Huai River Basin Marine Pollution Reduction Project in ...

GEF Huai River Basin Marine Pollution Reduction Project in Dongying City

Environmental Management Plan

Shandong Construction Development Research Institute

July , 2011


1 Summary 1

1.1 The purpose,outline and requirements of EMP 1

1.2 The main contents of EMP 2

1.3 Bases and standards 2

1.4 Project introduction 3

2 The main environmental impact and mitigation measures 5

2.1 Environmental analysis and mitigation measures of wetland 5

2.2 Environmental impact analysis and mitigation measures of rural and agricultural pollution prevention projects 9

2.3 EIA and mitigation measures of construction of training center 13

3. Environmental monitoring plan 15

3.1 The purpose of environmental monitoring 15

3.2 The implementation of environmental monitoring 15

4. Public consultation plan 18

4.1 Continuous public participation plan 18

4.2 Complaint channels 19

5. Responsibilities and rights to implement improvement measures and monitoring 20

5.1 Related sections and responsibilities 20

5.2 Agency arrangement and responsibilities 20

5.3 Institutional strengthening and training 21

6. Information exchange, record and report 23

6.1 Information exchange 23

6.2 Record 23

6.3 Report 23

7. Work plan 25

7.1 Institutional setup 25

7.2 Work plan 27

8. Costs 29

1 Summary

Huai River Basin Marine Pollution Reduction Project in Dongying City Granted by GEF has social, economic and environmental benefit, while there are adverse impact such as dust, solid waste and noise produced during construction and operation phase. So measures and monitor plan are made to eliminate the impact. This Environmental management plan (EMP) is made according to the requirements of WB and EIA report during environmental impact assessment.

1.1 The purpose, outline and requirements of EMP

1.1.1 Purpose

The project environmental impact assessment shows that the major impact on the environment is generated during the construction period and operation period. The detailed environmental mitigation measures, environmental management, environmental supervision, environmental monitoring will be made in this EMP. And it is the guiding document with functions as follows:

(1) Make environmental mitigation measures for the affected target. Dongying Environmental Protection Agency, environmental impact assessment unit and design unit will verify and validate affected targets on site, and propose effective environmental mitigation measures. The measures will be incorporated into the project design.

(2) Provide environmental guidance document. This EMP will be provided to the supervision unit, environmental supervision unit and other related units after being reviewed by WB.

(3) Define the responsibilities and roles of relevant units. The responsibilities and roles of relevant departments and management agencies are defined, including communication channel.

(4) Propose environmental monitoring programs during construction and operation periods. The environmental monitoring programs are made to ensure the effective implementation of environmental mitigation measures and early treatment unforeseen or unexpected environmental problems.

1.1.2 Action outline and requirements

The overall goal of EMP is the maintenance of socially, economically and environmentally sustainable development of Dongying city, improvement of environmental quality of Dongying city, mitigation,compensation or minimization of the negative impact. Specific actions are as follows:

(1) Propose and implement environmental management and environmental monitoring plan.

(2) Propose and implement pollution control strategies.

Specific requirements are:

(1) Check the results of monitoring factors listed in environmental monitoring plan during construction and operation periods.

(2) Implement all proposed environmental mitigation measures provided in EIA.

1.2 The main contents of EMP

As an independent document, the EMP includes environmental protection actions during project design, construction and operation phases which make a framework for environmental management and monitoring. The EMP includes the following contents.

• Project summary

• Potential environmental impact

• Measures to eliminate the impact

• Environmental monitoring plan

• Public consultation plan

• Organs and responsibilities

• Reports and supervision

• Work plan

• Environmental procurement plan

• Cost estimation

• Feedback and adjustment mechanism

1.3 Bases and standards

1.3.1 Bases

A. Environmental laws and regulations in China

(1) Environmental Protection Law of PRC

(2) Environmental Impact Assessment Law of PRC

(3) Water Pollution Prevention Law of PRC

(4) Air Pollution Prevention Law of PRC

(5) Environmental Noise Pollution Prevention Law of PRC

(6) Solid Waste Pollution Prevention Law of PRC

(7) Water Pollution Prevention Regulations of PRC

(8) Construction Project Environmental Management Ordinance

(9) Water Law of PRC

(10) Soil and Water Conservation Law of PRC

(11) Notice on Strengthening Urban Water Saving and Water Pollution Control issued by State Council

(12) Notice on Strengthening Environmental Impact Assessment of International Finance Construction Projects

(13) Interim Measures for Public Participation in Environmental Impact Assessment

B. Requirements of WB

(1) Mitigation measures

(2) Monitoring

(3) Capacity development and training

(4) Progress and cost estimate

(5) Combine EMP with the project

C. Technical guidelines

(1) General Guideline of Environmental Impact Assessment Technology Guidelines (HJ/T2.1-93)

(2) Atmospheric Environment of Environmental Impact Assessment Technology Guidelines (HJ/T2.2-93)

(3) Surface Water Environment of Environmental Impact Assessment Technology Guidelines (HJ/T2.3-93)

(4) Sound environment of Environmental Impact Assessment Technology Guidelines (HJ/T2.4-93)

(5) Non-pollution Ecological Impact of Environmental Impact Assessment Technology Guidelines (HJ/T9-1997)

(6) Technical Methods of Making Local Air Pollutant Emission Standards (GB / T 13201-91)

1.3.2 Standards

A. Environmental quality standards

(1) Class Ⅱ of Ambient air quality standard(GB3095-1996).

(2) Class Ⅴ of Surfacewater quality standard(GB3838-2002).

(3) Class Ⅲ of Groundwater quality standard (GB/T14848-93).

(4) Class Ⅱ of Environmental quality standard for noise(GB3096-2008).

B. Pollutant emission standards

(1) Class Ⅴ of Surface water quality standard(GB3838-2002).

(2) Noise limits for construction site(GB12523-90).

(3) Standard for pollution control on the storage and disposal site for general industrial solid wastes(GB18599-2001).

1.4 Project introduction

Huai River Basin Marine Pollution Reduction Project in Dongying City Granted by GEF is along Guanli river in Dongying District and Kenli County of Dongying city. Dongying City project on Guangli River Basin will control pollution, reduce land-based nutrients and pollutants emissions to reduce the negative impact on the Bo Sea. Then create a model project with a sense of innovation and high yield.

