CRASH INSURANCE - Amazon Web Services


Keep Your Dark Window Gains Intact and Make 20X Your Money

as the Market Crashes

Crash Insurance: Keep Your Dark Window Gains Intact and Make 20X Your Money

as the Market Crashes

By: Harry Dent & Rodney Johnson

As I explained in your report entitled The Dark Window Profit Blueprint: Make 10 Years' Worth of Stock Gains in the Next 12 Months, the opportunity before us is rare and powerfully profitable. But it is also extremely dangerous, because if you're not prepared, when it slams shut it could crush you.

So, with this report, I'm going to help you prepare for the end of this Dark Window so that you can rest assured you're making hey while the sun shines, AND that you're ready to not only protect yourself when the inevitable storm hits, but also set up to profit from it too.

First though, it's important that I impress on you why ? and how hard ? this Dark Window will slam shut.

You see, in the final part of the bull market, as stocks soar way higher, most people begin to stop fearing a crash as much as they do now. In fact, at the top of the market, everyday folks will be more likely to panic into the market, fearing they'll miss out.

During the last Dark Window, Joe Kennedy said he knew it was time to sell when he received stock tips from a shoe shine boy. It will be the same again this time.

Right at the point where main street investors become extremely bullish again ? the bottom will fall out of the market. And most people will get totally wiped out.

After the last Dark Window slammed shut in 1929, stocks declined 89%!

And they didn't bottom until three years later, in 1932.

Even worse, the Dow Jones didn't return to its 1929 highs until 1954 ? 25 years later!


If the same thing happens at the end of this Dark Window ? and I'm about to show you why I expect this is virtually inevitable ? that would put the Dow at just 3,500 in 2023. I see 5,500 as the minimum target.

That means stocks would slide for three straight years, and wouldn't return to their previous highs until 2045.

My demographic research suggests stocks may not even get quite back up there because the next generation doesn't have the growth trends the Boomers had.

If you did nothing ? if you hadn't joined us here at Boom & Bust ? what would your portfolio look like then? My guess is that if your balance is down nearly 90%, your lifestyle in retirement could be best described in two words: "Scraping by."

No more luxuries or vacations. You couldn't contribute to your kids' or grandkids' lives. And a "nice" dinner might consist of baked beans and hot dogs.

Thankfully, you won't have that experience thanks to this Dark Window and your preparations for when it slams shut.

Following the Specific Patterns and Cycles

The advantage we have here is that I follow the markets very specific patterns, based on cycles and demographic trends. The one that drives the Dark Window is a 90-year cycle that goes all the way back to the 1700s, when the democracy and free market capitalism collided, igniting the Industrial Revolution.


See for yourself:

As you can see, every 90 years like clockwork, you get a run-up in stocks followed by a huge, generation-defining market crash. The end of this Dark Window looks likely to come in the summer of 2020 or even as late as just after the election, if Trump is able to push through more stimulus directly to consumers.

In the Dark Window Blueprint, I explained how you can position yourself to make a ton of money as stocks soar higher In this final rally..

And I'm about to show you how you can protect yourself and make money even as they crash too. With the right investments, you could follow in Joe Kennedy's steps. He made millions during the Dark Window, and he made even more after it slammed shut and the market crashed. He had a $4 million dollar fortune in 1929... and by 1935 he'd turned it into $180 million. That's the equivalent of $3.21 billion today.

Here's what you need to do...


The Crash Insurance Plan

First, we'll employ options as a "hedge" against the crash. Don't worry. Options are much easier to buy than you might think. We're not trying to use some complicated strategy, we're simply buying some portfolio "insurance" against the possibility of a dramatic crash.

I don't want you to buy these options now because I'm forecasting the markets to move higher before they tank. If you bought put options and the markets went higher, you'd lose money. Instead, wait until the middle of July, and then buy put options that expire in March of 2020.

We want to buy at-the-money call options on the proxy stocks for the S&P500 (NYSE: SPY), the Invesco QQQ Trust (NYSE: QQQ), which tracks the top 100 non-financial stocks in the Nasdaq, and the Russell 2000 (NYSE: IWN), depending on what types of stock you own.

If your portfolio holds a broad mix of stocks, then the SPY is appropriate. If you hold mostly tech stocks, then choose the QQQs. And if you buy a lot of small cap stocks, then the IWN would be best. It might be that you buy a few options from each.

Select the strike price of the March 2020 puts that is closest to the price at which each of these securities are trading in mid-July. Remember that each contract controls 100 shares of stock, so if the SPY is trading at $250, then each option controls 100 shares at $250, or $25,000.

If you want to hedge a $100,000 portfolio that moves like the S&P500, you'd buy four put options on SPY.

I anticipate that you'll hold these through the end of 2019 as the markets fall apart.

Next, dump these assets out of your portfolio... or at the very least, don't add more of them to your portfolio. If you don't, they'll drag your portfolio down like a stone during the crash...

Stay away from junk bonds! Yields on junk bonds skyrocket when the economy collapses, which it will when this Dark Window slams shut, because of the sharply rising default risks.



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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