Pþþþþþþþÿþÿÿÿþÿÿþ - Policy Experts



Department of Economics, 6936 Hamilton Court,

The American University, Newberry Station,

Washington, DC 20016-8029 Lorton, VA 22079-1211

(202) 885-3779 (703) 550-2571


Ph.D. University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada 1981

M.A. University of Western Ontario, London, Canada 1971

B.Sc. University of Ghana, Legon, Ghana 1969


2007a “Distinguished African Scholar, 2007” African Studies Department, University of Delaware (March 7,

2007 – forthcoming)

2007b “2007 African Hero,” African Students Union, Ohio University, Feb 24, 2007.

2005 Mellon Faculty Research Award, American University, July 2005.

2000 “The President's Visiting Scholar,” California State University, Chico: Oct 10-15, 2000.

1996 Faculty Award For Outstanding Teaching, American University, April 1996.

1996 Fellow, Business in Africa Research Group, University of Bradford, Bradford, BRITAIN.

1992 Marvin Wachman Fellow, Foreign Policy Research Institute, Philadelphia.

1989 Bradley Scholar, The Heritage Foundation, Washington, DC.

1988 National Fellow, The Hoover Institution, Stanford University, Stanford CA.

1988 Visiting Scholar, Center For Study of Public Choice, George Mason University, VA, May - June.

1979 University of Manitoba Fellowship

1972 Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) Award

1969 University of Ghana Award


• Outstanding Scholarship on Africa, African Studies Coalition, California State University, Sacramento, May 7, 1993.

• Nominated in 1987 for The Africa Prize For Leadership by The Times of London. Award presented annually by The Hunger Project at the UN.

• Featured in L'Actualite, (Montreal, Canada), Jan 1999; in The Washington Times (Feb 15, 1996) on economic reform in Ghana; in the Dutch newspaper “ de Volkskrant,” (Dec 17, 1993); Issues in Higher Education, (Nov 4, 1993); Washington Inquirer, (Oct 16, 1992); NOW News magazine, Oslo, Norway (May 7, 1987).

• Subject of Georgie Anne Geyer's syndicated column (April 20, 1994); Paul Harvey syndicated column, Los Angeles Times (Dec 21, 1992); William Raspberry's column (May 21, 1990).

Citations/Quotations: The Wall Street Journal, Editorial, “Catching Malaria,” April 25, 2006. The Los Angeles Times, July 11, 2005, on the G-8 Summit and African debt. The Washington Times, July 10, 2005 on debt relief and increased aid for Africa. The Economist, Jan 15 – 20, 2004, on African leaders excessive pre-occupation with colonial injustices. The Daily Nation, Nairobi, Kenya, November 24, 2003 on the African Union; The Wall Street Journal (editorial), Aug 5, 2003; p.A14, regarding FAF Report on World Bank Loans to Africa; The Wall Street Journal (editorial), Aug 12, 2003; p.A14, regarding placing Liberia under ECOWAS Trusteeship; Christian Science Monitor, June 23, 2003 about Bush Trip to Africa; Associated Press, June 26, 2003 about possible U.S. intervention in Liberia; Kiplinger Report, June 26, 2003 about Bush Trip to Africa; The Wall Street Journal, July 1, 2003 about Bush Trip to Africa; The Los Angeles Times (Jan 13, 2003) regarding U.S. quest for oil in Africa; TIME EUROPE (Oct. 28, 2002/Vol. 160 No. 18 ) in an article on Africa's Black Gold; The San Francisco Chronicle: Paper Tigers/Low balling and Stonewalling, July 1, 2001; The Washington Times on the U.N. AIDS Conference in “A Cautious Eye Toward Africa,” Editorial, June 28, 2001; Newsday on Powell's visit to Africa, May 19, 2001; Reuters on Powell's visit to Africa, May 19, 2001; The Boston Globe: Medical Journals Give Poor Nations Net Access by John

Citations Cont'd : George B.N. Ayittey, page 2

Donnelly, July 9, 2001; The Ottawa Citizen on the situation in South Africa, Nov 12, 2000; The San Francisco Examiner on U.S. Africa Policy, Feb 17, 2000. Quoted in The Sunday Star-Ledger, Newark, NJ and The Sun-Sentinel, Fort Lauderdale, FL on the National Summit on Africa, Feb 13, 2000; interviewed by Newsweek on Nelson Mandela’s peace efforts in Burundi, Jan 31, 2000; p.37; on U.S.-Africa Relations, The Christian Science Monitor, Mar 19, 1999.

On debt Relief For Africa, The Chicago Tribune, Mar 17, 1999; On Investment in Africa, Investment Business Daily, July 24, 1998. On The Africa Trade Bill, The Washington Times, May 7, 1998; p.A17; On The New African Leaders, The Tennessean, Nashville, April 5, 1998; On African Aid, The Sun-Sentinel, Fort Lauderdale, March 25, 1998; On African Democracy, Northwest Florida Daily News, Fort Walton Beach, March 25; On African Progress, The Valley Morning Star, Harlingen, TX, March 25, 1998. By Marilyn Greene in USA Today (Aug 10, 1996); by Tina Susman in The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Oakland Tribune, Marietta Daily Journal, Arizona Republic and Houston Chronicle, July 6 and 7, 1996, in The Washington Times (Nov 30, 1995). By Georgie Ann Geyer, nationally syndicated columnist, in The Washington Times, April 12, 1996, Nov 1, 1996 and Aug 13, 1998. Also cited Reporter-Herald editorial, Loveland, CO (April 25, 1994); The Houston Post on NAFTA, (Nov 7, 1993); The Asian Wall Street Journal, Hong Kong (Oct 11, 1993); Globe & Mail, Toronto, Canada (Oct 8, 1993) and The Miami Herald.


Distinguished Economist American University, Washington, DC 1990- present

Assoc. Professor, Bloomsburg University, PA 1984-1991

Assist.Professor, Wayne State College, Wayne, Nebraska 1981-84

Lecturer, University of Manitoba, Canada 1975-81

Assist. Professor, University of Ghana, Legon, Ghana 1972-75


President, The Free Africa Foundation, Washington, DC. 1993 - present.

Consultant, the Instituto Libertad y Democracia (ILD), Lima, Peru, headed by Hernando de Soto, August 2005.

Consultant, International Council on Metals and the Environment (ICME), Canada (Dec 1993); World Bank Project: Africa's Indigenous Economic Systems (Feb 1989); World Bank Project: Construction and Maintenance of Feeder Roads in Ghana (1973).

Director, West Africa Relief Development Corporation, Oak Park, MI (1987 - 1990); Ghana Gov't Project: Tourist Expenditure Multiplier in Ghana (1975); US AID Project: Problems of Agro-Based Enterprises in Greater Accra Region (1974).

Board Member, Society for International Development (Washington, D.C.); International Foundation For

Electoral Systems, Washington, DC; Benevolence (Port Orange, Florida); The Foundation For Africa's Future (Washington).

Contributing Editor, Journal of Defense and Diplomacy, McLean, VA. 1988 - 1990.

Columnist, Africa Abroad (Massillon, OH), The African Letter (Toronto, Canada), The African Mirror (Baltimore, MD), Africa Forum (Oakland, CA), African Link (New York), Africa News Weekly (Asheville, NC), Akasanoma (London, Britain), Ethiopian Commentator, (Portage, MI).