The project includes construction of the wetland system, agricultural and rural non-point source pollution control, capacity building and policy development, project management and implementation support. The details are listed in table 1-1.

Table 1-1 Project contents

|The composition of |Sub-project |Contents |

|project | | |

|The main project |Wetland system beside |The project includes eco-retention pond, the surface flow constructed |

| |Dongba road |wetland, sluice and pumping station, and supporting plant facilities. |

| | |Treatment scale is Q1 = 7.0 × 104m3/d (March -November), Q2 = 2.5 × 104m3/d |

| | |(December - February next year). The treated effluent meets class Ⅴ for reuse|

| | |of Surface Water Environmental Quality Standard (GB3838-2002). |

| |Agricultural and rural |1.Agricultural pollution treatment in 4 pilot villages |

| |non-point source |2. Agricultural tail water treatment in 4 pilot villages |

| |pollution control |3.Rural living waste water treatment in 8 pilot villages |

| | |4. Rural solid waste treatment of 2 pilot village |

|Broadcasting and |Capacity building and |Through the training to enhance the capacities of the staffs for project |

|education project |policy development |implementation and with the relative developed policies to solve the issues |

| | |occurred during the project implementation process, and then achieve the |

| | |proposed objectives of the project. And construct a training center. |

| |Project management |Through the project management to increase the capacity of the project |

| | |management staffs when developing the management policies and project |

| | |promotion models |

The completion of the project can effectively reduce point source and non-point source pollutants of Guangli River and water resources are effectively protected. The pollutants that flow into Bo Sea will be reduced. After its completion, the amount of CODCr and NH3-N can be reduced by 430 t/a and 129 t/a respectively. This project will enhance pollution treatment of Guangli River and promote water pollution control of Yellow River Water Pollution Treatment Project. After the investment is implemented, the quality of the environment will be improved and the pollution to the surrounding environment is mitigated.

2 The main environmental impact and mitigation measures

According to the EIA report we can see that the main project construction contents are artificial wetlands and water gate optimization project, rural and agricultural pollution control project. The construction and operation process will impact the environment. So the focus is the environmental impacts and mitigation measures on these two parts.

2.1 Environmental analysis and mitigation measures of wetland

The environmental analysis and mitigation measures of wetland and water gate optimization are listed in table 2-1.

Table 2-1 Environmental impact analysis and mitigation measures of wetland

|Serial number|Impact categories |Analysis of the main environmental impacts |Main mitigation measures |

|One |Construction period |

|1 |Atmospheric |Air pollution during the construction period comes mainly from dust and emissions from |At transport lines and materials processing site use water spray to control dust, such|

| |environment |vehicles and construction machinery. |as the construction site near sensitive targets and windy weather; increased watering |

| | | |to 2-3 times a day; Using Central concrete mixing station; transport vehicles taken |

| | | |closed measures. |

|2 |Water environment |Construction waste water comes form sewage of construction personnel and washing waste |The amount of washing waste water from construction machinery is small, the main |

| | |water of construction machinery and mud waste water of pile foundation in construction |pollutants are cement grit, sand and the washing water; |

| | |stage. |sewage is collected and reused. |

|3 |Acoustic environment |Construction machinery and transport vehicle noise |Construction activities must be consulted with the surrounding residents, develop |

| | | |detailed plans, and reducing the environmental impact of construction; |

| | | |prohibited in the vicinity of residential area use noisy machinery such as wrench and |

| | | |concrete mixer during 22:00-6:00 and 12:00-2:00; |

| | | |transport routs must be planned in advance, |

| | | |prohibit vehicles near the villages and sensitive points to transport at night. |

|4 |Solid waste |Solid waste and construction waste of construction person |As per 2005,139th “urban construction waste management regulations”, properly dispose|

| | | |of spoil at designated sites; |

| | | |Domestic waste will be collected by local sanitation department and disposed of at |

| | | |designated sites.. |

|5 |Soil environment |Construction will be within a certain area of excavation and backfill, effects on soil |Because of the area has no rare soil organisms and excavation area is small, the |

| | |environment problems: destruction of soil structure, changing soil texture; destruction|impact of soil is temporary, so the balance of soil organisms will resume soon. |

| | |of soil aggregate structure; soil nutrient loss; the effect of soil compaction | |

|6 |Covers |Project area covers is mainly slope and pond, no basic farmland |After the completion of construction, re-vegetation timely. |

|7 |Soil erosion |Excavation will undermine the relative stability surface inevitabe, have a certain area|Soil erosion during the construction will be basically eliminated after the end of |

| | |of bare ground, causing a degree of soil erosion. |construction; |

| | | |install temporary drainage system preventing soil erosion.. |

|8 |Loss by runoff of |The wetland construction may make the soil and rocks split, vegetation damage, soil |(1)Vegetation measures: After the completion of the proposed works, the original |

| |soil |erodibility strengthened, and even impact the water storage and flood control, making |vegetation should be resumed as soon as possible. Green on the bare ground and around |

| | |the local water and soil loss. |the wetland, plant shrubs and bushes on the pipeline work, at the same time it can |

| | | |purify air and beautify environment, low shrubs can be planted around the management. |

| | | |⑵Around the temporary abandoned dreg construct slag wall, drains around the dreg |

| | | |should be linked with the natural drains in the project area, avoid rainwater erosion |

| | | |to the surroundings. |

| | | |⑶According to the slope stability to take measures, and focus on drainage engineering.|

| | | |⑷Avoid the rainy season or before the rainy season, reducing soil erosion construction|

| | | |period. |

|9 |Landscape impact |After the completion of the project, the landscape structure will significantly change,|Increase landscape heterogeneity of the ROI, forming a strong heterogeneity landscape,|

| | |most of the original landscape will no longer exist, the original reservoir, saline |the majority of the landscape gives a strong sense of beauty, conducive to the |

| | |soil, consisting farmland landscape will changes to wetland landscape. |promotion of environmental improvement in the region, also greatly improved the local |

| | | |ecological environment construction. |

|10 |Invasion of alien |Maybe bring alien organisms, causing alien species invasion. |The planting in the wetland should consult ecologists, the method should be fully |

