Broward County 100-Year Flood Elevation Map and …

Evaluation Criteria ? Project Specific Criteria

1. Describe the qualifications and relevant experience of the prime Consultant's Project Manager and all key staff that are intended to be assigned to this project. Include resumes for the Project Manager and all key staff described. Include the qualifications and relevant water resources modeling experience of all subconsultants' key staff to be assigned to this project. (20)

AECOM Technical Services, Inc.

Project Manager, Guillermo Regalado, PE (AECOM) brings almost 30 years of experience in numerous water resources and stormwater projects. His experience also includes the application of a wide range of modeling software, including MIKE SHE / MIKE 11 and the development of analysis and result processing tools similar to the tools envisioned by Broward County for the application of the 100-year Flood Elevation Map. Relevant Experience: Mr. Regalado is a water resources engineer with more than 29 years of experience as a modeling and technical team leader and project director for a variety of water resources projects in South Florida, Puerto Rico, and South America. Mr. Regalado has extensive experience in hydrologic and hydraulic models, including integrated groundwater/surface water models and complex operations of conveyance systems. His technical responsibilities have included hydrologic and hydraulic analysis and modeling of canals, control structures, and flood control systems, evaluation of flood counter measures, reservoir operations, flood map amendments, analysis and design of urban drainage systems, groundwater and surface water interaction. Mr. Regalado's experience includes addressing surface and groundwater hydraulic issues for public and private agencies. He has overseen conveyance analysis of major surface water systems throughout south Florida including the entire Broward County surface water system during recent MIKE SHE / MIKE 11 modeling completed for the update of flood maps for FEMA and operational modeling of the surface water system to support the Broward County Water Preserve Area.

RFP R2114367P1 ? 100-yr Flood Elevation Map and Associated Modeling

DHI Water & Environment, Inc.

Geosyntec Consultants, Inc.

Higgins Engineering, Inc.

Ability of Professional Personnel - Organization and Qualification (Maximum Points 30)

Stephen Blake [DHI]: Role on Project: Mark Ellard, PE, CFM, D.WRE, Project Higgins Engineering, Inc.:

Project Manager Mr. Stephen Blake, PE Manager. Mr. Ellard is senior principal Bob Higgins, the president, has

is the Head of the Water Resources

at Geosyntec and has served as

been very active in the

Department for DHI U.S. Mr. Blake is a project manager on water resources professional area with the

civil and environmental engineer with and environmental projects for

engineering societies. He is usually

20 years of experience in water

federal, state, county and city

in a position of leadership with

resources management,

government clients since 1990. His

professional groups as well as

environmental hydrology and

water resources expertise includes

community groups. He has over 30

hydraulics, drainage and stormwater diverse stormwater management and years of south Florida engineering

management, and the control and

water quality assessment projects,

and water resource planning.

mitigation of environmental impacts. including watershed management, Alan Hall, PE, D.WRE has over 35

His project roles include design and

master planning, hydrological and

years of experience in the area

execution of monitoring and data

hydraulic modeling, floodplain

serving in public positions for over

collection efforts, GIS analyses and

delineation and mapping, pollutant 25 years, such as Deputy Director

numerical modeling, and technical

load assessment, National Pollutant of O&M of the South Florida

analysis, project management, design Discharge Elimination System

Water Management District, and

management, and report writing. His (NPDES) compliance, environment

as Director of Surface Water

recent background includes addressing resource permitting, groundwater


challenges in: urban stormwater and flow modeling, and water quality

Regulations. In a joint initiative

hydrology and related infrastructure, monitoring. He has conducted

with AMCON (BPC Group) he was

stream channel, floodplain and

numerous large scale watershed level the project manager for the

wetland restoration and sediment

projects utilizing expertise with

modeling for the Palm Beach

transport; water quality protection;

stormwater modeling with

County project. Mr. Hall will serve

and water supply management. With Environmental Protection Agency

as the overall Project Manager for

DHI, Mr. Blake works to implement

(EPA), Storm Water Management

this project.