2005 Mellon Educational Research Grant to attend the G-8 Summit in Scotland (July).

2004 Research Grant from the Kaplan Fund, New York, to produce second edition of Indigenous African Institutions.

2003 Earhart Foundation Grant, Ann Arbor, MI: To write book, Africa Unchained: The Blueprint for


1991 Summer Grant, International Freedom Foundation: To write a book on developing southern Africa after apartheid.

Research Grants Cont’d George B.N. Ayittey, page 3

1989 Earhart Foundation Grant, Ann Arbor, MI: To continue research into African problems, May-August.

1988 Earhart Foundation Grant, Ann Arbor, MI: To conduct research into indigenous African systems.

1987 CATO Institute Grant: To research and write a book on postcolonial development of Black Africa.

1987 George Mason University Foundation Grant: To attend Mont Pelerin Society's Conference honoring Nobel Laureates in Economics, Indianapolis.



• Africa Unchained: The Blueprint for its Future (January, 2005), Palgrave/MacMillan. Was honored by the

American University Library, October 12, 2006.\

• Africa in Chaos (January, 1998), St. Martin's Press.

• The Blueprint for Ghana's Economic Recovery. Washington, DC: Africana Printi ng, 1997.

• Africa Betrayed. St. Martins Press, 1992. Won the H.L. Mencken Award: “Best Book for 1992.”

• Indigenous African Institutions. New York: Transnational Publishers, Inc., 1991.

Book Chapters

• “The Economic Impact of Africa’s Conflicts,” Chapter 4 in Conflict Resolution and Peace Education in Africa, Boulder, CO: Lexington Books, August 2004.

• “Why Structural Adjustment Failed in Africa.” Chapter 10 in Contemporary Economic Issues in Developing Countries,” eds. John Baffoe-Bonnie and Mohammed Khayum. Westport, CT: Praeger, 2003.

• “Economic Transformation and Governance in Africa: Strategies for Recovery, Growth and Development.” Chapter 4 in The Transition to Democratic Governance in Africa: The Continuing Struggle, eds. John Mukum Mbaku and Julius Omozuanvbo Ihonvbere. Westport, CT: Praeger, 2003.

• “Are Africa's Leaders Responsible for the Continent's Current Problems?” Issue 15 in Taking Sides, Clashing Views on Controversial Issues in World History, Volume II. Guilford, CT: McGraw-Hill/Dushkin, 2002.

• “Why Africa Is Poor,” Sustainable Development: Promoting Progress or Perpetuating Poverty? London: Profile Books, 2002.

• “Combating Corruption In Africa: Analysis and Content” in Corruption And Development In Africa: Lessons from Country Case-Studies, eds. Kempe Ronald Hope, Sn., and Chikulo C. Bornwell. London: MacMillan Press, 1999.

• “Obstacles To African Development,” Chapter 13 in Issues and Trends in Contemporary African Politics. New York: Peter Lang Publishing Inc. 1997.

• “Why Adjustment Failed in Africa,” Chapter 7 in Structural Adjustment. New York: Praeger, 1995.

• “Aid For Black Elephants: Foreign Assistance in Africa,” Chapter 7, in Perpetuating Poverty: The World Bank, The IMF and the Developing World, CATO, Washington, DC, 1994.

• “The Failure of Development Planning in Africa,” Chapter 6 in Collapse of Development Planning, ed. Peter J. Boettke, New York: New University Press, July 1994.

• “Black Africa's Foreign Aid Disaster,” Chapter 6 in Recent Changes in Economies of Eastern Europe, ed. Robert W. McGee, Lewiston, NY: Edwin Mellen Press, 1992.

• “Human Rights and Economic Development: The Case of Africa.” In Human Rights, Development and Foreign Policy: Canadian Perspectives. Halifax: Institute for Research on Public Policy, 1989.

Book Reviews

• Review of The Fate of Africa by Martin Meredith. New York: Public Affairs, 2005. Review published in The Washington Examiner, September 5, 2005; p.17.

Book Reviews (Cont'd) George B.N. Ayittey, page 4

• Aid and Reform in Africa: Lessons from Ten Case Studites. Edited by Shantayanan Devarajan, David R. Dollar, and Torgny Holmgren. Washington, D.C.: World Bank, 2001. Review published in Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XLI, March 2003; pp.248-49.

• The African People in the Global Village: An Introduction to Pan-African Studies, by John K. Marah.

• Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1998. Review published in Journal of World History, Vol. 12, Number 1; Spring 2001; pp.220-222.

• “From Anti-Slavery Movement To Colonialism,” Review of Abolitionists Abroad: American Blacks and The

• Making of Modern West Africa by Lamin Sanneh. Published in The Washington Times Aug 27, 2000; p.B7.

• “Documenting The Demons Of A Nation.” Review of Tomorrow We Will Be Killed With Our Families by Phlip Gourevitch (New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux) In The Washington Times, Nov 29, 1998; p.B7.

• “The Road To Hell: The Disastrous Effects of International Aid and Charity,” by Michael Maren, in The World & I, May 1997.

• “Africa's Ills.” Reviews of three books, The World & I, August, 1990; p.442.

• “Africa's Survival.” Review of How Can Africa Survive by Jennifer Whitaker (New York: Harper & Row, 1988) in World & I, January, 1989.

• “Assessing Oliver Tambo.” Review of Oliver Tambo Speaks (New York: George Braziller, 1988) in

• World & I, August, 1988: p.410.

• “South Africa: The Ultimate Solution.” Review of After Apartheid: The Solution, by F. Kendall and L. Louw

• (San Fransisco: Institute of Contemporary Studies, 1986) in World & I, Vol 2, Nov 1987.

• “Crocodile Tears.” Review of Tears Of The White Man by Pascal Bruckner (New York: Free Press, 1986) in Policy Review, Winter, 1987.

• A Review of Development Economics On Trial, by Polly Hill (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1986) in Journal of Economic Growth, Vol 2, No. 2, Second Quarter, 1987.

• “African Intellectuals and the Neglect of Economic Reality.” Review of The Africans, by Ali Mazrui (London: BBC Publications, 1986) in Journal of Economic Affairs, April/May, 1987.


• “Vorkolonialer Frefhandel”, Zukunftskontient, Afrika (German) April 2006, Nr.4, 61 Jahr; pp. 28-32.

• The African Aid Conundrum, Aspenia, (Aspen Institute Italia Review) n. 29-20, 2006.

• “NEPAD and Africa’s Leaky Begging Bowl,” Global Dialogue, Vol. 6., Number 3-4, Autumn 2004: 26-36.

• “How the Multilateral Institutions Compounded Africa's Economic Crisis,” Law and Policy in International Business, Summer 2000, Vol 30; No. 4.

• “Nigeria: The High Cost of Erratic Financial Policies,” Economic Reform Today, No.1, 1995.

• “Africa About To Implode,” The World & I, November, 1994; pp.108-113.

• “End Touch-And-Go Aid to The Nations of Africa,” Insight, Nov 14, 1994; p.18-20.

• “The Somali Crisis: Time For An African Solution,” Policy Analysis (CATO Institute), March 1994.

• “Why Structural Adjustment Failed in Africa,” TransAfrica Forum, Summer 1991; Vol. 8, No.2.

• “After Apartheid: The Indigenous African Solution” Southern African Freedom Review, Feb, 1991; Vol 3, No.4.: p.13-29.

• “Africa's Small Savers,” World Development, UNDP, May; 1990; p. 28-29.

• “Zimbabwe: Another Ghana,” Journal of Defense and Diplomacy, Jan/Feb, 1990:43-59.

• “Africa's Culpability,” Journal of Defense and Diplomacy, May 1989, Vol 7, No.5: 58-61.

