grant-Annual Open Call Round2009/016 and 2007/045 Rebuilding Ecosystem Resilience: Assessment of Management Options to Minimise Formation of 'Barrens' Habitat by the Long-Spined Sea Urchin (Centrostephanus rodgersii) in Tasmania828,553Professor?CR?Johnson; Professor?C?Gardner; Professor?SD?Frusher; Dr?HG?Pederson; AssocProf?M?Haddon; Professor?JM?Semmens2008Natural Heritage Trust: Grant-Natural Resource Management, Southern RegionRebuilding Ecosystem Resilience: Assessment of Management Options to Minimise Formation of 'Barrens' Habitat by the Long-Spined Sea Urchin (Centrostephanus rodgersii) in Tasmania20,000Professor?C?Gardner; AssocProf?BS?Green2007Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre: Grant; Department of Primary Industries Victoria; Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water & Environment; South Australian Research and Development Institute; Tasmanian Rock Lobster Fishermens Association2006/220 - Spatial Management of Southern Rock Lobster Fisheries to Improve Yield, Value and Sustainability1,136,710Professor?CR?Johnson; Professor?C?Gardner; Professor?SD?Frusher; Dr?HG?Pederson; AssocProf?M?Haddon; Professor?JM?Semmens2007Natural Heritage Trust: Grant-Natural Resource Management, Northern RegionRebuilding Ecosystem Resilience: Assessment of Management Options to Minimise Formation of 'Barrens' Habitat by the Long-Spined Sea Urchin (Centrostephanus rodgersii) in Tasmania111,294Professor?C?Gardner; Dr?SM?Jennings; Dr?PE?Ziegler2006Fisheries Research & Development Corporation: Grant-Annual Open Call Round2006-022 Re-assessing Giant Crab (Pseudocarcinas gigas) Size Limits to Optimise Value and Sustainability of the Fishery49,983Professor?C?Gardner2005Fisheries Research & Development Corporation: Grant-Annual Open Call Round2005-217 Rock Lobster Enhancement and Aquaculture Subprogram: The Feasibility of Translocating Rock Lobsters in Tasmania for Increasing Yield19,848Professor?C?Gardner; Mr?D?Mills2004Fisheries Research & Development Corporation: Grant-Annual Open Call Round; CSIRO-Marine & Atmospheric Research; Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water & Environment2004-066 Understanding Shelf-Break Habitat for Sustainable Management of Fisheries with Spatial Overlap515,244Professor?C?Gardner2003South Australian Rock Lobster Advisory Committee: ConsultancyFinal Report Critique2,600Professor?C?Gardner; Mr?B?Bruce2002Fisheries Research & Development Corporation: Grant-Annual Open Call RoundLarval Transport and Recruitment Processes of Southern Rock Lobster11,248Professor?C?Gardner2002Fisheries Research & Development Corporation: Grant-Annual Open Call Round; South Australian Research and Development InstituteQuantification of shell hardness in southern rock lobster86,405Professor?JM?Semmens; Professor?C?Gardner; Professor?SD?Frusher; Dr?GD?Jackson2001Australian Research Council: Grant-SPIRT; Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water & Environment; Mr Octopus; Tasmanian Rock Lobster Fishermens AssociationLife History and Ecology of Octopus Maorum and Minimisation of its Impact on the Rock Lobster Fishery in Tasmania241,782Professor?C?Gardner; Dr?A?MacDiarmid2001Fisheries Research & Development Corporation: Grant-Annual Open Call Round; National Institute for Water & Atmospheric Research; Tasmanian Rock Lobster Aquaculture Permit HoldersRock Lobster Enhancement and Aquaculture Subprogram: Evaluating the Release and Survival of Juvenile Rock Lobsters Released for Enhancement Purposes264,734Professor?C?Gardner2001Fisheries Research & Development Corporation: Grant-Annual Open Call Round; Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water & Environment; Martin Friebe; South Australian Research and Development Institute2001/042 Development of the tools for long term management of the giant crab resource: Data collection methodology, stock assessment and harvest strategy evaluation306,572Dr?JH?Handlinger; Professor?C?Gardner2001Fisheries Research & Development Corporation: Grant-Annual Open Call Round; Tasmanian Rock Lobster Fishermens AssociationRock Lobster Enhancement and Aquaculture Sub Program: Health assurance for southern rock lobsters77,631Professor?C?Gardner2000Australian Institute of Nuclear Science & Engineering: Grant-ResearchValidation of Radiometric Estimation of Shell Age in Crustaceans680Professor?C?Gardner; Professor?H?Heijnis; Mr?S?Morison2000Australian Research Council: Grant-SPIRT; Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water & Environment; Galaxy Fishing Company Pty LtdAgeing Giant Crabs by two Novel Techniques - Radioisotope Ratios and Lipofuscin Fraction76,425Professor?C?Gardner2000Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water & Environment: GrantGiant Crab Assessment Project60,000Professor?C?Gardner; Mr?BJ?Crear2000Fisheries Research & Development Corporation: Grant-Annual Open Call RoundRock Lobster Enhancement and Aquaculture Subprogram: Preliminary Investigation Towards Ongrowing Puerulus to Enhance Rock Lobster Stocks While Providing Animals for Commercial Culture57,064Professor?SD?Frusher; Professor?C?Gardner2000University of Tasmania: Grant-collaborative:industry; Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water & Environment; Mr OctopusAn Examination of Ageing Techniques for Octopus14,480Professor?CD?Buxton; AssocProf?M?Haddon; Professor?C?Gardner; Professor?GJ?Edgar1999Fisheries Research & Development Corporation: Grant-Annual Open Call RoundEvaluating the Effectiveness of Marine Protected Areas as a Fishery Management Tool409,168Professor?C?Gardner1999University of Tasmania: Grant-collaborative:industryDeveloping a New Tasmanian Fisheries Resource: Estimating Growth of Two Inshore Crab Species4,207Professor?C?Gardner1999University of Tasmania: Grant-collaborative:industry; Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water & EnvironmentAre Catches of the Southern Rock Lobster Jasus Edwardsii a True Reflection of Their Abundance Underwater?20,223Current Board and Committee MembershipTasmanian Crustacean Research Advisory Group (Chair)Tasmanian Abalone Research Advisory Group (Chair)Tasmanian Scalefish Research Advisory Group (Chair)Tasmanian Shellfish Farming Research Advisory Group (Chair)Tasmanian Recreational Fishery Research Advisory Group (Chair)AFMA Small Pelagics Scientific CommitteeDirector, Southern Rock Lobster LtdAbalone Industry Reinvestment Fund CommitteeTasmanian Fisheries Research Advisory Committee (FRDC)PublicationsJournal ArticleBaudron, AR* and Pecl, G and Gardner, C and Fernandes, PG* and Audzijonyte, A, “Ontogenetic deepening of Northeast Atlantic fish stocks is not driven by fishing exploitation”,?Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of The United States of America,?116?(7) pp. 2390-2392.?doi:10.1073/pnas.1817295116?ISSN 1091-6490 (2019) [Refereed Article]?[Full Text]?[Detail]Day, RD and Fitzgibbon, QP and Gardner, C, “The impact of holding stressors on the immune function and haemolymph biochemistry of Southern Rock Lobsters (Jasus edwardsii)”,?Fish and Shellfish Immunology,?89?pp. 660-671.?doi:10.1016/j.fsi.2019.03.043?ISSN 1050-4648 (2019) [Refereed Article]?[Full Text]?[Detail]Farmery, AK* and Ogier, E and Gardner, C and Jabour, J, “Incorporating ecologically sustainable development policy goals within fisheries management: an assessment of integration and coherence in an Australian context”,?Journal of Environmental Management,?249?Article 109230.?doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2019.07.001?ISSN 0301-4797 (2019) [Refereed Article]?[Full Text]?[Detail]Hill, N and Gardner, C and Haddon, M* and Hartmann, K and Little, LR* and Lyle, JM and Moore, BR, “Assessing the status of Australia’s fish stocks relative to target objectives”,?Marine Policy,?112?Article 103741.?doi:10.1016/j.marpol.2019.103741?ISSN 0308-597X (2019) [Refereed Article]?[Full Text]?[Detail]Linnane, A* and Smith, ADM and McGarvey, R* and Feenstra, JE* and Matthews, JM* and Hartmann, K and Gardner, C, “Trends in productivity of southern rock lobster?Jasus edwardsii, across south-eastern Australia: evidence of a regime shift?”,?Fisheries Research,?219?Article 105308.?doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2019.105308?ISSN 0165-7836 (2019) [Refereed Article]?[Full Text]?[Detail]Rizzari, JR and Gardner, C, “Supply risk of bait in Australia's southern rock lobster fishery”,?Marine Policy,?108?Article 103659.?doi:10.1016/j.marpol.2019.103659?ISSN 0308-597X (2019) [Refereed Article]?[Full Text]?[Detail]Kordjazi, Z and Frusher, S and Buxton, CD and Gardner, C and Bird, T*, “Accurate estimates of tag-induced mortality rates are contingent on the number of tagged and recaptured lobsters”,?Bulletin of Marine Science,?94?(3) pp. 1017-1034.?doi:10.5343/bms.2017.1098?ISSN 0007-4977 (2018) [Refereed Article]?[Full Text]?[Detail]Parker, RWR and Blanchard, JL and Gardner, C and Green, BS and Hartmann, K and Tyedmers, PH* and Watson, RA, “Fuel use and greenhouse gas emissions of world fisheries”,?Nature Climate Change,?8?pp. 333-337.?doi:10.1038/s41558-018-0117-x?ISSN 1758-678X (2018) [Refereed Article]?[Full Text]?[Detail]Villacorta-Rath, C and Souza, CA* and Murphy, NP* and Green, BS and Gardner, C and Strugnell, JM*, “Temporal genetic patterns of diversity and structure evidence chaotic genetic patchiness in a spiny lobster”,?Molecular Ecology,?27?(1) pp. 54-65.?doi:10.1111/mec.14427?ISSN 0962-1083 (2018) [Refereed Article]?[Full Text]?[Detail]Emery, TJ and Gardner, C and Hartmann, K and Cartwright, I*, “Incorporating economics into fisheries management frameworks in Australia”,?Marine Policy,?77?pp. 136-143.?doi:10.1016/j.marpol.2016.12.018?ISSN 0308-597X (2017) [Refereed Article]?[Full Text]?[Detail]Emery, TJ and Gardner, C and Hartmann, K and Cartwright, I*, “Beyond sustainability: is government obliged to increase economic benefit from fisheries in the face of industry resistance?”,?Marine Policy,?76?pp. 48-54.?doi:10.1016/j.marpol.2016.11.018?ISSN 0308-597X (2017) [Refereed Article]?[Full Text]?[Detail]Farmery, AK and Jennings, S and Gardner, C and Watson, RA and Green, BS, “Naturalness as a basis for incorporating marine biodiversity into life cycle assessment of seafood”,?International Journal of Life Cycle 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Journal,?52?(2) pp. 139-161. ISSN 0025-3146 (2010) [Refereed Article]?[Full Text]?[Detail]van Putten, I* and Gardner, C, “Lease quota fishing in a changing rock lobster industry”,?Marine Policy,?34?(5) pp. 859-867.?doi:10.1016/j.marpol.2010.01.008?ISSN 0308-597X (2010) [Refereed Article]?[Full Text]?[Detail]Barrett, N and Buxton, C and Gardner, C, “Rock lobster movement patterns and population structure within a Tasmanian Marine Protected Area inform fishery and conservation management”,?Marine and Freshwater Research,?60?(5) pp. 417-425.?doi:10.1071/MF07154?ISSN 1323-1650 (2009) [Refereed Article]?[Full Text]?[Detail]Chandrapavan, A and Guest, MA and Nichols, PD* and Gardner, C, “Translocating southern rock lobsters (Jasus edwardsii) from deep-water to shallow inshore water enhances nutritional condition through omega-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid content”,?Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology,?375?(1-2) pp. 9-15.?doi:10.1016/j.jembe.2009.04.021?ISSN 0022-0981 (2009) [Refereed Article]?[Full Text]?[Detail]Chandrapavan, A and Gardner, C and Linnane, A* and Hobday, D*, “Colour variation in the southern rock lobster?Jasus edwardsii?and its economic impact on the commercial industry”,?New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research,?43?(1) pp. 537-545.?doi:10.1080/00288330909510020?ISSN 0028-8330 (2009) [Refereed Article]?[Full Text]?