solutions for real-time modeling and Model (SWMM), Interconnected

flood forecasting, integrated surface Pond Routing (ICPR), and Hydrologic AMCON:

and groundwater studies, water

Engineering Center (HEC-RAS) and

Dr. Bijay Panigrahi, PE, PhD, the

management, reservoir dynamics and groundwater modeling with

president, has extensive

system operations, and water quality MODFLOW. He also had experience experience throughout the state of

solutions in a variety of settings. Mr.

reviewing MIKE-SHE model result

Florida. He was the primary

Blake has worked in similar

applications in conjunction with

modeler for the Palm Beach

environments throughout the

environmental resource permit

County project. He has used the

Southeastern United States, as well as applications. Many of the large-scale MIKE SHE/MIKE 11 model on

coastal California, bringing a breadth of watershed, master planning, and

multiple project assignments ,

relevant experience to the current

floodplain delineation projects have including the development of

effort. As a project manager, Mr. Blake included significant stakeholder

standards for FEMA mapping. He

has a developed the ability to manage involvement, requiring coordination will be the Technical Lead for the

complex technical deliveries, and

with a diverse body of public,


direct and incorporate contributions regulators, and environmentalists.

from a diverse assemblage of

Mr. Ellard also has extensive

Ananda V. Aduvala, E.I. Mr.

stakeholder and subconsultants.

experience with Geographical

Aduvala has experience with

Dr. Torsten Jacobsen [DHI]: Role on

Information System (GIS) applications application of hydrologic and

Project: Task Lead Flood Modeling Dr. for spatial analysis, planimetric and hydraulic models such as HEC-

Torsten V. Jacobsen has a background thematic mapping, and data


in hydraulics and hydrology, applied in representation with flood related


integrated water resources

studies. Additionally, he has overseen MIKESHE/J I. He is experienced in

management, ground water/surface permitting efforts with state and local synthesis and analyses of rain

water interaction, and water quality

agencies, design plans and

gauge and discharge gauge data.

projects. Dr. Jacobsen has

specifications preparation, and

Mr. Aduvala has participated in

Lago Consulting & Services LLC

Ananta Nath, PE, D.WRE, F.EWRI will serve as the Project Manager. Mr. Nath has over 38 years of engineering experience and serves as the Director of Engineering for Lago Consulting and Services. He received MS in Civil and Environmental Engineering from the University of Wisconsin ? Madison. He is a Diplomate of the American Academy of Water Resources Engineers, and is a Fellow of the Environmental & Water Resources Institute of the American Society of Civil Engineers. He retired in 2014 as the Principal Engineer of the Big Cypress Basin office of the South Florida Water Management District in Naples, FL, after an illustrious 28-year career there. At the BCB, he led an interdisciplinary team of Engineers, Environmental Scientists, Geographers and modelers for hydrologic-hydraulic planning, modeling, and project management of multi-objective water resources projects for flood control, water supply, water quality protection, and ecosystem restoration Mr. Nath is conversant with the application of most of the state-of-the-art methods and models for hydrologic-hydraulic and water quality simulation, including MIKE SHE/MIKE11. He coordinated capital projects development from planning, design through construction; developed regular and Emergency Management operational scheduling of the water control facilities of a drainage network of 169 miles of primary canals and 46 water control structures. He also served as technical liaison for the Basin Board with local, State and Federal agencies. Mr. Nath is very familiar with FEMA rules and hydrologichydraulic principles for development of flood insurance rate maps (FIRM) for riverine and coastal surge conditions, and incorporation of

Evaluation Criteria ? Project Specific Criteria

AECOM Technical Services, Inc.

Deputy project manager, Amanda (Mandy) Kinnick, PE (AECOM) will assist Guillermo in the coordination of the several tasks in the project. Mandy has extensive experience in these tasks. In her most recent project, Mandy was the deputy project manager and technical lead in the verification of the Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Water Model. Within this contract, Mandy managed a group of sub-consultants which included ADA Engineering, also part of our team in this effort. Mandy also managed several field activities and coordinated the information exchanged between field crews, GIS specialist and modelers. Her participation in this project will guarantee a seamless transition and interaction between the data collection, modeling and mapping teams. Relevant Experience: Ms. Kinnick is a water/wastewater engineer with 7 years of experience consulting in the water industry, primarily focusing on water distribution and wastewater collection system modeling, evaluations, and planning. Experience includes project management, team supervision, technical guidance and expertise, report writing, hydraulic computer model creation and calibration, general system hydraulic modeling, system master planning, improvement plans development, and system condition assessment/infrastructure prioritization analysis. Computer software expertise includes work with ArcGIS, InfoWorks, InfoWater, H20MAP, WaterCAD, and WaterGEMs. Past projects and experience include distribution systems flow and pressure testing, water system computer models creation and calibration, general water system hydraulic modeling, unidirectional flushing programs, water quality studies, water system

RFP R2114367P1 ? 100-yr Flood Elevation Map and Associated Modeling

DHI Water & Environment, Inc.

