This is a comprehensive list of marketing channels as of the time of writing. Given the rapidly evolving world of marketing, there will always be new marketing channels or new ways to use existing channels or media. However, we hope that this list provides a solid starting point to your comprehensive channels research process.

ONLINE PRESENCE Corporate presence and its components Third-party hosted online content

Desktop software-based channels Shareable content Code-based linkage to sharable content

s Websites

s Blogs

s User community sites

s Organic discovery through search engine optimization

s Content sites

s RSS feeds

s Interactive demos or product previews

s Interactive assessments

s Virtual worlds

s Social media company profile pages

s Social media personal profile pages (for executives)

s Q&A sites

s Community sites

s Online directories/reviews

s Mass social news sites s Industry resource sites s Marketplace sites s Local search s Other online content channels s Video hosting sites

s Widgets and toolbars s Adware

s Shareable content

s QR codes s Radio frequency identification s Near field communication


Online media placement

s Pay per click (search engine, social networks)

s Paid display ads s Popups (display ads) s In-text contextual s Google AdSense

s Online video ads s Paid listings s Paid directory listings s Paid premium listings s Paid mobile display ads s Paid microsites

Print media placement

s Print in periodicals

s Paid print ads

s Print inserts on boarding passes, tickets, hotel materials

s Accessories with printed logos (swag)

s Newspapers coupons

s Flyers

s Tissue-pack marketing

s Print on public transportation vehicles or in public places

TV/radio placement

s Paid TV/radio s Infomercials s Show sponsorships s TV/radio ad spots

s Reality TV s Sponsored documentary s Pre-roll ads at the movies s Telemarketing

Other mass media channels

s Outdoor advertising s Cab/bicycle branding s Human mascots s Sky banners s Blimps s Sky writing

s Taxicab backseat TV screens

s Gas station pump and counter screens

s Tractor trailer or truck advertisements

s Billboards

s Freestanding posters

s Vending machines

Product placement

s Product-themed or branded entertain- s Product placement in games,

ment: games, movies, music, apps

movies, music, apps

EVENTS In-person events

Online/virtual events




Direct response TV

s Speaking engagements s Road shows s Pre or after parties for industry events s Free informational events s Exhibitions s Contests s Meetups

s Parades s Office hours s Local events: local exhibitions,

roadshows, traveling exhibitions s Business competitions s Publicity stunts s Offline sweepstakes

s Webinars s Virtual trade shows

s Virtual meetings (Google Hangouts, virtual conferences, webinars)

s Online contests

s Employee referrals s Customer referrals s Online referral links

s E-mail newsletters s E-mail circulars s E-mail catalogs s Press releases/breaking news

via e-mail s Event invitations via e-mail

s Physical mail s Yellow pages s Trade directories

s Coupons via e-mail s Web or mobile catalogs s Daily deals/deal aggregators s Discount/promotion e-mails s Online sweepstakes

s Catalogs s Brochures

s Telemarketing s Voicemail marketing s Broadcast faxing

s QVC s As seen on TV


In-person Sampling/promotion


INFLUENCERS Word of mouth Endorsements Experts Content creators Networkers

s Bluetooth pushes s SMS s App-based offers/marketing

s Private sales/flash sales

s Free sampling at retail outlet s Free sampling at public venues s Free sampling (door to door)

s Mentions in trade publications s Expert endorsements or

mentions s Interviews and quotes

for publications

s Current and past prospects and customers

s Evangelists

s MMS s Mobile games s Mobile banner ads

s Membership clubs

s Location-aware offers s Coupons on couponing sites/

coupon aggregators

s Awards s Reviews s Research reports s Sponsored research reports

s Industry leaders s Celebrity endorsements

s Independent consultants, third-party vendors and services providers, channel partners

s Expert practitioners s Book authors

s Industry/financial analysts

s Reporters, editors, evaluators in the industry/ target customer segments

s Industry content generators: bloggers, reviewers

s PR content distribution sites

s Event organizers s Lobbyists

s Industry association leaders






Evangelist marketing


s Customer communities s Product user groups s Industry user groups

s Associations

s Discount/coupons for user groups

s Sporting event sponsorships s Sports team sponsorships s Sports venue sponsorships

s Naming rights s Charity events sponsorship

s Scholarships/educational institutions

s One-for-one s Cause adoption

s Cause participation

s Accreditation for well-recognized causes

s Co-marketing s Affiliate marketing s Partner endorsement s Partnership level certification/signage

s Joint promotions/cross-vendor product promotions

s Partner listing/links within application

s Partner data syndication

s Public data exposure via APIs s Mashup/app development promotion

s Third-party developer promotion/subsidies

s Online application exchange

s Certification program s Experiential marketing

s Evangelist program s Live-in marketing


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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