Parow High School – So We Can Transcend!

SUGGESTED PLANNING of TEACHING and ASSESSMENT ECONOMICS Grade 12 YEAR 2020TERM 1 48 days1: 15-17 Jan (3) [2.7%] (3)2: 20-24 Jan (5) [7,3 %] 3: 27-31 Jan (5) [11,8 %] 4: 3-7Feb (5) [16,4%] 5: 10-14 Feb (5) [20,9%] 6: 17-21 Feb (5) [25,5] 7: 24-28 Feb (5) [30,0%] 8: 2-6 Mar(5)[34,5%]9: 9-13 Mar (5) [39,1] 10: 16-20 Mar(5)[43.6%]CAPS topicCircular FlowBusiness CyclesPublic SectorInternational TradeConcepts, skills and valuesOpen Economy, Closed Economy; Role players in the economy; Injections/Leakages; Economy in equilibrium; autonomous consumption; MPC/MPS; Four-sector model; National Accounts aggregates and Conversions; The position and features; Explanation or causes; Types of business cycles; Government policy; New economic paradigm (smoothing of cycles); Features underpinning forecasting of business cyclesComposition and necessity of the public sector; problems of public sector provisioning; objectives of the public sector; budgets; Fiscal policy (including Laffer curve) and public sector failure.The main reasons for international trade; the Balance of Payments; Correcting the Balance of Payments surplus and deficit (disequilibria); Foreign exchange markets and Establishment of foreign exchange ratesRequisite pre-knowledgeFactors of Production; Production Process; Roles of participants in the economy; National Accounts; GDP, GDI, GDE (Constant vs Real GDP)Circular flow; Participants in an economy; Formation of government (structures)Open economy circular flow; Markets; Price formation and Market dynamicsResources (other than textbook) to enhance learning You Tube Videos; Calculators; etc.SARB Quarterly Bulletin; Calculators; Statistics South Africa data manuals (Demographic and Economic statistics).GCIS; Auditor General’s finding reports; Statistics SA data; SA Government website.Map of the world; SARB Quarterly Bulletin; Statistics SA data manuals; You Tube videos; Examples of quasi currencies of the world; rmal assessm; remediationClass tutorials; Group work; Quizzes; etc.Class tutorials; Group work; Quizzes; rmal research / survey activities; peer teaching; debates; class rmal Surveys; class tutorials; role play activities.SBA (Formal Assessment)Assignment = 50 MarksControlled Test = 100 MarksTERM 2 54 days1: 31 Mar– 3 Apr (4)[47,3%]2: 6-9 Apr (4) [51,8 %]3: 14-17 Apr (4) [55,5 %]4: 20-24 Apr (5) [58,2%]5: 28-30 Apr (3) [62,7%]6: 4 -8 May (5) [67,3%]7: 11-15 May (5) [71,8%]8: 18-22 May (5)[76,4%]8, 9, 10: 20, 22 & 27 May – 14 June25 May to 12 JuneCAPS topicInternational Trade PoliciesDynamics of Markets: Perfect MarketsDynamics of Markets: Imperfect marketsDynamics of Markets: Market FailuresTASK 4: MID-YEAR EXAMINATIONMarks: 150Time: 2 hoursPAPER 1 (MACRO-ECONOMICS)Section ASection BSection CCompulsoryAnswer only 2Choose only 1Q.1Q2-4Q5-6Marks: 150Time: 2 hoursPAPER 2 (MICRO-ECONOMICS)Section ASection BSection CCompulsoryAnswer only 2Choose only 1Q.1Q2-4Q5-6Cognitive levels: Lower order –30%; Middle order-40%; Higher order-30%Concepts, skills and valuesProtection and Free Trade; Globalisation; Major Protocols; Export promotion; Import Substitution; Free Trade (arguments for and against); Desirable mix and Evaluation of the policies.Perfect Competition; Industry and Individual business; Market structure; Output (profits and losses); Competition policies.Monopolies; Duopolies; Oligopolies; Monopolistic Competition; Market StructuresConcept: Market Failures; Misallocation of resources; Consequences of market failures; Cost-benefit analysisRequisite pre-knowledgeEconomic Systems; Four-sector model; North and South Divide (Gr 11); Absolute and Comparative advantagePrice Formation concepts: Demand and Supply; Laws of supply and demand; Financial Literacy (Grades: 7-9)The Market; Cost and Revenue analysis; Price Elasticity of demand theoryThe Market; Competition; Factors of production; Cost and Revenue analysisResources (other than textbook) to enhance learning Map of the world; Imported and exported (by RSA) products (tangible examples to class); Newspaper articles (using USA as the current example of extreme protectionism); Video clips; etc.Flip charts; PPT presentations; Calculators; writing board; Graph paper; News Papers (business section of the newspaper); TV coverage on market trends; Cartoons; etc.Flip charts; PPT presentations; Calculators; writing