Book Report #1: Science Fiction Mobile

Book Report #2: Cereal Box Report – DUE FEBRUARY 4th


• STEP ONE: Completely cover the empty cereal box with white or light-colored paper. Nothing from the original cereal box can be showing. (I have supplies if you need some). Your work will be placed over the covering.

• FRONT: Choose a name for your cereal that sounds interesting AND is related to your story. You MUST design a logo for your cereal. Look at real cereal boxes for ideas on color, size, font, style, etc.

• FRONT: What is your cereal made of? What flavors? Will you have a mascot? Choose shapes, symbols, colors etc. related to the story. Design the layout, completely describe your cereal, and illustrate your cereal box IN FULL COLOR. (NO #2 pencil allowed!)

EXAMPLE: for Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, you might invent a cereal called “Wizard Wands,” a toasted oat cereal shaped liked miniature lightning bolts! The more creative you are, the more points you will earn. All images must be original, hand-drawn artwork– no computer printouts or tracing allowed (plagiarism!)

• SIDE ONE: Ingredients! Describe two main characters and the setting(s) of the story IN DETAIL! That means a well-written, descriptive paragraph (5-6 sentences) for each item (total of 3 paragraphs). Include character traits and evidence for each character.

• SIDE TWO: Write a summary of the book. In two (2) paragraphs, tell me the story in your own words. This is NOT a “conflict, climax, resolution) thing. Just summarize the story, with detail and descriptive writing. In Your Own Words. Each paragraph should be a well-written, descriptive paragraph (about 7- 8 sentences each).

• TOP: Write the title, the author, the number of pages, and your name creatively and in full color.

• BACK – TOP HALF: Create a word game or word puzzle, using vocabulary from the book. Use a minimum of 12 words for your puzzle. Any type of word puzzle is acceptable. Not sure? Just ASK! MUST include an answer key for me.

• BACK – BOTTOM HALF: Response to Literature. Write one journal-style entry for this book (well-written, 5-6 sentences EACH. You know what I expect to see.) Journal topics are on my website

• NOTE: Your work must cover at least 90% of the box’s open space, with No Overhanging Pages/Parts.


• Front of box: Full color illustration & cereal title; descriptive language & ingredients: 20 points.

• Side 1: Ingredients: 3 paragraphs: 2 character descriptions, 1 setting description: 8-10 sentences: 20 points

• Side 2: 2 paragraph summary: 2 paragraphs, 8-10 sentences, highly detailed, summarizing the book: 20 points.

• Top of box: Your name, author’s name, book title – all in FULL COLOR: 5 points

• Back of Box, top half: Word Puzzle, using at least 12 unique vocabulary words from your book: 10 points

• Back of Box, top half: 1 Reading Journal entries, with good detail and connection to the story: 20 points

• Oral presentation: A TV commercial, at least 1 minute in length, following the instructions given: 25 points

• Report Notes Page: Completely filled out with information about your book: 5 points.

• Pride in your work: clean, neat, writing mechanics, followed directions: 10 points

Book Report #2: Cereal Box Report Notes Page

(Use this page to organize your thinking. Make notes, jot down ideas, and plan your project)

Name: __________________________Period________ Project due FEBRUARY 4th

Title of Book: ___________________________________Author_______________________

What is the main conflict? ________________________________________________________


Name three main characters? __________________________________________________

What is the setting (time and place)? _____________________________________________




Did you enjoy the book – why or why not? _________________________________________




Would you recommend this book to others, and why?_________________________________





January 7: This paper, signed, shown to Mr. Schamp.

January 21: Half-way check-in day. You should have finished your book by this date.

January 28: One Week Heads Up day.

February 3: Report due tomorrow – Use your checklist and review your project.

February 4: Cereal Box and Note Page due in class on this date.

February 7; 10-13: TV Commercial presentations. Check the schedule for your day.


You will design and market a new cereal based on the book you read for this project. You will have four weeks to complete this project.

Materials: An empty cereal box, construction paper, scissors, markers or crayons, glue, tape, white or light-colored paper, colored construction paper.

General Directions:

• Select a historical fiction or realistic fiction book that interests you, at your reading level

• Get the book approved by your teacher & read it!

• Design your cereal box.

• Divide your box into appropriate spaces.

• Write rough drafts & draw rough sketches of your items. Proofread them for spelling and grammar and clarity.

• Transfer your ideas onto your box.

• Practice your presentation. You’ll be presenting a 1 minute TV commercial for your cereal.

• REMEMBER: all artwork must be in full color and drawn by you – all original work. No printouts, no tracing. No single colors – multi color is required.

• All writing must be in your own words – no copying from other sources.

I understand my responsibilities on this project: ________________________________________

I have read the project information with my student:

_______________________________________________ (parent/guardian signature)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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