[Detail]Frusher, SD and Hall, D* and Burch, P and Gardner, C, “Combining passive integrated transponder tags with conventional T-bar tags to improve tag reporting rates in a rock lobster trap fishery”,?New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research,?43?(1) pp. 347-353.?doi:10.1080/00288330909510005?ISSN 0028-8330 (2009) [Refereed Article]?[Full Text]?[Detail]Green, BS and Gardner, C and Kennedy, RB*, “Generalised linear modeling of fecundity at length in southern rock lobsters,?Jasus edwardsii”,?Marine Biology,?156?(9) pp. 1941-1947.?doi:10.1007/s00227-009-1226-x?ISSN 0025-3162 (2009) [Refereed Article]?[Full Text]?[Detail]Green, BS and Gardner, C, “Surviving a sea-change: survival of southern rock lobster (Jasus edwardsii) translocated to a site of fast growth”,?ICES Journal of Marine Science,?66?(4) pp. 656-664 .?doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsp030?ISSN 1054-3139 (2009) [Refereed Article]?[Full Text]?[Detail]Gardner, C and Van Putten, IE, “The Economic Feasibility of Translocating Rock Lobsters to Increase Yield”,?Reviews in Fisheries Science,?16?(40238) pp. 154-163.?doi:10.1080/10641260701681789?ISSN 1064-1262 (2008) [Refereed Article]?[Detail]Gardner, C and Van Putten, IE, “Biological Modelling of Translocation as a Management Tool for a Rock Lobster Fishery”,?Reviews in Fisheries Science,?16?(40238) pp. 81-90.?doi:10.1080/10641260701696183?ISSN 1064-1262 (2008) [Refereed Article]?[Detail]Mills, D and Johnson, CR and Gardner, C, “Bias in lobster tethering experiments conducted for selecting low-predation release sites”,?Marine Ecology Progress Series,?364?(July) pp. 1-13.?doi:10.3354/meps07527?ISSN 0171-8630 (2008) [Refereed Article]?[Full Text]?[Detail]Oliver, MD and MacDiarmid, AB* and Stewart, RA* and Gardner, C, “Anti-predator behavior of captive-reared and wild juvenile spiny lobster (Jasus edwardsii)”,?Reviews in Fisheries Science,?16?(40238) pp. 186-194.?doi:10.1080/10641260701727301?ISSN 1064-1262 (2008) [Refereed Article]?[Detail]Cohen, PJ and Gardner, C, “Regional patterns in puerulus catches from eastern and western Tasmania”,?Journal of Crustacean Biology,?27?(4) pp. 592-596.?doi:10.1651/S-2736.1?ISSN 0278-0372 (2007) [Refereed Article]?[Detail]Gardner, C and Frusher, SD and Mills, D and Oliver, MD, “Simultaneous enhancement of rock lobster fisheries and provision of puerulus for aquaculture”,?Fisheries Research,?80?(1) pp. 122-128.?doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2006.03.025?ISSN 0165-7836 (2006) [Refereed Article]?[Full Text]?[Detail]Gardner, C and Frusher, SD and Barrett, NS and Haddon, M and Buxton, CD, “Spatial variation in size at onset of maturity of female southern rock lobster?Jasus edwardsii?around Tasmania, Australia”,?Scientia Marina,?70?(3) pp. 423-430.?doi:10.3989/scimar.2006.70n3423?ISSN 0214-8358 (2006) [Refereed Article]?[Full Text]?[Detail]Gardner, C and Musgrove, R*, “Quantifying Shell Hardness in the Southern Rock Lobster?(Jasus edwardsii)”,?Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology,?15?(2) pp. 17-35.?doi:10.1300/J030v15n02_03?ISSN 1049-8850 (2006) [Refereed Article]?[Full Text]?[Detail]Harrington, JJ and Semmens, JM and Gardner, C and Frusher, SD, “Predation of trap-caught southern rock lobsters,?Jasus edwardsii?(Hutton, 1875), in Tasmanian waters by the Maori octopus,?Octopus maorum?(Hutton, 1880): Spatial and temporal trends”,?Fisheries Research,?77?(1) pp. 10 - 16.?doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2005.09.003?ISSN 0165-7836 (2006) [Refereed Article]?[Full Text]?[Detail]Mills, D and Gardner, C and Johnson, CR, “Experimental reseeding of juvenile spiny lobsters (Jasus edwardsii): Comparing survival and movement of wild and naive lobsters at multiple sites”,?Aquaculture,?254?(1-4) pp. 256-268.?doi:10.1016/j.aquaculture.2005.09.007?ISSN 0044-8486 (2006) [Refereed Article]?[Full Text]?[Detail]Oliver, MD and Macdiarmid, AB* and Stewart, RA* and Gardner, C, “Spiny lobster population enhancement: moderation of emergence behaviour of juvenile?Jasus edwardsii?reared in captivity”,?New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research,?40?(4) pp. 605-613.?doi:10.1080/00288330.2006.9517449?ISSN 0028-8330 (2006) [Refereed Article]?[Detail]Gardner, C and Mills, D and Frusher, SD, “Does pleopod setation provide a measure of maturity in female southern rock lobsters?Jasus edwardsii?”,?Scientia Marina,?69?(1) pp. 123-131.?doi:10.3989/scimar.2005.69n1123?ISSN 0214-8358 (2005) [Refereed Article]?[Full Text]?[Detail]Mills, D and Gardner, C and Oliver, MD, “Survival and movement of naive juvenile spiny lobsters returned to the wild”,?Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology,?324?(1) pp. 20-30.?doi:10.1016/j.jembe.2005.04.003?ISSN 0022-0981 (2005) [Refereed Article]?[Detail]Oliver, MD* and Stewart, R* and Mills, D and Macdiarmid, AB* and Gardner, C, “Stock enhancement of rock lobsters (Jasus edwardsii): Timing of predation on naive juvenile lobsters immediately after release”,?New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research,?39?(2) pp. 391-397.?doi:10.1080/00288330.2005.9517320?ISSN 0028-8330 (2005) [Refereed Article]?[Detail]Gardner, C and Maguire, GB* and Williams, Howel*, “Effects of water temperature and thermoclines on larval behaviour and development in the giant crab?Pseudocarcinus giga?(Lamarck)”,?Journal of Plankton Research,?26?(4) pp. 393-402.?doi:10.1093/plankt/fbh032?ISSN 0142-7873 (2004) [Refereed Article]?[Detail]Frusher, SD and Hoenig, J* and Gardner, C, “Have changes in selectivity masked recruitment declines in crustacean trap fisheries?”,?Fisheries Research,?65?(1) pp. 467-474.?doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2003.09.032?ISSN 0165-7836 (2003) [Refereed Article]?[Detail]Gardner, C and Welsford, D, “Development of juvenile Australian giant crabs, (Pseudocarcinus gigas?Lamarck, 1818) (Decapoda: Oziidae), reared in the laboratory”,?Australian Journal of Zoology,?51?