1st Quarter Writing Assignments:

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4th Quarter Writing Assignments

Adv. English 11 Period 5

*You must turn in six of the following assignments – one each Wednesday, from March 27 through May 15. You may choose the order – work on any assignment you choose.

These are your due dates:

3/27 5/1

4/10 5/8

4/24 5/15

**NOTE: Only 6 essays will be accepted from each student. If you forget to write a required essay, you will take a zero for that assignment. Make sure you’re keeping track of what you’ve written and what you need to write!

1. **Novel Analysis (required)

The book analysis for 4th quarter may be written for any novel of your choosing. You will still choose a prompt from the purple binder.

2. AP Free Response or Response to Text - you may only do one of these

Choose one of these – make sure you attach the prompt page when you turn it in.

3. Synthesis.

Same as before. Information paks are in the blue box in the back of the classroom.

4. Hemingway Essay

Choose at least one of the short stories we read together in class, and show how it illustrates the idea of “disillusionment” as we discussed at the beginning of the Modernist unit.

5. Modernist Poetry Essay

How is Modernist poetry different from more traditional poetry? Consider purpose, style, and content. Use specific examples from poetry read in this class. (This paper could be written as a contrast of two poets/poems we’ve read – one from each category.)

6. Science Fiction short story

You may choose to write a science fiction story of at least 4 pages. The rubric/criteria is available on the website. If we have time, toward the end of May we will read a sample or two.

7. Position paper

There are two non-fiction articles linked to the website. Choose one and take a position on the issue raised in the paper. Do you agree or disagree with the stance of the author? Do you have a strong, independent position on the issue? You will need to explain and thoroughly support your position with either details from your own knowledge/experience or outside research.

8. Life experiences in fiction

Discuss the merits or possible problems of an author using exact life experiences as direct material for fiction. Use specific examples from literature we’ve read as a class during this school year.

9. Twain – humorist essay. (carried over from Q3)

Mark Twain wrote “The humorous story may be spun out to great length, and may wander around as much as it pleases, and arrive at nowhere in particular… [It] is told gravely; the teller does his best to conceal the fact that he even dimly suspects there is anything funny about it.” Write an essay describing Twain’s use of these techniques in literature you’ve read.

10. Humorous non-fiction essay (carried over from Q3 – you may not write a 2nd one)

This may be an essay on the topic of your choosing. Your aim should be to make a real point, but to include humor. Think Rick Reilly or, to some extent, Mark Twain’s account of the San Francisco earthquake. This need not have the rigid guidelines of most academic essays, but should be clearly and logically organized, and you should write from an informed perspective.

Additional expectations: At least one of these assignments should be edited by another student in Advanced English 11. For this assignment, you should hand in the edited copy, signed by the editor, and the final draft – which should appear different and better than the first draft.

You must also edit at least one assignment for a student in my Advanced English 11 class. You will receive points based on your efforts. Things to consider: what are the expectations given by the rubric? Make suggestions as to how another student writer can better meet those expectations. Did he/she answer the prompt? Do all topic sentences support it? Could diction/phrasing be more effective?

*All essays should be a minimum of 2-3 pages in length. I would suggest editing your papers prior to submission.

*Vocab bonus is capped at 5% this quarter

This is 4th quarter – and all of your teachers will be cramming to get things done. You’ll have tons of tests and amazing spring fever!! Pay close attention to what’s going on in your classes and your world – schedule your time wisely to make sure you don’t become overwhelmed. Work ahead whenever possible. (


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