| |species | |demonstrated and ensure the effectiveness of the methods, and avoid causing a greater |

| | | |degree of ecological damage; Once harmful alien organisms is found, take effective |

| | | |measures immediately, as soon as possible to take clear, suppress or control measures |

| | | |to reduce the negative impact. |

|11 |Disturbance to |Construction noise distraction to animals; as some of the vegetation was damaged, |Due to shorter construction time and a smaller area, impact on animals is relatively |

| |animals |resulting in some birds lose their Habitat; construction area will cut off mobile |small, therefore construction process using low - noise machinery as far as possible, |

| | |channel for certain animals, thereby affecting flow of species. |reduce the impact on animal. |

|12 |Disturbance to locals|Project construction may cause traffic inconvenience by excavating road, construction |The wall should be constructed, both reduce dust, block noise, and reduce the impact |

| | |machinery noise and excavation effect of dust on the surrounding population, |of construction scene. |

| | |construction sight visual impact on the people. | |

|13 |Road damage |Heavy truck transport makes roads severely disrupted particularly when rainy and the |Rainy season construction contracts must be in terms of reducing road damage, parties |

| | |surface is wet. |people have an obligation, recovery transport road damage caused by the project. |

|Two |Operating period |

|1 |Water environment |Domestic sewage of Wetland managers. |Life drain set septic, wash sewage and excreta sewage should be centralized treated, |

| | | |sewage via septic tank for precipitation and the sanitation Department vehicles remove|

| | | |regularly. |

|2 |Solid waste |Mainly for solid waste and the winter harvest plant. |Garbage is cleaned regularly by Sanitation Department; in wetland plants is used by |

| | | |villagers living around. |

|3 |Landscape |After the completion of the project, increasing the new landscape of constructed |-- |

| |environment |wetland, by choosing an appropriate organic green combine with the surrounding | |

| | |environment. Increasing the area of urban green space, serving as a foil and strengthen| |

| | |urban style, both expanding the green areas, and improving the grade of the surrounding| |

| | |community, and makes the guangli river water quality greatly improved. | |

|4 |Ecological |After the completion of the project, it is good for the ecological environment. |-- |

| |environment | | |

|5 |Risks |When the guangli river water is too high can impact on the processing capability of |The Environmental Protection Department monitored guangli river on a regular basis to |

| | |wetlands; depth of wetland water is deep, so wetland management personnel and the |prevent excessive water for the wetland, affecting its efficiency, and wetland area is|

| | |surrounding crowd has potential security implications. |larger and has strong shocks; |

| | | |around wetland built a certain degree of safety barriers and warning signs, and being |

| | | |provided with special care to prevent adverse consequences once a man overboard. |

| | | |Provide Personal Protection Equipment (goggles, gloves, masks, hard hats, etc.,) for |

| | | |staff |

2.2 Environmental impact analysis and mitigation measures for rural and agricultural pollution prevention Component

All the rural and agricultural pollution prevention projects are pilot projects and is dispersed in different villages, but the environmental impact analysis and mitigation measures are mostly same. The details are listed in table 2-2.

Table 2-2 Agriculture and rural pollution control projects list of environmental impact analysis and mitigation measures

|Issues |Potential Negative Environmental Impacts |Mitigation Measures |

|1.Agricultural Non-Point Source Pollution Management |

|Small scale of construction activities |The content is to reduce the use of fertilizers and pesticides. |1.Refer to Annex Criteria for Environmental Management of Construction Activities, |

| |Only very small scale of construction is involved, and impacts |2\Implement the Pest Management Plan. |

| |on the surrounding environment are site specific, and minimal. | |

|2.Sewage treatment in pilot villages |

|Construction Phase |Nuisance associated with small scale of construction |Refer to Annex Criteria for Environmental Management of Construction Activities. |

|Operation Phase | | |

|Wastewater |Effluent discharge/reuse. |Effluent discharge/reuse(e.g. irrigation) should be in compliance with relevant standards. |

| | |Facilities should have adequate capacity for wastewater storage/treatment before land application. |

|Sludge |Small amount of sludge removed from the wastewater treatment |Sludge will be removed regularly from the treatment facilities and be reused or collected by sanitary |

| |facility |stations. |

|Risks |Groundwater may be contaminated by leakage from the wastewater |Establishing reliable monitoring system; monitor water quality regularly; |

| |facilities, including potential risks of equipment damage and |Select high quality equipment(e.g. pumps, pipes); |

| |pipe rupture leading to contamination. |Provide sufficient spare parts in place for key equipment; |

| | |Strengthen inspection, maintenance of the facilities. |

| | |Once a problem is found, staff should take immediate actions to prevent leakage and report local |

| | |management timely. |

|3. Rural Waste Management Facilities in pilot villages |

|Construction Phase |Nuisance associated with the small scale of construction |Refer to Annex Criteria for Environmental Management of Construction Activities. |

|Operation Phase | | |

|Odor |Odor from waste. |Timely collect waste and dispose it in designated facilities to prevent odor; |

| | |Vehicles for waste transportation should be enclosed to mitigate odor. |

|Waste collection and storage |Waste/wastewater may spill over storage facilities. |Design adequate capacity for storage/treatment and provide adequate shelter/roof, and foundation to |

| | |prevent rain/snow flowing into the storage facilities. |

| | |Regularly maintain the facilities for proper operation. |

|Waste discharged from facilities |liquid and residue from waste tanks |Waste should be stored in designated facilities and used for designated purpose, e.g. land application |

| | |as fertilizer where appropriate. |

|Safety | |Strengthen routine inspection and check the site regularly |

| | |Implement Environmental Monitoring Plan strictly; |

| | |Provide Personal Protection Equipment (goggles, gloves, masks, hard hats, etc.,) for staff for waste |

| | |collection and treatment. |

2.3 EIA and mitigation measures of construction of training center

The training center is located in Dongying Technician College, the main environmental impact and mitigation measures are listed in table 2-3.

In addition project components including policy and institutional guidance in Component C will integrate relevant safeguards policies.