(3) pp. 285-295.?doi:10.1071/ZO02068?ISSN 0004-959X (2003) [Refereed Article]?[Detail]Gardner, C and Frusher, SD and Haddon, M and Buxton, CD, “Movements of the southern rock lobster Jasus edwardsii in Tasmania, Australia”,?Bulletin of Marine Science,?73?(3) pp. 653-671. ISSN 0007-4977 (2003) [Refereed Article]?[Full Text]?[Detail]Gardner, C and Williams, Howel*, “Maturation in the male giant crab,?Pseudocarcinus gigas, and the potential for sperm limitation in the Tasmanian fishery”,?Marine and Freshwater Research,?53?(3) pp. 661-667.?doi:10.1071/MF01097?ISSN 1323-1650 (2002) [Refereed Article]?[Detail]Turner, KL and Gardner, C and Swain, R, “Onset of maturity in male southern rock lobsters?Jasus edwardsii?in Tasmania, Australia”,?Invertebrate Reproduction and Development,?42?(2-3) pp. 129-135.?doi:10.1080/07924259.2002.9652769?ISSN 0168-8170 (2002) [Refereed Article]?[Detail]Ziegler, PE and Johnson, CR and Frusher, SD and Gardner, C, “Catchability of the southern rock lobster?Jasus edwardsii. II. Effects of size”,?Marine and Freshwater Research,?53?(8) pp. 1149-1159.?doi:10.1071/MF01244?ISSN 1323-1650 (2002) [Refereed Article]?[Full Text]?[Detail]Ziegler, PE and Frusher, SD and Johnson, CR and Gardner, C, “Catchability of the southern rock lobster?Jasus edwardsii. I. Effects of sex, season and catch history”,?Marine and Freshwater Research,?53?(8) pp. 1143-1148.?doi:10.1071/MF01243?ISSN 1323-1650 (2002) [Refereed Article]?[Full Text]?[Detail]Gardner, C and Frusher, SD and Kennedy, RB* and Cawthorn, AJ, “Relationship between settlement of southern rock lobster pueruli,?Jasus edwardsii, and recruitment to the fishery in Tasmania, Australia”,?Marine and Freshwater Research,?52?(8) pp. 1271-5.?doi:10.1071/MF01032?ISSN 1323-1650 (2001) [Refereed Article]?[Detail]Gardner, C, “Composition of eggs in relation to embryonic development and female size in giant crabs [Pseudocarcinus gigas?(Lamarck)]”,?Marine Freshwater Research,?52?(3) pp. 333-8.?doi:10.1071/MF98027?ISSN 1323-1650 (2001) [Refereed Article]?[Detail]Ibbott, SJ and Gardner, C and Frusher, SD, “The Effect of Cooking on Carapace Length of Southern Rock Lobster,?Jasus Edwardsii?(Hutton, 1875) (Decapoda, Palinuridae)”,?Crustaceana: International Journal of Crustacean Research,?74?pp. 221-224.?doi:10.1163/15685400151067173?ISSN 0011-216X (2001) [Refereed Article]?[Detail]Gardner, C and Maguire, GB, “Effect of photoperiod and light intensity on survival, development and cannibalism of larvae of the Australian giant crab Pseudocarcinum gigas (Lamarck)”,?Aquaculture,?165?(1-2) pp. 51-63.?doi:10.1016/S0044-8486(98)00245-2?ISSN 0044-8486 (1998) [Refereed Article]?[Detail]Gardner, C, “The First Record of Larvae of the Giant Crab?Pseudocarcinus gigas?in the Plankton”,?Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania,?132?pp. 47-48. ISSN 0080-4703 (1998) [Refereed Article]?[Detail]Gardner, C and Quintana, R*, “Larval Development of the Australian Giant Crab,?Pseudocarcinus gigas?(Lamarck, 1818) (Decapoda: Oziidae) reared in the laboratory”,?Journal of Plankton Research,?20?(6) pp. 1169-1188.?doi:10.1093/plankt/20.6.1169?ISSN 0142-7873 (1998) [Refereed Article]?[Detail]Gardner, C and Rush, M* and Bevilacqua, T*, “Non-lethal imaging techniques for crab spermathecae”,?Journal of Crustacean Biology,?18?(1) pp. 64-69.?doi:10.2307/1549521?ISSN 0278-0372 (1998) [Refereed Article]?[Detail]Gardner, C and Northam, M*, “Use of prophylactic treatments for larval rearing of giant crabs Pseudocarcinus gigas (Lamarck)”,?Aquaculture,?158?(3-4) pp. 203-214.?doi:10.1016/S0044-8486(97)00182-8?ISSN 0044-8486 (1997) [Refereed Article]?[Detail]Gardner, C, “Options for Humanely Immobilizing and Killing Crabs”,?Journal of Shellfish Research,?16?(1) pp. 219-224. ISSN 0730-8000 (1997) [Refereed Article]?[Detail]Gardner, C, “Effect of size on reproductive output of giant crabs Pseudocarcinus gigas (Lamarck): Oziidae”,?Marine and Freshwater Research,?48?(7) pp. 581-587.?doi:10.1071/MF97023?ISSN 1323-1650 (1997) [Refereed Article]?[Detail]Gardner, C and Maguire, GB and Kent, GN, “Studies on triploid oysters in Australia. VII. Assessment of two methods for determining triploidy in oysters: adductor muscle diameter and nuclear size”,?Journal of Shellfish Research,?15?(3) pp. 609-615. ISSN 0730-8000 (1996) [Refereed Article]?[Detail]Maguire, GB* and Gardner, NC and Nell, JA* and Kent, GN* and Kent, AS*, “Studies on triploid oysters in Australia. 2. Growth, condition index gonad area, and glycogen content of triploid and diploid Pacific oysters,?Crassostrea gigas, from oyster leases in Tasmania, Australia”,?Aquaculture,?137?pp. 355-358.?doi:10.1016/0044-8486(96)83592-7?ISSN 0044-8486 (1995) [Refereed Article]?[Full Text]?[Detail]Gardner, C and Paturusi, A and Kwa, S, “First record of the European shore crab (Carcinus maenus, L) in Tasmania”,?Tasmanian Naturalist Journal,?116?pp. 26-28. ISSN 0819-6826 (1994) [Refereed Article]?[Detail]Chapter in BookGardner, C and Larkin, S* and Seijo, JC*, “Systems to Maximize Economic Benefits from Lobster Fisheries”,?Lobsters: Biology, Management, Aquaculture and Fisheries, Wiley-Blackwell, Bruce F. Phillips (ed), Chichester, West Sussex, pp. 113-138. ISBN 978-0-470-67113-9 (2013) [Research Book Chapter]?[Full Text]?[Detail]Green, BS and Gardner, C and Van der Meeren, GI*, “Enhancement of Lobster Fisheries to Improve Yield and Value”,?Lobsters: Biology, Management, Aquaculture and Fisheries, Wiley-Blackwell, Bruce F. Phillips (ed), Chichester, West Sussex, pp. 64-83. ISBN 978-0-470-67113-9 (2013) [Research Book Chapter]?[Full Text]?[Detail]Jeffs, AG* and Gardner, C and Cockcroft, A*, “Jasus?and?Sagmariasus?Species”,?Lobsters: Biology, Management, Aquaculture and Fisheries, Wiley-Blackwell, Bruce F Phillips (ed), Chichester, West Sussex, pp. 259-288. ISBN 978-0-470-67113-9 (2013) [Research Book Chapter]?[Full Text]?