• “The Political Economy Of Reform In Africa,” Journal of Economic Growth, Spring 1989, Vol 3, No.3.

• “African Peasants And The Market Economy,” Human Studies Review, Vol 5, No.3, Spring 1988.

• “Africa: Myths and Realities,” Salisbury Review, Vol 6, No.2, Dec, 1988.

• “A Blueprint For Africa's Economic Reform,” Journal of Economic Growth, Vol 2, No.3, Fourth Quarter, 1988: p.3.

• “Indigenism: An Alternative Approach To Development,” in Proceedings: Pennsylvania Conference of Economists, May 1987.

Journals (Cont'd) George B.N. Ayittey, page 5

• “Economic Atrophy In Black Africa,” The Cato Journal, Vol 7, No.1, Spring/Summer, 1987.

• “African Freedom of Speech,” Index of Censorship, Vol 16, No. 1, Jan, 1987.

• “Lessons of African Market Tradition,” Journal of Economic Affairs, Vol 7, No.1, Oct/Nov, 1986: p.33.

• “Zaire: The Epitome of an African Kleptocracy,” Journal of Defense and Diplomacy, Vol 4, No.10; Oct, 1986.

• “Africa's Agricultural Disaster: Governments Are To Blame,” Journal of Economic Growth, Vol 1, No.3; Third Quarter, 1986.

• “The Real Foreign Debt Problem,” The Wall Street Journal, April 8; 1986; p.30. Reprinted in Economics in America, and Macro-Economics, 1987/88.

• “Famine In Africa: The Real Cause,” Journal of Economic Affairs, Vol 6, No. 2; Jan, 1986: p.17.

• “African Rights,” Policy Review, No. 35; Winter 1985: p.8.

• “The Laffer Curve: An Alternative Derivation From The Demand Side,” Pennsylvania Conference of Economists, May, 1985.

• “The Namibian Paradox And US Policy In The Third World,” Carver, Vol 3, No.1, 1985.

• “The Foreign Exchange Crisis: Real, Artificial Or Imaginary,” Foreign Trade Review, Vol XIX, 1984.


• “Whose God Will Save Nigeria,” CEO International Strategies, March 1993: pp.56-60.

• “Hungry For Arms,” New Internationalist, July, 1991.

• “Africa and the Gulf War,” Emerge, May, 1991.

• “Botswana Looks Up,” Emerge, March, 1991.

• “The Military in Africa,” The Peacebuilder, Vol 1. No.3, Sept, 1990.

• “A Decade of Decline,” The World & I, August, 1990; p.22.

• “Et Tu, Cote d'Ivoire?” The Idler (Canadian), August, 1990.

• “Structural Adjustment: An African Perspective,” The World & I, August, 1990; p.42.

• “Beyond Apartheid: Human Rights Violations in Black Africa,” Crisis, July-August, 1990.

• “Guns, Idiots, Screams” New Internationalist, June, 1990: pp.8-9.

• “African Dictators,” Emerge, April, 1990:26-32.

• “Africa Muzzled: The Erosion of Freedom in Africa,” International Health and Development, Winter, 1990:30-31.

• “Why Can't Africa Feed Itself,” International Health and Development, Summer, 1989: 18-21.

• “Restoring Africa's Free Market Tradition,” Backgrounder, July, 1988.

Editorials and Op-Ed Pieces

• “Somalia Libre,” The Wall Street Journal (Europe), August 9, 2006.

• “Idi Amin: The Death of a Tyrant,” The Wall Street Journal (Europe), August 19, 2003.

• “A Regional Route to Liberia Stability,” The Los Angeles Times, Aug 17, 2003; p.M1.

• “Africa Needs Tough Love,” The Wall Street Journal, July 15, 2003; p.A14.

• “Africa Must Help Itself,” The Orange County Register, July 15, 2003.

• “Into Liberia’s Tragedy,” The New York Sun, July 7, 2003.

• “Why Africa Is Poor,” The Daily Telegraph (London), August 27, 2002; p.B1.

• “África's Poverty,” The San Diego Union-Tribune, June 15, 2002; p.G1.

• “Africa's AIDS Crisis,” The San Diego Union-Tribune, March 25, 2002; p.G1.

• “Zimbabwe's Tyrant,” The Wall Street Journal, March 6, 2002; p.A16.

• “U.N. AIDS Conference Avoids the Real Issues,” The Wall Street Journal, June 28, 2001; p.A12.

• “U.S. At Last Frowns on Africa's Big Men,” June 8, 2001.

• “Powell Isn't Pandering to Africa's Big Men,” The Los Angeles Times, June 3, 2001; p.M2.

• “Ghana Joins Some Elite Democratic Company,” The Los Angeles Times, Feb 11, 2001; p.M2.

• “Avoid Clinton's Africa Pitfalls,” The Wall Street Journal (Europe), Jan 19, 2001; p.10.

• “Good News From Ghana,” The Wall Street Journal, Jan 4, 2001; p. A18).

Editorials and Op-Ed Pieces (Cont'd) George B.N. Ayittey, page 6

• “Skirt Leaders, Help the Reformers,” Newsday, August 27, 2000; p.B4.

• “Zimbabwe And Africa's Friends,” The Washington Times, June 15, 2000; p.A23.

• “Sierra Leone Solution: Make It a UN Trusteeship,” The Wall Street Journal, May 31, 2000; p.A24.

• “From Hero To Despot And The World Watches In Silence,” The Los Angeles Times, May 7, 2000; p.M2.

• “Zimbabwe’s Story Is All Too Familiar,” The Wall Street Journal (Europe), April 10, 2000; p.10.

• “Aid To Gangster States,” The Washington Times, Nov 22, 1999; p.A19.

• “Nyerere: Saint or Sinner,” The Wall Street Journal (Europe), Oct 20, 1999; p.12

• “Innocent Pawns in a World War, The Los Angeles Times, Mar 14, 1999; p.M2.

• “For Africa, Democracy Should Be The Only Choice,” The Los Angeles Times, July 26, 1998; p.M2.

• “African Tradition Holds The Key To Nigeria's Crisis,” The Los Angeles Times, June 14, 1998; p.M2.

• “Top Africans Won't Change Their Spots,” Newsday, March 31, 1998; p.A37.

• “The African Power Equation,” The Washington Times, April 20, 1998; p.A17.

• “African Thugs Keep Their Continent Poor,” The Wall Street Journal, Jan 2, 1998; p. A8. Reprinted in The Monitor, Kampala, Uganda (Jan 7, 1998).

• “The Bad News About Kabila,” The Washington Times, May 29, 1997; p.A19.

• “A Cycle of Violence In Africa,” Orange County Register, May 25, 1997; p.B1.

• “The UN's Shameful Record In Africa,” The Wall Street Journal, July 26, 1996; p.A14).

• “Nigeria Needs African -- Not Western -- Sanctions,” The Wall Street Journal, Dec 15, 1995; p. A14. Reprinted from The Wall Street Journal (Europe).

• “Peace and Charity Begin at Home,” Los Angeles Times, July 28, 1994.

• “Rwanda Is A Problem For Africans To Solve,” The Philadelphia Enquirer, July 24, 1994.

• “Lessons For South Africa,” The Wall Street Journal, May 24, 1994. Reprinted in The Montreal Gazette, May 28, 1994.

• “Africa's Salvation Lies Within Itself,” Los Angeles Times, April 14, 1994; p.B7. Reprinted in Newsday (April 18), Miami Herald (April 15).