Table 2-3 EIA and mitigation measures of construction of training center

|Phase |Classification |Environment impact |Control measures |

|Construction period |Waste gas |Venue construction dust, material yard |Strengthening construction management, clearing and sprinkler at time; strictly according to practices of the transport, |

| | |dust, vehicle dust |loading and unloading to prevent dust; open-air storage of raw materials should be covered; main and supporting after |

| | | |completion immediately green and appropriate hardening. |

| |Waste water |Construction of domestic sewage |Worker living sewage pretreated by septic discharged into the municipal sewer network; after precipitation, the construction |

| | | |of waste water used to road dust. |

| |Noise |Construction machinery noise |Select low-noise construction machinery and advanced technology, reasonable construction time, side the protect target set |

| | | |sound barrier, vehicle access to the construction site should be slow and Ming. |

| |Solid waste |Building rubbish, construction solid |Construction waste should landfill in place as far as possible and make full use, not landfill and the waste of wokers should |

| | |waste |be transported by environmental sanitation department to remove. |

| |Ecology |Excavation, material yard occupies of |Against damage to vegetation; construction digging soil should excavate tiered and layered backfill; temporary dump set walls,|

| | |land |reducing soil erosion; building should together with green. |

|Operating period |Waste gas |Winter heating fuel emissions |Urban centralized heat - supply system |

| | |Training Centre canteen fuel emissions |Using a clean - fuel piping natural gas |

| | |Training staff canteen cooking fume |Cooking oil fume use range hood purification |

| | |Parking car exhaust |Underground parking car exhaust emission should away from the residential building, the height discharge should above the |

| | | |ground not less than 2. 5m. |

| |Waste water |Domestic sewage of training and service |Project waste water is mainly domestic sewage, after pretreated by septic directly discharged into the municipal sewer |

| | |person |network. |

| |Noise |Heat exchange stations, pump stations, |Noise equipments use vibration, sealed enclosures, acoustic and sound insulation measures; pumping stations, water in heat |

| | |wind machines noise equipment |exchange station built underground; constructing noise isolation belt prohibiting car whistle. |

| | | |Take measures such as noise barriers, acoustic windows, seismic material, double glazing, planting green belt; mitigating the |

| | | |impact of road to training center. |

| |Solid waste |Domestic garbage |After the completion of the training center, solid waste collected by the city sanitation Department to remove. |

| |Ecology |-- |Take measures for green compensation, around the project area building green belts, green space and gardens, street trees |

| | | |within the project area. |

3. Environmental monitoring plan

3.1 The purpose of environmental monitoring

Environmental monitoring activities are designed throughout all the project cycle, but construction and operation phases are the key periods. We aim to find out key factors that cause changes in environmental quality. Environmental monitoring results will be used to evaluate: (1) Get to know current environmental impact and severity, compared with the predicted impact. (2) Monitor the effect of environmental reduction measures and validity. (3) The trend of impact. (4) The overall effectiveness of environmental management plans.

3.2 The implementation of environmental monitoring

At the beginning of project implementation, the PMO, implementing agencies and environmental management consultant should develop a comprehensive project design and monitoring framework to systematically build the various parts of the project's input and output data, and create detailed environmental, social and economic indicators which will be used to determine the environmental, social and economic impact on the project. Under the project design and monitoring framework, baseline data and progress data can reflect the environmental impact and effectiveness of the project.

According to the environmental impact prediction results, the sensitive points will be chose as monitoring points. The monitoring contents are acoustic environment, atmospheric environment, surface water environment. Monitoring factors are chose according to diagnostic factors. Monitoring and analysis methods in Environmental Monitoring technical specifications and EIA standard are used. Monitoring body is the local environmental monitoring stations. The responsible organization is local environmental protection section. And the supervisory authority is Dongying Environmental Protection Bureau.

3.2.1 Environmental monitoring plan

The monitoring plan and related costs are listed in table 3-1.

Table 3-1 Environmental Monitoring Plan

|Monitoring period |Environmental |Monitoring sites |Monitoring content |Frequency |Costs |Monitoring agency |

| |factors | | |( Annually) | | |

|Construction |Air |1 construction material|TSP |6 |2400 |Dongying |

|period | |pile, 1 construction | | | |Environmental |

| | |road, 2 nearby | | | |Protection and |

| | |residences | | | |Monitoring Station |

| |Noise |3 residences at project|LeqdB(A) |6 |3600 | |

| | |site and along the | | | | |

| | |transportation line | | | | |

| |Water quality |Drainage of the |pH, COD, SS, BOD5, |6 |6000 | |

| | |construction site |NH3-N, oil, TP, TN | | | |

|Operation period |Noise |3 residences near the |LeqdB(A) |6 |1800 | |

| | |sewage pump station | | | | |

| |Surface water |1 site at the entrance |pH, COD, SS, BOD5, |6 times every |6000 | |

| | |of Dongba wetland and 1|NH3-N, oil, TP, TN |year for the | | |

| | |site at the exit of | |monitoring of | | |

| | |wetland; | |wetland and twice| | |

| | | | |a year for the | | |

| | | | |rural waste water| | |

| | | | |treatment | | |

| | |8 sites at the exit of |pH, COD, SS, BOD5, | |20000 | |

| | |waste water treatment |NH3-N, TP, TN | | | |

| | |equipment | | | | |

| |Underground water |1 site at the upstream |pH、NH3-N、nitrate, |2 |8000 | |

| | |of Dongba wetland and 3|nitrite, volatile | | | |

| | |wells at the downsteam |hydroxybenzene, mercury,| | | |

| | | |Cr, permanganate index, | | | |

| | | |coli group | | | |

According to estimates, the total environmental monitoring cost is 12000 yuan annually during construction which lasts 36 months. The total environmental monitoring cost is 35800 yuan/year during operation period. It will last 3 years after the project put into running, so the costs of environmental monitoring during project operation phase is expected to be 107,400 yuan. The total monitoring costs is 143,400 yuan.

3.2.2 Environmental monitoring methods

The monitoring methods are based on national standard and the requirements of environmental departments. The details are shown in table 3-2.