[Detail]Mills, D and Gardner, C and Ibbott, SJ, “Behaviour of Ongrown Juvenile Spiny Lobsters,?Jasus edwardsii?after Reseeding to a Coastal Reef in Tasmania, Australia”,?Stock Enhancement and Sea Ranching developments, pitfalls and opportunities, Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Leber, KM, Kitada, S, Blankenship, HL, Svasand, T (ed), Oxford , England, pp. 168-180. ISBN 1-4051-1119-4 (2004) [Research Book Chapter]?[Detail]Gardner, C and Jenkinson, A* and Heijnis, H*, “Estimating Intermolt Duration in Giant Crabs (Pseudocarcinus gigas)”,?Crabs in Cold Water Regions: Biology, Management, and Economics, Alaska Sea Grant, AJ Paul (ed), Alaska, pp. 17-28. ISBN 1-56612-077-2 (2002) [Research Book Chapter]?[Full Text]?[Detail]Conference PublicationHinojosa, IA and Gardner, C and Green, BS and Jeffs, A*, “Coastal chemical cues for settlement of the southern rock lobster,?Jasus edwardsii”,?Bulletin of Marine Science, 4–9 June 2017, Portland, Maine, pp. 619-633. ISSN 0007-4977 (2018) [Refereed Conference Paper]?[Full Text]?[Detail]Carter, CG and MacLeod, CK and Ross, J and Gardner, C and Fudge, M and Bannister, J, “Report from the Global Salmon Conference, Hobart 2017”,?Global Salmon Conference Program 2017, March, Hobart, Tasmania, pp. 1-56. (2017) [Non Refereed Conference Paper]?[Full Text]?[Detail]Emery, TJ and Tisdell, J and Hartmann, K and Green, BS and Gardner, C and Leon, RI, “An experimental analysis of assignment problems and economic rent dissipation in quota managed fisheries”,?Abstracts from the North American Association of Fisheries Economists 8th Biennial Forum: Economic Sustainability, Fishing Communities, and Working Waterfronts, 20-22 May, Ketchikan, Alaska, pp. 63-64. (2015) [Conference Extract]?[Full Text]?[Detail]Mendo, T and Simon, C and Green, B and Gardner, C, “Measuring condition of lobsters (Jasus edwardsii) to improve management of harvesting around periods of high transport mortality”, 19-23 July 2015, Sydney, Australia (2015) [Conference Extract]?[Full Text]?[Detail]Simon, C and Mendo, T and Green, B and Gardner, C, “An assessment of the nutritional, physiological and health condition of brindle and red adult?Jasus edwardsii?rock lobsters and their survival after extended emersion exposure”, 19-23 July 2015, Sydney, Australia (2015) [Conference Extract]?[Full Text]?[Detail]Emery, TJ and Tisdell, J and Hartmann, K and Green, BS and Gardner, C and Leon, RI, “Assignment problems and economic rent dissipation in quota-managed fisheries”,?Program for the Australian Society for Fish Biology and Australian Society for Limnology Joint Congress, 30 June-4 July, Darwin, NT, pp. 5. (2014) [Conference Extract]?[Full Text]?[Detail]Emery, TJ and Tisdell, J and Hartmann, K and Green, BS and Gardner, C and Leon, RI, “Assignment problems and economic rent dissipation in quota-managed fisheries”,?Program for the International Institute of Fisheries Economics and Trade 2014, 7-11 July, Brisbane, Australia (2014) [Conference Extract]?[Full Text]?[Detail]Emery, TJ and Hartmann, K and Green, BS and Gardner, C and Tisdell, JG, “Fishing for revenue: how leasing quota can be hazardous to your health”,?Abstracts from the 10th International Conference and Workshop on Lobster Biology and Management (10th ICWL), 18-23 May, Cancun, Mexico, pp. 89. (2014) [Conference Extract]?[Full Text]?[Detail]Emery, TJ and Hartmann, K and Green, BS and Gardner, C and Tisdell, J, “Fishing for revenue: how leasing quota can be hazardous to your health”,?Program for the Australian Society for Fish Biology and Australian Society for Limnology Joint Congress, 30 June - 4 July, Darwin, NT, pp. 10. (2014) [Keynote Presentation]?[Full Text]?[Detail]Emery, TJ and Hartmann, K and Green, BS and Gardner, C and Tisdell, JG, “Handle with care: an analysis of the effects of appendage damage on the growth and productivity of the southern rock lobster (Jasus edwardsii)”,?Abstracts from the 10th International Conference and Workshop on Lobster Biology and Management (10th ICWL), 18-23 May, Cancun, Mexico, pp. 86. (2014) [Conference Extract]?[Full Text]?[Detail]Johnson, CR and Marzloff, M and Ling, S and Sanderson, C and Hartmann, K and Gardner, C and Little, LR* and Soulie, J-C* and Tracey, S and Oliver, E, “Managing the risk of sea urchin barrens in eastern Tasmania”,?10th International Temperate Reefs Symposium 2014, 12-17 January 2014, Perth, Australia (2014) [Conference Extract]?[Detail]Bolch, C and Bradbury, A* and Brett, S* and Burgoyne, M* and Farrell, H* and Gardner, C and Hallegraeff, G and Harwood, T* and McLeod, C* and Murray, S* and Thomas, D* and Turnbull, A* and Untari, L and Williams, H*, “Alexandrium tamarense?blooms and shellfish toxicity along Tasmania's eastern coast”,?Abstract Book of the Annual Conference of the Australasian Society for Phycology and Aquatic Botany, 27-29 November 2013, Sydney, Australia, pp. 18. (2013) [Conference Extract]?[Full Text]?[Detail]Emery, TJ and Hartmann, K and Green, BS and Gardner, C and Tisdell, J, “Fishing for revenue: how leasing quota can be hazardous to your health”,?ICES 2013 Annual Science Conference programme, 23-27 September, Reykjavik, Iceland (2013) [Conference Extract]?[Full Text]?[Detail]Emery, TJ and Green, BS and Hartmann, K and Gardner, C and Tisdell, J, “Does 'race to fish' behaviour emerge in an individual transferable quota fishery when the total allowable catch becomes non-binding?”,?6th World Fisheries Congress Programme, 7-11 May, Edinburgh, Scotland (2012) [Conference Extract]?[Full Text]?[Detail]Frusher, SD and Pecl, GT and Gardner, C and Haward, MG and Hobday, A* and Jennings, SM and Nursey-Bray, MJ and Punt, AE* and Revill, H* and van Putten, I*, “Fisheries and ecosystems in a changing climate: A case study on the Tasmanian east coast lobster fishery”,?Climate Change Effects on Fish and Fisheries, 25-29 April 2010, Sendai, Japan, pp. 53. (2010) [Conference Extract]?