board; Graph paper; News Papers (business section of the newspaper); TV coverage on market trends; Cartoons; etc..Flip charts; PPT presentations; Calculators; writing board; Graph paper; News Papers (business section of the newspaper); TV coverage on market trends; Cartoons; etc..Informal assessm; remediationInformal Surveys; class tutorials; role play activities.Problem-solving based class tutorials; homework activities; debates and group discussionsProblem-solving based class tutorials; homework activities; debates and group discussionsProblem-solving based class tutorials; homework activities; debates and group discussionsSBA (Formal AssessmentProject = 50 MarksMid-Year Examination P1 = 150 Marks & P2 = 150 Marks (2 hours each)TERM 3: 53 days1: 7-10 Jul (4) [80%]2: 13-17 Jul (5) [84.5%]3: 20-24 Jul (5) [89.1%]4: 27-31 Jul (5) [91,8%]5: 3-7 Aug (5) [95,5%]6: 11-14 Aug (4) [100%]7: 17-21 Aug (5)8: 26-30 Aug(5)31 Aug- 4 Sep; 10: 7-11 Sep & 14-18 Sep (5); (5) ;(4)CAPS topicEconomic Growth and DevelopmentGrowth & Dev: Industrial DevelopmentEconomic and Social IndicatorsEconomic issues of the day: InflationEconomic issues of the day: TourismEconomic issues of the day: Environmental SustainabilityPAPER 1MACRO-ECONOMICS & ECONOMIC PURSUITSPAPER 2MICRO-ECONOMICS & CONTEMPORARY ECONOMICSMAIN TOPIC: MACRO-ECONOMICSCircular FlowBusiness cyclesPublic sectorForeign exchange marketsProtectionism and Free TradeMAIN TOPIC: ECONOMIC PURSUITSGrowth and developmentIndustrial Development policiesEconomic and social performance indicatorsMAIN TOPIC: MICRO-ECONOMICSPerfect Markets Imperfect MarketsMarket FailuresMAIN TOPIC: CCNTEMPORATY ECONOMIC ISSUESInflationTourismEnvironmental sustainabilityTASK 7: TRIAL EXAMINATIONMarks: 150Time: 2 hoursPAPER 1(MACRO / ECONOMIC PURSUITS)Section ASection BSection CCompulsoryAnswer only 2Choose only 1Q.1Q2-4Q5-6Marks: 150Time: 2 hoursPAPER 2(MICRO/CONTEMPORARY ISSUES)Section ASection BSection CCompulsoryAnswer only 2Choose only 1Q.1Q2-4Q5-6See Mid-Year examination for Cognitive levelsConcepts, skills and valuesEconomic growth vs. Economic development; demand side approach; supply side approach; Evaluation of the approaches; North/South divide.Industrial development; regional development; SA endeavours and the appropriateness of SA strategies.The performance of the economy; economic indicators; social indicators and international comparisonsInflation concept; types; causes and consequences; inflation problem in SA and measures to combat inflationTourism concept; reasons for growth; effects; benefits; SA profile (IKS); policy suggestionsEnvironmental sustainability; measures to ensure sustainability; international agreements (inclusive of recent international agreements)Requisite pre-knowledgeNational Accounts; Price Formation; Business CyclesSouth African regional landscape.Economic growth and development strategies; business cycle indicators and / or forecasting.Price Formation: Laws of demand and supply; Market aggregates (shifts in AD/AS); business cyclesEconomic growth and development; Trade cycles; Unemployment; History of money in South Africa; population and labour forceScarcity problem; promotion or violation of human rights; Production Possibilities; Public sector involvementResources (other than textbook) to enhance learning Newspaper Articles; TV coverage; Statistics SA dataNewspaper Articles; TV coverage; Statistics SA data and provincial government communication reports.Newspaper Articles; TV coverage; Statistics SA dataStatistics SA; SARB Quarterly Bulletin; Business Newspaper articles; You Tube VideosGCIS booklet; Statistics SA; Department of Trade and Industry / Tourism website; etc.SA Government Communication research articles on environment; rmal assessm; remediationGroup or peer presentations; homework exercise and class tutorialsGroup or peer presentations; homework exercise and class tutorialsCase study tutorials; class activities; etc.Class tutorials and Discussions / DebatesGroup or peer presentations; homework exercise and class tutorialsSBA (Formal AssessmentCase Study / Media Research and Investigation = 50 Marks & Controlled Test = 100 Marks = 01 HourPreparation for Trial Examination. (REVISION)TERM 4 47 days1: 29 Sep – 02 Okt (4)2: 5-9 Okt(5)3-9: 12 Oktober – 2 Desember ................

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