Table 3-2 Monitoring factors and methods

|Monitoring items |Monitoring contents |Monitoring methods |Sources |

|Water |pH |Glass electrode method |GB/T6920-86 |

| |COD |Potassium dichromate method |GB11914-89 |

| |BOD5 |Dilution and seeding method |GB7488-87 |

| |TP |Anti-Mo-Sb photometric |GB/T11893-89 |

| |NH3-N |Titration |GB7478-87 |

| |TSP |Weighting |GB11901-89 |

| |coli group |Multiple tube fermentation method |GB7959-87 |

| |Mercury |Atomic absorption spectrophotometry |GB7468-87 |

| |Cr |Spectrophotometry |GB7466-87 |

| |permanganate index |Titration |GB11892-89 |

| |volatile hydroxybenzene |Bromine method |GB7490-87 |

|Atmosphere |Dust |Weighting |GB/T15432-95 |

| |Fume intensity |Triangle odor bag method |GB/T14675-93 |

| |NH3 |Hypochlorite - acid spectrophotometry |GB/T14679-93 |

| |H2S |Gas chromatography |GB/T14678-93 |

|Noise |LAeq |Noise measuring instrument |— |

4. Public Consultation Plan

4.1 Continuous public participation plan

During the construction period and 3 years after operation, randomly visit 1 environmental sensitive targets each quarter and hold 1 on site investigation among public annually. According to quarterly survey and annual survey results, evaluate public satisfaction and analyze relevant advice and make environmental impact mitigation measures.

The EMP will be implemented during the implementation phase of GEF grants, so the EMP will be monitored and supervised. Feedback from the public is very important, the public participation mechanism includes proper handle with complaints, preparation of mitigation and improvement measures to the social and environmental impact and revision on the EMP. Therefore, the construction and operation of the public consultation plan is one of the focuses of EMP. The details are shown in table 4-1.

Table 4-1 Public consultation plan

|Units |Manners |Frequency |Theme |Participants |

|Construction phase |

|PMO, Implementation |Public |At least once a year |Adjust reduction measures, |Nearby residents of |

|agency |consultation、on-site| |construction impact, |project area、 social |

| |visit | |advices and suggestions |represents |

|PMO, Implementation |Expert consultation |At least once |advices and suggestions on |Experts from all |

|agency |or press conference | |the reduction measures, |fields、media |

| | | |public opinions | |

|PMO, Implementation |Public workshop |At least once a year |Adjust reduction measures, |Nearby residents of |

|agency | | |construction impact, |project area, social |

| | | |advices and suggestions |represents |

|Operation phase |

|PMO, Implementation |Public |At least once every 2 |The effect of reduction |Ap, beneficiary |

|agency |consultation、on-site|years |measures, impact of |represents, other |

| |supervision | |operation,advices and |social groups and |

| | | |suggestions |represents of agencies|

|PMO, Implementation |Expert consultation |Based on the |Advices and suggestions on |Experts from all |

|agency |or press conference |requirements of public |the impact of operation, |fields, media |

| | | |public opinions | |

|PMO, Implementation |Public workshop |Based on the |The effect of reduction |APs, beneficiary |

|agency | |requirements of public |measures, impact of |represent, other |

| | | |operation,advices and |social groups and |

| | | |suggestions |represents of agencies|

4.2 Complaint channels

4.2.1 Establishment and composition of complaints agency

In order to protect the legitimate rights of the affected people, a complaint mechanism with a convenient, transparent, fair and effective complaint channel will be established for affected people. The leader of the complaint is chief of development section of Dongying Environmental Protection Agency Director concurrently. Members are from PMO, Dongying City Environmental Monitoring Station and the EIA unit. A sub office to deal with complaints is set in Dongying City Environmental Monitoring Station under the leading group office. The daily complaints are collected and handled by the sub Office and give proposals after negotiating with relevant responsible units.

4.2.2 Complaint procedure

The Complaint Leading Group will start treating external complaints after one week that the construction starts. Mails and hotline will be set for complaints. Details of the complaints procedure is as follows:

The affected people can appeal in writing or orally to the Complaints Office. If it is oral complaint, staff of the Complaints Office should record and collect the contents and submit treatment comments within two weeks. If the APs are not satisfied with the treatment decision, they can appeal in writing form to Dongying Environmental Protection Agency within 1 month. The Environmental Protection Agency should make treatment suggestions within three weeks. If the APs are still not satisfied, they can sue to the court.

5. Responsibilities and rights to implement improvement measures and monitoring

5.1 Related sections and responsibilities

In project preparation and implementation process, sections responsible for environmental management are PMO, implementing agencies, Shandong Provincial Environmental Protection Bureau (EPA), Dongying EPA, EIA agencies, environmental consultants, engineering design unit, construction unit and construction supervision companies Table 5-1 lists relevant departments and their environmental responsibilities involved in the different stages of the project.

Table 5-1 Environmental responsibilities of related departments

|Stage |Sections in charge |Environmental responsibilities |

|Preparation stage |EIA agency |Prepare EIA documents |

| |PMO, EPA |Approve EIA documents |

| |WB |Approve EIA documents |

|Designing stage |Engineering design unit |Incorporate the measures of EMP to engineering design and contract |

| |PMO, |Check if the measures of EMP are reflected in the design and |

| |Implementing agency |contracts. |

|Bidding stage |Construction unit, |Incorporate measures of the EMP to bidding documents |

| |PMO, | |

| |Implementing agency | |

|Construction stage |Contractors |Implement EMP |

| |Implementing agency, |Monitoring the EMP implementation. |

| |Supervising Company | |

| |EPA, |Supervise the implementation of EMP |

| |Implementing agency, | |

| |Environmental consultants | |

|Operation stage |Implementing agency, |Give advice on environmental monitoring |

| |Environmental consultants | |

| |Implementing agency |Implement EMP |

| |Environmental consultants | |

| |EPA, |Supervise implementation of EMP |

| |Environmental consultants | |

5.2 Agency arrangement and responsibilities

The setting of environmental management office should be suggested in EMP. The Office will be responsible for the following work during project implementation. (i) Implement EMP and the develop implementation details. (ii) Supervise the implementation of reduction measures in the construction process. (iii) Implement training program. (iv) Add EMP, monitoring and reduction measures into the construction and operation management plans. (v) Develop and implement internal environmental monitoring program. (vi) Report to relevant departments the implementation and results of EMP. The office will be supported and be supervised by Dongyng EPA and environmental management consulting experts. Personnel division is shown in table 5-2.