[Detail]Frusher, SD and Pecl, GT and Gardner, C and Haward, MG and Hobday, A* and Jennings, SM and Nursey-Bray, MJ and Punt, A* and Revill, H* and van Putten, I*, “Investigating the impacts of climate change on a lobster fishery: a case study on the Tasmanian east coast lobster fishery”,?International Conference on Recent Advances in Lobster Biology, Aquaculture and Management, 5-8 January 2010, Chennai, India (2010) [Conference Extract]?[Full Text]?[Detail]Frusher, SD and Pecl, GT and Gardner, C, “The east coast Tasmanian rock lobster fishery: vulnerability to climate change impacts and adaptation response options”,?2010 International Climate Change Adaptation Conference, 29 June - 1 July 2010, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, pp. 147. (2010) [Conference Extract]?[Detail]Nursey-Bray, MJ and Pecl, GT and Frusher, SD and Gardner, C and Haward, M and Hobday, AJ* and Jennings, SM and Punt, AE* and Revill, H* and van Putten, I*, “Contesting views or collaborative opportunity? Risk perception, science and fisheries management, Tasmania Australia”,?Climate Change Effects on Fish and Fisheries, 25-29 April 2010, Sendai, Japan, pp. 172. (2010) [Conference Extract]?[Detail]Frusher, SD and Hall, D and Burch, P and Gardner, C, “Combining Passive Integrated Transponder Tags with Conventional T-Bar Tags to improve Tag Reporting Rate Independant of Fishers [Poster]”,?Advances in Fish Tagging & Marking Technology: International Symposium (Abstracts), 24-28 February 2008, Auckland, New Zealand, pp. 68. (2008) [Conference Extract]?[Detail]Frusher, SD and Gardner, C and Burch, P and Wotherspoon, SJ and Hoenig, JM*, “Conventional Tags: Still Strong After 100 Years”,?Advances in Fish Tagging & Marking Technology: International Symposium (Abstracts), 24-28 February 2008, Auckland, New Zealand, pp. 67. (2008) [Conference Extract]?[Detail]Frusher, SD and Gardner, C and Mills, D and Hoenig, JM*, “Understanding the Impact of Tagging - New Approaches and Does it Matter?”,?Advances in Fish Tagging & Marking Technology: International Symposium (Abstracts), 24-28 February 2008, Auckland, New Zealand, pp. 68. (2008) [Conference Extract]?[Detail]Frusher, SD and Hall, D* and Burch, P and Gardner, C, “Combining passive integrated transponder tags with conventional t-bar tags to improve tag reporting rate independent of fisheries”,?Programme and Abstracts: 8th International Conference and Workshop on Lobster Biology and Management, 23-28 September 2007, Charlottetown, Canada, pp. 136. (2007) [Conference Extract]?[Detail]Frusher, SD and Gardner, C and Hoenig, J* and Mills, D*, “Developing?in-situ?models for estimating the impact of tagging on lobsters”,?Programme and Abstracts: 8th International Conference and Workshop on Lobster Biology and Management, 23-28 September 2007, Charlottetown, Canada, pp. 70. (2007) [Conference Extract]?[Detail]Frusher, SD and Gardner, C and Ling, SD and Johnson, CN and Ridgeway, K*, “Is climate change impacting on lobster stocks in Tasmania?”,?Programme & Abstracts: 8th International Conference and Workshop on Lobster Biology and Management, 23-28 September 2007, Charlottetown, Canada, pp. 43. (2007) [Conference Extract]?[Detail]Gardner, C, “3rd International STOCK ENHANCEMENT AND SEA RANCHING CONFERENCE”,?Reviews in Fisheries Science, 18 - 21 September 2006, Seattle, USA (2006) [Chair International Conference]?[Detail]Al-Marzouqi, A* and Frusher, SD and Gardner, C, “Oman's Marine Fisheries”,?Proceedings of the first Indian Ocean Marine Environment Conference: linking Science, Engineering and Management, 14-18 February 2005, Perth, Western Australia, pp. 14. (2005) [Conference Extract]?[Detail]Chandrapavan, A and Fava, S and Gardner, C, “Exploring translocation as a management tool to enhance lobster fisheries”,?Sixth International Crustacean Conference Abstracts, 18-22 July 2005, Glasgow, Scotland, pp. 113. (2005) [Conference Extract]?[Detail]Gardner, C, “Implications of temporal change in maturity of southern rock lobsters,?Jasus edwardsii”,?Program & Abstracts: 7th International Conference & Workshop on Lobster Biology and Management, 8-13 February, 2004, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, pp. 131. (2004) [Conference Extract]?[Detail]Gardner, C and Hay, T* and Green, N, “Lobster density estimation by the trapping web method”,?Program & Abstract: 7th International Conference & Workshop on Lobster Biology & Management, 8-13 February 2004, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, pp. 73. (2004) [Conference Extract]?[Detail]Gardner, C and Wornle, F* and Musgrove, R* and Harmeling, J* and Kluge, A* and Brown, I*, “Measurement of shell hardness in southern rock lobster?Jasus edwardsii”,?Program & Abstracts: &th International Conference & Workshop on Lobster Biology and Management, 8-13 February 2004, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, pp. 131. (2004) [Conference Extract]?[Detail]Gardner, C and Frusher, SD and Mills, D and Oliver, M*, “Potential for enhancing spiny lobster production in Australia through the capture of puerulus larvae for ongrowing and release”,?Seventh Asian Fisheries Forum, 30 November- 5 December 2005, Renang, Malaysia, pp. 1. (2004) [Conference Extract]?[Detail]Green, N and Frusher, SD and Gardner, C and Ritz, DA, “Behaviour of lobster to traps”,?Program & Abstracts: 7th international Conference & Workshop on Lobster Biology & Management, 8-13 February, 2004, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, pp. 68. (2004) [Conference Extract]?[Detail]Harrington, JJ and Semmens, JM and Gardner, C, “Predation of pot caught Southern Rock Lobsters,?Jasus edwardsii, by octopus maorum: spatial and temporal interactions”,?Program & Abstract: 7th International Conference & Workshop on Lobster Biology & Management, 8-13 February, 2004, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, pp. 50. (2004) [Conference Extract]?