• “To Aid Africa, By-Pass the Autocrats,” The Wall Street Journal Europe, March 23, 1994; p.9. Reprinted in Weekend Avisen (Denmark), Mar 30 - April 7, 1994.

• “An African Solution For Somalia,” The Wall Street Journal, Oct 7, 1993; p.A18.

• “How Africa Ruined Itself,” The Wall Street Journal, Dec 9, 1992; p.A24.

• “What Somalia's Suffering Should Teach Us,” The Washington Times, Dec 8, 1992; p.F4.

• “No More Aid to Africa,” The Wall Street Journal, October 18, 1991; p.A14.

• “Finding a Peaceful Solution in South Africa,” The Sowetan. Reprinted by The Detroit News, June 24, 1990; p.3B.

• “Not By Aid Alone,” The Washington Post, April 2, 1990: A11. Reprinted by International Herald-Tribune (Paris).

• “In Africa, Independence Is Far Cry From Freedom,” The Wall Street Journal. March 28, 1990. Reprinted by Jeune Afrique Economie (Paris).

• “Black Tyranny: A Deafening Silence,” The New York Times, March 28, 1989; page Al5. Reprinted by (Reader's Digest Canadian Edition in August 1989 and International Edition in April 1990).

• “Africa's Injustices Aren't All To The South,” The Christian Science Monitor, Jan 26, 1989.

• “Holding Black Africa To Democracy's Account,” The San Fransisco Chronicle, Jan 18, 1989.

• “Blacks Are Really Free In Only 2 African Nations,” The San Fransisco Examiner, Dec 21, 1988.

• “Tyranny Reigns Throughout Africa,” San Jose Mercury News, Dec 11, 88.

• “Africa Doesn't Need More Aid; It Needs Less,” The Hartford Courant, August 4, 1988; p.B12.

• “Blame Africa's Own Leaders For 'Black Elephant' Aid,” The Globe & Mail (Canadian), August 4, 1988; page A7.

• “Democracy African Style,” The Globe & Mail, Oct 6, 1987; page A7.

• “Muzzled Media Is The Norm In Black Africa,” The Globe & Mail, March 30 1987; A7.

• “Truth's Fight For Freedom,” The Times of London, Jan 17, 1987: p.20. Reprinted in The Crusader.

• “Deja Vu In South Africa: Another Rhodesia?” The Hartford Courant, December 5, 1986.

Editorials and Op-Ed Pieces (Cont'd) George B.N. Ayittey, page 7

• “In An Economic War, Everybody Is a Loser,” USA TODAY, Sept 9, 1986. This article won a Silver Merit of Award Certificate (City News Syndicate, Dickson, Tennessee).

• “To End Hunger, Set The African Peasants Free,” The Times of London, May 27, 1986. Reprinted by The Australian.

• “African Suffering: Elites and Folly Caused the Crisis,” The Globe And Mail, May 30, 1986; Reprinted by The Daily Mail and by the United Nations in UN EMERGENCY NOTEBOOK ON AFRICA, 1986.

• “By Any Color It Is Tyranny,” USA TODAY, Aug 8, 1985.

• “Apartheid-Like Systems Exist In Black Africa,” The Atlanta Journal, July 28, 1985.

• “Why Single Out South Africa,” The Times of London, August 1, 1985.

• “The Truth In Lending To Third World Governments,” The Wall Street Journal, Oct 11, 1984; p.32.

• “A Double Standard In Black And White,” The Wall Street Journal, July 22, 1985. Reprinted in several newspapers: The Providence Journal (Rhode Island), The Royal Gazette Bermuda), and McClean's ( Canadian).

Syndicated Articles

• “Assessing Africa's Crisis,” Syndicated by Heritage Foundation Syndicate Features, Aug 1988.

• “The Tyranny of Anti-Apartheid Militancy,” Syndicated by Heritage Foundation Syndicate Features, Nov 1987.

• “What Next After Sanctions,” Syndicated by City News Syndicate, Dickson, TN, Dec 1986.

• “Not Just South Africa But the Whole African Continent,” Syndicated for world-wide distribution by Singer Communications, Anaheim, Oct, 1985.


• “Las Lecciones de Somalia en el Contexto Africano,” El Panama America, Dec 7, 1992.

• “Africa no necesita mas ayuda,” La Prensa, Buenos Aires, Argentina, June 26, 1989.

• “Quien tiene la culpa de la ruina Africana?,” Catahuya Internacional, Barcelona, Spain: Mar 15, 1989.


• The Green Revolution in Africa, Oslo, Norway, Aug 29 – Sept 2, 2006.

• Aspen Festival of Ideas, Aspen Institute, Aspen, Colorado, July 1 – 4, 2006.

• “Trade Liberalization in Africa,” Capitol Hill Campus, B-339 Rayburn Building, May 16, 2006.

• “Africa’s Poverty,” John Hopkins University, SAIS Brown Bag, March 3, 2006.

• “Africa In Crisis,” Savannah Council on World Affairs, Savannah, GA, March 23, 2006.

• “Corruption in Kenya: A Whistle Blower’s Account,” Cato Institute, March 29, 2006.

• “Smart Money For Africa’s Development,” U.S. Treasury, May 16, 2006.

• “New School of Athens, March March 9, 2006.

• “Raising Living Standards in Africa,” German Marshall Fund/G-8 Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland, July 5-7, 2005.

• “Why Africa Is Poor,” Lecture to Fund for American Studies, Georgetown University, June 13, 2005.

• “The African Conundrum,” Presentation at the Royal Academy of African Affairs, Chatham House, London. Seminar organized by The Economist magazine, July 1, 2004.

• “West Africa: Its Strategic Importance,” John Hopkins University, Applied Physics Laboratory, Laurel, Maryland, Jan 17, 2003.

• “Africa -- The Forgotten Continent,” Sinclair House Debate (The Quandt Foundation), Bad Homburg, Germany, Nov 22-23, 2002.

• Keynote Address to SORAC Conference: Internalist vs. Externalist Interpretations of African History and Culture, Montclair State University, New Jersey, Nov 7-9, 2002.

• “Confronting The Deadly AIDS Disease,” Conference by the Washington International AIDS Foundation, Washington, Nov 5, 2002.

Invited Lectures (Cont'd): George B.N. Ayittey, page 8

• “State of the Continent: Africa since Bush,” Office of Multicultural Affairs, American University, October 21, 2002.

• Liberty Fund Colloquium, Political Economy Research Center (PERC), Bozeman, Montana, Sept 26-28, 2002.

• “Africa In Perspective,” Seminar Series for Congressional Staffers, August 8-9, 2002. Organized by the Mercatus Center, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA.

• “Globalization, Prospects for Peace, Prosperity and World Order,” Cantigny Conference Center, McCormick Foundation, Wheaton, Illinois, May 9-10, 2002.

• “African Renaissance,” Wofford College, Greenville, South Carolina, Feb 28, 2002.

• “Why Africa Is Poor,” Lecture, McClathy High School, Sacramento, Feb 15, 2002.

• “The State, Rights and Political Discourse,” University of Windsor, Canada in celebration of Black History Month, Feb 7, 2002.

• “Africa and Globalization,” Conference on Globalization organized by Cato Institute, Montreal, Canada, Oct 25-28, 2001.

• “Africa In Crisis,” Lecture, Santa Fe Council on International Relations, Santa Fe, New Mexico, October 13, 2001.

• “Africa Growth and Opportunity Act,” Lecture, African-American Institute, Washington, DC June 15, 2001.