Geosyntec Consultants, Inc.

Higgins Engineering, Inc.

comprehensive experience from projects in Europe, USA, Africa, Asia, and Australia. Dr. Jacobsen has been involved in the capacity of project manager, expert in the fields of integrated hydrology or water resources modeling, and water management. He has worked on and managed many consultancy and research projects, which have included assessment of surface and ground water resources and their interaction, water resources management, groundwater vulnerability and protection, irrigation management, flooding, wetland restoration, basin scale contaminant load assessment and remediation of groundwater pollution. Dr. Jacobsen has in-depth knowledge on the setup, calibration, and application of integrated hydrological models including both surface water and groundwater. Furthermore, Dr. Jacobsen has been responsible for software development, training, and capacity building directed to staff of recipient institutions. Dr. Jacobsen has led the design, development, and application of decision support systems in relation to both on-line forecasting, water resources and environmental planning and irrigation, including extensive work in Florida with the water districts and current training with the National Park Service. Dr. Jacobsen has also lived in south Florida for a number of years, and worked with SFWMD, and other clients on numerous MIKE SHE applications. Dr. Bob Prucha, PhD, PE [DHI]: Role on Project: MSHE Model Review and Technical Advisor Dr. Robert Prucha has over 25 years of experience as a hydrogeologist and water resources engineer, focusing on the characterization, conceptualization, and numerical analysis of fluid flow and heat/contaminant transport within surface-subsurface hydrologic systems. As a professional civil

construction oversight and certification. This broad depth of experience with hydrologic, hydraulic and groundwater models and translating flood impact results to municipal and public stakeholders gives him a well-rounded perspective that will be an advantage to Broward County. Mr. Ellard has provided project management on over 100 water resources related projects throughout Florida including watershed assessments, floodplain mapping, basin studies, stormwater retrofits, water quality assessments (pollutant loading modeling and Best Management Practices (BMP), erosion control measures, and stormwater master planning. He has also provided technical direction and engineering associated with QA/QC of field data collection and inventory, hydrologic and hydraulic modeling, GIS data analysis, Computer Aided Design and Drafting (CADD) production, permitting, public involvement, and construction inspection during projects. As senior principal at Geosyntec, he has the authority to leverage all necessary resources required for this project to ensure successful completion. Tom Amstadt, PE, CFM has served as project engineer on water resources projects for state, county and city government clients since 2004. Mr. Amstadt is an expert in hydrologic and hydraulic modeling and will be a lead technical resource for the project during the modeling and floodplain development. His areas of expertise include watershed management, stormwater retrofits, stormwater master planning efforts, floodplain analysis, hydrologic / hydraulic modeling, construction plans preparation, water quality analysis, BMP conceptualization, and environmental resource permitting. He has extensive experience with the use of ArcGIS for spatial analysis,

several CERP and SFWMD Projects. The projects involved basin management, surface water and ground water modeling, seepage and stability analysis, feasibility studies, and floodplain analysis. Mr. Aduvala has experience in various ArcGIS mapping tools including Spatial Analyst, Geostatistical Analyst and 3D analyst.

Tomasello Consulting: Dick Tomasello, the president, is well-known in south Florida for his expertise in coastal systems and the development of models for predicting coastal flood levels for FEMA mapping and FIRM studies for Collier and Lee County.

Tobon Engineering (CBE): Maurice Tobon, PE, the President, has over 27 years of water and wastewater experience in south Florida. His public service included 9 years with Palm Beach County Utilities and 10 years with the City of Fort Lauderdale. He is co-author of a Manual for Preparing and Responding to Climate Change.