[Detail]Ibbott, SJ and Gardner, C and Cohen, PJ and Frusher, SD, “Modified puerulus collectors indicate the importance of macroalgal canopy above rocky reef for?Jasus edwardsii?puerulus settlement”,?Program & Abstract: 7th International Conference & Workshop on Lobster Biology & Management, 8-13 February, 2004, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, pp. 62. (2004) [Conference Extract]?[Detail]Inkson, M and Williams, RN and Gardner, C and Semmens, JM, “Triton: Spatial analysis software for interpretation of acoustic telementry data in marine fisheries”,?Program & Abstracts: 7th International Conference & Workshop on Lobster Biology & Management, 8-13 February, 2004, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, pp. 133. (2004) [Conference Extract]?[Detail]Lipcius, R* and Caputi, N* and Chubb, C* and Frusher, SD and Gardner, C and Schreiber, S*, “Metapopulation and source-sink dynamics in spiny and rock lobsters”,?Program and Abstracts: 7th International Conference and Workshop on lobster Biology and Management, 8-13 February 2004, Perth, Western Australia, pp. 59. (2004) [Conference Extract]?[Detail]Mills, D and Gardner, C and Johnson, CR and Oliver, M* and Stewart, R* and MacDiarmid, A*, “Predation of naive juvenile Southern Rock Lobsters”,?Program & Abstract: 7th International Conference & Workshop on Lobster Biology & Management, 8-13 February, 2004, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, pp. 54. (2004) [Conference Extract]?[Detail]Oliver, M* and MacDiarmid, A* and Stewart, R* and Gardner, C and Mills, D, “Spiny lobster enahncement: Biological Interactions of released juvenile losters,?Jasus edwardsii”,?Program & Abstracts: 7th International Conference & Workshop on Lobster Biology & Management, 8-13 February, 2004, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, pp. 84. (2004) [Conference Extract]?[Detail]Frusher, SD and Gardner, C and Haddon, M and Lyle, JM and Forward, J, “Incorporating recreational catch into fishery assessments: a case study with the Tasmanian southern rock lobster fishery”,?Proceedings of the 3rd World Recreational Fishing Conference: Regional experiences for global solutions, May 2002, Darwin, Northern Territory, pp. 88. ISBN 0724547029 (2003) [Conference Extract]?[Detail]Haddon, M and Buxton, CD and Gardner, C and Barrett, NS, “Modelling the effect of introducing MPAs in a commercial fishery: A rock lobster example”,?Aquatic Protected Areas - what works best and how do we know?, August 2002, Cairns, Australia, pp. 428-436. ISBN 0-646-43022-X (2003) [Non Refereed Conference Paper]?[Detail]Gardner, C and Mills, D and Oliver, M* and Stewart, R* and MacDiarmid, A*, “Progress in southern rock lobster reseeding research”,?Developments in Rock Lobster Enhancement, Aquaculture and Post Harvest Practices, June 2002, Cairns, Australia, pp. 23-26. (2002) [Conference Extract]?[Detail]Handlinger, JH and Munday, BL and Pyecroft, S and Gardner, C, “Health assurance for southern rock lobsters?(Jasus edwardsii)”,?Development in Rock Lobster Enhancement, Aquaculture and Post Harvest Practices, June 2002, Cairns, Australia, pp. 19-22. (2002) [Conference Extract]?[Detail]Gardner, C and Mills, D and Ibbott, SJ and Willcox, ST, “Rock lobster enhancement - Pilot scale project”,?Rock Lobster Enhancement & Aquaculture Subprogram Publication No.6, April 4, 2001, Wellington, New Zealand, pp. 42-45. (2001) [Non Refereed Conference Paper]?[Detail]Oliver, M* and Stewart, R* and Gardner, C and McDiarmid, A*, “Evaluating the release and survival of juvenile rock lobsters released for enhancement purposes”,?Proceedings of the Third Annual Rock Lobster Enhancement and Aquaculture Subprogram Workshop?, April 4, 2001, Wellington, New Zealand, pp. 46. (2001) [Non Refereed Conference Paper]?[Detail]Mills, D and Gardner, C and Ibbott, SJ and Willcox, ST, “Acoustic tracking of small-scale movement in juvenile southern rock lobster (Jasus edwardsii)”,?In Fish Movement and Migration, 28-29 September 2000, Victoria, pp. 61-64. (2000) [Non Refereed Conference Paper]?[Detail]Mills, D and Ibbott, SJ and Willcox, ST and Gardner, C, “Lobsters that go 'ping': preliminary acoustic tracking of on-grown and wild juvenile southern rock lobster (Jasus edwardsii)”,?Bendigo Gold 25th Annual Meeting: Australian Society for Fish Biology. 25th Conference Handbook, October 1-2, 1999, Bendigo, pp. 36. (1999) [Conference Extract]?[Detail]Gardner, C, “Behavior basis of depth regulation in the first zoeal stage of the giant crab?(Pseudocarcinus gigas,?Brachyura, Xanthoidea, Oziidae)”, Canada, pp. 229-254. (1996) [Non Refereed Conference Paper]?[Detail]Contract Report, Consultant's ReportLyle, JM and Hartmann, K and Mackay, M and Yamazaki, S and Ogier, E and Revill, H* and Pearn, R* and Rizzari, J and Tracey, S and Gardner, C,?Rebuilding East Coast Rock Lobster Stocks: Developing an Effective Management Framework for Recovery, Fisheries Research and Development Corporation, Hobart, Tasmania, 2017/013 (2020) [Contract Report]?[Full Text]?[Detail]Jones, H and Gardner, C,?Small bivalve survey, assessment and stock status update: 2016.?Ostrea angasi?- Georges Bay?Venerupis largillierti?- Northern Zone, Georges Bay, Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania, Hobart, Tasmania, June (2016) [Contract Report]?[Full Text]?[Detail]Emery, T and Gardner, C and Cartwright, I*,?Introduction to the use of bio-economics in fisheries management for key decision makers, The Seafood CRC Company Ltd, the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation and IMAS, Hobart, TAS, 203/748.30 ASCRC (2015) [Contract Report]?[Full Text]?[Detail]Jones, H and Tarbath, D and Gardner, C,?Could harvest from abalone stocks be increased through better management of the size limit/quota interaction, Australian Seafood Cooperative Research Centre, Australia, 2009/746 (2015) [Contract Report]?[Full Text]?