• “The Rule of Law and Economic Development in Africa,” African Studies Coalition, California State University, Sacramento, May 3-6, 2001.

• “Africa In Crisis,” Keynote Speech, Whiteside Forum, Morrison, Illinois, April 6-7, 2001.

• “Promoting Economic Freedom in Africa,” Private Enterprise Foundation Conference, Arlington, VA April 8, 2001.

• “Business and African Development” Keynote address to the International Academy of African Business and Development (IAABD) Conference, Arlington, Virginia (April 4-7, 2001).

• “Is There Hope: Africa Nation-Builder Workshop,” The MacLaurin Institute, Minneapolis, Nov 21-26, 2000.

• Africa: Investing in an Emerging Market,” Wharton Global Business Forum, University of Pennsylvania,

• Nov 18, 2000.

• “Combating the African AIDS Epidemic,” Texas A&M University, College Station, Nov 15, 2000.

• “Africa In Transition,” World Affairs Council, Washington, DC. April 28, 2000.

• “African Solutions For African Problems,” Montclair State University, April 27, 2000.

• “Turning Africa Around,” World Bank, Washington, D.C. April 26, 2000.

• “African Development,” Dept. of Economics’ Seminar, University of Oklahoma, March 31, 2000.

• “Africa’s Dawn,” Milken Institute’s Global 2000 Conference, Los Angeles, March 9, 2000.

• Africa In Transition: Prospects For a New Century, World Affairs Institute, Pittsburgh, Nov 10, 1999.

• “The African Conundrum,” at an international conference on Africa organized by The Mario Soares Foundation and Africa-Portugal Foundation in Porto, Portugal (May 20-23, 1999).

• “Reinventing The World Bank,” Conference at Northwestern University Conference, Evanston, Illinois. May 14-16, 1999.

• On Debt Forgiveness For Africa, The United Theological Seminary, Dayton, Ohio, Feb 24, 1999.

• The Role of Multi-Lateral Institutions and Africa's Economic Crisis” at the Georgetown Law Center Symposium on Sub-Saharan Africa, Washington, DC Feb 26, 1999.

• On African Democratization, Fund For American Studies, July 6, 1998.

• African Seminar for High School Teachers, World Affairs Council, Pittsburgh, June 19, 1998.

• International Economic Outlook Conference, Wharton Econometric Forecasting Associates (WEFA), Philadelphia, Oct 28-31, 1996.

• World Bank Conference on Privatization, June 3-4, 1996.

• “African-American Views on Africa,” Amnesty International, Washington, DC, Feb 20, 1996.

• “Africa In The Year 2000,” Frank Hale Cultural Center, The Ohio State University, Feb 10, 1996.

Invited Lectures (Cont'd): George B.N. Ayittey, page 9

• “Why Africa Has Been Imploding,” Fund For American Studies, June 15, 1995.

• “Is Martin Luther King's Dream Shattered?” SUNY-Brockport, NY, Jan 24, 1995.

• “The New South Africa: Africa's New Hope?” Africa Technical Department, The World Bank, June 27, 1994.

• “Africa's Prognosis,” Polyconomics Conference, Boca Raton, Florida, Feb 24-27, 1994.

• “Reversing Africa's Economic Decline,” United Nations Development Program (UNDP), New York, Feb 15, 1994.

• “Democracy in Africa,” National Bar Association Conference on Democracy, Hilton Hotel, Washington, DC Dec 3, 1993.

• “Africans' Agenda For Africa,” Internat'l Assoc. of Black Professionals, Washington, DC Oct 21-23, 1993. Omni Shoreham Hotel.

• “Democractic Pluralism in Africa,” African-American Labor Center, Sept 18, 1992.

• “Multi-Party Systems and Human Rights in Africa,” Library of Congress, Nov 12, 1991.

• “Democracy and Governance in Africa,” African-American Labor Center, Washington, June 3, 1991.

• “The Failure of Multilateral Aid to Sub-Saharan Africa,” CATO Conference on Multilateral Aid, The Willard Hotel, Washington, D.C., May 8, 1991.

• “Free At Last in Africa?” Freedoms Foundation, Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, March 12, 1991.

• “Winds of Change in Africa.” Public lecture organized by World Affairs Council of Washington DC at Dupont Plaza Hotel, Nov 29, 1990.

• “Structural Adjustment in Africa - The Prospects,” International Monetary Fund (IMF), Washington, DC; Sept 12, 1990.

• “How We Got Here,” World Bank Seminar, Harbor Court Hotel, Baltimore, June 13, 1990.

• “Overcoming Internal Obstacles to Reform in Africa,” World Bank, Dec 12, 1989.

• “Africa and Europe After 1992”, Conference organized by the French Chamber of Commerce (Paris) Yamassoukrou, Ivory Coast, Nov 7, 1989.

• “Foreign Aid and Economic Growth in Third World,” Symposium organized by St. Lawrence Institute at The Hilton, Montreal, Canada, Feb 9, 1989.

• “Reversing Africa's Economic Decline Without Foreign Aid,” Lecture sponsored by US National Chamber Foundation at the Omni-Georgetown Hotel, Dec 19, 1988.

• “Entrepreneurial Traditions in Sub-Saharan Africa,” Lecture at the World Bank, sponsored by the Private Sector Workgroup, Dec 15, 1988.

• “Increasing African Agricultural Productivity,” August 27, 1988 in Abidjan, Cote D'Voire. Conference sponsored by the World Bank Global Economic Action Institute and President of Cote D'Voire.

• “Misguided Development Policy: The Case of Black Africa,” May 1, 1986 in Washington, DC. Conference held by CATO Institute in honor of Lord Peter Bauer.

US Government/US Congress: Presentations and Testimonies

• “Corruption in Nigeria,” Testimony before House Africa Sub-Committee, May 18, 2006.

• “Making Aid Effective,” Testimony before the Standing Committee on Foreign Relations, Senate of Canada, May 10, 2005.

• “Corruption, the African Development Bank and African Development,” Testimony before Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Sept 28, 2004.

• “Africa In Perspective,” Lecture to Congressional Staffers and Aides. Capitol Hill Campus, April 22, 2004.

• “Combating AIDS in Africa: Recommendations,” Presentation before the Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS (PACHA), Aug 8, 2003.

• “Why Africa Is Poor,” Lecture to Congressional Staffers, Rayburn Building, U.S. Congress, Aug 7, 2003.

• “Leadership and the Campaign Against AIDS in Africa,” Presentation before the Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS, July 18, 2003 on President Bush’s $15 billion Emergency AIDS Relief Plan

• “Africa In Perspective,” Lecture to Congressional Staffers and Aides. Capitol Hill Campus, April 22, 2004.

Invited Lectures (Cont'd) George B.N. Ayittey, page 10

• Department of State: Seminar on Ghana -- Briefing of U.S. Ambassador designate to Ghana (Mary Bates), September 25, 2002.

• Testimony before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee: “Replenishment Authorization for the World Bank's International Development Association,” September 12, 2002.

• U.S. Department of State. Briefing of Briefing of Nancy Powell, U.S. Ambassador designate to Ghana; July 30, 2001.

• “Focus Group on U.S. Security Relationship With Africa and Latin America.” Discussion with Honorable

• Richard Danzig, Secretary of the Navy, The Pentagon, May 9, 2000.

• “The Effectiveness of the World Bank and African Development Bank in African Development.” Paper

• commissioned by the U.S. Treasury, Sept, 1999.