Premier Design Solutions: Gustavo Eckardt, P.E. Mr. Eckardt is a professional engineer registered in the state of Florida with 15 years of experience in Civil Engineering, Underground Utility design in small and large pipeline design in Miami-Dade and Broward Counties. Mr. Eckardt has extensive experience and a proven track record as a project manager on Engineering and Surveying projects. Mr. Eckardt's experience is focused in the public sector and includes design and surveying for new and existing infrastructure utilities in different counties and municipalities and leading recent GIS Data Migration of As-Built

Lago Consulting & Services LLC

Community Rating System (CRS) credits in the flood insurance programs. He provided hydraulic database and modeling coordination for SFWMD in the recent updates of DFIRMs in Collier County, FL and earlier consulting for preparation of FIS for several communities of Southeastern Wisconsin. Peter deGolian has a Master of Science in Hydrology/Soil Science from University of Georgia and will serve as the Deputy Project Manager. He has more than 20 years of experience executing complex watershed management and modeling projects. For the last 11 years, he has worked almost exclusively on projects in South Florida. He joined LAGO after many years at DHI and Atkins where he served as the Project Manager for several large Watershed Management Plans in Southwest Florida. He led the application of a MIKE SHE/MIKE11 model to address concerns about changes to the Base Flood Elevation under full build out conditions in the Golden Gate Estates (GGE) area of Collier County. This project required the development of GIS based tools to read the DEM and calculate the area of existing home pads in the GGE. That information was used to modify the existing DEM to include building pads on each of the vacant lots (~10,000). The County's MIKE SHE/MIKE11 model was then run using the modified DEM for the 100-year storm event and the results were used to calculate the change in BFE in the GGE. Mr. deGolian also has extensive experience leading stakeholder workshops with various community groups, meeting with homeowner associations, and presenting data to project steering committees, and multiple County Advisory Panels as well as the local government officials.

Evaluation Criteria ? Project Specific Criteria

AECOM Technical Services, Inc.

master planning, improvement plans development, system condition assessment/ water main prioritization analysis, and GPS/condition assessment field work. Guillermo and Mandy will be supported by the following personnel: Dominique Brocard, PhD, PE (AECOM) is an international expert in flood analysis, water resources studies, surface and groundwater hydrology, stormwater management, and computer-based mathematical 1D/2D modeling of water resources systems. He will provide technical guidance to the team in the areas of water quality modeling, climate adaptation, outfall design, collection systems, stormwater management, and hydraulics. Relevant Experience: Dr. Brocard is a technical advisor specializing in hydraulics and hydrology. His expertise lies in the areas of water quality modeling, outfall design, collection systems, stormwater management, and hydraulics. Dr. Brocard has more than 30 years of experience in conducting and directing studies for federal, state, municipal and industrial clients. Joseph Helkowski (AECOM) is a Senior Spatial Analyst, skilled in hydrological modeling, GIS applications and development, and remote sensing image processing. Mr. Helkowski has more than 15 years of professional work experience in tool development, database development and design, web-based applications, mobile data collection solutions, geoprocessing and spatial analysis, and map production. He will provide technical quality control of the model data and evaluation. Relevant Experience: Joseph Helkowski is a GIS Manager with both skills and experiences in hydrological modeling, GIS applications and development, and remote sensing image processing. He has managed

RFP R2114367P1 ? 100-yr Flood Elevation Map and Associated Modeling

DHI Water & Environment, Inc.

Geosyntec Consultants, Inc.

Higgins Engineering, Inc.