Table 5-2 Personnel division and responsibilities

|Section in charge |Tasks |

|Director |Person in overall management |

|General engineer |Coordinate with director to make and review technical files of environmental management office |

| |Annually technical review and assessment |

|Management office |Plan long-term reduction measures and make annual plan |

| |Manage environmental management fund with financing section |

| |Check and supervise the implementation of reduction measures |

| |Coordinate with EPA and Relic Protection Agency |

| |On-site environmental management, supervision and checking the implementation of environmental measures|

| |Prepare seasonal and annual report |

|Monitoring office |Implement and coordinate environmental monitoring plan |

| |Analyze monitoring results and give suggestions |

| |Prepare annual, semi-annual environmental report |

|Administration and |File management and translation |

|affairs office | |

| |Technical training and communication, collect money for environmental work |

| |Prepare environmental broadcasting board |

| |Daily environmental administrative work |

5.3 Institutional strengthening and training

Successful environmental management agencies should be able to (1) Determine whether the completed work is consistent with the management plan. (2) Identify problems. (3) Adjust the plan.

In order to strengthen capacity-building of environmental management office, technical support, equipment and financial support and other appropriate assistance can be arranged, supports include the following contents: Help Environmental Management Office to monitor the implementation of EMP. Provide training for environmental management office staff to improve their environmental management ablity. Guide them to master inspection, monitoring, field monitoring equipment technology and data collection techniques. Help the Environmental Management Office to communicate with other government agencies, civil groups, non-governmental organizations and other stakeholders.

During project implementation, the PMO advisory body will hire environmental management consulting experts. Terms of reference for environmental management consultants include: (i) Appraise the environmental operations and procedures. (ii) Give guide on the establishment of environmental standards and assist in the implementation process. (iii) According to the EMP, make reduction measures consultation during construction and operation phases; (iv) Investigate other environmental issues and make recommendations; (v) Provide necessary training.

In order to improve the capacity of institutions, the following aspects are suggested to be carried out on training work: (1) Assess the existing management office’s capacity to determine capacity-building principles and strategies; (2) Prepare targeted training materials and training workshops; (3) Carry out job training and research activities; (4) Develop monitoring mechanisms to monitor the effectiveness of capacity building and training.

Dongying Environmental Protection Agency and the staff of implementing agencies will receive environmental management, monitoring and supervision, reduction measures, planning, emergency response, environmental policy and other environmental management techniques. Construction unit will also receive training so that they have ability to take appropriate measures to rectify the negative impact of unexpected, invalid and inadequate reduction measures. Training costs will be included in the project budget and the operational phase of the operation and maintenance budget. Training program is shown in table 5-3.

Table 5-3 Training plan of environmental management ability

|Theme |Training object |Training contents |Times |Time limit (days) |Number |Cost(RMB/person/day) |Total costs(RMB) |

|Environmental policy and plan|PMO, Implementing unit, |Environmental regulations, |1/year; |2 |20 |200 |16000 |

| |construction unit |Environmental management, |2years | | | | |

| | |Program of emergency | | | | | |

|Preparation, implementation |PMO, Implementing unit, |Preparation, implementation and|1/year; |3 |20 |200 |24000 |

|and adjust of EMP, disputes |construction unit |adjust of EMP, Program of |2years | | | | |

|treatment | |emergency, Environmental | | | | | |

| | |regulations, Environmental | | | | | |

| | |management | | | | | |

|Environmental monitoring |PMO, Implementing unit, |Environmental monitoring |1/year; |5 |15 |200 |30000 |

| |construction unit |methods |2years | | | | |

|FEPA |Staff of FEPA |Environmental management, |1/year; |3 |15 |200 |18000 |

| | |broadcasting and teaching |2years | | | | |

| | |methods | | | | | |

|Total 88000 |

6. Information exchange, record and report

6.1 Information exchange

Environmental management requires necessary exchange of information in different departments and positions. Meanwhile, organizations also broadcast to stakeholders or public of relevant information. Internal information exchange can take the form of meetings, internal presentations and other ways. But there must be a formal monthly meeting with written records saved. External information exchange meeting can be held every six months or a year. The information should be recorded.

6.2 Record

A perfect record system must be established for the effective operation of environmental management system. The records are as follows:

(1) Legal and regulatory requirements

(2) Approval

(3) Environmental factors and related environmental impacts

(4) Training

(5) Check, verify and maintenance activities

(6) Monitoring data

(7) Effectiveness of corrective and preventive measures

(8) Related party’s information

(9) Audit

(10) Review

In addition, necessary control on these types of records, including the identification, collection, cataloging, archiving, storage, management, maintenance, inquiry, retention period, disposal of the records.

6.3 Report

Environmental control units should record implementation process EMP implementation, environmental quality monitoring results and report to related sections. The contents include:

(1) Monitor implementation of EMP of monitoring units and contractors, make records and report to PMO.

(2) Project progress reports prepared by PMO (monthly, quarterly and annual reports) must include progress of EMP.

(3) Annual EMP report must be handed in before March 31th to WB.

Implementation report of EMP includes the following main elements:

(1) The implementation of training program.

(2) Project progress such as the completed length of pipeline, pumping station construction situation, dredging progress, etc..

(3) If there are public complaints, record the main contents, solutions and public satisfaction.

(4) EMP of the following year.

Table 6-1 Report plan

|Reporter |Agency in charge |Frequency |

|Construction stage | | |

|Construction unit |Implementation unit |Once a week |

|Implementation unit |PMO |Once a month |

|Environmental monitoring agency |Environmental monitoring agency and PMO|After the monitoring |

|Environmental monitoring agency |Dongying EPA |Four times a year |

|PMO/Consultants |WB |At least twice a year |

|Operation stage | | |

|Environmental monitoring agency |Implementation unit |After the monitoring |

|Implementation unit |Dongying PMO |Twice a year |

| |WB | |

7. Work plan

7.1 Institutional setup

7.1.1 Environmental management organization

For the better implementation during the construction and operation period, compliance with the relevant national and local environmental laws, regulations, policies and standards, acceptance of the local environmental protection departments’ environmental supervision and management, adjustment and development of environmental plans and objects, the environment-related management activities and monitoring, analysis of pollutants generated during construction and operation period, the proposed project should set a full-time environmental management agency.