• U.S. Senate: Testimony before the Africa sub-committee of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on “The New Leaders of Africa,” March 12, 1998.

• U.S. Congress: Bi-Partisan Task Force on U.S. and the Multilateral Development Banks, chaired by U.S. Senator Bill Bradley and U.S. Rep. John R. Kasich, Jan 3 - Aug 30, 1996.

• “Economic Policy Issues in Africa,” National Foreign Affairs Training Center, (Dept. of State), Feb 6, 1995.

• “Foreign Aid Reform,” Congressional Hunger Center, Old Executive Building (White House), April 7, 1995.

• “Democracy and Governance in Africa,” US Congress: House Foreign Affairs SubCommitte Conference, Sept 27, 1994.

• “Promoting Democracy in Africa: The Role of the US,” US Congress: House Foreign Affairs SubCommitte Conference, June 22, 1994.

• “U.S. Aid Policies Toward Africa In The Post-Cold War Era,” Testimony before House Foreign Relations Committee, Feb 23, 1993.

• “Global Security Workshop,” Office of Technology Assessment, US Congress, Sept 22, 1992.

• “South Africa's Political Future,” Testimony before House Sub-Committee on Foreign Relations, March 12, 1992.

• “Revaluating Foreign Aid Programs for Africa.” Testimony before House Sub-Committee on Africa, November 12, 1991.

• “Capital Flight and the Third World Debt Crisis,” May 8, 1986, in Washington, DC. Testimony before the Congressional Committee on Finance, Consumer Protection & Telecommunications. Published in Congressional Records, May 8; Serial No. 99-125.

• “Economic Reform in Africa” Foreign Service Institute (State Department), Rosslyn, Nov 30, 1993.

• “Africa in a Post-Communist World.” US Information Agency Conference, Oct 22, 1991.

• “Third World Debt Crisis,” Foreign Service Institute, State Department, Arlington; Feb 8, 1991.

• “Why Black Africa Failed to Develop,” Foreign Service Institute, State Department, Arlington; June 21, 1991.

• “Democracy Movements in Africa,” Human Rights Day Speech, US Department of State, Dec 10, 1990. Speech was televised on C-SPAN II (Dec 11, 1990).

• “Democratizing Africa,” US Department of Education Conference, Oct 25, 1990.

• “Third World Debt Crisis -- The Real Solution,” US Department of State (Foreign Service Institute), Rosslyn, Sept 19, 1990.

• “Promoting Democracy in Black Africa,” June 18, 1990. Washington, DC at the OPEN FORUM, US Department of State.

• “Africa's Economic Disaster,” Feb 17, 1986, Washington, DC: OPEN FORUM, Department of State.

University Community

• African Studies Conference, University of California, Sacramento, April 29-30, 1999.

• Lecture, The Independent Institute, Oakland, CA, April 28, 1999.

• Lecture, University of Wisconsin, Madison, April 16, 1999.

Invited Lectures (Cont'd) George B.N. Ayittey, page 11

• Conference on World Diplomacy, Principia College, Elsah, IL, April 10, 1999.

• Conference on World Affairs, University of Colorado, Boulder, April 5-9, 1999.

• “Who Will Save Africa,” Cornell University, Nov 17, 1995.

• “Africa Beyond 200,” Yale University, April 8, 1995.

• “Africa 2000,” George Mason University, April 6, 1995.

• “Is Western Democracy Necessary For Africa's Development” (Keynote address), African Students Coalition, Yale University, New Haven, April 8, 1995.

• “Has Dr. Martin Luther King's Dream Been Shattered?” (Keynote Address), State Univerity of New York at Brockport, Jan 24, 1995.

• “Africa At The Crossroads,” (Keynote Speech), Bowling Green University, Bowling Green, Ohio, March 3, 1994.

• “Africa's Future,” (Keynote) Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, Pennsylvania, March 24, 1994.

• “Africa's Crisis: The Solutions,” Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, Cambridge, Feb 18, 1994.

• “Developing Africa From Within,” SAIS, John Hopkins University, Nov 17, 1993.

• “Africa Betrayed,” The Hoover Institution, Stanford University, Nov 4, 1993.

• “Bottoms-Up Economic Development in Africa,” School of Advanced International Studies, John Hopkins University, Washington, D.C., April 24, 1991.

• “The African Tragedy,” Opening Keynote Address, Conference on World Affairs, Univ. of Colorado, Boulder, April 8, 1991.

• “Africa Betrayed,” Plenary Session Address: Third World Conference, University of Detroit, April 5, 1991.

• “Why Structural Adjustment Failed in Africa,” Conference on Structural Adjustment, The American University, March 22, 1991.

• “The Rule of Law and Economic Development in Africa,” Conference on National Security and Law, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, February 22, 1991. (To be published by the Institute of National Security and Law).

• “Indigenous African Economic Roots,” University of Texas, Houston. Organized by Crispus Attucks Society, Dec 12, 1990.

• “Economic Reform in Africa,” African Studies Association Conference, Omni Inner Harbor Court Hotel. Co-Sponsor: University of Maryland, Nov 3, 1990.

• “Structural Adjustment in Africa,” African Studies Department, George Washington University, Oct 11, 1990.

• “Developing the Informal Sector -- Lessons From Africa,” Department of Economics, University of Maryland, Oct 2, 1990.

• “Indigenous African Tradition of Participatory Democracy,” Howard University, Sept 8, 1990.

• “Democracy in Africa,” University of Maryland, Afro-American Studies Program, August 7, 1990.

• “The Third World Debt Crisis: Practical Solutions,” Department of Economics, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada. March 23, 1990.

• “Conflict and Conflict Resolution in Africa” Stanford University, April 22, 1989.

• “Why Africa Failed To Develop,” University of California, Berkeley, Feb 23, 1989.

• “Origins Of The Economic Crisis In Africa,” at California State University, Hayward, Jan 25, 1989.

• “Indigenous African Systems,” at Institute of Humane Studies, George Mason University, April 20, 1988.

• “Perverse African Socialism,” Tulane University, New Orleans, April 12, 1988.

• “Human Rights: The Case of Africa,” at McGill University, Montreal. Invited by the Canadian Human Rights Commission, March 12, 1988.

Civic Groups (Keynote Speaker)

• Tiger Bay Club, Daytona Beach, Sept 8, 1993.

• Amnesty International, Northeast Conference, Boston, March 6, 1993.

• Phi Kappa Phi Banquet, Bloomsburg University, April 17, 1988.

• The Ame. Assoc. of Univ. Women (AAUW) Banquet, Hotel Magee, Bloomsburg, Oct 15, 1985.

• The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, Elkmont, Oct 6, 1985.

• The Rotary Club Banquet, Bloomsburg, Oct 3, 1985.



• Guest on TV Ontario’s “The Agenda” program to discuss foreign aid to Africa, Jan 24, 2007.

• Interview, CNN International, on South Africa’s AIDS policy, Sept 14, 2006.

• Interview, CNN International, on the Elections in the Congo, Oct 28, 2006.

• Feature on ABC 20/20 “Myth of Foreign Aid in Ending Poverty,” John Strossel, May 12, 2006.

• Interview on “:Common Interests,” WNBC, Washington, May 18, 2006.

• Interview with Bill Moyers, “Wide Angle” (PBS), July 26, 2005.

• Appearance on "Straight Talk Africa," VOA Program, July 15, 2005.

• Guest, “Question Period,” CTV (Canadian), to discuss debt relief for Africa, July 2, 2005.

• Guest, ”Washington Journal,” C-SPAN, July 3, 2005.