engineer, Dr. Prucha has worked on a wide range of water resources and environmental projects throughout the U.S. and internationally in coordination with multiple consultants, regulators, concerned citizens, and attorneys. His focus has primarily been on developing large, complex numerical flow and transport models using a variety of standard codes (i.e., GMS-Modflow, Vistas, Feflow, Hydrus2D) and more advanced codes such as multiphase (Tough, TMVOC, STOMP, CFEST, FEHMN), or fully integrated hydrologic codes (i.e., MIKE SHE/MIKE11, SWMM). Dr. Prucha's focus has centered on the application of the fully distributed, integrated hydrologic/hydraulic code MIKE SHE/MIKE11 that have considerable advantages over traditional singlephase codes, such as Modflow or HEC codes coupled surface/groundwater flow systems. Dr. Prucha is also proficient in the use of ArcGIS, CAD, and a number of other advanced geologic modeling/graphical/animation tools. Georgio Tachiev, PhD, PE [GIT Consulting]: Role on Project: Team Lead Local Flood Modeling Dr. Georgio Tachiev has 26 years of experience in water resources, hydrology and water quality, civil and environmental engineering. He has extensive project experience in development of complex numerical models for analysis of remediation strategies, environmental and water resources management, and risk analysis. He brings expertise in all phases of project management, technical reviews, quality control, and reporting. Dr. Tachiev has expert level knowledge of state of the practice numerical software for water resources (MIKE SHE/11/21/FLOOD/ECOLAB, MODFLOW, XPSWWM, XP2D), spatial analysis using GIS technologies, and statistical processing software (SAS, MATLAB), computer programming and

mapping, and data representation. He has developed numerous watershed scale models using the EPA SWMM and ICPR models. For this contract, he will leverage his expertise with emphasis on floodplain assessment, numerical modeling, and GIS. Robert Annear, PhD, PE- As a water resources engineer, Dr. Annear is principally involved in hydrodynamic and water quality modeling supporting clients with regulatory permits and requirements, stormwater management and surface water system assessments. He has over 18 years of experience in the development and calibration of hydrodynamic and water quality models (1-D, 2-D, and 3-D) throughout the U.S. His previous work at the Danish Hydraulic Institute (DHI) provided him with a depth of expertise using MIKE SHE, MIKE 11, MIKE FLOOD, MIKE 21C. In addition, he has expertise using EPA SWMM and HEC-RAS and various 1D and 2D water quality model including EFDC and CE-QUAL-W2, QUAL 2K, and others. He has also served as expert witness in cases involving hydrology; water rights; and hydrodynamic, sediment transport, water quality, and chemical fate and transport modeling. He has conducted numerous surface water model peer reviews for agencies such as the U.S. EPA and the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation. Dr. Annear has also served as reviewer for various water resource and hydrologic journals and has participated in EPA national water quality grant review panels. Dr. Annear will serve the project during the updates to the MIKE SHE model providing technical insight and QA/QC. Lee Mullon, PE, CFM has served as project manager and engineer on water resources, stormwater management, and land development

Backlog for the Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department. Mr. Eckardt has also successfully completed projects for Broward County Transit, Miami-Dade Transit, and various other municipalities. Fernando Fernandez, PLS. Mr. Fernandez is a Professional Surveyor and Mapper with over 15 years of field data collection and surveying experience. Mr. Fernandez is responsible for producing and certifying all surveying documents, including As-Builts and Subsurface Utility Explorations (SUE), produced by the firm. Mr. Fernandez is proficient in the use of many different kinds of Data?Collectors, Total Stations, GPS Rovers and other surveying equipment. Mr. Fernandez is familiar with the process to develop surveys and AsBuilt Drawings for Broward County and Miami-Dade Countyin topographic surveys including above ground and sub surface utility verification, construction stake-out and project as-builts. Mr. Fernandez has the ability to manage multiple tasks and staff, and work on projects to meet desired deadlines and project goals. Mr. Fernandez is currently finalizing Right-of-Way topographic surveys for water and sewer improvements in the City of Opa- ocka, topographic surveys, and SUE for Broward County Transit for transit infrastructure improvement projects

CVs of all team members on pages 15-17, 40-46, 48, 54-59, 6974

Lago Consulting & Services LLC

Marcelo Lago, PhD, GISP, CFM is cofounder and Vice-President of Lago Consulting and Services and will serve as the Technical Lead for this project. He has a PhD in Applied Marine Physics from University of Miami. Dr. Lago's relevant experience focuses on developing and applying integrated models to solve complex water flow and transport problems. During his PhD, he coded an integrated modeling program to conduct his research in the Everglades. He has a profound knowledge about the underlying equations and assumptions used in building models. While working as Senior Scientist at DHI, he coded several improvements to the MIKE SHE/MIKE11 software, provided software support to other modelers, and taught software courses. He served as lead modeler for several important MIKE SHE/MIKE11 modeling projects in South Florida such as the Broward County Water Resources Plan, SFWMD BCB FLOODWATCH model update, and the Collier County Wellhead Vulnerability Study, the Collier County Watershed Management Plan. As a recognition for his deep knowledge and contributions as technical lead on complex modeling projects, the CEO of DHI often referred to Dr. Lago as the "MIKE SHE wizard". Dr. Lago cofounded Lago Consulting & Services LLC in January, 2013 with the goal of providing specialized modeling services. During this period, he has been the principal modeler for projects involving different software such as SWMM, HEC-RAS, MIKE SHE, MIKE11, MIKE21, and MIKEFLOOD. He also has developed useful preand post-processing tools that can be downloaded at lagoconsulting. com/lago_toolbox.html. In particular, he developed a utility to convert MODFLOW result files into MIKE SHE based dfs2 and dfs3 grid files.

