General Science - Pinellas County Schools

Earth Science Biology/Marine Biology/Environmental Sciencearth Science

Mr. Ronald Spataro

Class Policies, Ruless and General Information

REQUIRED DAILY MATERIALS: (Bring these every day)

• Eartharth SciencBiology eor Marine Biology/Environmental Science Text Book

• Loose leaf notebook 3 Ring Binder with dividers to separatewith paper (3 ring bindyourer) workNotebook.

• College Ruled Paper

• Planner or Assignment Calendar

• Pen (Black or Blue only)/ and Pencilpencil

• Colored Pencils

• Glue stick


A. Grades will be based on an accumulation of points during each sixnine-week timegrading period.

B. Points can be accumulated for the six week period in the following areas:


Major tests (100 points each) & Quizzes& Quizzes - announced and unannounced (2010 to 50 100points)

Lab or Research projects (5210 to 2100 points each)

Graphic Organizers (15 to 100 points)

Two Weeklys of Warm UpBell work Questions ( 5025 points )points)

Quizzes - announced and unannounced (25 points each)

Notebook checks (60 points)

Assignments - homework and class (Varies from 10 to 1050 points)

Group/team assignments (Varies)

Original writing -– paragraphs Quick Writes and current events (Varies from 10 to 100 points)

D. Student Assignment Sheets - Eeach student will be required to keep a list of all grades and be able to determine their average at any point in the course. When I grade your notebook the assignment sheet must be complete.

E. You must bring your notebook and planner to class everyday! They will be checked occasionally. Notebooks must be kept up to date for maximum success. Notebooks will be collected every Friday and all work for the week will be graded. You must have and keep your notebook up to date to pass this class.

F. Grading Scale:

904 - 100% A

850 - 893% B

707 - 7984% C

6076 - 6970% D

Below 760% F

G. Late Assignments - Students will receive NO Partial credit for any late assignment.

H. Students Will Not receive any credit for incomplete assignments, that means you will get a zero. If you fail to answer any single part of you assignment, it is incomplete.

I. Students that turn in an assignment that is not in the correct format will be given one chance to fix their work, and turn it in by the next day. If it is not corrected you will receive a zero.

• Correct heading

• Blue or black pen or pencil

• White college ruled paper

• Correct format for the assignment (examples will be given)

• Correct format for the assignment (examples will be given)


A. I give ample chances to earn extra credit if you attend class. You may not make up extra credit work. Attendance is important and you must come to class.

B. I do not issue bathroom passes. If you must use the bathroom go before class. You will have three In emergenciesy points will be deducted from y passesour extra credit.

C. If you receive one referral or two detentions you will forfeit all extra credit and not be eligible for any that semester (not sixnine weeks). Getting a referral will forfeit all pass privileges.

D. You must have at least a 60% D in the class at the end of a sixnine weeks to apply any extra credit. This means that if you are not passing the class you cann not raise your grade to passing through extra credit.


A. It is important for students to be present in class in order to learn and understand the topics we are studying. Absences can mean missing out on valuable information necessary to do well in the course.

B. B.


D. According to school policy, students who are tardy will not be admitted to class and must report to I.C. for a pass.. It is important that students learn the importance of taking responsibility for their own actions. to class. It is

E. important that students take responsibility for their own actions.




A. The number of days a student has to complete any make-up work is equal to the number of days the student was absent. This only applies to work given while you were gone. It is the responsibility of the STUDENT to come to see me on the first day she/she returns to school to make arrangements for the make-up work. Assignments not made up will receive a zero. Any work given prior to your absence is due on the day that you return.



A. The number of days a student has to complete any make-up work is equal to the number of

days the student was absent. This only applies to work given while you were gone. Any

student who misses an assignment, due to absence, has the same number of days to make up

the assignment as he/she was absent.

. Make-up tests, quizzes, homework, etc. may or may not be the same as those given to the other students.