• Appearance on "Straight Talk Africa," VOA Program, June 17, 2005

• Guest on PBS Jim Lehrer NewsHour to discuss G-8 Marshall Aid Plan for Africa, June 13, 2005.

• Guest on TV Ontario’s “Diplomatic Immunity” program to discuss foreign aid to Africa, Jan 12, 2005.

• Guest on TV Ontario’s “Diplomatic Immunity” program to discuss Zimbabwe, Dec 5, 2003.

• Guest on CNN International to discuss ECOWAS Trusteeship for Liberia, Aug 14, 2003.

• Guest on CNN “Face Off” to discuss US intervention in Liberia, Aug 13, 2003.

• Guest on CNN Financial News “Market Watch) on U.S. intervention in Liberia, Aug 12, 2003.

• Guest on FOX NEWS, Noon Show with David Asman, July 15, 2003

• Guest on “On The Line,” VOA television program on Bush’s trip to Africa, July 15, 2003.

• Guest on PBS Jim Lehrer NewsHour to discuss U.S. intervention in Liberia, July 12, 2003.

• Interview, CNN International on assessment of Bush’s trip to Africa, July 9, 2003.

• Guest on “The National,” CBC national news program (Canadian) on Bush’s trip to Africa, July 9, 2003.

• Guest on MSNBC television program, July 5, 2003 to discuss Bush's Trip to Africa.

• Appearance on “Straight Talk Africa,” VOA Program, July 2, 2003.

• CNN International, July 3, 2003 on President Bush's Trip to Africa.

• Appearance on “African Journal,” VOA Program, June 19, 2003.

• Appearance on “Straight Talk Africa,” VOA Program, June 18, 2003.

• Appearance on Bill O'Reilly's “The Factor,” FOX Channel, to discuss Nelson Mandela, Jan 31, 2003.

• Guest, Jim Lehrer NewsHour, Nov 29, 2002 to discuss terrorist bombings in Kenya.

• Appearance on “Straight Talk Africa,” VOA Television program to discuss the U.N. Conference on Sustainable Development, Johannesburg, South Africa, August 28, 2002.

• Guest, Jim Lehrer NewsHour, July 11, 2002 to discuss NEPAD.

• Guest, CBC (Canadian), Counterspin, June 17, 2002 to discuss NEPAD.

• Appearance on “Straight Talk Africa,” VOA Television program to discuss the famine crisis in Southern Africa, May 17, 2002.

• Guest, This Week (Voice of America) television program, March 13, 2002.

• Guest, CBC (Canadian), Counterspin, March 5, 2002.

• Guest, CNN International, United Nations Addresses Africa's AIDS Epidemic, June 30, 2001.

• Guest, AIDS in Africa. Host Cheryl Martin, Black Entertainment Television (BET), June 27, 2001.

• Guest, “Africa Journal,” VOA Program, to discuss Secretary of State Colin Powell's trip to Africa, May 16, 2001.

• Guest, “Evening Exchange,” WHMMM to discuss worsening situation in Congo, Nov 13, 2000.

• Guest, “Dialogue,” State Department AFNET Interactive, to discuss U.S. Election with African journalists at U.S. Embassies in Mali, Mozambique, Niger, and Nigeria, Nov 7, 2000.

Television (Cont'd) George B.N. Ayittey, page 13

• Guest, “CNN International to discuss the land crisis in Zimbabwe, April 8, 2000.

• Interviewed, CBC (Canadian) Television on the U.N. debacle in Sierra Leone, May 8, 2000.

• Guest, African Journal, VOA Television program to discuss Debt Relief for Africa, July 15, 1999.

• Guest, African Journal, VOA Television program to discuss African African-American Summit in Accra, Ghana, May 13, 1999.

• Guest on Jim Lehrer NewsHour (PBS) to discuss the murder of Western tourists in Uganda's Bwindi National Park, March 8, 1999.

• Appearance on Voice of America Television Program, “Africa Journal,” to discuss the war in Sierra Leone, Feb 17, 1999.

• Guest, “On The Line.” VOA Television program to discuss Sierra Leonian War, Jan 27, 1999.

• Guest, “On The Line.” VOA Television program to discuss Sierra Leonian War, Jan 27, 1999.

• Interviewed on Fox Television Morning News on the Bombings in East Africa, Aug 10, 1998.

• Guest on “African Journal” TV program, VOICE OF AMERICA, on the Nigerian Situation, July 2, 1998.

• Interviewed on BBC Television, June 5, 1998 on the outbreak of Ethiopian-Eritrean War.

• Guest on “WorldWise,” to discuss Africa, March 30, 1998.

• Interviewed on MSNBC of the South African situation, March 28, 1998.

• Guest on BET program, Lead Story, to discuss President Clinton's visit to Africa, March 29, 1998.

• Guest on “America's Voice,” NET to discuss Africa, March 26, 1998.

• Interviewed on Jim Lehrer NewsHour on Africa, March 24, 1998.

• Interviewed on CNN on the future of UN peacekeeping operations in Africa, March 23, 1998.

• Interviewed on CBS “Up To The Minute,” on Africa, March 22, 1998.

• Appearance on John MacGhauglin “One On One,” March 21, 1998, to discuss Clinton's visit to Africa.

• Appearance on CNN International on March 17, 1998 to discuss Clinton's Visit to Africa.

• Appearance on WorldNet (USIA television) to discuss African reform, March 11, 1998.

• Interviewed on CNN International about U.N. role in African crisis, Sept 25, 1997.

• Appearance on WHMM (Channel 32) “Newsmakers” program to discuss the crises in Congo and Sierra Leone, May 30, 1997.

• Appearance on CNN International with Bill Gates to discuss expanding computer technology in the Third World, May 28, 1997.

• Interview on “Canada AM,” CTV, on the civil war in Zaire, April 8, 1997.

• Guest on NET Program, “WorldWise”: South Africa's transition to democracy, April 10, 1996.

• Appearance on CBS Program, “Up To The Minute,” to discuss the situation in Liberia, April 9, 1996.

• Interview, “Canada AM,” CTV, Nov 22, 1996 on the refugee crisis in eastern Zaire.

• Interview, CBC (Canadian) on the eastern Zairean crisis, Nov 24, 1996.

• Appearance on CNN International: Commentary on the Hanging of Ken Saro-Wiwa, Nov 10, 1995.

• CNN Roundtable discussion on Africa, with Ron Brown, Commerce Secretary, June 6, 1995.

• Guest, “African Myths,” TBS, June 4, 1995. Aired again on CNN, June 11, 1995.

• Guest, Fox Television, Channel 5, on Mayor Barry's Visit to Africa, May 12, 1995.

• Guest on NET “Worldwise” to discuss U.S. Foreign Aid to Africa with Chester Crocker, Mar 31, 1995.

• Appearance on African Journal (TV) program of USIA to discuss civil service reform in Africa, March 23, 1995.

• Appearance on “Evening Exchange” with Kojo Namdi, WHMM, April 20, 1995.

• Guest, The African Journal, The Refugee Crisis in Rwanda, WorldNet, US Information Agency, Feb 7, 1995.

• The Tony Brown Journal (PBS): “Has Africa Been Betrayed?” Aired Dec 3 - 8, 1994.

• Guest, Africa Program, Voice of America's Program on Rwanda, August 19, 1994.

• Guest, CNN, “Both Sides,” With Rev. Jesse Jackson to discuss Nigeria, Aug 4, 1994.

• Appearance on CNN “Newsmakers” to discuss Rwanda, July 23, 1994.