Evaluation Criteria ? Project Specific Criteria

AECOM Technical Services, Inc.

tasks and supported a broad range of projects within multiple disciplines throughout the United States, Middle East, and South America. Mr. Helkowski has more than 15 years of professional work experience in tool development, database development and design, web-based applications, mobile data collection solutions, geoprocessing and spatial analysis, and map production. His scholastic achievement included the development of a socioeconomic drought index for the globe to identify regions susceptible to water shortage. He has also authored and presented several research publications. Maria Loinaz, PhD, PE (ADA Engineering) Dr. Loinaz is an expert in MIKE SHE ? MIKE 11. Dr. Loinaz participated in the development of the NADA, SADA and CADA models that were the precursors of the FEMA Broward County effective model. Dr. Loinaz developed the database of water control structures currently in the model and participated in their conceptualization within the MIKE 11 Engine. In addition to her expertise in hydrologic and hydraulic aspects of the model, Dr. Loinaz, aspart of her doctoral research, developed numerous applications to postprocess model input and output files. She has developed tools that are similar to the tools required in the Broward County scope of work. Maria will lead the modeling subtask. Relevant Experience: Ms. Loinaz has extensive experience in mathematical modeling of water quality, hydraulic and hydrologic systems, with emphasis on surface water and groundwater interactions. Her experience includes studies of a range of environments, from engineered hydraulic systems to natural systems, for many types of water resources applications and at different levels of modeling

RFP R2114367P1 ? 100-yr Flood Elevation Map and Associated Modeling

DHI Water & Environment, Inc.

Geosyntec Consultants, Inc.

Higgins Engineering, Inc.

scripting for automated processing, and analysis and visualization of large hydrological and water quality datasets. Dr. Tachiev's experience in modeling flooding and challenging environmental water quality environments, including the Everglades MIKE SHE / MIKE 11 hydrologic model and phosphorous model, and will be a tremendous asset to the current effort. Robert Fennema, PHD [GIT Consulting]: Role on Project: Principal MSHE/Local Flood Modeler Mr. Robert Fennema is an experienced integrated surface and groundwater modeler and hydrologic scientist. He has an extensive background in applying MIKE SHE and MIKE 11 to represent south Florida's water environments for flooding and management concerns. He has worked in agency, academic, and consulting roles over this time and provided natural systems and infrastructure assessments. Dale Kerper, MS, PE [DHI]: Role on Project: Team Lead Coastal Integration Task Mr. Dale Kerper is the Head of DHI's Coastal and Marine Department, and has more than 24 years of experience performing engineering studies in the marine, coastal, estuarine and riverine environments. Specific areas of expertise are in regards to physical and numerical modeling of hydrodynamics (water levels, currents and waves), salinity, temperature, sediment transport, and dam break flooding. Mr. Kerper has extensive experience applying DHI's MIKE3, MIKE 21, MIKE 11 and MIKE FLOOD numerical models within these application areas. In more recent years Mr. Kerper experience has been performed flood studies and served as an expert advisor for FEMA studies in California and around the nation, including the Atlantic and Gulf coasts. He is currently supporting USACE on the BAMM project to model the WCA's in south Florida. He has participated as