As there is difference in the environmental management content between construction and operation period, separate organizations for the two phases should be built respectively. The corresponding management body should be withdrawn after the construction. Then management institutions in operation phase starts to operate. The management work for the two periods can cross according to the actual requirements.

7.1.2 Environmental management agencies during construction phase

Pic. 7-1 Environmental management during construction

In order to ensure the effectiveness and impartiality, an independent environmental management agency should be set up. And employees of the institution should have appropriate qualifications and experience. Details are shown in table 7-1.

Table 7-1 Environmental management agency arrangement during construction

|Staff arrangement |Population |

|Group leader |2 |

|Air supervisor |7 |

|Noise supervisor | |

|Communication supervisor | |

|Solid waste supervisor | |

|Safety supervisor | |

|Hotline staff |1 |

|Total |10 |

7.1.3 Environmental management agencies during operation phase

Pic. 7-2 Environmental management during operation

Table 7-2 Environmental management institution arrangement

|Staff arrangement |Population |

|Group leader |1 |

|Environmental monitoring and mangement |2 |

|Fix and management of pipeline and pumping station |3 |

|Total |6 |

7.2 Work plan

The work plan is listed in table 7-3.

Table 7-3 Work plan

|Date |Project period |Contents |Section in charge |Environmental management |

| | | | |office |

|From Jan.,|Pre-construction period |Public participation and |Dongying PMO | |

|to Dec., | |survey, Feasibility report, | | |

|2011 | |EIA | | |

| | |Environmental monitoring |The project preparation unit |Supervise the implementation |

| | | |entrusts Dongying |of environmental monitoring |

| | | |Environmental Monitoring |plan |

| | | |Station for monitoring | |

|Feb., 2012|Construction period |Project construction |The project preparation unit |Supervise the implementation |

|to Dec., | |Mitigation measures of noise,|and contractors |of EMP |

|2014 | |dust, communication, waste | | |

| | |water, solid waste, | | |

| | |ecological impact | | |

| | |Environmental monitoring |The project preparation unit |Supervise the implementation |

| | | |entrusts Dongying |of monitoring plan |

| | | |Environmental Monitoring | |

| | | |Station | |

|Jan., 2015|Operation and |Project implementation |Dongying PMO |Supervise the EMP |

|to Dec., |maintenance | | |implementation |

|2035 | | | | |

| | |Environmental monitoring |Environmental Monitoring |Supervise the fulfillment of |

| | | |Station |environmental monitoring |

| | |Environmental supervision |Dongying Environmental |Coordinate with the |

| | | |Supervision Branch |environmental supervision work|

| | |Training |Dongying PMO |The fulfillment of supervising|

| | | | |training |

| | |Establishment of internal |Dongying PMO |Supervise the establishment of|

| | |monitoring institution | |environmental monitoring |

| | | | |agency |

| | |Maintenance of environmental |Dongying PMO |Supervise the maintenance of |

| | |equipment | |of environmental equipment |

| | |Report based on WB’s |Dongying PMO |Supervise reporting affairs |

| | |requirement | | |

|Jan., 2015|The whole process |Other work required by WB |WB, Shandong PMO, Dongying |Implement the requirement of |

|to Dec., | | |PMO, Shangdong EPA, Dongying |WB and supervise the |

|2035 | | |EPA, Dongying Land Resource |implementation of improvement |

| | | |Management Bureau |measures and monitoring plan |

8. Costs

The estimate of environmental protection costs are listed in table 8-1.

Table 8-1 Environmental protection costs 10,000 RMB

|Project period |Costs for improvement |Costs of environmental |Training costs |Total |

| |measures |monitoring | | |

|Construction period |Noise:0.5 |3.6 |4.4 |19 |

| |Dust:1.0 | | | |

| |Ecology:5.0 | | | |

| |traffic:2.0 | | | |

| |Water:0.5 | | | |

| |Solid waste:2.0 | | | |

|Operation period (3 |Wastewater:2.2 |10.74 |4.4 |19.34 |

|years from project | | | | |

|beginning) | | | | |

| |Noise:2.0 | | | |

|Total |15.2 |14.34 |8.8 |38.34 |

EMP and EIA information disclosure

NO.1: information disclosure in library


[pic] [pic]

NO.2: information disclosure in web



NO.3: information disclosure in villages





Appendix :

Annex Criteria for Environmental Management of Construction Activities

The project involves construction for a constructed wetland, a training building, and for waste and wastewater collection and treatment facilities in rural area. The criteria for environmental management of the above construction activities should include the following:

1.0 Site Selection

The sites for the constructed wetland and the training center have been determined. But the exact lots for some waste and wastewater collection and treatment facilities will be determined at a later stage. The site selection should be chosen based on community needs, with specific lots chosen based on geographic and topographic characteristics. The site selection process involves site visits and studies to analyze, at least: (i) the site characteristics; (ii) national, or municipal regulations affecting the proposed lot; (iii) accessibility and distance from inhabited areas; (iiii) land ownership; (iv) suitability of soils for construction.

2.0 Design

Project design criteria (e..g training center) include, but are not limited to, the consideration of aspects such as heating, ventilation, natural and artificial light energy efficiency, adequate water supply and sanitation systems. The collection and treatment facilities for wastewater and waste in pilot villages should have adequate capacity to avoid pollution.

3.0 Environmental Rules for Contractors

Construction activities could cause negative impacts on to surrounding areas, careful planning of construction activities is critical. Therefore the following rules should be incorporated into all relevant bidding documents, and contracts.

3.1 Prohibitions

The following activities are prohibited on or near the project site:

1. Cutting of trees for any reason outside the approved construction area;

2. Hunting, fishing, wildlife capture;

3. Use of unapproved toxic materials, including lead-based paints, asbestos, etc.

4. Disturbance to anything with architectural or historical value;

3.2 Construction Management Measures

3.2.1 Waste Management and Erosion:

Solid, sanitation, and, hazardous wastes must be properly controlled, through the implementation of the following measures:

Waste Management

1. Minimize the production of waste that must be treated.

2. Identify and classify the type of waste generated. If hazardous wastes are generated, proper procedures must be taken regarding their storage, collection, transportation and disposal.

