Bldg. 850 (928)269-5614, 269-3248 or 269-3589

STEP 1: College 101 Virtual Training Complete online at . 1. Select "Military and Family" and then select "Voluntary Education Program" to get to the

homepage. 2. Select the "College 101 Virtual Training" link. 3. Select "Review Training Here" and read through all of the slides. 4. Once you have completed the College 101 training, fill out the certificate of completion. After

you submit it through this form, the Education Office will receive it automatically via email.

STEP 2: Higher Education Preparation Course Complete the Higher Education Prep (HEP) course online by following the steps below:

a) Log on to JKO at . Access it by using your CAC or your JKO account.

b) Select "Course Catalog" on the top menu bar. Below the search bar click "ALL" and scroll down.

c) Choose "HEP" then click "Search".

d) Click the "Higher Education Prep Course". View details will pop-up. Read and close it to get to the Launch mode.

e) Click the "Launch" bar to start the HEP course. (Note: You may stop and continue the HEP course at a later time. To continue the course, log-in to your JKO account and click Resume).

f) Upon completion, you will receive a Certificate of Completion. Save the certificate as a PDF because you will need to email it to the Education Office in Step 5.

STEP 3: Career Assessment Take the Career Path Decide career assessment online at then explore your occupations. *To save your results, be sure to email yourself the link provided upon completion of the assessment as you will need your results to complete the Personal Education Folder in Step 4.

STEP 4: Personal Education Folder Download and complete all sections of the Personal Education Folder (PEF) by clicking here.

STEP 5: Email Documents to Request Education Counseling Appointment Email your HEP certificate and completed Personal Education Folder to or Once received, you will be contacted to schedule your education counseling appointment.

Please read the Marine Corps Tuition Assistance Policy that is outlined on the following page:

Marine Corps Tuition Assistance Policy

For complete Tuition Assistance Policy and Procedures please reference: MCO 1560.25, DoDI 1322. 25, MarAdmins 218/19, 150/19 and 639/11

Authorized Programs and Tuition Assistance (TA) Funding Limits

o TA funds are authorized up to $4500 per fiscal year but are restricted to $250 per semester hour or $166.67 per quarter hour or $16.67 per clock hour.

o TA is available for service members participating in high school completion and approved courses from accredited undergraduate and graduate education programs or educational institutions that lead to a post-secondary certificate or degree. TA is not authorized for graduate studies beyond the master's degree level.

o TA is not authorized for non-credit courses, training programs, or programs under continuing education or workforce development.

o TA shall be authorized for first time TA applicants for only one course, unless documentation is provided that the Marine has at least an Associate's degree or at least 60 academic credits with a minimum GPA of 2.5.

o Career and Technical Education Certification programs must be accredited by an accrediting body recognized by the Department of Education, be approved by the Department of Veteran's Affairs, and have a signed DOD Memorandum of understanding. All Marines will be entitled to obtain one certificate during their career.

o Marines attending vocational/technical certificate programs with more than one class or module will only be approved for a maximum of two classes or modules at a time.

o TA users can only pursue one educational goal at a time.

o TA is only authorized for tuition charges. Marines are responsible for non-tuition fees including but not limited to costs associated with room, board, distance learning, equipment, supplies, books/materials, exams, insurance, parking, transportation, admissions, registration, or fines.

o TA is not authorized for fees related to certifications, license exams, or credentials.

o TA is not authorized for duplicate degrees (e.g. second associate degree even if the degree was not paid with TA funds) or double majors.

o Course work with a start date between 15 and 30 September must be command approved by 12 September. o Marines assigned to MOS school or residential PME (i.e., Command and Staff College, Corporals Course, Sergeants Course, Career Course,

etc.) are not authorized receipt of TA until they return to their regular or permanent duty.

o Marines may not actively participate in more than two TA funded classes simultaneously.

o Marines need to be counseled by an Education Counselor from the Education Office when changing degree plans or schools in order to continue to receive TA funds.

o TA shall not be approved retroactively. TA applications must be submitted and command approved prior to the request course start date.

Eligibility Requirements for TA funds

o Eligible for promotion in accordance with MCO 1400.31C CH1 and MCO 1400.32D CH2.

o Complete the Marine Corps Institute Personal Financial Management course on MarineNet. (Currently waived until HQMC updates the course).

o First time TA users with a GT score of less than 100 are required to take the Test of Adult Basic Education (TABE) and earn an examination score of 10.2 or higher.

o Enlisted Marines must have an EAS of 60 days beyond the completion date of the course in order to be approved for TA.

o Open issues in Marine TA accounts, including incomplete courses, reimbursement issues and waivers, must be resolved and posted to the student record prior to approval of future TA requests.

o TA is available to commissioned officers on active duty if they agree to remain on active duty for a period of at least 2 years after the completion of the education or training for which TA was paid.

o TA requests can be submitted up to 60 days before the start date of the class. o An approved degree plan/academic plan is required before exceeding (6) semester hours.

Grade Requirements and Waiver Requests

o TA users must maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher after completing 15 semester hours, or equivalent, in undergraduate studies, or a GPA of 3.0 or higher after completing 6 semester hours, or equivalent, in graduate studies, on a 4.0 grading scale. If the GPA for TAfunded courses falls below these minimum GPA limits, TA will not be authorized.

o TA shall be authorized for only one course on the next TA application in the event that the (1) overall undergraduate or graduate GPA falls between a 2.0 and 2.5 (2) a grade of "D" or "F" is received in the previous TA funded course(s), or (3) a voluntary withdrawal occurred from the previous TA funded courses.

o If you drop or withdraw from a course for any reason, you agree to: Pick up a copy of notice of student drop/withdrawal from the appropriate school and bring the drop/withdrawal form to the Education Center for appropriate changes.

o Reimbursement will be required if a successful course completion is not obtained or if 100 percent of the refund is not granted to the TA Accounting Office. For the purpose of reimbursement, a successful course completion is defined as a grade of "C" or higher for undergraduate courses, a "B" or higher for graduate courses, and a "Pass" for "Pass/Fail" courses. TA funds will be recouped for "D" and "F" grades for undergraduate courses and "C" and below for graduate courses, unresolved incomplete "I" courses, or courses from which the Marine voluntarily withdrew, resulting in a "W" grade.

o Recoupment for withdrawals related to duty, medical or emergency circumstances may be waived. Recoupment for undergraduate grades of "D" or below and graduate grades of "C" and below will not be waived.

o In order to request a waiver, you must provide the Education Center a copy of the "W" grade report from the school, a waiver request letter signed by your Commanding Officer and any TAD or PCS orders or any other orders that may apply. The Education Services Officer will then determine if a duty waiver is warranted.

o TA funds for approved involuntary withdrawal waivers and failed courses ("D" and "F" for undergraduate courses and "C" and below for graduate courses) will count toward your fiscal year ceilings.

Updated 03 JUN 20


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