projects for public and private clients since 2005. Mr. Mullon will provide modeling support and will lead data collection efforts necessary to support model updates. His keys areas of expertise include stormwater master planning efforts, floodplain analysis, hydrologic and hydraulic modeling, stormwater retrofit design and modeling, low impact design (LID) and stormwater BMP design. He has extensive experience with the use of ArcGIS for spatial analysis, mapping, and data representation, as well as transforming planning-level information into construction-ready design. He has developed numerous stormwater models using ICPR model as well as EPA SWMM. Skilled in 3-D CAD modeling and visualization, he prepares complex stormwater infrastructure improvements and presents them in visually-rich presentations for key stakeholder involvement meetings. Erin Reed, PhD, PE is an environmental engineer that specializes in the characterization and improvement of ground- and surfacewaters. Dr. Reed will support the updates to the groundwater - surface water interaction aspects of the project modeling. Her areas of expertise include water quality monitoring, stormwater management, water and wastewater treatment, springshed characterization and modeling, pollutant load assessment, and the evaluation and remediation of nutrients in the environment. Dr. Reed has served as project manager on surface-, ground- and wastewater projects in the environmental consulting and applied research arenas. Mike Hardin, PhD, PE, CFM spent the first nine years of his career as the lab manager for the University of Central Florida's Stormwater Management Academy field research lab. He

Lago Consulting & Services LLC

Maria Bravo, PhD, PE is co-founder and President of Lago Consulting and Services. She has a PhD in Physics from Universidad Central de Venezuela and a Master in Civil Engineering in Water Resources from the University of South Florida. She has extensive experience with GIS and hydrologic modeling. Ms. Bravo has previously worked at Florida International University where she played a key role in identifying and obtaining grant funding for many projects. Dr. Bravo has experience with different modeling platforms and her technical skills include GIS applications, hydrology modeling using SMS 9.2 (RMA2), Ground Water Vistas (MODFLOW, MT3D, MODPATH, PEST), vadose zone hydrology modeling using HYDRUS_ID, and coastal & estuary modeling using MIKE21. Dr. Bravo has accumulated MIKE SHE/MIKE11 modeling experience as President of Lago Consulting & Services. On recent projects, she has provided modeling experience related to the application of particle tracking tools to define well head protection areas using integrated surface water/groundwater MIKE SHE/MIKE11 models. Michelle Irizarry, PE is an expert in climate change downscaled models' products and in developing IDF curves for nonstationary storm events. She is a former employee of the SFWMD and during her time in the district, she was involved in sea level rise research and produced multiple publications and presentations, including a paper titled, "Determination of Future Intensity-Duration-Frequency Curves for Level of Service Planning Projects." This report was prepared for the SFWMD and focuses on the east coast of Florida, including Broward County. She was member of a team tasked with assessing the

Evaluation Criteria ? Project Specific Criteria

AECOM Technical Services, Inc.

complexity and numerical solutions. She also has experience in water quality and aquatic ecosystem modeling and completed a doctorate in the area of integrated ecohydrological modeling. She has also developed numerous tools for processing hydrologic model input and output data. Pradeep Nagarajan, PE, CFM (AECOM) Pradeep brings to the team his experience in the development and calibration of the MIKE SHE /MIKE 11 modeling efforts for Broward County and for the Kissimmee Basin. In addition to this experience, Pradeep is a Certified Floodplain Manager (CFM) and has participated in several projects involving the development of Local Mitigation Strategy (LMS) and the review of FEMA CRS criteria. In addition to his contribution to the modeling team in this project, Pradeep will lead the FEMA CRS efforts to make sure the modeling and mapping activities developed within the project can be used by the County and the communities as credits towards the CRS. Relevant Experience: Mr. Nagarajan has managed, and supervised several water resource engineers on a wide variety of stormwater master planning, modeling and design projects. Mr. Nagarajan has a strong background in surface/groundwater hydrology, hydraulics, basin-scale water resources studies, flood analysis, stormwater management, preparation of watershed master plans, computer-based mathematical 1D/2D modeling of water resources systems using INFOWORKS CS, INFOWORKS ICM, ICPR, MIKE SHE, MIKE 11, MIKE URBAN, MIKE FLOOD, MIKE 21, MIKE VIEW, PCSWMM, XPSWMM, HEC-HMS, HEC-RAS, ASAD etc., design of stormwater management and treatment structures, pumps, and piping

RFP R2114367P1 ? 100-yr Flood Elevation Map and Associated Modeling

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Higgins Engineering, Inc.