[Detail]Jones, H and Gardner, C,?Proposed harvest strategy for the George's Bay Northern Zone?Venerupis?fishery, DPIPWE, Hobart, Tasmania (2015) [Contract Report]?[Detail]Tarbath, D and Gardner, C,?Small bivalve fishery - 2015: Vongole (Katelysia scalarina, Ansons Bay), Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania, Hobart, TAS (2015) [Contract Report]?[Full Text]?[Detail]Johnson, CR and Ling, SD and Sanderson, C and Dominguez, JGS and Flukes, EB and Frusher, SD and Gardner, C and Hartmann, K and Jarman, S* and Little, R* and Marzloff, MP and Soulie, J-C* and Melbourne-Thomas, J and Redd, KS,?Rebuilding ecosystem resilience: assessment of management options to minimise formation of 'barrens' habitat by the long-spined sea urchin (Centrostephanus rodgersii?in Tasmania, Fisheries Research and Development Corporation, 2007/045 (2013) [Contract Report]?[Full Text]?[Detail]Tarbath, D and Gardner, C,?Small bivalve fishery – 2013:?Venerupis largillierti?- Southern Zone, Georges Bay;?Ostrea angasi?- Georges Bay, Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies/DPIPWE, Hobart, TAS (2013) [Contract Report]?[Full Text]?[Detail]Hartmann, K and Gardner, C and Hobday, D*,?Fishery assessment report: Tasmanian rock lobster fishery 2010/11, Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania, Hobart, TAS (2012) [Contract Report]?[Full Text]?[Detail]Hartmann, K and Gardner, C,?Tasmanian giant crab fishery - 09/10, Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania, Hobart, TAS (2011) [Contract Report]?[Full Text]?[Detail]Gardner, C and Morison, J*,?The Effect of Closed Seasons in the SA Southern Zone Rock Lobster Fishery, South Eastern Professional Fisherman's Association (2010) [Contract Report]?[Detail]Buxton, CD and Gardner, C and Kearney, R* and McShane, P* and Morgan, G*,?An assessment of the proposed establishment of marine parks in the South East of South Australia, South Eastern Professional Fishermans Association (2009) [Contract Report]?[Detail]Buxton, CD and Haddon, M and Barrett, NS and Gardner, C and Edgar, GJ,?Evaluating the effectiveness of Marine Protected Areas as a fisheries management tool, FRDC, 1999/162 (2004) [Contract Report]?[Full Text]?[Detail]StudentsCommencedDegreeTitle1/3/2014PhDA Consistent Approach to the Estimation of Sustainable Harvests of Patagonian Toothfish in Chilean, France and Australian Jurisdictions5/12/2016PhDExploring Novel Use of Waste from the Invasive Sea Urchin Fishery Using Life Cycle Assessment12/7/2017PhDEnvironmental Drivers of Southern Rock Lobster Productivity9/1/2018PhDImproved Monitoring and Physiological Impact of Paralytic Shellfish Toxins in Southern Rock Lobster3/12/2018PhDEvaluation of Harvest Control Rules for Mixed Fisheries under Catch Quota Management17/4/2019MastersThe Under-Utilisation of Australia’s Living Marine Resources1/8/2019PhDHarvest Strategies for Tasmanian Coastal Fisheries Shared Between Recreational and Commercial Sectors25/9/2019PhDLose Home or Eat More: comparative prey choice and consumption of different rock lobsters species on barren forming sea urchins14/11/2019PhDGetting the right combination of controls and nudges to address complex compliance problems in high value fisheries25/11/2019PhDApplying Data-Poor Assessment Methods in Pursuit of Socio-Economic Benefits from Tuna Fisheries in Developing CountriesGraduate Research Supervision (Graduands)NameDegreeTitleTravis John BaulchMastersCracking the Code: Defining roe quality of the long-spined sea urchin (Centrostephanus rodgersii) in TasmaniaTravis John BaulchMastersCracking the Code: Defining roe quality of the long-spined sea urchin (Centrostephanus rodgersii) in TasmaniaFelipe Andres Briceno JacquesPhDUnderstanding Predation Risk in Fisheries: Octopus depredation in the southern rock lobster (Jasus edwardsii) fishery in AustraliaArani ChandrapavanPhDTranslocation of the Southern Rock Lobster, Jasus edwardsii, to Improve Yield and MarketabilityTimothy James EmeryPhDAssessing the Cost and Benefits of Individual Transferable Quota Management in the Tasmanian Southern Rock Lobster Fishery, AustraliaTimothy James EmeryPhDAssessing the Cost and Benefits of Individual Transferable Quota Management in the Tasmanian Southern Rock Lobster Fishery, AustraliaAnna Kirby FarmeryPhDAn Assessment of the Environmental Performance of Seafood and the Implications for Food SystemsAnna Kirby FarmeryPhDAn Assessment of the Environmental Performance of Seafood and the Implications for Food SystemsTracy Ann HayMastersMethods for Monitoring the Abundance of the Northern Australian Mud Crab Scylla serrataIvan Andres Esteban Hinojosa ToledoPhDSettlement and Recruitment Processes in the Southern Rock Lobster, Jasus edwardsii: The influence of oceanographic features, pueruli behaviour and kelp habitatZiya KordjaziPhDExploring Biases in Estimating Survival Probability of Marine Resources from Mark-Recapture Analyses: A case study with the southern rock lobster Jasus edwardsiiRafael Ivan Leon LeivaPhDThe Effect of Catch Shares Strength on Management of Marine ResourcesRafael Ivan Leon LeivaPhDThe Effect of Catch Shares Strength on Management of Marine ResourcesDavid Jonathan MillsPhDSustainable Harvest of Lobster Pueruli: A Way Forward for Rock Lobster AquacultureDavid Jonathan MillsPhDSustainable Harvest of Lobster Pueruli: A Way Forward for Rock Lobster AquacultureMegan Dianne OliverPhDBiological Feasibility of Spiny Lobster Jasus edwardsii Stock EnhancementRobert Wayne Ray ParkerPhDEnergy Performance of Wild-Capture Marine Fisheries at Global, Regional and Local ScalesRobert Wayne Ray ParkerPhDEnergy Performance of Wild-Capture Marine Fisheries at Global, Regional and Local ScalesAna Cecilia Villacorta RathPhDPopulation Connectivity of the Southern Rock Lobster, Jasus EdwardsiiPhilippe Eric ZieglerPhDCatchability of rock lobster Jasus edwardsii ................

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