C. If you are absent on the day that an assignment is due or a test is given, it will be due ON THE DAY THAT YOU RETURN. Absent means that you are gone the entire day. If you are at school any part of the day, the assignment is due even if you did not attend the class. (Skipping or Ditching = no credit). (Exception: leaving school early with a parent or guardian)It is the responsibility of the STUDENT to come to see me on the first day he/she returns to

school to make arrangements for the make-up work. Assigments not made up will receive

a zero.

B. Make-up tests, quizzes, homework, etc. may or may not be the same as those given to the

other students.

D. If you are absent on the day that an assignment is due or a test is given, it will be due


Absent means that you are gone the entire day. If you are at school any part of the day, the

assignment is due even if you did not attend the class. (Skipping or Ditching = no credit)


• Take good notes and use them to study. Learn good study habits. (practice makes perfect)

• Use your class time wisely and you will probably have little or no homework.

• You must work in my class. There is very little time for socializing. Be successful, be on task!

• Try not to fall behind. Please come in to me and ask for help!

• Don't be afraid to ask questions. As the saying goes, "No question is a stupid question".

• If you are having a problem outside my class don't assume that I am aware of it. Come and talk to me.

RULES (Classroom and School)

A. "The Primary Rule is to treat all people and property with respect at all times."

C. Students are expected to adhere to the regulations stated in the Code of Student Conduct and the “Master Discipline Plan” in the Dixie HollinsOsceola Handbook. Specific attention will be given to the following rules.

• Dress Code

• No CD Players with Headphones, or other electronic devices (MP3 players, Cell Phones, tablets Etc…) Unless I give you permission to use them for an assignment..

• No Head Coverings.

• Do not Disrupt the other students or teacher.

D. My Classroom rules

• Be Respectful to yourself and others.

• Be in your seats before the bell rings and stay in your assigned seats during the class period.

• No Profanity or Horseplay will be tolerated.

• In cases of academic dishonesty students will receive a zero for the assignment. Cheating that involves one student letting another copy work will result in both being awarded a zero.

• No disrespect or discourteous behavior will be accepted.

• No throwing paper balls or other objects.

• Do not leave trash on the floor.

• Raise your hand to talk and walk.

CONSEQUENCES – Discipline Policyonsequences

• I will follow the guidelines found in the schools “Master Discipline Plan”.

• Polite verbal request from teacher

• Second verbal request from teacher

• Discipline Plan is implemented. Detention - Detentions are served after school the next day after the infraction. It will be your parent’s responsibility to provide transportation home. If not served it will be rescheduled and I will contact your parent/guardian.

• Guidance/Behavior referral is issued (if situation is appropriate).

• Administrative referral is issued; parent will be contacted again.

• Referrals to an administrator will be automatic for large infractions of the rules.

Your Parents will be called for a first offense and you will serve an after school detention.

Referrals to the office are made for large infractions of the rules.

If you Argue with me about your detention you will receive a referral, and you will still serve the detention.

AGREEMENT (10 extra credit points)

Below is a space for both student and parent to sign regarding class requirements and procedures.

Students, please provide your name and signature on the lines provided. Parents, please provide your name, signature and a telephone number with the best times to reach you.

Please Print

_________________________________ _____________________________________

Student Signature Name Parent/Guardian Name Signature

_________________________________ _____________________________________

Student SignatureName Parent Parent/Guardian Signature Name

_________________________________ ______________________________________

Student E-mail Parent/Guardian E-mail (Relationship)


Parent/Guardian E-mail (Relationship)


Parent/Guardian Home Phone Number


Parent/Guardian Work Phone Number


Best time to call

Please detach and save to contact me about anything.

My school email is: ronald_spataro@placesspataror.

I have voice mail but check it infrequently. The best way to reach me is through my

email. If you have any questions or concerns please contact me. I will always try and

respond promptly. I often initial things sent home to parents, my initials look like


Thank you,

Coach Spataro


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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