a technical advisor and working group committee member on a number of national, state and regionally-focused FEMA committees relating to flood hazard modeling and mapping efforts, standards developments, and peer review oversite activities, including work in Louisiana, Texas, and California. Lauren Schmied, MS [DHI]: Role on Project: Principle Modeler Task Leader Coastal Integration Task Ms. Schmied has 10 years of experience in Coastal Engineering, and extensive experience in coastal hazard risk assessment most extensively with regard to cyclonic/hurricane activity. She has extensive experience in 2D and 3D hydrodynamic, wave, and sediment transport modelling. She is also experienced in extreme value statistical methods used in the development and use of synthetic cyclonic datasets. Her experience has spanned much of the coastal U.S., with extensive experience in Florida and the southeastern and Gulf coasts. Dr. Bo Juza, PhD, CFM [DHI]: Role on Project: FEMA/MSHE Floodmap Specialist Senior Engineer Dr. Bo Juza has a proven record of developing long-term relationships with key clients and critical stakeholders focusing on efficiency and timely delivery. Between 2003 and 2013, Dr. Juza worked as a project and program manager on large scale nationwide flood inundation mapping projects. Managing Regional Management Center (RMC) as part of MapMOD Program and later as Program Manager during RiskMAP program embedded directly with FEMA Region II Risk Analysis Branch in New York. He was responsible for program delivery, schedule, budget and overall quality of all mapping program elements. He worked to communicate with program management office and FEMA Regional and HQ staff, steering committee, providing monthly status

managed research related to water quality improvement and water quantity reduction methods for stormwater runoff. Dr. Hardin will provide QA/QC and peer review of various aspects of the flood modeling and utility development. Areas of focus include implementing innovative BMP strategies such as green roofs, pervious pavements, stormwater harvesting, chemical treatment, erosion and sediment control, and media filtration. Additionally, Dr. Hardin is the primary author and an instructor for the BMPTRAINS Model which is used by design professionals on how to properly use the model to quantify the water quality benefit of using BMPs. Matt Wissler, PG - is a senior hydrogeologist with more than 15 years of experience. His professional practice is focused on water resource projects that rely upon complex hydrogeologic and hydrologic investigations that include the preparation of groundwater models (GMS, Visual MODFLOW, Groundwater Vistas, MODFLOW, MT3D, RT3D, MODPATH, etc.). Mr. Wissler will support the updates to the groundwater aspects of the project modeling. Mr. Wissler's water resources background includes design and implementation of hydrologic investigations that include aquifer level analysis, surface water level analysis and hydroperiod analysis. His permitting and compliance expertise includes water management district water use permits (WUPs), state environmental resource permits (ERPs), and Army Corps of Engineers (federal) ERPs. Raphael Siebenmann, PE - Mr. Siebenmann is an environmental engineer with over thirteen years of experience in the environmental consulting field. Mr. Siebenmann will lead the development of utilities to

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vulnerability of the South Florida water management system to climate change. She is an expert in applying the South Florida Water Management Model (SFWMM) in support of various regional planning projects including Lower East Coast Regional Water Supply Plan, Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan, and Water Reservations modeling. Michelle also has extensive experience in developing model input files, coding pre- and post-processing utilities, interpreting model performance measure output and communicating modeling results to stakeholders. Other modeling skills include application of the DHI Suite of models (MIKE-11, MIKE-21, MIKE-FLOOD, MIKESHE), as well as AFSIRS, MODFLOW, HEC-RAS, and HEC-HMS. From Bermello Ajamil & Partners Jose Lopez, PE, PMP is a member of Broward County Technical Advisory Committee and Vice-Chair of the Broward County Surface Water Coordination Committee with more than 30 years of experience in civil/environmental engineering, water resources, stormwater management, flood control, regulatory coordination, and best management practices for water quality improvement. For the past 20 years Mr. Lopez has been involved and managed several projects in Broward County, including the CADA, NADA, SADA modeling grant by SFWMD, the Broward County Initiative for stormwater improvements with over $7M of projects completed in a period of 7 years, CERP projects like the Broward County's Secondary Canal System and the Water Preserve Areas, the East Coast Protective Levee certification, water quality improvements and community outreach for the North Fork of New River among many other projects. Mr. Lopez also participated


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