• Profiled on “Insights With Robert Novack,” NET, June 2, 1994.

• Guest, African Journal, WorldNet TV (USIA), May 26, 1994.

• Guest appearance, MacNeil/Lehrer News Hour May 19, 1994.

Television (Cont'd) George B.N. Ayittey, page 14

• Guest, Africa Program, Voice of America, May 9, 1994.

• Interview on WUSA Channel 7 (ABC) Washington, April 26, 1994 on South Africa's elections.

• Interview on Channel 9 (Washington, DC) on South Africa, May 3, 1994.

• Guest appearances on CTV Canada AM (Oct 6, 1993); on Channel 4 Washington (Oct 2, 1993) and Channel Washington (Oct 9, 1993) to discuss Somalia.

• Interviewed on ITV (British TV) about U.S. Intervention in Somalia, Jan 4, 1993.

• Appearance on CNN “Crossfire” with Reverend Jesse Jackson to discuss Somalia, Dec 17, 1992.

• Appearance on WHMM (PBS) “Evening Exchange,” to discuss Somalia, Dec 16, 1992.

• On the McNeil/Lehrer News Hour to discuss the Somalian Human Tragedy on Nov 19, 1992.

• Guest appearance on African Journal (WORLDNET TV) to discuss Religion and Nationalism in

• Africa (July 22, 1993); Foreign Aid to Third World Countries (Sept 11, 1992); to discuss Africa's economic crisis, July 23, 1992; to discuss democratic change in Africa, Nov 14, 1991.

• On CTV Canada AM. Subject: President de Klerk's visit to the US, Sept 24, 1990.

• Guest on FOX TV, Channel 5, “Morning Show,” Washington, DC, June 25, 1990.

• Invited Guest: Ted Koppel's “Town Meeting With Nelson Mandela.” ABC Nightline, June 21, 1990 at City College, New York.

• Guest on CBS “Nightwatch”, May 29, 1990. Host: Charlie Rose.

• On TV Documentary on Africa by Roger Pyke Productions, Toronto, Canada. May 22, 1990.

• Guest on “Evening Exchange”, WHMM, Channel 32, May 23, 1990.

• TV News Commentary on WORLD MONITOR (Christian Science Monitor,Boston), April 24, 1989.

• Guest appearance on The KWITNY REPORT, a PBS TV program on US Aid to the Third World. Taped at WYNU, New York, March 16, 1988.


Guest on numerous Radio Talk Shows including the following -- the most recent:

BBC World Service, various commentaries on African affairs.

• VOICE OF AMERICA, various commentaries on African development events.

• National Public Radio (NPR), commentaries on African events.

• Guest on “On The Line,” VOICE OF AMERICA program July 24, 1998 on Nigeria.

• Guest on Power Point, NPR Radio Program, June 14, 1998 on the Nigerian situation

• Commentary on President Clinton's Visit to Africa, NPR, “All Things Considered,” March 27.

• Guest, Tavis Smiley Show, “The Darfur Crisis,” May 14, 2006.

• Interview on NPR, “Morning Edition,” on the G-8 Summit, July 5, 2005.

• Guest, Kojo Namdi Show, NPR, to discuss crisis in Zimbabwe, March 19, 2005.

- “Morning Edition,” NPR, July 6, 2005. - Radio KQED, San Francisco, June 13, 2005.

- Radio Jamaica, April 18, 2004. - NPR, “All Things Considered,” July 9, 2003.

- NPR (Baltimore), July 7, 2003. - CNN Radio, July 7, 2003.

- Radio Station, KCLA, July 7, 2003. - Interview, VOA, Jan 28, 2003.

- BBC World Service, October 12, 2002 - Radio Netherlands International, August 29, 2002

- BBC Program, “Focus on Africa,” June 26, 2002 - WPFP Program, “Around Africa,” June 17, 2002.

- “Public Interest,” NPR Program, May 15, 2002. - The Bernie McCaine Show, WOL, March 11, 2002,

- American Urban Radio Network June 26, 2001 - BBC World Service on AIDS in Africa, June 25, 2001

- BBC World Service, Nov 6, 2000 - NPR, “All Things Considered,”May 10, 2000.

- BBC World Today Program, April 9, 2000. - Voice of America, Nov 3, 1999.

- NPR, “All Things Considered,” Oct 16, 1999. - Station KABC, Los Angeles, March 5, 1999.

- Urban America Radio, August 4, 1998 - Station WDEO, Ann Arbor, Aug 13, 1998.

- Station KYS, Cincinnati, Aug 8, 1998. - Station WKABC, Los Angeles, March 31, 1998.

- Station WNRC, New York, March 26, 1998. - Station WCRW, San Francisco, March 30, 1998.

Radio (Cont'd) George B.N. Ayittey, page 15

- Station WPFW, Washignton, March 14, 1998 - Radio Austria, Jan 18, 1998.

- Station WHHU, Baltimore, Oct 16, 1997. - Station WOL, Washington, Oct 8, 1997.

- Station KIS, Palm Springs, May 16, 1997. - Station ABC, Canberra, Australia, May 19, 1997.

- Station WBZ, Chicago, Sept 3, 1996. - Station WAMU, May 23, 1996.

- Station WAMU, May 23, 1996. - Station WAMU, March 26, 1996.

- Voice of America, Jan 30, 1996. - Radio Netherlands, Dec 14, 1995.

- Station WOL, Washington, Oct 21, 1995. - NPR, “All Things Considered,” June 6, 1995.

- Radio Netherlands, May 25, 1995 - Station KILB, New York, April 5, 1995.

- Station KRCW, Los Angeles, July 28, 1994. - Station WBEZ, Chicago, June 29, 1994.

- Station WBZ, Boston, June 14, 1994. - Station WHYY, Philadelphia, May 7, 1994.

- Station, WFPW, Washington, DC, Dec 2, 1993. - Station WBEZ, Chicago, Jan 27, 1993.

- Station WFPL, Miami, FL, Dec 23, 1992. - Station WJR, Detroit, MI, Dec 17, 1992.

- Station WLAD, Danbury, CT, Dec 17, 1992. - Station WNTR, Washington, Dec 16, 1992.

- Station WBZ, Boston, Dec 16, 1992. - Station WOR, New York, Dec 15, 1992.

- Station WJJR, Providence, RI, Dec 15, 1992. - Station WOL, Washington, Oct 6, 1992.

- Station WNTR, Washington, Sept 23, 1992. - Station WAMU, Washington, Sept 15, 1992.

- Station WPFW, Washington, DC July 9, 1992 - Station WCPT, Baltimore, Nov 18, 1991.

- Station WJNO, Palm Beach, June 24, 1990. - Talk Radio America, June 20, 1990.

- Station KIEV, Los Angeles, June 19, 1990 - Station CKOE, Toronto, July 1990.

- Sheridan Broadcasting Network, June 6, 1990. - Station WNTR, Washington, Feb 22, 1990.

- Station KLS, Dallas, April 10, 1989. - Station CKO, Toronto (Canada), Oct 22, 1987.

- Station CJOR Vancouver, April 2, 1987. - Station WMCA, New York, March 15, 1987.

- Station WHLM, Bloomsburg, August 14, 1986. - Station KIEV, Los Angeles, Aug 27, 1985.

- Station WKOK, Sunbury, PA, August 19, 1985. - Station WHLM, Bloomsburg, Aug 15, 1985.

- Station WXYT, Detroit, August 6, 1985. - Station WNYE, New York, July 23, 1985.


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