3. Identify and demarcate disposal areas clearly indicating the specific materials that can be deposited in each.

4. Control placement of all construction waste (including earth cuts) to approved disposal sites (>300 m from rivers, streams, lakes, or wetlands).Dispose in authorized areas all of garbage, metals, used oils, and excess material generated during construction, incorporating recycling systems and the separation of materials.


1. Identify and demarcate equipment maintenance areas (>15m from rivers, streams, lakes or wetlands).

2. Ensure that all equipment maintenance activities, including oil changes, are conducted within demarcated maintenance areas; never dispose spent oils on the ground, in water courses, drainage canals or in sewer systems.

3. Identify, demarcate and enforce the use of within-site access routes to limit impact to site vegetation.

4. Install and maintain an adequate drainage system to prevent erosion on the site during and after construction.

Erosion Control

1. Erect erosion control barriers around perimeter of cuts, disposal pits, and roadways.

2. Spray water on dirt roads, cuts, and stockpiled soil to reduce wind-induced erosion, as needed.

3. Maintain vehicle speeds at or below 10mph within work area at all times.

Stockpiles and Borrow Pits

1. Identify and demarcate locations for stockpiles and borrow pits, ensuring that they are 15 meters away from critical areas such as steep slopes, erosion-prone soils, and areas that drain directly into sensitive water bodies.

2. Limit extraction of material to approved and demarcated borrow pits.

Site Cleanup

1. Establish and enforce daily site clean-up procedures.

3.2.2 Safety During Construction

The Contractor’s responsibilities include the protection of every person and nearby property from construction accidents. The Contractor shall be responsible for complying with all national and local safety requirements and any other measures necessary to avoid accidents, including the following:

1. Carefully and clearly mark pedestrian-safe access routes.

2. If school children are in the vicinity, include traffic safety personnel to direct traffic during school hours.

3. Install and maintain traffic signs, road marking, and guard rails to maintain pedestrian safety during construction.

4. Conduct safety training for construction workers prior to beginning work.

5. Provide personal protective equipment and clothing (goggles, gloves, , dust masks, hard hats, etc.,) for construction workers and enforce their use.

6. Post Material Safety Data Sheets for each chemical present on the worksite.

7. Ensure that the removal of asbestos-containing materials or other toxic substances be performed and disposed of by specially trained workers.

8. During heavy rains or emergencies of any kind, suspend all work.

3.2.3 Nuisance and Dust Control

To control nuisance and dust the Contractor should:

1. Maintain all construction-related traffic at or below 15 mph on streets within 200 m of the site.

2. Maintain all on-site vehicle speeds at or below 10 mph.

3. To the extent possible, maintain noise levels associated with all machinery and equipment at or below 90 db.

4. In sensitive areas (including residential neighborhoods, hospitals, etc.) more strict measures may need to be implemented to prevent undesirable noise levels.

5. Minimize production of dust and particulate materials at all times。

6. Phase removal of vegetation to prevent large areas from becoming exposed to wind.

7. Place dust screens around construction areas, paying particular attention to areas close to housing, commercial areas, and recreational areas.

8. Spray water as needed on dirt roads, cut areas and soil stockpiles.

9. Apply proper measures to minimize disruptions from vibration or noise coming from construction activities.

3.2.4 Disturbance to water bodies

1. Restricting the duration and timing of in-stream activities to lower low periods, and avoiding periods critical to biological cycles of valued flora and fauna (e.g., migration, spawning, etc.)

2. For in-stream works, using isolation techniques such as berming or diversion during construction to limit the exposure of disturbed sediments to moving water

3.2.5 Wastewater Discharge

1. Construction and decommissioning activities may include the generation of sanitary wastewater discharges in varying quantities depending on the number of workers involved. Adequate portable or permanent sanitation facilities serving all workers should be provided at all construction sites.

2. When wastewater treatment is required prior to discharge, the level of treatment should be based on: (i) Whether wastewater is being discharged to a sanitary sewer system, or to surface waters (ii) National and local standards as reflected in permit requirements and sewer system capacity to convey and treat wastewater if discharge is to sanitary sewer; (iii) Assimilative capacity of the receiving water for the load of contaminant being discharged wastewater if discharge is to surface water; (iv)Performance level for wastewater effluent should be in compliance with national or local standards for wastewater discharges

3.2.6 Community Relations

To enhance adequate community relations the Contractor should:

1. Following the country and EA requirements, inform the population about construction and work schedules, interruption of services, traffic detour routes, as appropriate.

2. Limit construction activities at night. When necessary ensure that night work is carefully scheduled and the community is properly informed so they can take necessary measures.

3. At least five days in advance of any service interruption (including water, electricity, telephone) the community must be advised through postings at the project site, and in affected homes/businesses.

3.2.7 Chance Find Procedures for Culturally Significant Artifacts

The Contractor is responsible for familiarizing themselves with the following “Chance Finds Procedures”, in case culturally valuable materials are uncovered during excavation, including:

1. Stop work immediately following the discovery of any materials with possible archeological, historical, paleontological, or other cultural value, announce findings to project manager and notify relevant authorities;

2. Protect artifacts as well as possible using plastic covers, and implement measures to stabilize the area, if necessary, to properly protect artifacts

3. Prevent any unauthorized access to the artifacts

4. Restart construction works only upon the authorization of the relevant authorities.

3.2.8 Traffic Safety

Construction activities may result in a significant increase improvement of heavy vehicles for the transport of construction materials and equipment increasing the risk of traffic-related accidents and injuries to workers and local communities. The incidence of road accidents involving project vehicles during construction should be minimized through a combination of education and awareness-raising.


Shandong EPA

Environmental section of WB

Dongying PMO

Dongying EPA

Environmental management and supervision

Sub-project imppûÒûüwüýþ¨þÆÿ'”•·¸?[pic]&[?]'[?]C[?]D[?]lmåæ[pic]òòòòòòòòòæÞÒÒÒæÞÒÒÒÒÆÞælementation units

Design unit

Project contractors

High-level EM agency

Local EM agency

Environmental responsible unit during construction

Shandong EPA

Environmental section of WB

Shandong Provincial PMO

Dongying EPA

Sub-project implementation units

Environmental protection office

Dongying EMS

High-level EM agency

Local EM agency

Environmental responsible unit

E2820 v2 REV

Project area


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